Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 22, 1926, Image 8
Dewar aca, * Bellefonte, Pa., October 22, 1926. Ey NEWS OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY. ——-Out of six cases of diphtheria “developed recently among children at Julian two have died. — The ladies of the Reformed church of Bellegonte will hold a Thanksgiving sale on Wednesday, Nov. 24, at the Variety shop. ——The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a card party at the Legion home, on east Howard street, Tuesday evening, October 26th. Admission, 25 cents. ——The employees of the Electric Supply company, both in Bellefonte and at State College, were banquetted at the Nittany Inn, State College, on Tuesday evening. ——Harry Strouse, of Cedar Springs, was arrested on Monday for killing a deer out of season and at a hearing before Squire Woodring paid his fine of $100 and costs. Bellefonte hotels will be crowd- ed to capacity tonight by people going to State College for the annual home- coming day tomorrow, as well as the State—Syracuse football game. ——Homer F. Sprankle, an em- ployee in the Centre Democrat office, Bellefonte, and Miss Verna Louise Sauers, of State College, slipped off to Cumberland, Md., last Saturday, —Vote your conviction on No- vember 2. If you think Vare is fit to represent this State in the Senate of the United States vote for him, but be ready to shoulder your own share of the humiliation should he be elected and seated. ——The borough is this week re- pairing the pavement on north Water street, or to be exact replacing the oid broken pavement from a point oppo- site the Potter-Hoy hardware store to the northern end of the Beezer gar- age with a new one. ——While working at a ricksaw at the plant of the Titan Metal company, on Tuesday morning, Calvin Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young, of Logan street; had the first and second fingers on his left hand cut off. He had the injury dressed at the Centre County hospital. ——The shipment of young trout from the Bellefonte fish hatchery for stocking the various streams of the State is now under way and thous- ands of them are being sent out most every day. The trout are all from three to six inches in length, large enough to take care of themselves when transplanted in strange waters. where they were united in marriage. ———John Harper, residing along the Tyrone Pike in Rush township, while motoring to Philipsburg last Saturday, heard a crash which came from the car ahead of him on the road. When he reached the point he found a nice, fat pheasant struggling in death ‘throes. It had collided with the rear of the closed car ahead. The first: floor ceilings in three . rooms in the west end of the Bush Ar- cade are being reinforced by heavy iron girders, as a measure of protec- tion against the ever increasing weight of the big switchbecard of the Bell Telephone company in the rooms on the second floor immediately above the business office of the Telephone company, the vacant store room and that of the Bellefonte bakery. Philip S. Barnhart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Barnhart, of Belle- fonte, who ever since his graduation at college has been with the General Electric company, of late years being located at Pittsfield, Mass., resigned his position a week ago to accept a much better offer with the Fiberloid Corporation at Springfield, Mass. He will be in charge of the laboratory work of the Fiberloid company. ——-Manager T. Clayton Brown is undoubtedly giving the people of Bellefonte and vicinity the best line of motion pictures to be seen any- where. The programs at both the Scenic and Moose theatre include the biggest and best photoplays made by the leading film manufacturers in the United States. the Scenic have come to realize this fact, and that is the reason they have become fegulars, so as not to miss any of the good ones. ——The Rev. Wm. B. Forney, sec- retary of the State Sabbath Associa- tion, has sounded a warning to the €hristian people of the State. He charges that the same crowd, “the Open Sunday League,” that is sup- porting: Vare fer the Senate is pre- paring a great lobby with which to press the next Legislature for a change in the Sunday laws of the State. If you think it more impor- tant to vote for a man just because he is labeled Republican than it is to pro- tect the sancity of the Sabbath, go to it. ——Announcements have been re- ceived in Bellefonte of the marriage at Shreveport, La., on September 17th, of Harry W. Wetzel, son of Mrs. H. M. Wetzel, of Bellefonte, and Miss Betty McGowen, of Shreveport. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mrs. Wetzel and is a graduate of the School of Pharmacy, of Philadelphia. Short- ly after his graduation he became bacteriologist at the Bellefonte hos- pital but later went to Memphis, Tenn., and. from there to Shreveport. For the present the young couple will make their home with the bride's par- en's. Regular patrons of: ELWOOD RESIDES KILLED BY A MOTOR TRUCK. Other Automobile Accidents Featured the Week’s News. Elwood Resides, a’ former resident of Unionville but of late living near Mill Hall, died in the Lock Haven hos- pital on Tuesday afternoon as the re- sult of a fractured skull sustained at noontime the same day when he was struck by a motor truck driven by Clifford Fortney, of Mackeyville. Resides was one of a gang of men cleaning up the ruins of the recently burned axe plant, at Mill Hall, and while at work a passing motorist stopped to inquire the way to Belle- fonte. Resides stepped to the side of the car to give the man the desired information, and when the motorist started his car stepped back right in front of the truck driven by Mr. Fortney. He was quickly taken to the Lock Haven hospital but died at 3.20 o’clock. He was a son of Calvin M. and Samantha Resides and was born in Union township forty years ago. The greater part of his life was spent there. His survivors include his wife and two daughters, Samantha and Elsie; also his mother, living at Unionville, and the following brothers and sisters: Norman Resides, of Swatara; LeRoy, of Bellefonte; Owen, William, Miles, Sarah, Rachel, Mary and Naomi, at home. He was a member of the Church of Christ and Rev. J. W. Tyndall will have charge of the funeral services which will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock, the remains to be taken to Unionville for burial. Frank Cunningham, a member of the Snow Shoe High school football team, is in the Centre County hospital with two fractures of the lower jaw, torn muscles in one of his legs and a number of cuts and bruises as the re- sult of an automobile accident on the curve at McCoy’s works on Saturday evening. Cunningham and ‘Harry Sickle were in Milesburg on their way to Bellefonte when James Swartz, an employee at the Bellefonte freight station, came along in a Ford run- about. The boys signaled for a ride and Swartz stopped. As the latter had a young woman with him there was not room for the boys in the Ford so they asked permission to ride on the running board and it was granted. At a point on the curve at McCoys works the Swartz car had a side- swipe collision with a Dodge car driven by Claude Irvin, of Snow Shoe, Cunningham being caught between the cars. Mr. Swartz sustained sev- eral cuts and lacerations and Mr. Irvin, the driver of the Dodge, also sustained several cuts and bruises. He also was brought to the hospital to have his injuries dressed, then left for home. None of the other occu- pants of the cars were injured out- side a little shaking up. On Monday morning William Hall, of Johnstown, driving the new Chev- rolet landau of his grand-father, R. C. Hall, also of Johnstown, was driving from Milesburg proper over to Central City to get some grapes before leav- ing for home and drove right into the passenger train west as it was going down from Bellefonte to the Miles- burg station. against the train was terrific and completely demolished the automobile. The wreck was carried to the side of the road and young Hall thrown out, landing in a pool of water at the foot of the embankment. His only injuries consisted of a cut on his right arm, a few bruises and slight lacerations, but he was able to return to his home in Johnstown on the Pennsylvania-Le- high the same afternoon. The car had been driven less than two hundred miles and there is hardly enough left of it to repair. On Sunday Jobin Confer, of Snow Shoe, sent a man to Cleveland to drive in a new Chrysler car. He got along all right until he reached upper Bald Eagle valley, on Monday morning, when he fell asleep at the wheel, with the result that he ran into the concrete abutment of a bridge this side The Triangle. The man was not injured but the right front wheel of the car was smashed and it was otherwise damaged. Nittany Council Master Masons Cele- brates Third Anniversary. Members of Nittany Council Royal and Select Master Masons celebrated the third anniversary of the institu- tion of the order, in Masonic temple, Bellefonte, last Thursday evening, a number of the grand council of Penn- sylvania officers being present. Visi- tors were in attendance from four counties and degrees were conferred upon five candidates from Huntingdon county, bringing the membership up to one hundred and fifty-two, which is considered very good for a three year old. Members of the grand council present included S. Carbon Wolfe, of Williamsport; Walter P. Brown, of Pittsburgh; William A. Brinkman, of Lancaster; Richard Hugus, of Jean- nette, Armin Schette, of Erie; Ira Smith and John W. Gilmore, of Wil- liamsport. Following the ceremonies a cafeteria banquet was served. —————— pee Roomers Wanted.—Teachers for next week or others wanted, single rooms or a small apartment for light housekeeping. Inquire of Miss Jennie Morgan, opposite the court house on High street. The impact of the car | The Watchman Will Publish the Biog- raphy of Dr. Lawrence M. Colfelt. Some of our readers, we know, stil treasure memories of the brilliant ser- mons preached in the Presbyterian church by Dr. Lawrence M. Col- felt. At State College, also, there are doubtless many who recall the years when the eminent divine was the Col- lege chaplain. Dr. Colfelt was pastor of the Broad and Oxford Sts. Presbyterian church in Philadelphia for many years and, with Russell H. Conwell, and Dr. Floyd Thompkins, ranked among the great preachers of the country. His church work brought him into contact with the social and political as well as the religious life of the State and since his retirement to his old home in Bed- ford county he has been writing his memoirs. Anything that Dr. Colfelt would write would be interesting to every- one; especially so to those of this com- munity who knew him. His biogra- phy will necessarily tie in with in- timate stories of many Centre coun- tians and for that reason we have asked and been granted the privilege of publishing it. The first installment will appear in our issue of November 5th. Look for it, because we believe you are about to be offered a rare literary and his- torical treat. eet {eee ——— Centre County Bankers Hold Annual Meeting. The first annual meeting of the Centre County Bankers’ association was held in the court house, Belle- fonte, on Tuesday of last week, at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, David F. Kapp, cashier of . the First National bank of State College; first vice president, G. W. Barnes, cashier of the First National bank of Philipsburg; second vice pres- ident, James K. Barnhart, cashier of the First National bank of Bellefonte; treasurer, T. C. Jackson, cashier of the Moshannon National bank of Philipsburg; secretary, L. W. Stover, cashier of the Farmers’ National bank of Millheim. Preliminary arrangements were made for the holding of a banquet at the Bush house, Bellefonte, on Novem- ber 11th (armistice day,) at 7 o'clock p. m., to which officers of every mem- ber bank in the county are request- ed to bring their employees and di- rectors. N. E. Robb, S. W. Gramley and James K. Barnhart were appointed a committee to make all final arrange- ments for the banquet and in order that their work may not be hampered notification should be received by them from every bank not later than Monday, November 8th, of ‘the nuin- ber of representatives that will at- tend. Good. speakers and entertain- ment will be provided. ———————— ee ——————— Not the Same Stores. We have been informed that there is confusion in the minds of some per- sons as to Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop and the Nittany Shoe Store. One is located near the Diamond, next door to the Elks club, the other occupies the former Yeager store room in the Arcade. They are separate and distinct busi- ness enterprises, have no connection, whatever, one with another. Mr. Yea- ger, since retiring from his former location in the Arcade, has had only one business place and that is his Tiny Boot Shop on the Diamond. The Nittany Shoe Store is the name of the business located in the former Yeager room in the Arcade. It is managed by Mr. Wilbur Baney, who was so long employed by Mr. Yeager and it is just possible that this associa- tion may be responsible for part of the failure to understand that the stores are not only differently located, but differently owned, as well. Waring’s Pennsylvanians to Play at State College Next Week. Waring’s Pennsylvanians need no introduction to most of the Watch- man’s readers. Many have heard this successful organization of clever musicians in concert and others have heard the popular records they have been making for the Victor Co. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that Waring’s Pennsylvanians are rated with Paul Whiteman’s orchestra by lovers of jazz and the modernists idea of interpretation of the classics. They will be at State College for concerts in the Cathaum theatre Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Their appearance at the Cath- aum will be an added attraction to the regular film programs for the even- ings, which are detailed in the adver- tising columns of this issue. ————A So si — ——Clarence R. Kramer may not be able to meet and greet all the voters of the Twenty-third district personally between now and election. He is busy in the courts in his home town of Clearfield and next week and week after will be in attendance at the sitting of the Superior Court, look- ing after the interests of clients. Every voter can rest assured Mr. Kramer is everything a good citizen should be. He is clean, competent, honest and intellectually the peer of any man who has aspired to the great office of Member of Congress in a gen- eration. Every citizen who knows Clarence R. Kramer can vouch for these specifications. He will represent the district capably, honorably and in- 42-it [ telligently at all times. Chief of Police Harry Dukeman Cap- tured Youthful Robbers. Last Thursday morning chief cof police Harry Dukeman was called to the Blackford restaurant, on Bishop street, to arrest two boys who had made an unsuccessful attempt to rob the cash register. When he got there both lads had left the restaurant but he caught one of them up near Logan street and the other one on High street, near the Watchman office. After the boys were taken into cus- tody they confessed to being Bernard Breslin, 13 years old, and Herbert Sare, 15, of Altoona, pupils of the Roosevelt Junior High school of that city, who had been out on a trip of robbery and sight-seeing. Altoona officers were communicated with and they came to Bellefonte and took the boys back to that city on Thursday night. According to the Altoona police a number of robberies had occurred in *that city recently and attention was attracted to the boys two weeks ago when a roll of bills was found in Sare’s locker at the Roosevelt school. On Monday morning of last week neither of the boys showed up at school and since their arrest they told that on that morning they boarded a train in Altoona and went to New York City. They spent a few hours there taking in the sights then return- ed by train to Harrisburg. They were in the capital city only about three hours when they boarded a train for Lock Haven. At that place they rob- bed a wholesale grocery store, getting about forty dollars in cash. They then came to Bellefonte and before invading the Blackford restaurant had gone to the rear of the Bush Ar- cade, climbed up on the roof and were examining the skylights when they were detected and frightened away. It was then that they went to the Blackford restaurant and made an at- tempt to replenish their stock of cash, which led to their arrest by chief Dukeman. tly Apress Half Moon Gardens Building for Good Service. On the occasion of a recent visit to the Half Moon Gardens in this place we were more than surprised at what the owner, Mr. Charles Tabel, has ac- complished by way of getting green houses erected and flowers and shrub- bery ready for the market. It was only a bit more than four months ago that he decided to locate in this place. Then the problem was to find ground with a suitable ex- posure and drainage for the location of buildings and the cultivation of out- side gardens. Already he has one large green house erected and filled with plants of every variety. The ‘heating system is being installed now. Hundreds of carnations are in bloom in it and beside them are other flower- ing plants to be forced on for the win- ter market. Outside Mr. Tabel has large gardens of perennials set out and growing so healthy that we marveled at how it could be done in such a short time and on soil that had to be made. They say that “anything he touches grows” and it must be so for we saw thousands of rose cuttings, the tiniest little things, vet so perky that we shall not be sur- prised if every one of them isn’t sporting a gorgeous bloom by Christ- mas. Really, if you are interested i in flow- ers and plants, a visit to the Half Moon Gardens would be worth while. They are located on the western end of Half Moon hill and can be reached by motor. Of course, they are only in course of development now but far enough along to show what an under- taking of this kind might become in the community if it meets with the proper encouragement. Altoona Shriners to Give Exhibition Drill in Bellefonte. On Wednesday morning of next week Jaffa Temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Altoona, will go to Lock Haven for the purpose of hold- ing a ceremonial session. They will travel in a special train which is scheduled to reach Bellefonte at 10:20 o'clock. As quite a number of Belie- fonts people are members of the Tem- ple a half hour stop will be made here and during that time, weather permit- ing, the drill corps of the Temple and its band of seventy pieces will disem- bark, give a street parade to the Dia- mond where an exhibition drill will he given There will also be a drum corps of thirty pieces and a body of chanters, a vocal musical organization. All will be in full regalia. Centre county members will join the Altoona delega- tion for the trip to Lock Haven. The ceremonial there will be for the induction of a class of about seventy- five applicants, residents of Centre and Clinton counties, into the order. The sessions in Lock Haven will be held in the Garden theatre and the churches of that city are planning to banquet eighteen hundred Shriners. The Imperial Potentate of the United States, David Crossland, of Atlanta, Georgia, will be in the party and will lead the parade in Bellefonte in an open automobile. As the parade and drill will naturally attract quite a crowd an effort will be made to keep the Diamond clear of automobiles dur- ing the brief time the Shriners will be in Bellefonte. ——————————{————— Three army ships, flying in close formation, passed over Belle- fonte shortly after twelve o'clock, Tuesday noon, enroute west. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Miss Louise Carpeneto returned a week ago, from a three weeks trip to New York and Philadelphia. —Dr. an Mrs. M. J. Locke left Bellefonte on Sunday for Philadelphia, where they have been spending the week taking in the Sesqui. —Mr., and Mrs. Jerome Harper left Sun- day for Philadelphia, where Mr. Harper | expects to undergo an operation on hoth of his eyes, —Mrs. David Dale and heF daughter Anne will go to Philadelphia tomorrow, to spend a part of Anne's vacation week at the Sesqui. —Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hunt, of Renovo, were among the relatives in Bellefonte Sunday, for the funeral of the late Mrs. Cyrus Strickland. —Mrs. Basil Mott and her two children returned to Bellefonte last week from a visit of several weeks at Mrs. Mott's former home in New York city. ~—Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bottorf motored to Johnstown, on Tuesday of last week, and spent two days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lambert. —Dr. and Mrs. Wright, of Harrisburg, will spend the week-end in Bellefonte, guests of Miss Mary and Henry 8. Linn, at their home on Allegheny street. —John Garbrick with the Darius Waite Implement Co., and Charles Garbrick, the machinist, drove to Harrisburg Saturday and visited there for the week-end with the latter's daughter. —Albert Jones motored up from Balti- more, on Sunday, to take home his wife and two children, who spent several weeks visiting friends at Mill Hall and with Mr. Jones’ mother, in Bellefonte. —Prothonotary and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson spent most of last week on a motor trip to New York and Philadelphia. While in the latter city they spent part of their time looking over the Sesqui. —The Misses Anne and Caroline Valen- tine will close their home the early parv of November and go to Philadelphia, where they will be for several weeks before leav- ing to spend the winter in Bermuda. —DMisses Anne Straub, Mary Shelton and Nina Lamb have been spending their vaca- tion week at the Sesqui, in Philadelphia, Miss Lamb also devoting a portion of the time visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank God- shall, at Camden, N. J. —Mrs. M. C. Hansen and her two chil- dren will go to Philadelphia today, to be at the Sesqui for Norwegian day Saturday and will then continue the visit through next week. During their stay they will be guests of Mrs. Hansen's sister. —Mrs. George M. Glenn, who spent ' e summer with her sister, Miss Esther Gr. v, on her farm in Half Moon valley, will leave this week for Gettysburg, where she will be for the winter with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn. —Mrs. Joseph Lose, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been in Bellefonte during the week, a guest of her sisters, the Misses Curry and Mrs. Joseph Gross. Mrs. Lose and her son went to Cleveland from Altoona after the death of Mr. Lose, less than a year ago. —Chester A. Walker, of Bigler, Clearfield county, was a business visitor in Bellefonte on Tuesday. Mr. Walker was a former resident of Boggs township ‘but a number of years ago located in Bigler where he is now one of the town’s leading business men. . —Mrs. W. C. Webster,whose home is in Winnipeg, Canada, and who has been visit- ing with her immediate family in the States, came here Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Anderson, from Newberry, to spend a part of the week with Mrs. J. A. Wood- cock. —Mryr. and Mrs. John Semmerville came over from Philipsburg last week to take possession of the Themas Beaver farm home which they have leased and expect to occupy this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Som- merville had spent the summer in Philips- burg. —Mr. and Mrs. D. Bates Bell, of Beaver, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle and their son Raymond, were all guests at the Bush House over Sunday, having driven here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bell's son, a student at the Academy. —Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Curtin are among those in Bellefonte, who will take advan- tage of imstitute vacation week to take their children to see the Sesqui. They with their three children will drive to Philadel- phia today, while the youngest child with Miss Anna Confer, will spend the time in Tyrone. —Mr. James Russell Harris, of Philadel- phia, with his aunt, Mrs. Warthman, of Germantown, were arrivals in Bellefonte Monday; having eome up for a visit with Mrs. Louisa Van Tries Harris, of Allegheny St. Mr. Harris returned to the city on Tuesday. Mrs. Warthman will remain in- definitely. —Miss Sarah Benner and her niece, Mrs. H. 8. Cooper, went to Williamsport yester- day, to see Dr. Haskins with regard to Miss Benner's eyes, intending to go from there te Atlantic City. For the several weeks they will be at the shore, they will be guests of Miss Benner's sister-in-law, Mrs. Themas Benner and her daughter. —Bruee E. Dreiblebis and his mother, Mrs. M. A. Dreiblebis, of State College, went out te Pittsburgh last Friday. The latter stopped at Burgettstown for a visit with her sister, Mrs. McCullough, while Bruee and his cousin journeyed on for a trip through parts of Ohio and West Vir- ginia and on returning stopped off at Bur- gettstown for a short visit with his aunt. —Mrs. Wiliam McClure and James I. Mc- Clure were motor guests, Sunday, of Mrs. McClure’s son-in-law, Murdock Claney, on a drive to Philadelphia, where Mrs. Mec- Clure will visit for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Clapey at Narberth, while Mr. McClure will be with his son Charles at Wayne. Mr. Claney had stopped here on his way home from spending his vacation with his mother and family at Pittsburgh. —Owing to the ill health of both Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffith, several of Mrs. Griffith’s children have been here with them within the past tem days: These have included, Mr. and Mrs. J. Claude Dawson and their son, and Mrs. Harry Dawson, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green, of Camden. Mrs. Green drove up with the party last week and remained here until yesterday, being accompanied back to Philadelphia by Mrs. Sara Satterfield, who will visit there for several weeks with her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore. Six Barns Burned at Rebersburg Last Friday Morning. Residents of Rebersburg, that thriv- ing little town down Brush valley, had a genuine fire scare, last Friday morn- ing. About 7:30 o’clock the barn of Wilbur Brungard, which he also used as a garage, was discovered to be on fire and before any steps could be tak- en to fight the fire it was a mass of flames. A fairly high wind was blow- ing at the time and the fire spread both east and west. The Millheim hose company report- ed to a call for assistance but when they got on the ground they could give no adequate assistance as the water pressure in the fireplugs was not suf- ficient to throw the water any dis- tance. In the meantime a call for aid had been sent to Bellefonte and the Undine pumper made a good run to Rebersburg and got into action in time to save one or more properties in grave danger of catching fire and also extinguish the ruins. All told six barns were totally des- troyed. They were those of Mr. Brun- gard, where the fire originiated, two belonging to William Haines, one of the properties being occupied by Ox- vis Swartz. The barn on the Mrs. Noah Korman property, one owned by Lee Kidder and the large farm barn of Fred Fehl, which contained all his summer’s crops of wheat, oats and hay. Most of the outbuildings were saved as they were rolled away from the barns in time to prevent their catching fire. One or more of the parties lost a few chickens while all the barns con- tained tools and implements which burned. The total loss is placed at from ten to fifteen thousand dollars, upon which there is some insurance. 4% heaviest loser is naturally Fred e ——— esas. Democrats of the County Getting Set for Action. An encouraging and hopeful meet- ing of some of the representative Democrats of the county was held in this place, Wednesday evening. Prac- tically every section of the county was represented. County chairman W. D. Zerby. pre- sided and Senator William I Betts and Representative-to-be Andrew Curtin Thompson charged the atmosphere with enthusiasm in ringing speeches. These were followed by a general dis- cussion of the most effective manner in which to carry on during the clos- ing days of the campaign. It was the general opinion that Cen- tre county is ready to rebuke political debauchery and million dollar slush funds to corrupt the ballot. All that is needed is to get the Democrats to the polls to help those Republicans who are with us to the finish in the fight against the prostitution of their party to the selfishness of a little group of machine politicians. William H. Noll Esq., of Ploasant Gap; Dr. F. K. White, of Philipsburg; Charles Foster, of State College; Edw. Jamison, of Spring Mills; A. E. Mingle, of Coburn; S. H. Hoy, G. Oscar Gray and Geo. R. Meek, of Bellefonte, were among those who ad- dressed the meeting on the matter under discussion. It was the consensus of opinion that if the Democratic vote is at the polls on November 2, Centre county will be found among the others of the State that will register a protest against the plan of a Philadelphia boss to come out into the courtry and subject it as he has his own city. r—— eee. Waite—Miller.—A Tyrone wed- ding that will be of interest in Cen- tre county was that, last Friday, of Lieut. Jessie L. Waite, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Waite, and Miss Jennie Miller, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Miller, both of Tyrone, the ceremony taking place in the Presby- terian church of Tyrone at 12:30 o’clock. The. officiating minister was the pastor, Rev. Joseph A. Speer, the ring service being used. The bride was attended by Misses Margaret Hutchinson and Mary Albright, while the best man was Lester Palmer. The bride’s parents are native Cen- tre countians, her father having been born and raised at Pleasant Gap, while her mother prior to her marriage was Miss Jamison, of Spring Mills. The bride is a graduate of the Tyrone High school and of late has been a clerk in the office of the Tyrone Gas and Water company. The bridegroom, who is first lieutenant in the Tyrone cavalry troop, is proprietor of a coffee shop in Tyrone, and is quite success- ful. nt ey lp ——The Ladies Aid society of the Lemont Methodist church will serve a chicken and noodle supper in the P. O. S. of A. hall at Lemont on the evening of November 2, from 5 until 8 p. m. 1t is to be the best that can be offered and those who enjoy eating a good supper away from home, once in a while, can be sure of a splendid one at Lemont that night. 42-2t ———— eee. Home Wanted for Boy of Eight. Anyone wanting to adopt a boy of eight years should call 146—R, Bell phone, Bellefonte. — Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weakly by by C. Y. :: Wagner & Co. ‘Wheat - - - - 31.25 Oats - - - - - - 35 Bye = = '= wo = = 80 Corn wie Sire We £5 Barley - - - - - - 0 Buckwheat - - - = - 70