Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 22, 1926, Image 7
“Bellefonte, Pa., October 22, 1926. TE AB ES SSRs, eer Federal Aid for Highways Certain. Construction work on the national system of interstate and transconti- nental highways is now financed for another three years as the result of the recognition by Congress of the federal government’s obligation to support financially these recognized means of communication and trans- portation. Passage of the Dowell bill, author- izing appropriations of $165,000,000 for federal-aid highways for the two- year period ending June 30, 1929, defi- nitely assures the Middle West the financial assistance necessary to per- mit the continuation of the program of highway construction laid out. Money from previous appropriations is now available for use of the States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927. “The overwhelming support given the Dowell bill when it passed the senate with only six opposing votes, definitely establishes the federal-aid principle in highway construction, and is practical assurance that when the funds now appropriated are exhausted congress will continue appropriations until the federal-aid highway system is completed,” according to a state- ment issued by Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor club. The Dowell bill authorizes appro- priations of $75,000,000 annually for federal-aid highways for each of the fiscal years, 1928 and 1929, and also provides appropriations of $7,500,000 annually for each of these two years for national forest roads and trails. Reviewing the campaign which has been carried on for the past year to secure the continuation of the federal government’s support in highway building, Mr. Hayes declares that passage of the Dowell bill by the Sen- ate concludes one of the greatest good roads campaigns carried on by the or- ganized motorists of the country. He commended particularly the efforts of the American Automobile association which has worked in close co-opera- tion with its 810 affiliated clubs in de- veloping public sentiment to the Do- well bill so effectively that it passed the house without a dissenting vote and was approved by the Senate with only six contrary votes. “Passage of this measure, which is the life blood of highway construction in the western States, was not secured without a great deal of organized ef- fort on the part of the motor clubs affiliated with the A. A. A,” Mr. Hayes declared. “Owing to a miscen- ception of the federal-aid principle, strong political opposition to the Do- well hill developed during the past year in certain States. “Following passage of the bill in the house, an attempt was made by opponents of the measure to defeat it by permitting it to die on the Sen- ate calendar. However, through the efforts of the A. A.'A. and affiliated motor clubs, consideration of the mea- sure was secured, and its passage by an overwhelming vote followed a short debate on the floor of the Senate.” eee eens ee Penn State Sesqui Exhibit Attracts. Residents of Pennsylvania rural communities on visits to the Sesqui- Centennial are finding much to attract FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. “Not every flower can be a queenly rose, Not all of us can mighty deeds achieve; But not in vain shall we have lived if we Have proved a heartease to the hearts that grieve.” —Colors go gypsying toward the autumn—sea green with tomato red, canary yellow with flame, king’s blue with beige, scarlet with black, Nattier blue with mauve, navy blue with ashes of roses. The couturiers handle them with the nonchalance of an eighteenth century vagrant. I think of a dark blue silk coat lined with sky blue and matching a sky- blue dress. Of a royal-blue silk dress banded at the bottom with black over- lapped with embroidery. Of a little sports frock of canary-yellow silk, pleated and strapped with red. These vibrant contrasts are the bright spots, the something-a-little- different, in the showings of first fall clothes. They persist in the mind after one has walked out of any of the gray or rose-carpeted salons, down the marble stairway, through the arched door into the street, where wo- men are dressed to suit the summer weather. On the west side of the Atlantic, some of us who stand up straight, step briskly and feel jovial may buy and wear gypsy colors this fall. They are the caprice of the new fashions, the vivacious frocks that here and there sleek-haired mannequins wear among the more sober monotones— lovely rose taupes, soft grays and greens, and subtle reds such as that called “eggplant.” Well-dressed women chatting over their tea at the Ritz, lunching at the Union Interalliee or motoring on the Bois show a growing preference for two colors in a costume instead of one. Beige felt hats are banded with navy blue, black or dark brown rib- bon. Nattier-blue taffeta hats are faced with flesh pink. Everywhere there are trim little tailored suits with jackets, hip-length and notch-collared, of black or dark blue worsted, and skirts of checked or plain gray mater- ial; or with coats of brown worsted and skirts of brown and white checks. Morie silk is another question to be settled this fall. Usually it is cut in simple daytime dresses, but Premet shows a tailored short-jacket suit of it with a fine lace blouse. Taffeta we keep on seeing. It is by no means the most popular silk for fall day-time dresses, but the taffetas that are made long-sleeved and high- collared are attractive. One that pleased me especially was the taupe shade with faint pink cast called ashes of roses. They talk of taffeta coats lined with cloth or fur for later on. As they are made with bands of stitched and stitched and quilted patterns, they look substantial enough for early fall weather. Many of the new velvet and worsted coats have a short cape or the sugges- tion of a short cape in the back. It may actually be a short cape that un- snaps and comes off, or merely an over-lapping upper section. The sec- tion is part of the body of the coat and does not extend over the sleeves. The cutaway line is used on long as well as jacket-length coats. Velvet ' coats, especially, seem to curve off and go up in the front. ven dresses have them in the exhibit of the Pennsyl- vania State College in the Palace of Education. | it. a tendency toward this line. On sev- eral straight dresses, Jenny gives a cutaway line to the front of the skirt and hangs a curved loose panel over It is graceful and gives room to The exhibit tends to show the en- step. tire scope of service activities of the college, from boys’ and girls’ club | coats. There is another trick to the fall Some of them look like suits. work and all kinds of correspondence | They are cut three-quarter length and courses, to intricate research prob- lems. Agricultural and other free bulle- tins are requested of the exhibit at- tendant every day, and scores of ques- tions are answered, great scope and many varied lines of activity that constitute the service by “the college of the people.” “Agricultural Week,” has been ob- served this week at the Sesqui-Cen- tennial, and for this occasion the col- lege made special efforts to show its agricultural activities at the Penn State booth. Electrical engineering draws more students to the Pennsylvania State College than any other course. That department leads all others this year with an enrollment of 383 out of the total of 1173 students in the school of Engineering. Vast Supply of Food in Waters of Ocean. Besides the fishes familiar to all, the herring, mackeral, cod, etc., there are others unknown to our menus, which are nevertheless suitable hu- man food, says John T. Nicholas, cur- ator of fishes of the American Muse- um of Natural History, writing for the Forum. Even the predacious shark can be utilized. At present sharks probably take a toll of food from the sea equal or even greater by several times than man. If the sharks were gone, man would have what the sharks now take from him. The usa- bleness of sharks has been demon- strated by recent investigations. Many of them are perfectly good to eat. Their oil has varieus desirable properties, and excellent leather can be made from their hides. The resi- due may be ground up and used for fertilizer. This much is certain: When once the necessity arises, the Sea can stay man’s hunger for a long time, Hunters Must Have License. The following information has been received from the State Game Com- mission, relative to the hunting of groundhogs. “These animals are un- protected and may be killed at any time. However, the game law re- quires that any person who desires to hunt or chase with the intention of taking or killing any wild animal in this State shall be in possession of a hunting license, if he uses firearms or any device or instrument for the above purpose, the penalty is a fine of $20 and costs. revealing the lap over a band of contrasting mater- ial at the bottom. Some of the tai- lored suit coats are cut short enough to show several inches of the skirt. At the Ritz and the races I have seen an occasional long cape. The newer ones are shaped over the shoulders and cut straight. The navy-blue worsteds they are using so much for tailored dresses have a self-toned pattern woven in them. Mixed worsteds of the tweed order give pleasing variety. Heavy ! corded silks used for coats are woven in fancy blocked patterns. For sports wear, jerseys are more popular than ever. For fall, jerseys run to beige and gray. Other sports clothes are made of kasha and flannel, plain material with checked and plain material with plaid. Many more dresses and coats are straight than flared. Where there are circular portions, they are scant. Pleats come singly and in abundance. Pleats all the way around, or one pleat, or a group of pleats almost any- where is good style. Yolks are decidedly in. Shoulder yokes on the backs of dresses take many outlines. A narrow circular yoke following the line of the neck opening and finished with a small turn-over collar is a feature of many simple silk and wool rep frocks. On fall dresses, Jenny makes this collar of fur. Silk fringe is being put to many purposes on evening and daytime dresses and coats. They may talk of large hats, but Paris wears small ones. It is safe to say that forty-nine out of fifty women have on small felts, small ribbon hats, small taffeta hats. The differences between these hats and those we have had are a fraction of an inch on the brim and a few more creases in the crown. At the present time, skirts are short, just as short as they have been. They explain, as they always have here, that they do not expect madame to wear her skirts as short as the mannequin’s. It is a case of madame’s figure—six, ten, fourteen or sixteen inches from the floor are all possible lengths. The more dyed fur one sees, the more one grows to like it. Rabbit dyed rose taupe blends beautifully with bois de rose cloth. There are mauve and blue tones given to the furs, too, that shade in perfectly with certain fabrics! Mole, somewhat neglected as a fur recently, is mentioned most favorably as a fall trimming. Value of Thermometer. A man named Galileo invented a thermometer in 1592. The liquid was in an open vial, and there was no mark or scale to show temperatures. After a while a marn was used showing the temperature of snow and another for the heat of a candle. Half a century later a man found he could make a thermometer of a glass tube with a bulb on one end, so by sealing the other end you could carry the thing about. Another half century or more pass- ed, and Fahrenheit became interested. He developed the thermometer until it was a practical instrument, and by 1714 he had established his now fam- ous Fahrenheit scale. That was over two hundred years ago, says Good Hardware, yet people are just realizing how actually useful this instrument is. For centuries it was looked upon with superstition, a score of years ago school children could tell you the owner of nearly every thermometer in town. The in- cubator, and then our scientific dairy; ing, cooking and gardening, brought the thermometer into common use. Thermometers are an important item now. They are in demand every day of the year among folks who have learned a little about their uses. Many people demand a specially designed thermometer for each different pur- pose. Ey al Forest Rangers. The work on a national forest is ar- ranged as follows: : There is a forest supervisor in charge of the whole forest. Usually he has a deputy supervisor under him. If the forest is large and important he may have one or more forest ex- aminers or forest assistants to help with the technical work. The forest is divided usually by nat- ural watersheds, into a number of districts, and in charge of each is a district ranger. Each of these may have under him one or more rangers. There are also usually a number of patrolmen, lookout tower men, ete. employed only during the fire season, and a varying number of workmen ei- gaged in building trails, telephone lines, buildings, ete. A district ranger has entire charge of, and is responsible for, his district. Usually he lives in a headquarters building centrally located in the dis- trict. He organizes and supervises all the work in his district, has charge of fire prevention, control of trespass, has charge of sales of timber (unless the sale is a big one and a special man is assigned,) issues camping, grazing, | and special permits, and keeps in close ! touch with every form of activity in his district.—By Mr. Barbour, in Ad- venture Magazine. ge i ) First “Potter’s Field.” : Outside Jerusalem in biblical times was a piece of land called Akeldama, meaning “field of blood.” It was used for the burial of strangers. Accord- ing to Matthew 27: 3-9, it was origin- ally a potter’s field, and received the name Akeldama from the fact that it was bought with the money paid Jud- as to betray Jesus, and subsequently returned by him to the chief priests. According to Acts 1: 18, it was called the “field of blood” because Judas here committed suicide. At any rate the fact that it had been a potter’s field and a place of burial for strangers gave risc to the present meaning of the term. Since the Seventh century a place called Akeldama has been pointed out in Jerusalem as the orig- Dairymen---Notice A special sale of Mayer's Dairy Feed—a Ready- Mixed Ration, 22% protein $40.00 per Ton Delivery Charge $2 oo per Load Frank M. Mayer BELLEFONTE, PA. T1-11-tf inal potter’s field, and its possession as a holy place keenly contested for by the Christian sects. ets ee s———————. —A wife once complained to a clergyman of her husband’s unsatis- factory conduct, when he said to her: “You should heap coals of fire on his head.” To which she replied: “Well, I will. But I tried boiling water once, and that did not good.” reas Ape ——————— —Subseribe for the Watchman. Pt Ell For Liver lls. You can’t feel so good but what NR will make you feel better. RUNKLE’S DRUG STORE. Gut Flowers, Potted Plants 15,000 Perennials in 45 different va- rieties ready to plant now. Come out and see eur green houses on Half-Moon Hill. Artistic Funeral Work Strawberry Plants All Kinds of Fruit Trees, Berries and Vines 10,000 BULBS HYACINTHS, TULIPS, Etc. Direct from the Growers in Holland. Just arrived. Big Bulbs for indoor forcing and Garden. HALF MOON GARDENS Charles Tabel, Proprietor Bellefonte Pa Phone 139-J 71-39-3t We Deliver BW RO Philadelphia Sunday October 31 Leave Saturday night, October 80 po mmm Leave Bellefonte........... 10.00 P. M. % Milesburg ......... 10.10 * $¢ Howard: ...... iv... 10,29 $* . Eagleville ......... 10.36 st 4 Beech Creek ....... 10.40 £ ‘ Mill Hall .......... 10.51 3 Returning, leave Philadelphia 5.55 P. M. Tickets on sale two days preceding date of Excursion. tz" See Independence Hall, Memorial Hall, Academy of Fine Arts, Commer- cial and University Museums, Fair- mount Park, Zoological Garden, Ses- qui-Centennial Exposition, and the many other objects of interest of ‘*The Quaker City.’’ Pennsylvania Railroad T1-42-2¢t Announcement the Largest and Most Attractive $1.50 Sale at our store is over but we always have MANY RARE BARGAINS IN STOCK. Come in and look them over. F. P. Blair & Son JEWELERS BELLEFONTE, PA. ledge and experience, the average man is not well fitted for the important work of properly administering an estate. Be he may lack the necessary know- Hence, careful men not only give serious thought to the preparation of a will, but to - insure its proper administration name a strrong Bank as their Executors. Our Trust Department Insures the Proper Doing of this Important Work The First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. CCAMMAMNABGANMN IM AMAMEAMNA ANA MAAN ALINE EY The Management and Settlement f estates is a matter which re- quires practical experience, legal knowledge and devoted work. Prudence sanctions the appointment of the First National Bank as Executor or Trustee. If you wish any informa- tion on this subject, do not hesitate to consult us freely. | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. 2) MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Lyon&Company See the Assortment of Smart New Styles AND NOTE THE VALUES Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats, beautiful in appearance and splendid qualities (Fur Trimmed) at prices that mean a big saving. New Dress Cloths All the new colors in 54in. cloths, in plain, striped, embroidered and plaids, : Merode Underwear . Merode Underwear in Silks and Lisle. See these splendid values and you will buy no others. Blankets See our line of White and Grey Blankets. - Blankets, double bed size, as low as $2.00. Grey Rugs Our line of 9x12 Rugs are all new designs, new colorings, marvelously low prices— runners to match. A call at our store will be convincing that you can be suited in styles and prices. Lyon & Company