Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 22, 1926, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa., October 22, 1926.
Country Correspondence
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Corl are taking
in the Sesqui this week.
Mrs. Samuel Everhart is quite ill
at her home on the Branch.
W. R. Port and wife spent Saturday
in State College on a shopping expedi-
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith were
Sunday visitors with friends at Mill-
Dr. Stork left a little boy at the
Charles Lohr home on the Branch, last
Michael Woomer is spending some
weeks with friends at Lewistown and
Walter O'Bryan motored over from
State College and spent Sunday with
his mother.
Paul Sunday and wife motored to
Salona and spent Sunday at the Will
Mayes home.
Ed Osman and Charles Musser, of
Bellefonte, were visitors here on Fri-
day evening.
Mrs. Harry Coll went to Philadel-
phia, on Friday, to enter a hospital for
an operation.
Henry Sense, of New York city, is
a visitor at the home of his parents,
on the Branch.
Ed Kocher was taken to the Lock
Haven hospital, on Monday, to under-
go an operation.
Wilbur Sunday and family spent
Sunday with the Ed C. Martz family,
at Water Street.
Charles Goss came up from Harris-
burg, on Saturday, and spent Sunday
with his mother.
N. E. Hess and grandson, Ernest
Hess, left on Friday to take in the
Sesqui, at Philadelphia.
Miss Olive Walker, of State College,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. N. Walker.
The continued wet weather has kept
farm work at a standstill, and there is
much seeding yet to be done.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Krebs spent the
early part of the week visiting Mrs.
Krebs’ parents, at Lock Haven.
Grandmother Leach got a bad fall
on Sunday when she slipped on a wet
stone, cutting quite a gash in one
Walter Woods and wife motored up
from Washington, D. C., and spent
several days at the Dr. G. H. Woods
Mrs. Dora McCormick, wife of Dr.
S. 8S. McCormick, of Hublersburg, was
a recent visitor with the Dannley
Mrs. Viola M. Smith and Miss Edith
Sankey spent the latter end of the
week at the Charles Segner home, at
Fred Randolph, wife and daughter
motored over from Huntingdon, on
Sunday to spend the day at the senior
Randolph home.
Fred Williams, wife and daughter
Nellie, of Clearfield, were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Williams.
James Stevens accompanied Henry
Johnson to Dayton, Ohio, last week,
and was fortunate in securing a good
job right off the bat.
Mrs. Nellie Hess Segner and two
daughters motored up from Boalsburg
and spent a short time at the Mrs. |G
Charles Smith home.
The Ladies Aid society of the Luth-
eran church will hold their annual
Bazar and bake sale in the I. O. O. F.
hall on November 13th.
Mack McDowell and lady friend
motored over from Clearfield and
spent Sunday with his father, D. C.
McDowell, at Baileyville.
Mr. and Mrs. David Luther Fye
motored to Baltimore and spent Sun-
day with their daughter Grace, a
student at Goucher college.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witmer,
equipped with a full camping outfit,
left last weck for Florida, where they
expect to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cox, of Altoona,
are spending a week at the S. A.
Homan farm, at Baileyville, helping
in the applebutter campaign.
Walter Fagan, of Altoona, accom-
panied by his aunt, Mrs. Mary Saucer-
man, spent the early part of the week
with friends in Williamsport.
The Chautauqua held in the I. O. O.
F. hall last week was well attended
and forty guarantors have been se-
cured to guarantee its return next
J. H. Bailey and wife, with Mr.
Bailey’s mother and uncle, Warren
Bailey, motored to Milton, on Friday,
and spent several days with Dr. Frank
A new furnace is being installed in
the Methodist parsonage. G. W. Ross-
man has the contract, and the con-
gregations at Meek’s church and
Fairbrook will help foot the bill,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wogan and
son Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Corl and two interesting youngsters
motored down from Juniata and spent
the latter end of the week with friends
and relatives.
Ralph E. Musser, postmaster at
Pennsylvania Furnace, was taken to
the Centre County hospital, on Satur-
day and underwent an operation on
Sunday. Late reports say that he is
getting along as well as can be ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Corl and
son Will and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bur-
well motored to Chester, last Thurs-
day, to attend the funeral, on Friday,
of William Baker. They also spent
a day at the Sesqui, in Philadelphia,
returning home on Sunday.
John B. Witmer and family, with
Oscar Whitmer at the wheel, motored
over the Allegheny mountains to
Grampian, on Sunday, and noted the |
many changes that have taken place
since Mr. Whitmer traveled the coun-
try forty years ago as a stock buyer.
While playing about the William
Corman barn, on Sunday, Ross Cox,
little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox,
ran against an unlatched door with
the result that it gave way and he fell
through onto a sharp stone, receiving
an ugly gash on the head. A physi-
cian fixed him up and he is now get-
ting along all right.
———— ees sie.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and son
Paul spent the week-end with Mrs.
Smith’s brother and sisters in and
about Laurelton. :
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frye and small
son, and Mrs. Frye’s mother, of Lock
Haven, motored to town, Sunday,
making brief calls on old neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Weaver and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Roush spent the week-
end in Williamsport, where they were
guests of Mrs. Weaver's son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mingle and two
daughters, the Misses Helen and
Roxie, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffer
and two sons, of Bellefonte, were
guests on Sunday at the home of Mr.
Mingle’s brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Mingle.
W. E. Orwig came up from Allen-
town and spent the past week with
his family in town. Their eldest son,
Harold, who is employed in Blooms-
burg, came up for the week-end.
H. E. Crouse has been ill since Fri-
day, confined to bed. A severe case of
grippe. His friends wish him a speedy
recovery to health.
Mr. and Mrs. Showers, of Lock
Haven, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Showers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
E. Stover. During the past week Mrs.
Stover’s aged uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Moyer, of Woodward,
have also been their guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Moyer have for several years
past been accustomed to spend a few
weeks each summer with their niece.
Christ Heaton visited friends at
Orviston on Sunday.
Mrs. Lynn Ertley will hold her farm
sale on November 18th.
A chicken and waffle supper in the
Grange hall October 30th.
Some of our folks attended the sale
of J. A. Hoy, near Zion, on Saturday.
Harry Hoy has nearly 200 bushels
of pears for sale, and also lots of
Miss Luretta Condo and friend, of
Williamsport, spent Sundzy at the J.
S. Condo home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Walker and
children were week-end guests at the
E. R. Lucas home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dixson and
baby, of Lock Haven, called at the
William Dixson home last Sunday.
Many of our farmers are husking
corn, while some just started to cut
and lots have not done their fall plant-
Visitors at the Harry Hoy home on
Sunday were Mrs. Mabel Peck, of
Bellwood; Lester Garbrick and friend,
of Centre Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Neff and son, Joseph Jr.
Ellsworth Conway and family and
Mr. and Mrs. James Schaffer were
week-end guests at the Matthew Con-
way home.
Austin Dale and daughters spent
Tuesday in Bellefonte and Pleasant
ap. .
Miss Anna Dale is spending some
time at the home of Henry Dale, at
Mrs. Lillian Devine returned to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert
Reitz, after spending a week in Hunt-
Mervin Kuhn, of State College, and
Charles Kuhn motored to Williams-
port, Saturday evening, returning on
Mrs. Clayton Royer and daughter,
Miss Mary, of BelleXonte, were guests
of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wagner on
Forty members of the local I. 0. O.
F. went to Lock Haven, Thursday
evening, to attend a lodge meeting.
The trip was made in “Miss Nittany.”
Miss Anna May Hess, a student at
the Bloomsburg Normal, spent the
week-end at her home, accompanied
by Miss Elizabeth Meyer, of Mifflin-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hess enter-
tained a few friends at dinner, Satur-
day evening. Out of town guests were
Dr. and Mrs. Kidder, of State College,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hess, of Altoona.
Mrs. Orlin Brooks visited last week
with her sister in Williamsport.
D. F. Rimmey had a pipeless fur-
nace installed in his home recently.
Mrs. Clyde Simpson is visiting at
the home of her parents in Howard.
Don’t forget the Hallow-een social
to be given in the M. E. church this
(Friday) evening.
Levi A. Miller will make public
sale of his household furniture on Sat-
urday, October 80th.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uhl are motoring
this week in Maryland, Washington,
D. C., and Philadelphia.
: Mrs. R. W. Robinson, of Scranton,
1s visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Zettle.
The stork visited the home of Henry
Young, last Thursday, and presented
them with a nice big boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roush and litile
son, of Altoona, were week-end visit-
ors with Mrs, Roush’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corl and
daughter Hazel spent Sunday in Al-
toona, at the David Hoover home.
i ——a
——A lobster bootlegger in New
York was fined $4900 for selling
under-sized lobsters.
Bierley, tract in Miles Twp.; $150.
drew Tate, et ux, tract in Spring
Twp.; $4,000.
et ux, tract in Harris Twp.; $1.
L. Johnston, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
Smith, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1,875.
Baraclough, tract in Snow Shoe; $1.
dred J. O’Brien, et bar, tract in Snow
Shoe; $1.
Title Saving and Trust company, tract
in Howard Twp.; $160.
tract in State College; $1.
stetter, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.;
J. H. Waring, et ux, to Philip R.
Rupp, tract in State College; $1,000.
et ux, tract in Haines Twp.; $2,200.
W. Gettig, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Holt, tract in Union Twp.; $100.
Curtin, tract in Bellefonte; $6,250.
ries, Inc., tract in Spring Twp.; $100.
Harnish, tract in State College; $800.
Johnston, tract in Spring Twp.; $1.
Langton, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1.
Kossik, et ux, tract in Snow Shoe
Twp.; $800.
Botson tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1.
ko, et ux, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1.
Dean, et ux, tract in Patton Twp.; $1-
missioners of Centre county, tract in
Howard Twp.; $26.98.
Loan Association to Austin Powder
company, tract in Rush Twp.; $191.25.
tract in College Twp.; $225.
ler, tract in Milesburg; $2,600.
tract in State College; $3,000.
in Philipsburg; $2,600. _
John Benner, tract in Bellefonte; $4.
ner, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Bartley, et ux,
Kephart, tract in Philipsburg; $500.
tract in Philipsburg; $750.
Socila Unione Frateranna Italiana,
tract in Rush Twp.; $400.
Real Estate Transfers.
T. M. Gramley, et al, to Samuel A.
William G. Rossman, et ux, to An- $1
William P. Warner,
T. Bateson,
Warner, et ux,
et ux, to Clara
tract in State College; $1.
Clara T. Bateson, to William P.
tract in State College | land, tract in Philipsburg; considera-
E. E. Weiser, et al, to Rosa B. Bit-
ner, tract in State College; $1.
Samuel E, Barr, to Sallie J. Row-
tion not given.
John M. Shope, et ux, to B. F. Neff,
C. M. Cronemiller, et ux, to Austin
H. F. Musser, et ux, to Calvin F.
Harry J. O’Brien, et ux, to Arthur
Arthur Baraclough, et ux, to Mil-
E. R. Taylor, sheriff, to Cambria
Rhoda Gillen to Elizabeth Lutz,
W. H. Noll, et al, to Guy B. Ker-
Ella H. Irey, et al, to J. M. Stover,
Annie M. Gettig, et bar, to Musser
Oscar Garver, et ux, to Thomas A.
Ivan Walker, trustee, to William W.
W. H. Noll Jr., to Whiterock Quar-
J. W. Henszey, et ux, to Sue K.
Bond C. White, et ux, to Austin L.
Joseph Henly, et al, to Kathyrn J.
Frances Hoculak, et bar, to John
Andrew Belko, et ux, to John DP,
John P. Botson, et ux, to Andy Bel-
Harvey B. Baisor, et ux, to Albert
Public Sale!
The Estates of Sigmund Joseph and Herman Holz
will offer at Public Sale at the home on Spring St.
formerly occupied by Mrs. Amalie Holz, deceased,
the following household goods, on
Thursday, Oct. 28,
Six Bedroom Suites
Practically all Walnut
Antique Walnut Parlor Suite,
4 dozen other kinds of Straight Chairs,
some Old-Fashioned Clocks,
Porch Furniture and Screens
Beautiful Glass and Silve
A full line of Cooking Utensils
Many Antiques are
As this will be the largest and most complete line of House-
hold Goods offered at public sale in Bellefonte for some time it is
necessary to start the sale at 9.30 a. m. promptly, and con-
tinue all day.
L. F. MAYES, Auct.
H. N. MEYER, Clerks
Dining Room Suite
with Walnut Sideboard
2 dozen Rockers of all styles
all kinds of Tables
Dockash Range, Refrigerator
, Pictures and Picture Frames
rware, Rugs of all sizes
, Garden Tools of all description
Included in the Above
J. O. Heverly, treasurer, to Com-
Philipsburg Capital Savings and
W. H. Earon to Clara M. Harpster,
W. B. Grafmyer to George H. Kel-
Rhoda Dillon to Elizabeth Lutz,
Frank H. Gette to Louis Stein, tract
Commissioners of Centre county, to
John Benner, et ux, to Harold Ben-
Emma King, et bar, to James A.
tract in Marion Twp.;
Ray A. Bragonier, et ux, to W. C.
Louis Stein to George R. Griest,
Salvatore Yousa, et al, to Trustees
Often Caused by Bladder Weakness... It’s
land, O. says, “After taking Lithiated Bu-
chu tablets one week,
smarting left me,
get up nights.
as I had tried many things.
glad to write my
Lithiated Buchu cleanses the bladder as
epsom salts do the bowels, driving out de-
posits, neutralizes excess acids, thereby re-
lieving irritation that causes getting up
all drug stores.
chanicsburg, Ohio.
Nature's Signal of “Danger Ahead.”
A. C. Eckhart, 3917 St. Clair St., Cleve-
the burning and
and with no desire to
You should get the credit
I will be
experience to any one.
The tablets cost 2 cents each at
Keller Laboratory, Me-
Mail Order House
Prices Beaten
a 3
We have mens 16 inch Hunting
Shces with all rubber tops. The
Converse Tripple sole brand. [
Gray pressure cured uppers with Le
the big C white soles. Made to HE
fit the leg and ankle. Quality =
guaranteed to the limit. Our price
is only $5.45 this being less than
any Shoe Store or Mail Order
House in United States can sell
them. We also have the six eye-
let or 12 inch tops with red pres-
sure cured uppers and white soles.
Our price is only $3.85. The
prices cannot be equalled. Look
up your catalogue prices. We have
them beat.
Hurry, Worry and Overwork Bring
Heavy Strain.
VICpERN life throws a heavy
burden on our bodily ma-
chinery. The eliminative organs, es-
pecially the kidneys, are apt to be-
come sluggish. Retention of excess
uric acid and other poisonous waste
often gives rise to a dull, languid
feeling and, sometimes, toxic back-
aches and headaches. That the kid-
neys are not functioning perfectly is
often shown by burning or scanty
passage of secretions. More and |
more people are learning to assist
their kidneys by the occasional use
of Doan’s Pjills—a stimulant diu-
retic. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
ei | led)
Yeager's Tiny Boot Shop 2
n.35tt BELLEFONTE, PA. i
Everlasting Individual Crypt
buy anything better than the AutomaticsSealing Concrete Burial
It is made of the finest materials and
a permanent water-proof treatment.
ance—seals automatically,
When you buy
Men’s or Young Men’s All--Wool
We want, you to see them—they are
the Biggest, Suit, Values in America.
They are
You will Know Why we
Boast. About. these Syits
A. Fauble
and is proof against all elements of destruction.
Manufactured by DUNLAP BROTHERS, Bellefonte, Pa.
Two-Pants Syits you save exactly
No matter how much you wish to invest
in a permanent burial vault, you cannot
workmanship ; glazed inside and out with
It is beautiful and dignified in appear-
one of our $25.00
KLINE ~WOODRING. — Attorney-at
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. P in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
Exchange. b1-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at
tention given all legal business ene
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace, All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Gers
man, Office in Criders Exchan
Bellefonte, Pa. 55.8
Bellefonte State College
Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D, Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist, Regls-
tered and licensed by the State,
Hyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and
lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High S8t.,
Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf
B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed
E by the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday. Belle-
fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite
the Court House, Wednesday afternoons
from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to
4.30 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40
We Keep a Full Line
of Feeds in Stock
Try Our Dairy Mixtures
—22% protein; made of all
| Clean, Pure Feeds—
$46.00 per Ton
We manufacture a Poultry
Mash good as any that you
can buy, $2.90 per hundred.
Cases serene $44.00 per ton
Wagner's Dairy
Purina Cow Chow.. ......... 50.00
Oil Meal, 34 per cent. protein, 54.00
Cotton Seed, 48 pr. ct. prot. 44.00
Gluten, 23 per cent protein, 45.00
“ a
Alfalfa Meal ..........c0u00s 45.00 =
BIBI cei insinniinenevess 84.00 « =
MIAUNES iis rensancnic. sie 86.00 ¢«
(These Prices are at the Mill.)
$2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery.
We are discontinuing the storage
of wheat. After July 1st, 1926, all
wheat must be sold when delivered to
our mill.
C. 1. Wagner & Go., In
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
at Faubles
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the :
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger’ to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
ER ——
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
| Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥. REESE EE SEE EE EE EE I= Sli
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. State College