Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 08, 1926, Image 7

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    " Bellefonte, Pa., October 8, 1926.
At sunrise, September 15, more than
10,000 Virginians went to work on
their task of supplying oysters to
meet what probably is the keenest de-
mand in American history. Virginia's
oyster season opens officially on Sep-
tember 15, there being a law prohibit-
ing the removal of stock from the
“rocks” before that time, but this
year a number of shuckers who have
their own beds were forced by the de-
mand to start shucking and shipping
as much as ten days in advance of the
official opening of the season.
Oystermen in Virginia think that
two outstanding factors have contri-
buted to the unusually keen demand
for their stock this year. In the first
place, they say, the national adver-
tising campaign which was started
last year has “pepped up” the Ameri-
can appetite for bivalves; and in the
second the Federal government’s cer-
tification of wholesomeness which
must be given before oysters from
any source may go into interstate
commerce has inspired in the people
a degree of confidence which they nev-
er had for any uncertified food. The
public of this day, it is admitted, has
come to demand pure food certifica-
tion for all its food, even those kinds
for which it has the greatest fondness.
At any rate whatever the reason,
oyster demands for the beginning of
the present season, appear to be
greater than ever before, and if cool
weather begins early in the fall and
continues through the winter the oys-
termen confidently expect the best
year of business they have ever had.
Virginia’s natural oyster rocks, al-
though much smaller than they used
to be, still constitute the most im-
portant source of this delicious and
wholesome food to be found in Ameri-
ca. There are thousands of acres of
natural rock in the James, Rappahan-
nock, York and Potomac rivers. Any
citizen of Virginia may tong these.
oysters during the season, and thous-
ands of men make theid living by
working on the public rocks, selling
the large stock for shucking purposes,
and the small stuff for replanting on
private growing-beds.
The State makes a practice of rent-
ing ground to individuals for oyster
planting purposes, charging only a
nominal sum each year as rental. The
public rocks, of course are never
rented out, but are open to all persons
Shucking houses, purchasing their
stock from the private beds, do busi-
ness by removing the oysters from
their shells and shipping them in re-
frigerated containers to all parts of
the country. There are in Virginia
more than 800 shucking houses each
employing from two or three up to a
hundred or more shuckers. State and
Federal bacteriologists, chemists and
sanitary inspectors wend their way
from one to another of these houses,
making sure that the regulations are
abided by. In this connection, it is
interesting to note that sanitary re-
quirements for oysters are much more
rigorous than those for milk, fresh
vegetables or any other food that is
given public health certification.
At a rough estimate oysters bring
from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 2 year
into Virginia, including not only the
shucked and shell stock sold directly
for food, but also the seed stock ship-
ped out of the State for replanting.—
Packaged Apples Must Conform to
State Law.
In order to protect consumers, as
well as producers, shippers and deal-
ers, the State has an apple packing
law which applies to all apples packed
in closed packages.
The law provides that the name and
address of the packer, the variety of
apple, the size of package and the
minimum size of fruit must be marked
on the outside of the package. It fur-
ther provides that the apples on the
face of the package must be a fair
representation of the fruit in the bal-
ance of the package. The law is com-
pulsory on all apples packed in close
packages within the State. - :
The law does not require the com-
pulsory use of the standard apple
grades, but all apple packers are en-
couraged to use these grades as the
basis for the grading of their output.
These optional grades are the same
as the federal grades, which have been
adopted as the standard in most of
the Eastern States. While the use of
these standard grades is entirely vol-
untary with the individual, packages
of fruit marked with these standard
grade terms must comply with the re-
quirements for the particular grade of
fruit marked on the package.
The State Department of Agricul-
ture of Harrisburg will be gald to fur-
nish all interested parties with copies
of the law and also the standard apple
Game Seasons.
Harrisburg, Sept. 27.—Prospects
are good for a successful hunting sea-
son this fall, according to reports re-
ceived by the State game commission.
The present summer has been excep-
tionally good in providing for food for
game and birds.
The entire State has been closed
this year for wild turkeys and Hun-
garian quail.
The season for ruffed grouse will
extend from Nov. 1 to 13. Previously
this had been a month. The season’s
bag limit has been reduced from 15 to
ten birds. Male ringneck pheasants
are in season the same time as grouse.
Rabbits and hares also have been
reported plentiful with the season ex-
tending only through the month of
Deer can be killed from Dec. 1 to
15 and bear Nov. 10 to Dec. 15.
—If you want quality job work it
can be had at this office.
Musk is one product of world com-
merce in which China practically en-
joys a monopoly—not a large one, to
be sure, since the annual output is at
best only some $400,000 gold, but the
product itself is worth many times its
weight in silver, and for that matter,
gold as well, in these days of high ex-
change, says the Far Eastern Review,
About one-half of the total output
stays in China and is used especially
by the Cantonese in compounding pills
that form the best-known remedy in
the Chinese pharmacopaeia for Asia-
tic cholera. The Chinese also use
musk to keep moths out of furs and
clothing, and as a perfume, the odor
being quite popular in the better
grades of perfumery.
Practically all of China's musk
comes from Tibet through the Szech-
wan frontier, the chief markets being
Sungpan and Tachienlu the former be-
ing by far the more important. Some-
times, when the road from Sungpan
to Chengtu is unsafe, owing to
; brigands,. part of the musk will be
i taken south and marketed in Teng-
yuch to go to India. This’ happened
to a considerable part of the output in
1915, when 6,890 ounces out of a total
of 25,367 were so shipped. The value
of the 1915 musk crop was $266,000
gold. In 1916 some 25,160 ounces,
valued at $407,000 gold, were shipped.
Because of its commanding position
in the perfume industry France has
been the largest purchaser of China's
musk, the United States being second;
but in 1915 the United States forged
ahead and bought more than a quarter
of the entire output.
Good musk is bought for 10 times
its weight in silver at Sungpan, and at
Chungking for 18 to 25 times, so there
is a heavy profit somewhere. Small
supplies are brought out to various
points along the Lungan road, where
every coolie seems to have some about
him, and the inns reek with the sick-
ly smell. The musk is brought down
in its pod, and the best kind is recog-
nized by a nice brown color, and in its
pure state by its overpowering stench;
pods with grayish or dull-colored
musk are rejected. It is retailed by
one one-hundredth of an ounce, but it
is adulterated more than any other
article in the Chinese market.
By far the largest herds of musk
deer are to be found on the southern
shores of the Koko-Nor, and the sup-
ply of musk there (at T’aochou) is
larger than the quantity that comes
through Sungpan. In fact, great
quantities of musk do not come to
Sungpan at all, but are sent east to
Yuchow, in Homan, where a fair is
held in the ninth and tenth moons,
many of the Sungpan traders visiting
this place. At Tachienlu musk is the
most valuable export, practically
every hong reeking with it, and near-
ly all the Tibetans who come from the
far interior bring some with them.
The price of medium there is 13 times |
its weight in silver.
Musk is a secretion of the male musk
deer. Three kinds of musk are dis-
tinguished in commerce, the most im-
portant and valuable being the Chin-
ese or Tongkin musk imported prin-
cipally from Shanghai. It is put up
in small tin-lined, silk-covered cad-
dies, each containing from two :to
three dozen pods: These are general-
ly adulterated with dried blood, frag-
ments of leather, leaden pellets, peas,
etc., so that often little more than the
smell of the original tennant of the
pod remains. The Chinese pods vary
greatly in value according to quality
and genuineness. Some musk collect-
ed from the Western Himalaya is ex-
ported from India. It is much less
prized than genuine Tongkin musk.
The third variety, known as Kabar-
ine or Siberian musk, is exported from
Central Asia by way of Russia. It
is in large pods, said to be yielded by
a distinct species of deer, and is very
inferior in point of odor.
The musk deer has a wide distri-
bution over the highlands of Central
and Eastern Asia, including the great-
er part of Southern Siberia, and ex-
tends to Kashmir on the southwest
and Cochin China on the southeast,
always, however, at great elevations
—being rarely found in summer be-
low 800 feet above the sea level, and
ranging as high as the limits of the
thickets of birch, rhododendron, and '
juniper, among which it conceals it- |
self in the daytime. It is a hardy,
solitary, and retiring animal, chiefly
nocturnal in its habits, and almost al-
ways found alone, rarely in pairs, and
never in herds. It is exceedingly ac-
tive and sure-footed, having, perhaps, !
no equal in traversing rocks and pre-
cipitous ground; and it feeds on moss,
grass, and leaves of the plants which
grow on the mountains among which
it makes its home.
Most of the animals of the group to
which the musk deer belongs have
some portion of the cutaneous sur-
face peculiarly modified and provided '
with glands secreting some odorous
and oleaginous substance specially
characteristic of the species. The sit-
uation of the specially modified por-
tion of skin is extremely various,
sometimes between the toes, as in
sheep, sometimes on the faee.
Owing to the great value of musk
to the perfumer, the chemist early
tried to solve the problem of making
-it artificially, and finally one Baur ac-
cidentally succeeded in imitating the
odor in a compound made by linking
the radicle of benzene and that of
tertiary butyl alcohol. It is not a true
musk, as the natural product belongs
to quite a different class of chemical
compounds. However, “Muc Baur,”
as it was called in the trade, enjoyed
great popularity and sold for $20 gold
a pound as far back as 1900, the pro-
duct so sold being adulterated with 19
times its weight of acetanalid.
There are other artificial musks in
the market now and the adulteration
with inert chemicals has ceased. None
of these, however, has the power that
makes the product of Tibet so valua-
ble, that of fixing the more fugitive
floral odor and giving $he resulting
perfume lasting qualities that are
lacking in cheaper grades, whose odor
is sweet when moist but vanishes as
the solution dries.
When the corr
spell words both ve
indicated by a nu
black ome below. No letters
tionary words, except proper
¥. letters are pluced In the white spaces this pussie will
cally and horizontally. The z 1
r, which refers to the definition listed below the pussle.
Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines m word which will
fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a numbes
under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the mext
go in the black spaces. All words used are
: names. Abbraviations, slang, imitials, techmicaf
terms and obsolete forms are indleated im the definitions.
The first letter In each word is
ell established corporations are not seri-
ously affected by death, and are the
proper avenues through which es-
I-~-A large bird
6—Used for smoking
j1-—Not many
13—Used in boating
{7—Part of the area of a circle
L0—Used to measure gas
$3-—One of the articles
24 —~Dejected
Y{8—An exclamation
£9—A wriggly inhabitant of the sea
8¢-—Instrument used by doctors
B9—A titled personage
40—Part of a ship 41—Attempt
{2-—Maker 47—A fish
48—A South American snake
49—Existed 651—Thus
53—A tool 56—Like
ST—A tree 59—A visitor
61—A foreign ruler 63—Smell
66—A small, sharp bit of metal
66—A popular modern invention
67-—The sewed edge of c¢luthing
69-—One who examines ore
90—Put together
Nature Decreed No Monopely in Gems.
Precious stones come from most
out-of-the-way places, says a jeweler
in the Cincinnati Enquirer.
“The diamond comes from India,
Brazil and South Africa.
the diamond is nearly always water-
clear in color, there are blue, green
and yellow stones.
a white topaz, which is always quite
As distinct from |
Sedr tion will appear in next issue
water-clear in color, a yellow diamond |
has just a faint yellow tinge in it."
The ancient Greeks knew the stone,
and because it could not be cut and
carved in those days like other stones
on account of its hardness they gave
it the name of Adams.
“The ruby, which is next in hard-
ness and was used so lavishly in the
crown jewels and regalia of the king
of Burmah, now in the Indian section
‘of the Victoria and Albert museum,
South Kensington, comes from Burma,
. Ceylon, Mandalay, Afghanistan and
Siam. There are also ruby mines in
| Australia.
“The spinel, whch is distinct from
- the ruby proper, is a clear, bright red
i with a bluish tone. The choicest ru-
bies are those the color of pigeon’s
. blood, which come from Burma. The
| Indian ruby is lighter in color than
, those from other places. Weight for
weight the perfect ruby is of much
higher value than the diamond, but
, the stone is so full of flaws that it
cannot be cut to the same advantage
as the diamond.
“The sapphire, which is of such a
beautiful blue, comes from Burma,
, Ceylon, Borneo and Australia. It is
also found in Europe in the Rhine val-
ley. The star sapphire, which is
| rather lighter in color, comes from
Brazil, as does also the white sap-
“The emerald is the most valuable
| of the ‘beryl’ group, and comes from
Colombia, in South America, India,
New South Wales, Serbia and parts of
Egypt. The earliest emeralds we
know of were those that came from
Celopatra’s mines in Egypt. The fin-
est are those from Colombia where
i the wonderful emeralds which so daz-
zled the Spaniards on their conquest
of Mexico were afterward found to
have come; they have more flash and
are of a richer and deeper color than
those from other countries.
“The aquamarine comes from the
Ural mountains in Russia and also
from Brazil; in color it ranges from a
pale sea green to a bluey tinge. The
morganite is more commonly known
as the pink ‘beryl’ and comes from
Madagascar; at its finest it is of a
pinky mauve orchid tint. It was giv-
en the name of ‘morganite’ on the oc-
casion of the late J. P. Morgan giving
to England the largest known speci-
men. of it, which is now in the miner-
al gallery of the Natural History
museum, South Kensington.”
Power From the Sea.
The world’s industrial power of the
future may be drawn from the heat
of warm sea water. Already some
scientists think they have found a
way of utilizing this latent energy.
The warm sea water will, they assert,
evaporate carbon dioxide or ammonia.
And the pressure thus obtained can be
used in steam turbines to produce
tremendous electric power.
! planting in Pennsylvania. The plant-
1—A preposition
2—A numeral 3—To tease
4—To make a noise like a dove
5—One who employs
6—Trials 7—A poem
8—Common name of a fur-bearing
9—The load of a ship
10—Otherwise 16—To grant
16—Large woody plants
18—Island near Greece
19—Movement of the ocean
20—Power of attraction
22—Keenest 25-—Work
26—Man’s name 27—Bend:- down
32—Organ of the body
37—Part of a circle
42—A traveling star
43—To knock 44—A playing car@
46—To be in debt
46—A line of mountains
48—Mouth of a bird 50—To stupefy
52—Found In a desert
64—Pertaining to the moon
56—Refuse from a fire
68—Simple jokes 80—Reverberation
62—IKxist 64—Also
65—A rpareat 68—Myself
36—7Used In fishing
38—To court
Solution to Cross-word puzzle No. 8.
H[1 |[RE|C PA
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partment of Forests and Waters
shows that more than 20,000,000 trees
will be available for distribution this
fall and next spring. This is more
than twice the number that have ever
been available at any time for re-
forestation work. The Clearfield nurs-
ery leads with more than 9% million
trees. This is the largest number of
trees that have ever been available for
shipment in any nursery operated by
the Department. The Mont Alto nurs-
ery in Franklin county comes second,
with almost 4 million trees, and the
Rockview Nursery at the western
penitentiary in Centre county is third
with more than 2% million trees. The
Greenwood nursery at Greenwood
Furnace, Huntingdon county, will
have more than 2 million trees and the
forest tree nursery at the Hunting-
don Reformatory will have almost 2 !
million trees.
White pine leads among the trees
that are available in the nurseries.
Almost 6 million little white pine
trees will be ready for shipment this
fall and next spring. Scotch pine
comes second with more than 4 mil-
lion trees; red pine is third with al-
most 4 million; and Norway spruce is
fourth with more than 23 millions.
More than one million each of pitch
pine and European larch are ready for
shipment. Among the other trees
that will be shipped are red oak, black
locust, yellow poplar, white ash, and
American elm,
Forestry officials predict that 1927
will be the big year for forest tree
ing of the 20 million trees during this
fall and next spring will mean the re-
forestation of more than 20,000 acres
of forest land. If given adequate pro-
tection and good care these planted
trees when mature will produce about
700,000,000 board feet of lumber
which is urgently needed by the indus-
tries and people of the State.
mi ————
Lumbermen to Meet at State College.
The Pennsylvania Forest Products
Manufacturers’ Association will meet
at the Pennsylvania State College
Thursday, October 28th. Most of the
forenoon will be devoted to business
matters. During the remainder of
the day there will be a speaking pro-
gram featuring a talk on “Standard-
ization of Fomest Products.”
TTP Ca i ETP tates should be settled.
ev or 3
el I 22 b - ? More and more thoughtful men are
[I= 15" 76 7 Z realizing this and’ are making wills naming a
0 27 2 strong Bank as their Executors:.
23 7 26 25 This Bank, with its large surplus and
i r 30 experienced officers, guarantees a proper ad-
ST 152 533 36 157 [38 ministration of any trust fund.
11 I 0 ud
| MM 42 143 44 45 46 147
Tiras 1 ag 50 1 . ;
srs ites Ss lites The First National Bank
57 60
el 62 G3 [64
65 [lI [3 67 cg
" _— ——— — oy
7 70 we
e I ll
©“ (@©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
Horizontal. : Vertical,
Theodore Roosevelt
aid: “It pays to try to do things
and not merely to have a soft,
easy time.” This Bank finds
that it pays to render prompt
and efficient service to its patrons. It
will pay you to transact your banking
business here.
20,000,000 Trees Will be Available for
An inventory of the forest tree
nurseries operated by the State De-
Lyon & Company
New Fall Ready-to-Wear
Just received a new line of Satin and Silk Crepe
Dresses. All the new shades in Crackelhead
Blue, Jungle Green, Chanel Red, Navy and Black
—new Dolman Sleeves, new Neckline and new
Skirt, at less than the cost of silks
New Fall and Winter Coats
for Stouts, Slender and Small Women—all New Color-
ings, with Fur Collars and Cuffs—in Sport Models and
others—at very low prices.
Childrens Coats
A fine line of Childrens Fur-
Trimmed Coats from $4.00 up
All the New Fall and Winter Shades in the famous
Silver Star brand Silk Hosiery from 95c. up.
: A new Fall line of Tapestry,
Cretonnes and Draperies.
New Curtains (Plain and Ruffled) in all the new
weaves. Marquisettes and Scrims, plain and figured.
ant sence
Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums
and WINDOW SHADES are here
ready for the Fall House Cleaning.
Lyon & Company