Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 08, 1926, Image 1

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Benoa ald
. —No, the Hon. Holmes isn’t running
on his record at Harrisburg. He made
no. record. He’s running on palaver
and “bull.”
© ——The President flatly refuses to
make Coolidge the main issue in the
campaign. There are too many un-
certain elements.
——The “slush fund twins” have
their work cut out for them and should
be kept on the job. They have no time
for tariff tinkering.
v ~—A vote for Andrew Curtin Thomp-
son for the Legislature will, at least,
be a vote for a man who won't strad-
dle or betray those who support him
on principle.
" —There is no particular reason why
we should favor the Cardinals over
the Yankees, but we do just the same.
We'd love to see them take the pen-
nant away from the New Yorkers and
we have far less reason for it than we
had for hoping that Tunney would
lick Dempsey.
—Those who wanted to have their
favorite named as: a candidate for
Governor of Pennsylvania paid over a
million dollars to get the place for
John S. Fisher. What did they do it
for? There is only one answer to
that question: They expect to get it
back in some way. The tax payers of
Pennsylvania might not know the
way, but they’ll find out the cost of
it if they vote for him.
—When Eddie Beidleman makes a
statement to the effect that he be-
lieves there was no juggling of the
primary vote in the “Strip District”
of Pittsburgh we will believe that John
S. Fisher came by his nomination for
Governor honestly. Until Beidleman
‘makes such a statement we’ll believe
that Mr. Fisher’s nomination is some-
‘thing for him to be ashamed of and
something that he might square with
machine politics in Pennsylvania but
not with the Supreme Tribunal to
which he will have to answer some
day. :
—For four years this District has
had a Senator in Harrisburg who
voted right on all bills that were for
the best interests of his constituents,
regardless of what the would-be
bosses desired. Senator Betts was
under nobody’s thumb. He was a
credit to the District and will be sent
back for another term. He will carry
his home county of Clearfield by a
larger majority than he did four years
ago and if he loses Centre this time
it will be because the Democrats have
failed again to take advantage of the
opportunity that is theirs.
—Election day is only a little over
three weeks off. There is an unusual
absence of political discussion con-
cerning it. To us the situation is en-
couraging, for it indicates that there
is apathy among the Republicans.
Those of them with any conscience at
all refuse to enthuse over a ticket that
is headed by a man whom their candi-
date for Governor declared has
only a “beer mug” for a platform.
They are dyed-in-the-wool, rock-ribbed
Republicans, but they are something
more. They are honest, Christian
people who believe that party ma-
chinery goes too far when it under-
takes to whip them into support of
candidates who can’t “come clean.”
Some of them will not go to the polls
at all. Many will go and not vote for
United States Senator. Those of them
who hold their country above their
party will go and vote for William B.
—We’ve been sticking around a
good many years, but we've never
seen a fall like this one. Because of
the weather vagaries many farmers
haven’t been able to get their fall
plowing done and it will be impossible
for some of them to sow their wheat.
Here it is October 8th and we haven’t
had a frost and the temperature rivais
that of July. In 1928 every flower
and vegetable in our garden was fro-
zen stiff at this date. So were they
in 1924 and 1925. We lighted the
furnace fire on Oct. 1 in 1923; on
October 9, in 1924, and Oct. 10, in
1925, and last night, Oct. 7, it was
like mid-summer in Bellefonte.
Zenias, anemones and some roses are
gorgeous in our garden today, but
with all the mild weather has come so
much rain that the farmers whose
oats was late in the ripening can’t
plow and its doubtful whether they’ll
be able to get ground ready for wheat
seeding at all. ;
‘—We were surprised to read the re-
port of the recent meeting of the exe-
cutive committee of the County W. C.
T. U. and find no intimation in it that
candidates now before the voters of
the county were discussed. Certainly
something was to have been expected
from that source on the candidacy of
Mr. Vare for the United States Sen-
ate. And it might have been in order
for the ladies to have inquired into the
record of the Hon. Holmes at Harris-
burg. Two years ago they endorsed
him and their speakers vociferously
demanded his election. Later he came
out in a flat-footed statement that he
was under no obligation to the Tem-
perance, folks. Whether he was or
not, after he had gotten their united
support, he went and voted for Bluett,
a “wringing wet,” for Speaker of the
House. Inthe light of these facts we
can’t help thinking that the Union is
discrediting itself in not having taken
action of some sort.
VOL. 71. _ BELLEFONTE, PA.. OCTOBER 8. 1926.
The Real Issue of the Campaign,
The Republican candidates will not
be allowed to shift the issues during
the remaining period of the campaign
or dodge responsibility for the issues
they themselves created. William S.
Vare was nominated on a pledge to
modify the Volstead law and John S.
Fisher was nominated on a promise
made to the Mellons and Grundy that
manufacturing corporations would not
be justly taxed. The vast slush fund
contributed by questionable sources
created another issue that should prop-
erly be considered, but there is no
room for anything else. The tariff
question is irrelevant, for there can be
no tariff legislation during the term
of office of President Coolidge.
Upon the original issues, that is to
say upon the question of taxing cor-
porations and modifying the Volstead
law, it is easy to draw lines. The cor-
porations exempt from taxation many
years ago with the view of encourag-
ing such investments have long since
outgrown the need of help, and for
many years have been dodging taxes
to the amount of twelve to fifteen mil-
lion dollars annually, thus putting the
burden upon farmers and other in-
terests less able to pay. The modifi-
cation of the Volstead law is also a
fair subject for debate, and those who
believe in it have 'a right to their
opinion. But neither Fisher nor Vare
has the right to ignore those issues
unless they accept the later issue, the
slush fund.
In the campaign for the nomination
of John S. Fisher one million, eight
hundred thousand dollars were ex-
pended by selfish persons intent upon
using the government to serve their
personal interests. In the campaign
for William S. Vare eight hundred
thousand dollars were spent by per-
sons interested in the protection of
crime. The question for the people
to determine is, shall we approve the
expenditure of these vast sums for
sinister purposes. If we give approval
this time greater sums will be spent
in the future and the posts of honor
in our government will be sold to the
highest bidder. When that time
comes only millionaires will be eligible
to office.
——Bill - Vare is doing his best to
Vare’s Surprising Confidence.
The confidence with which William
S. Vare contemplates the coming elec-
tion is unaccountable. Every day long
lists of Republicans who are going to
vote for William B. Wilson are pub-
lished. Every day the newspapers
publish accounts of Republican mass
liam B. Wilson, the Democratic can-
didate for Senator, and frequently the
papers contain statements of a church
convention in which resolutions are
adopted pledging the congregation to
support’ William B. Wilson for Sena-
tor. Yet Mr. Vare confidently pro-
ceeds with his campaign work as
though there is no possible danger of
his defeat. He seems to imagine that
he is as certain as if perfect harmony
exists in the ranks.
Mr. Vare has read the resolution
unanimously adopted by the Senate
at the time Senator Newberry was
rebuked for spending $190,000 to pur-
.chase a nomination. He has read the
statement of . Senator Overman, of
North Carolina, who is ranking mem-
ber of the Committee on Privileges
and Elections. He has probably read
the statements of Senator Norris, of
Nebraska, and other influential Sena-
tors as to the policy they will pursue in
the event he should be returned as
elected. Yet he sweeps it all aside as
of no consequence. As though he is a
superman amenable to none of the
penalities of delinquency, he imagines
his calling and election is sure and his
victory supreme.
There is only one way to account for
this frame of mind on the part of Mr.
Vare. He imagines that W. L. Mellon
will buy the seat he aspires to occupy.
Mr. Mellon has himself come into
politics with the idea that he can buy
anything he wants. For that reason
he assumed the chairmanship of the
State committee. He proposes to let
no one know what he does or why.
But he intends to buy what he wants
unless he is prevented by the vigilance
of the opposition. It is up to the
Democratic managers to beat his little
game. It can easily be done for he is
an amateur. The only thing he ex-
cels in is self-conceit and that can be
punctured easily.
——Heat . prostrations in October
are unusual but the whole weather ar-
rangement is unusual this year.
—St.- Louis is persuaded that
Grover Cleveland Alexander measures
up to his great name.
prove the truth of Senator Reed's,
statement that Vare doesn’t know
anything about the tariff.
meetings which are addressed by Wil-
Fisher Stultifies Himself,
Before the primary election the
people of Pennsylvania got a correct
appraisement of William S. Vare from
the leading newspapers and foremost
citizens of his party. It was the
unanimous opinion of these news-
papers and citizens that Mr. Vare was
not fit for the office, and that his
election would be a disgrace to the
State and the people. Even John S.
Fisher, who now happens to be his
associate on the Republican ticket,
said: “You must determine whether
or not you are going to send into the
Senate, representing your State, one
whose statesmanship is not above that
of the mob. Can you imagine any-
thing more ridiculous or more shame-
ful than a man who makes a complete
platform of a mere beer mug?”
The man who made that statement
on April 80 is the man who is now as-
sociated with William S. Vare, Re-
publican candidate for Senator, upon
a common level and perfect comrade-
ship. What change has Mr. Vare
undergone within the past six months
to qualify him to appear on a level
with Mr. Fisher? Of course it is pos-
sible that Fisher has gone down in
the scale and that they are both po-
litical degenerates unfit to represent
the people of Pennsylvania, either in
the Senate or in the Executive man-
sion. We find no evidence that Vare
has improved and the inference that
Fisher has degenerated is the natural
consequence. He accepts the situa-
tion without protest.
Of course Mr. Fisher's original
estimate of Mr. Vare’s qualifications
for the office of Senator was support-
ed by a vast amount of corroborative
evidence. Mr. Mellon, who is now
chairman of the State committee, ex-
pressed himself very plainly as -did
also Senator Reed, of Pittsburgh, Sen-
ator Pepper, of Philadelphia, and
practically all the influential news-
papers of Republican faith in the
State. It would take more space than
we have to spare to recite the things
the leading newspapers have said.
Yet Mr. John S. Fisher is familiar
with them and knows how literally
true they are, and yet he stultifies
himself by supporting the unfit and
_impossible candidate, Mr. Vare.
me ———————— ea ———
; something on
“tant than fighting. That may well be,
! for reduced to the last analysis, fight-
ing isn’t a matter of great importance.
Safe Ticket for Churchmen.
It is not only logical but just and
wise that the church people of: all
denominations should come to the
support of William B. Wilson as a
candidate for United States Senator
as did the 127th annual conference of
the United Brethren church, in session
at Steelton, the other day. There
could be no more direct appeal to the
activities of the church than that im-
plied in the menace of elevating to
high place in the government of the
country men both morally and men-
tally unfit to give proper service.
Every member of every church in the
State ought to become an active work-
er in the interest alike of public
"morals and efficient public service.
But it is not easy to see how these
Christian people can differentiate be-
tween John S. Fisher, the Republican
candidate for Governor, and William
S. Vare, the nominee for Senator. Both
used money to excess in the primary
campaign and Fisher used three times
as much as Vare. If the slush fund
is the objectionable feature Vare is
comparatively free from blame. If
it is other forms of iniquity, Fisher
was nominated by false returns after
the polls closed in the Pittsburgh strip
by criminals working for Grundy and
W. L. Mellon. As a matter of fact
there is no difference, morally, between
Fisher and Vare and Fisher’s backers.-
Mellon and Grundy, are infinitely
worse than Vare.
Of course we are glad to welcome
these earnest church people to the
support of William B:. Wilson for
Senator. He essentially represents
the element in public life which the
church people desire to honor. He is
not only a Christian gentleman but a
highly cultured and admirably equip-
ped statesman. If elected, as we hope
he will be, his public service will reflect
credit upon those who supported him.
But the same might equally well have
been said of Judge Bonniwell, the
Democratic nominee for Governor.
His nomination is without taint of
slush fund or fraud and church men
might come to his aid with perfect
freedom from fear of any kind. The
church people have a safe ticket to
support, if they will.
| ——It is said that Colonel Smith,
of Illinois, is watching Mr. Vare’s
effort to shift the campaign issue from
slush fund to tariff, with much inter-
7 trial will probably follow soon.
HSE hag BOG Seen ald 4 ul
his mind mere impor- :
, posium are Republicans.
NO. 40.
The Teapot Dome Conspiracy. | Could Never Say It for Wilson.
Nobody was greatly surprised at
the decision of the Circuit Court of
Appeals declaring the whole proceed-
ings attending the lease of the Wyom-
From the Pittsburgh Post.
It is fresh in mind that during the
primary campaign leading Republi-
cans of the State emphasized that
while William S. Vare has long been
ing oil reserves to Harry Sinclair! yiider of public offices, including
Sufficient evidence had | fourteen years in Congress, his name
been brought out by the Senate com- (has never been associated with any
mittee to stamp it with fraud from
start to finish. But an obliging
Federal Judge in Wyoming confused
the situation by deciding the lease was
valid. The decision rendered the other
day was upon an appeal from that
decision made by a Judge who had
been appointed by President Harding
on the recommendation of Attorney
General Daugherty and possibly be-
cause he was friendly to the litigants.
There was no sinister influence in the
second trial.
The Teapot oil reserve, known as
the Wyoming Naval Oil Reserve, was
set apart by President Wilson in 1915.
In 1920 Congress authorized the Sec-
retary of the Navy to conserve, de-
velop and operate these oil deposits
“by contract, lease or otherwise.” Then
the schemers got busy. They obtained
a transfer of control of the property
from the Secretary of the Navy to
the Secretary of the Interior, Albert B.
Fall, of New Mexico. The negotiations
made rapid progress considering the
intricacies involved. The California
reserve was quite as important as the
other and finally the California prop-
erty went to Dohaney and the Teapot
Dome to Sinclair. At this stage of
the proceedings Senator Walsh inter-
Secretary Fall received all sorts of
donations and presents and was able to
retire from public life soon after the
consummation of the deal. But he
wasn’t able to escape from responsi-
bilities and criminal action was
brought against him in the courts of
the District of Columbia. This case
has never been brought to trial, the
consideration of the civil case in the
court of appeals being one of the
causes of delay. The decision is em-
phatic on the subject of fraud and
says “our conclusion is that the gov-
ernment sustained its claim that the
. benefit.
great constructive effort of public
The public has heard only
of the Vare city political machine of
Philadelphia in a selfish light. This
{ Vare machine has been a heart-break-
lease and contract were procured by
fraud and corruption and that they
should be canceled.” The criminal
EH TTT eT ry
‘=——The times are out of joint.
tornadoes in the South, floods in the
West and crazy-quilt weather here we
are certainly kept guessing.
Dahlias and More Dahlias.
Every time we undertake to get by
with an opinion on something we don’t
know anything about we seem to get
into a peck of trouble.
Early last spring we stirred up the
ornithologists among our readers by
trying to fill up a little space with
comment on a new bird to this section.
You will recall that it turned out to
, be the starling. But before we screwed
up enough courage to chuck the whole
thing our desk was piled high with
letters we've never gotten time to
answer and good news had to be
, as the first Secretary of the
' ment
win |
,in the cause of industrial peace.
, was chairman of the President’s medi-
er instead of a help to the forces
working against election corruption.
United States Senator George Whar-
ton Pepper is quoted as saying: “In
Washington he (Vare) is a cypher;
up-State in Pennsylvania he is a min-
us quantity.” ou
For contrast, there is the record of
William B. Wilson, showing many
distinguished acts in the service of
labor, legitimate business and the
public interest. No one Would dare
to call Wilson a cypher in Washing-
ton. As one of the leaders of the
miners for years he helped to develop
the spirit of confidence and is credit-
ed with having done much for peace
in the industry. Republican business
men in his district in Central Penn-
sylvania joined with Democrats in
sending him to Congress. In the lat-
ter body he was immediately recog-
nized as an authority on labor sub-
jects. Eventually he was made chair-
man of the House committee on La-
bor. He is credited with having
brought about the creation of the
great Bureau of Mines that has done
so much to promote safety in mining
operations and in the development of
mineral resources through scientific
study on mining problems. He also
was the leader in bringing to fruition
the years of effort for a National De-
partment of Labor, this being em-
phasized by the fact that he was
named by President Wilson virtually
by common consent as the first Sec-
retary of Labor. Republicans as well
as Democrats in the House began
saluting him - as “Mr. Secretary” as
soon as the Department was created.
Many other measures of a construc-
tive nature he also put through, but
the two mentioned are of a magnitude
to give him lasting fame.
On his Congressional record alone
he is shown to be infinitely the su-
perior of Mr. Vare in statesmanship.
Then there are his achievements of
National and International importance
of Labor and
country in that period bears testimony
to the influence of Secretary Wilson
ation commission that adjusted the
labor disputes in the copper mining
industry, the packing houses, the oil
and lumber industries of the Pacific
coast and the telephone service of
that section in the early days of the
war. By direction of Congress he
built $60,000,000 worth of industrial
housing for those engaged in war
work in localities where there was a
lack of dwellings. An appropriation
of $100,000,000 had been made for the
purpose, but, with the signin
, Armistice, an unexpended balance: of
crowded out of the paper in order to
find space for the opinion of experts
on birds. : fridl
Now comes the dahlia to haunt us.
Some weeks ago we commented on the
variety of that flower grown by Miss
Sara Love, of Willowbank St. Im-
mediately dahlias began "to appear.
Wonderful dahlias, some of them have
been and in such profusion that a
stranger dropping in at the Watchman
office might have gotten the impres-
sion that someone had “croaked” and
that a corpse might be concealed be-
hind the banks of posies. :
The season is- waning - for dahlias
and during the past few days we have
been able. to gather up the fallen
petals, empty the rancid water from
sundry jars and partially transform
the hot-house into a business office
again. That is, we just got that done
Wednesday morning when in walked
the mail man with a great big box of
more dahlias. These came up from
Greer, W. Va., and were grown by
John W. Corbin. We don’t know John,
but he’s a Democrat and a friend of
Dave Kelly, so that’s the “hi-sign”
with us.
In his offering are fourteen varie-
ties, showing as many shades, sizes
and bloom formations. They are
really wonderful - and in respect of
coloring are a bit more delicate than
any of those grown in Centre county.
In size the largest are not quite up to
the specimens sent here by W. Harri-
son Walker Esq.
Come to think of it, Mr, Walker is
also a Democrat, whereas all of the
other contributors to our dahlia sym-
Since the
Corbin and Walker blooms were far
larger in size than any others received
may we be permitted one exultant
yell for the supremacy of Democracy.
If we can’t pile up big majorities any-
more we can grow big posies,
, Secretary Wilson organized the W
$40,000,000 was turned back intv ile
Treasury. The Secretary also was
made the director of housing in the
District of Columbia.
: To promote the welfare of women
in industry during the war period,
men in Industry Service which was
afterward made a statutory bureau
by Congress. As a member, and some
time chairman, of the Federal Board
for Vocational Education he helped to
organize and develop the rehabilita-
tion service for disabled soldiers and
sailors of the World war. By direc-
tion of the President, he took over the
work after the Armistice of getting
the millions of war workers and re-
turning soldiers back into civilian oc-
cupations. He enlisted the active co-
operation of Governors and Mayors
and succeeded to such extent that the
speed with which these forces were
absorbed into the civilian life amazed
the world.
This is the man—a man of vast
public accomplishment— the people of
Pennsylvania have an opportunity to
elect in preference to a candidate de-
scribed by leaders of his own party as
a “cypher” in Washington and whose
nomination is tainted with an $800-
000 “slush fund.”
Pennsylvanians owe it to their State
and to their own intelligence and civic
conscience to elect Wilson.
How Familiar.
From the Altoona Tribune.
News from the recent Canadian
election says that the voters demand
reduction of taxes. Not talk or
promises of tax-reduction, but tax-re-
duction itself. And the wets want the
premier to do one thing and the drys
want him to do something else. All
in all, it seems quite proper to offer
the Dominion the right hand of fel-
lowship. She gives all the signs of
belonging to our lodge.
——Henry Ford is. converting the
warships into automobile parts and
agricultural implements. This is not
literally “turning swords into plow-
shares” but is a fairly good imitation.
of the
—After serving as a conductor on the
Pennsylvania Railroad since 1884, J. R.
Fredericks, of Pottsville, was placed on
the pension list. 3
—=Scolded by his mother ‘after he had
figured in a wreck with the family auto«
mobile, Anthony Nadolney, 17, of Duryea,
Luzerne county, shot and killed himself on
Saturday night. :
—The nomination of George W. Snyder,
of Reading, as Socialist candidate for
United States Senate, in place of Cora M.
Bixler, who died after her name had been
placed on the ticket, was filed with the
Bureau of Elections.
—Two robbers Saturday night escaped
with more than $1,000 after holding up
Miss Sadie Ecker, cashier, and Harry
Strange, doorman at the Columbia Thea-
ter, in Sharon. The holdup occurred in
the lobby of the theater as the money was
being removed from the box office.
—Rates just made effective by the Clear
field Water company have been attacked
before the Public Service Commission by
W. A. Hagerty, John F. Short and Thom
as BE. Reilly of Clearfield, who allege they
are excessive and unjust. The commission
has asked the company to file an answer
in ten days.
—According to an announcement on Sat«
urday the Pennsylvania Power and Light
company has bought all the land necessary
for a $30,000,000 power plant at Shamokin
Dam, and the land has been secured for a
six-mile railroad track from Selinsgrove
to the site of the proposed plant. The new
plant is to have a capacity of 300,000 kilo-
watts, it is said.
—A small notebook, in a vest pocket
over his heart, probably saved the life of
Edward Field, when he was attacked by a
man on East Mifflin street, Lancaster, last
Thursday. Field had stepped from an of-
fice into the street, when a man jumped
from behind a pole and lunged at him with
a knife. The blade slashed through his
vest, against the book. Field escaped un-
scratched. The other man fled.
—Approximately 1,200 carloads of apples
will ‘be packed and shipped this year under
the new Pennsylvania grades, the depart-
ment of agriculture announced last week.
Twenty inspectors of the bureau of mar-
kets are at work inspecting apples in the
important shipping districts of Adams,
Bedford, Cumberland, Franklin, Lancaster,
Perry, Snyder and York counties. Reports
indicate the fruit is of high quality.
—Burglars entered the Harry Corkins
poolroom on Valley street, Lewistown
some time between midnight and 7 o’clock
last Wednesday morning and got away
with $ cash and merchandise. This
was the fifth time in four years that the
poolroom has been robbed. Twenty-five
dollars of the loot was in cash and the
balance in cigarettes, cigars, candy, pipes
a shotgun of the sawed-off type and an au-
tomatic revolver.
—Charles Gehrig, 37 years old, walking to
Hazleton, where he was to marry a local
woman this week, was slugged on Friday
night by three young men who invited
him to ride in their car. He was picked
up in the outskirts of Hazleton, paralyzed
in the lower limbs from a blow on the
: spine and is in the State hospital in a ser-
jous condition. The sum of $285 had been
' taken from him. City and State police
' have descriptions of the thugs.
—Hiding Liberty bonds in the oven of
the kitchen stove is not a good policy, ag
Frank Wilt, of Hollidaysburg, discovered
Se Cp ; day. “He Is out ahaut $1,400 be-
‘ cause he hid the bonds in the oven and did
not tell the members of the family where
he had put them. When Mrs. Wilt had
occasion to light a fire in the stove the
bonds were scorched so badly that the
numbers on them could not be read. Some
of the bonds were registered and can be
replaced. a
—Mrs. Harry N. Anderson is in the Kane
Summit hospital suffering from burns, her
husband is at home badly burned and
their home in Kane was damaged by an
explosion and fire that followed the at-
tempt of Mrs. Anderson to emulate a dry
_ cleaner. Mrs. Anderson placed two gal-
lons of gasoline in her electric washer and
put some clothing in the gasoline. The
friction caused an explosion that tore the
machine to bits, badly wrecked and set the
home ablaze, The couple escaped death
miraculously. £
—Authorities are making an investigi-
tion into the story of Barbara R. Abbott,
aged 15, a West Newton High school girl
who was missing for several days from
her home and returned on Saturday tell-
ing a melodramatic story of being kidnap-
ped by a man and a woman and held a
prisoner in a Pittsburgh rooming house
several days. She is the daughter of Mr
and Mrs. P. H. Abbott and is considered
one of the most beautiful young girls in
the West Newton district. She is under
the care of a physician and will not he
able to resume her studies for some time.
—At 2 o'clock on Sunday merning Wil-
liamsport police were called to the home
of Frank Gentile, where they found Gentile
suffering from knife wounds in the abdo-
men, and his daughter, Mrs. Tony Bovee,
cut about the arms and hands. Genti’e
had interfered in a quarrel between Bovee
and his wife and Bovee had attacked him,
tke woman being wounded in the effort to
prevent her husband from killing her
father. Shortly after the police were noti-
fied that a man had been killed by an
automobile about three blocks from the
scene of the stabbing and going there
found Bovee lying in the street dying
from three stab wounds in the chest, prob-
ably self-inflicted, since he was net in-
jured in the fight at the house. Gentile’s
condition is serious. ° ; :
—Richard Thompson, the five-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Thomp-
son, of Lock Haven, narrowly escaped
death about 6 o'clock on Monday evening,
when he ran directly in front of a car and
was rolled under the wheels. The child
and the parents drove to the home of Mr,
Thompson’s father, John R. Thompsen, of
Salona, and when they reached there the
boy "jumped out of the car . before his
mother could stop him. He started to
run across the road to where his grand-
father was standing and did not see the
oncoming car, The machine struck him
and knocked him down beneath the wheels.
| In an attempt to stop the car the driver
ran into a bank and the child rolled out
between the front and rear wheels.
Although he suffered cuts and bruises
about the left hand and bruises on the
left hip and right leg, the child escaped
without any serious injuries.