Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 01, 1926, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa., October 1, 1926.
U. S. Soldier Will be Best Educated.
Uncle Sam’s military experts have
a new goal—to make the American
soldier the best educated in the world.
From the highest officers to the
lowliest private school days have tak-
en on a real meaning under the new
scheme. The West Pointer who used
to represent the last word in military
preparation now grabs his sheepskin
and starts for another Army School.
“Join the Army and Go to School”
exclaims the veteran, hard-boiled
doughboy in derisive tones. But the
highest officers in the Army take. the
matter more seriously.
The World War brought into play
scientific forces on a scale never
dreamed of by military experts, and
many predict the next war will see
the complete triumph of science over
brute strength.
The Army War College, housed in
an imposing building overlooking the
Potomac River, with a “campus” as
trim as any to be found throughout
the country, has opened its fall term
‘with the same sort of exercises to be
found in any other institution of
Grizzled general officers are among
the seventy-six to reach the college
for a final determination of their elig-
ibility to the general staff. They
listen to lectures and they are called
on to “recite.”
Scores of other Army Schools
throughout the country and in the
Philippines call the lesser officers, the
non-coms and the privates. The War
Department is now detailing to many
‘State universities a limited number
of officers whose tuition is paid in ord-
er that they may develop their knowl-
edge of some particular subject and
become an expert in time of war.
Every private is being urged to
take advantage of wide opportunities
presented for increasing his general
learning, and all sorts of trade in-
struction is offered. Some schools are
required, but many are voluntary.
An Army captain who commanded
a cavalry troop tells of a bright young
chap who had been employed by a
telephone company as a laborer and
after he entered the Army refused to
listen to suggestions for volunteer
schooling. After patient argument
he was induced to take up the study
of electricity. Now, says the captain,
he is boss of the telephone company
outfit in which he used to be a laporer.
The largest Army schools are to be
found at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
and Camp Benning, Georgia, devoted
chiefly to military subjects. But gen-
eral instruction is included there as
‘well as in schools conducted at many
army posts.—Exchange.
ee ——— i ———
Small Towns Profit.
Congestion of automobiles in the
cities is proving a benefit to small-
town merchants. Many of the lesser
communities report that parking re-
strictions in large and middle-sized
cities is hindering the small-town buy-
.er who used to go to the city to shop.
Apparently traffic and parking diffi-
culties are making it hard for shop-
pers to buy in the city, and they are
staying at home. Marysville, Ohio, is
a town of about 12,000 inhabitants,
just 830 miles from Columbus. Mer.
«chants in this community report that,
since parking and traffic have become
so complicated in Columbus, many
people are not going to the larger ciiy
and Marysville merchants are pros-
A very interesting plan to aid the
out-of-town buyer and to prevent
parking restrictions from hurting the
local merchants has been evolved
‘through the retail merchants’ bureau
-of Bluefield, W. Va. In this enterpris-
ing city a one-hour parking limit is
strictly enforced in business districts.
An out-of-town buyer coming to the
city, however, receives a special tag
‘to place on his car. Police authorities
note this tag and will not take action
‘if the parking limit is violated.—Na-
tion’s Business Magazine.
‘Scientist Makes Glass Eyes That Can
be Moved.
Berlin.—Movable glass eyes which
:are hard to distinguish from normal
eyes because they are subject to the
«control of optic muscles have been
successfully fitted by Dr. Carl Muel-
ler of Jena, noted artificial eye spe-
Doctor Mueller found that in 90 out
«of 100 cases of the loss of an eye the
muscles and nerves controlling the
Tpvement of the eye were unimpair-
He said he fastens connective mus-
cles tissue of animals to a glass eye
-and grafts these tissues onto the rem-
ants of the human eye muscles. The
«extremely delicate operation requires
about an hour, and he has been suc-
cessful in from 80 to 90 per cent. of
his cases. Success depends to a large
extent, he asserted, upon the condi-
tion of the eye socket after the loss
of the eye.
ree eres
Device Warns Flyer Near Ground in
London.—By means of new inven-
tions air pilots are able to steer safe-
ly to a given point in the thickest fog,
Flight Lieut. H. Cooch has informed
the Royal Aeronautical society.
By means of delicate instruments
in the cockpit a pilot is kept auto-
‘matically informed when he is within
1,500 feet of the ground, and the loss
of every foot of height as he descends
is also indicated.
Other instruments show the aviator
‘just what part of the aerodrome he is
over, he has arrived in the vicinity
of his destination, so that he may land
‘in safety, though he may not be able
to see the ground until he has actual-
ly alighted.
membre i —————
——The Watchman prints all the
‘news ‘fit ‘to read.
“It’s never so bad that it mightn’t be
So the ones who are favored go preaching,
And, for lack of a sermon more hopeful or
It's a good little text to be teaching.
But why not improve? Why may we not
For a change in its spirit and letter,
And preach that if matters are bad we can
Help a little in making them better?
—Dayton News.
—Shorter and tighter skirts than
ever before have been worn in Amer-
ica will be yogue during the fall and
winter season, according to a state-
ment made at the semi-annual con-
vention of the Fashion Art League in
Chicago by Ralph Moni, its president.
But just around the corner is relief
for those girls and women for whom
the prevailing style never was meant,
Mr. Moni said. While the kneecap
will be a common sight for a time, the
length of skirts will drop consider-
ably with approach of spring because
of the fullness of the upper part of
the gowns. Fall and winter gowns
will be very full from shoulders to
hips, with ruffles and full arms, the
designer said.
Suits often comprise a rough tweed
jacket with plain skirt. Sometimes
there are sleeveless jackets for extra
Coats are amply furred with a
shaded or other modish pleat. Not sel-
dom fullness will be shirred into the
back of the neck or a few sun-ray
pleats may mark this area.
A few of the necks have an Oriental
touch in their collarless simplicity.
One or two sleeves are of pleasant
The upward curve or cutaway line
is suggested many times on bodice or
on skirt. Boleros are treated in new
ways. One is stitched right into the
Quite a few of Lenief’s evening
dresses are on princess lines. The
lovely one sketched is in pale green
chiffon velvet, Gold bands, semi-trans-
parent between them, outline the odd-
ly cut upper part, giving interest gt
each side, as is often the case here.
Water lilies, pink and green tinted,
rest on the shoulders.
There are a great many overlap-
ping leaflike shapes covered with
glistening paillettes for evening
frocks or skirts only. A charming
dress has a silver lace cutaway jacket
effect with pink and silver frills tak-
ing the same line on a pink skirt be-
low. Another lovely model has a bod-
ice of crystal and a little black, with
a skirt of lace tiers deepening to
—Those who have broken down
from mental labor should have rest
from wearing thought; but they
should not be led to believe that it is
dangerous to use their mental powers
at all. Many are inclined to regard
their condition as worse than it real-
ly is. This state of mind is unfavor-
able to recovery and should not be en-
—Use any good polishing cream on
a soft "¢lofh’ on’ a parchment lamp-
shade. Wipe it gently, without rub-
bing, on only a small portion of the
shade at a time. Then wipe off the
cream with a damp cloth. The same
process will remove dust and smoke
from a wooden lampshade and from
gilt picture frames.
—Never hold a baby so that a
strong light shines in its face, or lay
it down for its nap facing an unpro-
tected window. Teach the child to
sleep in a dark room, if possible,
though if a child is really afraid I
consider a light the lesser evil.
When a foreign substance has got
into the eye it is often relieved by
waiting until the tears start and then
rubbing very gently toward the nose;
but usually the eyes should be rubbed
as little as possible unless directed by
the best medical authority. Some-
times the lid may be gently rolled
over a pencil and the dirt picked out
with the moistened point of a very
soft white clean cloth. If the sub-
stance is sharp or rasping a physician
should be employed at once.
Every child should be taught the
correct position for studying or read-
ing—not to face the light, not to lean
over the work—and if its eyes are not
strong some restrictions should be
made to the use of them. Bathing
the eyes, when tired, with warm wat-
er and witch hazel is very soothing
and is not injurious.
Never neglect getting medical at-
tention for the children’s eyes. I
know of innumerable instances where
children have become almost or total-
ly blind through lack of proper care,
and have been obliged to go through
life in this pitiable condition when the
trouble might have been cured when
they were children—The Housekeeper.
A Word With
the Old Folks
ElderlyPeople Are Learning Importance
of Good Elimination.
N the later years of life there is
apt to be a slowing up of the
bodily functions. Good elimination,
however, is just as essential to the
old as to the young. Many old folks
have learned the value of Doan’s
Pills when a stimulant diuretic to
the kidneys is required. Scanty or
burning passages of kidney secre-
tions are often signs of improper kid-
ney function. In most every com-
munity are scores of users and en-
dorsers who acclaim the merit of
Doan’s. Ask your neighbor!
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. ¥.
is away for the summer is often at a
loss to get a little hot water at short
notice. There are all sorts of alcohol
and electric heaters that can be
bought at small cost, and one should
never be without one of them.
Even so, alcohol will sometimes be
wanting at the vital moment. One
woman solved the problem by carry-
ing in her bag a small wire toaster,
just big enough to fit over the top of
a gas globe. With this at hand it is
easy to get a cup of hot tea at short
notice or to heat curling irons with-
out holding them in the flame or dim-*
ming the light. hs
In addition to the toaster it is well
to carry a small tincup to rest upon
it in an emergency. &!
—Pound steak well, pour boiling
water over and scald thoroughly.
Drain, cut in pieces, roll in flour, sea-
son with salt and pepper, fry in but-
ter until brown, then cover with hot
water and cook slowly until tender.
Keep well covered and replenish water
if it boils away.
At meal time take cup of flour,
heaping teaspoonful of baking pow-
der, teaspoonful of salt, mix, add
enough cold water to make batter that
will just drop from moistened spoon.
Use teaspoon and put dumpling on
each piece of meat, and water if nec-
essary, cover closely seven minutes.
Take up with dumpling on meat, pour
the gravy over all and serve at once.
How Muscles Should be Used in Lift-
Few people know how to lift a
heavy object properly. The few who
do rarely use their knowledge. Lift-
ing should be done in such a way as to
use the muscles of the thighs, not the
back or abdominal muscles. Qnly by
using the leg muscles, can one avoid
putting too great a strain on the back
and abdomen, even when these mus-
cles are well developed.
In lifting, bend the knees, not the
back, until the object to be lifted is
on a level with the hands. Then
straighten the knees, raising the body
and the heavy object at the same time.
—Hygeia Magazine.
Hunters Must Have License.
The following information has been
received from the State Game Com-
mission relative to the hunting of
groundhogs. “These animals are un-
protected and may be killed at any
time. However, the game law requires
that any persen who desires to hunt
or chase with the intention of taking
or killing any wild animal in this
State, shall be in possession of a hunt-
ing license, if he uses firearms or any
device or instrument for the above
purpose.” The penalty is a fine of $20
and costs.
Table Manners.
When eating corn on the cob, ad-
just it as you would a mouth organ,
but do not run the scale so rapidly. |
Place the napkin in your lap. Nyv-
er display it at half mast. -
If you are obliged to yawn, wait un-
til there is a gap in the conversation.
Syrup should be used. for. nourish
ment and not as a liniment.—Pony
—Roomie: Hey, what’s the idea’ of
wearing those sun goggles in bed?
Snake: Oh some fool is always wak- '
ing me up in the daytime and the light
hurts my eyes.—Nebraska Awgwan.
—Maw: Hey, William, get your fa-
ther’s hat out of that mudhole.
Son: I can’t, Maw, he’s got it strap-
ped under his chin.—Okla. Whirlwind.
For Liver Ills.
to tone and strengthen
a ns id hii tite 3
stop sick Poadatnat: rorpye bil
lousnes correct constipation. |
They ac romptly, pleasantly, |
mildly, thoroughly. }
Tomorrow Alright
25¢: Box
16--Day Excursion
Friday, October 15
Round Trip from
Proportionate Fares from Other Points
For details as to leaving time of
trains, fares in parlor or sleeping
cars, stop-over privileges, or other
information, consult Ticket Agents,
or David Todd, Division Passenger
Agent, Williamsport, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad
This Six-Room Bungalow
Adapts Self to Any Lot
en —————————
THERE is much to be sald in favor of the one-story dwelling, and when the
floor plan is as expertly arranged as in this Colonial bifogalow the usual
objections of lack of privacy and long distances to walk, are avolded.
This house may run either lengthwise or across the width of the lot. The
exterior is of steined grey shingles with either a green shingled or tiled roof,
The trimmings should be white and the shutters green to harmonize
with the roof.
The three bedrooms are well shut
off from the rest of the house. The
large open porch or sunroom can be
made to open off either the living
or dining room. The kitchen has the
desired built-in features, including
the useful breakfast nook.
The cost of this house can be ma-
terially reduced by omitting the
basement and allowing space on the
main floor for a small boiler room.
The walls and roof also are sheathed
with celotex to keep the tempera-
ture at comfort point the year
©, Celotechnic Institute, Chicago, 1928. =
1h poe Ser,
Miss Beatrice Beightol has been on
the sick list the past week.
The funeral of Mrs. Zelma Rumber-
ger, on Sunday, was largely attended.
Ira Condo and family of Orviston,
were visitors among friends here on
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoy, of Hub-
lersburg, were Sunday callers at the
Harry Hoy home.
Our community keenly feels it’s loss
of Lynn Ertley, who accidentally shot
Fire... Automobile
Bonds of All Kinds |
Hugh M. Quigley
‘Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court BELJI.EFONTE, PA.
himself last Sunday. Neighbors with
tractors, Etc., went to his home the
past week and the job of putting out
the fall crops is progressing rapidly.
——You can’t clean up the world
with soft-soap. It requires grit.
Dairymen ---Notice
A special sale of Mayer’s
Dairy Feed—a Ready-
Mixed Ration, 22% protein
$40.00 per Ton
Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load
Frank M. Mayer
The Big Thing
The Fayble 2-Pants Suits
uits with two pairs pants that are
strictly all wool—tailoring and fit as
good as good tailors can make—priced
as low as $25.00—others up to $37.50.
These are, beyond a doubt, the biggest
suit values we have ever shown.
We want you to see
them—we want you
to know how good these suits really are.
We know you will find them the greatest
clothing bargains you
have ever seen.
Don’t, come to buy—just, look. But, don’t,
miss seeing them.
They are
at, Fauble’s—Bellefonte’s Best, Men's Store
A. Fauble
KLINE WOODRING. — Attorney-at
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
Office, room 18 Cridore :
. ol-1y
all courts.
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5, East
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Offices on second floor
of Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Gere
man. Office in Criders Exchange,
Bellefonte, Pa. 58-5
Bellefonte State College
Crider’s Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
8. GLENN, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
dence. 35-41
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist, Regls-
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and
lenses matched. Casebeer Bldg., High St.,
Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed
by the State Board. State College,
every day except Saturday. Belle-
fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite
the Court House, Wednesday afternoons
from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a. m. to
4.30 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40
We Keep a Full Line
of Feeds in Stock
Try Our Dairy Mixtures
—22% protein; made of all
Clean, Pure Feeds—
$46.00 per Ton
We manufacture a Poultry
Mash good as any that you
can buy, $2.90 per hundred.
$52.00 per
Purina Cow Chow
ses scence
Oil Meal, 34 per cent. protein, 54.00 * *
Cotton Seed, 48 pr. ct. prot. 50.00 * «
Gluten, 28 per cent. protein, 48.00 * ©
Alfalfa Meal ......cc0c00venns 4500 ¢« «=
BERR tuiieivscnsnrsvvsecsses 84.00 «“ ©
MIGANNES .uudevrseevesassnes 86.00 ¢
(These Prices are at the Mill)
q $2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery.
We are discontinuing the storage
of wheat. After July 1st, 1926, all
wheat must be sold when delivered to
our mill.
G. 1. Wagner & Go., Inc
66-11-1yr. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
Fine Job Printing
at the
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
This Interests You
The Workman’s Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance compul-
sory. We specialize in placing
such insurance. n= We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1yr. ~ State College