Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 20, 1926, Image 5

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—H. BE. Van Norman, of Chicago, passed
through Bellefonte Wednesday on his way
to State College, for a visit of several days.
—Miss Winifred M. Gates expects to
leave tomorrow afternoon on a week's va-
cation which she will spend with Mrs. A.
B. Sutherland, in Huntingdon.
—Mrs. James B. Strohm and Miss Kath-
erine Goodhart came over Wednesday
from Centre Hall, to be guests for a short
time of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss.
—Miss Anna Badger was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Decker on their driwe
to their home in Detroit last Saturday. She
will visit the Deckers in Detroit for ten
—Ruth Jane Stover, who had been visiting
in Bellefonte for two weeks with her
father’s uncle, George C. Glenn and his
family, on east High street, returned to
her home in DuBois Tuesday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Poorman and
their daughter Ruth, of east High St., are
away on a two weeks motor camping trip,
which they expected would take them well
into the lake regions of Canada.
— Edward Miller, son of H. S. Miller, of
east High street, came in from Pittsburgh,
Tuesday evening, intending to remain in
Bellefonte indefinitely in order to help his
father on his various carpentering jobs.
—Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Eisenhauer and
children went over to Beavertown, on Sat-
urday, for a visit with Mrs. Eisenhauex’s
home folks. Mr. Eisenhauer returned on
Sunday while his wife and children ex-
tended their visit until the middle of the
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker and
their two daughters, with Mr. and Mrs.
James Clark, as guests, started yesterday
on a motor trip to Elizabethtown, where
they expected to spend the day visiting
the Masonic home there. They will return
this evening.
—R. B. Freeman with the P. R. R. Co., at
Philadelphia, who is making his annual
summer visit at the Nittany Country club,
entertained Miss Charlotte Powell and her
guest, Mrs. William Hoopes, of West
Chester, and Mrs. Bradford, of New York,
at dinner Wednesday.
—Dr. and Mrs. John M. Keichline, with
two of their children, drove over from
Huntingdon a week ago, Mr. Keichline
going directly on to the Keichline family
reunion at KFaston, where he spent the
week-end. Mrs. Keichline and two chil-
dren remained in Bellefonte until his re-
turn, all returning to Huntingdon Mon-
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gates and
two children, Betty and Lynn, completed
their annual visit in Bellefonte on Sun-
day and were taken to their home in
Johnstown by Mrs. E. R. Taylor, her son
Richard and daughter Elizabeth, in the
sheriff’s Chrysler car; the Taylors remain-
ing for several days’ visit before return-
ing home.
—Miss Rebecca N. Rhoads was in Belle-
fonte Monday for several hours, driving
here from State College, where she had
been for several days with Mrs. Irving
Foster. Mrs. Foster had accompanied Miss
Rhoads to Washington, D. C., and remain-
ed there with her until her apartment at
the Chastleton Hotel was ready for occu-
pancy, then’ Migs Bh d and Mrs. Foster
motored: back : to~Centre county in Miss
Rhoads’ car.
-—Mrs, Richard Rutherford and daugh-
ter, Miss Virginia, and Charles Wilson and
family motored in from Zanesville, Ohio,
and were guests of Mrs. J. Will Conley, at
her home on Logan street from Tuesday
until Wednesday evening; going from here
to Williamsport and other sections of the
State before returning home. William B.
‘Wallis, of Pittsburgh, is spending his
week’s vacation with Mrs. Wallis, at the
Conley home, : :
—-Mrs. John T. Laurie and daughter,
Miss Mildred, of Tyrone, were guests of
© Miss Drew, a proféssional nurse of Altoo-
na, on a motor trip to Bellefonte on Sun-
day for the purpose of. visiting the Meyers
cemetery, in Buffalo Run valley, where
Mrs. Laurie's parents are buried, and alse
the grave of her little daughter in the
Union cemetery, Bellefonte. Miss Mildred,
by the way, who is a stenographer in the
Altoona offices of the Pennsylvania rail-
road company, left on Monday on her two
week's vacation, one week of which she
will spend with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Lau-
rie Gray, at Bar Harbor, Maine, and the
other week in a Y. W. C. A. business
girls’ camp at Poland, Maine.
Material Toole Dress
—80 cts to 80 cts. Ready Made weuld
cost $2.00 to $5.00. So many Lovely
Fabrics, yet Most Reasonable in Price
Moose Theatre... Bellefonte
—Rev. M. Depui Maynard, of Ridgway,
was an arrival in Bellefonte Wednesday
evening and during his stay will be a
guest of Mrs. E, H. Richard, of Allegheny
—Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Brewer are enter-
taining Mrs. Brewer's niece, Miss Mildred
Naatz, of Kirkville, N. Y. Miss Naatz has
spent a part of her summer vacation in
Bellefonte for several years.
—The Misses Anne and Louise Hoffer, of
Philipsburg, accompanied by their two
nieces, Eleanor and Ruth Hoffer, of Buf-
falo, N. Y., spent Tuesday afternoon and
evening with friends in this place.
—Miss Agnes Shields and Miss Elizabeth
Hazel are visiting in New York, having
left here Sunday to spend ten days or
two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Shields, who recently moved there from
—Miss Helen Monsel has been among
Bellefonte’s August visitors, having been
here for a ten day’s visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Monsel, of east High
street. Miss Monsel is a registered nurse
at Bryn Mawr,
—Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and daugh-
ter and Mr. and Mrs. Barton Smith, of Jef-
ferson county, spent Monday night with
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter, at their home
en Curtin street. They were on their way
to Philadelphia to take in the Sesqui.
—Miss Kate Alexander, of Los Angeles,
Cal., came east the early part of the month
and is now visiting with friends in Blair
county. Later Miss Alexander will come
to Centre county to visit with relatives and
friends at her former home in Centre Hall.
—Miss Margaret Noonan arrived home
Tuesday night to be with her mother and
sister, Mrs. James Noonan and Miss Geral-
dine, until Sunday. Miss Noonan came
here from Cliff Haven, N. Y., where she
had spent two weeks of her vacation, but
upon leaving will return directly to New
—William Katz, who was taken sudden-
ly ill while on a business trip to New
York, last week, was brought to Bellefonte
Saturday by his son Joseph, and has since
been confined to his bed at the Katz
apartment in the Heverly building. Joseph
returned to his work in Brooklyn, Sun-
* —Mrs. Gregg Curtin with her small son
will leave next week to join her daughter,
Carroll Chipley, at Ocean City, where they
all will be guests of Mrs. Curtin’s sister
at her summer home there. Carroll will
go from there to enter Swarthmore next
month, while Mrs. Curtin will continue her
visit until the middle of September.
—The Rev. Ambrose Schmidt has been a
guest at the A. C. Mingle home during his
visit to Bellefonte this week. Dr. Schmidt
was here looking after the shipping of
some of their household goods to Green-
ville, Pa., where he and Mrs. Schmidt will
now make their home, both having accept-
ed positions at the Orphans Home at that
place; Dr. Schmidt in the capacity of as-
sistant to the superintendent and Mrs.
Schmidt as assistant to the matron.
—Rev. Reed O. Steely returned, on
Tuesday, from a two weeks trip to Paines-
ville, Minn., where he attended the gen-
eral convention of the young people's
societies of the United Brethren church.
He came home with the same story told us
earlier in ‘the week, that Minnesota is a
State of ten thousand lakes, and Paines-
ville, which is about the size of Bellefonte,
is located on the largest ome of the ten
thousénd. The result was that while peo-
ple of Bellefonte were sweltering with the
heat, last week, Rev: Steely was cool as the
proverbial cucumber.
Miss Ellen Burkholder is a Sesqui
visitor this week.
The T. M. Moore family is on a mo-
tor trip to points in the eastern part
of the State.
Rev. and Mrs. Dunlap, of Reading,
are visiting at the J. C. Brooks home,
at Rhoneymede.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Zettle motored
through to Ohio, stopping at Johns-
town on the way out.
Miss Kate Alexander, of Los An-
geles, Cal., is at present in Tyrone, on
her way to Centre Hall and vicinity.
Jim Smith, of Williamsport, spent a
week at the old homestead here, vis-
iting his sister and brother and wife.
The Bartholomews visited “Auntie”
Shoop, in the Methodist home in Ty-
Fasheen English Prints
Voiles, Sun Tub Linenes, India Linen,
Batiste. .Embarrassing how little the
material costs—yet how beautiful
August 23
Twenty-—--Eighth Annual Tour
With 4 MINSTREL ACES ( Hard to Beat)
Hi Brown Bobby Burns—Tommy Stevenson, and 35
Minstrel Entertainers---A Real Treat, in Minstrelsy.
Prices 50 cents, $1.00, $1.50—plus tax.
Seats now on sale at Mott Drug Co.
rone, on Tuesday, and found her con-
siderably improved physically and in
very good spirits.
Guy Jacobs’ children, Frances and
Guy Jr., from Steubenville, Ohio, are
visiting their grandma, Mrs. Lizzie
Jacobs. They came alone from Pitts-
burgh to Tyrone, where they were
met by their aunt Margaret and uncle
Leslie in an automobile.
——DMrs. Mary Corba, who sustain-
ed a badly injured knee on the night
of August 7th when a motor party,
of which she was a member, drove in-
to a freight train at the Weaver cross-
ing above Milesburg, had recovered
sufficiently to be taken to her home in
Pittsburgh on Wednesday.
Salesman, Salesladies and Re-
tail merchant. My items fit all
of you. Salesman averages $1.00
profit for every dealer called on.
Costs dealers $2.00, he sells for
$3.50 makes $1.50 on $2.00 in-
vested. Salesman makes $1.00. If
you are a Salesman or wish to
become one. If you never sold
anything in your life I will tell
you how to make better than
$100.00 a week. (Address)
Geo. L. Lane, Mansfield, Ohio.
Long Established Business for Sale.
The James Schofield Saddlery, in Belle-
fonte, established in 1871, is offered for
sale either as a whole or in part. Failing
health necessitates owner’s retirement. A
good stand and good business. Saddlery,
hardware, harness of all kinds, collars and
strap work. Write or inquire of
Bellefonte, Pa.
OR SALE.— 8 piece dining room suit.
F Real leather upholstering. Tele-
phone 194-R.
OR SALE.—Ford touring car in good
F condition, (sacrifice) First $40.00
takes it. J. H. Halstead, barber,
Pleasant Gap, Pa., Box 84. 71-33-1t
tamentary upon the estate of
Maurice F. Broderick, late of Belle-
fonte borough, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and those having claims against the
same must present them, duly authenti-
cated, for settlement.
W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa.
Attorney. 71-31-6t
of the annual statement of the
school district of Bellefonte Bor-
ough for the year ending July 6th, 1926:
Assessed Valuation............$ 1842951 00
Personal Property Tax.......... 2095 00
Per Capita Tax.,.,............... 6310 00
For School Purposes, 21 mills... 38701 97
Totol Amount of Taxes......... 45011 97
Account of Charles F. Cook, Treasurer:
To Balance on Hand July 7th ’
25 ‘ +4019 13
AIOE ad iar. avn rd $
Rec'd from General Property .
NX ati ister tra ine 43978 71
Tuition, non-resident pupils... 16589 52
General Appropriation......... 15957 00
Vocational - Appropriation...... 1200 00
Refunds, sale of boeks, etc..... 789 31
Rent ........ SREP PLN 25 00
NOE vv. rve cities, 9500 00
Total Receipts.........$ 92058 67
Expense of Administration:
General Control.....$1813.86
Educational vie 12002
Compulsory Hd..... 91.28—$% 1925 16
Expense of Instruction.........$ 53019 45
Expense of Operation.......... 6868 52
Expense of Maintenance....... 2641 94
Expense of Fixed Charges..... 3517 56
Expense of Debt Service....... 14013 65
Expense of Capital Outlay..... 9090 66
Expense of Auxiliary Agencies. 634 16
Total Expenditures....$ 91711 10
By Bal in Centre County
Bank Jil. $104.87
By Bal. in Bellefonte Trust
M0. edits sinaany 242.70—$ 347 57
Tota). .ones:reierss $ 92058 67
Receipts :—
To Amt. in Treasurer's hands
July 7th, 3025. ....0cceeveas $ 10000 00
To Amt. Received from Gen-
ergl Fund... ... i. iii 2600 00
To Amt. Received as Interest.. 478 56
Total Receipts......... $ 13370 56
Expenditures :—
By Amt. State Tax on Bond-
CT 3 A SR 292 00
By 130 Coupons, Interest on
Bonded Debt.........virves 2600 00
Bal in Fund July 6, 1926:
U. 8. Liberty Bond $10000.00
Cer. of Deposit... 478.56—$ 10478 56
Motal.......... $ 13370 56
CASH ACCT. OF A. H. SLOOP, Principal.
Receipts :—
To Bal. on hand July 7, 1926...% 4 02
To Amt. Received from School
Board i... 0. ieee, 304 01
Total... $ 30803
Expenditures :—
By Amt. Paid for Postage,
Bxpress, Bte......c..00 00 $ 308 03
Assets i—
Amt. in Banks July 6, 1026.....$ 347 57
Amt. Due from Herbert Au-
man, Collector:
1924 Duplicate........... . 1134 59
1925 Duplicate............ 2034 67
Amt. Due from Tuition....... . 1755 31
Amt. Due on Tax Liens........ 2998 73
Amt. in Sinking Fund......... 10478 56
Total Assets........$ 19649 43
Liabilities :—
New Bonded Debt............. $ 65000 00
Note of Mrs. M. E. Brouse...... 8000 00
Note of Bellefonte Trust Co..... 5000 00
Due Herbert Auman, Collector,
3922 Duplicate.....,.... ae 11 62
1923 Duplicate........... 15 80
Total Liabilities......... reese $3 7S027 42
Total AssetS........... Tren 19649 43
Net Indebtedness.......... ...5 583717 99
Borough Auditors.
Bellefonte, Pa.,
July 31, 1926.
Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432
W.R. Shope Lumber Co.
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing
OR SALE OR RENT—Residence and
Garage, 203 east Linn St., Belle-
fonte. Inquire of H. N. Crider,
112 south Harvard Ave. Ventnor, N. J.
. 71-9-tf.
C given that an application will be
made to the Court of Common
Pleas of Centre county on September 1st,
1926, at ten o'clock a. m. under the provis-
jons of the Corporation Act of 1874 and
its supplements, for a charter for an in-
tended corporation to be called “GAMMA
TY,” the character and object of which are
the erecting and maintaining of a building
or buildings for lodge and club purposes;
and for these purposes to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv-
ileges conferred by the said Act and the
supplements thereto.
HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
S writ of Levari Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public sale at the Court House in
the Borough of Bellefonte, on
the following property:
Two certain tracts or parcels of land in
Curtin Township, Centre County, in the
State of Pennsylvania, aggregating 203
acres, 1 rod, 107 perches, more or less.
The first of said tracts, containing 119
acres, is the same land that was conveyed
to said Ives L. Harvey by deed from James
A. Beaver, trustee, dated May 28th, 1910,
and recorded in the office for the recording
of Deeds in said County in Deed Book 108,
page 485, and by deed from William E.
Orbison and others, all the heirs at law of
Ellen M. Harris, deceased, dated January
1st, 1910, and recorded in said office in
Deed Book 108, page 488, and is contained
within the following courses and dis-
BEGINNING at stones, thence by land
of W. A. Heverly North 81 degrees East
6014 perches to stones; thence by same
North 611% degrees East 241% perches to
stones; thence North 81 degrees East 18
perches to post; thence North 65 degrees
East 22 perches to post; thence North 70
degrees East 31 perches to the North fork
of Marsh Creek; thence by said creek
North-west 57 perches to stones; thence
North 601% degrees East 54 perches to
centre of Public Road; thence by said
Public Road South 66 degrees East 36
perches to post; thence South 73 degrees
Fast 20 perches to post; thence South 56
degrees East 23.3 perches to post at forks
of Public Road; thence by same North 73
degrees East 24.8 perches to post on
line of Joseph Long; thence by same
South 31% degrees East to Marsh
Creek; thence by said Creek South
36 perches to post; thence by land of
Joseph Long South 413; degrees West 155
perches to corner, original White Oak of
John Miller survey of 1771; thence by land
of W. Davids’ heirs North 2214 degrees
West 100 perches to stones; thence by same
North 14 degrees West 44 perches to the
place of beginning.
he Second of said tracts, containing 8%
acres, 1 rod, 107 perches, is the same land
that was conveyed to J. Ellis Harvey and
ta.said Ives L. Harvey. by deed from J:
Wilson Mann, a bachelor, dated February
11, 1907, and recorded in said Office in
Deed Book 97, page 332, the said J. Ellis
Harvey, a bachelor, having conveyed his
interest therein to said Ives L. Harvey by
deed dated December 29th, 1909, and re-
corded in said Office in Deed Book 108,
page 87, and is more particularly described
as follows:
ALL that certain messuage, tenement
and tract of land situate in the Township
of Curtin, County of Centre, and State of
Pennsylvania, being on the East side of
what is known as Marsh Creek. BEGIN-
NING on a bridge crossing said creek,
thence North 66 degrees East 12.3 perches
to Public Road; thence along said Public
Road South 67% East 34 perches; thence
South 781% degrees East 17.3 perches;
thence South 58 degrees East 24.3 perches;
thence North 72 degrees East 25.2 perches
to a post; thence by land formerly of John
P. DeHaas Nerth 421, degrees West 132
perches to stone; thence by land formerly
of John Woomer South 20%; degrees West
80 .perches to a pointer; Thence North 70
degrees West 30 perches to stones; thence
South 3514 degrees West 81 perches to
Creek its several courses and distances to
the place of beginning. Containing 86
acres 107 perches and allowances.
THEREFROM, a certain tract of land sold
her husband, to Deborah Mann by deed
dated November 30th, 1903, and recorded in
Centre County in Deed Book 92, page 40,
more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at bridge on Marsh Creek
leading to John A. Daley’s farm, thence
South 62 degrees West 4 rods to a post;
thence North 411% degrees West 10 rods to
post; thence North 68 degrees West 4 rods
to stones; thence North 30 degrees West
7Y% rods to post; thence North 42 degrees
West 18 rods to post; thence South 57 de-
grees West 12 rods to the middle of Marsh
Creek ; thence South 4 degrees East 38 rods
acres, more or less.
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Ives L. Harvey and
Alice K. Harvey, Mortagors and Harry O.
Fye and Orine E. Fye, terre tenats and
real owners.
Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of
said day.
BE. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Bellefonte,
Pa., August 4th 1926. 71-32-3t
101 Seuth Eleventh Bt.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
stones; thence South 57% degrees West 47 |
perches to the said North fork of Marsh
Créek ; thence down in the middle of said ;
to the place of beginning. Containing 1% |
Having thereon erected a frame dwelling,
So many of the Every-day Wants
reach us daily that a reminder seems
Impossible. . Warm, Murky Weather—
as now being experienced—calls for
Gauze Underwear
and Water-Wings
Plenty of Each GARMANS
Muslin at 10c. a Yard
—Don’t expect to be able to buy it
any old time. When you comsider the
Raw Cotton at five or six times the
eld time prices, then you will see what
a bargain a 10¢c Muslin is.
——Enough rain fell on Sunday
night and Monday forenoon to fill FIRE INSURANCE
every cistern in Centre county and At a Reduced Rate
put the ground in good condition for |... J, M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
Encampment and Fa
Of the Patrons of Hushandry of Central Pennsylvania
Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa.
August 28th to September 3rd, 1926
Pledge «+ Public
on Used Car Sales
Encampment Opens August 28th.
The largest and best fair in Central Pennsylvania; by farmers and
for farmers. Grounds increased to seventy acres. Beautifully locat-
ed. Shade and pure water. Electric light. . Telephones.
A large display of Farm Stock and Poultry, Farm Implements,
Fruits, Cereals, and every product of farm and garden.
Free Attractions and Amusements
Admission (For Entire Week) 50 Cents
Fifty cents will be charged for parking automobiles.
Excursion rates on railroads within 75 miles.
71-33-2t JACOB SHARER, Chairman.
- All used cars offered to the public shall be honestly rep-
If a car is suitable only for a mechanic who can rebuild
it, or for some one who expects only a few months’
rough usage on a camping trip, it must be sold on that
basis. Each car must be sold for just what it is.
- All Studebaker automobiles which are sold as CERTIFIED
CARS have been properly reconditioned, and carry a 30-
day guarantee for replacement of defective parts and free
service on adjustments.
This is possible because tremendous reserve mileage has
been built into every Studebaker, which it is impossible
to exhaust in years.
by Magdalena Mann and William Mann, °
Every used car is conspicuously marked with its price in
plain figures, and that price, just as the price of our new
cars, is rigidly maintained.
3 =
The public can deal in confidence and safety only with
the dealer whose policy is “one price only—the same .
price to all.” For, to sell cars on this basis, every one
of them must be honestly priced to begin with.
4 = Every purchaser of a used car may drive it for five days,
—then, if not satisfied for any reason, turn it back and ap-
ply the money paid as a credit on the purchase of any oth-
er car in stock, new or used.
It is assumed, of course, that the car has not been
smashed up by collision or other accident in the mean-
is our policy to make every sale make a
friend—on used cars as on new. That is
why we offer a five days trial on every used car that :
| leaves our floor. Investigate these values:
1 Studebaker Special Roadster
1 Special Touring
1 Big Six Coupe
3 1 Jewett 4—-Passenger Coupe
$¢ 1 Ford Touring
Geo. A. Beezer
W. stay in business and succeed because it