Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 23, 1926, Image 7

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    ————————— -
Galli-Curci Swayed by the
Seer of Sweden
Bellefonte, Pa., July 23, 1926.
i it
State is Covered with Public Camps.
Harrisburg, July 15. —Scattered
throughout Pennsylvania on State
forest lands and located on secondary
roads are to be found almost a score
of public camps designed primarily
for use by hikers, hunters, fishermen
and picnickers.
The camps are known as Class “B”
camps and cover about 400 acres.
Each is equipped with a lexn-to fire-
place, benches, tables, comfort sta-
tions and garbage containers.
may be occupied for two consecutive
days without obtaining permission
from the district forester.
Among the camps are the follow-
Sizerville Camp—Near a big min-
eral spring just east of Sizerville,
Cameron county; has about 100 miles
of roads and trails in adjacent forest.
Old Locust Camp—Named for an
old locust tree probably planted by
Major Jacob Neff, an early settler,
located in Centre county along Lewis-
town-Bellefonte highway.
McCall Damp Camp—Affords good
hunting and fishing and on site of
old McCall dam along White Deer
creek; in Centre county and reached
by forest road linking State highway
route 306 with Sugar valley.
Byron Foust Krumrine Camp—In
Centre county south of Coburn;
named for Byron Foust Krumrine,,
newspaperman and World war soldier
who was drowned in Penns creek
nearby. :
Ravensburg Camp—Named for rav-
ens which formerly nested in great
numbers in the rocks near the camp;
in Clinton county along Loganton-
Rauchtown road.
Sprow’s Run Camp—Named for the
Sprow family, well-known in the char-
coal industry of the State; in South
mountains with good fishing and hunt-
ing; along Caledonia-Mount Holly
springs road, north of Lincoln high-
Laurel Forge Camp—In Cumber-
land county, along Caledonia-Mount
Holly Springs road about seventeen
miles north of Lincoln highway;
Laurel lake, nearby, created in pre-
Revolutionary times as part of the
Pine Grove Furnace operation.
Bear Valley Camp—Named for the
large number of bears formerly found
there; near old Tuscarora Indian trail,
located in Franklin county twelve
miles northwest of Chambersburg.
Buchanan Camp—In Franklin coun-
ty south of Fort Louden on Lincoln
highway; an edge of Buchanan State
forest park named for President
Clear Creek Camp—Along Clarion
river in Jefferson county; reached by
road from Sigel or Hillstone.
Upper Pine Bottom Camp—North-
east of Waterville, Lycoming county;
was famous for white pine growth.
Sulphur Spring Camp—Eight miles
southeast of Mount Union in Mifflin
county; near large forest growth.
Kansas Valley Camp—Southeast of
East Waterford, Perry county; said
to have been the refuge of Lewis, a
Cherry Springs Camp—Affords
ideal spot for remoteness; eight miles
south of Coudersport and reached by
Jersey Shore-Coudersport turnpike.
Keser Camp -—Between Mount
Pleasant and Somerset, Somerset
Baldwin Run Camp—In Tioga ccun-
ty, nine miles west of Wellsboro;
home of much wild life.
Joyce Kilmer Camp—Named for
Joyce Kilmer, American poet, who
lost his life in the World war; along
Lewisburg-Bellefonte highway in Un-
ion county.
Laurel Summit Camp—In West-
moreland county, twelve miles south
of Lincoln highway at Laughlintown
and said to have the highest elevation
of all camps.
Find Fish Still Used as Candles in
The history of lighting from such
crude beginnings as when the Shet-
land islanders made a torch-lamp by
sticking a wick in the throat of the
fat stormy petrel, forms the subject
of an interesting manuscript just
completed as the fruit of years of re-
search by a Smithsonian scientist, Dr.
Walter Hough, head curator of an-
Doctor Hough reveals that animals
have played a surprisingly large part
in furnishing light to man. A very
fat little fish, called the candle fish,
is burned like the stormy petrel by
the Indians of the northwest coast of
America. In the tropics of America
the natives used to build cages to hold
the great light-bearing beetle or fire-
fly for illuminating purposes. But
whales and seals have made the larg-
est contribution, of course, in supply-
ing lamp fuel. Up to the discovery
of petroleum in quantities in 1859,
they provided the major portion of the
world’s lamp oil.
Farmers Petition for More Research.
Farmers and business men of Erie
county, several hundred in number,
have petitioned the Pennsylvania
State College experiment station to
start experiments in that county on
various problems facing fruit and
vegetable growers. The project pro-
posed for consideration are in horti-
culture, plant pathology, entomology,
and agronomy.
Increasing competition from east
and west has made it imperative, say
the farmers in their request, that
some relief come to the growers of
the lake shore county so that they can
produce more economically and thus
meet the growing competition.
A committee composed of horticul-
turists, plant pathologists, and entom-
ologists of the Pennsylvania experi-
ment station staff has been appointed
to investigate the question. 8S. W.
Fletcher, head of the department of
horticulture at Penn State, is chair-
man of the committee. A preliminary
survey will be made this summer.
\ Is Future American
to Forget Laughter?
It is gradually beginning to dawn
upon the most reluctant people in the
world—I refer to the Americans—that
their humor is not laughing matter.
Laughing will soon be recognized as
a vibratory emotion in which the death
rattle is distinctly discernible. Unless
all signs fail, laughter will soon be
relegated to the past as one of the
lowest forms of self-expression. The
man who laughs will be in the same
case with the man who spends money
only upon himself. Both are forms of
ostentatious vulgarity, not to be tol-
erated where spiritual intelligence wil’
soon hold dominion over intellect.
Hitherto, in order to conceal our dis-
may over the sudden display of truth
as it came in humor, we have thought
it best to laugh. But this is an age of
exposure. The necessity for dissimu-
lation has gone. We no longer feel
ashamed at anything we do.
Hence, when a good joke comes
along, we may easily be inclined to
shed tears over it. The tragedy of it
will shock us more than before the
truth of it tended to make us conceal
it with an. outward show of mirth.
And from all this—who knows?—a na-
tional sense of humor, hitherto lack-
ing, may arise. In a democracy all
things are possible.—Thomas L. Mas-
son, in the International Book Review
Railroad Would Join
President in Hades
A young man had succeeded his de-
ceased father as president of a small
railroad in the Southwest. The old
man had been heartily disliked, for he
had worked his employees and his road
to the last gasp and the new presi-
dent on his first inspection trip found
the equipment in bad shape. Toward
evening his special stopped at a di-
vision point and he got out. As he
walked alongside his private car he
met a grizzled old “car tink” who was
busy tapping the car wheels with his
little hammer.
“What do you think of the car?” the
president asked.
“Good enough for the rails it rides
on,” was the ambiguous reply.
“Well, how about the rails?”
“Listen here,” said the young ex
ecutive, “do you know who I am?”
“Sure. You're the president. I
fnew your father when he was presi-
dent, and he’s going to be president
“What do you mean? Don’t you |
know my father’s dead?”
“Yep,” the old-timer nodded. “I
&now he’s dead. And the road’s going
to hell, too!”—The Funny Side Out,
by Nellie Revell.
French Middle Class
The term “bourgeoisie” is applied
¢o the great middle class of the French
people, consisting of the merchants,
manufacturers, and upper tradesmen.
Previous to the Thirteenth century
they were included among the serfs, |
and for long after were forbidden the
use of certain ornaments and stuffs |
reserved exclusively for the nobility. |
Owing to the favor shown them by
Philip Augustus (1189-1223), their ;
social position was much improved. |
As late as 1614 the president of the |
States-General, speaking of the bour- |
geoisie, said, “It is a great insolence |
to wish to establish any sort of equal- |
ity between us and them; they are |
only to us as the valet to his master.” |
The nobles further demanded that “the |
common people be forbidden to carry
pistols, to wear velvet or satin, or to
own any but hamstrung dogs.”—Ex-
Too Cold to Snow
‘The weather bureau says that the
greater number of more or less heavy
snows come with southerly to easterly
winds—i. e., in what is known as the
“rainy” portion of the cyclonic or
storm area. "These winds generally
are relatively mild. As the storm
passes the winds come from the north-
west, roughly, and are relatively cold.
In short, precipitation comes with
relatively warm easterly to southerly
winds, and clear weather follows with
relatively cold northwest winds. HM,
then, the winter wind is from the
northwest, it is cold, and from the
wrong direction to give much snow.
This, presumably, is the origin of the
saying, “It is too cold to snow.” This
statement, however, is not literally
true, for light snows can occur at any
temperature; and, indeed, it occasion-
ally happens that heavy snows occur
when the surface air is quite cold.
Rather “Near” Relative
A Chicago woman gave a relative &
pox of expensive stationery. The fol-
lowing Christmas the relative asked
her to buy it back, offering to sell it
for half she paid for it. He ex-
plained he preferred a paper with
lines and that he was giving her the
opportunity to buy a nice gift for
some one else at a reduced price. We
are reminded of the story of a little boy
who has just asked his mother what
a near relative is, The Chicago man
was a “near” relative.—Exchange
Tony’s Trouble
A small boy, who was sitting next
¢o his mother at dinner, was trying to
force a large piece of pudding fnto his
mouth, when looking up he caught his
mother's eye on him. He guiltily low-
ered his spoon to kis plate.
“Ch, Tony,” said his mother, “I was
so afrefd that was all going in.”
The child looked up with a roguish
smile. :
“Well, mummie,” he said, “I was
afraid it wasn’t.”
Emanuel Sedetiock
Amelita Galli-Curci
Frarence go Darron,
Prima Donna Gives Wonderful Interpretation
of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg—
ENRY FORD’S Dearborn Inde-
pendent publishes a remarkable
article on Galli-Curci and
Ensen Swedenborg, by Clarence W.
rron of the Wall Street Journal,
the world famous financial authority.
Mr. Barron declares that Galli-
rci has the most wonderful brain
has ever met or heard of in a
oman, although she is much more
a true woman with a life and soul
pf affection for all that is ennobling
mnd uplifting in the family, and in
polor, form, and music.”
Mr. Barron is chairman of the
fRotch Trustees, who acting under the
of Lydia S. Rotch of New Bed-
ord, Mass., began in 1872 a modern
glation of the Theological Works
hich Emanuel Swedenborg wrote
gnd published in the Latin tongue,
pnd deposited in the libraries of the
world 160 years ago.
This work was completed and pub-
hed by the Houghton Mifflin Co. in
volumes in 1907.
About three years ago there ap-
ared in a Cleveland paper a para-
aph that among her other accom-
plishments Galli-Curci had read all
the Theological Writings of Emanuel
{Swedenborg. The claim seemed so
rd to Mr. Barron that he thought
might be easily punctured by a
pimple inquiry as to the edition.
The Bible a Greater Work Than Ever
To Mr. Barron’s direct inquiry
Madame Galli-Curci promptly re
lied: “Yes, I have read in the past
ear the complete Swedenborg Works,
“fact it is the Rotch!Edition' of the
oughton Mifflin Co. that I have.
“] can say certainly that the Bible
to me is a greater work than it was
Mr. Barron -says: “My astonish-
ment was intensified. Familiar over
many years with Swedenborg’s gen-
eral theological writings, I had set
out to read the entire thirty-two vol-
umes preparatory to an advertising
campaign for the sale of this edition.
Reading a few pages each day I fin-
ished my self-imposed task in four-
teen years. I shall probably finish a
gecond reading, at my present rate of
rogress, in perhaps ten years. Was
jt possible that a woman with no
previous knowledge or relation to
these books had really intelligently
read them within a year?”
Swedenborg’'s Writings
Mr. Barron continues: “As an
economist writing state papers on
weights, measures, coinages and cur-
rencies, Swedenborg is easily com-
rehended. As an engineer transport.
ng ships overland he is easily visual
ized. As a government official in the
great ‘mining industry of ‘Sweden,
ing practical books on mining
nd smelting, declared to be the foun-
tion of modern metallurgy, he is
of interest in the encyclopedia of sci-
gntific history. As the writer of vol
umes—original studies in search for
fe human soul—he is not without
uman interest.
“But when one comes to the realm
f the unseen, where there is neither
me nor space upon which to rest
ental conceptions, few may enter
nto the fullness of the revelation
which has come into the libraries of
the world through Emanuel Sweden-
PTS ik of twenty modern-sized
lumes, originally written in the
tin tongue and unfolding from the
ebrew of ‘Genesis’ and ‘Exodus’ the
ternal or spiritual sense that lies
eath the letter. Annex a dozen
more similar volumes that not only
expound every picture set forth in
the book of ‘Revelation’ as conveyor
of g tremendous truth of universal
application throughout invisible de-
of creation and life, but also
fllumine all the problems of sex as
presented throughout the universe
from the union of the love and wis-
dom in the divine down to sex crystal-
lization in the mineral kingdom; in-
clude the deepest of all works ever
written entitled, in the original Latin,
‘Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Di-
vine Love and the Divine Wisdom.’|
Then answer to yourself the number
of years that ought to be required to
master these thirty-two volumes.”
Mean More Than Any Other Books
) Mr. Barron, still credulous, con-
tinued his correspondence With
Madame Galli-Curci for some months,
He learned that soon after she lost
her dear mother she had sought the
Writings of Swedenborg in a desire
to know more about the other world
whence her mother had gone. She
spent the entire summer vacation
studying Swedenborg’s Works, and
declared: “They have meant, and
mean more to me than anything else
I have ever read.”
When Galli-Curci returned from
California Mr. Barron motored up
into the Catskills to her beautiful
Italian palace, and in an afternoon
with her and her husband, Mr. Homer
Samuels, he was convinced that Galli-
Curci had read and devoured Sweden-
borg in a briefer period than any-
body had ever done before.
He says of this interview:
“Hours flew like minutes. I wasn’t
the questioner. Mr. and Mrs. Samuels
were at me with the sharpest and
deepest. questions. They seemed "in
perfect harmony mentally and spir-
itually, as in their work in musie
Wanted to Learn
“She wanted to know about the
‘Grand Man’. I told her it would be
easier to comprehend it if she would
forego the idea of time and space and
consider, as Swedenborg says in ‘The
Apocalypse Explained’, that every so-
ciety in .the heavens connects with’
some organ of’ the human .body and
helps to sustain it. Therefore the
heavens have the organization of the
‘Grand Man’, but we need not think
of it as a shape or figure.
“‘Yes,” exclaimed her husband, ‘I
see it; it is organization.’ I explained,
also, how the ‘Psalms’ likewise con-
nected with every society of the
heavens, and how the world within
and without was knit together in one
grand poem and song of creation, man
in the image of his Maker and knit
into Him through the heavens, from
which he has life in every organ of
his body. ;
Swedonborg’s 32 Volumes Read in a
* Single Summer
“‘Now I understand,’ she said, and
asked me for explanation of other
things. Her intelligent questions, as
well as her statements, left no man-
ner of doubt that Galli-Curci had
performed the stupendous feat of
reading the thirty-two volumes of
Swedenborg in a single summer sea-
son. She declared ‘Heaven and Hell’ a
very attractive and popular title and
concerns that about which people are
most eager to know; but it is not one
of Swedenborg’s great works; al-
though it makes a good popular and
introductory work.”
A Help in Her Work
Galli-Curci understands the writ.
ings of Swedenborg even better than
theologians, because she puts them
into practice in the broadest life of
loving helpfulness.
She said that Swedenborg had
helped her in her work. She had no
longer to think of herself but of her
audiences, and let the music flow
through her: regard herself just a
medium for life to pour through. She
felt with and for her audiences, and
singing was no effort for her.
All Fear Vanishes
“The more you do—the more you
give forth—the more life and energy
is poured into you, and you are
stronger and not weaker for the
ing, the working and the singing.
always feel stronger; I. am not
hausted at all by my singing.
enborg shows the reason and
comes in as you peer it forth
to others. You don’t have to 0
worry or fret. You know it is yo!
but that it is just being done through
you.” .
Speaking further of the help Swed-
enborg had been ic her in her work
she said: “One gu's so much more
confidence. The other world and the
one life, that comprehends all life,
becomes reality and all fear and
worry vanish.”
—Many horses fail to stand up un-
der the work of the summer months
because of the ration fed. It is like
burning a candle at both ends to
feed a horse a heavy, heating ration
internally with the summer sun burn-
ing from" the exterior.
One dozen eggs weigh one and one-
half pounds.
One quart of water weighs the
same as one pound of meat or soup
One packed pint of chopped meat,
one pound.
Economic Condition
of the World---
President Coolidge Said ;
“Thd economic condition of the world
has been greatly improved.” This
will inspire confidence and help in-
crease production.
This is a Good Bank for Your Depository.
The First National Bank |
ve Bank Book Protects |
Against the Hold-Up Man
he Hold-Up Man wants your
ready cash and jewelry — he
doesn’t want your bank-book.
Keep the bulk of your money in
the Bank (the First National Bank)
—either in a Checking Account
or a Savings Account.
tm ———————
Lyon & Company
Clearance Sale
of All Summer Goods
W: will offer until sold Exceptional Values at Clos-
ing-Out Prices. Just a few of the Many Specials
tor this Clearance Sale.
Lot 1---Muslin Underwear
Values up to $2.50—Clearance
price 45c.
Lot 2---Wash Silks
36in. wide—all colors, awning
and narrow stripes, values up to
$2.25—Sale price $1.25,
Lot 3--flil Kinds Wash Materials
(Including Linen)—all 1 yard
wide, at only 35c.
Suits and Coats
One lot Infants Silk Socks and Chil-
drens Mercerized Lisle—values up
to 75 cts., sale price 45cts.
See our rack of Suits and Coats
—all must be sold nowat....
It will be Your Loss if you Do Not
Come in Our Store.
Lyon & Company