Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 23, 1926, Image 4

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“Bellefonte, Pa., July 23, 1926.
¥. GBAY MEEK, Editer
“we Cerrespondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
metice this paper will be furnished to sub-
seribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance
Paid before expiration of year 1.75
Paid after expiration of year 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
img. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., 88 second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tiled when a subscriber wishes the pa-
‘per discontinued. In all such cases the
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A sample copy of the “Watchman” wil)
he gent without cost to applicants.
For United States Senator,
of Tioga County.
For Governor,
of Philadelphia.
For Lieutenaut Governor,
of Westmoreland County.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
of Allegheny County.
For Congress,
of Clearfield.
For State Senator,
of Clearfield.
or Assemblyman,
of Philipsburg.
Democratic and County
Home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. North in
Line of Fire for Two Days.
It has been several months since
the Watchman has been privileged to
publish a letter from either Mr. or
Mrs. W. 'R. North, of Chungking,
China. Mrs. North, prior to her mar-
riage, was Miss Sarah Shuey, daugh-
ter of C. C. Shuey, of Bellefonte.
Since the arrival of William Jr. the
time of both father and mother has
been pretty well occupied, and their
letters have been confined mostly to
private affairs, but here is one writ-
ten on May 24th, telling of a battle
between opposing Chinese forces
which is quite thrilling, and also ends
all right because none of the Norths
or their associates figured in the
casualty list.
Chungking, China, May 24.
Had any one prophesied ten years
ago that the writer would experience
being under fire the first time on the
western edge of China, he would cer-
tainly have been a bit puzzled. Ten
years ago the only firing line that any
one thought of was in connection with
the Great War, and China, especially
near the Tibetan border, wasn’t very
prominent in that conflict. But we
had the experience of entertaining the
firing line in our door-yard.
Before I write more, I ought in all
fairness to make it plain that war-
fare as practised in West China isn’t
of the fierceness of warfare in chris-
tian countries. The main idea of the
armies of Szechwan and its neigh-
bors seems to be to oust the enemy
with the least possible loss of Ilife—
a military principle that is of course
obnoxious in Christian warfare.
But as this is a story of the battle
of Dsen Jia Ngai, the locality where
we live, I must get down to brass
tacks. On Sunday, May 16th, the
soldiers of General Yuen Dsu Min,
the ranking officer in the city of
Chungking, were seen to be gathering
lumber and boats at the foot of the
cliff en which our campus is situated.
Those who have lived in China long
knew what that meant—a pontoon
bridge for troop movements.
On Monday the bridge was built.
The Chinese know how to build these
bridges. They ought to, for they have
no bridges over their large streams.
By Monday night the bridge was
done. About eleven o'clock that
night the troops began to cross. Their
line of march up over the hill on the
opposite side of the river was visible
through their lanterns and toYrches.
(This the writer gathered from oth-
ers. He was engaged in the land of
Tuesday saw further troop move-
ments across the bridge in the direc-
tion of the army of General Yang
Sen, former military governor of the
province, who was driven out last
summer through the treachery of
some of his officers. Going down to
Hankow, General Yang gathered
fresh resources through General Wu
Pei Fu, one of the three most promi-
nent military leaders in China today,
and came back. He had made slow
but steady progress up river until he
was within a few miles of his objec-
tive, Chungking, the chief commercial
center of Szechwan. To check him
was the avowed purpose of General
Yuen. The latter is a native of the
provience of Kweichow, to the south
of Szechwan, and famous as one of
the least productive and most pover-
ty-stricken provinces in the Republic.
He was naturally not anxious to re-
turn to his hard and forbidding land.
On Tuesday afternoon we went to
the city to spend the night with
friends. On Wednesday morning I
started out about half-past five to
walk back to the school. As I passed
the Lin Kiang Men, one ‘of the city
gates, I found it closed. When I
reached the Tong Yuen Men, I found
it also closed, but I got out after
writing my name on the back of a
blank check for the guard at the
gate. The Chinese farmers had not
been so fortunate, for outside I found
a large number of them with their
loads of vegetables of all sorts, wait-
ing for a chance to enter. Probably
I could have made some good bargains
that morning, had I had any money
with me, or the ambition to carry a
load of vegetables for two miles.
Just as I reached the school, I be-
gan to hear the guns over the hills
across the river. The firing kept up
all day. That afternoon I thought I
had better go back to the city to let
Sarah know how things were at home.
As I reached Tong Yuen Men, the
city gate nearest the country, the
only important land gate in the city,
I called through the closed iron gates
to the guard, and slipped him my
visiting card, with the request that
I be permitted to enter. After due
consultation with the officer of the
guard, the men on duty let me in. As
1 approached Dai Jia Hang, the street
on which the members of the Metho-
dist Episcopal mission live, I found
the streets in wild excitement. Men
were running toward the wall for a
sight. I glanced out across the Kial-
ing river to see soldiers running up
the opposite shore in great numbers.
I hurried to the mission compounds,
which open out upon the city wall,
and found all the brethren and sisters
watching the movies. Bbatloads of
soldiers were making from the Kiang-
beh shore, the opposite side, to Chung-
king. Others not so fortunate as to
find boats, ran upstream toward the
pontoon bridge, which was about two
miles away.
About this time said brethren and
sisters decided that the stray shots
whistling around weren’t altogether
healthful, and were for seeking re-
tirement in their parlors. I said hello
and good-bye, and left. I knew if I
didn’t get out of the gate before the
retreating soldiers arrived, I was
likely to be shut in the city indefinite-
ly, and as my job called for me at sev-
en o’clock that evening, I decided that
speed was important, On the way to
the gate I met an acquaintance who
lives at Dsen Jia Ngai, near the
school. As it was difficult for a
Chinese to get through the gate just
then, he asked to accompany me.
When I presented my card, the guard
passed both of us. We went down
the steps toward the river at no in-
considerable speed, and up over the
road along the river, from where we
could see the fleeing soldiers. I was
making all speed, for I feared that if
the pursued crossed the pontoon
bridge and came down on the Chung-
king side of the river, I might meet
them on the road. This would be a
bit annoying, as the road is only two
or three feet wide. It would be even
more annoying if the pursuers were
following close behind, firing pro-
miscuously, as they were likely to do.
The Chinese aren’t used to fast
walking, as a rule. I felt a bit com-
passionate for my friend, Mr. Dsen,
and tried to slow up a little. But
when he left me just before I reached
the school, I'm afraid he rued the
time when he asked to accompany
RAS along, we found the
populace on all the points of vantage,
taking in the ‘greatest excitement of
ithe year. We found billeted soldiers
{at the entrances to compounds and
temples where they had been station-
ed under full equipment, and ready to
evacuate. 1 got back to the schocl
{ without meeting any retreating sol-
diers, or stopping any bullets, although
the latter were popping all around.
1 found the bridge fuil of retreat-
ing soldiers, machine guns, stretch-
ers, a few wounded, and some horses.
Soldiers had lined up on the cam-
pus along the cliff, hiding behind the
shrubbery and firing across the river.
Just above the pontoon bridge a squad
| of soldiers were guarding the retreat-
ling army. On both sides of Mr.
| Rape’s compound wells was a firing
line. It was not unnatural, therefore,
that bullets whistled frequently, and
that the firing was rather startling
at times. All night long the firing
kept up. The sharp pop of rifles, the
tattoo of machine guns, and the oc-
casional sullen boom of a cannon,
formed great music to soothe one
I to slumber. But as our house is a bit
removed from the rest of the build-
ings on the campus, I didn’t lie awake
thinking about what might not hap-
> When I went down to the school
early next morning, I took the back
path. The main road lies along the
edge of the cliff overlooking the riv-
er. It wasn’t as popular as usual. I
found the pontoon bridge still intact,
with the firing as incessant as ever.
No casualties in the neighborhcod had
as yet been reported, however! Soon
after I reached the Rape compound,
the retreating Kweichow troops cut
the bridge. Part of it floated off
down the river, but the end attached
to this side remained in place. Then
cross. Mr. Rape and I, looking on
from the porch of his house, remarked
upon the unusual bravery displayed
by these troops. They rowed out in-
to mid-stream, and then seemed to
float down, without attempting to
come nearer. It seemed a foolhardy
thing to do. We could see the bul-
lets splashing the water on all sides.
Of course we couldn’t easily tell how
many struck the boats. Soon these
boats had floated out of sight. Later
we learned that these were Kweichow
men, caught on the other side by the
cutting of the bridge, and seeking
to escape the advancing Szech-
wan army. The men on this shore
had been firing on their own men,
and did not know it. It was said
that in some of the boats almost
all the men were killed. One or two
were said to have capsized in mid-
stream, all the occupants being
drowned. One of the boats, said to
have started out with several dozen
men, finally landed on this side with
only three men alive. People in the
city, two miles down, tell of having
seen a boatload of soldiers floating
down, with several men frantically
waving and screaming for mercy from
their own comrades. You see even a
human war such as is waged in West
China, can almost at times approach
Christian war for blood and slaughter.
soldiers began to pile into boats to |.
Firing kept up all day, but the | STRAUB.—The sudden and unex-
Szechwanese did not attempt to cross
at this point at that time. Kweighow
men held all the cliff on this side, and
crossing would not have been pleas-
ant. During the afternoon, while we
were sitting and talking in the Rape
house, a bullet struck the edge of the
brick just outside the window.. Had
the bullet been an inch or two far-
ther to one side, Mrs. Rape would
probably have been killed. Such is
the excitement of a “miss” of a mis-
sionary. It is needless to say that I
didn’t go into the city to see Sarah
that day.
When I reached home for dinner
that day, I found that the Kweichow
men had torn down my fence, and had
established their firing line in the
door-yard along the river cliff. I gath-
ered a few empty shells for souvenirs.
They did not find the spot advantage-
ous, and moved a little to one side,
hiding among the sheafs of wheat
standing in the field. I could also
hear them shooting just below our
compound nearer the river.
Shooting kept up all evening, and
was still to be heard, although with
lessening intensity, toward bedtime.
The only thing that made me at all
uneasy was the firing of shells some
distance away.
the city might be in the lige of fire,
as the mission property is directly on |
the river front.
Next morning my servants inform-
ed me that the soldiers had all “dso
lo” (gone). I felt a bit lonesome
without soldiers running into the
dooryard for water to drink. As I
went down to schecol, I could see the
Szechwan soldiers piling into boats
to cross the river. Many had already
crossed, and were searching the coun-
tryside for Kweichow stragglers. Fir-
ing could still be heard in the dis-
tance, but everything was quiet in
this neighborhood, except for an oc-
casional spurt, probably when a strag-
gler was encountered.
That afternoon, Friday, I went to
the city. I asked acquaintances I met
on the road as to whether I could get
through the gate. One would say
“Yes, you can get in, but you can’t
get out.”
you can get out, but you can’t get in.”
Another would say, “No, you can’t go
in or out.” I went. I got in. I got
Sarah and Billy. I got out. Every-
thing was lovely. :
We learned that the Szechwanese
had entered the city Thursday after-
noon, long before they landed on this
side at the school. After nine o’clock
Friday we resumed our school work,
and had nothing to show for the fight-
ing except, a few lost bullets, and
cartridges, some empty shells, and a
pool of blood, where some poor fellow
“got his.”
Today is the first day I have not
been able to hear firing. After leav-
ing Chungking, Yuen’s men crossed
the Yanktse river, and made the mint
their last stronghold, apparently. To-
day I am told that the river is now
“crossable.” That probably means
that the mint has been taken, or that
the Kweichow troops have been driv-
en back from the surrounding terri-
tory, and are massed there or retreat-
ing behind it.
‘Next. Sunday. is May 30, the anni.
versary of the fiemorable shooting 4
Shanghai last year. We are all glad
that Generals Wang Fang Dseo and
Yang Sen are in charge of the city
again, as both men are friendly to
foreigners, and not afraid to keep the
lid on. General Wang was in the city |
last spring and summer, and was re-
sponsible, more than any other one
man for the order and dicipline that
generally obtained in the city through-
out the worst of the agitation against
We haven’t quite recovered from
the excitement of the past week, but
we feel that we have grown up anoth-
er notch. We have experienced the
realities of warfare—even though the
“heathen” variety isn’t as terrible as
the Christian.
Motor Party Has Miraculous Escape.
Tuesday afternoon between five and
six o'clock a party of four Lock
Haven people was motoring down Nit.
tany valley. They had been on a long
trip and on leaving Bellefonte the
gentleman who had been at the wheel
turned it over to a lady who was rath-
er inexperienced at driving to com-
plete the journey home.
When just below the home of Wil-
liam Zimmerman, below Hecla, a car
behind them gave the signal of its
intention to pass. It startled the lady
driver so that she pulled so quick and
hard on the wheel that in a flash the
Chevrolet sedan was in the ditch, up
the other side, against the fence which
threw it back on its side on the road
embankment. 5
There were two ladies and two gen-
tlemen in it and none were hurt a
particle, except an elderly lady who
had her fore arm slightly skinned and
suffered a strain of her knee.
After they were lifted from the car
passing motorists lifted it onto its
wheels and it was towed onto the road,
and was able to proceed under its own
power, with no more serious damage
than broken windows, two bent fen-
ders and slightly strained steering
——Miss Betty Lockington, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Locking-
ton, of east High street, has been
elected teacher of French and English
in the Mauch Chunk High school.
Miss Lockington is a graduate of the
Bellefonte High school and the Penn-
sylvania State College, class of 1922,
Last year she did post-graduate work
at State looking to her master’s de-
gree and expects to study in France
——The George Hazel family and
the Paul Fortney family, including
Miss Verna Smith, are in camp for
two weeks, at the Hogel bungalow on
the Dan Houser farm, near Rock
I feared the folks in ,
The next would say, “No,
"pected death of James Alexander
Straub, son of Elmer C. Straub, of
i Bellefonte, in a hospital at Niagara
| Falls on Sunday morning was quite
a shock to his friends in this place.
| When a boy five years old Jimmy fell
i off of a wagon and badly injured his
| hip, which later affected the bone and
| most of his life since he had been
! troubled with recurrent periods of in-
‘fection. During the past two or three
| years, hovever, he had been free from
any attacks and was encouraged to
| believe he had outgrown the trouble.
| But on Sunday, July 12th, a pain in
i his leg became manifest and it grew
"worse so rapidly that early in the
| week he was taken to the Niagara
| Memorial hospital for treatment. It
soon became evident, however, that an
operation was the only hope and this
was performed on Thursday. On Fri-
day his father was notified that his
i son’s condition was regarded as criti-
cal and he and his daughter, Miss
{ Anne Straub, went to Niagara Falls
{ Friday night, in time to see the son
: and brother before he passed away on
Sunday morning.
! Deceased was a son of Elmer C.
| and Alice Alexander Straub and was
i born on the old Alexander homestead,
above Sunnyside on February 24th,
| 1896, hence was 30 years 4 months
i and 22 days old. As a boy he attend-
‘ed the Bellefonte High school, pre-
{ pared for college at the ‘Bellefonte
i Academy then entered State College,
| graduating there on January 27th,
| 1919, in the course in chemistry. He
‘at once accepted a position with the
! General Electric company, at Erie, but
i later left there to become chemist for
{the Glidden Varnish company, at
! Cleveland, Chio. He had not been
i with that firm many months till he
was transferred to their plant at To-
! ronto, Canada, but it was only a tem-
| porary change and he was later sent
back to Cleveland. Last April he re-
signed his position with the Glidden
company to go with the Niagara Elec-
tro-Chemical company, and was in
charge of the construction of that
company’s big acid separating plant at
On January 26th, 1921, he was mar-
ried at Buffalo, N. Y., to Miss Doro-
thy E. Kumpf, the ceremony taking
place in the German Evangelical
church. She survives with one daugh-
ter, Mary Alice Straub, three months
old. He also leaves his father and
sister, Elmer C. and Miss Anne
Straub, of Bellefonte. Funeral ser-
vices were held at his late home at
LaSalle, N. Y., on Tuesday afterncon,
after which the remains were taken
to Buffalo for burial in the Forest
Lawn cemetery.
on Monday morning. She had been
a sufferer with heart trouble the past
‘year or two but on Sunday was out
for a motor run with her husband.
' About nine o’clock that evening she
suffered a severe attack and passed
‘away the next morning.
Mrs. Hill was a daughter of Joseph
‘and Sarah Eckenroth Miller and was
mains will be brought to Bellefonte
tonight and taken to the home of the
girl’s grandfather, J. W. Undercoffer,
where private funeral services will be
held tomorrow, and burial made in the
Union cemetery.
fl I
SHAFFER.—Orr Heilman Shaffer,
M. D., of Miami Beach, Florida, died
at Rochester, Minn., Tuesday evening,
July 20, after an operation for which
he had gone to the Mayo hospital in
that city.
Dr. Shaffer, up to his retirement
from practice seven years ago, was
the prominent practitioner of Altoona
where he was dean of the general hos-
pital staff and surgeon for the Penn-
sylvania R. R. Co. He was a gradu-
ate of the medical school of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania.
In October, 1903, he was married to
Dr. Mary Irvin Thompson, of Lemont,
who survives with their one son, John
| Thompson Shaffer, two sisters and one
| brother.
Funeral services will be held in the
Presbyterian church at Lemont this
afternoon at 2.30 and interment will
be made in “the Branch” cemetery.
American Lime Company Picnic a
Huge Success.
The first annual picnic of the
American Lime & Stone company em-
ployees was held at Hecla park, Sat-
urday afternoon and evening, with an
{estimated attendance of between 600
{and 700 people.
Plant operations were suspended
for the day at the Bellefonte and
Southern Division plants. Cars began
to move about 10.30 and 1.00 o’clock
found most everybody at the park
waiting for the events of the after-
noon and evening.
At 1.30 the races for the children
were scheduled and these offered a
bit of excitement. The prizes were
| worth the effort and many good |.
| laughs resulted from the various
races. After the races, ice cream
cones and peanuts were furnished to
the youngsters; needless to say, this
pleased them very much.
The base ball game—Union Furnace
“Screenings” vs. Bellefonte “Pebbles”
—offered much fun for the diamond
enthusiasts, the final score being 11
to 4 in favor of Bellefonte.
Dancing in the evening to the
American Croation orchestra,
posed of employees of the company,
climaxed the picnic which proved to
be a huge success, and with everyone
looking forward to the time next year
| when the second picnic will be held.
i Much credit is due the committee in
‘charge for the splendid arrangement
of transportation, amusements, etc.
and Miss Catherine Gibson, a daugh-
| ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, of
{Sandy Ridge, were married at the
Lutheran parsonage, Bellefonte, last
Saturday evening, by the pastor, Rev.
Clarence E. Arnold. The bride for
some time past has been a stenogra-
i pher in the offices of the Philadelphia
Public Ledger, while the bridegrooimn
is associated with his father in the
born at Pleasant Gap forty years ago. | retail grocery and meat business in
| place but since her marriage to Mr.
| Hill twenty-three years ago she had
| made her home in Bellefonte. She
church since girlhood. In addition to
her husband she leaves three children,
Mrs. Edward Miller, of Bellefonte;
Russell and Eleanor, at home. She
also leaves one brother and a sister,
Frank A. Miller, of State College,
and Mrs. Fred Herman, of Bellefonte.
Funeral services were held in the
Methodist church at 2.30 o’clock on
Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Homer
C. Knox, burial being made in the
Union cemetery.
STUMP.—Alvin Stump, for many
years a farmer over near Tusseyville,
died at his home in Altoona last Fri-
day, following a few weeks illness.
He was born in Snyder county sixty-
seven years ago. As a young man he
came to Centre county and located in
Potter township, where he followed
farming until three years ago when
he sold out and moved to Altoona. He
was a member of the Reformed
church, the P. O. S. of A. and K. G.
E., of Centre Hall. He married Miss
Mary Wingart who survives with the
following children: John Stump, of
Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. R. C. Herman, of
Philipsburg; Elmer, of Mount Union;
Mrs. Albert Barger and Bruce, both
of Altoona. He also leaves one
brother and a sister, Edwin Stump, of
Belleville, and Mrs. Mary Goss, of
Lewistown. The remains were taken
to Tusseyville where burial was made
on Monday afternoon.
Il I}
ROBB.—Mrs. Belle Robb, widow of
William Robb, for many years resi-
dents of Romola, Centre county, died
on Sunday at her home in Avis fol-
lowing a two week’s illness with a
complication of diseases.
She was a daughter of Michael and
Mary Heaton and was born at Romola
seventy-six years ago. Her husband
died twenty-four years ago but sur-
viving her are the following children:
Edward Robb, of Avis; Miss Edith, at
home; Relda and David, of Harris-
burg; Toner, of Romola; John, of
Howard, and Charles, of Lock Haven.
Burial was made at Romola on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
UNDERCOFFER.—Jean. nine years
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Undercoffer, of Ambridge, Pa., died
on Wednesday following an operation
on Sunday for appendicitis. The re-
was a member of the Methodist |
i Her girlhood life was spent at that, Tyrone, in which place they will make
| their home.
! Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel and Mr. Stong
| were in town on Saturday.
| Mrs. C. N. Hockman is in the Geis-
iinger hospital, at Danville, for treat-
| ment. {
| Mr. and Mrs. James Lingle and two
| children spent Saturday at the Lingle
| home.
| William Sweetwood, of Norristown,
{is visiting his former friends in Cen-
tre Hall.
| Mrs. Wm. Garis is entertaining her
isister and brother-in-law, from
| Green sburg.
| Mrs. Woomer, who lives in the home
of Wm. Tate, is entertaining her son
from Tyrone.
Mrs. Byron Auman and two daugh-
ters, of Millheim, spent Sunday at her
parent’s home.
The Bartholomew car made a trip
to Watsontown, Dewart and Dewitt’s
camp on Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neff returned
{from a trip to the Sesqui-Centennial,
| on Tuesday evening.
Miss Beulah Bingman spent several
weeks with former school chums in
and about Center Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. “Tommy” Hosterman
are spending their vacation touring
the eastern part of the State.
Mrs. W. A. Odenkirk and daughters,
Dorothy and Helen, made an auto
trip to Cleveland, Ohio, recently.
Miss Edith Boozer, after spending
two weeks at the home of her father,
D. A. Boozer, went on to Youngstown,
Ohio, for a short visit.
Mrs. E. L. Bartholomew and daugh-
ter, Mary Helen, of Altoona, and Miss
Mary Kennedy, of Tyrone, spent a few
days at their farm home this week.
The Stork has been busy during the
past week. Among the homes visited
were those of Milton Bradford and
the Lingles, who live in the Alvan
Stump home.
The delegates to Spruce Creek
Camp, Leonora Foust, Alma Lutz,
Fay Bradford, Grace Wible, Emelyn
Brungart, Wilbur McClellan and
Bruce Knarr, returned to their re-
spective homes this week.
On Tuesday Mrs. Anna Bartholo-
mew Kittelberger entertained at her
home in Curwensville the following
auto party: Mrs. Rebecca Romig, of
Liverpool, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Bartholomew and two daughters,
Elizabeth and Jean; Edith and Doris
Moltz and Helen Bartholomew, of
Centre Hall. Mrs. Kittelberger is now
the secretary of their school board.
com- |
| Milesburg Substation Ready for
With the threatening weather on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons
the local management of the Key-
stone Power Corporation had their
Milesburg station brought up to full
steam in readiness to pick up the en-
tire electric load of their lines on
short notice. The Keystone Power
Corporation has been experiencing
considerable interruptions due to
severe electric storms -which have
visited the territory this season, and
had the above plant put in operation
as a special precaution.
Such preparedness as this in the
event of a severe storm in this seec-
tion would greatly assist the Keystone
Power Corporation in maintaining its
usual continuity of service.
Miss Margaret Irvin spent a few
days last week in Tyrene.
Miss Emeline Ramsey, of Harris-
burg, is visiting at W. H. Nolls.
Harold Kerstetter and wife, of Pitts-
burgh, were visitors here last week.
The erection of our new school
buildings will be started in a few days.
* Misses Mary and Vera Hile were
week-end visitors among friends in
Ward Hile and wife left in their car,
Sunday, for a trip through the State
of Indiana.
Harry Confer has improved the ap-
pearance of his house by adding a new
coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitmyer, of
Wilmerding, are visiting with the
former’s mother.
Pauline Kramer, of Altoona, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Swartz.
; Miss Emeline Noll, of Philadelphia,
is spending her vacation here with her
father, W. H. Noll Jr.
Our Whiterock Lime and Stone cor-
poration is hustling to keep pace with
the numerous incoming orders.
The Lutheran congregation will
celebrate the Holy Communion on
next Sunday morning, at 10.30.
The stork visited the homes of
Jared Evey and Floyd Horner and
presented each with a nice big boy.
Mrs. Miller and two daughters, of
Pitcairn, are spending some time with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mong.
Miss Jean Noll has accepted a posi-
tion in the Polyclinic hospital, in
Philadelphia, as supervisor of private
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffith and
daughter Mayme spent Sunday at
Hollidaysburg with the Harry Evey
Quite a number of cur towns peopie
i attended the band concert held at
| Hairy John’s park, near Woodward,
HILL.—Mrs. Margaret B. Hill, wife | Neil—Gibson.—James Neil, son of | On Sunday.
of Lewis A. Hill, of Bellefonte, passed | Mr, and Mrs. P. T.. Neil, of Tyrone,
away quite suddenly at seven o’clock
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz, Mr. and
| Mrs. Wm. Shuey and Mr. and Mrs.
| Reeder Jodon spent Sunday at Lake-
| mont park, Altoona.
Mrs. John Herman has added an addi-
tion to the rear of her residence,
which will add materially to the com-
forts of her up-to-date home.
| The P. O. of A. lodge in our town,
camp 229, held an initiatory service
at their rooms on Monday evening.
Degrees were conferred on two new
“ members.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noll and grand-
| sons, Dean and Jack Miller, of Wood-
lawn, attended the funeral of the
! boy’s grand-father, Charles Wolfe, of
Aaronsburg, on Monday.
! George Wise and family, of Tyrone,
are spending a few days with Mrs.
| Wise’s parents. Mr. Wise had the
' misfortune to break his arm while
cranking his car last week.
1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Herman, ac-
' companied by Mrs. Herman’s parents,
! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKechnie, mo-
i tored to Elmira, N. Y., on Tuesday, to
visit with Mrs. McKechnie’s brother.
The cherry season is about over.
| The crop was an average one, our
| pickers are now about starting in to
| annihilate the huckleberry crop, which
{is abundant and far superior to last
year’s product. The plum crop fol-
i lows and will be a prolific one. Even
if the weather was quite unseasonable
we have an abundance of vegetation.
The gardens are beginning to show a
! marked improvement. :
| Our townsman, Levi A. Miller, spent
{last week in Pittsburgh, and reports
having enjoyed the tim~ of his life,
but alleges the time was too short for
a satisfactory visit, he being unable
to see one-half of his old time asso-
ciates in the brief space of time. Of
course many old friends have passed
away. However, it is the same in our
community. For instance, there are
only four survivors of the actual busi-
ness men of Bellefonte who were en-
gaged in business 50 years ago—then
again the Logan Fire company was
organized in 1868, and only two of the
charter members are living. Eigh-
teen years ago Pleasant Gap could
muster eighteen veterans on Decora-
tion day; today the number is reduced
to only two. Yes, we are passing
The Pleasant Gap Volunteer Fire Co.,
will hold their annual festival on Sat-
urday evening, July 24th. Every
citizen of the town and township
should turn out to help this worthy
cause. The funds are needed to com-
plete the building for thy fire truck.
We had quite a number of fires the
past year but owing to the prompt
action of our firemen the loss was
very light. As a rule when fire com-
panies are organized a number of un-
desirables avail themselves of being
in the front rank. Not so at the Gap,
our company is made up of leading
citizens, good ambitious men and men
of exceptionally good character. Let
the multitude turn out, and let us
show our deserving fire laddies that
we appreciate the services of the men
who are willing to risk their lives in
the interest of our property owners, in
the way of protecting our homes and
firesides. Let us unloose our purse
strings and help.