ye a stn ————— soa — —— —— PINE GROVE MENTION. The ladies were guests of the mem- | Florence Butler motored to Cumber- ee bers. A splendid supper was served |land, Md., on Monday, where they were Roy Close and mother took a motor | and a good program of music and | principals in a double wedding. On run to Altoona on Sunday. brief speeches followed. their return He Some evening Joy Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burwell are off Fred Fry and wife and George Bur- | Were given a wedding supper and re- on a motor trip to West Virginia. well and wife spent Sunday afternoon ception at the A. L. Wieland home, at Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 Dr. Frank Bailey came up from Milton and spent Sunday with his mother. J. Hall Bottorf, Mrs. G. R. Dunlap and Mrs. Charles Smith are all on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Foster have re- turned home from a motor trip to Michigan. Mrs. S. W. Pletcher and friend at- tended their class reunion at Cornell last week. Mrs. Robert Smith, of Miami, Florida, spent Friday at the Clifford Close home. Prof. G. D. Gardner and wife left on Friday for a three months sojourn in California. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting Centre county friends. Fred Corl, who has been confined to bed several weeks with illness, is now much improved. Prof. Al Walters and wife are now snugly quartered in the Mrs. Sarah Grapp home at Erbtown. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey Campbeil spent several days last week with friends at State College. J. E. Peters is having his home done over with a new coat of paint. J. H. Everts is swinging the brush. Roy Gates, wife and daughter Mar- garet, of Lewistown, spent last week visiting relatives in the valley. Prof. Elder Rumberger, of Tennes- see, were entertained at the C. E. Close home one day last week. Clark Koch left last Friday for Chester, Pa., where he has secured a job on the DuPoint stock farm. Mrs. Jessie Elder has been com- missioned postmistress here as suc- cessor to David Barr, deceased. E. B. Homan and wife and Mack Fry and wife motored to Mooresville and spent Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McCormick, of Circleville, were Sunday visitors at the E. C. Musser home on Main St. Miss Helen Neidigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Neidigh, had a bad fall the other day, breaking her arm. A delightful social meeting was held by Pennsvalley lodge I. 0.0. F, in their hall last Saturday evening. INGROWN NAILS Are as Common as Corns Correct them Painlessly with No-Grow-In At Drug Stores, or by Mail (postpaid) so cts. WwW. H. GARMAN P.0.Box 232 71-26-4t Bellefonte, Pa. at the Allen Burwell home, near Ty- rone. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloom, of Milesburg, spent the latter end of the week at the H. M. Walker home, on Main street. Samuel Markle, of State College, has returned from a two week’s visit with friends in Harrisburg and Me- chanicsburg. P. O. S. of A. camp, No. 620, will meet this (Friday) evening, for the election of officers. A good turnout is requested. Mrs. Daniel Irvin, accompanied by Mrs. G. C. Meyers and two daughters, motored to Pittsburgh on Saturday for a week’s visit with relatives. Misses Margaret and Anna Groh, daughters of the late Rev. W. H. Groh, are here from Carlisle for a brief visit among Centre county friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dale and daugh- ter Edith, of the Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kocher, of Graysville, were visitors in town on Saturday evening. Postmaster R. E. Musser, of Penn- sylvania Furnace, and Mrs. David Tressler, of State College, were both taken to the Lock Haven hospital on Monday. ~ William Goheen Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson, of this place, was married at Harrison, Ind., last Saturday, to Miss Ruth Smith, of that city. A splendid entertainment is billed for the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow even- ing at 8 o’clock, by members of the Warriorsmark M. E. church. Price, 25 and 35 cents. Marcellus Sankey, of Middleburg, who attended young farmers™ week exercises at State College last week, spent one night here as the guest of Mrs. Viola Smith. Charles Foster, of Danville, accom- pained by Mrs. John W. Stuart, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Reed and Margaret Lytle, were callers at the J. Will Kepler home, on Saturday. Charles Goss, of Harrisburg, a pas- senger conductor on the Middle divis- ion of the P. R. R,, is here on a two weeks vacation, whipping the streams for his share of trout. Elmer Young, a former Pine Grove Mills boy but now a successful mer- chant at Petersburg, was here for a few hours on Friday while on his way home from a trip to Bloomsburg. Charles Thompson, a well known coal dealer of Johnstown, was a caller at the J. Will Kepler home on Friday while on his way home from attending commencement at State College. Mrs. Randall. Miller, of ~Millheim, entertained . her Sunday school class of young ladies at Tussey lodge, on Point Lookout, over the week-end and Sunday. On Sunday she was joined by her husband and also had as guests Misses Sue and Sadie Dannley. The party returned home on Monday. Washington Butler and Miss Mary Wieland, William Bachman and Miss Cornerstones of Success n the shop, as in the home and school, clear vision is the ally of clear thinking. essary for intelligent doing cess. progress. Dr. Eva And clear thinking is nec- the cornerstone of suc- Bellefonte Wednesday—1.30 to 4.30 p. m. Saturday—9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 71-22tf Do not let defective eyesight hinder your ~ B. Roan Tuesday, Thursday and Friday State College WONDERFUL Cooks Without. Water Can be Used on Gas, Electric Coal or Oil Stoves Prepares meat and vegetables in their own juices without adding a single drop of water and without any danger of burning or scorch- ing. Requires no watching—leaves more time for other tasks. All the delicious natural flavors are retained. Acts just the same as a hired girl to the house-wife —takes all the worries out of the kitchen for her. Advanced Premium Advanced with the First Order of GREAT AMERICAN Tea Products FOR DEMONSTRATION SEE J. W. GIBBONY at the G. F. Musser home, No. 30 West Logan Street, BELLEFONTE X PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAANAAAAAAAAAAANAAANA That's the opinion of Every Happy Housewife who owns one of these Usetul American Cookers. Tadpole. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wieland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenberg were at Danville on Wednesday attending the funeral of thirteen year old Bertha Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder, who died on Monday after three weeks illness with the flu. Her parents, two brothers and two sisters survive. Pennsvalley lodge No. 276, I. O. O. F., will place flags and floral tributes on the graves of deceased members at 6.30 o'clock tomorrow evening. Members are requested to meet at the lodge room and, headed by the Citi- zens band, will march in a body to the cemeteries. J. Kennedy Johnston, of Bellefonte, will make the address. Sixteen of the Walker clan were en- tertained at the cosy home of Stine Walker, on Sunday. Among the group was a Civil war veteran, Chas. Walker, of Huntingdon, who served in the 49th Pennsylvania regiment under Col. Bill Irvin. The old Vet is past the four score mark but still going strong. One of the features of Sunday’s gath- ‘ering was the big dinner served by Mrs. Walker. AARONSBURG. Samuel Breon spent Saturday with his daughter, Mrs. Clinton Bunson, near Belleville, Mifflin county. - Mrs. Carrie Smith, of Millheim, spent a day recently with her two sis- ters, Mrs. A. S. Stover and Miss Liz- zie Yarger. Mrs. Harvey Musser Sr., of Akron, Ohio, has arrived in town and expects to spend the summer in the old Mus- ser hemestead. Mrs. Rupp, of Elderton, Pa. is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Daubenspeck, at the Lutheran parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tomlinson have had as guests during the week their two grand-daughters, children of Dr. Charles Tomlinson, of Milton. Sunday evening, the 27th inst., the Reformed Sunday school of this place will observe their annual Children’s day service. All are welcome. A number of people were in attend- ance at the Children’s day services, Sunday evening, in the Evangelical churches of Coburn and Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith had as guests recently Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Walters, her daughter, Mrs. Owens and small son, of Pitman, N. J. Mrs. Manuel Gilbert and their chil- dren have gone to Youngstown, Ohio, where they are guests of Mrs. Gil- bert’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stover, and their mother, Mrs. A. M. Bower. After a short visit with his two brothers, George and T. C. Weaver, C. A. Weaver went to Huntingdon, Fri- day, to spend a short time with his sister, Mrs. Bell. From there he will leave for his home in Bethlehem. Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Auman and their children, of Youngstown, Ohio, | are at present guests of Mrs. Auman’s mother, Mrs. J. G. Eisenhauer. Mr. Auman was called east at this time by the serious illness of his brother, Harry Auman, of Millheim, who has for some weeks been a patient in the Centre County hospital. Friday of last week C. Earl Bell, Mrs. C. C. Bell, Mrs. F. B. Patton, and Margaret Bell, of Huntingdon, motor- ed to town, bringing with them Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull, who had been their guests for a few days. While in Huntingdon they spent a short time with Mr. Hull’s brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams. PLEASANT GAP. The Klinger family have returned home from a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells are ie- joicing over the arrival of a young son. Children’s day exercises will be held in the M. E. church Sunday evening, at 7.30. The John Millward family, of Osceola Mills, spent Sunday at the Frank Millward home. Mrs. Fink and children, of Tyrone, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Boyd Spicher. Miss Lizzie Gill returned hdme, Sunday, after a very pleasant visit among friends in Lock Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rimmey and little son Bobby, of Olean, N. Y., spint the week-end with the former's father, Charles Rimmey. : Miss Pauline Noll, of Philadelphia, is spending her vacation here with her mother. Miss Johnson, a friend of hers, accompanied her home. Edward King, of Valley View, has joined the aggregation of stone con- tractors at Whiterock. Mr. King has the reputation of being a reliable and trustworthy worker. Mr. and Mrs. David Crum and little daughter returned to their home in Linesville on Sunday, after spending their vacation with Mrs. Crum’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kerstet- ter. Never reprove a child in the pres- ence of strangers, to do this injures its feeling of respect, and is an an- noyance to the visitor also. While it frequently happens that a word of timely admonition is necessary, re- proof should be left until alone with the child. OAK HALL. Mr. Irvin Korman was a Sunday caller among relatives in this vicinity. William Tressler and Ralph Dale spent Monday evening at Centre Hall. William Bohn is in a critical condi- tion at this writing. Mr. Bohn suffer- ed a stroke several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lowder and daughter, Anna May, motored to Ridgway, Saturday, and remained make payment, and 71-16-tf LUMBER? W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing for several days with Mrs. Lowder’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Troupe. Mr. and Mrs. Bridenbaugh, of Union Furnace, were recent callers at the home of their cousin, R. C. Lowder. The Ferree family, of this place, enjoyed a two days camping trip at the Riley cabin in the Bear Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. David Gilliland and family, accompanied by Misses Eliza and Alice Gilliland, enjoyed a picnic, Sunday, at the Alexander home near Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCalmont, of Philadelphia, are being entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Mec- Calmont’s brother, N. B. Martz. Misses Ruth and Grace Martz are enjoying a ten days vacation with relatives at Philadelphia. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 00D FOR SALE.—$1.00 for a one ton truck load at the Academy athletic field. Wood from old board fenc2 replaced by wire fence. T1-26-tf OR SALE—Billiard room, six tables, F good condition, long term lease, good location. For particulars ad- dress HOFFMAN'S BILLIARD ROOM, 71-26-1t Lewistown, Pa. OR SALE OR RENT—Residence and F Garage, 203 east Linn St., Belle- fonte. Inquire of H. N. Crider, 112 south Harvard Ave. Ventnor, N. J. 71-9-tf. reliable man in Center County to build a profitable, independent business selling Whitmer Products house to house. Products highest quality and guaranteed. Car or wagon and team need- ed. Real opportunity fer right man to make $10 to $20 daily. Salesmanship taught FREE. Write THE H. C. WITMER COMPANY, T1-24-5t* Dept. 24, Columbus, Indiana. W relate oppertunity is offered a ed executor of the last will and testament of Aaron W. Reese, late of Port Matilda, Centre county, Penna., deceased, hereby notifies all persons know- ing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those hav- ing claims to present same, properly authenticated for settlement. i F. P. REESE, Executor, 101 Sth St. Tyrone, Pa. E a eee NOTICE—The undersign- 71-22:6t XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- E mentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of A. Y. Wagner, late of Belletonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. C. Y. WAGNER, GEORGE H. HAZEL, Gettig-& Bower,’ Executors, Attorneys. 71-22-61 of administration on the estate of Mary C. Leathers, late of Union- ville Boro., Centre county, having been granted the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement thereof and those having claims against the same should present them, properly authenticated, for payment A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE—Letters CLARA LEATHERS, Administratrix 71-25-6t Unionville, Pa. HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a S writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to me directed, will be ex- posed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1926, the following property: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in Philipsburg Bor- ough, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:— BEGINNING at a point on the Southern line of Pine Street, between North Centre and Second Streets, which point is the intersection of said Southern line of Pine Street and line drawn through the Eastern wall of a brick building now being erected on the Southern part of the residue of premises of the grantor and which point is 44 feet, more or less, from the corner of said Pine Street and an Alley in an East- erly direction; thence along said Pine Street in a Westerly direction. a distance of 44 feet, more or less to the Eastehn line of an Alley, parallel with North Centre Street, and in a Southerly direction, a distance of 90 feet more or less, to line of lot of H. H. Hewitt; thence along the line of same and parallel with Pine street, a distance of 44 feet, more or less, to the Western wall of a brick building now being erected on other lands of the grantor herein, and thence in a Northerly direction along said Western wall of brick building now being erected on other lands of the said ‘grantor herein and continuing on the same course thereof, a distance of 90 feet more or less, to point on the Southern line of Pine Street and the place of begin- ning. Having erected thereon a frame barn or stable. Being the same premises as were sold and conveyed unto the mort- gager herein by Wm. M. Bower, et ux, by deed of even date, not yet recorded. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Harry L. Harper. Sale to commence at 1.30 o’clock p. m. of said day. E. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff’s office, Bellefonte, Pa., June Tth, 1926. 71-25-3t. Dairymen---Notice A special sale of Mayer’s Dairy Feed—a Ready- Mixed Ration, 22% protein $40.00 per Ton Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load Frank M. Mayer BELLEFONTE, PA. 71-11-tf OR SALE.—Red Cross Range in fine condition. Selling stalling electric range. Inquire of Mrs. Geo. Bible, E. Curtin St. —The “Watchman” gives all the because of in- | hoo when it is news. Read it. 71-26-1t* J. McC. Davis, Owner. Water Street Inn Spring Chicken with Hot Biscuit Rag Carpets and Rugs MADE TO ORDER 101 Saath Eleventh Bt. Also Chairs Re-Caned PHILADELPHIA. =" All Orders Promptly Filled E. Logan St., Bellefonte. GEO. W. JOHNSTON A. W. KEICHLINE REGISTERED ARCHITECT M. C. Luke, Manager BELLEFONTE, PENNA. 71-11-6m* SUNDAY IRA D. GARMAN Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-3¢-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Attention! Parents, Boys and Girls! Public School Savings Department Is Open Every Wednesday Throughout (he Summer Yacation Months as when you were attending school. Bellefonte Trust Co. Don’t Forget THAT OUR ome in and make your deposits weekly or mail them to us with your bank book. Credit will be given to you the same BELLEFONTE, PA. Bellefonte, Pa. : flot Weather Clothes il Faubles TE ETT S—— Palm Beach Crash, Tropical Worsteds—the Best. and Largest, Assortment we have Ever Shown. Tailored to hold their shape and good looks until completely worn out. Priced hon- estly. Let. us show you HOW GOOD this Clothing can be. “A. Fauble