Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 25, 1926, Image 1

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—Cherries and berries are a prom-
ising crop in Centre county just now.
- —The “ole swimmin’ hole” isn’t
holding its own at all as a lure for the
kids. Its’ too cold.
—As a means of getting money into
circulation we can think of nothing
more effective than the primary sys-
tem in Pennsylvania.
—Bellefonte is flirting with the lead
in the Susquehanna league again.
There's no use of argument. A good
team can’t be kept down.
—Judge Bonniwell led the parade of
Eagles at Wilkes-Barre, on Tuesday.
Let us hope he leads the Democratic
State ticket to success in November.
—With the President opposed to
the farm bill before Congress and the
Vice President one of its sponsors
some of “the best minds” had better
step in to reconcile their differences.
—The Republican primary scandal
in Pennsylvania has now crossed the
three million dollar mark. and if all
the money that was expended to buy
votes could be checked up we have an
idea that the amount would reach four
—If the general opprobrium that is
being heaped on the direct primary
system should result in its repeal or
modification there would also be an
end of the reprehensible practice of
the stronger parties stealing nomina-
tions on the ticket of the weaker.
—The approaching anniversary of
‘the birth of the Nation reminds us
that it was also Mr. Volstead who put
an end to the old fashioned Fourth of
July celebration. Prohibition doesn’t
prevent celebrations, but it certainly
isn’t stimulating their effervescence.
and what’s a celebration without
—Evidently Mr. Beidleman thinks
he was cheated out of the Republican
nomination for Governor. At least
he gave the Senate investigation com-
mittee that impression. And, up to
the moment, Mr. Fisher, who is the
beneficiary of the ballot chicanery, if
such there was, hasn’t shown any
signs of declining to profit by it.
—It is well that President Coolidge
is a silent man. A reputation for
being stingy with words stood him in
good stead when the country was
listening for something from him on
Denby and Daugherty and Fall and
now saves him from expressing an
opinion of the doings of some of his
Republican friends in Pennsylvania.
—The congratulations, commenda-
ed approbation that we extended the
Sesqui directorate, when we heard,
several weeks ago, that the centennial
gates were to be kept closed on Sun-
days, are all respectfully withdrawn.
We didn’t think much of Bishop
Berry’s dabbling in the recent politi-
cal orgie in Pennsylvania, and said so,
but he does himself, and the Christian
church at large, a great credit by re-
signing from the board now that it
has voted to have a seven day week
at the exposition.
—Confirming the Watchman’s per-
sistent statements that there is noth-
ing worthwhile to be seen at the
‘Sesqui and that that exhibition
shouldn’t be visited before Septem-
‘ber, a gentleman dropped in here
Monday to say that he couldn’t even
get a ten dollar bill changed on the
grounds there last week. When none
of the stands had taken in enough on
a lovely day to break a ten spot there
is pretty good evidence that those
living nearest the show have not been
hooked into spending money to see
something that isn’t ready.
—The pardon of Henry G. Brock is
one that will meet the approval of
every law abiding citizen."
wealthy man Mr. Brock did not try to
use his money to escape punishment
for his offense. Instead, he plead
guilty, thereby drawing a longer term
than the law could have given him
had he elected to go to trial. He was
a model prisoner, he made restitution
for the sorrow he had caused in so far
as it was humanly possible, and to a
man of his sensibilities even one day
in prison was as much punishment as
ten year’s confinement could have
—The President’s prediction that
there will be a treasury surplus of
three hundred and ninety million dol-
lars on June 30th sounds pleasant.
But the most of it will be on paper
and not gold or liquid securities.
That's one phase of what is regarded
as good business management that we
could never thoroughly see through.
The books of many concerns show
handsome surpluses, yet the contents
of their strong boxes and their bank
accounts are practically nil. We
have always thought that a surplus is
only real when it is tangible and not a
mere book balance.
—The contemplated departure of
Miss Rhoads from Bellefonte will be
regretted very much by many friends
in Centre county. Especially will this
column miss her, for whatever others
may think it has always regarded her
as a good sport. From the moment
she entered politics in Centre county
she recognized our right to make a
target of her on occasion and was
broad enough to see that a news-
paper’s relations with a public person-
age in nowise reflect the personal feel-
ings its editors might have for him or
her. And this much we can’t say for
a lot of men who dabble in politics.
As a
VOL. 71.
The Democratic Campaign.
State committee, in Harrisburg last
week, Judge Porter, of New Castle,
one of the defeated candidates for the
Gubernatorial nomination, assumed
the correct attitude on a most import-
ant question. Having been named by
chairman Haggerty as a member of a
committee to draft a platform he said
the State committee had no authority
to perform such a service. The State
committee is an executive body and
the adoption of a platform is a legis-
lative function. The people of the
State wrote the platform of the party
in the selection of the candidates, and
the State committee had no right to
force any candidate to stand on a plat-
form other than that upon which he
ran at the primary.
. Take the question of prohibition,
for example, or the enforcement of
existing prohibition legislation. It is
not a political question in the sense
that the tariff or centralization or
home rule is a political question.
There are prohibition Democrats and
Democrats who are not prohibition-
ists. The prohibition Democrats have
a right to their opinions as those who
are not prohibitionists have a right to
theirs. But so long as Democrats who
are not prohibitionists do not under-
take to coerce the Democrats who are
prohibitionists there seems no ground
of conflict. The fundamental princi-
ple involved is that of majority rule
and the nominees express the voice
of the majority.
Though the State committee didn’t
adopt the idea expressed by Judge
antagonisms on questions that are
not political. The committee, in the
language of an esteemed contempor-
publicans may safely stand.”
not only commands respect but chal-
lenges admiration. With :
demoralized beyond description we
ought to win, and will win, if we are
true to ourselves and faithful to each
——Senator Pepper only spent
$2500 of his own money but the Mel-
lon machine paid that much for a
single county in his interest.
Senator Dave Reed’s Broad Charge.
In a recent speech Senator Reed, of
Pittsburgh, declared that the Repub-
lican voters of Pennsylvania are “dun-
derheads” and “unfit for self-govern-
ment.” The Senator undoubtedly
could summon a vast amount of evi-
dence in support of his proposition.
But being new in State politics and
limited in his observations to “the
strip” and the leadership of Max
Leslie, his is probably a perverted
appraisement of the subject which we
are not at present able to endorse.
The future is likely to reveal addi-
to acknowledge the Senator is right.
For example, the Senate committee
which has been engaged for ten days
or more in an investigation of the ex-
penses of candidates for Republican
nominations in Pennsylvania, has
already shown that the three candi-
dates for Senator spent upward of
three million dollars in a competitive
vote-buying contest. It has been
clearly proved that much of this slush
fund was used in buying votes in vio-
lation of the letter of the law. It has
been demonstrated that candidates
have given money to others to contri-
bute in violation of the spirit of the
law and it has been proved that ballot
boxes have been stuffed both in Pitts-
burgh and Philadelphia. But the
facts only prove some voters are cor-
rupt and not that all are ‘“dunder-
But the final test of the accuracy of
Senator Reed's estimate of the mental
and moral qualities of the Republican
voters of Pennsylvania will come in
November when the question of rati-
fying the iniquities perpetrated at the
primaries is voted on. If Vare and
Fisher are elected in the face of the
revelations made in Washington there
will be no eseape from the conviction
that at least a majority of the Repub-
lican voters of Pennsylvania are not
only “dunderheads” - and “unfit to
govern themselves” but that a con-
siderable number of them are crimi-
nals, and that the candidates them-
selves are accessories both before and
after the crimes as well as receivers
of stolen goods. We are waiting pa-
——There is a growing suspicion
that the French people are incapable
of self-government. :
At the meeting of the Democratic
Porter and refrain from adopting a
platform it did scrupulously avoid any ,
ary, the Philadelphia Record, “adopted v i ! ; L
a declaration of principles on which 'needed in executive service. He never disclosed that in a precinct in which
tional facts bearing upon the question, ; contest who surrendered to the Mellon
however, which may completely vindi- : family. But it is not a usual condition.
cate Senator Reed’s estimate. In that | As a rule when vast expenses are in-
event we will have no alternative but | curred “angels” are reluctant to pay
the freight.
‘ning ‘independent he ‘will
Those who are trying to entice Gov- i
ernor Pinchot into an independent
candidacy for Senator in Congress are
neither well-wishers of the Governor
nor supporters of prohibition legisla-
tion. The lines on this subject are
clearly drawn between the nominees
of the two parties. Mr. Vare is open-
ly demanding modification of the Vol-
stead law and Mr. Wilson as distinct-
ly favors the enforcement of that
measure. The voters can have no mis-
understanding. Men and women who
favor prohibition may express their
faith by works in voting for Mr. Wil-
son, who is well qualified to meet the
obligations of the office. On the other
hand those opposed to prohibition
have a candidate of their own type.
The vote in the primary election
proves clearly that a very consider-
able majority of the Republicans of
the State are in favor of the Volstead
law. If they express their honest and
sincere convictions at the polls in
November the vast majority of those
who voted for Pinchot and Pepper at -
the primary will support Wilson. The
question of party loyalty is not in-
volved. All the leading Republican
newspapers of the State have de-
nounced Mr. Vare as “unfit for the
office” and declared that his election
“would be a disgrace.” This elimi-
nates the question of party fealty and
leaves nothing else than the moral
principal involved in the enforcement
of the Volstead law and prohibition
to be considered. site
William B. Wilson, the Democratic
nominee for the office, is a statesman
of fine ability, high character and
wide experience. As a member of
Congress he is familiar with legisla-
tive requirements and as head of the
Department of Labor in President
Wilson’s cabinet he knows what is
-every Democrat and all unbossed Re- | bought a nomination or sacrificed a
We principal to obtain a favor. \
have an experienced,” energetic and of these facts, if Governor Pinchot is
capable chairman, and a ticket that sincere in his profession of prohibi-
In view
tion, ‘he will give
ommand tt
ui de Karp
all the support he
offer hi
leadership to the prohibition Repub-
licans in a crusade to elect the Demo-
cratic candidate.
EN ———— a — |
Possibly “Jim” Reed, of Mis-
souri, has persuaded “Dave” Reed, of
Pennsylvania, that the Republican
voters of this State are “dunder-
heads.” ;
Friend of Pennsylvania Politics.
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew
W. Mellon seems to favor a standard
price for votes. Because there are 1,- |
500,000 Republican voters in Pennsyl-
vania he thinks three million dollars
is not too much to pay for a nomina-
tion when there are three competitors.
But it is enough to limit the aspirants
to four or five men if candidates were
obliged to pay their own expenses.
Here and there there may be found a
man willing to mortgage his con-
science as one of those in the recent
One of the most bitter contests for
a seat in the United States Senate in
recent years was that in Iowa a few
days ago. Senator Brookhart, the
successful candidate, spent less than
one hundred dollars for traveling ex-
penses, postage and hotel bills. . He
was unquestionably the choice of the
people but if conditions there were as
in this State he couldn’t have come
“within hailing distance” of the nomi-
nation because the “interests,” finan-
cial and political, were against him.
Probably in no other State in the
Union would it have been possible to
stage such a contest of profligacy and
corruption as that which Mr. Mellon
has approved.
But the primary election in Penn-
sylvania this year may be accepted as
an expression of the Mellon method.
It is in pursuit of an era of money
management in politics not only in
Pennsylvania but throughout the coun-
try. The election of W. L. Mellon to
the chairmanship of the party organi-
zation is in accordance with a plan to
submerge the “pikers” and give the
millionaires complete sway. It has
been “shaping up” ever since the
election of Coolidge in 1924, and will
end in the creation of an “autocracy
of wealth” and the placing of poor
men in political and social servitude.
Placing a standard price on votes is
the finishing touch.
—— eeepc ent
——If Vare should fail to secure
the Senatorial seat he will never for-
give himself for wasting so much
——It may be true that a man can
fly four times as fast as a bird but a
bird doesn’t have to buy. gasoline:
1, pve
ran attack of indigestion while in
' gram of sightseeing so far as the boys
were concerned. Mr. Hughes recov-
‘have just been started and it will be
i leaders of the State are champion
Governor Pinchot’s Present Duty. | Beidleman’s Equivocal Position. i
The refusal, on Monday, of E. E.
Beidleman, of Harrisburg, to give the
Senate committee investigating the |!
Pennsylvania primaries details con-
cerning the ballot frauds in Pitts-
burgh confirms the suspicion that an
agreement promising mutual advan-
tage has been concluded between Mr.
Fisher and his defeated rival for the
nomination. Immediately after the
vote Mr. Beidleman charged fraud
and promptly appealed to the courts
for redress. But after a brief sojourn
in Pittsburgh he withdrew the charge
and permitted the false return to
stand. In his testimony on Monday
he repeated his allegation of fraud
but refused to indicate the form it
took or give his reason for withdraw-
ing his action in court.
In the beginning we shared the
opinion of others that Mr. Beidleman
was influenced by consideration for
his friend, W. Harry Baker, in ac-
quiescing in the fraud. Baker, who
had made sacrifices for Beidleman,
was a candidate for re-election to the
‘chairmanship of the State committee.
‘The fulfillment of this ambition would
not only have “held his place in the
sun,” but afforded opportunity to re-
store both himself and his friend to
leadership. The subsequent crushing
of Baker exploded this notion and the
alternative that Beidleman has taken
care of himself is forced upon
thoughtful observers. The Mellon
machine has probably agreed to guar-
antee Mr. Beidieman' substantial rec-
ognition in the Fisher administration.
. While the Beidleman inquiry was
pending in the Allegheny county court
the fact was brought out in one pre-
¢ginct, in which nearly two hundred
votes were. returned, the ballot box
was opened and found empty. The
evidence in Washington on Monday
the Beidleman watcher had gone out
for lunch the vote had been increased
within a period of twenty minutes |
from twenty-five to 458, all for the
‘opposition. Obviously there was some
gat on so promi. ng “in “results. “Tf
stuffing ballot boxes were a felony Mr.
Beidleman’s action would seem like
“compounding a felony.” In any
event it suggests accessory to crime.
——James R. Hughes and his Sun-
day school class of nine boys return-
ed last Saturday from a ten days au-
tomobile trip to Washington, D. C.,
Mount Vernon, Annapolis and Phila-
delphia. Unfortunately Mr. Hughes
was indisposed for several days with
Philadelphia which marred the plea-
sure of the trip for him, but it did
not interfere with the regular pro-
ered sufficiently to spend one day on
the Sesqui grounds and he brings to
Bellefonte corroboration of what the
Watchman has been telling its read-
ers right along, and that is, if you
want to see the big centennial don’t
go down before the first of September
notwithstanding the glowing reports
published in the Philadelphia papers
every day. Mr. Hughes says the big
buildings are not yet completed and
there is practically nothing in them
to see. Some of the smaller buildings
two months, at least, before there
will be any centennial worth seeing.
——The Republican voters of Penn-
sylvania may not be all “dunderheads”
as Senator Reed, of Pittsburgh, de-
clares, but most of the Republican
——1It may be worth while to re-
membeyr that the first purchased Sen-
atorial seat in the history of the coun-
try was acquired by Simon Cameron
nearly a hundred years ago.
——We are not authorized to speak
on the subpect but it is a safe tip that
Cornelia rather than Gifford will de-
cide the question of running as an in-
dependent candidate.
I —— ns ——
——Those who are urging Governor
Pinchot to run for the Senate as an
independent candidate are concerned
more for the Republican party than
for Pinchot.
——Senator Reed, of Pittsburgh,
will be a candidate for re-election two
years hence and he probably wants to
buy votes in the cheapest market.
——When Max Leslie gets on the
witness stand he will be able to show
Senator Reed, of Missouri, a lot of
things concerning politics.
—The most optimistic’ of the
Sesqui managers are beginning to
hope that it will be completed by the
time fixed for closing it.
NO. 26.
Forgery in Politics.
From the Philadelphia Record.
There are worse things than the
lavish use of money in polities, though
that is scandalous, even without the
purchase of votes, and no one doubts
that the hiring of watchers in the re-
cent Republican primary election cov-
ered the purchase of votes. Few per-
sons doubt that there was the pur-
chase of votes without any covering
rat all, except secrecy. Many Penn-
sylvania Republicans do not think
that their party’s enormous expendi-
ture of money—which is likely to
amount to $3,000,000—is scandalous,
or open to any criticism. They have
become so accustomed to the lavish
use of money in elections that it
doesn’t disturb them at all. Senator
David A. Reed and Secrétary Mellon
justify the expenditures, and the
State Committee elected W. L. Mel-
lon chairman. Of course, the Secre-
tary and the Senator do not approve
of buying votes, but the vast expend-
itures in this State last month arouse
no suspicions on their part. Itseems
natural enough, and quite reasonable.
* Quite in line with the prodigal use
‘of money in the primary is the resort
of forgery. Colonel Eric Fisher
Wood, chairman, and Vernon Taylor,
treasurer, of the committee in charge
of the Pepper-Fisher campaign in the
31 counties of West Pennsylvania ad-
mit the publication of a paid adver-
tisement in which there was a forged
letter bearing the signature of Wil-
liam Green, president of the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor.
Messrs. Wood and Taylor are hon-
orable men. They would not count-
enace the buying of votes, and still
less would they sanction the use of
forged letters to win the votes for the
Pepper-Fisher combination. But they
admit the fact. The ‘ advertisement
was inserted by their organization
and was paid for. But they knew
nothing about it. It was just a part
of the routine business to which they
did not feel the need of giving their
personal attention. v
The Federation of Labor has a very
large membership, and its officers are
known to be careful of its influence
and discriminating in the use of its
name. If the president of the
ation indorsed the Pepper-Fisher com-
{ add] bf 2 ‘
bination it was a very im;
Tt would tim a farge num
a number af vots
Members of the Federation in gres
numbers would feel that they were
safe in following the leadership of
Mr. Green. :
Probably little harm ‘was done by
the advertisement. Mr. Green prompt-
ly denounced the forgery. But it was
published May 14th and 15th, and the
primary was held on the 18th. It was
evidently intended to publish the ad-
vertisement early enough to reach
wage-earners all over the State and
late enough to make the exposure of
the fraud ineffective, or only partial-
ly effective. The probability is that
Mr. Green's repudiation of the forg-
ery reached all the industrial centres
and no great number of voters were
misled. ;
But the forgery by somebody is ad-
mitted. From some standpoint this
is a far more serious matter than the
prodigal use of money. If the Re-
publican organization has any sense
of the enormity of the crime commit-
ted under its authority it will dis-
cover the guilty person and procure
his punishment. :
That Everlasting French Debt.
From the Altoona Tribute.
The French debt settlement has
been approved by the House, but it
is said at Washington that there is
little prospect of action by the Senate
before this session ends. The reason
given for delay is the inaction of the
French Parliament. : :
Meanwhile French political leaders
are justifying postponement by alleg-
ing the inaction of the United States
. Both cannot be right. It looks as
if both are wrong. The wise and pa-
triotic thing in either country is to
get that troublesome problem out of
the way as soon as possible. That
would prompt better relations be-
tween the two countries. It would
help to stabilize French finance and
stimulate international business. If
either side is to be responsible for
further delay, it should not. be the
United States.
es ep it ean
Money on the Side.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Between Wayne B. Wheeler and
Senator Reed of Missouri, a good deal
of interesting history ought to come
out about Anti-Saloon League activi-
ties and its financial rewards for Sen-
ators and Congressmen who fought
its battles at Washington and else-
where. It is not pleasant to think
that the people’s representatives are
carried on the payroll of a private or-
ganization seeking to influence legis-
lation, but if that is the case the whole
truth should be known. There is noth-
ing sacrosanct about the Anti-Saloon
League, and it is high time its work
should be exposed to public view.
——-Good may come of the late prof-
ligate campaign. It is not likely that
similar debauchery will ever come
——Cornelia’s contribution of $50,~
000.00 to the slush fund proves that
she is not the “piker” of the: family.
—Seth BE. Gordon has resigned as Secre-
tary of the State Game Commision, effec-
tive July 15th, to become affiliated with the
Isaac Walton League of the State. =
—The brick making plant at Grampian,
y owned by ihe Harbison-Waiker Refractor-
ies Company, was badly damaged by fire
shortly after mid-night Saturday night,
entailing an estimated loss of $35,000. The
tire originated in the drying room.
—Miss Mary Hancock, 55 years old. suf-
fered a severe injury while playing golf
at the Wanango Country Club, at Frank-
lin, last Thurseéay, when a ball hit an oil
line, rebounded and struck her on the
head, felling her and inflicting a deep
wound. !
—Purchase of the entire oil field hold-
| ings of the J. T. Jones estate, consisting
| of 2,000 acres in fee scattered throughout
the Bradford field, was consummated by
the Forest Oil corporation of Bradford,
last week, The purchase price is unknown.
This is the largest oil land transaction in
the history of Pennsylvania fields.
—After living three days after a cur-
rent of electricity of 33,000 volts had pass-
ed through his body, James Philip Blute,
40 years old, of Warren, died on Friday
night at the Warren General hospital. He
was injured Tuesday when he came in
contact with a high tension wire at the
Penn Public Service company power plant.
—The longest prison term ever imposed
in a Fayette county court for a violation
of the prohibition laws was handed down
by Judge C. W. Henderson on Monday
when he sentenced Thomas Salvucti, of
Cardale, to serve three years in the Alle-
gheny county workhouse and pay a fine of
$1,500. Salvueti had pleaded guilty to
charges of prohibition agents that he was
arrested while transporting a still and
moonshine near Uniontown.
-—Attacked by a gigantic blacksnake in
her chicken-house in Chanceford township,
York county, Mrs. Cynthia Chronister ran
a mile over the hills and through wood-
lands for aid, with the reptile girdled
about her body and almost choking her.
She was almost exhausted from fright
and shock and the physical pain te which
she was subjected by the strength and
weight of the snake, before it was killed
by men who responded to her cries for
—William Prettyman, 34 years old, night
superintendent of Lock No. 4 Natrona, lost
his life while attempting to save the life
of Annie Kinzie, 14 years old, of Braeburn,
who was drowning in the Allegheny river
near the dam, on Friday night. He heard
the girl's screams and went to her aid ful-
ly clothed. He disappeared in the water.
Another man, whose name was not ascer-
tained, rescued the girl. The body was
recovered. Prettyman resided in Valley
Heights, near New Kensington.
—The handsome new Methodist church at
Mt. Union, costing about $130,000, inde-
pendent of the Sunday school unit, was
dedicated on Sunday, with a. comparatively
small indebtedness. Bishop McDowell
preached in the morning and made an ad-
dress and conducted the dedicatory ser-
vice in the afternoon. The distriet super-
.intendent, Rev. Dr. J. McK. Reilly, preach-
ed at might. Big crowds’ were ‘present
at all services, which were very impres- -
sive. The church is one of the finest in
Central Penusylvania, and has as its pas-
‘tor Rev. David Y. Brouse..
—Believed to have been crazed by moon-
shine, Frank Snyder, 45, the father of sev-
en children, entered the basement of his
home in Johnstown, on Sunday afternoon
and exploded a box of dynamite, blowing
himself to pieces and wrecking the build-
ing. The children were attending a base-
ball game, while Mrs. Snyder and another
woman were sitting on the front porch.
They were caught under the fallen roof
but were rescued without serious injury.
The limbs and pelvis of the man were
found in the garden, but there was no
trace of either head, trunk or arms.
—The State . Banking Department at
Pittsburgh on Monday announced the ar-
rest of C. J. Newman, cashier of the Peo-
ple’s State Bank of Boswell, Somerset
county, charged with misappropriation
of $16,000 of bank funds. The charge, filed
by C. T. F. Lancaster, an examiner, before
justice of the peace R. E. Caber, at Somer-
set, was said by banking department offi-
cials to involve an overdraft. After the
announcement was made Mr. Newman
stated at the bank that the ‘charge was
technical and not a dollar was out of
place.” He provided bail when the war-
rant was served.
—Convicted of highway robbery in con-
nection with the theft of the payroll of
the West knitting mill at Plymouth, Jos-
eph Kostanzo on Saturday received a sen-
tence that may keep him in jail for many
years. Judge McLean ordered him to pay
a fine of $1000 and the costs and to serve
five to ten years in the Eastern Peniten-
ary. “Then,” the Court added, “you must
return and pay to the knitting company
the property that was taken, namely,
$8279.08, unless you have already done so,
and you stand committed until this sen-
tence be complied with.’ The payroll has
not been returned, and Kostanzo says he
is innocent.
—Joseph O'Brien, Frank Curto and
Robert Simmons, young Patton men
charged with murder in connection with
the death of Mary Elizabeth Bogan in a
joy-ride last Thursday night, were given
a hearing Friday and were held without
bail. A coroner’s jury. late Friday after-
noon, however, presided over by Deputy
Coroner Russell R. Yost, recommended
they be exonerated on manslaughter and
murder charges, but that they be held to
answer for violations of the liquor laws.
The jury apparently accepted the claim
that the three young men and the girl
had been drinking and that the victim's
neck was broken when she jumped from
the automobile.
—Little Alpha Osborne, 7 years old, of
Mifflin county, may live despite the belief
among surgeons that when two-thirds of
the skin surface has been destroyed death
is considered inevitable. Miss Osborne was
dressing her younger brother, Clyde, in
front of the range at the parental home in
McVeytown a month ago when her dress
become ‘ignited at the back. Her mother
smothered the flames, but not before her
entire body, from the soles of her feet to
her chin, had been blistered. The child is
now improving. Three times a day three
of the nurses pick her up and give her a
medicated bath in a special bed and room,
and‘ on Monday Dr. Cassiday asked for
volunteers to furnish one hundred inches
of healthy skin to graft over the scars left
by the terrible blisters. v