Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 18, 1926, Image 8
Dewalt Bellefonte, Pa., June 18, 1926. — Conway Tearle and Dorothy Mackaill in “The Dancer of Paris,” at the Scenic Monday and Tuesday. 25-1t — Thos. S. Hazel, the grocer, has been very seriously ill during the week, a recurrence of the illness he has suffered from at intervals recent- ly. — Children’s day exercises will be held in Gray’s Methodist Episcopal church, in Halfmoon valley, Friday evening, June 25th. The public is in- vited. —Mrs. George Williams is ill at her apartment at Mrs. S. E. Showers, on Spring Street, suffering from a stroke of paralysis, which occurred Wednesday night. — Somebody driving up High street, Monday night, hit the traffic post at the intersection of Spring St. with such force as to knock it about six feet further up the hill. ——Myrs. Harriet Ray Smith will sell a full line of household furniture, also real estate, at her home on Curtin .St., Bellefonte, tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 p. m. 25-1t Among the marriage licenses granted at Cumberland, Md., on Sat- urday were those to Harold Allison ‘Gordon and Miss Elizabeth Benner, of Bellefonte; and Arthur Valentine Kunes, of State College, and Miss Helen Margaret Largey, of St. Mary’s. The annual picnic of the Centre .county association in Philadelphia will be held on Saturday, June 26th, on the edge of the Belmont mansion plateau, in Fairmount park. Every Centre countian living in Philadelphia or any one visiting in the city on that day is invited to attend. Public sale of the household goods of the late A. Y. Wagner will be made on Saturday afternoon, June 26, starting at one o’clock. The sale will be held at his late home on Wil- lowbank street and those looking for furniture, utensils and what-not will find everything in good condition at the Wagner sale. During the iecent primary campaign Hon. Harry B. Scott, run- ning unopposed for the nomination for State Senator on the Republican ticket, spent $533.76; J. L. Holmes, running for Assembly, spent $55.00, while W. I. Betts, unopposed. candi- date for State Senator on the Demo- cratic ticket, spent less than fifty dol- lars. Notwithstanding the inclement weather of Saturday night the attend- ance at the big festival held on the old fair grounds by the Bellefonte camp P. O. S. of A., was sufficient to give them gross receipts of $170.00. Of course there was considerable expense attached so that the net receipts will be somewhat less than the above sum. = —— Summer is hete to stay and so is the Scenic. The former means not weather while the latter means good motion pictures and comfort while watching them. Every movie fan in Bellefonte and vicinity knows that the best pictures can always be seen at the Scenic, and that the theatre is always comfortable even in hot weath- er. Nobody will contradict this fact, therefore, when you want to see pic- tures worthwhile always choose the Scenic. A party of eight members of the Sycamore club went up to their THREE MEN MEET DEATH IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. Two Killed Instantly and the Third Died in Lock Haven Hospital. “Dead Man’s Curve,” just below the William Beck property on the Nittany valley state highway, has three more victims to its credit. In a motor ac- cident there at 5:30 o’clock on Satur- day morning two men were killed in- stantly and the third victim died sev- eral hours later in the Lock Haven hospital. Two of the men in the car escaped death but both were badly hurt. * The dead are Fish A. Kline, an auto mechanic of Towanda, Pa., whose head was crushed into an un®ecogniz- able mass. He was a veteran of the world war, unmarried but survived by his parents. Fred A. Green, a farmer at Liberty Corners, age 45, who leaves a wife and one son. Joseph Mingoes, also a farmer of Liberty Corners, aged 38, who leaves a wife and seven small children; his mother and two sisters. The injured men were Allen B. Wooster, owner of the largest gar- age in Towanda, who sustained sev- eral fractured ribs and other injuries, and Ispham J. Cox, owner of a tire battery station at Towanda. He sus- tained head injuries and body bruises but his condition did not prove to be serious. The five men were on their way to Altoona for the big auto races. They left Towanda at 12:35 o’clock on Sat- urday morning in a big Cadillac se- dan owped by Mr. Wooster. Mr. Kline was the driver of the car. Ac- cording to Mr. Cox most of the men were asleep when the accident hap- pened. The tracks of the machine on the state highway showed that the car had been veering to the side of the road for some distance back of the fatal spot, and the supposition is that the driver was almost overcome by fatigue and lack of sleep. The big car finally struck a stone close to the sharp curve in the road and this may have prevented the driver from turn- ing the steering wheel quick enough. In any event the car hit a tree to the left side of the road with such force that it not only rebounded but again ninnged ahead into a second tree then was thrown completely around and crashed into a third tree on the op- nosite side of the road, then upset a mass of ruins. In fact about the only parts about the car that were not smashed were the battery and three tires. ; The men were all thrown from the car to the roadway. Mr. Cox was the first to recover consciousness and he found both Kline and Green lying dead in the road. Mr. Wooster was lying face down in the road in a pool of .blood -but. he soon regained econ- sciousness and Mr. Cox helped him to the side of the road. The last man found was Mr. Mingoes, who was un- conscious and a call was sent to Lock Haven for an-ambulance.and -Mingoes and Wooster were both taken to the hospital, the former dying several hours later without regaining con- sciousness. The accident happened about 5:30 o'clock and as it was in Centre coun- ty 'Squiie S. Kline Woodring was ap- pointed a deputy coroner to investi- eate the horrible affair. He went to the scene of the accident and inter- vogated Mr. Cox, the only member of the party still on the ground but after hearing his story decided that it was purely an accident and that an ia- quest was not necesary. The t'vo men killed instantly were turned over to undertaker Hard P. Hawris who prepared the bodies for transport to their homes in Towanda. camp on an island in the Bald Eagle | 7, friends of the men came here on Monday evening. They were on the | Saturday afternoon and all the dead | hunt for a water supply for the camp ' oie taken home on Sunday. and they got plenty, but not where The two injured men had so far recovered they wanted it. The heavens opened, ; that they were also able to be taken a deluge fell and Bald Eagle marooned. Fortunately one of their cars had not been taken over to the! camp and after rigging up a boat they ! were able to reach it and get home. rose so rapidly that they were completely | A summer Bible school started : and supported by the various Sunday | schools of Bellefonte, was opened at | home. The accident resulted in a number of wild stories being put in circula- tion about accidents all along the road to Altoona in which a number of men were reported killed, but investiga- tion proved them all false with the exception of one near Williamsburg, Blair county, in which one man was the Bellefonte Academy on Monday ' killed when a car crashed into a tel- with an attendance of 132 children. "The school is designed for children from six years up to the grade school age, and will continue for one month; five days a week, with sessions in the | morning only, from 9 to 11.30 o’clock. | ‘The purpose is to teach bikle study, character building, etc. Miss Ardery, a teacher in the Bellefonte public schools, is the principal, and her assis- tants are Mrs. Heilhecker, Mrs. Clark, ! Mrs. Osman and Mrs. Malone. Lack of sufficient thunder is assigned by many gardeners for the :seourge of cut worms which are play- ‘ing havoc with many gardens in Belle- fonte and Centre county. One Belle- fonte man put out four dozen cab- ‘bage plants one evening last week :and fhe next morning only seven of them remained standing, all the others having been cut off by worms. An- cphone pole. There were, however, a number of other accidents, but none with fatal results. : MRS. HARRISON WALKER IN AUTO ACCIDENT ON FRIDAY. About 4:30 o’clock on Friday after- noon Mrs. W. Harrison Walker in- vited three of her women friends, Mrs. John G. Love, Mrs. J. Coburn Rogers and Miss Elizabeth Gephart, to take a short motor run down the : Nittany Valley road. Down below the triangle they saw approaching a string of six cars and Mrs. Walker took the right side of the road and slowed down to less than fifteen miles. Suddenly the third car swung eut of line and attempted to pass the two cars ahead with the result that the Walk- er car was forced off the road, side- swiped by the offending car and up- set. Mrs. Walker was considerably other gardener had one-third of his |injured and at first it was thought plants cut off in one night, while very | that her left arm was broken but an few gardens have escaped. the worms aren’t confining themselves to cabbage, but play havoc with to- mato plants, beans, in the garden. And gardeners aver that it has been the lack of hard thun- der that has caused the scourge of | In fact | X-ray showed this not to be the case, though she has been confined to bed ever since. Mrs. Love sustained a corn or anything {bad cut on the lower lip while both the other ladies were bruised and suf- fered from shock. The driver of the car was G. W. S— arrested Mr. Rafferty and he will be given a hearing before "Squire Wood- ring tomorrow. JOHN CARTER, ALSO ACCIDENT. VICTIM OF Between four and five o'clock on Sunday morning, John Carter, color- ed, was a passenger from Tyrone for Bellefonte in a Ford car driven by a Mr. Snyder. The car crashed into one of the abutments at the Miles- burg bridge and Carter sustained a bad fracture of the right leg below the knee. He is now in the Centre County hospital undergoing repairs, and where every effort will be made to save the leg. Monday’s Hard Rain Storms Badly Damaged Penitentiary Gardens. A large portion of the ground plant- ed in garden truck at the Rockview penitentiary was so badly washed by the series of terrific rain storms, on Monday, that much of it will have to be replanted. The first storm of any consequence occurred about two o'clock in the afternoon and the down- pour up at Rockview amounted almost to a cloudburst. The flat ground south of the penitentiary buildings, devoted to gardening, was covered with a swirling mass of water which literally swept the place clean of growing plants or covered them with a sea of mud. The rain was accompanied by high wind and trees were blown down, a garage moved a foot or more on its foundation and one house partially unroofed. In the evening another severe storm swept over the peniten- tiary grounds when the downpour of rain was even more terrific than it was in the afternoon. The rainstorms were not general all over the county, but Bellefonte got it’s full share of them, though no especial damage was done here. The storms were accompanied by hard thunder and vivid lightning and the electric service went off several times, but only for a few minutes at a time. Shortly after eight o’clock, following a terrific clap of thunder a 2200 volt wire of the Keystone Pow- er corporation on the west side of the Electric Supply cempany building burst into flames and the fire com- panies were called out. The fire was quickly extinguished and electricians quickly repaired the damaged wire and turned on the current. Shortly before twelve o'clock the firemen were again called out by a burning box car in the classification yard oi the Pennsylvania railroad. The car was loaded with lime and it is undetermined whether the lime was too hot when put into the car or whether it was rain coming in con- tact with the lime that generated the heat that started the fire. Only one car was destroyed. Two others in the same string caught fire but the five- men were able to extinguish the flames. Down along the Jacksonville road the wind was particularly strong. At one place eightéen locust trees were blown over. Through: the Buffalo’ Run valley the . hardest hit section was in the vicinity of Filmore, where a number of apple trees were uprooted. In the upper Bald Eagle valley the only damage, aside from some badly washed fields, were a few apple trees blown over just east of Port Matilda. That a storm like Monday’s was means something to the Bell Tele- phone Co. is demonstrated by the fact that between fifteen and sixteen hun- dred telephones were put out of com- mission and all the trouble has not been located yet. To find it requires a crew of expert cable men who have to locate the breaks then open the ca- bles, find the particular line in trouble, repair it, close up the cable and start- on the hunt for the next one. -Raymond Griffith, the high silk hat comedian, in “Wet Paint,” at the Moose theatre this Friday and Satur- day. 25-1t Electric Company Denies Charge of Violation. A dispatch from Harrisburg says the Boalsburg Electric company has denied . charges of: violation of the rmal electric regulations in an an- swer to the eomplaint of A. H. Walk- er, of that Centre county eommunity, before ‘the Public Service Commission, and Mr. Walker has been asked by . the commission whether he desires to go through with the proceeding. The complaint raised the rural elee- tric regulation question which is now involved in Appellate court litigation. The course of the case is being watch- ed with much interest. Above sixty per cent. of the stock of the Boalsburg company is owned by Col. Theodore Davis Boal, which gives him the controlling interest. The company gets its service from the Keystone Power corporation and supplies electricity for light and pow- er to residents of Harris township. “Sandy,” another big picture coming to the Scenic June 25 and 26. 25-1t Commencement at Huntingdon Re- formatory. The annual commencement exer- cises and exhibit of Industrial Depart- ments at the Pennsylvania Industrial Reformatory, Huntingdon, Pa., will be BIG CLASS GRADUATED AT PENN STATE COLLEGE. Other Interesting Happenings of Com- mencement Week. All records for graduations in any "one year at the Pennsylvania State College were broken with the 66th annual June commencement on Tues- day. A total of 527 bachelor degrees, 1 27 advanced degrees and 13 certifi- ‘cates were granted at that time. In- cluding the degrees awarded at con- vocations last August and in Febru- ary, a record total of 630 diploma | , awards for a college year was estab- lished. ! : . The commencement program open- ed on Friday of last week and closed | Tuesday with the commencement ex- ercises addressed by Dean Raymond Walters, of Swarthmore College. More than 1000 visitors, mostly alumni and parents of members of the ' graduating class, attended the cele- , bration. The baccalaurate sermon on ; Sunday was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Maitland Alexander, of Pittsburgh. Alumni activities featured the days preceding the commencement. Dele- gates from alumni clubs throughout the east attended a special alumni | council meeting and proposed plans for the future development of the alumni association and cooperation with the college. There were many ' class reunions and special stunts by alumni groups. Upwards of 100 dele- gates from agricultural and industrial societies gathered Saturday to elect four members of the board of trustees, all the old members being re-elected. The alumni also re-elected the three members of the board to which it is entitled. The graduating class presented the College with a fund of $3,000 for the erection of a campus gateway at the eastern drive as its permanent memo- rial. Among the first honor men in the graduating class oppeared the name of Joseph B. Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Katz, of Bellefonte, who graduated in the course of finance and commerce. Other Centre coun- tians who took first honors were J. T. Gramley, of Spring Mills, and J. E. . Hogan, and Elizabeth Dennis, of State College. Among the second honor men were P. F. Bartges, R. M. Bart- gas, of Coburn; J. M. Brown and E. C. Rowland, of State College. It might also be interesting to note that among the six young women stu- dents who won their letter from the women’s athletic association for prowess in various lines of athletic sports was Miss Mary Chambers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Chambers, of Bellefonte. Miss Cham- bers is an all around athlete, taking part in baseball, field and track events. In her Sophomore year she alone scored more points than wer n were made by the members of the Junior and Senior classes. She was the record javelin thrower in all contests. To win the letter a contestant must score 125 points during her college course and Miss Chambers was one of the six! young women to do so. : _ Coincident with the closing of the college year on Tuesday an inrush of about four hundred boys and girls fol- lowed on Wednesday for the seventh annual young farmers’ week, which will continue until tomorrow. Stock judging, recreation and various in- spection trips will feature the week. College authorities announce that five representatives of the Ontario Department of Agriculture are spend- ing this week making a survey of the agricultural extension work in various counties of the State, among them being Centre county. On Tuesday of next week college and experimental station agronomists will meet with representatives of the fertilizer industry at the College. | Enrollments for the new institute of music education to be conducted during the summer session are ex- ceeding all expectations and a very successful course is anticipated. R. W. Grant will be the director in charge. Faxon Family Reunion. | For the first time in twenty-two years Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Faxon, of | Milesburg, but for years residents of Bellefonte, spent a day surrounded by all their children. The family reunion was held en Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Wood, and proved a most pleasant gathering. Those present in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Faxon were Mrs. H. C. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Audsley, of Georgia; Mrs. J. Victor Royer and daughter, of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bullock, Major and Mrs. C. E. : Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Grau and families, of Williamsport; Mrs. M. P. Pitts and daughter, of Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Diehl, of Mifflin- burg; Charles Faxon and family, of Boalsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. J. War- ren Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Faxon have both ' passed their three score and ten year period and greatly appreciated the privilege and blessing of once more having their children all together, even if for a day only. Lost Suit Case. Black suit case. Initials T. B. T. | on end. Lost Tuesday afternoon on the highway between State College and Bellefonte. Reward, if returned to this office. 71-25-1t* worms: ~The thunder kills the worms, | Rafferty, of DuBois. The car was an it is ‘claimed, and if this is true we Oakland limosine owned by the Du- surely had enough of it on Monday Bois Electric and Storage Battery night to bliw all the cut worms out of company. Both it and the Walker the ground. ' car were badly damaged. State police held at that institution on Thursday, | June 24, 1926, at 2.00 p. m, and to ——Coming to the Scenic June 25 which the public is most cordially in- and 26, “Sandy,” another big screen vited.” success. 25-1t NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Robert M. Beach and her sister, Miss Blanchard, are in Philadelphia for the week. i “Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shallcross are entertaining Mr. Shalleross’ sister, Jeannette Shallcross, of Wilmington, Del. Miss Bernice Crouse was a guest for , the week-end, of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Crouse, of Williams- port. : —-Miss Mary Shoemaker is preparing to spend the summer in Europe as a guest of friends. Their plans are for sailing on the 26th of June, —Mrs. James A. McClain and her daugh- ter, Emily Eliza, ' have been visiting in Bellefonte during the past week, guests of Col. and Mrs. J. L. Spangler. —Miss Humes is anticipating entertain- ing Mrs. Fields and Mrs. Stone, of Coates- ville, and Mrs. S. Durbin Gray, of Phila- delphia, during the month of July. —Mr. and Mrs. Allen 8. Garman, of Ty- ing two weeks at Edgefonte, the Garman summer home, having been there since Tuesday. —Mrs. Frank McCoy and daughter, Miss Anna have returned from a motor trip to Canada, where they spent a week with Mrs. McCoy's nephew, Charles Allison and his family. —Mrg. Parsons who has been for a month with his sisters, the Misses Dora and Laura Kephart and their brother Gray, at Fillmore, will return to her home in Toledo, Ohio, Monday. —Miss Mary H. Linn visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Sommerville at Philipsburg. for a part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Som- merville have taken the Thomas Beaver farm home for next winter. —Mrs. Bella Noll, who had been visit- ing in Bellefonte for several weeks as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I. Garman at their home on east High street, return- ed to Williamsport Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffith left yes- terday to go east for a summer visit with Mrs. Griffith's son, J. C. Dawson and his family, at Philadelphia and at Anglesea, with her daughter, Mrs. Greene. former residents of Bellefonte, are oa- pected here from Chestnut Hill this week, for a visit with their cousins, the Misses Anne and Caroline Valentine at “Burn- ham.” —Mrs. George Harpster and Mrs. Sum- ner Stover motored up from Mill Hall, on Saturday, to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Ray Kellerman, whose body was brought from Philadelphia, to be buried at Pleasant Gap. : —Mrs. David Dale and her daughter Anne have been at Marietta this week. guests of Mrs. Heaston, a girlhood friend of Mrs. Dale. From there they will go to Philadelphia for several days and probably on to New York. —Miss Katherine Allison was a guest recently of her cousin, Miss Mabel Alli- son, at Spring Mills, visiting there while Miss Allison was entertaining her ‘brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I". Alli- son, of New York city. —Mrs. Sara Satterfield Ieft Saturday te go to Pittsburgh and from there to West | Middlesex, Mereer Co., her home during | the early part of her married life. Mrs. ' Satterrield’s absence of three weeks, will also include a visit to Greensburg. ! —Jumes P. Hughes II, elder son of Mr. “and Mrs. Charles, Hughes, has gone to IFort Worth, Texas, where he will be with his aunt, Mrs. Chester Irvine, while em- ploy»d there during the summer vacation. James is now a student at Bucknell. —Miss Rachel Marshall and her niece, Miss Elizabeth Longwell, returned a week ago from Washington, D. €., where they had spent the winter with Mrs. George Boal. Their own home om Sprimg street had been closed during their absence. -—=Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wetzel drove in from Toledo, Ohio, last week, arriving in Bellefonte Thursday, for a visit with the Wetzel family in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel were but recentky married, this being Mrs. Wetzel's first visit to Cen- tre county. —Mrs. Charles Cruse hal as ower night guests, both Friday and Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and their daughter I'rances, of Harrisburg. The Frank family had driven up for the races at Altoona, | stopping in Bellefonte for -a short visit with Mrs. Cruse. —G. H. Wion, managing. director of the General Railway Signal Co, P. 1. Y, ,L. 1. D., of Melbourne, who has been in Centre county visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wion and other relatives, left Tuesday to return to his home in Aus- tralia. Mr. Wion will! leave his son and daughter at school im California. —Miss Roberta Noll has returned to Bellefonte and at present is a guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Noll, at hee home on Howard street. Since leaving here Miss Noll had been: with. her sister, Mrs. George VanDyke, at Cheltenham, Pa., later in the winter going to €olumbia, N. C., to visit with Mrs. VanDyke's daughter, —Charles A. Schroyer, of ®ak Park, IIL, made his annual visit with: the Garman family and ether relatives in Bellefonte, during the past week. Mr. Sehroyer stop- ped off here from Tuesday until Monday, on his way back west from Atlantic City, where he had been attending the conven- tion of the Car Builders’ Association, of which he was president at ome time, for a number of years. —Dr. William 8. and Dr. Nannie Glenn of State College, are at Cedar Point, Ohio, attending the National comvention of Eec- lecties in session there this week, ex- pecting to visit relatives eof Dr. Nannie Glenn before returning home, Dr. Glenn's commencement guests included his broth- er, Dr. Thomas OQ. Glenn and Mrs. Glenn, of Bradford, and his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Glenn and their two younger children, of Pittsburgh. -—Andrew Curtin Thompson, our nominee for the Legislature, and M. I. Gardner were Bellefonte visitors last Friday. The form- er came over from his home in Philipsburg to make a little preparatory survey of the political field and Mr. Gardner was here on other business. The latter, however, was talking politics also. He was elected Couniy Chairman of the Democratic party in Clearfield county, at the recent primary by a majority of 1888 votes. A decidedly complimentary honor, we should say, and we know that he will do his best to dem- onstrate that it was not unwisely be- stowed. Miss rone, with a party of friends, are spend- | —The Misses Mary and Jane Valentine, —Miss Grace Cook w as a passenger to Harrisburg on Wednesday. - —Mrs. Henry Taylor is visiting in Hunt- ingdon, a guest of her son, Charles and his family. —DMiss Mary Hill is expected in Belle- fonte within a few days, to be at the home of Miss Humes for an indefinite time. . —Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herron, of Huntingdon, have been spending part of | this week at the Nittany Country club. —Mark Hunter, of the class of 26 Penn State, has accepted a position wth the Ingersoll Rand Co., at Philipsburg, N. J. ! —Henry s Linn is touring through the | New England states with a friend, Elmer Gehring, of Cleveland, having left Monday to be gone two weeks, ny —Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Boozer left | centre Hall the early part of the week, on a drive to Philadelphia and Atlantic City, expecting to be gone for two weeks. —-Miss Jane Barron, who is planning to come here from Hollidaysburg the after- part of the week, will be a guest of her | cousin, Miss Olive Mitchell during her stay. —Miss Mary Hibbs, of Norristown, is here having come to Bellefonte Wednes- i day of last: week, to spend a part of the summer with her cousin, Mrs. KE. H. Richard. —Nannette BB. Hoy, the elder daughter of Mrs. Randolph Hoy, of Chester, came to Bellefonte Wednesday, for a visit with her aunts, the Misses Anna and Mary Hoy, and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds. -—William Troup left yesterday, morning for Fort Humphreys, Va. to attend 1. 0.1. C, summer camp for six weeks. William was one of about thirty to go from Penn State-but the only ome from Bellefonte. —Mrs.Sara C. Brown, arrived here Tues- day from Renovo, for her sanual summer visit with her friends in Bellefonte, and will be at Mrs. McGarvey's on th® corner of Spring and Curtin Sts. during her stay. ~—Virginia Cruse, of the class of '26 Belle- fonte High school, bas gone to Pittsburgh, to spend the summer with her father, T. G. Cruse. Virginia had been with her aunt, Mrs. Kline ‘Woodring, while a stu- dent here. . —Mr. and Mrs. Gross Allison and their two children, of New Castle, Ky., were in . Centre Hall this week, having come north ‘for the funeral of Mr. Allison's grand- father. the late James W. Runkle, which i was held there Monday. --Miss Elizabeth Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter, left yesterday for Silver Bay, Lake George, to represent { the student government council of Syra- ' cuse University, of which she is vice | president, at a inter-collegiate student { government conference. —Mrs. William B. Wallis came to Belle- fonte Tuesday night in response to a tele: phone message informing her of the sud- den death of her grandmother, Mrs. John Meese. Mrs. Wallis had been to New York to see her husband off on a business trip to Sweeden and hid stopped for a visit with friends in New Jersey. —Miss Lillian Sheffer, daughicr of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sheffer, left a week ago, as the only woman delegate from Pennsy!- vania to the National convention of I'or- restry, being held at Hot Springs, Arkan- gas. Alfhough recently Miss Sheflér has not bern ‘actively engaged in Forestry work, vet she is recognized as one of the greatest students of forestry in the State. —Mr. and Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss have had as reeent house guests, their elder son George, with the P. IX Rk. Co. at Broad street station in Philadelphia, and Mr. Geiss, of Chicago, who had not beew east for more than thirty years, his being a stop-off visit, on the: way back west ‘from Philadelphia. David, Mr. and Mrs. Geiss younger son, left Bellefonte early in June, to accept a position with the Germantown Amusement Co, at Willow Grove. with a probability of locating permanently in Philadelphia. ——Coming to the Scenic (where the better class photoplays are shown)Conway Tearle and Dorothy Mackaill in “The Dancer of Paris.” 25-1t High—Watson.—J. Walter High, of Philadelphia, and Miss Sara Patsy Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Watson, of Smow Shoe, were married in the Presbyterian church at Philipsburg, at four o’clock last Saturday afternoon, by Rev. Fred H. McKendrick. The bride was at- tended by Miss Sue Sudor, of State College, while the best man was Robert Poole, of Philadelphia. Dur- ing the past two years the bride has been a teacher in the primary depart- ment of the public schools at State College. Following a motor trip through the New England States they will take up their residence in Phila- delphia. Dartt—Smart—A wedding of inter- est to many of the older residents of Bellefonte was celebrated recently at Forest Hills, Long Island, when Miss Helen Elizabeth Smart was married to James Gillis Dartt. The bride is a graduate of Wellesley and her father was formerly editor of the Iron Age. The groom is a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Dartt, of this place. After his graduation from the University of Pennsylvania he went to France as master signal elec- trician during the war and for the past five years has been with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York bankers. Rean—Kline.—Jerry J. Roan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Roan, .of Buffalo Run, and Miss Margaret E, Kline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, of Spring Creek, were married at the Evangelical parsonage at 11 o’clock yesterday morning by the pas- tor Rev. Reed O. Steely. ~ Bellefonte ‘Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat Fe - - - 1.50 Oat: ‘= =a "ee “aie 35 Ry « = i= - - - 80 Corn “il owl oil Bie a 70 Barley wl we Wiel ells. 70 Buckwheat - - - - « Ro(]