i ill. Bellefonte, Pa., June 18, 1926. | HAS CLEAREST SHIES IN WORLD Quetta May Be Chosen for Smithsonian-Geographic Observatory. Washington.—Quetta, in Baluchi- stan, near which it is probable that a new solar observatory will be estab- lished by the National Geographic so- clety and the Smithsonian institution, is familiar—as a name—to readers of Kipling and workers of cross-word puzzles, but probably means little to most Americans. The city and its re- gion, recently visited by Dr. C. G. Ab- bot, assistant secretary of the Smith- sonian institution, are the subjects of a bulletin from the Washington head- | quarters of the National Geographic | society. | “Quetta exists primarily for military | 1 | | | | | | purposes,” says the bulletin, “but the ; Pax Britannica that has been substi- | tuted for the lawlessness and banditry - of former days has made an important | civil ‘community and trading center of it as well. Baluchistan is India’s fort- ress to the east, and Quetta is its don- ‘Jon keep. The British have been in control® of the place since 1877, and since 1882 have held it under per- petual lease from its old ruler, the picturesquely named Wali of Kalat. “When the British went in Quetta was only a little group of mud huts surrounded by unhealthy plains that were virtually swamps. Drainage and sanitation have made the place over. Now Quetta has a population of about 80,000; and the once swampy lowlands furnish a setting for villas and farm- houses surrounded by orchards and planted groves. Mud Gives Way to iron. “The outstanding feature of Quetta 4till, however, is the cantonment where 8ix or eight regiments of British and Indian troops are quartered. This ex- tensive post is to the north on relative- ly high ground while the civil town is to | the south on a lower level. Mud, in the form of sun-dried brick, is still a most important building material in the town, though not to the extent that it was two decades ago. Then mud- ! brick domes fcrmed many of the roofs, | | and were considered safe because of Quetta’s scant rainfall (about 10 | inches annually). But there came an unusually wet spring, and most of i Quetta’s buildings melted away. Since .then many iron roofs—less picturesque, | but better insurance against weather vagaries—have surmounted the mud walls of the town. “The permeation of Quetta by Brit: ish, or perhaps more broadly, by West- ern, influence, is a phenomenon that cannot be escaped by anyone who has known the town over a series of years. The standard of living rises before his eyes. Tea, a little whiie ago a marked luxury, is becoming a com- mon beverage. Leather footwear has displaced sandals to a noteworthy de- gree; all classes are wearing warmer and more comfortable clothing; and the native women are decking them- selves out in more ornaments, after the manner of their prosperous sisters in other climes. "The climate of Quetta has interest: ing aspects. The place is in the same latitude as Cairo; Jacksonville, Fla.; and Shanghai; but, because of its 6,000 feet of altitude and the physi- cal aspect of the surrounding country, its climate is very different. Hach day the mercury bobs up and down through @ wide range. The difference between dally maximum and minimum has been known to reach 80 degrees; but such excessive changes are confined to cer- hin short seasons. The hills and even e valleys of Baluchistan are largely treeless, and when the sun is down heat radiates away rapidly. As a con- sequence the nights are always cool— *In the matter of combating the dimate, there is nothing like an Amer- ican standard of comfort in the homes even of Europeans in Quetta. The win- ters in general are no more severe than those of Washington, but the houses are so constructed that it is most difficult if not impossible to keep warm. The rooms are huge—16 by 25 feet or so, with ceilings 18 to 24 feet high. Small fireplaces are set far into the very thick walls and what little warmth they radiate into the rooms is lost in their vastness. Yet coal of fair quality is mined nearby and is used | in the town. Its use in modern heat- ing systems could make Quetta homes as comfortable as any in the world. “Clearest Sky In the World.” “If the National Geographic-Smith- sonian solar observatory is established In Batushijegn it will be placed on top of 7,528-foot Kojak peak about 40 abe of Quetta rear the rafl- roa 3 erces the Kojak range d extends to Chaman, ten miles be- ond on the Afghan border. To the st beyond the Kojak mountains the fe stan or Helmand desert stretches for more than 100 miles. It is 60 miles to the nearest mountains in the north. To the east lies a long, broad valley. On this relatively isolated mountain ridge on the edge of the desert the ecipitation even . less. than in ue seven inches or less Doctor Abbot visited 6hk in January he report- was perfectly blge d wie}: ! well—perhaps dear to every Su Xe : sf 55s ave évér Smallpox Still Has the Best of Science Smallpox, historically one of the oldest diseases, has long bafled med- fcal science. It seems to have been known from the earliest times in In- dia. It existed in China many cen- turies before Christ. And the erup- tion on the skin of a mummy of the Twentieth dynasty, 1200-1100 B. C. suggests that it was prevalent J Egypt. The Crusades were probably large- ly responsible for bringing the dis- ease from the East to the West. Thus in the Fifteenth and subsequent cen- turies numerous epidemics occurred with a high mortality. Since the beginning of the 'I'wen- tieth century two distinct types ot smallpox have been simultaneously present in Great Britain, writes a physician in the London Mail. ' The first of these is a mild, highly infec- tious type, with a mortality of less than 1 per cent, which originated in the United States and Canada and was first introduced into England about 1903-5. The second is a much more virulent type, which originated in northern Africa and spread thence to Spain, France, Italy and Great Britain. Al- though this variety is not so infec tious, the mortality is greater. Cheerful and Stardy Room for Small Boy A small boy’s room should be above all things cheery, sturdy—yes, but homelike and inviting. He does not appreciate all the dainty fripperies dear to his sister's heart. The wise mother plans his room so it is a pleas- ant place for him to store his treas- ures and entertain his friends with. out damage to fragile material and delicate colors. “As a beginning, if you are planning to refurnish your small son's room, select a warm two-tone tan-stripe pa- per, dark enough so dirt will not show, but light enough to give a cheerful light to the room. For deco- ration put one of the many bright-col- ored wall paper friezes at the top— abeut eighteen inches deep—showing in its spreading scenic design, ver- milion and orange, blue and green or & cream or tan ground. Monk's cloth draperies in warm golden brown with an orange stripe, with gold-colored undercurtains will be serviceable, surely, and decorative also. The drapery materia] may be used as a cover for the metal bed as fringed along its length. Bright colors may be added in vermilion pillows, green and red copies of old English prints on the walls and the banners and trophies Kansas City Times, - ~~ MiddleAge Philosophy Scholasticism was the philosophy ot the schools of the Middle Ages. It represented an attempt to fuse the beliefs of the® church with the logic of Aristotle. The greatest teachers of the scholastic method were those of the Thirteenth century, among them being Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, Duns Scotus, and Thomas Aquinas. The latter, known as the “Angel of the Schools,” outlined the whole scheme of Roman Catholic theology in his “Summa Theologia.” Though the latter scholastics busied themselves with many unprofitable speculations— such as “How many angles can be supported on the point of a needle ?’— the whole movement was valuable in awakening the mental life of Europe from the lethargy of the previous cen- turies, and in preparing the way for the revival of classical learning known as the Renaissance. On Thinking Thinking is a very dangerous busi- ness. Particularly if we believe what we think. It will lead us to do things which we may later regret. Or it will lead us not to do them, which we may regret even more. It makes for investi- gation and analysis—for dissection and probing—and it is not long be- fore we begin to detect flaws in those very delights that we once believed to be perfect. We may even go so far as to discover hopeless errors in our- selves. Thus, disillusion sets in—dis- illusion that threads its subtle way into the contentment of our lives and spreads with lightning-llke rapidity. Soon 1t is too late to do anything but submit. We are lost In a sea of ideas. Thinking, like love, is a game without rules. We strongly advise against it. —Exchange, Character in Mythology Phaon depicted in “A Reading From Homer,” was a deformed boatman of Mytilene. He was famed for his chiv- alry. Once an old woman asked him to ferry her across the sea, although she could not pay her fare. When safely across the sea the woman gave the kind ferryman a box of ointment, telling him to rub the contents on his naisshapen shoulders. When he did 80, Phaon was changed to a hand- some young man. Venus, in the guise of the old woman, had wrought the miracle. Soon Phaon and Sap- pho became lovers. Origin of “Tabloid” The word “tabloid” was arbitrarily coined by Burroughs, Wellcome and company of London, England, and ap- plied to a preparation of drugs in a concentrated and condensed form. Al- though the term is a copyright trade- mark of this firm it is now widely used to designate anything concise or con- densed, Gs tabloid newspapers.—Ex- change. youngster’s heart.— 1 BET HAS REAL AMERICAN INDIAN Find Throws Light on Origin of Natives of This Continent. Washington.—In far-away Tibet, 6, 000 miles distant from the nearést point of the American continent, there ‘exist true American Indian types. This ,eonclusion, which throws much impor- tant light on the question of the origin of the American Indian, is one of the profoundly significant fruits of a re- markable journey of 50,000 miles, cov- ering half the globe and occupying seven months, which Dr. Ales Hrdlicka made under the joint auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and the Buf- falo Soclety of Natural Science last year, and the first account of which now appears in the annual exploration pamphlet of the Smithsonian Instite tion. Doctor Hrdlicka, who is curator of physical anthropology in the United States National museum and who re- cently published a description of the new type of white American, under- took his journey to survey what has been and what is being done In the study of ancient man and of the fossil! apes in France, in India, in Ceylon, Java, Australia and ‘South Africa. Such a world survey of the position of physical anthropology is perhaps unique, and it produced results eo’ great significance. Of the types found in Tibet (and elsewhere in eastern Asia) Doctor Hrd- licka says that they are so true to that of the American Indian that if they were transplanted into America no- body could possibly take them for any- thing but Indian. Men, women and children resemble the American ab- origines in behavior, in dress and even In the intonations of their language. The importance of the light his dis- covery throws on the origin of the ns. tive Americans is obvious. After a brief stop in France Doctor -Hrdlicka early In April last year took ship to India, stopping to examine some Arab types at Port Said and Aden. Of the pure-blood Arab, the ‘anthropologist says that he shows a lively, intelligent white man’s physi- ognomy (though mostly brown in col- or), and that the higher class pure Arab is often as light as the southern European. In India Dactor Hrdlicka visited the Siwalik hills, an area that probably is the richest source of anthropoid ape fossils in existence. Within the last two years five or six new varieties of such fossil anthropoids have been found there. if 0 Migration of ‘NegFite. = At present one of the most interest ing problems in anthropology is to ex- plain the presence of the Negrito in the Philippines and Andamans. How did he get to his present homes? His nearest relatives are apparently the pyginies of central Africa, but a great unbridged space has till now sepa- rated the two. If he extended from Africa he must have left traces of his passing in Arabia and India. Such traces, so far at least as.the Indian coast lands are concerned, Doctor Hrd- licka became satisfied do exist, - They occur in Parganas, northwest of Cal- cutta, in at least one area along the eastern coast, here and there among the Dravidians and in the Malabar hills. These discoveries bring the Negrito a long way farther to the westward and so much nearer Africa, making his derivation from that con- tinent so much the more probable. With regard to the bulk of the pres ent population of India, Doctor Hrd- licka believes he can say with confi- dence that it is mainly composed of three ethnic elements—the Semitic, the Mediterranean, and in certain parts the Hamitic, or North African. The Aryans show everywhere either the Semitic or the Mediterranean type. Doctor Hrdlicka saw nothing that could be referred to the types of cen- tral or northern Europe. It would seem, therefore, that the Aryans came from Persia and Asla Minor rather than from or through what is now Buropean Russia. Hears of Wild Men. Passing through Ceylon, where he reports no definite trace as yet of geo- logically ancient man, Doctor Hrdlicka proceeded to Java, touching at Suma- tra and the Straits Settlements. Of Sumatra, a country not yet perfectly known, he says that “there still pre- vail in the island, among the whites as well as the natives, beliefs in the existence of wild men. There are said to be two varieties. The Orang Pan- dak (orang—man, pandak—short) is said to live In the almost impenetrable mountain forests of the central and southern parts of the island. The na- tives describe him as black, short, long-haired and wild, but not insur- mountably shy. The second form is the Orang Sedapak. He is said to live ig the unhealthy lowlands of the southern part of Sumatra. He is de- scribed as having the body of a child of twelve, with long red hair on head and body. He is very shy and runs but does not climb. In the mountainous regions of the apper parts of the Malay peninsula, according to information given to Doc- tor Hrdlicka, there still live thousands of negritoid people, and there are many old caves waiting to be ex plored. The visit to Java was made chiefly 0 inspect the site of the Pithecan- thropus, but Doctor Hrdlicka also de sired to satisfy himself as to any pos- sible cultural traces of early man, and as to the ‘present population. ; When the actual site of the Pithe canthropus was reached by Doctor Hrdlicka, a whole gang of natives ad- vised by the police were already wait- ing there, each bringing a little pile of fossils gathered from the muddy ledges of the river as they were ex- posed by the receding water. These fossils were eagerly examined and a goed selection was made for the Na- tional museum, but they Included ne remains of any primate. In the eastern portion of Java Doc- tor Hrdlicka found traces of the pre- Malay Hindoo population which peo pled the Island In early historic times. In the central part of Java these peo- ple evidently reached a rather high degree of culture and left imposing ruins. Full-blood and otherwise fuM-col- ored Australians, but with tow hatr, were one of the phenomena observed in a boat journey along the western coast of Australia. Doctor Hrdlicka also attended some of the impressive ceremonies of the native Australians Sheds New Light. “The data obtained in Australia,” writes Doctor Hrdlicka, “throw a very Interesting and to some extent new light on the moot questions of both the Australian and Tasmanian aborigines. According to these observations, the Australian aborigines deserve truly to be classed as one of the most funda- mental and older races of mankind, and yet it is a race which shows close connections with our own ancestral stock—not ‘with the negroes or Mela- nesians (except through admixture), but with the old white people of post glacial times. As to the Tasmanians, the indica- tions are that they were but a branch of the Australians, modified perhaps a little in their own country. Both peo- ples have lived and the Australians of the Northwest live largely to this day, in a paleclithic stage of stone culture. They are still making unpolished stone tools, which in instances resemble the Mousterian implements or later Euro- pean paleolithic types. But they are also capable of a much higher class of work. Today, about Derby, bottles are used in making beautifully worker spear heads.” From Australia Doctor Hrdlicka’s journey led to South Africa, and dis- embarking at Durban, Natal, the first task was to see as many as possible of the Zulu, about whose exact blood af- finities there was some doubt. From an examination of many individuals the anthropologist reached the con- clusion that the Zulu is unquestiona- bly a true negro, though now and then, as in other negro tribes, showing a trace of Semetic (Arab) type due probably to old admixtures. The two main objects of the visit to South Africa were the investigation of the spot of the important find of the Rhodésian skull, and of the recent-dis- iseevery-of the skull of a fossil anthro- ‘poid ape at’ Taungs, which had been reported as being possibly a direct link in the line of man’s ascent. The Rhodesian skull, found in 1921 af Broken hill, shows a man so primitive in many of its features that nothing like it has been seen before. Doctor Hrdlicka was able to clear up soms of the moot points in connection with this important find, and he collecte¢ for study bones of animals from the cave which gave the Rhodesian skull as well as two additional mineralized bones belonging to two individuals all of which were deposited with the earlier relics in the British museum. Land Rich in Material. The fossil skull of an anthropef ape, found in Taungs in 1924, belongs according to Doctor Hrdlicka, to i species of anthropoid ape of about thg¢ size of a chimpanzee and evidently related to this form, though there ars certain differences, especially in the brain. These differences suggeste( that this ape may possibly have beer somewhat superior to the chimpanzee ‘and nearer to the human. But it is not necessarily a form that stood ir the direct line of the human phylum Bootblacks Still Ply Trade in Chinatow: San Francisco. — The wandering bootblack with his small box and brushes remains an institution in Chinatown immune to the waves of modernism transforming the oriental district. Every morning these embryo busi ness men sally forth to ply their trade and for years the Chinese boys have regarded the city hall of justice, which borders Chinatown, as a favored zone. Even the august presence of Chief of Police Dan O’Brien is invaded daily. A pitched battle between bootblacks of Chinatown and the Italian quarter at North Beach resulted recently when the Italian lads decided to enter the lucrative hall of justice field. The in- vasion was repelled, but in retaliation the Italian boys declared a bap against the orientals in a district to the north. Since that time peace has prevailed in both camps. Steals Own Car Omaha, Neb.—Weston Wiswall is going to be careful next time he steals his own car. He found it parked down- town, the Mrs. having gone shopping, and he used it. The Mrs. notified the police and he was arrested. He could not identify himself nor find the Mrs. and he passed two nights in jail. Born on Trolley Louisville, Ky.—~When Condugtor J A. Davidson, in charge of an IteFurpan car from Ordeal to Loulsville, pulled his esr to the station here hé found a | passenger had paid no fare. A. child had been born to a woman who was en route to the hospital. child are doing nicely. arom his Bank is prepared not only for ordinary commercial bank- ing, but for a trust business of any description. It can act as your Trustee, your Executor, or in any other fiduciary way. Mie The First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. ding for Joy caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy.” So said one of old, who had made it his habit to befriend those in need. As Executor and Trustee of many estates —we have brought comfort to many a widow, Consult us Freely about Your Trust Agreement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. A MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AN NE a A a Sa sa a 10) Mother and Early Summer Apparel ns A collection of Coats, Suits and Dresses— plenty of choice at economi- cal prices. A few of the many specials we are making for this month follow : 11 Linen Fur Dresses, 36in. wide, all colors, light and dark—only 39 cents. Tub Silk in Awning and Pin Stripes, 32in. wide—only $1.50. Silk Faulards in Polka Dots and Plaids—only $2.00. Rayon Silks in Stripes, Plaids and Figures, from 75c. up. Peter Pan Prints (absolttely fast colors)—only 59c. Figured Soisette, all colors. Silk Scarfs ee our Window Display of All-Silk Scarfs—all colors, handsome Fringed Ends. Among them are some made of the Mallison Silks and Georgettes. Values up to $8.00—our price $2.98. Seeing is Believing.....We Invite Inspection Lyon& Company