~ Bellefonte, Pa., June 18, 1926. Audience Only Judge of Scenes That “Go” As a rule, it is easy for the author to discover before rehearsals draw to an end where the weaknesses, if any, of his play exist. It is a peculiar thing that a play which reads well often acts badly, and vice versa, writes Cos- mo Hamilton in the Saturday Evening Post. - I have noticed many times, with my own work and with the work of other men, that there are certain scenes which seem to be extraordinarily amusing on paper, bu? which have only to be put to the test of rehearsal to drop head first into the pit in which, in less expensive days, the orchestra tuned up. It is, too, quite impossible to ascertain, until a play has been well rehearsed, what lines are to be cut, what entrances altered and what exits are to be brought about with greater or less rapidity. It has been proved again and again how hopeless it is to make a true es- timate of a play's appeal to an audi- ence until it faces one. There are few authors and even fewer directors who dare to prophesy exactly how a play will take. Scenes which have ‘been rehearsed for laughs and which have appealed to all concerned as be- 4ing extvemely funny during rehearsal ‘may be received with stony silence bv ‘the people in front on “the night.” Other scenes which appear to be trivial and unimportant may go with roars of laughter, while tragic mo- ments and those in which the whole drama of the play has been worked up to a high pitch may fizzle like damp gunpowder when put to the final tes* People Have Learned Value of Thermometer A man named Galileo invented 3» thermometer in 1592. The liquid was fn an open vial, and there was no mark or scale to show temperatures. After a while a mark was used show- ing the temperature of snow and an- other for the heat 6f a candle. Half a century later a man found he could make a thermometer of a glass tube with a bulb on one end, so by sealing the other end you could carry the thing about. Another half century or more passed, and Fahren- heit became interested. He developed the thermometer until it was a prac- tical instrument, and by 1714 he had established his now famous Fahver. heit scale. That was over 200 years ago, says ‘Good Hardware, yet people are just realizing how actually useful this in- strument is. For centuries it was jooked upon with superstition; a score of years ago school children could teli you the owner of nearly every ther mometer in town. The incubator, and then our scientific dairying, cooking and gardening, brougit the thermo eter into eommon use, Thermometers are an importan! item now. They are in demand ever} day of the year among folks who have learned a little a2bout their uses Many people demand a specially de signed thermometer for each diffe ent purpose. Misurd-rs'ood An old negro named John Jones upon leaving Atlanta, Ga., went to hi: bank, a negro institution, and hae his book balanced, which showed = balance of $200. Landing in Cincinnati, the old dark» issued a cheek on the Atlanta ban’ for $200, payable to a Cincinnati bank. In a few days the check was re- turned marked “Insufiicient Funds.” whereupon the Cincinnati bank sont an inquiry to the Atlanta bank abou the old negro’s account and the bal ance they showed on the pass hook against which no checks had been is sued. The following reply was re ceived : “Gentlemens—We don't mean tha: John Jones ain't got sufficient funds. but we mean that our funds are ir suflicient.”—Forbes Magazine. ; ave Taw Betrayed French Secrets -sMajor Esterhazy became notorious through his connection with the Drey fus case. It was he who accused Dreyfus of being the writer of the famous ‘“bordeau,” alleged to have been sent to certain German military officers, revealing French military secrets. In 1896 Colonel P’icquart, head of the intelligence bureau of the war office, made discoveries pointing to Major Esterhazy as the author of the “bordeau.” Investigation was made and it was believed that Esterhazy + forged Dreyfus’ handwriting and was - the real traitor. He was not con- - victed, however, but was forced to leave I'rance aud is said to have died «In England in 1923. { [1 Batali i Ant’s Toilet Equipment Ants ave always moving about hI lose touch with the ground, and yet a dirty ant is practically unknown, for they are continually stopping to clean themselves. The ant is, in- deed, very well equipped in this re. spect, having a most extensive toilet set. The ant’s tongue serves, when wet, as a sponge. When dry, tough, filelike bands on the side make a splendid brush. Four of its legs are fitted with hairs which make clothes brushes, and the two forelegs are each fitted with a fine and coarse toothed comb, —Subscribe for the “Watchman.” BARM VALUES DECREASE 95 PER GENT IN 5 YEARS Shrinkage From $66,316,002,602 tr $49,546,523,739 Reported After Agricultural Census. Washington.—A shrinkage in the value of American farms and farm buildings from $66,316,002,602 in 1920 to $49,546,523,759 in 1925 was esti: mated in the Department of Com- meree in a preliminary report on the latest agricultural census. The de- crease amounts to a little more thar 25 per cent. Farm acreage in the same period declined from 955,883,715 to 924,889, 880 acres, and the department's divi- sion of land economics calculated the decline in the avergge acre value of land and buildings at 22 per cent, and for land alone at 28 per cent. The value of farm buildings, it explaines increased 6 per cent. The 1925 figures, compared with those for 1910, indicated an increase of 35 per cent in the average farm value, but considering the drop in the purchasing power of the dollar during that interval, the economists conclud- ed there was actually a net decline of 10 to 12 per cent during that period. The decline during the last five years was not general, the depart- ment’s experts found, the shrinkage in values having been greatest in the range country, the wheat and corn belts, and the eastern cotton states, while a slight increase was recorded in New England and the Middle At- lantic states. In the Mountain states, the decline amounted to 41 per cent, in Iowa 34 per cent, and ‘in Georgia 40 per cent. The increase in New England was 8 per cent and in the Middle Atlantic states 1 per cent. Pa. cific coast values remained constant. Collapse of the war land boom, with | a fall of corn and hog prices, account- ed largely for the decline in lowa, the experts reported, while the decrease in Georgia was due chiefly to the boll- weevil and the exodus of negro work- ers. In the range country and moun- tain states, they said, drought and the collapse of wheat prices were the lead ing causes, The increase in farm values in the Northwestern states was attributed to a great extent to the development of the dairy industry, the favorable posi tion respecting markets, and an in- :reased demand for farm land for recreational purposes. sebbbi feeble Eight-Months-Old Boy Adept at Feats of Balance At the tender age of eight months Kenneth Mentgomery, son of Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Montgomery of Washing ton, is adept at feats of balance. Ip this photograph he is shown balane ing on one foot in the palm of his father’s hand, Rn en tee anailing Gives Wife to Buddy, Then Gets Divorce Milwaukee, Wis.—Judge Gustave G. Gehrz granted a divorce to. Roman Wigniewskl, who charged that his wife, Helen, had been stolen from him by Benjamin. A. Miller, Chicago, whe was. his buddy in the. Russian army and best man when he married. Wisniewski located in Milwaukee nd Miller in Chicago. In 1924 his wife joined him. Miller came from Chicago to visit. The husband bezan to suspect Miller and his wife. Each acknowledged love for the other, whereupon he told his wife his friend should have her. The husband accompanied him and the wife to the depot, bought the tickets and gave Miller $5. The following month Mrs. Wisniew ski returned to her husband and he took her back. Later the husband again began to suspect his wife and he sued for a divorce. Through an interpreter Mrs. ‘is alewski denied she ever had been in love with Miller. She admitted that she had gone to Chicago with him but said she had done so beeause of anger. While in Chicago she lived aline and supported herself, she testified. Caveman Protected New York.—Bad news for wives whose husbands “treat ‘em rough,” was broken in White Plains by Su- preme Court Justice Tompkins “There is no law in New York state,” he said, “which permifs a wife to sue her husband for alleged assault, xo matter how badly she may have bess reat.’ HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE When the correct letters are placed in the white spaces this puzsle will spell words both vertieally and horisontally. ‘The first letter in ench word Is fmdicated by a number, which refers to the definiticn listed below the puzzle. Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” deflnes a word which will fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the next Black ome below. No letters go in the black spaces. All words used are dic- | Abbreviations, slang, Initials, technieal terms and obsolete forms are indicated in the definitions. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 2. tiomary words, except proper mames. mE BP EEN | lle q 70 11 Te 14 5 16 117 18 19 20 2L 97 : I 28 TT 23 [2 I i 31 32 34135 36 [37 38 139 |¢ 41 42 | 43 44 46 47 (45149 50 me= 1011 HE 1101 J (©. 1928, Western Newspaper Union.) Horizontal. 1—Jewish territorial organization (abbr.) 4—Part of a circle 7—Dorn : 8—By way of 9—Secret 12—Paradise 15—Single 16—Part of ‘to be” 18—Natlve metal 19—Aflirmative 20—Mechanism for actuating a valve 21—Uncooked 22—To try out 25—Half a quart 28—Negative 29-—Note of scale 30—Small whirlpool 32—Lizard 34—Emperor (abbr.) 38 —Compendium of information 38—Frozen water 41—Also 42—Short sleep 43—A fracas 44— A Canadian (slang) 47—To hire 50-—Suffix forming names of rocks 51—Finish 52—Humans 53—Is owing Vertical. 1—To put money into 2—Mound of earth 8—Over (poetic) 4—Avenue (abbr.) 5—Long, narrow inlet 6—To caper 9—Shy 10—Single 11—Diplomacy 12—Material from which rope is made 13—Period of time 14—Of recent origin 17—Sun god 23—Termination 24—Grass 26—Anger 27—Novel 30—The person from whom a family takes its name 31—An American soldier 32—Part of thes neck 38—Censorious speech 34—And so forth (abbr.) 35—Extinct, flightless bird 37—North America (abbr.) 39—Part of a gear wheel 40—Young lamb 45—Shoshone Indian 48—Century 483—Boy’'s name 49—African antelope Solution will appear in mext issue. Asbestos-Cement Water Pipe New Development. A recently developed water pipe, made of cement and shingle asbestos, was discussed by delegates to the American Water Works Association convention at Buffalo a few days ago. The new pipe is said to be perma- nent and to have a permanent carry- ing capacity. It can be manufactured for any pressure and the composition is such that there is nothing in the pipe to oxidize or corrode under ordi- nary conditions of service. The new pipe is claimed to have an advantage over the cast iron pipe, which often decreases in carrying capacity as much as twenty per cent. within ten or fifteen years. Scientific tests are said to have shown that the bursting pressure of the new pipe is considerably in excess of the American Water Works Asso- ciation test for cast iron pipe. In considering the pipe for general Rag Carpets and Rugs MADE TO ORDER Also Chairs Re-Caned 17 All Orders Promptly Filled E. Logan St., Bellefonte. GEO. W. JOHNSTON T1-20-Tt Dairymen--- Notice A special sale of Mayer's ‘Dairy Feed—a Ready- Mixed Ration, 22% protein $40.00 per Ton Delivery Charge $2 oo per Load Frank M. Mayer BELLEFONTE, PA. T1-11-tf For Better Dyeing Dry Cleaning Pressing SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO Stickler & Koons 8 Bishop Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 362R T1-23-tf . Solution te Cross-word Puzzle No. 1. use the principal disadvantages are the types of joint used and the method of making service taps. J. McC. Davis, Owner. M. C. Luke, Manager Water Street Inn Chicken and Waffles EVERY EVENING She Knows He’s Safe She neither leaves him alone at home, nor takes him out through dangerous traffic and inclement weather to shop. Her tele- phone makes this exposure unnecessary. Mother need not leave the comfort nor the duties of her home to get her meats— a few words over the telephone will bring the family food. Order your Meat over the telephone trom us. Our service consists not only of free delivery, but guaranteed quality at lowest possible prices. It will save you time, effort and money. P. L. Beezer Estate Market on the Diamond BELLEFONTE, PA. 34-34 CHICHESTER § PILLS on Bier Bork aa/ A her. Buy of you Dru, PN A Lag Best, Safest, Always Reliable yearskaownas SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Marriage Licenses. | Martin I. McCooly and Ruth Eliza- beth Taylor, both of Philadelphia. Otta L. Card, of Williamsport, and M. Ruth Thompson, of Howard. Joseph Gordon Rigby and Dorothy Pauline Rupp, both of State College. —Subscribe for the “Watchman.” A. W. KEICHLINE REGISTERED ARCHITECT FELLEFONTE, PENNA. 71-11-6m* Highest Quality U pholstery TUDEBAKER uses the finest grade of wool upholstery. Compare the depth of Studebaker cushions and seat backs with cars costing $1000 more. Inspect the interior workmanship. There are no cloth-head upholstery tacks, raw edges or cheap binding braid in Stude- baker interiors — “hand-tailored” for beautiful appearance. and, in addition: Finer Body Construction yy vw Costly Alloy Steels vy. vv Completely Machined Crankshaft yy 9 Durable Finish yy Kv 9 Heavy Steel Fenders yy Vv 9 Pressed Steel Instrument Board " (Wood Backed) yy vw Ww Fully Waterproofed Ignition vw i Coincidental Lock and Automatic Spark vy: Vv v9 Most Powerful Car of Its Size and Weight vv. vw " Qil Filter, Gasoline Strainer and Air Cleane: vy Vv Full Equipment at One-Profit Price - Beezer’s Garage BELLEFONTE, PA. ® A restful nigh on one of the Great Ships of the €C & B Line makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long, sound sl and an appetizing breakfast in the morning. Steamers “SEEANDBEE”—-"CITY OF ERIE”—-"CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May 1st to November 15th Leave Buffalo— 9:00 P. M. Eastern Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M. Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M. Standard Time Arrive Buffalo— *7:00 A. M. * Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line, New Tourist Automobile Rate—$7.50. Send for free sectional puzzle chart ot the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” and CEE a 32-page booklet. in Daily Service The Clev. d and Buf e San pa falo Cleveland, Ohio Your Rail Ticket is Good on our Steamers | —,