Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 18, 1926, Image 3

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    f— _-
Bellefonte, Pa,, June 18, 1926.
Frank Lucas and L. J. Heaton spent
Saturday and Sunday in Altoona.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hancock came
home from Philipsburg on Monday.
Mrs. Sarah Garrett, of Bellefonte,
called on Mrs. Jennie Walker on Mon-
The Children’s day services at this
place on Sunday evening were quite a
success. :
Mrs. Lawrence Poorman, of Wil-
liamsport, is visiting at the home of
Thomas Poorman.
Mrs. Jennie Walker, who has been
on the sick list for several weeks, is
not improving at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey and son,
of Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Dewey’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas.
Miss Eletha Solt, of Williamsport,
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Johnson, the past
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Win-
gate, and Mrs. Clara Leathers, of
Fleming, called at the Hancock home
on Sunday evening.
Mrs. John Hite and Mrs. E. R.
Lucas, of Altoona, and Georgia John-
son, of Wallaceton, called at the home
of Mary Heaton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Burtus Witherite and
daughter, of Osceola Mills, autoed to
this place on Sunday and spent the
day with Mr. and Mrs. Michael With-
Those who called at Mrs. Sallie
Friels, on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Johnson, son and daughter, of
Wallaceton, and Mr. and Mrs. William
Jodon. of Bellefonte.
Howard Neff, of Shingletown, is
visiting at the home of his brother,
Joseph Neff.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harter, of
State College, were Saturday evening
visitors among friends here.
Children’s day services will be held
this Sunday evening at seven thirty
o’clock, in the Reformed church.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garbrick and son
Vernon and daughter, of Centre Hall,
were Sunday visitors among friends
The Ladies’ Aid society purchased a
lantern to be placed at the entrance
of the church; also are having a piano
placed in the church.
Visitors at the James Bartley home
on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Bartley, sons Arthur and Roy, and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harter.
Messrs. Henry Vonada and John
Vonada, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff
and son Junior were visitors among
friends at State College last week.
Visitors at the Miles Bartley home
on Sunday were Mrs. James Lecker,. of
Lock Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Neff and son, Joseph Jr., Howard Neff
and Helen Vonada.
The death angel entered the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bartley, last
Monday morning, and claimed their
infant son. The mother, who was in a
critical condition, is improving. Sym-
pathy is extended through this column
from their many friends.
Game Supply in State is Endangered.
“Ten million dollars worth of game
was killed in ten years in the State of
Pennsylvania and only $100,000 is
available each year for the purchase
of game,” said A. I. Wood, of the
State Game Commission, speaking at
the meeting of Izaak Walton League
in Jersev Shore.
Mr. Wood impressed those in at-
tendance with the importance of
game conservation in the State.
He stressed the value of control of
vermin, declaring that the cat is a
menace to wild life and all
at large should be shot. He instanced
the ravages perpetrated by skunks
and snapping turtles and other species
of vermin. Hawks and owls should
be exterminated, said Mr. Wood, but
there are two species of hawks and
five of owls that are protected. .
“More rabbits are killed each year
by automobiles than the State Game
Commission can get from other States
to replenish the supply,” he declared.
70 Men to Make a Needle.
The first needles used by any peo-
ple were thorns and pointed sticks.
They were used merely to punch holes
without drawing a thread after them.
Needles of bone and stone have been
found among relics of early civiliza-
tion. The first steel needles were
made in 1370. By the modern meth-
od of manufacture the steel wire is
cut into double lengths. Epes are
placed close together in the middle
and then they are filed in two. Most
of the work is in finishing and polish-
ing them. It takes just 70 men to
make a single needle. Each needle
has to go through 22 different pro-
cesses before it reaches its market-
able form. .
Gum for Germany.
American chewing gum is going to
help Germany pay her reparations.
To meet the European demand for
this country’s chief recreational pro-
duct a factory is to be established at
Frankfort, Germany, by American in-
terests. Germany, through its tax
on such commodities, will reap a share
of the profits from the enterprise.
Two things induce the starting of a
gum factory there; the high import
taxes leveled on chicle here and the
increasing demand throughout Europe
for chewing gum, which has been pop-
ular ever since it was introduced by
the American military and naval
—The “Watchman” gives all the
news when it is news. Read it.
Relics of Bronze Age
Unearthed in England
On a long slope of seemingly virgin
turf between the famous hills of Cis
bury and Chanctonbury, Sussex, Eng-
land, archeologists have unearthed a
site, abounding in evidences of occu-
pation, of what is known as a late
Bronze age village. Everywhere are
the signs of a peaceful, cultured
hamestead, pastoral, yet with many
of the luxuries of life brought about
by 400 years of Roman civilization,
and with every sign of this is a sign
of the destruction wrought by the
Saxon invader. The ground is lit-
tered with the Reman tiles, the
Roman tile nails, fragments of walls
that were once covered in the Roman
manner with colored distemper. Here,
in what was obviously the rubbish pit,
fragments put together make up a
perfect specimen of a wine cup of the
classic red Samian ware, delicately
ornamented with a pattern that orig-
inally came from classic Greece.
Here are fragments of the great
amphorae used by Romans for Iim-
porting wine. It should be noted that
pots made by these vanished Bronze
age people and the earliest of the
Celts would not stand fire, so to cook
their food they heated flint stones
and threw them into the water until
it boiled. It is a trick of savages
to this day. Once the turf is removed
the soil of the downs about these vil-
lages is strewn all over with millions
of flint stones bearing unmistakable
signs of having been made red hot
and then plunged into water.
Alterations Are Made
in Course of Years
Most people would think that the
word admiral is a typical English ex-
pression. Its origin, however, is Emir
el Bagh, which is Arabic for “Lord of
the sea.” The term cuptain comes to
us direct from the Latin caput, mea»
ing head.
The coxwain was originally the man
who pulled the after-oar of the cap-
tain’s boat, then known as the *“‘cock’s
boat.” Cock-boat itself is a corrup-
tion of the word coracle, a small round
boat used for fishing. Commodore is
nothing more than the Italian cop
mendatore, or commander,
Frequently we hear about “Davy
Jones.” There was, of course, no such
person, but should you speak of “Duf-
fy Jonah’s Locker,” you have the origi
nal phrase. Duffy is the West-Indiar
negro term for the spirit of Jonah.
The term “dog watch” is a corrup-
tion of “dodge” watch, the “dodge” be-
ing an arrangement to prevent men
from being on duty every day at the
same hours.
Restoring Old Castles
Ancient Durham castle, in England,
«8 disintegrating. The foundations
of this histeric pile were’ laid in
the year 1072 by Walthoef, earl of
Northumbria a favorite of William
the Conqueror. The earl was ap-
pointed to the bishoprie, and Durham
castle became the home of a succes-
sion of bishops each of whom left his
own additions and impress. upon the
castle. Towers, doorways, chapels.
kitchens were added by historic char-
acters who were owners of the castle
during the succeeding years, and all
have left their names upon the pages
of British history. Public subserip-
tions are supplementing the £15.000
set apart by the Durham city fathers.
and public sentiment is being aroused,
looking forward to the preservation
and restoration of this historic build-
ing, which is still in active use as a
Northern Ohio Indians
she Eries, for whom the lake was
named, were at one time the oc-
cupants of northeastern Ohio, us well
a3 of the whole southern shore of
Lake Erie from near the site of Buf-
falo to Sandusky bay. They were kin
of the Iroquois, but bitter enemies,
and it seems that about 1650 a merel-
less war broke out between them. The
Iroquois were superior in numbers
and organization, with the result that
they practically exterminated the Erie
nation, a few remnants of it being re-
ceived into other tribes. The lands
of the Eries were thus left largely in
possession of the Iroquois. They
were also occupied to seme extent by
more westerly nations — Ottawas.
Chippewas and Pottawattomies.
Located on “Fall Line”
The “fall line” is the boundary be
«ween the Atlantic coastal plain and
the Piedmont belt to the west, which
is marked by falls or rapids in most of
the streams, due to the fact that the
rivers can cut more rapidly in the soft
unconsolidated rock of the coastal
plain than the hard crystalline rocks
of the adjacent regions. In early
days the falls marked the head of
navigation for the coastwise trade, and
power is developed along the “fall
line,” to which is ascribed the location
of many cities, among them being
Washington, Richmond, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Trenton, Columbia, Ma-
con and Montgomery.
Finish for Floors
Put one quart of turpentine in a
self-sealing jar. To this add four
ounces of finely cut beeswax. Adjust
the lid and set in the sunshine. Shake
it occasionally until beeswax is dis-
solved and it is the consistency of
thick cream. Apply with a small rag,
rubbing thoroughly into floors, and
polish with soft cloth after it Is dry.
It Is easy to apply and when once
used will never be discarded. It is
fine also for linoleums and painted
Real Estate Transfers.
William Kreamer, et ux, to Jona-
than Auman, tract in Miles Twp.; $45.
Jerome Brungart to J. C. Auman,
tract in Miles Twp.; $180.
Alice Auman, et al, to J. C. Auman,
tract in Miles Twp.; $1.
J. C. Auman to C. Clayton Auman,
et al, tract in Miles Twp.; $300.
R. Henrietta Schrader to Albert F.
Schrader, et al, tract in Miles Twp.;
John H. M¢Culley, et ux, to Austin
C. Hoy, tract in Bellefonte; $500.
Clara M. Treaster, et al, to Blanche
E. Fye, tract in Potter Twp.; $1.
Clyde W. Brouse to Meriam J.
Brouse, tract in State College; $1.
G. Herman Everts, et ux, to Clara
S. Bastion, tract in Ferguson Twp.;
Bellefonte Cemetery Association to
C. H. Fike, tract in Bellefonte; $25.
Samuel Kreamer to C. E. Kreamer,
et ux, tract in Haines Twp.; $1.
Rhoda Grazier, et al, to George W.
Resides, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $3,-
Frank L. Shope, et ux, to Emanuel
OR SALE.—1923 model four door Ford
F sedan. Harry Baum estate. Inquire
of SIM BAUM. T1-23-tf
OR SALE OR RENT—Residence and
F Garage, 203 east Linn St., Belle-
Inquire of H. N. Crider,
Ave, Ventnor, N. J.
112 south Harvard
ANTED.—An oppertunity is offered a
Ww relinble man in Center County to
build a profitable, independent
business selling Whitmer Products house
to house. Products highest quality and
guaranteed. Car or wagon and team need-
ed. Real opportunity for right man to
make $10 to $20 daily. Salesmanship
taught FREE. Write
T1-24-3t* Dept. 24, Columbus, Indiana.
ed executor of the last will and
testament of Aaron W. Reese, late
of Port Matilda, Centre county, Penna.
deceased, hereby notifies all persons know-
ing themselves indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment and those hav-
ing claims to present same, properly
authenticated for settlement.
I. P. REESE, Executor,
101 8th St. Tyrone, Pa.
Eons NOTICE—The undersign-
XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa-
E mentary having been granted to
the undersigned upon the estate of
A. Y. Wagner, late of Bellefonte borough,
deceased, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having claims
against the same must present them, duly
authenticated, for settlement.
Gettig & Bower, Executors,
Attorneys. T1-22-6t Bellefonte, Pa.
For Liver Ills.
NR Tonight
to tone and strengthen
ns of digestion and
elimination, improve appetite,
stop sick headaches, relieve bil-
iousnes correct constipation.
Tho aed prymeiiy, sieatontiy,
Tomorrow Alright
~ -
25¢, Box 2
Fire Automobile
Accident Tornado
Compensation Boiler
Burglary Plate Glass
Employers’ Liability
Bonds of All Kinds
Hugh M. Quigley
Successor to H. E. FENLON
Temple Court
16--Day Excursion
Friday June 25
Round Trip from
Proportionate Fares from Other Points
For details as to leaving time of
trains, fares in parlor or sleeping
cars, stop-over privileges, or other
information, consult Ticket Agents,
or David Todd. Division Passenger
Agent, Williamsport, Pa. 71-24-2t
Similar Excursion October 13
Pennsylvania Railroad
The Standard Raliread ef the Werld
Burns, tract in Snow Shoe Twp.; $1,
Harry N. Musser, et ux, to James
L. Leathers, et ux, tract in State Col- |
lege; $8,000.
Mrs. William D. Walker, et ux, to
Yolg C. Walker, tract in Miles Twp.;
Volga C. Walker to Elvena L. Walk-
er, et bar, tract in Miles Twp.; $5.
John H. McCulley, et ux, to Joseph
Hazel, tract in Bellefonte; $500.
E. E. Widdowson, et ux, to W. N.
Piha, et al, tract in Bellefonte;
Penn State College Alpha Gamma
AN OR WOMAN :—$50.00-$75.00 week-
! M ly showing our samples and taking
orders for Famous Packard Tailor-
ed Shirts and Neckwear direct from our
factory. Easy work. Experience unneces-
sary. Your pay starts at once. Summer
lines ready. Representatives in other
! counties earning $50.00 to $75.00 a week.
ESSEX COACH furnished free. Act quick.
Write for free samples. Packard Manu-
facturing Co., 833 Orleans, Chicago, III.
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
Law, Bellefonte, Pa Prompt ate
tention given all legal business em-
Offices—No. 5 Hast
trusted to his care.
High street.
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pre-
fessional business will receive
rompt attention. Office on second floor ef
mple Court.
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in ” chan
Bellefonte, Pa. . Silders 2 55s
Rho Alumni Association, to H. B. JEWELER
Young, tract in State College; $1. 191 Seuth Eleventh St.. ae
John Carver to Jefferson Tressler, PHILADELPHIA. PHYSICIANS.
tract in Benner Twp.; $775. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum R. RB. L. CAPERS,
; B. F. Cramer to Jefferson Tressler, §643+tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY OSTROPATH.
ract in Benner Twp.; $700. Bellefont lege
: a — Crider's Exch. 66-11 Holmes Siig,
8. GLENN, M. D., Physician amd
Surgeon, _ State College, Centrs-
county, Pa. Office at his resi.
Scenic Theatre
Week-Ahead Program
JUNE 18:
return engagement by special request, with noni
other than the world's greatest comedian, HAROLD LLOYD.
It is one of hiy
greatest and funniest pictures, in seven big reels, and if you have not already
seen it don’t miss this opportunity.
MYSTERY,” all for 10 and 25 cents.
Also, 4th chapter of serial, “BAR C.
ith BUCK JONES. This picture shows
Buck in a racing battle from a steamer’s gangplank to an Arizona ranch with
a girl and a gold mine as the prize. The Buckaroo and the girl dash in on the
split second, just in time to save the mine.
Also, a first run two reel comedy,
Here is a genuine first class picture from all angles.
You'll sce
the flower of Paris night life, torn on the bramble of disillusionment, who,
dancing toward revenge, whirls into the arms of love. A story that keeps an-
ticipation as keen as the unfolding of a sweetheart’s letter.
On Monday night, Pathe News, Aesop’s Fables and
Tuesday night, a first run two reel Mack Sennett comedy,
a wonderful production.
a single reel.
A great cast and
“BLACK PARADISE,” with Edmund Lowe and Madge Bellany.
A strong
melodrama. It's thrilling and gripping, especially the scenes that show the es-
cape of the heroine's fiance, a young crook, from the pursuing police and above
all, the volcanic eruption showing the lava flowing down the mountain destroy-
ing everything. It sure is an awful spectacle. Also, a first run two reel Mack
Sennett comedy, “Giddap.”
GRAY. Bebe as a gawkish, small-town
comes into her own when she plunges
turmoil of adventures possible.
and Pathe Review.
girl, who, dancing and eager for thrills,
headlong into the funniest and wildest
And how things do hum. Also, Pathe News
“WET PAINT,” with the high silk
hat comedian, RAYMOND GRII'FITH.
This is absolutely a farce comedy all the way and we guarantee it will make
you scream. This star has made quite
does them all.
Don’t miss it if you want to laugh for one solid hour.
a few funny pictures but this one out-
a first run Mack Sennett two reel comedy, “UKELELE SHIEKS.”
Clo the Spring Bride
brings the grace of
America’s most graceful
Ever keen, ever watchful,
bride knows that America is-now dis-
covering its own American period. Early
American is the dominating
niture, furnishings—and now, in solid
The first design to express this first
purely American awakening is MINUET.
Minuet! What pictures of lovely grace
that name awakens! And how delight-
fully the design carries out the grace
of America’s most graceful
‘We believe MINUET the design of the
hour and of America’s decorative future.
the spring
note in fur-
Wrought from
Solid o)ilver
tered and licensed by the State.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and
lenses matched. Casebeer Bld’g. High St.,
Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22--t£
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed
by the State Board. State Co
every day except Saturday.
fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court,
Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays 8
a.m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones. 68-40
We Keep a Full Line
of Feeds in Stock
C D. CASEBEER, Optometrist. Regls-
Try Our Dairy Mixtures
—22% protein; made of all
Clean, Pure Feeds—
$46.00 per Ton
We manufacture a Poultry
Mash good as any that you
can buy, $2.90 per hundred.
Purina Cow Chew .......... $52.00 per tem
Oil Meal, 34 per cent. protein, 54.00 *
Cotton Seed, 43 pr. ct. prot., 50.00 *
Gluten, 23 per cent. protein, 48.00 *
Alfalfa Meal ...... Seniantisoe ns 45.00 “
(These Prices are at the Mill.)
$2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery.
6. 1. Wagner & Go., Inc
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully ana Promptly Furnished
Cm— -
Fine Job Printing
There is no style of work, from th+
cheapest “Dodger” to the fimest
that we can not do in the mast sat-
hc Sich thn ‘ant wack
consistent e class
Cal: on or communicate with “his
This Interests Yous
The Workmans’ Compensatios
Law went into effect Jan. 1
1916. It makes Insurance Com
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards whick
Reduce Insurance rates.
1t will be to your interest fs
consult us before placing your
Bellefonts 43-18:1y State Cellags
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's