Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 18, 1926, Image 1

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—A job well done always brings
satisfaction and proper recompense to
the doer.
—~Congress is going to adjourn on
June 26 and thereafter, for a time,
we know the country will be safe.
~— Those fellows who are struggling
to get to the top are destined to be
disappointed. There is no top to any-
thing these days.
—We're still looking hopefully for
remittances from those of our readers
whose label winds up with a year
prior to 1926. Look at yours.
—1If all the “drys” in Pennsylvania
were to vote for Wilson and Fisher
and all the wets were to vote for Vare
and Bonniwell what do you suppose
the result would be?
—Governor Pinchot has been given
a gold medal for improving prison
conditions in Pennsylvania by the Na-
tional Committee on Prisons and Pris-
on Labor. We people who live closest
to Rockview think he should have
been given a leather one.
—Tell us the number of graduates
there will be from the Universities
and Colleges of the country this
month and we will tell you the num-
ber of parents who are already begin-
ning to think that things will be a lit-
tle easier for them from now on.
—Count Sktzynski fought a duel
with General Szeptycki, near Warsaw,
on Tuesday. This isn’t an attempt at
a Sling. It is only dragged in as a
test of the lino-operator, the proof
reader, and all the other readers who
are glib at pronouncing Polish names.
—Since the investigation of the
primary expenses of Congressman
Vare have revealed that $596,000, at
least, were spent to buy his nomina-
tion for Senator he ought to be about
ready to admit that booze and boodle
are greater vote getters than cows
and plows.
—It’s little wonder that the Pepper,
Fisher, Pinchot, Vare backers are all
yelling for repeal of the primary law.
After their recent experience of kiss-
ing nearly two million dollars good-
bye they are sure that a few needed
delegates in a State convention could
be bought far cheaper than the voters
of an entire State.
—Again, let us advise you, to waste
no time or money on a trip to the
Sesqui before the middle of August or
the first of September. Of course, if
you want to go before that time just
to be first to say: “Iv’e been to the
Sesqui;” go. But you won’t have seen
anything except the makins’ of what
will be a great show later.
“There “are” enough unpurchasable |
votes in Pennsylvania to overcome
the power of the Mellon-Grundy mil-
lions and the Vare-Leslie ballot frauds
if they will do it. But, will they?
Some will attempt it, but they are
discouraged because they believe that
others who ought’ to will hold their
nose, shut their eyes and vote to save
the country when it isn’t the country
at all that’s in-danger. It’s Pennsyl-
—Senator Heflin, of Alabama, has
suggested that farmers be permitted
to distill their surplus grain into
alcohol for use as fuel in their motor
cars. God save the country and
Henry Ford should Heflin’s idea take
root. Today most of the farmers are
eating oleo and drinking their coffee
black to save milk in order to get fat
checks from milk stations. Were they
permitted to distill their corn and rye
into motor fuel, especially aleohol at
ten a gallon, they’d all be back to the
horse and buggy era.
—London’s now most famous chop
house bars women. Golly, we're glad
to know that there’s one place in the
world where a man can go and be with
men alone. Not that we don’t enjoy
the companionship of women,. but
memory harks back to the days of the
favorite club, where we could go and
do as we pleased, little of which would
have pleased the average woman ob-
server. Women get more of each oth-
er’s companionship than men. They
would die if they didn’t. There is
nothing they get so tired of as their
man tagging at their heels all the
time and for the same reason a nor-
mal man craves the seasoning of the
he-stuff in his daily life.
—Andrew W. Mellon, our Secretary
of the Treasurer, is, without doubt, a
great financier, but that doesn’t prove
that he is a great economist. His
attack on the farm bill now before
Congress is justified in our opinion.
The farmers don’t need the help that
Congressmen who are only after votes
are trying to make them believe they
do. All they need is a square deal
from the government and if Secretary
Mellon were more of an economist
and less of a selfish financier he would
have argued from another angle
against the farm bill. As a matter of
fact the farmer is just as much en-
titled to a subsidy as a manufacturer
is entitled to a tariff. When Secre-
tary Mellon can lead his party to the
_ point where it will make it possible
for the American farmer to buy an
American-made harvesting machine as
cheap as the farmer in far off Aus-
tralia can buy it he will stop all
clamor for farm relief, take the wind
out of Brookhart’s sails and prove
himself something more than a selfish
financier. He made his money out of
manufacturing, not agrarian enter-
prises, and his view-point is a warped
i Secretary Mellon
OL. 7)
Secretary Mellon’s Dangerous Notion.
Mr. Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary
of the Treasury, is unable to see any
wrong in the expenditure of some-
thing like $2,000,000 in a campaign for
the Republican nomination for United
States Senator. The “size and popu-
lation of Pennsylvania, the number
and activity of the candidates, the
necessity of reaching the voter, and
particularly because it was a primary
and not an election, therefore subject
to fewer restrictions,” is ample jus-
tification, in his opinion, for the prof-
ligate expenditure of upward of a
million dollars for a nomination in
behalf of the candidate he favored.
Such a scale of expenses excludes a
poor man or one of moderate means
from the competition as completely
as if the law made a fortune of ten or
twenty millions an essential requisite
to qualify.
There were three candidates for the
nomination and the aggregate ex-
penditures amounted to nearly $3,-
000,000, nearly half of which was dis-
bursed in the interest of Mr. Mellon’s
candidate. There was no question of
taxation involved other than tariff
levies, and either Pinchot or Vare
would have served the purpose of
Secretary Mellon so far as voting on
tariff legislation is concerned. But
there are likely to be intricate tariff
problems to solve in the near future
and forensic power and legal learning
may attain a market value of “a mil-
lion dollars a pound.” The prohibitive
tariff tax on aluminum is certain to
be attacked and Vare or Pinchot
would be little more serviceable in
such an emergency than wooden In-
dians with vocal ability enough to say
yes or no.
Then there is a rather menacing
chance that the next Congress will
undertake to legislate on the subject
of oil and gasoline, and an orator of
Senator Pepper’s ability and equally
submissive might be worth more to
than the cost of
Pepper’s primary campaign. The pas-
sage of the Mellon tax bill during the
present session saved the Secretary
of the Treasury nearly a million dol-
suasive apguments of Senator Pepper
contributed as much as anything else
to that result. Mr. Vare, of course,
would have voted as Pepper did and
Pinchot might have been quite as
obliging. : But neither of them- could
have rendered the service which Pep-
per cheerfully gave to lighten the tax
burdens on multimillionaires, fifty
per cent. on one item. .
But that is not the grave reason
against profligate use of money at
primary elections. The standard of
expenditures set in the contest for the
women from public life.
reason assigned by Secretary Mellon
to justify the outrage is as immoral as
it is abhorrent. It is true that the
law allows watchers at the polls to
protect the integrity of the vote and
the interest of the candidates. But
one, or at the outside two watchers,
at each voting place is sufficient to
accomplish that purpose and the ap-
pointment of twenty or thirty is a
poorly disguised method of bribing
voters, and a man of the intelligence
know that.
np tem sn lp A mas wems———
—They say it is a woman’s privi-
lege, only, to change her mind. Be
that as it may, Otto Schlegel, of New
York city, has any woman we have
ever heard of skinned a mile. When
led before a magistrate in Norristown,
the other day, he asked to be sent to
prison for ten years. Eight hours
later, when he glimpsed the sunshine
and no longer felt the moonshine he
asked the magistrate for only five
minutes in which to get out of town.
Otto was accommodated, but we didn’t
know that Norristown is so small that
its corporate limits behind him in five
The members of the Manufac-
turers’ Association will save ten or
twelve million dollars a year for four
years if Fisher is elected. In view of
that fact the expense bill wasn’t ex-
Probably it was Secretary Mel-
lon’s opinion of campaign expenses
that influenced his nephew to aspire
to the chairmanship of the party.
—— Anyway the Governor didn’t go
outside of his own family for cam-
paign contributions.
'——The harmony in the Republican
party looks very much like “com-
pounding a felony.”
——It is a safe bet that Mr. Pin-
chot will not be a candidate for any
office this year.
lars a year indfcome tax and the per=
Republican nomination for Senator
this year absolutely eliminates all
except immensely wealthy men and
And the
and experience of Mr. Mellon must
a man with a “hang-over” could put!
$ :
. JUNE 18
Failure of the Primary System.
We cordially agree with Senator
Reed, of Pittsburgh, in the opinion
that the State-wide primary for the
nomination of candidates for office has
proven a failure, But we are not in-
fluenced to that opinion by the reasons
which seem to have moved him to his
view of the question. Senator Reed
imagines that the great fault of the
present primary system lies in the ex-
pense to candidates it involves. “We
have given this fancy reform a fair
chance,” he said in addressing the Re-
publican State committee on Satur-
day, “and we have learned that no
man of moderate means has a China-
man’s chance under it. Either a man
must be possessed of vast wealth and
be willing to spend it or he must draw
upon the resources of his friends and
supporters. It is an unfair system.”
Ever since the Republican party be-
came a controlling force in the politi-
cal life of the country an aspirant for
office in that party “must be possessed
of vast wealth and be willing to spend
it or he must draw upon the resources
of his friends and supporters.” In
Wisconsin years ago a candidate for
Senator in Congress spent nearly
$200,000 to obtain the seat. Senator
Lorimer, of Chicago, spent so vast a
sum to purchase his seat that he sub-
sequently resigned rather than under-
go an investigation. Senator New-
berry, of Michigan, only a few years
ago, admitted that he paid $190,000
for the seat and resigned pending an
investigation, and the Senate com-
mittee administered a censure.
But these incidents are not ascrib-
able to the primary system. The can-
didates would have bought the seats
in any event, it may be assumed,
though the prices may not have been
so high. The real fault in the system
is that it lodges power in the party
machine to select the purchaser of
the party favors and deprives the
party of opportunity to develop lead-
ers which conventions afford. The
party boss, under the e=i-ting system,
can submerge the ambitions and con-
ceal the qualifications of anv aspirant
for party favors because: there i
In a convention any man with talent
may have a voice and command at-
tention. Every such assemblage re-
‘vealed capable young men, and since
the new system came into vogue no
new leaders-have appeared.
re —— pee ree.
who will reimburse him. The mem-
bers of. the Manufacturers’ ‘'Associa-
tion will cheerfully “chip in” to pay
for a Governor who will serve them at
the expense of the people.
Crux of the Primary Campaign.
In his testimony before the Senate
committee investigating the expendi-
tures of the several candidates for
Republican nominations at the recent
primary Mr. Grundy testified that he
has contributed and became responsi-
ble for $408,000. This sum was made
up by a personal note for $300,000,
endorsement on another note for $90,-
000 and a direct contribution of $18,-
000. Asked
would get the money back he curtly
said no, but expressed confidence of
reimbursement. There is a group of
men in the State, he said, who gener-
ally contribute to those funds. He
probably had in mind the members of
j the Manufacturers’ association and
the beneficiaries of the tariff.
| In -another part of his narrative,
however, Mr. Grundy was more ex-
plicit. “The Pennsylvania manufac-
| turing corporations are exempt from
{ taxation on capital stock” he said and
| “he feared that a Beidleman Govern-
, orship would lead to taxes to take the
place of the coal tax and that the
manufacturers would have to pay the
freight.” That would cost the manu-
facturers several million dollars justly
due the State and Mr. Grundy felt
, confident that they would cheerfuily
reimburse him in the amount of three
or four hundred thousand dollars to
defeat such a menace to their inter-
ests. Mr. Fisher's record and his
obligations to Grundy might be safely
accepted as a guarantee of his fidelity
to the manufacturers.
This is really the crux of the cam-
paign for Governor. Mr Grundy was
opposed to Pepper for Senator, but he
surrendered his preference on that
office in order to secure an obedient
instrument in the office of Governor.
The Mellons were not friendly to
Fisher for Governor but were anxious
to get Pepper for Senator and in
order to get the Grundy influence for
Pepper yielded to the Grundy impor-
tunity for Fisher. Between these
great financial interests, the bankers
and the manufacturers, the interests
of the people have been sacrificed. If
Fisher is elected Governor the manu-
facturers will escape taxation “for
four years more,” however heavy the
burdens of taxation fall on the less
fortunate people. ;
Mr. Grundy knows .very . well
if he knew where he
| Birthright for a Mess of Pottage.
The surrender of chairman W.
Harry Baker to the Mellon-Grundy
combination appears to the disinter-
ested observer very much like “selling
a birthright for a mess of pottage.”
By every consideration of political
ethics, Mr. Baker was entitled to re-
election. He had served the party
faithfully, efficiently and well. But
in the discharge of his duty as “guide
and counsellor” he had incited the
enmity of Joe Grundy, who seems to
have become a State-wide party boss.
The reason given for his punishment
now is that he supported his personal
friend for a nomination that was oh-
noxious to Grundy. Four years ago
he was quite as active in the support
of a defeated aspirant and was re-
warded for his work.
. No close observer of politics in
Pennsylvania will question the fidelity
to party obligations of Mr. Baker
or his fitness for the office to which he
aspired. For many years he has been
the guiding spirit of the activities of
his party in the State, and the recur-
ring victories and increasing majori-
ies give abundant proof of his effi-
ciency as a manager. But upon a pre-
text that is absurd he has been strick-
en down. If he had refrained from
rendering the service of friendship it
would have been the same. Grundy
will tolerate no man in the party
management who favors the taxation
of corporate shares. According to his
political philosophy those least able
must bear the burden of taxation.
But the contract which consigns
Mr. Baker and his friend Beidleman
to oblivion has been signed and sealed.
Mr. Baker has been chosen as secre-
tary of the committee, but that office
has been stripped of all its power and
influence. When the campaign is
ended, if Fisher is elected, Baker and
Beidleman will be relegated to the
ranks of “political camp followers”
without influence enough to name a
messenger in the State service. They
might have commanded a move sub-
stantial consideration {or their sur-
render. They might have brought
“rendered the public a great ser-
vice by compelling an equalization of
tax burdens through a law to impose
a just taxon the capital stock of cor-
——At the meeting of the Demo-
cratic State Committee; in Harris-
burg, on Wednesday, Corneluis Hag-
gerty Jr, of Philadelphia, was chosen
State Chairman. He was the candi-
date of Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell,
our nominee for Governor, and was
| elected by a vote of 53 to 30 for Don
Corbet, of Clarion. John F. Short, of
Clearfield, was made a member of the
executive committee, : ;
Curb Market Opening.
Tomorrow (Saturday) is the day
set for the opening of the curb market
in Bellefonte. Last summer was the
first time in a number of years for
the holding of a market in Bellefonte,
and when it opened in June only three
‘gardeners brought in produce. But
the number increased with each suc-
ceeding market day until more than
twenty wagons and trucks were lined
up at the curb in front of the court
house. The success of the market
last year will probably mean a more
liberal patronage this summer.
Due to the congestion in front of
the court house last year the market
area will be extended as far south on
Allegheny street as Blair's jewelry
store. Parking will be restricted in
this area during the regular hours of
Wednesdays and Saturdays will be
the regular days of market. No time
limit will be set, but any and all cars
may park in the market area after 10
a. m.
Borough officials will prohibit the
peddling of produce and fruit on the
streets during the hours of market.
Farmers are urged to attend the
opening tomorrow and Bellefonte men
and women are also cautioned to be on
hand early,
—-Owing to the fact that the mer-
cantile appraisement was not received
at this office until Tuesday evening,
and had to go in this week’s paper,
much interesting correspondence was
crowded out, but it will appear next
-——Scientists declare that the sun
is to blame for the cold weather, and
all that is needed now is a means for
punishing the culprit.
. ——Close friends of both gentlemen
are wondering how Harry Mackey
managed to pump so much money out
of Vare’s pocket.
——-Unless the sun shines stronger
within a brief period of time there
will be mighty little hay to make in
harvest season. !
y. to their feet and they might |
penditures by ‘rival
ated in overflowing measure.
NO. 25.
A Practical Man.
I'rom the Philadelphia ltecord:
Joseph R. Grundy, president of the
Manufacturers’ Association of Penn.
sylvania, is a practical man. He
knows what he wants, and he gets it.
So we gather from his testimony be-
fore the Senate committee at Wash-
Mr. Grundy, it appears, was not
much interested in the Senatorship.
A United States Senator is useful in
maintaining the tariff, which is of the
utmost consequence to Mr. Grundy
and those whom he represents; but
then any Republican candidate could
be “right” on the tariff; and Mr.
Grundy felt sure that whoever might
be nominated by his party would be
But in the Governorship—in the
personality of the Gubernatorial nom-
inee—Mr. Grundy had a vital stake.
Beidleman was a wild man; he wanted
to take the tax off anthracite. That
would necessitate looking elsewhere
for State revenues; and Mr. Grundy
‘was afraid that Beidleman, if nom-
inated and elected, would want to tax
manufacturing corporations instead of
the consumers’ coal. On this point
Fisher was safe. So Mr. Grundy was
willing to put up $300,000 out of his
own pocket to insure the nomination
of Fisher; and he hooked up with the
Pepper campaign not because of his
fondness for Senator Pepper, but in
hope that the Senator would strength-
en the Fisher campaign.
To many citizens this will seem
like a sordid transaction—a $300,000
investment in a Governorship to avert
the possibility of a tax on manufac-
turing corporations. But for years
Mr. Grundy has been collecting, and
contributing to, national campaign
funds for the election of Executives
and lawmakers who would uphold
measures favorable to his business in-
terests; and after all there is not
much difference between raising
money to promote’ legislation to’ tax
the consumer for the benefit of man-
ufacturers ‘and raising money to pre-
vent legislation to tax the manufac-
turers for the benefit of consumers.
No difference at all to a practical man.
We don’t know just how much it
will take to awaken the people of
Pennsylvania to the grave Significance
of the revelations now bein:
Washington. Rumors of 1
: s and”
their supporters to control the late
primary election are being Subsiantie
crnment, of the people, by the people
for the people is merely a pleasant
phrase; it does not exist in Pennsyl-
vania. We have departed from the
plans and the ideals of the founders.
We are ruled by the judicious distri-
bution of cash; and it would not be
surprising if it should be found, on
the completion of the investigation
beng conducted by the Senate, ‘that
our primary election went to the high-
est bidder.
Newberry, whose primary election
expenditures shocked the country only
a few years ago, wad but a small po-
tato. But who would be rash enough
to predict that the lavish use of
money in the Vare-Pepper-Pinchot
campaign will shock Pennsylvania, or
that the voters here will set the seal
of their disapproval upon the invest-
ment of fabulous sums by politicians
to advance their own interests at the
polling places?
——————— ee ———————
Idealism Behind
irom the Miltonian, Milton, Pa.
It is the home newspaper which
boosts the town, year in and year out,
which takes the lead in every enter-
prise which has for its purpose the
upbuilding of the community.
We frequently hear it said that the
old-time independent spirit of the
newspaper is gone, that its editorial
policy is now subservient to the busi-
ness office. Yet this is not true.
There is more unselfish idealism in
the average local newspaper “han in
any other business enterprise. It
frequently speaks out for that which it
believes will be for the good of the
nation and of the community, regard-
less of what the consequences may be
from a business standpoint.
The local newspaper is the princi-
pal booster for the community, and it
does its boosting often without hope
of material reward. Unfortunate is
the community which neither appre-
ciates nor supports its local news-
——The State Board of Health has
appointed J. L. Tressell as full time
health officer for Centre county, ef-
fective at once. It is understood that
he will take up his residence at Pleas-
ant Gap and make that place his head-
quarters. Mr. Tressell comes to Cen-
tre county from Washington county,
where he has been engaged in health
work the past two years. Coincident
with his appointment all the part
time health officers in Centre county
have been relieved of duty with the
single exception of Mrs. Virginia
Bigelow, of Philipsburg, who" will
continue her work as health officer
for Philipsburg and Rush township.
Mr. Tressell, however, will have
charge of the work in all other sec-
tions of the county.
—-—Even if Tom Taggert has been
eliminated rrom the political life of
Indiana the country will survive.
made au:
—The nomination of W. Stans Hill as
postmaster at Williamsport was sent to
the Senate.
—Fred M. Kirby, Wilkes-Barre phi-
lanthropist, gave $1000 to the building
fund being raised by the local A. M. WE.
—Bids for the construction of approx-
imately 40 miles of highways will be op¢n-
ed June 22 and 23 by the Department of
—Faced with the necessity of deciding
whether he would live with his bride of
four months or go to the county prison
on a charge of desertion, Stanley Trojan,
27, of Nanticoke, hanged himself with his
belt in the Nanticoke jail, early on Satur-
day. His bedy was found by police of-
—With his foot wedged in a switch frog
while a night mail train on the Central
Railroad of New Jersey bore down upon
him, 19-year-old Clinton Heinz, of Walnut-
port, Lehigh county, had presence of mind
enough to throw the rest of his body as
far from the flyer as possible and sacri-
fice his foot.
—While looking through the bureau
drawers for a flag at his home in Blooms-
burg on Monday, Peter Aranavage found
$2,200 in cash. Aranavage’s wife died a
few years ago and at the time of her death
she attempted to tell her husband some-
thing about some money. He, however,
did not understand her directions and did
not discover the money until Monday.
The find consisted of $20 bills and gold
—John Lonjin, 60 years old, of Clear-
field county, was severely injured about
his head and the upper part of his body at
1.30 p. m. on Monday, while examining a
powder charge at the Woodland mines of
the Harbison-Walker Refractories com-
pany. Mr. Lonjin had placed a shot under
a fall of coal and when it failed to explode
as he had planned, he went to examine it.
The delayed explosion came when he was
directly over the spot.
--Clineon D. Gross, who will be graduat-
ed from Hazleton High school today, will
bé given his father's last pay envelope as a
graduation present from his mother. His
father, John Gross, was killed in the mines
at Cranberry more than fourteen years
ago, when the lad was less than 5 years
of age. His mother took the last pay
envelope, put it, unopened, in a safe de-
posit box at a local bank and held it for
her son’s commencement present. :
—Daniel J. Shields, Johnstown million-
aire and convicted bootlegger, was sen-
tenced to one year in the Cambria county
jail and fined $2,000 by Judge F. P.
Schoonmaker in Federal court at -Pitts-
burgh on Saturday. Shields was found
guilty February 12 on one count of an in-
dictment charging conspiracy to violate
the National prohibition act in connection
with the Emmerling Products company of
Johnstown. Shields, after hearing his
sentence posted $5,000 bail pending an ap-
—John (. Mahaffey, former cashier of
the First National bank of Lbensburg,’
whe pleaded guilty to abstracting $14,000
of fhe bank's funds, has been paroled for
two. years by Judge I, P. Schoonmaker
in Enited States Distriet eourt-at Pitta
burgh. I. KE. Lewis, of Ibensburg Trust
company, was named probation officer and
Mahaffey was ordered to report to him
once a month by mail during the term of
parele, Mahaffey has made restitution of
all the money taken and has secured a
good position in Florida where he v iil at-
tempt to re.cstablish himeslf in the busi-
ness world. !
—The DuBois Traction Company, after
operating trolly cars in that city for a pe-
riod of thirty-five years, will discontinue
all service in the near future. Work gn
the removal of the tracks and other equip-
ment from the streets will be started im-
mediately. The company was Incorporated
in the year of 1891 and was reorganized
in 1899 and underwent several successive
changes in management during the suc-
ceeding years. Service was extended to
Falls Creek in the year 1904. In 1906 the
United Traction Company was organized,
building their lines to Sykesville and
several years later extending them to Big
Run. <4
—Despite heroic efforts to save her life,
Wanda, 4-year-old daughter of John
Wiesneski, of Plymouth, dled in the Gen-
eral hospital at Wilkes-Barre, on Sunday.
The little girl was rescued from death by
strangulation Friday night, when, aftes
she swallowed a mouthful eof peanuts in
the midst of a violent sneezing spell, Dr.
Benjamin Davis, who was hurriedly sum-
moned, performed an emergency operation
by cutting her throat with a butcher knife.
The operation prolonged the child's life
eighteen hours, while physicians attempted
to dislodge the peanuts which had been
drawn into the girl's lungs, but she failed
to rally.
—Whether Henry F. Hornberger or his
wife died first, when overagpme by gas in
their home in Berks county last Septem-
ber, is the issue that will determine the
disposal of Hornberger's $45,000 estate.
Hornberger, a retired business man of
Muhlenburg, left a will leaving all his es-
tate to his wife, but she left no will. If
she died before he did, Hornberger's rel-
atives are the heirs, but if she lived long-
er than her husband, her kinsfolk will in-
herit the property. Medical men differed
in their testimony in Berks orphans’ court,
two testifying both bodies were cold, an-
other testified that the woman's body
showed a slight trace of warmth.
—Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wink were
electrocuted by a 2,200 voit wire of the
Penn Public Service company on their
farm in Pike township, two miles above
Curwensville, Sunday afternoon. The
bodies were not discovered nor the current
shut off until late Sunday evening. Mrs.
Wink was burned beyond recognition. Mr.
Wink’s foot and the lower part of his
trousers were burned off. Mr. Wink had
been serving as a juror in Pittsburgh fed-
eral court for the past two weeks and had
just returned home. He was notified that
a high-tension wire had been knocked
down on the farm by a falling tree and
he set out to find it. Mrs. Wink went with
him. When they failed to return in the
evening, two daughters and John Wise,
employed on the farm, started a search
for them, after inquiries had disclosed that
they were not with neighbors. A faint
blaze on a hill-top of the farm first at-
tracted the attention of the’ searchers. At
the top of the hill they found the bodies of
their father and mother, still smouldering
from the heat of the intense high voltage.