Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 11, 1926, Image 3
TE SA SRR wi B pi E— Demorvalic; atc Bellefonte, Pa., June 11, 1926. GOWS GIVE EXTRA QUART SOOTHED BY PHONOGRAPH Tennessee Man Makes Interesting Experiment With 100 Cows On His Dairy Farm. Knoxville, Tenn.—A milch cow will give an additional quart of milk a day when “My Old Kentucky Home,” re- produced from instrumental music, is played for her ears by a phonograph. At any rate, J. G. Sterchi, president of a furniture concern which operates 24 retall and wholesale stores and seven furniture factories in seven Southeastern states, says he proved the statement by getting 25 gallons extra a day frora the 100 cows on his dairy farm just outside Knoxville, Mr. Sterchi asserts that he was con- vinced after four years of trial that cows must be contented, and that the soothing strains from a violin make them feel at home. “Just now I am building a large pool which will be stocked with gold fish for my Jerseys to look into,” he said. “The slow and graceful motions of the fish will make any cow lie down and chew her cud, and then I have ordered 50 pairs of canary birds for my barn. A cage, containing two birds, will be suspended between the stalls of every two cows, and the music of 100 canaries will perhaps give me another additional 24 quarts a dav In fact, I am confident it will.” Mr. Sterchi is erecting a 13-story building for his Knoxville store, which will be completed within the next year, and on the ground floor will be a foun- tain spouting fresh buttermilk from his farm. A sign will be placed, he sald, reading something like this: “A Man Full for a Nickel,” so that a per- son can drink all the milk he wants for 5 cents. The 1,300-acre farm on the outskirts of Knoxville is the same one he left 385 years ago to work for $10 a month in a furniture store. drt Gets Submarine Letter Mailed Nine Years Ago Sb be a A member of the New York Times staff has just received a letter marked “Submgrine Mail,” sent in 1917 from Ra FOP WIDE WORLD PROTG Germany. Evidently the U-boat turned back when United States de- clared war on Germany. Nine years later the letter was sent in the or- -dinary way by the original sender un- opened, explaining that the document should become more and more valu- .able as the years pass. First White-Collar Stowaway Hails Home New York—It was a handsome .deottish ~~rf that won Royal Pichon away from the security and comfort of land about two months ago, but all the woolens from Scotland couldn’t coax him back to the waves again. Pichon, who is twenty-five, grew up in New Orleans as a bellhop and then a clerk in hotels. Working in New Orleans, he saw a sailor with the Scottish scarf that invited him away to sea. Working his way across on a freighter, he soon found himself broke in London. Selling his $65 overcoat for two shillings and a worn-out jacket, he hid under the boilers of a ‘liner. He had four bananas and three rolls for his two shillings. These kept him alive for the two days before he was discovered. He turned his one suit of clothes inside out while he was hidden so that when he landed here he might be presentable. He was presentable when he was anlocked yesterday, the first white- collar stowaway discovered. “Go to sea again? If I ever go to New Or- leans, I'll die there. European liquor isn’t what it's cracked up to be.” Official Greeter Bast Orange, N. J.—Miss Mildred toon, twenty-four and a college duate, is the city’s official greeter. The ¢hamber of commerce has made her munfeipal hostess. June 14th is National Flag Day. June fourteenth is National Flag Day. The schools over the country will observe the occasion with appro- priate exercises and it is to be hoped that there will be a more universal observance of the event than ever. Certainly the setting aside of one day to pay tribute to the American flag is appropriate. A flag in itself, of course, means nothing. It is only an object of veneration when it stands for something. The black flag and the red flag certainly do not be- long in this category. But there is every reason why the thinking and patriotic = American should pay a little tribute to his coun- try on June 14th, by displaying the colors of Old Glory. For the American flag stands for something. Designed as a standard to establish liberty on the American continent, it has always stood for law and order, for free- dom and justice. Under its starry folds we have grown from a strug- gling handful of colonies on the east- ern seaboard to the most powerful and most prosperous nation on earth. And, strange to say, although we think of our country as a compara- tively new one, yet our flag is the oldest on earth in point of continuous service. All other nations have changed the design and makeup of their standards since our emblem of the stars and stripes was adopted. Some nations are a great deal older than curs, but their flags are not, and nearly all of them have made radical changes in the form of their govern- ments since the American Constitu- tion was adopted. Therefore, when you honor Qld Glory, remember that it is not only the most honorable but the oldest flag on earth in point of continuous ser- vice. And don’t forget to display the Stars and Stripes on Flag Day.— From the Philipsburg Ledger. Ants Live 15 Years. Recent researches have proved the comparatively great age attained by queen ants. It is not uncommon for them to live fifteen years. Until re- cently the best established case of long life among queen ants was one kept in Sir John Lubbock for nearly fifteen years. This ant, of course may have been much older, as he had no way of telling her age when he captured her. Male ants are short lived. They correspond to the drones among bees. The workers, which are undeveloped females, live four or five years. The peculiarities of ants have been studied from the earliest days. Pliny and other ancient writers discussed them. These writers were especially interested in the ants now called “harvesting ants.” These collect great stores of seed. There are many species of harvester ants in America. One is known as the fire ant because of its painful sting. Another is the Texas harvester. a ————————L Dam at Conowingo Will Exceed Plant at Muscle Shoals. Work has started on the huge hy- dro-electric power project on the Sus- quehanna River at Conowingo, Md. At first it will furnish 300,000 horse- power, 50,000 above the estimated yield at Muscle Shoals, and 500,000 later, says the Pathfinder. The Con- owingo project is one of the three largest developements of its kind in the country. It will cost over $52,- 000,000. The dam will be four-fifths of a mile long and 100 feet high and the impounded water will cover nine square miles of Pennsylvania. terri- tory and four in Maryland. This “white coal” will generate cheap elec- tricity for the neighboring States. The dam just completed on the Dix River, near High Bridge, Ky., will United States Tires A boast of falls 70 feet higher than Ni- agara’s. More than 1,250,000,000 cub- ic feet of rock was used in making the Dix barrier. It is 270 feet high, 700 feet thick at the base and 24 feet at the top. It will produce a water-fall 235 feet high. One of the world’s greatest arti- ficial lakes is being made on the Tal- lapoosa River, Alabama, by the Ala- bama Power Company, to meet the needs of the South’s rapidly growing new industrial region. It will have a capacity for 530,000,000,000 gallons or three times the combined total of two great reservoirs which furnish New York city with its water supply. Known as Cherokee Bluffs Lake, it will have a shore line 700 miles long and will cover 40,000 acres. The new lake will not only generate electricity but will make a large section of agri- are cultural country “frost proof” and will aid river navigation. The Roosevelt Dam, up to now con- sidered the largest artifical body of water in the world, impounds 420,- 000,000,000 gallons. Muscle Shoals will ultimately impound 170,000,000,- 000 gallons, but has facilities to dou- ble this amount. Construction of a dam across the Savannah River about 30 miles above Augusta, Ga., is contemplated. Plans call for a pool 25 miles in length. The nation’s capitol has been promised cheaper power through harnessing the water of the Potomac near Great Falls. ——What every newspaper man knows is that one who “declines to be interviewed” practically never is worth interviewing. Good Tires GREAT NEWS! The USCO BALLOON A handsome, sturdy balloon tire ata low rice. Fiat, ad trea trong, ¥ b construction giving ful cushioning andiong servis. Car- name, low price. “uncertain” class. and is fully warranted. at a higher price. the and full warranty of the United States Rubber Company. For Sale By P. H. McGARVEY, HARRY J. BEHRER, For Those Who Want Low- Priced Dependable Tires Get out of your mind the idea that you have to buy un-trade-marked, unwarranted or mail order tires in order to get tires at a You can buy from us today USCO Balloons, High-Pressure Cords or Fabrics at a better price than you pay for tires in the Every USCO Tire bears the name and trade mark of the United States Rubber Company And more real tire value than you would get from a lot of tires Bellefonte, Pa. - State College, Pa. ee ~ i ———— EY Im TANINT AIMAMmIG A A No-Nox withstands higher compression—stops the knocks or detonations, thereby increasing engine efficiency. GULF No-Nox and Carbon Deposits MOTOR FUEL STOPS KNOCKS CARBON TO WORK MUTTING the oid demon, carbon, to work sounds like a paradox— gf] nevertheless that’s just what GULF No-Nox Motor Fuel does and i A here's how it happens: Compression is power. The more com- pression the more power. Greater compression is secured by reducing the displacement or space in the combustion chamber. Carbon deposits mater- ially reduce this space—old time gasoline would not withstand this added carbon compression — clicks — knocks— pings or detonations of distress quickly following sudden acceleration or heavy pulls. work together for more power and greater mileage. GULF No-Nox Motor Fuel is priced three cents per gallon higher than Turns Mountains Into Mole Hills This guarantee goes with it: GULF No-Nox Motor Fuel is Non-Noxious, 8 Non-Poisonous and no more harmful to man or motor than ordinary gaso- line —that it contains no dope of any kind —that the color is for identifica- tion only—that it positively will not heat the motor, winter or summer. ordinary gasoline —and is worth it. The Orange Gas —At the Sign of the Orange Disc GULF REFINING COMPANY SE ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. S KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-ate Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. i 51-1y KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa Prompt ate tention given all legal business em- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 Hast High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pre- fessional business will receive rompt attention. Office on second floor ef emple Court. 49-5-1y Ww man. Bellefonte, Pa. courts, G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger Office in Crider’s Exchange, PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte State College Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician amd Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi. dence. 35-41 D. CASEBEER, Optometrist. Regls- C tered and licensed by the State. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames repaired and lenses matched. Casebeer Bld’g. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22--tf VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday. a fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones. 68-40 comem— Feeds We Keep a Full Line of Feeds in Stock Try Our Dairy Mixtures —22% protein; made of all Clean, Pure Feeds— $46.00 per Ton We manufacture a Poultry Mash good as any that you can buy, $2.90 per hundred. Purina Cow Chow $32.00 per 0il Meal, 34 per cent. protein, 54.00 * Cotton Seed, 43 pr. ct. prot., 50.00 * sesccsvasns Gluten, 23 per cent. protein, 48.00 * Alfalfa Meal .....coc0000vuene 4500 BPAR ocescrsecccscescssssrine 84.00 Middlings .................4. 86.00 (These Prices are at the Mill.) $2.00 per Ton Extra for Delivery. G. Y. Wagner & Go., Inc 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Caldwell & Son Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces IANS A AALS AAAS Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished Fine Job Printing SPECIALTY—e AT THR WATCHMAN OFFICA —A is no style of work, from ths Te “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK t we can not do in the most sat- BE ere t e cla Cat: pug or communicate with *his office. OS Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com« pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We ins Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. 1t will be to your interest te consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Cellagi