Sd INK SLINGS. —Evidently the Republicans of Iowa preferred being hot with Brook- hart to keeping cool with Coolidge. —What’s all this crabbing about, anyway? Summer isn’t supposed to arrive until ten days after this date. ——There is some curiosity in the public mind as to how much Cornelia Bryce contributed to the Governor’s campaign fund. —The four co-eds who were ex- pelled from Wittenberg college last week for being intoxicated probably had their thrill and a lot of kick out of it, but what a price they paid. —We’d like to hear from the person who walks the streets of Bellefonte today and doesn’t come to the conclu- sion that it is the most substantial looking, the cleanest and most attrac- tive municipality in Pennsylvania. —The rather pathetic showing Judge Porter made in the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination should be notice to Vance McCormick that hand-picked candidates are not popular with the Democrats of Penn- sylvania. ——The Senate investigating com- mittee is digging up some staggering figures in its inquiry as to the cost of the recent primary contest in Penn- sylvania. $500,000 is said to have been the Pepper budget for the Pitts- burgh district, alone. —Besides his ambition to become the Republican boss of Centre county brother Dorworth evidently, aspires to become champion mud-gunner of the community. He shot an awful load of it at us last week and we hope that he feels very proud of it. —Bad as she is politically Philadel- phia has done herself great credit by deciding to keep the Sesqui-Centennial gates closed on Sunday. We congrat- ulate Mayor Kendrick and the Sesqui board for the stand they have taken for Sabbath cbservance. —Don’t let anybody fool you into visiting the Sesqui-Centennial before August—or, better, September. A week ago not a single major building was completed and you will be disap- pointed if you plan to go there before the middle of August, at the earliest. ‘Then, probably, the big show—and a big show it’s going to be—will all be set up. —If Mr. Earl Carroll, the theatrical producer, was after publicity when he gave that vulgar bath-tub party in his New York theatre, he’s gotten it. The world mow knows that Carroll is a convicted perjurer and has been .sen- | tenced to Atlanta penitentiary for a year. Ther¢ are a lot of his ilk whose salacious minds run tc the nude who might get over it if they were to see Carroll in his striped suit for a term. —Tomorrow, in Philadelphia, it will be decided whether. W. Harry Baker is to continue as state chairman of the Republican party or be thrown into the discard to gratify Joe. Grundy. His success or downfall is being watched with much interest up here in Centre county because, if he wins, the Hon. Harry B. Scott will continue as dispenser of State patron- age. If he loses, the editor of the Republican will be in the saddle. —After nearly a month of uncer- tainty we have been informed by the official tabulators at Harrisburg that Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell is our nominee for Governor. He won over Judge Shull by six hundred and ten votes. Judge Bonniwell is for “per- sonal liberty.” He’s a fine fellow, a vote getter and, if Eddie Beidleman should decide to take his nomination on the Labor ticket seriously, he will make Mr. John Fisher step in the gubernatorial race. —Dave Kelly thinks because he walked the ties of the B. and O., five miles from Greer to Morgantown, W. Va., to see a circus he has a right to sit up on the front seat with us circus simps. Only once have we been re- duced to the necessity of walking ties on the B. and 0. Memory is vivid con- cerning that dilemma. They com- pared then very favorably with those on the Bellefonte Central and if they are still as irregularly laid Dave’s ap- plication will not get a black-ball from us. Howard Sargent and Harry Walkey might turn him back, because they are very jealous of our circus simp society. —*“Old Nick” Nicholson writes from Pittsburgh to make contribution to our $2,000 necessity fund, but like so many others whose purse-strings are so easily pulled by sob stuff, he has only made our predicament worse. “Nick” was a liability on the Watch- man list. We already owed him papers and now we owe him more. The readers who haven’t paid up to June, 1926, are our only assets and from them we must have the money to buy the grease that will keep the old machine from screachin’ soloud that the sheriff will hear it. We appreciate the facetiousness of the Pittsburgh gentleman’s suggestion that now that he has sent at least enough to buy a cake of soap, and with Spring creek so handy, we ought to be able to supply the motive power to get the windows washed. That’s all very pretty, but he doesn’t know that we get dizzy when we lean out of windows and we prefer death in any other form than crackin’ the old bean on the stony bottom of Spring creek. VOL, 71. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION» BELLEFONTE, PA.. JUNE 11. 1926. Judge Bonniwell Platform. The nomination of Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, of Philadelphia, as the Democratic candidate for Governor of : Pennsylvania, having been conceded, : his views and purposes in the event of his election have become subjects of public interest. No party platform has been declared as yet, but in reply to a questionnaire submitted by the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters previous to the primary vote, Mr. Bonniwell very clearly expressed himself. He said he favors economy in the collection of taxes and fairer system of assessing property. He favors restriction in “assistance to voters,” the opening of ballot boxes where fraud is suspected and voting machines in the cities “as a means of combatting fraud.” He declares that he “will adhere to the balanced budget system for the administration of State finances,” and favors the continuance of the present State-wide system of primary elec- tions. He will make no sex distinction in the exercise of the appointing power and oppose the abolition of the poll tax. By inference he admits that the present constitution is faulty but is opposed to the calling of a consti- tutional convention at this time, for the very excellent reasons that “the menace of ill-considered legislation, backed by organized groups with financial ability to achieve their ends by means of propaganda, money and political threats,” is a graver evil than any faults of the present instru- ment. On all these pertinent questions the views of Judge Bonniwell are wise and sound. As an esteemed contemporary states, he “is a skillful organizer, a vigorous speaker and a seasoned cam- paigner,” and with the existing de- moralization of the opposition, we can see many reasons for the hope of his election. In 1921 as the candi- date of the Democratic party for Justice of the Supreme Court he received over half a million votes against the candidate of a united and confident party and that was before Fight for Republican Chairmanship. | The Republican State committee will meet in Philadelphia to-morrow, Saturday, for reorganization and pop- ular interest centers on the contest for chairman. The candidates are W. L. Mellon, of Pittsburgh, nephew of the Secretary of the Treasury, and W. Harry Baker, of Harrisburg, present chairman. Mr. Mellon has reluctant- ly entered the contest at the urgent solicitation of Mr. Grundy, the Bucks : county boss, and Mr. Fisher, the party i candidate for Governor. - The ostensi- | ble reason for the opposition to Baker ‘is that he employed the machinery of ‘the organization in the interest of one of the candidates for Governor against Fisher. The real reason is that during several sessions of the Legislature Baker has favored legis- lation in the interest of organized labor and at the last session supported a bill to levy a tax on manufacturers. Mr. Baker claims that he has per- sonal pledges of support from 80 of the 113 members of the committee, which would guarantee his election if those so pledged would “stay put.” He asks for re-election in the interest of party harmony and political suec- cess. He justifies his support of Beidleman for the nomination on the grounds of personal friendship, and protests that the party machinery was not improperly employed in the interest of his favorite candidate. He states that though he opposed the nomination of Pinchot four years ago and was elected chairman in spite of the candidate’s opposition he con- ducted an efficient and successful campaign for his election. The men | who are opposing him now supported ‘him then and the precedent then set is entitled to respect now. But Mr. Grundy is obdurate. He demands the : full measure of vengeance. | The present indications are that | Baker will be defeated. The force of i public patronage is great and it will “be employed to the limit. But the election of Mr. Mellon to the chair- , manship will not promote harmony in ‘the party nor make for the success of Interesting Inquiry Begins. The investigation of the expendi- tures in the recent primary election in Pennsylvania may reveal some start- ling facts. According to the sworn statements filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth the successful candidate of the Republican party for Senator, spent $71,435.80, and the tail-ender in the triangular contest paid $43,767.00 for his ambi- tion. One of the defeated candidates for the Republican nomination for Governor certifies to an expenditure of upward of $91,000.00 and the win- ning candidate for that office dis- bursed some $7,000.00 of his own money. These disbursements were in- dividual, and in the case of Vare and Philips may represent the bulk of the expenses incurred. But the seven thousand and odd dol- lars contributed by Mr. Fisher to the slush fund of the Mellon ticket repre- sents a puny fraction of the cost of the triumph of that faction. Mr. Grundy, the principal sponsor of Fisher, spent $80,000.00 to nominate Pinchot four years ago and was probably equally generous this year, and the Mellons are not “pikers” in any enterprise in which they are, concerned. In any event it may safely be said that the Republican primary election this year was by large odds the most expensive in the history of politics in this or any other State, not excepting the Mich- igan primary that nominated Mr. Newberry, who resigned in order to escape expulsion. The investigation which began on Wednesday will be conducted under the direction of Senator Reed, of Mis- souri, an experienced and capable criminal lawyer. It may not accom- plish much good, directly, for the law limiting the expenditures of candi- dates in primary elections was repeal- ed soon after the Newberry episode. But it will serve the purpose of re- vealing the fact that Republican nomi- nations in this State are simply mat- ters of bargain and sale and that hon- ors in that party are available only to millionaires who are influenced more female: suffrage had become an ele- | the ticket. . Mr. Beidleman has the bs.ambition than conscience, If that ment in the equation. I the Demo- crats do their part in the campaign and at the election there are enough dissatisfied Republicans to give him victory. Charlie: Ross has been found, according to a sensational newspaper story, but what became of the ballots that ought to have been in that empty box in Pittsburgh is still a mystery. Praise From Cabinet Associates. The generous praise bestowed upon William B. Wilson, the Democratic nominee for Senator in Congress for Pennsylvania, by his associates in the Cabinet of the late President Wood- row Wilson, ought and probably will make a deep impression upon the minds of thoughtful and independent voters of the State. The Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War during ! the period of world strifes, says: “I was with him for five years in Presi- dent Wilson’s Cabinet and out of that intimate association I formed the judgment that he is a wise, sagacious and upright man. Wilson is a combi- nation of wisdom and gentleness on the one hand, with firmness, a rarely valuable citizen of the Republic.” After referring to Mr. Wilson's valuable service in Congress the Hon. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy during the world war, expressed his admiration for William B. Wilson in these words: “I have never known a more pains-taking or thorough man, a man freer from prejudice, or one who would weigh all sides with no other purpose than to reach a just conclusion. I know President Wilson leaned heavily upon him and always found him just as he was sincere, and as capable as he was earnest. It is a rars opportunity that Pennsylvania has to send to Senate a gentleman of his character and worth. With him country and devotion to law and order are above party.” Probably the most conservative and among the most capable of President Wilson’s official advisers was the Hon. David Franklin Houston, who served first as Secretary of Agriculture and subsequently as Secretary of the Treasury. He refers to his long and intimate association in the Cabinet with William B. Wilson in terms of the highest praise and expresses the hope that civic duty will prevail over party prejudice in the coming election to the end that Mr. Wilson may be chosen to the office of Senator in Con- gress in preference to the party boss who has been nominated for the honor by the Republican party. With these testimonials in his favor it ought to be easy to make a choice. ————— wegen It requires no gift of prophesy to see that Governor Al Smith can have another term at Albany or a Senatorial seat in Washington. nomination of ‘the. Labor party -and- being asked the other day what he proposed to do with it replied that “that depends upon what happens on Saturday.” If he should decide to ac- cept that nomination and make a i strenuous canvass for votes the chances of Mr. Fisher’s.election would. be very seriously impaired, and the promises of favors to those who will desert Baker and betray their pledges | { will have little value. It is a delicate situation to all those directly concern- : ed, to say the least, and the public will await the result with interest. —————— : Another Bump for Coolidge. Incomplete returns of the Republi- ican primary election in Iowa indicate i that Senator Smith W. Brookhart has ' been nominated for United States | Senator by a very considerable ma- jority. In returns from three-fourths of the voting districts his lead over Senator Albert J. Cummings is in the neighborhood of 50,000. The result has greatly surprised official Wash- ington, which fondly hoped that Mr. Cummings would be successful. It is accepted alike by friends and foes of the administration as a rebuke to President Coolidge and following similar incidents in Illineis and Penn- sylvania may be interpreted as “finis” to the third term aspiration. Senator Brookhart ran against Cummings for the Republican nomi- nation for Senator in Congress six years ago and was defeated. A short time afterward, with the purpose of weakening the insurgent element in the Senate, William S. Kenyon was enticed to resign by an offer of a seat on the federal bench. Brookhart be- came a candidate for the Republican nomination for the vacancy and was nominated and elected. At the ex- piration of the short term he was re- nominated in 1924 and though on the same ticket with Coolidge actively supported LaFollette for President. Pending the campaign the Republican State committee repudiated him and his Democratic opponent was elected though Brookhart got the certificate. Immediately following the assem- bling of Congress Mr. Steck entered a contest for the seat and about two months ago, by a vote of all the Democrats except one and a consider- able number of administration Repub- licans, the contest was decided in favor of Steck. Brookhart at once announced himself as a candidate against Cummings and returning to his home began his campaign. He openly charged that he was defrauded out of the seat by the help of the administration and asked for vindica- tion in the form of a renomination as the Republican candidate. By the vote on Monday his fondest expectations have been fulfilled and the seeds of more trouble for the administration planted. information is taken seriously by the people it may make the pending in- quiry a “matter of inestimable value | to the public. ——If the Senate committee could investigate the expenses of guberna- torial candidates it might giye the public some information worth while. Baker and Beidleman a Big Factor. The gossip which eliminates Mr. ~Beidleman and State Chairman Bak- , er from the political map is idle chat- i ter. It is true that Mr. Beidleman has | acauiesced in and ratified the frauds perpetrated in Pittsburgh which gave the Mellon candidate for Governor the nomination. But it is certain that the action was in consideration of reciprocal favors. The Mellon or- ganization couldn't afford an exposure of the frauds. The Beidleman—Bak- er contingent couldn’t hope for vic- tory in November if the exposure had been forced. The alternative was a compromise from which each might extract some advantage. The re- election of Baker to the chairmanship is tendered as a life line and accepted. It is the best bargain possible. There may be other considerations, valuable or otherwise, in the transac- tion. The appointment of Beidleman to the office of Attorney General with Baker as the head of the party or- ganization would guarantee a place in the political lime-light for their faction. It might seem a high price to pay but it is a necessary asset to the Mellon force. The big vote cast for Beidleman at the primary is a flaming danger signal in the road to ultimate success. The labor voters must be appeased and the liquor ele- ment mollified. In fact the Beidle- man—Baker faction holds the key to the situation and neither the defeat- ed candidate nor the chairman is “an easy mark.” They will demand the fulfillment of the bond. The head and front of the opposi- tion to Baker is Grundy, and he is a trader. Four years ago he squander- ed money freely to elect Pinchot. At the organization of the General As- sembly he was bound up with Vare and this year he opposed both Pinchot and Vare in order to secure a place on the Mellon ticket for Fisher. His aim is to check the drift to legislation in the interest of labor. Fisher has always been his willing helper in this purpose. As Senator he opposed child-labor legislation, the full crew bill, the compensation law and the two-weeks pay law. As Governor he could do much to impair the force of such measures. He will give up his opposition to Baker to secure the elec- tion of Fisher. ———Possibly monkeying with the North Pole has put “the time out of joint.” ; : A] NO. 24. Farmers and the Tariff. From the Milwaukee Journal. We've plowed some ground, any- way, in all this talk about what to do for farmers. Governor Lowden, in his interview in The Journal Tuesday, stated the issue, “Industry has its tariff, and the time has come to frame our laws with the farmer in mind.” And here is Vice President Dawes himself explaining that the high tar- iff enables manufacturers to sell their surplus abroad at less than the Amer- ican price, and that fixing the Ameri- can price is made possible by the tar- iff. We have come quite a distance. For it was only yesterday that we were being told that there was noth- ing to charges that our kind of tariff enabled its beneficiaries to dump their surplus overseas and cash in on the home consumer. Why, only yester- day we were being told that‘the for- eigner paid the tariff. When the Republican Vice Presi- , dent of a New England tariff Admin- istration says such things, it means | that the days of the old pretenses about tariffs for private profits are numbered. There is hope that tomor- ! row we shall also learn that it is our { wonderful machinery with its enor- '' mous unit output that makes labor's wages good, and not the tariff. Mr. Dawes makes these almost revolution- ary statements, according to Senator Watson, in defending the idea of sim- ilar price fixing by farmers. If farmers, like manufacturers, had some control of their production, no doubt, they, too, could dump their sur- folks pay. But until they can control weather, they haven't a chance to do it. They will come to see it that way. Meanwhile, for the first time in our history we have protagonists of the special privilege tariff system actual- ly explaining how the tariff enriches one class and admitting that it does not work for farmers. Yet all these years the farmer has been told that his prosperity depended upon it. Western View of Boss Vare. From the Illinois State Journal. The nomination of Boss Bill Vare as Republican candidate for Senator from Pennsylvania is acclaimed by The Chicago Tribune under this head- ing: “Liberty Bell Rings, Agaifg's. What a desecration of the, sacred symbel! The Tribune itself is asham- ed after having written this editorial title. For at once it eulogizes as one of the great men of the day Senator Pepper, who was defeated when the Philadelphia boss rang the Liberty Bell again. It is to be regretted, The Tribune admits. It should not have been, it concedes. Yet the success of a notorious boss means the enslave- ment of the party in that State to the corrupt ring that has controlled Phila- delphia. Can this be heralded as a ringing of the Liberty Bell again? Strange liberty, indeed, that is syn- onymous with boss rule of the most abject and humiliating type. The Tribune for weeks did all it possibly could to nominate Vare. Two days after his nomination it confesses to its shame but declares the resuit is a ringing of the Liberty Bell. For editorial rabbit tracking The Trib’s editorial, “Liberty Bell Rings Again,” would be awarded first prize in any international or domestic competition. Office Seeking is Expensive. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. Running for office is an expensive business. Mr. Vare confesses that he spent $71,435 of his own money in the recent primaries. Governor Pinchot expended $43,767 and Senator Pep- per $2500. Various campaign cpm- mittees put out—well, how much did they put out? The totals will be found to run into big figures when they are all reported. One argument in favor of nomina- tions made at primaries was that the system would permit anyone to be- come a candidate. So it does—in theory. Any aspiring candidate is privileged to announce himself, but if he is to make a canvass he is forced to raise large amounts of money. So after all no poor man or a man with- out wealthy friends can seriously contemplate any office within the gift of the primary if he has to face a con- test. Evidently we have not yet reached idealism in making nominations and conducting campaigns. Small Town Gastronomy. Will Rose in Scribner's Magazine. Stomach customs in small towns are very interesting. I have noticed that at the social evenings of the Kitchen Bible Class—do you catch the name ?—mixtures of hot dogs, buns, dill pickles, sweet potato salad, lim- burger cheese, cider, coffee, pumpkin pie and ice cream make up a gastro- nomic conglomeration taken without a wince or a wrinkled brow of inquiry. We have three doctors, but two others have already retired. r———————— eee se ——Statistics show that a miner in this country produces five times as many tons of coal in a given time as a miner in Belgium. But the mine owner in this country justifies a high- er price for coal here than there be- cause of higher priced labor. ar—— A ————— —Subscribe for the “Watchman. pluses overseas and make the home: | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. +—Mt. Carmel council raised the pay of chief of police Morgan from $175 to $205 a month. —Miss Maude Reed, aged 32, dropped dead in her coffee shop in Tyrone from heart disease. * —The Silver Creek colliery of the Read- ing Coal & Iron company was closed by a button strike. —The body of Christian Boll, 79 years old, No. 710 East Princess street, York, was found in the Big Conewago creek. —Shamokin council sold $70,000 of a $75,000 issue of 43 per cent. paving bonds to A. D. Robertson, a local resident, and took the other $5000 for sinking fund pur- poses. —Gov. Pinchot on Monday appointed Mrs. Annie F. Swabb, of Johnstown, coro- ner for Cambria county. She is said to be the first woman to hold that office in Pennsylvania. -—A safe weighing 1,200 pounds, was stolen Sunday night from a grocery at Plymouth. The loss wa= not discovered until the store was o .d on Monday morning. The safe co..camined $16, which was all the robbers got for their trouble. —The United States government has formally awarded the permanent prize for nerve to Mrs. Florence Williams, of Verona, Pa. Mrs. Williams, convicted of killing her husband, tried to collect his world war bonus insurance. The comptroller of the treasury denied her application. —Observing a large boulder rolling down from the mountain on the Pennsylvania railroad tracks, about ten miles from Lewisburg, Prof. Walter J. Rhoads, a teacher in Bucknell University, who is camping in Buffalo valley, called the train dispatcher at Lewisburg, who flagged the Lewisburg-Tyrone passenger train, until a wrecking crew removed the obstruction. —Provision for a $5,000 trust fund for the Memorial Evangelical Lutheran church, Mifflintown, the income to be used toward the pastor’s salary, is made in the will of John S. Hollobaugh, late of Harrisburg, filed for probate last Thursday. Appli- cation for letters was made by the widow, Mrs. Annabel L. Hollowbaugh, principal beneficiary. The property is valued at $20,- 000. —Worry over unemployment for the last several months is believed to have been the motive for the suicide of John Doliner, 52, a miner, of Imperial. The body was found hanging to a rafter in the attic of his home by Stephen Deoliner, 15, .a son who returned home late Thursday night to show his father his diploma which he re- ceived a short time before at the com- mencement exercises of the Schenley Vo- cational school in Imperial. —-Sleeping gas is being used in robbing Uniontown dwellings, according to all in- dications. When the W. N. Teets family awoke three hours later than usual on Monday morning they found the dog scarcely able to rise and a queer smell both in the house and in the proximity of the kennel. Entrance to the home had been gained through a back window. Nearly $200 was taken from the Teets’ home while the occupants slept. teaching a Sunday school class “because there was no money in it for her” resulted in a divorce being granted to Mrs. Ada L. Dull, of Murphy avenue, Connelleville. They had been married 18 years. Mrs. Dull said her husband, Frank S. Dull, protested against her going to church and Sunday school. The services Mrs. Dull gave as a Sunday school teacher particu- larly angered the husband, she said. —Plans are almost complete for the ded- ication services of the new $150,000.00 Mt| Union Methodist church, nearing comple- tion. Members of the church will hold ser- vices each evening for a week, beginning Sunday, June 20. Prominent Methodists of the State will participate in the services, including former pastors. Special musical programs are being arranged. The Rev. D. Y. Brouse is the pastor of the church. A fine pipe organ has been installed and recitals will be given during the week of dedication. —Here's one for the axiomatic editor who said it might not be news if a dog bit a man, but it would be if a man bit a dog. Michael Collins, of Bridgeport, Mont- gomery county, lived up to that definition of news literally. In the course of teas- ing an Airedale at a garage in Bridgeport, a few days ago, it is said Collins got down on all fours and sunk his teeth into the dog's neck. The dog retaliated by biting Collins on the head and hand. At Mont- gomery hospital eighteen stitches were re- quired to close Collins’ wounds, which, however, are not considered dangerous. —Lewis Nestor, 52 years old, died on Saturday night at his home near Car- michaels, Pa., as the result of being gored by a bull. Mr. Nestor was gored when he tried to release the bull from a chain about its neck which had become caught in a fence. Nestor was thrown over the fence by the animal. Neighbors saw the attack and rushed to the injured man. He was taken to his home but lived only an hour. The bull belonged to John G. Bail, who runs a dairy farm. Nestor was employed on the farm. He leaves a wife and two children. —Looting the safe in the warehouse of D. E. Brandt, at East Berlin, one night last week, thieves obtained stocks, bonds and promissory notes valued at almost $10,000. In the loot was capital stock of the Bast Berlin National bank having a market value in excess of $2,000, and ap- proximately $5,000 worth of promissory notes and $18 in the cash register. Iln- trance to the warehouse was gained through a rear window. Panes of glass were broken by the intruders and the latch released. The robbers apparently left the place through the window, for it was pulled down the next morning. —Michael Dorotsky, 28, a coal miner of Salemville, Westmoreland county, disap- pointed because a new arrival in the fam- ily was a girl instead of a boy, committed suicide by shooting himself last Thursday night. Sergeant Andrew Huddock, of the state police, sent to investigate the case found Mrs. Dorotsky in bed with her two days’ old baby. She told the officer that her husband wanted a son and when the girl arrived he was greatly disappointed. She said he abused her when he learned the child was a girl, and that after drink- ing heavily Thursday, he barricaded him- self in a room and fired a bullet into his head. —Her husband's objection to his wife