Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 07, 1926, Image 7

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    Deora ens
Bellefonte, Pa., May 7, 1926.
By Dr. 8. W. Fletcher, Head of the De-
partment of Horticulture, State College.
Stee is the art of con-
trolling injurious insects
and diseases by covering the
plant with certain chemicals
that kill these pests. The chemicals
may be applied with water, as in or-
dinary spraying, or in powdered form,
as in dusting.
Spraying is the chief, but not the
only means, of controlling pests.
Sanitary measures help, such as
prompt burning of the prunings, and
plowing under leaves that are dis-
eased, as with apple scab or mum-
mied peaches that have rotted with
the brown rot fungus. Open pruning
makes conditions in the tree less fav-
orable for disease. Much may be
done in the selection of varieties that
are least susceptible. The tilled or-
chard is less liable to certain troubles
than the sod orchard. Nevertheless,
all orchards, both sod and cultivated,
must be sprayed or dusted, in addi-
tion to these other precautions.
Should Know Their History.
Spraying by rule of thumb seldom
is satisfactory. The grower should
know the pests he is spraying for and
their life history. We spray to con-
trol three types of pests: chewing in-
sects, sucking insects and fungous
disease. It is necessary to use a dif-
ferent class of spray for each type of
Chewing insects are those that bite
the tissue of the leaf or fruit, and
take it into the stomach. Examples
are the potato bug, currant worm,
tent caterpillar and codling moth
which makes wormy apples.
Chewing insects are controlled by
spraying with a poison which the in-
sect takes into its stomach with its
food. Arsenic is used mostly, prin-
cipally in the form of arsenate of
lead. Formerly Paris green was used,
but it is not as dependable as arsenate
of lead.
Sucking insects do not bite or chew
their food, but suck up the juices of
the plant thru a long, tube-like mouth
part. This is thrust beneath the sur-
face of the bark, leaf, or fruit, where
no spray can be placed, hence spray-
ing with arsenate of lead is useless
against them, Examples are the com-
mon plant lice, of many species, the
scale insects which are merely plant
lice covered with a shell and red bug.
The sucking insects are controlled
by spraying, not with a stomach
poison, but with a penetrating caustic
material that will kill them when it
strikes their bodies, such as lime-sul-
phur spray winter strength, oil
sprays, soap sprays, and tobacco
sprays. When tobacco is used in dust-
ing, the insect is killed by suffocation
or asphyxiation by the fumes of the
When to Apply Spray.
In spraying for chewing insects,
the spray may be applied before the
pest appears, and the chemical will
remain on the fruit or leaves for
some time, until the insects begin to
feed. In spraying for sucking in-
sects, on the other hand, nothing will
be accomplished unless the insects are
present at the time the prey is ap-
plied, since the spray kills by con-
tact. Hence, the grower waits until
Graduation Day
is one of the Milestones in Life’s
Graduation Day
ealls for a GIFT, which
during the passing
years will be a reminder
of old friends and of
old times; a life-long §
helper—and then
handed down.
he name of this firm assures dependability. The
Boy or Girl Graduate possessing one of our beau-
tiful Watches, Rings, or other piece of Jewelry, is
assured many years of service and usefulness.
F. P. Blair & Son
t7=" The Smallest Watch in the World will be on display in our window
until Mondoy. Value $1,000.00.
the aphids have hatched, and are feed-
ing on the opening buds, before he
sprays for them.
A fungous disease is a low form of
plant life, not of insect life. It dif-
fers from ordinary plants, chiefly in
the fact that it contains no chlorophyl,
or leaf green, the sole means by which
a plant ean manufacture plant food.
Hence it lives as a parasite on higher
plants, which do have chlorophyl. The
fungous disease propagates by means
of a multitude of very minute seed
bodies, called spores.
seminated by the wind and other
agencies. When they fall on the leaf,
fruit or bark they germinate in the
presence of moisture and tempera-
ture, just like a seed, and send their
roots called mycelium, down into the
tissue of the plant, for the food ma-
terial that the plant has made for it-
Then It’s Too Late.
and has sent its roots down into the
host plant, no spray can kill it. The
vulnerable point in the life history
of a fungous disease is the spore. Ii
can be killed before it germinates,
usually with a spray containing cop-
per, as in Bordeaux, or sulphur, as in
lime-sulphur spray. Common exam-
ples of fungous diseases are potato
blight, apple scab, and brown rot of
peaches, plumbs and cherries.
Most of the common enemies of
plants fall into one of these three
classes, and can be controlled by
spraying. A few serious troubles are
not amenable to spraying treatment.
Among these are the so-called “phys-
iological” diseases, which, so far is
now known, are not due to a distinct
germ, as is the fungous disease. The
“Baldwin spot,” or bitter pit, of ap-
ples is an example.
The fire blight of apples, pears and
quinces, also, cannot be controlled by
spraying, since the bacteria which
cause this disease work beneath the
bark, where no spray can reach them.
We depend on resistant varieties,
keeping the trees growing slowly,
and cutting out the winter hold-over
cankers, to control blight.
The Aphids Are Coming.
CCORDING to an intensive
survey of conditions in
southeastern Pennsylvania
counties and reports from
farmers in the State the eggs of
green and grain aphids, usually so
numerous on apple trees at this time
of the year, are few in number this
spring. It is expected that there will
be no severe out-breaks of these twe
species the coming summer.
Green and grain aphids are not
the ones which damage apples the
most, however. The rosy aphis is the
most injurious, according to G. F.
McLeod, assistant extension entomol-
ogist of the Pennsylvania State Coi-
lege, and may be present even if few
eggs of the other aphids are found.
Experiences of a quarter of a century
have shown this to be true.
Fruit growers who desire to protect
their fruit from the aphids may do so
by putting nicotine in the lime-sul-
phur-nicotine combination of the de-
layed dormant spray if they are not
using oil emulsion or oil sprays. If
be kept for the rosy aphids. The en-
tomologists say that if found, an ap-
plication of nicotine in the pre-pink
spray at the rate of one pint of nic-
tionary words, except proper names.
These are dis- |
After the spore has germinated, |
the latter are used, close watch should |
_ fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number
under s“yertical” defines a word which will iy the white squares to the mext
Black one below. No letters go in the black spaces. All words used are die-
terms and obsolete forms are indicated in the definitions.
otine to 100 gallons of water will end
the insect’s existence.
Two Engineering Feats Held Unique
in History of Utilities Industry.
Two feats recently recorded are
said to be unique in the history of
pubilc utility engineering. They were
undertaken for the improvement of
!gas and electric service, says the
| Pennsylvania Public Service Inform-
. ation Committee.
The highest-powered submarine ca- | fj
“ble ever built has been stretched un- |&
der the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
The cable is made up of three copper
| conductors, carries 33,000 volts, is
.nearly five inches in diameter, and
“weighs twenty-five pounds to the
, foot. It was laid from barges and
' anchored on the bottom to prevent ||
drift. It also had to be spliced in | ky
mid-stream. 1
To make the splice the two ends |
of the cable were stripped of all | {i
‘armor and insulation, the conductors | ¢
: were firmly connected and then wound
"with tape. Over the joint a lead
‘sleeve was placed and filled with hot
oil to boil out all air and moisture,
and over this the armor was replaced
and the cable sunk to the river bed.
{ The second triumph over the forces
of nature took place in central New
| York State where a gas main between
Auburn and Geneva was laid under
three streams and over a fourth.
Trenches were dug for the six-inch
main across the beds of the streams.
The aerial main rests upon a steel
bridge eighteen feet above the water
and is carried on concrete piers. This
is said to be the most skillfully laid
pipe-line in the world.
News that
Really is
Front-Page Stuff!
Carrier Pigeon Halts for Warmth and
Fighting the storm and doubtless
carried off its course by the high
wind prevailing recently, a carrier
pigeon alighted exhausted on the win-
dow sill of the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Levegood, of Jersey Shore.
Mrs. Levegood opened the window
and the pigeon flew inside, grateful
for the opportunity for rest and
The pigeon, after having been fed
by Mrs. Levegood, was ready to con-
tinue its flight to an unknown des
tination. Whither it came and whith-
er bound was a mystery.
A band on the right leg bore the
following number AJ25C3140.
Mrs. Levegood released the pigeon
after keeping it in her home until it | [
had fully recovered from its battle | ff
with the elements.
othing less than a story announcing
the repeal of the income tax will in-
terest more {men than the news
that the Griffon Clothes for Spring have
Come in and see these finely tailored
productions of the Griffon tailors—and see if
you don’t agree with us as to the importance of
their arrival.
A. Fauble
Solution to Cross-word Puzzle No. 6
TAP VI 1 heartre aaat Uat ee er eee eR Tm =
[E[DlO[R[A[T] | [ONJEIS! |
meveggerenly ¢ [yon & Company
When the correet letters are placed in the white spaces this puzsle will
spell words both vertieally and horisomtally, 1
indicated by a number, which refers to the defimiticn listed below the pussle,
Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word which willl
‘The first Jetter in each word is
Abbreviations, slang, initials, technieal
‘May Specials
: 7 In Every Department
2 3 |e 5 [6 [7 TI i
wu The Choice of Apparel for:wear now
14 liShould be Governed byaswhat Iwill be
é ee 17 z 1 EL» Practical for the Warmer Days.
; rtrd 2 122 MES An Exceptional Display
J ome women are content to hide i
2 oe i Ready-to-Wear Departme
: their jewels. But this is taking 24 | 26 27 our y Department
] a big risk—burglars may come 18 9 31
: brea’ — an : sn. iii a Ore 3 ” 3G 37 ew Spring Coats in all shades—Charmeuse, par-
: hoki jo pony Sate | jet twill and twill cord; jin straight lines or
: ost Yau 201 em relia Pilvils 8 [34 [fio 4142 43 = fares—all silk lined, at Special May Prices
: Lock Box for $2.00 and up per year. J | 81 Bp y :
: 44 4 Il 46 i | Silk and§Rayon*Dresses {in all shades. Styles to
THE FIRST NATIONAL B ANK 48 49 || 51 suit the slenderfand the stout.
: ST ATE COLLEGE, PA. 52 53 | 5 Special—Eleven Silk Dresses (colors and black)
; MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM iN 55 1 156 values $25.00-—May sale price $8.75.
(©, 1926, Western
. Horizontal.
1—Secondary color
B—Primary color
9—In Russia, an organized massa-
cre of the Jews (pl)
Newspaper Union.)
[BF A” collection of} the [neatest,; smartest Dresses,
Creepers and,Rompers (in alllcolors) for the little tots
from 1 to 6 years.'§ EER 5 .
Bede Sr
2—A competition
8—Native metal
4¢—You and I
Att 3
A restful night on Lake Erie |
on one of the Great Ships of th: © & B Line mak leasant |
break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, EE Eeouant
a long, sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning,
— Daily May Ist to November 15th
Leave Buffalo— 9:00 P. M. Eastern } Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M.
5—A love story ending happily
8—For example (abbr.)
7—Physicians (abbr.)
. 9~Makes a noise like a cat
10—Over (poetic)
11—Domestic servant
12—-To bend over
14—Derisive exclamation
18—Frozen water
18—Period of time
17—Mohammedan sacred book
19—River (Spanish)
Carpets and Rugs....
Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M. Standard Time Arrive Buffalo— *7:00 A. M.
* Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arri 8 3 . 21—Disdained 16—To mimic 5
Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, She Ba AM other ts. 28—To act 17—Kansas City (abbr) Large Rugs. Small Rug S, Hall Runners,
24—Enough (poetic) 18—Not distant 21—Sugarlike
Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line. New Tourist
Automobile Rate—$7.50, re? ; So .
Sn fo fre selon pce hare ot 8—Froscrived course of food (pL) 31 Eatablisnea why Pasa: Window i Shades, Tapestry, Cretonnes
32-page booklet. Se Lh out ein TT umps 30 Motorist who hurries andi;Draperies at Special May Sale Prices.
8$2-—Management of domestic affairs
33—To arrest again
85—A trap
88—Hpiscopal (abbr.)
40—New Jersey city
The Cleveland and Buffalo
Transit Co.
44—Short sleep 46—Rends 37—Hours (abbr.)
Your Rail Ticket is 47—Printing measures 89-—-Kind of rubber
Good on our Steamers 48—Extent 41—To attempt 42—Bone
60—Arid 51—8elf 48—Writing implement
47-—8hield 49~—Ember
§1-—Sea eagle 63—That man
B4—Southern state (abbr.)
62—A supernatural being believed
to warn a family of an approach-
ing death
$8—That woman
Lyon& Company
§6—Flower golution will appear in next issue.