HE eee —————————————— Bera lpn. EE EA EE RC asin, INK SLINGS. ——John K. Tener has all the opti- mists of all time literally shoved off the map. —Among the things for which we are grateful today is the announce- ment that council has decided not to raise the taxes. : ——General Andrews, having help- ed the wets in the Congressional in- vestigation, now asks to be subpoe- naed by the drys. —If Cal. decides to spend the sum- mer with us the icemen needn’t worry. The town’s just naturally too courte- ous to be cool with Coolidge. —— Since Andrew Mellon picked John S. Fisher as his candidate for Governor Fisher imagines Mellon to be the greatest financier on earth. —Here it is the twenty-third of April and we, who have strutted as a fisherman for more than three de- cades, haven’t caught a trout. Lord, what a poor fish! —Now that he has decided to start filling metal tanks with gasoline are we to presume that Cohen has drop- ped his project of filling human tanks with “Big Spring” water? ——Judge Porter, one of the can- didates for the Democratic nomination for Governor, is everlastingly right in declaring for the convention method of nominating. The Watchman has been urging that tor years. — The Harrisburg Telegraph pre- dicts that Beidleman will get ninety- five per cent. of the Republican votes in Dauphin county. But a hundred per cent. in one small county would cut little ice. ——In urging citizens to vote, as he did in addressing the Daughters of the American Revolution the other day, it is practically certain that President Coolidge had no intention to help Bill Vare into the Senate. —The new moon is pretty far around to the north and we might have some cold weather yet. Our pre- diction, however, is that the back-bone of winter finally has been broken and more seasonable weather is about to set in. —If the personal and written ex- pressions, we have received, of pleas- ure at the reading of our “Preach- ment” of last week are sincere, and not mostly flattery, we have been re- paid for having devoted this column to something so foreign to its nature. Because it proves what we have al- ways contended: That there is always fertile soil for seed that is sown in the o right way. 1% _Of course we haven't talked to many Republicans about the matter but from those with whom we have had converse we might have gotten the impression that Beidleman and Vare are leading the field in this vi- cinity at about the ratio of four to one. They are not and won't, but there are more Republicans ’round here for them than the Pepper-Fisher managers are aware of. —As between their three aspirants for senatorial nomination we are ready to admit that Pennsylvania Re- publicans might find a real difference as to fitness, but we defy any of them to show us, from the private life or public record of John Fisher, Edw. W. Beidleman or John K. Tener where either of them has anything to prove that he would make a better Governor than the other. In the last analysis, they are men of exactly the same type—politicians—and, if in office, nothing out of harmony with the idea of Pennsylvania Republican machine practices could be expected. —Weather dopesters who have been digging into reports find a great similarity between the signs thus far this spring and those recorded of the spring of 1816. During that year there . was snow every month and practically no summer. Of course our memory doesn’t run back to 1816, nor 1867, when there is said to have been a frost in every month of the year here in Central Pennsylvania. However authentic these reports are what dif- ference has it made? We're all here, living happily, and there is likely to be a lot of our posterity crowding this old U. S. A. even if the weather man should decide to take the sun out of the summer of 1926. —Some people are smiling at the conceit of the thought that Bellefonte would be desirable as the summer capital of the Nation. Why wouldn’t it be? What’s the matter with Belle- fonte? A prettier, cleaner, healthier town isn’t on the map. It has splen- did water, railroad and highway facil- jties and three hour mail and air pas- senger service to Washington. There are plenty of homes in Bellefonte that offer more pretentious environ- ment than President Coolidge was accustomed to before he entered the White House and we are of the opin- ion that if he wants to gratify his wish to spend the summer in the Pennsylvania mountains he would find them at their best right amid the Alleghenies, Nittany and Tussey ranges. The President and his family are just folks. Strip them of the glam- our of the exalted position they hold and they would appear to be just the average, right thinking, right living Americans, who can be found in every city, town and hamlet in this broad land and being such they would enjoy Bellefonte just as much as others, «equally as human as they. in Philadelphia and unless the signs CULACT Adland HO! STATE RIGHTS AN A. AP D FEDERAL UNION. RIL 23. 1926. "VOL. 71. Pinchot Likely to be Nominated. The big enrollment of voters in | Philadelphia on the 14th instant, was the first ray of hope that Senator Pepper has a fighting chance of the | nomination for Senator. Of the 180,- BELLEFONTE, P At a meeting of Republican women | at Scranton, the other evening, form- er Banking Commissioner John 8. Fisher, the Mellon-Pepper candidate for Governor, declared that “the fight 000 voters who registered on that day {has taken a form where the leader- it may be assumed that seventy per | cent is against Vare. If sixty per cent of that number were to vote for | Pepper it might possibly place him on a level with Vare in the State-wide vote. Besides the vote Vare gets in Philadelphia he will have consider- able strength in the “strip” district of Pittsburgh and some in Scranton, Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre. But he will fall behind so far in the more sparsely populated sections of the State as to make certain only second or third place. Pepper will likely get a fairly good proportion of the vote in the rural districts and the signs indicate a growing strength for him among the women voters. But even with the advantage gained by the big regis- tration in Philadelphia he will not be able to match Vare’s vote in that city by at least one hundred thousand. He might have made the result in that city vastly different, if he had joined Pinchot in an effort to enact ballot reform legislation during the recent extra session. But he silently acquiesced, if he didn’t actually en- courage, the Vare machine to strangle ballot reform legislation when there was a chance to enact it and Vare will be certain to employ the oppor- tunities the present laws allow to debauch the ballot. ; It is reasonable to ‘assume that Pinchot will gain some from the big enrollment in Philadelphia. It may be only ten or fifteen per cent., but it will swell his total to that extent and he will run in the rural districts in about the ratio which Vare will have in Philadelphia. It is absurd to say that the Governor is losing in the country districts. «= As a matter of fact he has been gaining and is still gaining every day in all sections out- side of the big cities where the Mellon rifionis and the “wet” enticement cut no figure. .” His honest vote of the coal miners will ‘equal Vare’s stolen vote are deceptive he stands to win by a safe majority. Vare’s Criminal Scheme Failed. : The Scranton Times expresses the opinion that Mr. Vare’s criminal and absurd effort to induce wet Demo- crats of that moist city to register as Republicans in order that they might vote - for him at the coming primary has proved a dismal failure. “With all but two districts heard from,” our Scranton contemporary declares, “the total of Democrats who changed their registration was only 255 out of 23,000 enrolled.” This number, even if it had been a bona fide demonstration of a purpose to help the candidate who “followed the plow and milked the cow,” would be hardly worth the price paid for the page advertisement in the Scranton Sunday paper which prostituted itself to serve Vare’s scheme. But as a matter of fact all those Democrats who changed their party affiliation were not regular party men. “For the most part,” continued the Times, “they were floaters who en- rolled according to conditions or senti- ments at the time of their registra- tion. Last fall they were Democrats, this spring they want to be Republi- cans and next fall they may again enroll as Democrats.” They are of the class that hold their votes as the huckster holds his cabbages, for the highest price. Possibly they will not vote for Vare at all, for the indica- tions are that the “bulls” in the vote market this year are the millionaire managers of the Pepper campaign who not only have the most money but the greater interest in the re- sult. It may be assumed that Mr. Vare has not limited his sinister activities to the communities which registered on the 14th instant. class cities of the State registrars will sit on Tuesday next, April 28th, and the chances are that systematic ef- forts will be made in all of them to get the wet Democrats to register as Republicans in order to vote for Vare. But the sceme is not likely to work : better in the third class cities than in the second, and as the Scranton Times states “whoever concocted the plan is entitled to a leather medal with a first class boob citation attach- ed to it. As a political move it was a bloomer, a flivver, a rank failure.” ——Senator Pepper's answer to Governor Pinchot’s last letter was in the nature of a “shoo fly, don’t bother me,” epistle. In all the third ship of Andrew W. Mellon, in this State is at stake.” This is a rather surprising statement. We are all familiar with the Cameron leadership, the Quay leadership and the Penrose leadership. After the death of Perrose General Atterbury used Governor Sproul as a temporary leader and George Wharton Pepper was made Senator in the hope that he might de- velope the qualities of leadership. But nobody had ever imagined Andy Mel- lon in the attitude of leadership in politics. Mr. Mellon is a very rich man. By ministration tax bill a few weeks ago he saved in the neighborhood of $100,- 000,000. Out of this amount he can well afford to make a generous con- tribution to the campaign fund of the party which thus favored him. And possessing this very ample free gift tion which stands for little except graft. It is true that he has not yet asserted his claim to leadership. But with the encouragement of sycophants who have already or fondly hope to enjoy his favors in the future, he probably will do so in the course of time. He is a modest man but not averse to favors. But reduced to the last analysis the “Mellon leadership means nothing more or less than control by the free use of money The first gesture of the Mel- lon leadership was the opening of a political trading post in Philadelphia for the purpose of out-bidding Vare in the market for purchasable votes, and it may be predicted that so long as will be the dominant agency for proselyting in politics in Pennsylva- nia. In view of this fact the end of ‘the Mellon leadership will impose no hardship on the people. est will not suffer greatly by substi- tuting other .methods. of. persuasie for those the Mellons are accustomed to employ. —If the report be true that Mr. Zerby only. filed papers for the posi- tion of Democratic County-Chairman because he thought there was to be no candidate and the ticket should be filled he was volunteering service to the party—which is commendable. Now that Mr. Freeman, of Philips- burg, has filed for the same position, perhaps, Mr. Zerby will withdraw. Such further evidence of service on his part ought to leave a good impres- county. For years the chairmanship ness. There has been much outside criticism of the conduct of our organi- zation and the time seems most op- portune to start rebuilding with a supervisor at the head who is removed of the local differences that have nul- lified rather than solidified behind the our party in the county—and in the an eleven man foot-ball team. We can’t get anywhere even with a Red Grange in the back-field if our line is so busy crabbing about this, that and the other thing that it neglects making a hole for him and following that up with perfect interference. We can win with that kind of an organi- zation and we want to win so badly —if that’s the thing we can do best. ——Twenty-Seven Centre county are out in a manifesto to all the women of the county calling upon them to support Pepper for the United States Senate in preference to Vare or Pinchot. They are candid in { their statement that they helped put Pinchot in the Governor’s chair but are also emphatic in denying that they are under further obligations to him. In fact there does not seem to be much Pinchot sentiment in the county, even editor Thomas H. Harter, a member of Pinchot’s board of fish commissioners, being outspoken in his support of Senator Pepper. Ten counties produced one-third of all the hay grown in the State last year. Centre was not one of them. Only three States, New York, Wisconsin and California, grew more hay than Penn- sylvania. ——When a woman is making a fool of a man she is wasting her time. He would turn the trick for himself ——Without claiming the gifts of a | prophet it is safe to say that Con- gressman Phillips “also ran.” sooner or later. n—— ew ———————— —Get your job work done here. Speaking of Mellon Leadership. | Significant Incident of the Fight. persuading Congress to enact the ad- ! from Congress he may well aspire to the title of leadership in an organiza- ' the Mellon leadership endures money | Public inter- - sion on the Democracy of Centre . has been held in Bellefonte. For years the party has been losing cohesive- from and—we hope—knows nothing : organizations of local chairman. What State for that matter—needs most is | that we're ready to even carry water . representative | Republican women of Bellefonte and | in Pennsylvania | The most significant incident of the week in connection with the Senator- ial contest between Senator Pepper, Governor Pinchot and Congressman Vare is the letter written to Senator Pepper and signed by forty-two : prominent Philadelphia clergymen urging the Senator to withdraw from the contest in order to guarantee the defeat of Mr. Vare. The tone of the letter is not altogether friendly toward Pepper but the appeal is to his conscience and his sense of polit- ical morality. “While it is true that seat Newberry who tried to buy a seat in the Senate, we cannot believe {that you would care to defend the Vare papers,” meaning the forgery in his nomination petitions. | This letter reveals an aroused con- ' science of the clergy and a_ declared : purpose of the church people, not only in the city of Philadelphia but throughout the State, to resent and rebuke the corrupt methods which have created and maintained the power of the machine in Philadelphia. It too frequently happens that clergy- .men denounce the iniquities of cor- rupt political bosses from the pulpit and vote to support them at the polls. But this letter is not the impersonal expression of a pulpiteer. It is the open protest of a considerable group of prominent preachers against a great evil and an urgent plea to a man of culture and understanding to i Join in a feasible plan to correct it. These clergymen point out to Sena- tor Pepper the hopelessness of his “fight for the nomination, “The miners are solidly behind Mr. Pinchot,” they say, and the world war veterans, as y well as the W. C. T. U., the militant i prohibition organization of the State, jare for him. In conclusion they say, { “under the circumstances we feel you | should publicly call upon your sup- porters to do what many of them would gladly do if you released them. That is, to aid in the nomination and election of that great disciple of Roosevelt, that great Governor of ning mate, Mr. Fisher, who turned the tide to Pin “four years ago, might easily be persuaded to hitch his chariot to the Pinchot star now. i Mellon Shifting Managers. For a man professing full confi- dence in his enterprise political man- ager Mellon does a good deal of shift- | ing of forces. In his public state- iments he declares the nomination of ‘Pepper and Fisher is absolutely cer- tain. But on the theory that “actions speak louder than words,” he con- ; tradicts himself by frequent changes ' of his managing director. In the be- ginning Fred Rasmussen, whom Pin- chot turned out of a fat office, was appointed manager. Then State Sen- ator Clark, a neighbor of Mr. Fisher, was called to the service and still ; later the title has been bestowed upon Mr. Cyrus E. Woods, of Greensburg. i At the time Rasmussen was made manager it was believed that Gov- .ernor Pinchot would be the only op- - ponent of Pepper for the nomination and as he was known to cherish a bit- ter feeling against the Governor it for the job. But neither Grundy nor Fisher were identified with the cam- paign then and Grundy is a greedy fellow who wants the lion’s share of everything. To appease him and his candidate for Governor Senator Clark : was chosen as likely to be more inter- ested in Fisher than in Pepper. Mr. Clark declined the office, however, when he discovered that the plan con- | templated the elimination of Chair- man Baker quite as much as the suc- cess of Pepper and Fisher. Then it was that Mr. Woods, of Westmoreland county, was chosen to direct the campaign. He has had a good deal of experience in public af- fairs and a wonderful success as a diplomat. He can carry water on both shoulders more gracefully and quite as successfully as any man in the State. He is as zealous in par- tisanship as Vare and quite as indif- ferent to methods, and he may con- duct the campaign so as to offend no one concerned in the quarrel. his pick of the offices from the nomi- nee if elected. ——Joseph Undercoffer is author- ‘ity for the statement that the ther- ‘mometer was down to 15 degrees above zero at 5.30 o’clock on Tuesday . morning. Both Sunday and monday mornings it was down to 16. On April . 21st, last year, the thermometer reg- istered 27 and we thought that was unusually cold for the time of year, but Tuesday of this week was a rec- ord-breaker. have not even made a showing, so that the cold weather will hardly result in any damage to the fruit crop. you spoke in defense of and voted to . Pennsylvania, Gifford Pinchot.” His | was thought he would be an ideal man | If his candidates are successful he will get | So far fruit tree buds‘ — NO. 17. 1776-1926. f From the Pittsburgh Post. The fact that the politicians of the State are so busy with the affairs of the coming primaries as to have prac- tically nothing to say of the sesqui- centennial anniversary of the Dec- laration of Independence may be sus- ceptible of two interpretations. One view may be that it shows a selfish- i ness that is concerned only with office i seeking or partisan or factional in- i terests, The other is based upon the ' proposition that the highest tribute i that can be paid to a public institu- tion or system is to make use of it. i Those who hold to this view think i that if the forefathers of democracy in this country could return they { would be more delighted with the spectacle of the primary contests in Pennsylvania today than with any words that could be said on either the Declaration or the Constitution. In the beginning there was one school of thought that would have had the Fed- eral Government appoint the Govern- ors of the States. Behold now a whole school of Pennsylvania Repub- licans running for Governor and with other parties also having their share of candidates. There seems to be no little appreciation of the democratic idea that the people should elect their own officers. | Both these views, however, call for ' some modification. It would be whol- ly gratuitous to assume that all the candidates are insincere in their pro- fession of concern for the public good. ' Not a few of them may have entered the contests at a personal’ sabrifice, throwing themselves into the struggle simply for principles. On. the other i hand, there is no tribute to demo- |eracy in the use that some would ; make of the election system. Just | the cpposite. ' Through violation of the election laws they would under- | mine the system of self government. Nevertheless the highest tribute that can be paid to the American plan of government undoubtedly: lies in making proper use of the’ system. | Obviously the only way to show ap- i preciation of the privilege: of the i ballot is to vote. This draws atten- tion to a serious lack on the part of ;many of the citizenry of the State. i Scarcely more than half those of vot- ing age in Pennsylvania have been discharging their duty of the ballot. i A igevance to the basie pr of self-government - = shown * repeatedly hy hs zens of the State through failure to dis- i cipline public officers who have mis- { represented them. Members of the Legislature who have blocked the en- i actment of good measures have been | re-elected with scarcely a thought | given to their record. Public senti- ment has shown itself time and again for strengthening of the election laws, | yet but little attention has been paid iin years by the majority of the Gen- (eral Assembly to such appeals. It is idle to continue calling for election law reform if enemies of it are to be returned to the Legislature. In this sesqui-centennial year of the asser- tion in this country that governments derive their. just power only “from the consent of the governed,” it is for the people as well as the candi- dates to lift their voices on the sub- ject today. Let Pennsylvanians turn back to the declaration of rights and + Suties in their own constitution of _ That all power being originally inherent in, and consequently de- rived from, the people; therefore all officers of goverment, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants, and at all times accountable to them. There is the spirit of the independ- ence and self-government. The Penn- sylvanians who have got the idea that their public officers are their masters instead of their servants have plainly fallen far from it. So also have the citizens who do not vote at all. Let note be taken at every political meeting that this is the sesqui-cen- tennial year of the Declaration of In- dependence. Let it mark a revival of the spirit of independence in the cit- izenship. Also let it recall the great service rendered by Pennsylvanians in the beginning to the cause of democ- racy. Vare’s Record as Congressman. From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. As a Congressman, William S. Vare might as well have stayed home for all the good he has done his constit- uents. His record for absence from the House and on important roll-calls is one of the worst for the entire membership of that body; and during ‘his entire service he has fathered no measure of consequence to the coun- try or to Philadelphia. Taking a | salary for a service not performed does not apparently sit heavily upon the Vare conscience, for he was among those who in 1914 voted | against the enforcement of the pro- | vision of law requiring the deduction of salary of members for absences except for sickness. During the final session of the Sixty-sixth Con- gress Vare was present five days and absent fifty. This is the man who has the assurance to imagine that his : “service” in the House entitles him to | promotion to the Senate. ——The cold weather thus far has served one good purpose. It has pre- vented the usual complaint that the peach crop has been destroyed. ingiples | ers through -the exeeittive “committee of SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Two workers in the Oakland-Pontiac garage at Reading were injured, when the acetylene tank with which they were work- ing exploded, starting a fire which caused a loss of $35,000. —Plunging thirty-five feet from the third floor of the Elks Home at Shamokin, when he slipped while cleaning a window, Gus Thorner, janitor, struck a wire, which probably saved his life. He is in a ser- ious condition at the hospital. —Dr. Harry A. Randall, proprietor of Bellevue Santiarium at Sharon Hill, near Norristown, last Thursday was found guilty by a jury of a charge of assault and battery on his former cook, Estelle Lundy, and sentenced to pay a fine of $250. —There’s nothing in a name, say Federal prohibition agents. They raided the Tem- perance hotel in Williamsport and report- ed finding 350 gallons of wine in the base- ment. A Chinese restaurant at 241 Market street, Williamsport, also netted the agents one beer boitle partly filled with whiskey. —Labert T. Gardner, who when a boy organist prodigy at the Centennial Ex- position in Philadelphia in 1876, fell in love with Leona Gibbs, then a school girl, married her on Monday. The wedding was delayed for years because they had to take care of relatives. He is aged 68 and she is aged 61. —Arising from his bed and walking in his sleep one day last week, Otto Boos, 59, of Fountain Springs, near Shenandoah, went out on the back porch of the Cres- son hotel, where he roomed, and stepped off into space, falling twenty feet to the ground and fracturing his skull. He died several hours later. —Entrance examination for Mont Alto state forestry school are to be held this year at headquarters of district foresters instead of at Harrisburg, L. E. Staley, deputy secretary of forests and waters, announced today. Among places where examinations are to be given are Clearfield, Williamsport, Pottsville, Seranton and Johnstown. —A couch upon which he went to sleep in his boarding house almost proved a funeral pyre for Bernard Dugan early Fri- day morning, for a cigarette which he was smoking set fire to it, and Dugan is in the York hospital. He was rescued from the flames by firemen, who found him over- com¢ by smoke and badly burned on the face and hands. —Firemen carried forty-five children and eight aged women from the Episcopal Church Home in Pittsburgh, early, on Saturday, when the structure was threat- ened by fire. As the children and aged women stood on the lawn, scantily clad, an unidentified negro rushed into the building and brought out their coats and other wraps. The blaze was confined to the basement. The damage was slight. —Two ordinary field stones were almost as disastrous to Alfonse Gordon, 10-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon, of Wegley, as the stone in David's sling to the giant. Alfonse tripped on a stone and was precipitated over a 25-foot cliff. His nose came in contact with another stone and its sharp edge all but sheared the member from his face. Surgeons believe they can induce the nose to grow back in place. —Three thousand Fayette county farm- the Fayette County Agricultural, Exten- sion Association "went on record today against daylight saving. It is claimed that the extra hour of the daylight is detri- mental to the farmer and his interests. The farmers do not offer objections to persons willing to work an hour earlier but are opposed to turning back the clocks. —-Bowling over the tracks of the West Penn street railway line in the vicinity of the Trauger reservoir, near Greensburg, in the midst of the early morning, motorman James Stickle was annoyed to see a duck on the rail. The bird refused to budge. Stickle stopped his car and found that the duck was actually frozen to the steel. It is’ supposed the bird, wet from an early morning swim, had alighted on the glisten- ing steel rail. A penknife freed the duck. .—Frank Robl, sixty-four, wealthy New Castle merchant, committed suicide early on Saturday, while the police were search- ing for him in connection with the killing of an aged woman by his automobile truck. Mrs. Mollie Harris, sixty-two, was killed and her husband, Moses Harris, sixty-eight, was injured seriously Friday night, when they were run down by Robl’'s truck. Robl, a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, left the scene before the police ar- rived. Robl drove the truck to an isolated country road, where he fired a bullet into his head. —Fred Hannah, negro, of Elkland, Pa., accompanied by a young woman of his race, applied for a marriage license at City Hall in Elmira, N. Y., on Tuesday. While the clerk was filling out the neces- sary blank forms he found that the pros- pective bride had a husband in prison. He advised the couple they must defer their marriage until a divorce could be obtained, and they left the office. Two hours later Hannah returned for a license to marry another woman whom he had wooed and won in record time. The license was granted. —The home of I. W. Yates, of Latrobe, was badly damaged at 1:45 o'clock Sat- urady morning when a heavy charge of dynamite was set off under the front porch. Yates, his wife and their son Louis, 3 years old, were hurled from their beds, but escaped injury. Windows were broken in more than a dozen dwellings nearby. The officers arrested Pasquale Cereini, of Latrobe, in connection with the explosion and took him to the Green- burg barracks, where he will be question- ed later. The officers reported that they were unable to find any cause for the blast. —The school board and borough grade teachers of Shamokin are at odds over the question of wages. Recently the board in- creased the wages of High school teachers and others, but failed to provide an in- crease for the grade teachers, Eighty of them have signed petitions for considera- tion on the ground of efficiency, length of service and experience. Forty-five of the teachers are actually involved in the con- troversy, the others signing petitions for the moral effect. The forty-five are those who have reached the marks set by the State, $1400 a term, but seek additional money for their services since the princi- pals “have been favored. The latter, on the new basis of pay, will receive $56 a month more than the grade teachers.