Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 16, 1926, Image 8
Bowral Hitdpan Bellefonte, Pa., April 16, 1926. EE —————————————— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. A whole carload of fixtures and sinks has been received by A. E. Schad, plumber. See advertisement in this issue for prices. - — Fred W. Crafts has accepted the position at Whiterock Quarries made vacant by the resignation of Hugh M. Quigley, who has bought the Fenlon insurance agency. Miss Kathryn McGowan has resigned her position as operator in the Bell Telephone exchange, effec- tive tomorrow, and next Monday will go to work as book-keeper at Beezer’s garage. . A card party, under the au- spices of St. Mary’s guild, will be given in the parish house of St. John’s Episcopal church next Tuesday even- ing, April 20th. Tickets, 50 cents. Play will start at 8.15 o’clock. The Bellefonte Academy min- strels this year will be given one night only, Thursday, May 20th. The regular minstrel dance will be held the following night, May 21st, at the Nittany Country club, from 9 to 1 o'clock. —About 2:30 o’clock on Sunday morning a fire was discovered in the skewer mill at the plant of the Belle- fonte Lumber company. Officials of ‘the company were promptly notified and were able to extinguish the flames without calling out the fire- men. A little daughter made its ar- rival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Straub, at Cleveland, Ohio, on ‘Tuesday night. The young father is the only son of Elmer C. Straub, of Bellefonte, and as this is his first grand-child he naturally feels some- what elated . ——Some unknown individual, on Sunday night, stole two spare tires on demountauble rims from the auto- mobile of Harry N. Meyer. The ma- chine was standing on Spring street, not over thirty feet from the Meyer home, so that the robbery was a pretty brazen piece of work. : —The Watchman last week made brief mention of a fire in the storage department of the Federal Match company, on Thursday afternoon. The fire started in one of the huge block bins and the only cause of origin that could be discovered was an ex- posed electric wire. The loss is es- timated at $3,000, fully covered by in- surance. The ladies of Rebekah Lodge, I. 0. O. F., Millheim, will present a three act play, “Poor Father,” in the Moose theatre here Wednesday even- ing, April’ 28th. The performance is to be given for the benefit of the Sun- bury orphanage of the Order and is said to be very cleverly acted. We bespeak- a large house for the visiting Thespians. The prices are 50 and 25c. ——The last public sale of house? hold goods to ‘be held in’ Bellefont& this spring will take place at the Longwell property, No. 112 North Spring street, at one o’clock tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, when the prop- erty of Miss Ella Gates will be sold. It will be an opportunity to get that odd piece of furniture you have been looking for, for some time. . ———The Millheim Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will present the three act farce, “Poor Father,” at the Moose Temple theatre, Bellefonte, on Wed- nesday evening, April 28. The price of admission will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. It will be a benefit performance for the I. O. O. F. orphanage at Sunbury and this worthy cause ought to result in attracting a good house. If tired out by a hard day’s work, sort of blue and out of sorts, go to the Scenic and spend an hour or two watching the motion pictures. You'll forget your worries and trou- bles in your interest in the splendid programs presented each evening at that up-to-date theatre. You won't find any several years’ old, worn-out pictures there, as every film is new and up-to-date. Manager T. Clayton Brown has made a study of what the people of Bellefonte appreciate and that is the kind of pictures he is show- z mg, The village of Port Matilda, which aspires to become a borough, is at present one of the busiest places in Centre county. During the month of March eighty-seven carloads of freight were shipped from the sta- tion at that place, the principal pro- - ducts being silica brick from the Me- Feely Brick company’s plant, and . mine props. The brick plant is now running on full time and has orders . on hand to keep it busy for months -ahead. The new state highway through Bald Eagle valley may have something to do with the boom at Port Matilda. James R. Hughes, headmaster of the Bellefonte Academy, has very generously turned over to the Belle- fonte High school entire control of the cinder track on Hughes field for the spring season. The track will be put in good condition for track work by the High school squad and the latter wish to give notice that automobile drivers must in the future keep off the track. . Good arrangements will be made for the parking of cars in the field witheut crossing the track and any person who does so deliber- ately will be regarded as a trespasser and be liable to prosecution. F. GLENN ROGERS, OF NITTANY. F. G. ROGERS, OF NITTANY, CHOSEN COUNTY SUPT. Won Out in a Field of Five Contest- ants, F. Glenn Rogers, of Nittany, was elected county superintendent of pub- lic schools, by the school directors of Centre county on Tuesday, as succes- sor to David O. Etters, who has filled the office for more than twenty years. Mr. Rogers, one of the youngest can- didates in a field of five, had the lead from the first ballot and was nominat- ed on the third with many votes to spare. All told there are 175 school direc- tors in Centre county and the first roll call showed 157 present at the meeting, so that 79 votes were neces- sary to elect. The meeting was cailed to order by Supt.. D. 0. Etters who read those sections of the school code relating to the election of a superin- tendent and presented the credentials of the five candidates, which he said were all in due form. stated that he was really surprised to see so many directors present, all doubtless anxious to vote him out of a job. The meeting was organized by the election of Thomas I. Mairs, as presi- dent; O. F. Smith secretary, and 8S. Ward Gramley and William Wood tellers. R. G. Bressler, of State Col- lege, made a motion that in lieu of nominating speeches each of the can- didates be given three minutes to stand up before the meeting and state his qualifications for the office. On motion Mr. Bressler’s motion was laid on the table. i - Nominations being called for J. Thompson Henry, of Martha, nomi- nated assistant county superintendent H. C. Rothrock. Lloyd W. Stover, of Millheim, nominated F. Glenn Rogers, of Nittany. R. G. Bressler, of State College, placed in nomination John B. Payne, of Bellefonte. . J. H. Hoy nominated Shuman S. Williams, of State College, and John F. Barnhart nominated L. E. Baird, of Pleasant Gap. On the first ballot Rogers received 54 votes, Rothrock 45, Williams 37, Payne 13 and Baird 8. The second ballot gave Rogers 77, Rothrock 45, Williams 31, Payne 3 and Baird 1. On the third ballot Rogers received 113, Rothrock 37, Williams 6 and Payne and Baird none. Chairman Mairs promptly declared Mr. Rogers elected and the new super- intendent was brought into the room and thanked the directors for their confidence in his ability. County superintendent Etters made a brief’ speech of farewell to the di- rectors in which he thanked them for their hearty co-operation during all the years he had been in office. On motion of Mr. Bressler the sec- retary of the meeting was instructed to write, a letter of condolence to the family of F. Milford Pletcher, who was a very active candidate for the superintendency up until his sudden and unexpected death last Saturday. On motion a collection was takem up to send flowers te the bereaved family and the sum of $54 was con- tributed. Mr, Rogers, the new superintendent, who will take office the first Monday, in May, will serve until the first Mon- day in July 1980. He was bern in Walker township forty years ago, is married and lives at Nittany. He is a graduate of Bucknell University and took special courses at Columbia Un- iversity and the University of Pemn- sylvania. He has had fourteem years experience in school work, most of it of a supervisory or administrative nature, and after his election en Tues- day, was highly endorsed by ceunty superintendent Etters. Hugh M. Quigley Buys Fenlen Insur- ance Agency. Hugh M. Quigley preved to be the successful bidder for the insurance agency of the late Harry E. Fenlon, his deal for the purchase of the same having been closed last Thursday afternoon. While the price paid has not been made public it is believed to have been between seven and eight thousand dollars. Upwards of a dozen men and one woman were bidders for the business, which is reported to have been one of the best in Belle- fonte under Mr. Fenlon’s management. Mr. Quigley is a clean-cut, deserving young man and merits the support of all former patrons of this old-estab- lished agency. He further | Hospital Board Elects a Technician. | At the monthly meeting of the board of trustees of the Centre Coun- ty hospital, on Tuesday evening, Miss Kech, of Snow Shoe, but who received her training in the Altoona general hospital, was elected technician for the institution and has already taken charge of her work. The board also decided to employ a dietitian. Manager W. H. Brown made a re- port for the month of March, the first under his management, which showed an increase in receipts and a decrease in free patients. Mr. Brown was also authorized to take charge of the purchasing department, which in- cludes buying of all supplies, etc., for the hospital. i The board made the gratifying an- nouncement that various individuals have assumed the responsibility of furnishing and equipping five rooms and the children’s ward. It will also be recalled that Mrs. Winton, of Scranton, left $5,000 to the hospital in her will as a memorial to her son, and the bequest comes to the hospital at $4,500 net. The board decided to use this money to equip the X-ray laboratory. This will leave one room, the porches and the maternity room yet to furnish. The hospital would like to possess a female sheep for experimental pur- poses and if any generously inclined farmer will donate one to the institu- tion it will be greatly appreciated. The work of completing the new wing is moving along satisfactorily but the hospital management is handi- capped to some extent by the lack of funds. There is still considerable due on the “Serve Centre Sick” drive, not- withstanding the fact that the last payments should have been made last November, and if this were cleaned up it would help out a lot. Because of this fact the board is desirous that those still in arrears make their pay- ment at once. Hospital Auxiliary Is Flourishing. The regular monthly meeting of the executive board of the women’s aux- iliary of the Centre County hospital was held in the W. C. T. U. rooms in this place on March 29. Representatives from State College, Lemont and Unionville were present and presented most interesting re- ports as to the work their newly or- ganized units are doing. State College has to date a member- ship of 190 and Lemont 14. The form- er returned forty-five towels, hemmed and ready for use and Unionville made fifteen bed shirts and six sheets. During the past month the follow- ing auxiliaries have been formed with their officers as given: : Boalsburg, Mrs. James Irvin, Mrs. William Hamm. ‘Hublersburg, "Mrs. J. E. Vgnada, Mrs. S. S. McCormick. 08 " State College, Mrs. J. L. Holmes, Mrs. J. B. Martin. Pine Grove Mills, Miss Mary Woods, . Zion, Mrs. Emma Noll, Miss Mary Struble. Lemont, Mrs. Charles Thompson, Mrs. Houser. i . The new members of the executiv board for 1926 include the above women with the following: Mrs. Reed 0. Steely, Mrs. Joseph Abt, Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, . Miss Margaret Stewart, Mrs. Earl S. Orr, Mrs. Ad Fauble, Mrs. Jacob Hoy, Mrs. Clara Leathers, Mrs. Harvey Schaeffer, Mrs. Robert Morris, Mrs. M. A. Landsy, Mrs. Allison and Mrs. Calvin Young, all of Bellefonte. The ladies of the Bellefonte auxil- iary will hold a food sale at the Moit drug store tomorrow, Saturday, be- ginning at 10 o'clock. HELEN B. BLAIR, Secretary. Telephone Demostration Proves Inter- estimg Entertainment. It is a pity that there were so few people at the Moose theatre Monday evening to get the glimpse behind the secnes in a telephone exchange that was staged there by the Bell Tele- phone Co. Besides being highly in- structive and calculated to give the patron a more intimate understand: ing of the service the company is try- ing to give him it was decidedly clever. 2 The phone repartee of the two operatives, Miss Verna Rowe, of Centre Hall, and Miss Bertha Salter, of St. Mary’s, whe were at the demon- stration switch-beard and—in imagi- nation—trying to get parties for you and me, was so true a reflex of just what happens daily that it was real comedy; so clever in fact that of it- self it would make a good vaudeville act. The whole demonstration was de- signed to show the patron of the tele- phone what difficulties crop up from every angle in the effort to give prompt and courteous service and how he or she can co-operate. It was quite worthwhile and, as we have said, it was a pity that there were not more there to see it. : ——Look who's in the cast of “The Masked Bride.” Mae Murray, Francis X Bushman, Roy D’Arcy and Chester Conklin. Coming to the Scenic next Tuesday and Wednesday. 16-1t The Bellefonte Academy will open the baseball season in Bellefonte this ( Friday) afternoon with a game with the Indiana Normal nine. Game will be called promptly at 3.20 o'clock. Baseball fans should turn out in force as this will be a good opportunity to see what the Academy’s team is going to be like this year. anil BIG AIRSHIP MADE NIGHT ; NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. STOP IN BELLEFONTE. | —HKdward C. Beezer, of Philipsburg, was ' a Bellefonte visitor on Tuesday. —Mrs. Hunsinger was here from Altoona for the week-end, a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Witmer. : —Dr. and Mrs. Edward Harris, of Snow The biggest airship that has ever visited Bellefonte swooped down out | of the air shortly before six o’clock | last Saturday evening, landing on the old aviation field on the Beaver farm. | The ship was a bi-plane of the Si- korsky type, equipped with two 400 horsepower Liberty motors. It has a seventy-six foot wing-spread and a speed of 125 miles an hour. The ship had been chartered by the Cur- lee Clothing company, of St. Louis, Mo., and was being used as an ad- vertising stunt to carry company salesmen east as far as the State of Maine. The ship has an enclosed car with a capacity for sixteen passengers, but carried only nine people on this trip. These included the pilot, Capt. R. Turner, a farmer army flier, two mechanicians and six Curlee company salesmen, namely: H. N. Franklin. who was in charge of the crew; Geo. T. Cavanaugh, C. . Z. Pedrick, Harry E. Orput, James T. Wallace and J. Marshall Campbell. They left St. Louis on Friday morning and flew to Dayton, Ohio, where they spent the night. Saturday morning was spent in covering Dayton and on leav- ing there it was the intention to fly to Middletown, Pa., for the night, but the route was new to Capt. Turner and he lost his bearings coming over the mountains of Pennsylvania with the result that he decided to land here. Spotting the old aviation field, and not knowing that the mail landing field had been changed, he came down there. The salesman left the ship at that point and the pilot and mech- anicians, on learning the location of the new field, took to the air and sail- ed. the big ship out to the present landing field where it was kept for the night. The entire party spent the night at the Brockerhoff house, leaving on Sunday morning for Mid- dletown. The ship in question is the same one which was used not long ago in carrying two baby grand pianos and six passengers from New York to Washington. Annual Inspection Showed Troop B in Fine Fettle. Capt. Herbert Miller, the officers and every member of Troop B, 52nd machine gun battalion, of Bellefonte, has every reason in the world to feel puffed up over the compliment paid them by the officers present at the annual inspection on Tuesday even- ing. The inspecting officers were Capt. George Milholland, of Harris- burg, representing the federal gov- ernment, and Col. William Zerdt, of Philadelphia, representing the Penn- sylvania Nationdl Guard. After the inspection they had no hesitation in saying that the troop made the best showing of any of the sixty-seven units so far inspected and they be- lieved is would rank close up to the top in the entire Guard. ". The inspection was open to the pub- : lic and between three and four hun- dred spectators were present to see the soldier boys put through their paces. The Odd Fellows band was in attendance and furnished music for the drills. Following the regular drill the gun squads gave an exhibi- tion drill which was followed by a sham battle on an unseen enemy. Four machine guns were put in service on the armory floor each gun using up a belt of blank cartridges while other guns concealed upstairs belched forth fire through portholes. It was a thrilling climax to the even- ing’s werk. It might be said in closing, without any reflection upon Capt. Miller or the other officers of the troop, that considerable of the eredit for its good standing is due to the untiring work of Capt. John W. Weeks, the regular army officer stationed in Bellefonte as instructor for the entire battal- ion. Foster Famning Home Destroyed by Fire. The Foster Fanning home on the back road up Buffalo Run valley, just above the school house, was entirely destroyed by fire on Monday morning. The Fannings live on what is known as the old Blair farm and the house was one of the old-time log buildings, built over half a century ago. How the fire originated is not known. Christ Beezer was the first to discover it. He was on his way to Bellefonte from his home on Spring creek and noticing the flames drove up to the house. Mrs. Fanning was busy with the morning’s wash and did not know her house was afire until the arrival of Mr. Beezer. Word was telephoned to Bellefonte for assistance and the Undine firemen went out with their pumper but it was too far gone to save, and the burning building was too far from Spring creek, the only available water supply, to enable the firemen to do more than save the barn by using their chemicals. Only a small portion of the household goods were saved. Mr. Fanning has some insurance, but not sufficient to cover the loss. ——Counsel for the opposition to the incorporation of the village of Port Matilda into a borough have withdrawn their appeal, which was to have been argued before the Superior court in Pittsburgh next Monday, and now the residents of that town are at Liberty to go ahead with the election of borough officers. Shoe, are on a trip to Philadelphia, having gone east the middle of the week. —Michael Hazel, his son Joseph and Jack Robinson, drove to Pittsburgh for the funeral of the late H. W. Brinmeier, on Tuesday. —-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barnhart were over Sunday visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Fred R. Seidel and Dr. Seidel, at their home in Hazleton. —Mrs. Norman Calvert, of Williamsport, and her son Jack, are spending a month with Mrs. Calvert's mother, Mrs. Della Miller, on Bishop street. —Miss Dorothy Odenkirk, of Centre Hall, was among the business visitors to Bellefonte Saturday, having come over in her car, to do some shopping and look after some affairs for the family. —William Wood, one of the county's school directors, was here from Osceola Mills Tuesday, for the election of the county superintendent. Mr. Wood is always interested in the worth while things of his community. —Herbert Beezer was here from Lancas- sition of manager of the Pine Creek Lime- stone Cos operation at Jersey Shore, ex- pecting to begin his new work there this week. The Sheffer family anticipate mak- ing Jersey Shore their permanent home. —Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey Harvey were week-end guests of Mrs. Harvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith. Mr. Harvey is now located at Orviston, while Mrs. Harvey returned to Néw Hope to continue her work there for the present. —Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCormick drove down from State College Tuesday, that Mrs. McCormick might spend a part of the afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Mar- garet Hutchinson, of Howard street, who has not been in her usual good health, for, several months. —Mrs. Frank Warfield with her daugh- ter, Mrs. William Craig, Miss McQuistion, Miss Katherine Love and Miss Katherine Allison, as driving guests, motored over to Hollidaysburg Saturday, for a visit with Miss Florence Love, going on from there, to spend several hours in the shops of Al- toona. —Mr. and Mrs. William Daley, of | Florence, N. J. came to Bellefonte last Friday to attend the funeral, on Saturday, of their nephew, Joseph Fulton. Mr. Daley returned home in the beginning of the week while Mrs. Daley will be here a’ week or two with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joseph Hogentogler. —Miss Jeannette Cooke, who is now re- covering from her recent attack of pneu- monia, will be brought here from Wash- ington, D. C., just as soon as her condition is improved sufficiently for her to make the journey. Miss Cooke's father, E, C. Cooke, remained in Washington to accompany his daughter to Bellefonte. ] Mr. and Mrs. Hassel Montgomery and Miss Stella Cooney drove to Atlantic City Sunday, Mrs. Montgomery and Miss Cooney expecting to remain there for sev- eral weeks, or until Mrs. Montgomery's health is impreved. During her absence Mrs. Montgomery's oldest child, Ann, will be with the Cooney family, at their home on Bishop street. —Dr. B. Franklin Bowersox, the well known druggist of Millheim, drove over to Bellefonte Wednesday with Paul Musser, manager. of the Millheim Garage. The trip having been a business one only' an hour or two of their valuable time was spent in the town. Mrs. Bowersox motored over yesterday, devoting a part of the day te shopping. —Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook and their daugh- ter, Miss Margaret, are arranging to come east from Colorado early im May to open their Linn street home for the summer. The Cook family went west during the late fall, to be with James Cook for sev- eral months, and have spent the winter at “The CHlff House.” at Marien, where Mr. Cook Hives for a part of the year. —Myr. Harvey D. Dunkle was up from Hecla Park Tuesday looking after a little business and was thoughtful enough to drop in for a bit of a chat here. Besides, he said he knew we would be wanting to go fisking and he left some money, but we dow't know what that was for; whether it was to keep the plant geing while we were away or to buy fish or bait. Certain- ly it comddn’t have been the latter, for Mr. Dunkle is a law-abiding eitizen and he wouldn't have encouraged us to attempt to buy either fish or bait. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Schaeffer en- tertained a family house party Saturday, at their home on east High street: the guests who were Mrs. Schaeffer's sister and brothers included Mrs. H. D. Bottorf and Newton E. Hess, of State College; Ernest Hess, of Boalsburg, and Ira and John Hess, of Altoona. M. and Mrs. Geo. E. Lentz, of Harrisburg, and their daugh- ter, Mildred, who had driven up for a week-end visit with the Schaeffer family, were also members of the party Saturday, leaving to return home Monday. ] —Mrs. J. L. Spangler, with her daugh- ter, Mrs. James A. McClain, of Spankler, as a driving guest, will go east next week to attend the wedding of Miss Mildred Frances Gish and Jackson Miller Black- burn, which will take place on Saturday evening, April 24th, at Elizabethtown, Pa. Mr. Blackburn, the elder son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Engles Blackburn, of Phila- delphia, is well known in Bellefonte through his frequent visits here with his grandmother, Mrs. Spangler and Col. J. ‘L. Spangler, at their home on Allegheny St. —Included in the Watchman office. list of callers on Wednesday was Irvin M. Harvey, of State Cecllege, whose visits to Bellefonte of late years are so rare that he seemed almost a stranger. In fact he confided to us that his principal excuse for being in Bellefonte that day was the bringing of the ladies of his household down to attend a double wedding at the Methodist parsonage, and after seeing the affair to a finish he slipped out and wan- dered around town greeting the many friends he made thirty-five or forty years ago when from his farm in Boggs town- ship he served one of the best milk routes in Bellefonte. Then he moved to State College and it must be the asociation with so many young people up there that has a telling effect upon him because he looks younger now than he did twenty years age. wm] —Herbert Beezer was here from Lancas- ter during the week for a day’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Beezer. —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Renner were here from Altoona Wednesday between trains, spending their time in Bellefonte and with Mrs. Renner’s mother, ‘Mrs. C. M. Harter, at Jacksonville, : —The Misses Emily and Elizabeth Parker returned to Bellefonte on Tuesday from Atlantic City to open their home on Spring street for the summer. The Misses Parker, according to established custom for several years, spent the winter at the Shore. —Mrs. Harry Williams and her small daughter returned to their home in Cleve- land, Ohio, on Tuesday, following a visit of several weeks in Bellefonte. Mrs. Wil- liams had been called here by the death of her mother, Mrs. William Lyon, and re- mained with her father for a visit. —Mr. Brungart, of Aaronsburg, and H. C. Herring, of Spring Mills, two of the leading business men of the lower part of the county, were among those in Belle- fonte Monday for the meeting of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Both are good Democrats, who have been active in politics in their respective communi- ties all their lives, and whose influence is always felt in the’ interest of any good cause. Community Supper and Bazaar at Pine Grove Mills. The women of Ferguson township have assumed the care of the old cemetery at Pine Grove Mills. In it are lying the bodies of many of the pioneers of that community, their descendants so scattered that few are left to care for the last resting place of their forebears. All of the lots in it are full and the new cemetery has been in general use for years. The old, through neglect, has become an eyesore and a -diseredit, so that to relieve the situation the women have decided to take it in hand and on Fri- day and Saturday, April 23 and 24, they will hold a community supper and bazaar as the first of a series of efforts to raise funds with which to clean up the burying ground. . On Friday evening they will serv roast chicken, waffles, mashed pota- toes, relishes, fruit salad, cake and coffee, all for 50cts. On Saturday evening the same price will prevail and the menu will be the same, except that corn will be added. In the Bazaar there will be bread, cakes, pies, candy and fancy work. The cause is a very worthy one and inasmuch as the women of Ferguson township are great cooks their supper should prove a delightful "destination for motor parties from all parts of the county. a 3 Double Wedding at Bellefonte Meth- odist Parsonage. The Methodist parsonage, on How- ard street, was the scene of a double wedding, shortly after nine o’clock on Wednesday morning, when C. R. Meyers and Miss Earnestin Diffender- fer, and Aedrian LeMay and Miss Edna Price, all of Lewistown, were married with the same ceremony by the pastor, Rev. Homer Charles Knox. In the wedding party which came to Bellefonte with the young people were Mrs. ‘LeMay and Miss LeMay, Mrs. Harry Price, Mrs. Sizer and Lyan Lewis, all of Lewistown, while other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Harvey, of State College, and Mrs. Tate, of Axe Mann. Following the ceremony Mrs. Knox and her daughter, Miss Jean B.,, served a delicious wedding breakfast to the young people and later they left by automobile for a wedding trip to Pittsburgh. > Mitchell—Rishell.—The Rev. and Mrs. C.W. Rishell, of Pleasant Gap, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Lois, to Mr. David Ray Mitchell. ’ The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father at their home on March 12th. : Mrs. Mitchell is a graduate of Emerson college, Boston, Class of 1925 and has been teaching expression at Houghton college, New York. Mr. Mitchell is a graduate of The Penn- sylvania State College and is at present an instructor at that institu- tion. : ——At a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church, held on Tuesday evening, Charles S. Hughes and W. Harrison Walker were re- elected trustees, and Earl S. Orr was elected to take the place of Charles F. Mensch, resigned. It was also voted to increase the pastor’s salary from $2,800 to $3,000 per year. ——Having improved his business place so greatly that it is one of the niftiest stands on High street Joe Thal has made a start on the outside by planting a thrifty sugar maple on the curb line. Joe is for planting trees instead of cutting them down and in a few years will probably have very acceptable shade in the summer time. W. C. McClintic $22.50 Suit Man. Representing Richman Brothers, Cleveland, O., at Garman house, Belle- fonte, April 16, afternoon and even- ing. Lots of new samples. 71-15-2t c———————— A ————————— Public Sale.—Household goods of Miss Ella A. Gates, at No. 112 N. Spring St., Saturday, April 17, at 1 p. m. See bills, 15-2t Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat wl aren. - $1.6( Oats = “ ie iw - a8 Rye = - - - - - 80 Corn - tl. - - JC Barley - - - - - - JC Buckwheat = e = - - 8