—The “Watchman” gives all the —Subscribe for the “Watchman.’ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Church Services Next Sunday Real Estate Transfers. Fire Insyrance news when it is news. Read it. te r James 1. Thompson, Exec., to Earl ANTED.—Middle A : . —) ged Man. Hust nn a en Boal, tract in State College; $350. | \\J lers make 50 fo $100 or more — ee NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, At, a Reduced Rate -0U a. m. Sunday school. “29 4.1 Minnie M. Weaver to Lloyd Weav- veel Selling Whitmer's guaran- = i ices: . ro : teed line of toilet articles, soap, spices, 5 m., Morning services; = Sermon: | oot ux, tract in Curtin Twp.; $2,000. | extracts and medicines, Centro County is IRA D. GARMAN XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—The under- | 046m J, M. KEICHLINE “Doubting Thomases. 7.30 p. m. H H.R t to E C. | open for you. You only need team or car. . signed executor of the last will | me Evening services; Sermon: “Wrecking arry H. Roan, et ux, mma C. Experience unnecessary. Salesmanship JEWELER and testament of John D. Sour- ri rhs " | Bathgate, tract in State College; $500. taught FREE, Full information on re- beck, late of Bellefonte, Centre county, The Good Ship, ‘Soul. E C. Bathgsie to.Xva BB quest. Write now. 101 Seuth Eleventh St., Penna., deceased, hereby notifies all those Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. mma C. Bathgate va bB. Roan, THE H. C. WHITMER COMPANY, PHILADELPIIIA. knowing themselves indebted to same to A, W. KEICHLINE make immediate payment thereof and those having claims to present same, prop- erly authenticated, for settlement. MRS. MARY A. BELLRINGER, Exec. tract in State College; $500. J. D. Keller, et ux. to L. F. Woora- er, tract in State College; $1. Columbus, Indiana. 71-13-3t* Dept: 23 Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY REGISTERED ARCHITECT 3 rE : XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—Estate of H. “This generation . . do de- Carl S. Weaver, et al, to Jennie E bet ot, Yor of the en of oe Pak Park View Aves is BELLEFONTE PENNA. spise Ged, destroy themselves, Spengler, tract in State College; Bellefonte, in Centre County and | "0 0 ————— W. Harrison Walker, » Long » N. XY. “THESE WILD YOUNG PEOPLE.” State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentary in the above named Estate have been granted to the under- signed by Harry A. Rossman, the Register $7,000. Carl S. Weave, et al, to Arthur L. care nothing for the morrow. De- A L150 bauchery there’s always been, but never did it run so high among Dairymen Notice Oren. the youth. Men will tell you ’tis Bradley, tract in State College; $18.- ol ills for said Soy, 28d 21] persons TA A AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAN : - aving claims or deman S agains e Ex- the unrest following on the War. F. Brest, et ux, to John H. Breon, | tate of the said decedent . are requested 2 ® $ The generation speeds to waste tract Milh as $1,500 ’ | to make the same known, and all persons 1 Q $ li ids. Th 1d 1s full of Tract in Millheim; $1,500. indebted to the said decedent are request- A 1 1 fM ’ ) § ike rapids. e world 1s full o : y , : Special sale o ayer's| ¢ ) News of robbery and outrage on John D. Miller, et ux, to B. W. i] hg Thereof witheut delay, : $ ? every hand. No sobriety among Hooke tract in Walker i $800. MINNIE B. FENLON, Dairy Feed—a Ready- $ $ young men, nor chastity among 2 S. Heckman, et al, to Boyd | Blanchard & Blanchard, Executrix, : : : ) PRESENTING THE BETTER CLASS PHOTOPLAYS [ ~ Young women. Monstrous wealth | Heckman, tract in Walker Twp.; $1. BUOTBENS, at o T4 Belistonte, Fa Mixed Ration, 22% protein ? $ piled up cheek by jowl with crush- Clair W. Robinson, et ux, to Arthur : $ Week-Ahead Program ? ing poverty. The course of life |p, Holmes, tract in State College; OTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION.— 40 00 T $ Q whipped to a frenzy till our whole $925, N In SSeopdance with 2 Aer of A . per on $ AT $ tvilizati sembly, known as the Uni . culture and civilization doth rock Lou Bell Hynes, et bar, to John F. Primary Act, approved July 12th, 1913, . ? 2 % % ab 34 URDAY, APRIL 10: S$ us to the bone. Zeck t in Harris Twp.; $1100. | and amended 1925 with supplements there. Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load | $ SHIP OF SOULS,” with BERT LYTELL and LILLIAN RICH. Taken { I | 3 echman, tract in Harris Twp.; $1100. 0 | ¢ . Sr ) “There’s modern Young America . to, notice is hereby given that a Primary Q from Emerson Hough's famous novel, F leeing from a shattered dream of love $ for you!” Mrs. Grundy and Mr. Strat- Mo eabeth A. Wetzler, et bar, to | Election will be held on Q he found Her! At the last far-flung outpost of the white man, who had wreck- ? on may sigh on reading the above Ee co = bo Wome, et ux, tract in TUESDAY, MAY 18TH, 1826, $ ed his life—now, once again, his rival—he found temptation in a duel of primi- passage. Only it happens to be a [Boggs wp $1. at Whol Hime the polis Se pen fron F § tive passions, and learned the futility of vengeance. A great drama, tumul- @ description of Young England in the E. J. Williams, trustee, to the Peo- purpose of nominating candidates for the ran ® ayer ? {uous as the sweep of the whirlwind. Also, first run two reel comedy, “OF FIC- $ specious times of great Elizabeth, | ples’ National Bank, tract in State following offices to be voted for at the Q ER OF THE DAY.” S$ after the “War” with Spain; a period | College; $1. next General Election to be hold i... BELLEFONTE, PA. e 4 superbly set forth not only in the John M. Carver to Jacob H. Weay- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1926. 71-11tf $ MONDAY, APRIL 12: ? quoted paragraph but in the book er, et ux, tract in Walker Twp.; $1,- | State Officers:—One candidate for each $ "BEFORE MIDNIGHT,” headed by WILLIAM RUSSELL and BARBARA 9 from which it is taken—James Gould 800. of the following offices: —— - S— § BEDFORD. This picture story tells intense scenes of action how a federal Q Cozzens’s “Michael Scarlett.” As we Eliza J. Meyer to William H. Stro- Ubited States Senator. ? sleuth ran down a crooked detective by a ruse, recovered a priceless gem stolen $ have said, the notion that today’s hecker, tract x Centre Hall: $5 750 Lieutenant Governor. TRON TER Q from Rome, and acquired a jewel of his own in the person of a lovely girl. § ounger generation is the Worst J . aaa. Secretary of Internal Affairs. ERRA ) Also, Pathe News, Aesop's Fables and a single Educational reel, S E g Be dénot : : D. M. Kline, et ux, to William J Representative in Congress NDS $ S$ ver merely denotes a naive ignor- rrr e, 1X, . , : rmor, tr: T Le ; Senator in the General Assembly. b - 5 { ance of history. or, tract in Spring Twp.; $1500 Representative in the General Assembly. 1 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 AND 14: $ 8 D. H. Way, et ux, to W. Scott Republican member of the State Com- ) “DANCING MOTHERS,” with CONWAY TEARLE, ALICE JOYCE and S$ 4 rain, tract in Taylor and Worth | mittee. i ) CLARA BOW. Her father is a wealthy idler. She is a captivating flapper Why One Out of Four School Children Twps.; $2,500. ahhberatic member of the State Com- 3 ) daughter So the pretty mother says, “Why don’t I step out, t00.?” So she $ Repeat the First Grade. J. W. 0. Houseman to Bertha Hous- | Also the following County Offigrs will be : ) does and the battle is on, and she’s some stepper, and some dancer, and some ? . Tn Nati 2 er, et bar, tract in Millheim; $3,800. | voted for at the Primary: One person for § —but wait until you see the complications in this big, flashy Rolls-Royce com- e Last Spring The National Congress David H > $5 Chai 4 Ho Republican County Chairman. § edy drama of New York society. This picture sure does “step some.” Also, of Parents and Teachers and the via swuser to Charles Houser,| Hepvbijeen Vice-Chairman. first run Mack Sennett two reel comedy, “WHAT'S THE WORE coMING Q United States Bureau of Education, | tract in College Twp.; 225. Democratic County Chairman. $ oy ack Senne edy, 4 2 nse 8 aroused because one out of every Reuben H. Mull, et ux, to Nathan JOHN S. SPEARLY, S$ $ four children entering school has to H. Mull, tract in Philipsburg; $1. SAuey wv SWAED, ’ ? THURSDAY, APRIL 15: $ repeat the first grade, launched a na- | Nathan H, Mull to R. H. Mull, tract | Attest:— COUALY Commies Snors. She Knows He's Safe ) “THOSE WHO DANCE,” with MARGUERITE de la MOTTE and JOHN $ tion-wide campaign to show parents in Philipsburg; $1. ? S. CLAUDE HERR, Clerk. 71-13-3t BOWERS. Here is a lively melodrama of the sea, in which a young mate tri- S that their children could often be umphs over a mutinous crew, brings the ship to port and wins a bride, as well $ George McCurdy to William E. Watkins, tract in College Twp.; $200. all defects as love and care and| William E. Watkins, et ux, to Peter science could make them. Because |W. Knepp, tract in College Twp.; The Delineator has always fought | $250. the children’s cause, it joined W. S. Williams, et ux, to Roy Huff, the campaign by offering five hundred et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1. spared this failure if they were sent to school physically fit as free from as curing his pardner of the drug habit. Also, Pathe News and Pathe Review. of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Bor- ough of Bellefonte, Pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1926, the following property: \ HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ S She neither leaves him alone at home, nor takes him out through dangerous traffic and inclement weather to shop. Her tele- phone makes this exposure unnecessary. Mother need not leave the comfort mor FRIDAY, APRIL 16: $ “LET ER BUCK,” with HOOT GIBSON. The real Pendleton round up $ with Hoot in the midst of real Indian chiefs, champion bronco busters, bare- ? back riders doing their stunts as never before, and Hoot outdoing them all. 9 Hoot’s greatest picture. Also, 5th chapter of “CASEY OF THE COAST { TA ” b GUARD. € dollars in prizes to the three local S EE] TRACT No. 1, in Howard Borough, be- ; 5 Parent-Teacher Associations Who Winn rr Rup La hom 2 ginning at intersection of North side of hs Suen ber hose i get her Ron Q should send their first-grade children Emma J. Hinds, et bar zo CZ i ay ENS age Valley. Rat) a lew words over the telephone wi ng - = Q . . . . o dae v 1 Jdead- i to school in September with the high- Stover, tract hem To 0 $1,000. | ing from Howard to Jacksonville, ihence the family food. $ est health scores. Although this con- ’ P.; 21,000. f North 6s degrees West along said street Order your Meat over the telephone trom MOOSE TEMPLE THEATRE. ¢ 8.7 rods; thence by lot formerly of John z W. Hayes North 41 degrees 8.8 perches; jus. Our service consists not only of free thence South 4614 degrees Fast 7.6 perches : i to Right of Way of Bald Eagle Valley | delivery, but guaranteed quality at lowest possible prices. Railroad company; thence by said Right It will save you time, effort and money. Jacob M. Stover, et ux, to Warren Se, tract in Haines Twp.; $1,- 900. test was not announced until June, a number of the associations immed- iately jumped into the ring and work- ed tirelessly all through the hot days of Summer. Local committees round- ed up the children, had them exam- ined by local doctors, persuaded the parents in many cases to correct the bad eyesight, or tonsils, or adenoids TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 14, 15: “THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD,” with GEORGE O'BRIEN and FLORENCE Q GILBERT. Here is the big thrill drama of 1926. See the bursting of the dam 4 that cost the lives of thousands and swept a thriving city off the map. See $ the female Paul Revere stirring the town to action in the path of the raging 4 flood. See homes, churches, stores swept away by a cyclonic torrent. See the S greatest disaster the world has ever known. And see the thrilling rescues in fire S and flood. Matinees at the Scenic Tuesday and Wednesday. Our usual admis- Q Ira T. Behres, et al, to H. E. Gum- mo, tract in Half Moon Twp.; $6.250. William H, Corman, et ux, to Thom- as M. Weaver, et ux, tract in Walker Twp.; $4,500. of Way in Southwestward direction to place of beginning; thereon erected dwel- ling houses, coal shed and other buildings. TRACT No. 2." All that certain mes- suage and lot of ground in the Borough of Howard, beginning at a post, corner of Lester F. Schreckengast to Danie] | Southwest side of Walnut street; thence | ; oi 5 wi a b the chilren for ancuher oxpmisde) | Peters, tract in Hater, sult ners Hon Snes tet Sle nn LP, LL. Beezer Estate-13 “rem wmmen als tit $ ‘before they entered school, to sec| D.G.7A. Harshbatger, et ux, to E. [along Howard street 70 feet to post il 9 Lio THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ¢ thence along other lands formerly belong- ing to A. 8. Tipton——feet to post on what ‘had been accomplished. M. Woodring, tract in Worth Twp.; Market on the Diamond “THE YANKEE SENIOR,” with TOM MIX and MARGARET LIVING- S$ » When all the reports had been sub- | $2,000. Walnut street; thenes along Wala street | | § STONE. A drama of conflict and romance in Old Mexico. Also, Mack Sen- ? i j i J ildre 70 feet to place o ntai i 174 itti " GQ TR. mitted to the judges, the prizes weve | W. W. Shults, et us, to Mildred | 0 feet 10 Place o oon aing, ;comtaln "| BELLEFONTE, PA. | § nett’s side-spitting two reel comedy, “GOSH DARN MORTGAGE. = 8 awarded as follows: First prize ‘of $250 to Barrow School Parent-Teacher Association, Columbus, Mississippi. Second prize of $150 to Washing- ton School Parent-Teacher Associa- tion, Marietta, Ohio. Third prize of $100 to Baker School Parent-Teacher Association, Austin, Texas.—From The Delineator for March. ti iets smsmmnite BOALSBURG. Mr. Meeker, of State College, was in town on Tuesday demonstrating a fine Star coach. Mrs. E. E. Stuart has returned home after spending the winter with friends in Pittsburgh. Misses Hester Lonbarger and Anna Mary Hess were guests of the Misses Dale, at Oak Hall, on Sunday. Homer Ishler went to the Geisinger hospital, Tuesday, expecting to have 3 al tumor removed from his eye- id. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxey and chil- dren and William R. Ishler, of Al- toona, and Paul Brouse, of Harris- burg, were visitors in town on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Charles and son Eugene motored to Wilmington, Del., Thursday. for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Zebley, returning home Sunday. Miss Lottie Carnihan, of Warren, and Clifton Carnihan, of Instanter, were week-end guests of their aunt, Mrs. William Sweet, at the home of William Meyer. Mrs. Caroline Geary, of Centre Hall, is also at the Meyer home. PLEASANT GAP. Miss Grace Confer is now attached to the postoffice force in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heisey and two sons left on Sunday for their home in Elwood City. Dale Brooks was admitted to the Centre County hospital last week for medical treatment. Miss Mary Hile, a teacher in the public schools at Kane, spent a few days last week at her home here. The members of Mr. Hoover’s Sun- day school class enjoyed a chicken and waffle supper at Nittany Inn last Wednesday evening. ———————p—————— Pennsylvania’s Leading Counties in Farm Crops. Lancaster county, first in the total production of wheat, corn, tobacco and hay. Somerset, first in oats. Lehigh, first in potatoes. Bradford, first in buckwheat. Berks, first in rye. Adams, first in apples. —The damage by rats to produce and destroy property in the United States amounts to about $200,000,000 annually. —————————————— —Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Price, tract in Worth Twp.; $1. Elizabeth Korman, et al, Exec., to hi S. Walker, tract in Milesburg; $3,- 50. Ida L. Neff, et bar, to Charles Sheckler, et ux, tract in Milesburg; $2,500. Mary A. Schenck, et al, to Jogse- phine Schenck, et al, tract in Liberty Twp.; $1. Thomas J. Wilson, et ux, to Charles H. Wilson, et ux, tract in Philipsburg; $2,500. G. Edward Haupt, et al, to Lloyd A. Stover, tract in Bellefonte; $1. . Mary C. Buck, et bar, to J. R. Wil- liams, tract in Unionville; $4,200. Bellefonte Cemetery Association, to dora A. Stover, tract in Bellefonte; G. W. Smith, et ux, to Gertrude 0. Decker, tract in Spring Twp.; $600. William 0. Immel, et ux, to Oscar Gill, tract in Spring Twp.; $1,800. Newton E. Hess, et al, to J. Curtis Meyers, tract in College and Harris Twps.; $1,400. E. E. Weiser, et al, to Cecil J. Irvin, tract in State College; $5,250. A. P. Burrell, et ux, to Miles C. Barger, tract in Gregg Twp.; $1,000. George P. Bible, et ux, to Thomas L Sompson, tract in College Twp.; ER i Statement of Ownership. In compliance with Section 443 of the Postal Laws and Regulations the state- ment is hereby publicly made that the daughters of Susan M. Meek, deceased, are sole owners and publishers of “The Dem- ocratic Watchman,” a weekly paper pub- lished at Bellefonte, Pa., and that there are no bonds or stock on the property in existence. GEO. R. MEEK, Acting Publisher. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. condition, for sale by SIM BAUM, F ORD COUPE.—1924 model in good 71-15-tf Bellefonte, Pa., Garage, 203 east Linn St. Belle- fonte. Inquire of H. N. Crider, 112 south Harvard Ave., Ventnor, N, J. 71-9-t£. F OR SALE OR RENT—Residence and Centre County. Estate of Gertrude A. Taylor, late of Bellefonte bor- ough, Dec’d. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Cen- tre County the Executrix in the above es- tate is authorized to sell at private sale all that certain lot situate in the Bafough of Bellefonte, County of Centre, State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the South by Howard Street, on the East by lot of Wil- lis Wion, on the North by Burrows Alley, on the West by lot of Mary L. Orvis, con- taining fifty feet front on Howard Street, for the price or sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars to Cyrus N. Hoy, if no ob- jections be filed thereto or better price offered on or before the 21st day of April, Nom the Orphans’ Court of 1926, ISABEL ZERBY, 71-14-3t Executrix, TRACT No. 3. "All that messuage and |! tract of land situate in Howard township beginning at a post at corner of lands of James Heverly Jr., on Turnpike running from Howard to Jacksonville, thence by said Heverly South 57 degrees West £0 perches; thence South 81 degrees East 22 perches; thence by land of John Hagen North 5215 degrees East about 70 perches; thence South 32 degrees East 74% perches; thence North 52% degrees East 22 perches to Turnpike; thence along said Turnpike to the place of beginning, containing eleven (11) acres. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Rebecca W. Lueas, widow, Nannie M. Lucas, Anna L. Harvey, widow, James W. Lucas and Oscar M. Lu- cas, Mortgagors. Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock P. M. of said day. Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa., Mar. 27th, 1926. E. R. TAYLOR, T1-14-4t Sheriff TE SEER Men Wanted American Line & tre bn, APPLY TO W. R. CLIFFE At the Plant, Bellefonte, Pa. mms— 1784 1926 “Seeds Which Succeed ” — Landreth’s Seeds 142 years’ experience in growing and marketing seeds assures you reliable results in your garden. ——— Garden Fertilizers Sprayers....Tools ———— Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Bellefonte, Pa. . 34-34 . | p——————————— LUMBER? TL-15tf Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 W.R. Shope Lumber Co. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing WWII The Johnstown Flood The Bursting of the Dam that Cost the Lives of Thous- ands and Swept a Thriving City Off the Map. The Female Paul Revere Stirring the Town to Action in the Path of a Raging Flood. An Industrious American Metropolis Demolished by a Wall of Water—Homes, Churches and Stores Swept Away by a Cyclonic Torrent. The Greatest Disaster the Country has Ever Known. The Thrilling Rescues in Fire and Flood. Thrills....Drama....Tragedies ADMISSION 10 CENTS AND 25 CENTS MOOSE THEATRE 3--Big Days--3 Tuesday, Wednes. and Thurs. Matinees at the Scenic Tuesday and Wednesday p.m. ADIL 13, 14, 5 v This is the B WWII g = = oo o DO ry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers