Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 19, 1926, Image 7

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"Bellefonte, Pa, March 19, 1926
amc summon ree
Important Changes in Fish Laws.
County Treasurer W. R. Hubbard
announces that 52 fishing licenses
have been issued to date and fishing
season will not open for over a month.
These “anxious anglers” were headed
by ex-County Commissioner R. E.
Cleveland, of Mansfield, who claimed
the first fishing license this year, says
the Wellsboro Gazette.
Important changes in fish laws,
which went into effect Jan. 1, 1926
are worth the attention of these
sportsmen and hosts of others who
will soon be able to follow the
streams to their heart’s content.
A license may now be issued to a
person of 16 years instead of 18 years
as required heretofore. A non-resi-
dent has to pay for a Pennsylvania
license what a Pennsylvanian would
have to pay in his own State, but un-
der no circumstances less than $2.50.
Suckers, chubs and eels have been
removed from the food fish class to
the game fish class; no closed season
but a limit has been set on suckers
and chubs of 25 a day. Eels, no limit
to daily catch. :
All special device permits such as
spears, racks, gigs, etc., for which
permits were issued, are now abso-
lutely prohibited. The legal method
of taking fish is with not more than
two rods, two lines, or one hand line
with not more than threehooks at-
tached to either line and under im-
mediate control. Daily catch of bass
has been reduced from 12 to 10.
Season and limit of catch on trout,
bass, pickerel, chubs, suckers and cat-
fish follow:
Trout, excluding lake trout—Open
season, April 15 to July 31 inclusive;
daily limit, 25; minimum size limit,
6 inches.
Bass, large and small mouth—July
1 to Nov. 30, inclusive; 16 in one day;
9 inches. ; ;
Picekerel, July 1 Nov. 30, inclusive;
15in one day; 12 inches.
Chubs and suckers—25 in one day.
Catfish used as bait—50 in one day.
More Autos Than Horses.
The horse is not as prevalent in the
wide open spaces as it isin the farm-
ing sections of the middle West.
There are two to one as many horses
in Iowa, for instance, as in some
States out where the ranges begin.
This is shown in the 1925 farm cen-
sus figures. Iowa leads all the States
and territories in the number of
horses within its borders. There were
1,191,945 Jan. 1.
Ohio trails away down in the list
with 634,978.
The District of Columbia has the
fewer horses. There are just 249
there, unless some died or some were
purchased since Jan. 1.
Figures for rich agricultural States
refute the theory that farm machinery
is displacing Dobbin. Hlinois had 1;-
032,058 horses, Kansas 938,417 and
other farm States in proportion.
There were 16,535,797 horses in the
country, the figures showed, and 5,-
730,608 mules. The number of horses
in Indiana was 557,478. —Exchange.
- The Food of Sponges.
Many surprising facts are encoun-
tered by the person who becomes in-
terested in the study of animal life.
One of the hardest things to believe
is that the sponge you use daily was
once an animal, and not a vegetable
growth of the ocean. Sponges live
their own lives, and eat their food as
other animals do.
The separate existence of a sponge
begins with the breaking away from
the parent of a tiny particle. The
latter, after being whirled about for
a time by the tides and currents,
eventually attaches itself to a piece
of rock, and from that home it seeks
its own livelihood.
The food of infant sponges consists
of yelk cells, which contain a form
of nourishment. Later, as the sponge
grows, it requires something more
solid, and this is brought by the cur-
rents, which sweep into a bag, half
mouth, half stomach, minute particles
of the new food.
R Rs. Have Solution of Many Difficul-
“There are three problems the
railroads must face,” says Frank H.
Alfred, president of the Pere Mar-
quette Railroad. “One is the compe-
tition growing out of the increased
use of the automobiles and trucks.
The second is the competition grow-
ing out of the air transportation. The
third is the crystallizing of public
sentiment against the smoke and soot
of the steam locomotive.”
“Speed is the answer to the air-
plane; speed and the safety which it
will take aircraft a long time to at-
tain. Comfort is the answer to the
airplane and automobile; comfort at
sixty, seventy, a hundred miles an
hour. To the threat of the automobile
and the demand for clean transporta-
tion the answer already is clear—
electrification. One car units for
short hauls will go far toward meet-
ing bus and truck competition.
Sr ——————— tet enm———.
P. R. R. to Build 8 Electric Engines.
Contracts for all the motive machin-
ery, controls and other electrical
equipment for six huge electrical pas-
senger locomotives and two double
cab switching locomotives, have been
awarded by the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company to the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Company.
This equipment will be shipped to the
Juniata- shops at Altoona, where the
entire group of eight locomotives will®
be built,
The passenger locomotives will be
put in operation on the New York di-
vision hauling heavy passenger trains
between the Pennsylvania terminal in
New York City to Manhattan Trans-
fer, These locomotives are in addi-
tion to two others of a similar type in
service there since 1924. —Exchange.
Many in Existence Before
Its Institution.
The Order of the Garter, aside from
being one of the oldest of the orders
of chivalry, is now regarded as the
most important of all such orders,
and has been so regarded for many
years, :
The idea that it fs the oldest of
them all, however, is a popular error;
though the story of its foundation by
Edward III in 1334 gives it claim to
the distinction of high antiquity.
Whatever the truth of the story per-
taining to its origin may be, it is a
fact that at the time King Edward is
alleged to have picked up the original
emblem and murmured his now im-
mortal “Honi soit qui mal y pense!”
similar orders were already thick as
thistles in the great courts of Europe,
The Holy See had started the vogue
in 1048, nearly twenty years before
the Norman conquest of England, by
inaugurating the Order of St. Johp
of Jerusalem, which still exists,
Half a century later, at the close of i
the First crusade in 1099, the then
pope founded the Order of the Holy
Spain was then full of Christian
knights, dusky Moors and chivalry,
and established the orders of Cala-
trava and Alcantara In 1156 and 1138,
respectively. In 1181, two years after
Frederick Marbarosss had crossed the !
country at the head of the Third cru- |
sade, the Teutonic order was founded
in Austria. Nearly three decades
later, in 1219, Waldemar the ( ‘onquer-
or established the Dannebrog order in
Denmark. This interesting event took
place just five years before the art of
skating on ice was first essayed in
Sweden and Norway were then rath-
er a mixed grill. The Swedes and the
Goths were decimating each other,
while the Norwegians were quarrel
ing with both and contracting fancy :
alliances with Scotland. However, |
toward the end of the Thirteenth cen- |
tury, Magnus I organized a regular |
government, and before he died, in
1290, he also instituted a regular order i
of chivalry, the Seraphim, which still :
survives. |
‘a 1318, five years after the sup-
pression of the Knights Templar, the
Holy See instituted the Order of
All these eight orders, and probably
a greater number of similar ones that
have long since become obsolete, were
flourishing in Europe before that of
the Garter came into existence in
1334. So the only thing revolutionary ;
about its introduction was its emblem,
and the revolutionariness of that
feature was offset by the piously '
chivalrous tone of the motto attached |
to the same, “Evil to him that thinks!
ill of it.—The Argonaut.
Berlin’s Fish Dinner |
derlin devoured 9,000,000 jelly |!
doughnuts and 2,000,000 pounds of |
carp as part of the celebration of the !
New Year. The Germans appreciate
carp more than we do. An effort was
made to popularize the fish in Amer-
ica shortly before the centennial. It
was found that it bred so fast that it
soon overcrowded small ponds in
which it was placed. But with its slug-
gish habits the flesh of the fish is
coarse and readily takes the taint of
impure water, With the American
angler it is not a favorite, as it is
not what is called a “free biter.” It is,
however, one of the hardiest of fishes
and it will live for several days after
leaving the water if surrounded by
damp moss, Thus it may be transport-
ed over long distances, and in war
time it often became an important
staple food of impoverished refugees.
The little goldfish is cousin to this
comparative leviathan, which was do-
mesticated by the Chinese in a period
long anterior to the Christian era.
Eastern Illiteracy
According to the latest figures
sight out of every hundred persons
in India above the age of ten are able
to read and write. That is not a
large proportion. In 1928 there were
8,800,000 students in elementary and
advanced schools. That is a large
number, but we must remember that
India has a population of 315,000,000.
In all the schools and colleges of
China there were, in 1923, 6,950,000
students. The population of China
as larger than that of India, but the
number of students is smaller. So we
may say that China is behind India
in regard to the number of students.
On the other hand, China has made
much more progress in education dur-
ing the past twenty years than has
India. The number of students in
China is now more than six times as
great as it was in 1906.
Army Efficiency
I have great respect for army peo
ple; they usually do things correctly.
I was recently a guest at the home of
Col. Jerome Pillow at Fort Leavenworth,
and, while in his dressing room, saw
that he had 27 neckties. I resolved
that as soon as I returned home I
would byy my other 26.—E. W.
Howe’s Monthly,
That Superset
Two San Francisco radio enthusi
asts were boasting of their success in
“tuning In” on distant stations. “Why,”
sald ond, “I heard every svord of
‘Romes ¢ nd Jullet’ in New York city
last night.” “That’s nothing,” retorted
the other, “I not only heard the same
play, but I could hear the audience
calling ‘author,’ ”
How Four Boys of Humble Origin
- Have Become Chiefs of the
Greatest Financial Organiza:
tion in the World.
Broad highways of achievement are
wide open to all in America no mat:
ter how humble their beginning, it is
brought out by a writer in Forbes
Magazine, telling of the successive
elevation of poor boys to the chieftain.
ship of the most powerful association
of financial power in the world.
“Nowhere is opportunity so demo:
cratic as in caste-free America, no
where is recognition for faithful ser
vice so little conditioned by inherited
position and wealth,” the article says.
“The bounty of America in bestowing
her rewards of great success upon
those of modest origin is again not
ably manifest in the rise of Oscar
Wells to the presidency of the Amer?
can Bankers Association.
“The son of a tanner, John H.
Puelicher, was elected to this emi-
nence in 1922. Circumstances ended
his public schooling in the seventh
year and he went to work in a carpet
store in Milwaukee. At sixteen he
entered a bank as a clerk, rising step
by step until he became president
Recognition of his abilities as a
banker and civic service through pub-
lic education in sound economic un-
derstanding brought him the highest
reward from his profession.
'A former country school teacher,
Walter W. Head, born in a farm ham-
let in Western Illinois, was elected
president of the association in 1923.
He gave up teaching and a salary of
$75 to enter banking at $40 a month
in a small Missouri town. He subse-
quently became president of a bank
in Omaha, the largest in Nebraska
and a dozen neighboring states. The
position he occupied in advancing
agrieultural welfare during the period
: of depression led to his being called
the ‘Granger President of the Ameri-
can Bankers Association.’
“From Irish immigrant lad to su
sreme head of banking in America
epitomizes the career of William E.
Knox, president of one of-the largest
' savings banks of the country in New
York. His business career began as
an office boy in a publishing house,
and he later entered the bank as a
clerk. - Experience with humble peo-
ple in their problems of personal
finance and his inculcation of economy
in all matters attracted country-wide
‘Oscar Wells, who rises in 1925 as
successor of these men, was born in
an old weather-boarded log cabin
house in the Missouri River bottoms of |
Platte County, Missouri. He became
; an orphan when three years of age,
losing his parents in an epidemic that
ravaged the countryside. He passed
under the care of an uncle, head of
& small country bank in Platte City,
a town of a few hundred inhabitants,
growing up on a farm and receiving
his early education in a rural school.
He later entered Bethany College,
West Virginia, but at the end of his
junior year he had to quit college and
go to work in the bank.”
His subsequent career was one o1
steady progress, first to higher posi-
tions among small country banks,
then to larger city banks in Texas,
where he rose to the top. In 1914
he was chosen first governor of the
Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and
served through the opening period of
the establishment of that institution.
He resigned to become president of a
bank in Birmingham, Alabama, which
has grown under his administration
to be one of the largest and most suc-
cessful institutions in the South.
New York.—School savings in the
Jnited States for the year 1924-1925
increased in aggregate bank balances
by $5,500,000, with a growth of 630,000
in the total number of pupils partici-
pating, it is shown in reports made to
the American Bankers Association,
which declares that the returms en-
courage belief in the permanence of
school savings as a part of the edu-
cational program in the public schools.
During the year the number of re-
porting school savings systems in-
creased from 683 in 742 districts to
760 in 1,557 districts, the number of
schools from 9,080 to 10,163, the num-
ber of pupils partitipating from 2,236,
326 to 2,869,497, the deposits from
$14,991,5635.40 to $16,961,560.72 and the
bank balances from $20,435,144.64 to
$25,913,431.15, says W. BE, Albig, in
charge of the Association's savings
Since 1920, the first year for which
comprehensive statistics are available,
the number of schools haying school
savings banking has increased 271.4
per cent, the enrollment in school sav-
ings districts 278.9 per cent, partici
pants 520.2 per cent, deposits 506.1
per cent and bank balances 516.8 per
Relative humidity is the ratio of the
amount of invisible water vapor in a
given volume of air to the amount
that would make this air saturated at
the same temperature. In short, it is
the ratio between the amount of in-
visible vapor present to the maximum
amount that could be present at the
same temperature. In measuring hu-
midity only the invisible water vapor
is considered, and not the drops of
rain or droplets of fog.
Testimony by Telephone
Recently, testimony was taken by
telephone in an American court. One
of the witnesses for the commonwealth
in an automobile accident case, had
just returned home after being a pa-
tient in a hospital and was unable to
attend court. He was called by tele-
phone, the oath administered and his
testimony transmitted and recorder
Yy the court stenographer.
Added to Spain’s Riches
The Spaniards discovered gold in
South America in 1498, from which
time until 1731 they carried from
South America 6,000 millions of
“pleces of eight” in registered gold
and silver, exclusive of what was un-
registered. One plece of gold weigh-
ing 60 pounds troy, was found near Le
Paz, a town in Peru, in 1730,
Gold Discoveries
Gold was discovered in Malacca in
1731; in New Andalusia in 1785; In
Ceylon in 1800. Gold was discovered
In California in September, 1847, and
In Australia in 1851. It is estimated
that between 1851 and 1839 gold to
the value of $450,000,000 was exported
from Victoria, Australia, alone,
Ended Enforced Servitude
The habit of sending people to Amer-
ica to be made indentured servants
was discontinued at the time of the
American revolution. The habit of
sending maidens to become the wives
of colonists was discontinued the lat:
ter part of the Seventeenth century
or the early Eighteenth.
Honor Accorded Indian
A Hatteras Indian named Manteo,
who was a faithful friend of the
whites and was taken on a visit to
England. was given the rite of Chris-
tian baptism and the order of a feudal
baron as Lord of Roanoke August 31,
Judicial Robe at $2,000
fhe magnificent robes of black satin
damask, heavily embroidered with
gold thread, which legal etiquette com-
pels the higher judicial officials in
England to wear on state occasions,
now cost nearly $2,000 apiece.
Author Lost to Fame
The author of the old English bal
iad, “Babes in the Wood,” is unknown,
The ballad was entered in the Sta-
tioners’ register in 1595. The first
play by that name, produced in 1601,
was derived from the Italian.
Left Name as Architect
falladio, whose style of architecture
was long considered the most perfect,
was a celebrated Italian architect of
the Sixteenth century. Most of his
work was done In and about Venice,
where he died in 1580.
Deep and Hot
<agusa springs, in Colorado, the
largest of like temperature in the
world, have been fathomed to a depth
of 850 feet and bottom never reached.
The temperature of the water is 155
degrees Fahrenheit,
England Losing Land
1t is said that 160 square miles ox
excellent corn-growing land in York-
shire, England, has been washed into
the sea since the writing of Domes-
day book.
One trouble with calling on com-
‘mon sensé to prevent divorces, the
doggoned stuff might head off a lot
of weddings.—Lafayette Journal and
Much Discussed, at Least
While the younger generation ma)
aot be going to the dogs, it Is be-
yond question a bone of contention.—
Harrisburg Telegraph.
Not Penn’s Idea
Lhe plan to pay the Indians for
iand taken by the Quakers did not
originate with Penn, but with the
bishop of London.
rr ———
Vast Body of Water
The Baltic sea is about 930 miles
long by from 50 to 425 In width and
has an area of approximately 160,
000 square miles.
London’s Rent Roll
Rents amounting to more than $1.
250,000 are annually collected by tf
city of London from property it owns.
Not Yet Crowded
The population of the entire lana
surface of the globe averages about
thirty-one to the square mile.
Where Nutria Comes From
The coypu is a curious web-footed
rodent of South Amerlea, known com-
merclally as nutria.
Rotten Support
Those who lean upon their dignity
are In need of a better support.~-The
A Serious Question
ill the same prudent care that you have used in
getting an estate for your family be exercised
in keeping it after you are gone?
You will not be here to know. .
But, if you wish to feel assured that what you
have gained by industry and kept by self-denial and
economy, will not be lost, make this Bank your Exec-
utor or your Trustee.
8 There are several ways by which your estate may
be made safe.
Let us talk it over with you.
The First National Bank
re) Xe © 0! =
In Addition
hs ad
0 having strength and experi-
ence the First National Bank
has an enviable record for help-
ful service—and there are many
good reasons why you should 5
make this your banking home.
Lyon & Company
Early Easter Opening
ust received a large assortment of Silk Dresses—
BCrepe Elizabeth, Satin, Canton Printed Crepes.
Colors—Chinese Red, Sandal, Greys, Chartreuse,
Nude, Bluette, Cocoa. Lovely qualities, snappy styles
and beautiful combinations. Qualities up to $28.00—
special sale price $14.95.
fs a
fi \ Spring Coats
Receiving New Spring Coats
every day—
for ladies and misses—
at Big-Saving Prices.
CRD, ; eH
Loress Silks...
Everything that is new in Silks, plain and fig-
ured, in the difierent colors and combinations.
Silk and Cotton Crepes.
All-Silk Crepes, broadcloth stripes, at quick-
sale prices.
Childrens Ready-to-Wear
See our line of Kiddies Rompers, Panty Dresses
and Junior Dresses—from g8c. up.
Lyon & Company