cs EC BT I CR EER IP wd Bellefonte, Pa., March 19, 1926 THROUGH ROADS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. When the Lincoln highway was laid out across the continent 12 years ago, motor vehicle traffic was not a prob- lem. Heavy through passenger traffic was then foreseen by but a few and interurban freight transportation was a dream. But the founders of the Lincoln highway, with a vision of the present marvelous development of highway transportation, endeavored to set an example in the routing of the Lincoln highway by leading it around or near, instead of through large centers along the line. This policy, far from meeting with the approval of the authorities or the business men of the communities near the projected route, raised a storm of disapproval. Every community between New York and San Francisco near the line selected for the first transcontinental highway fought with avidity to have the route marked to follow through its main streets—through the heart of its downtown district. In later years, as realignment on the route became possible and the orig- inal location was slightly revised here and there in the process of shortening, many communities originally incorpo- rated on the route were by-passed, and in each instance the association’s board was deluged with protestations, visited by committees and strongly censured when it held to its original policy of missing every community possible. It is difficult to estimate to what extent the progress of improvement on the Lincoln highway has been delayed in some States through the antagon- ism or apathy developed in certain in- fluential centers of population because the route did not exactly bisect the business communities of such centers and pass the doors of the business es- tablishments. It is interesting to note how the passage of years and the development of American highways and highway transport have changed the munici- pal attitude toward through-route con- struction and alignment. There is hardly a metropolitan centre along the Lincoln highway now which is not making a strenuous effort to provide adequate by-passes for the tremen- dous volume of travel which it is now recognized should not be allowed to .add to the growing congestion of busy business streets. City planning commissioners every- where are urging the opening and broadening of through arteries tra- versing the edges rather than the centers of metropolitan areas. Amer- ican cities have had a tendency to cen- tralize along a first main business street and later along a few such streets. Few of them are laid out with an eye toward decentralization of traffic and a great problem lies be- fore American communities in taking steps now to take care of the still greater coming traffic. Now is not to early to plan for the accommodation of the traffic of 1950. The development of American roads is just beginning to reach the point where the fullest use and efficiency of the motor vehicle can be realized. As our interurban roads are improved the problem of providing by-passes or ade- quate city avenues of traffic for the through transport which will develop in the future will become more and more pressing and its solution more and more expensive. Steps taken now in the planning of the future development of American cities and with an eye on the provision of through transport arteries will pay big dividends to the next generation. White House Roof is Declared Dan- gerous; President is Said To Op- pose $500,000 Outlay. The White House rcof is in a dan- gerous condition and becomes more dangerous every year, according to Major N. S. Grant 3rd, the army of- ficer in charge of public buildings in Washington. Major Grant believes it would cost $500,000 to repair the roof and re- build the attic and upper story ceil- ings, but he says President Coolidge disapproves of such a large expendi- -ture, and does not see how he could get away for the length of time that the work would require. Eight tons was taken off the weight of the roof by the removal of a 2,000 gallon water tank last year, but this has not entirely removed the danger of collapse. The roof has settled in marked degree since 1912, when it was overhauled by act of Congress. Discussing the subject with the House Appropriations Committee dur- ing consideration for the Independent Officers Supply bill, which was report- «ed Monday, Major Grant said the trusses of the White House roof have slipped and that a large part of the weight now rests on interior parti- tions. This condition has continued for ten years. : “I do not know whether it is much worse now than it was then, and there have been some pretty big snow storms since that time,” said Major Grant. For the maintenance of the White House and Executive Office a total appropriation of $441,960 is author- ized as against an appropriation for the current year of $480,960.—Reform- atory Record. 325,000 Drivers Fail to Get 1926 Li- censes. Approximately 825,000 Pennsyl- vania operators of motor vehicles failed to apply for their 1926 drivers’ licenses, State Highway Department officials announced last week. Use of the 1926 licenses was prohibited after March 1st and members of the motor patrol have been instructed to see that drivers have their new license. : HAVE GOOD REASON FOR THEIR NUDITY Clothes Fatal to Residents of Tropical Jungles. Bushnegro children of the Dutch colony of Suriname (South America) go totally unclothed until they are seven or eight years old. Then a sol- itary cotton string is tied about their walsts—to get them used to clothes —such is the theory. An adult is fully dressed if he wears a bit of bright cloth slightly smaller than a pocket handkerchief, though each man has a more pretentious toga of pied cotton cloth to wear on visits to Paramaribo, the capital. But this is discarded at the first opportunity. Long ages have taught the Bushne- groes that one of the surest ways to commit suicide in the jungle is to wear clothes, John W. Vandercool’ writes, in Harper's Magazine. This is not an exaggeration. A young English mercenary soldier, who spent five years in Suriname in the latter part of the Eighteenth century, boasted in the book he subsequently wrote that he was the only man in his regiment who never suffered » serious illness. Their experience was superlatively trying. The troops had been imported by the Dutch government to help put down one of the slave rebellions that subsequently resulted in the forma- tion of the independent Bushnegro so- ciety. Their equipment was inade- quate and their search for the elusive rebels took them into the most ur healthy districts of the colony. Nearly all of the soldiers died. But Capt. John Stedman, the author, soon observed that the Suriname negroes were never ill and he asked the reason why. Then he adopted as best he could the negro mode of life. He left off nearly all his clothes, he accus- tomed himself to going barefoot, he bathed four or five times a day in the river, heedless of sharks, and he drank quantities of water without be- ing too particular as to its purity. Sv he lived to tell his tale, a story crammed with admiration and affee- tion for the negroes who were ted aically his enemies. Stedman’s adopted way of life is 1a detail the practice of all present-day Bushnegroes. They know that in 4d tropical climate the body must per- spire continually and without inter- ruption. They replace this evapora- tion by drinking incredible quantities of water. They bathe in the river nev- er less than five times a day. They vigorously clean their teeth severai times daily with sand and granulated tobacco. When the sun comes out after rain it promptly dries thei+ naked skin. Clothes, under these circumstances, white travelers learn to their distress, produce a soggy steam bath that is an almost certain guarantee of virulent : pneumonia, or, at best, of a severe cold. Even the missionaries who have invaded one Bushnegro village learnel by continued disaster to their littl 3 flock that here was no place to insist , upon the Nordic morality of calico. Yet you will find few persons in Suriname, or any other tropical cour: try, who are willing to relinquish tha stubborn theory that the nakedness of forest peoples is anything but positives proof of a state of pitiable barbarism. ! World’s Large Cities Lhe following cities reported at the last official censuses—1919 to 1923—as having more than 1,000,000 popula- tion: London (county), 4,483,249; Lon- don (greater), 7,476,168; Berlin, 1,- 902,505; Berlin (greater), 3,803,770; Paris, 2,902,509; Vienna, 1,866,147; Moscow, 1,511,045; Leningrad, 1,067,- 328; Glasgow, 1,034,174. Several oth- er cities had close to 1,000,000 each, and perhaps exceed that number now. These were Hamburg (985,779 1919); Warsaw (936,046 in 1921); Budapest (928,996 in 1920), and Bir- mingham (919,438 in 1921). Constan- tinople was formerly considered to have a population in excess of 1,000,- 000, but has lost considerably in late years, and after a canvass in 1924 was reported to have 880,998. Fatal Dust Explosions Dust explosions caused a loss or 133 lives, injury to 130 employees and a property damage amounting to more than $12,000,000 in the period from 1919 to 1925. More than one-fourth of the logs in life and more than one-half of the property damage occurred in grain elevators, however, which has led the dust-explosion experts of the United States Department of Agricul- ture to turn their attention primarily to the elimination of the dust-exple- sion hazard in the grain-harndling in- dustry. WVorld’s Food Consumption A German scientist, Rubner, de Jlares that Americans are the great- est food consumers in the world. Ac- cording to his figures, Americans de- vour 3,308 caloric units daily; Eng- land, 2,997; France, 2,973; Austrians, 2,825; Germans, 2,770; South Amert- cans, 2,764: Russians, 2,666; Italians, 2,612, and the Japanese, 2,553. Rub- ner places the English at the head of the meat consumers of Europe and the Italians last. On Its Way “Last night,” said the blonde cash ter, “I had a dream that my watch was gore, and the shock tvoke me up.” “Did you find the watch gone? asked the delivery boy. “No,” giggled the cashier. “But I was going !”—The Progressive Grocer in black one below. HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE ‘When the correct letters are placed im the white spaces this puzzle will spell words both vertically and horizontally. indicated by a number, which refers to the definition listed below the puzzle. Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word which will fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the next No letters go in the black spaces. y dictionary words, except proper names. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and obsolete forms are indicated im the definitions. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 6. The first letter in each word is All words used are as a devotee 7—A tooth 8—Bed 10—A sphere 11—T'0 merit 13-—To plunge 14—Eggs 16—To thrive 18—Skill 19—An appointment to meet 21—Young sheep j22—Part of “to be” {28—To lift with a lever 25—Each (abbr.) 26—Gay 28—Periods of time 29—Printing measure {80—Set up (abbr.) 82—Donkey 83—Carmine 85—An appointed place of meeting 86—Pine tree 88—Fiaky precipitation 40—Affirz ative answer 41—Established price 42—Implement 45—Cow’s ululation 46—To elevate 44—Melodies 48—To diminish fmm wns ——— An Eventful Day in New Orleans, Mardi Gras in New Orleans! The pavements were lined with Pierrots and Peter Pans, pirates and pixies, Pandoras and princesses, harlequin and heroes, tourists and spectators from every State in the Union. For that one day all business had been suspended, banks and schools and of- fices and factories had been closed. From the mayor to the little pick- aninnies in their shacks beside the levee, everyone was out to play. In the balconies of the great clubs, up above the packed laughing street, this year’s debutantes were thinking about the mysterious summons that had bid- den them tosome masked ball that night. Tony, the iceman, drove proudly by in his truck, gay with bunting and ribbons. Beside him sat i two hundred pounds of Mamma, who ! today was Cleopatra, Serpent of the ' Nile, while behind her swarmed six i little Tonies and ’Tonietts decked bravely out as cowboys, policemen, and miniature trained nurses, down even to the baby, in the full regalia, we blush to admit it, of Madame Du ' Barry, favorite of Louis XV. From the dawn of the Shrove Tues- , day till that morning when the bells . of Ash Wednesday should call to early mass, all of fairyland had been let . loose on St. Charles and Canal Streets, where dwarfs chatted amiably with dragons, Pierrettes with Santa Claus- es and where great cats and pop-eyed dogs consumed candy fluff and all-day suckers above the heads of the mask- ers. That morning Rex, the King of the Carnival, had made gorgeous entry at the head of his parade, looking for all the world like the King on a pack of cards, with his square cut beard. his gold doublet and hose and his scepter and crown of real jewels. Down Canal Street and up St. Charles he had taken his time-honored route to the City Hall, where the mayor had duly presented him with the keys of the city—From Everybody’s Maga- zine for March. Build the Garage Large Enough for Workbench. One of the greatest faults of ga- rages today is that, while they are built large enough to house the auto- mobile properly, no provision is made for a man to work around his car. The average size garage is about 12 by 18 feet. This will take care of al- most any automobile that is not in the truck class, but it is not large enough for the man who likes to tinker around and do his own repairs. A work-bench fitted with a vise and a tool rack is a handy thing and ifa few extra feet are added onto the structure, there will be ample room for the bench. Insulation of garages is also a thing which the owner should give consid- eration. It is surprising what a few rolls of common building, or tar, pa- per will do to keep a garage warm. The owner can save considerahbie money by sheeting the inside of the garage himself. It can be done by al- most anyone who can drive a nail straight and use a saw. " How to Remove and Prevent Scratch Marks. Scratches on the wood work are ugly and a cause, often, for slight up- risings in the home. These marks produced sometimes by the careless lighting of a match can be removed and also prevented. To remove a [introduced in the last half century. Of FER IR 5 [6 8 9 1] 12 14 15 16 17 18 /9 20 21 22 23 [24 [M25 26 [27 28 29 lil 30 [31 32 33 [34([M35 36 [37 55 39 40 l 42 43 44 45 46 |47 [#8 76 188 Weners Fewepaper Snivhs Orie Wp See. poly place ee oi ot mas Solution will appear In next issue. registration and certification of title 2--Sick 3—Note of scale 4—Thick brown sauce for meats 5—Frozen water 6—Canal around a castle 7—Grain steeped in water 9—Woody plant 12—More recent of origin 13—Paternal parents 14—Native metal 15—Viper 19—Same as 20 vertical 20—Same as 19 horizontal 17—A scale 10—To prohibit | 22—To mimic 24—Affirmative answer . 27-—Concerning 31—To attempt 32—Beast of burden 34—Fate 36—Price of transportation 37—Impersonal possessive pronoun 39—Lumber 41—To ascend 43—Having little altitude 44—To affect with pain 47—Commercial announcement Solution of Cross-word Puzzle No. 4. tion of a stiff nail-brush. To prevent them is a more simple matter. Ob- tain a small quantity of albolene and rub the woodwork well with it, then remove surplus with a flannel rag. You can scratch as much as you will and no marks will result, neither will the match light. 35-Mile Auto Speed Limit for U. S. Urged. Thirty-five miles an hour is speedy enough for any automobile driver, in the opinion of the committee appoint- ed by Secretary of Commerce Hoover to draft model traffic laws for adop- tion throughout the United States. In its report, the Committee on Un- iformity of Laws and Regulations of- fered provisions of a fifteen-mile limit when approaching within fifty feet of a grade crossing where the driver’s view was obstructed, when within the same distance of a highway intersec- tion, when passing around curves or on grades where there was not an un- obstructed view for 200 feet ahead, and in a business district; a twenty- mile limit when approaching within and a thirty-five-mile limit under all conditions. . The committee was appointed in order to clear up the confusion arising from conflicting laws in various States and municipalities. The committee has prepared a mo- tor vehicle code consisting of three model acts; a uniform motor vehicle act; a uniform operators’ and chauf- feurs’ license act, and a uniform act regulating the operation of vehicles on the highways.—Exchange. Bobhed Heads Best for Factory Girls. Bobhed hair has cut the toll of in- dustrial accidents among women workers in factories in the United States 15 per cent. in the last three years according to a statement issued recently. The bob has been one of the great- est “safety first” measures ever intro- duced for women workers. Statistics of industrial accidents show that the women who wore their hair long were in constant danger while bending over machines, coming into contact with electric fans and working on mechanical carriers. Even dressing the hair close to the head did not min- imize the hazard. Withthe almost universal adoption of the bob, which permits the hair to be tucked in out of harm’s way, accidents to women factory workers have been reduced almost one-sixth. Beauty experts agree that bobbed hair has been the most practical, com- mon-gense style innovation for women scratch mark use soap and applica- | the 2,000,000 women who are employ- ed in industrial work in factories apd shops in this country, 95 per cent., or 1,900,000 have bobbed hair. ——An authority on English says that when compound words become common through general usage the hyphen should be dropped. We have decided to eliminate it from holdup, bootlegger, guntoter, cakeeater and exwife. These have become common enough. Better Than Pills k For Liver His: 3 feel so good but what will make you feel better. RUNKLE’S DRUG STORE, Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces NONI CITI SGA Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies mnie All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 86-15-tf Watch These Columns Next, Week =———= FOR OUR Payment Ring Sale Womens and Gentlemens Stone-Set Rings to the amount of $11,000.00. Diamond Rings to the amount of $6,000.00 All to be Sold on Our Ever-Popular Payment Plan BS==A small payment down, with sale purchase— and balance in monthly installments. WATCH OUR WINDOW F. P. Blair & Son JEWELERS.....BELLEFONTE, PA. You Know that We Know ...Clothes.... Now Then Knowing what we do, we say to you that this Spring Showing of our Suits and Top-Coats are the ! Best Values we Have Ever Off- - | ered Better in Tailoring and Lower in Price than ever before shown by us. It’s at Faubles—Bellefonte’s Biggest and Best Mens Store—a store that can Always Please You. [Let us Show you Just What a Good Mens Store Ours Is Faubles