Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 19, 1926, Image 4

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    Bewoaiitdn |
"Bellefonte, Pa., March 19, 1926
Rs A,
Te Correspondents.—No communications
pablished unless accompanied by the real
azme of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
wotice this paper will be furnished to sub- :
~acribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Pald before expiration of year - 1.75
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
Img. Entered at the posteffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
“give the old as well as the new address.
It {s important that the publisher be no-
‘tied when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. In all such cases the
subscribtion must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
Borough Council Had Short Meeting
: on Monday Evening.
Just five members, the necessary
quorum, were present at the regular
meeting of borough council on Mon-
day evening. There were no verbal
nor written communications.
The Street committee’s report was
confined to the cleaning up of the
The Water committee reported some
minor repairs made ‘and the collection
of $3.00 on the 1928 water duplicate,
$15.50 on the 1924 duplicate and $53.-
50 for old junk sold.
The Finance commiittee asked for
tthe renewal of notes totaling $17,000,
which was authorized.
The Fire and ‘Police committee re-
ported the receipt of a check for $102
from "the citizens of Spring Mills, a
voluntary contribution to the re-
sponse of the Logan fire company at
the time of the ‘burning of the J oseph
Wagner home on the evening of March
8th. The secretary was instructed to
turn one-third of the amount, or
$34.00, over to the fire company.
Mr. Reynolds called attention to a
quantity of broken china ware that had
been thrown into Spring creek oppo-
site the Bush house, and wanted to
know whose duty it is to remove it.
The matter was referred to the Vil-
lage Improvement committee.
Four Generations Celebrate Sixtieth
Wedding Anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. E. K. Keller.
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam K. Kel-
ler was celebrated at their home in
Pleasant Gap on Saturday. It was a
remarkable event, not only because of
the unusual longevity of the vener-
able couple, but because everyone of
their children and grand children were
present and in all the long span of
years since 1866 not a death has oc-
curred in the immediate family.
We doubt if such a record of un-
broken family ties can find a parallel
any where.
On March 16th, 1866, Ephriam K.
Keller and Margaret Meese, both of
Spring township, came to Bellefonte,
and were united in marriage by the
pastor of the Reformed church in this
place. She was a daughter of Maxrtin
Meese and he a son of David Keller
who then owned the Shugert farm at
the fish hatchery. They went to house-
keeping there and started farming;
Myr. Cunningham brought up the
matter of burgess Hard P. Harris’
request for permission to install a
locker in the new office at the big |
spring in which to keep policemen’s
uniforms, and demurred against his
being granted that privilege. He said
it was all right for the burgess to
have desk room there and accommoda-
tions for his books and papers, but ithe
office had not been built or intended 4
for police headquarters. Other mem-
bers suggested that the proper place
for such a locker would be the public
building, and as there is ample room
in the council chamber it was the gen-
eral impression that that is where the
locker should be installed.
remaining until the groom’s father
sold that farm and bought another
near the Leonard Rhone farm west of
Centre Hall. Then they moved to
Pennsvalley where they remained
until Mr. Keller decided to join his
brother George in the operation of the
Houserville woolen mills. After souic
years as a woolen manufacturer he
d for the soil again and bought
the May and Loeb farm near Axe
law D. M. Kline. From there he
moved to a farm west of Pleasant
and built his present handsome home
at the Gap.
District engineer Barret, of the
Williamsport office of the State Board
of Health, made his appearance at
this time and in a brief talk to council
endeavored to impress upon them the
urgency of a profile map of the town
showing the complete sewer system
and the water mains. He stated that
‘there is a two-fold reason why such a
‘survey should be made. First, for the
‘information of council and
(officials, and second, to conform with
the State laws requiring that such a
survey be on file in the department of
the State board of health. Mr. Barret
pointed out the fact that should any-
thing happen to the man now in
charge of the work in Bellefonte the
borough would be without any data or
definite information as to the sewers
or water system. It will be recalled
that all such surveys were destroyed
by a fire at State ‘College some years
ago while the papers were in charge
of borough engineer “H. B. Shattuck.
Mr. Barret also stated that if council
furnished this survey he didn’t believe
that the borough would be'bothered for
years to come about the -erection of a
sewage disposal plant, and probably
never. Council finally agreed it would
be the wise thing to do, though no defi-
nite action was taken in the matter.
Bills to the amount of $3,266.50
were approved for payment, after
which couneil adjourned.
No Epidemics in Centre County.
During the past week a news story
was sent out from Bellefonte detail
ing the fact that there was a serious
outbreak of scarlet fever in portions of
the town, with an epidemie of grip at
State College, and so many cases of
grip and scarlet fever out in the vicin-
ity of Snow Shoe that appeals
had been made to the county medical
society for assistance. As a matter
of fact, while there were a number
of cases of scarlet fever in Bush's
Addition every house is now out of
quarantine but two, and one of these
is about ready to lift. The schools
have been re-opened and life there has |
settled down to normal. |
So far as State College is concerned, '
while there have been unmerous cases
of bad colds, grip and flu, there has
been nothing like an epidemic of it,
according to Dr, J. L. Seibert, board
of health officer for Centre county,
And so far as Snow Shoe is concerned
the doctor averred that he had no
knowledge of any scarlet fever cases
in that town or any unusual number of
cases of grip. In fact the situation is
not abnormal any place in the county
for this time of year,
borough |
Mr. and Mrs. Keller were blessed
! with eight children, every one of
| whom are living. The only breaks in
‘the family for four generations have
been the deaths of three grand chil-
dren, and all of the children, grand-
| children and great-grand children were
i gathered in the home last Saturday |
to celebrate the auspicious event in
the life of a remarkable couple.
There was no ceremonial. It was
just a happy gathering of the progeny
vinder the family roof-tree for a day
‘of genuine enjoyment and thanksgiv-
ing for the wonderful blessings that
"have been theirs. Mr. and Mrs. Kel-
ler would have no formalities and
they were young again with their
children in both spirit and hope!
throughout the day of glad reunion.
It scarcely seemed possible that he at
eighty and she at seventy-eight could
be as alert and active and full of en-
joyment of the event as they were. But
there was everything to reassure
them, for about them was a family
that has done honor to honorable par-
entage and brought much of blessing
and nothing of sorrow.
At the gathering were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. H. Ott, of Bellefonte. Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Kline, of Bellefonte, with
their daughter Adaline and her hus-
band, Fred Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Keller, of Pleasant Gap, with their
| three children, Bethard, Ralph and
| Margaret.
| Mr. and Mrs. John W. Garbrick, of
| Bellefonte.
! Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smeltzer, of
Pleasant Gap, with their children Lee
and Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Keller, of Phila-
delphia, with their son Ephriam and
his wife and four children from Har-
risburg and their son Earl and his
wife of Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Noll, of
Pleasant Gap.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Keller, of
Philadelphia, with their daughter
New Rates Effect a Part of Your
March Consumption.
The new rate revision of the Key-
stone Power Corporation which ac-
cording to announcement becomes ef-
fective April 1st, is actually in effect
in this territory as soon as the elec-
tric Company’s meter-reader has read
your meter this month,
We learn that in order to facilitate
the calculation and mailing of bills
on time, it is necessary that the com-
pany read its meters several days
previous to the beginning of the per-
ied for which the bill is rendered. In
Mann, now the property of his son-in- |
Gap where he lived until he retired |
other words your April bill contains
- a part of your March and part of your
' April electric consumption.
The sixtieth anniversary of the wed- |
For that
reason the new schedule of domestic
and commercial rates as announced
by the Keystone Power Corporation
becomes effective as soon as the
meter-reader has read your meter for
this month. This procedure makes it
possible for all domestic and commer-
cial consumers to take advantage of
these new rate changes now.
County Agent Suggests Baby Chick
Many little chicks are greatly
handicapped by dirty litter. The lit-
ter barbs and chaff that are thrown
up when the youngsters scratch get
into their eyes and irritate the tis-
sues so badly that their eyes swell
and close. Great care should be tak-
en to see that the litter is clean. Cut
alfalfa. or clover hay makes a splen-
did litter for the birds during the
first week or so of their lives. * It not
only affords them a safe place to
werk, but also supplies them with
some green feed. :
A chick should be introduced to its
brooder house very carefully State
College poultry specialists say. Many
over-energetic farmers remove the
new-born chicks from the incubator
and place them in the brooder house
before they are well hardened, ' Un-
less the temperature in the brooder
house is just right and there is no
Boor drafts, the chicks are likely to
be chilled. I suggest that if the
chicks should be moved from the in-
cubator before they are well harden-
| ed that they may be placed in a par-
cel post chick box. Here they will be
out of drafts and will be able to sleep
in warmth and darkness. Chicks are
like boys. If they are not kept busy
they will get inte mischief. Lack of
work often means a boy’s bloody nose,
while to a chick it means bloody toes.
Toe picking and cannilabism are the
results of close confinement and lack
of work. Keep the chick busy should
be the creed of all poultrymen. Over-
feeding of scratch feed will defeat
this purpose.
Milroy Man Killed in Auto Accident.
Russell Henry, 28 years old, of Mil-
roy, was so badly injured in an auto
accident on the highway between Mil-
roy and Ridgeville, last Thursday,
when the car in which he was riding
was side-swiped by another car that
he died in the Lewistown hospital the
same night, while Maurice Berkshire,
aged 22, and Russell Reed, aged 18,
were also injured. Walter Snook,
driver of the car, escaped uninjured.
The driver of the car which side-swip-
ed the Snook car, did not stop but
made a get-away before anyone could
get his license number. Mr. and Mrs.
John Nighthart, who had motored to
Lewistown that afternoon, happened
along on their way home shortly after
the accident, but the injured men had
already been removed to the hospital.
They saw the wrecked car, however,
and thought it miraculous that any of
the men escaped alive,
First Woman Trustee Honored at
Penn State.
Mrs. Clara C. Phillips, of Windsor
Terrace, Washington county, the first
woman to ever become a member of
the board of trustees of the Pennsyl-
vania State College, was the guest of
honor Monday night at a dinner cele- |
brating the tenth anniversary of the
State College chapter of the Ameri-
can association of university women,
held in the woman's building on the
college campus.
Four generations of the family of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Keller, gathered at their home at Pleasant Gap, last Sat-
urday tc celebrate the Sixtieth Anniversary of their Marriage.
LYONS.—Mrs. Minnie Blanche
Lyons, wife of William Lyons, died
quite suddenly and unexpectedly at
her home on east Bishop street, at
8:15 o’clock on Tuesday morning. She
had an attack of the grip but was up
and around until Monday when she
took her bed. Her condition early
Tuesday morning did not seem alarm-
ing and her passing away was a great
shock to her family and friends.
She was a daughter of Jared and
Fannie Struble and was born near
Zion June 28th, 1866, hence was not
quite sixty years old.
he married Mr. Lyons on Decem-
ber 26th, 1889, and a good pait of
their married life had been spent in
Bellefonte. She was a member of the
Lutheran church, a good christian
woman, a loving mother and true
iriend. The death of her son, Claire
Lyons, only about two months ago,
was a great shock to her, and griev-
ing for him probably hastened her
In addition to her hushand she is
survived by three children, Mrs. Harry
Williams, of Dover, Ohio; Mele, of
Bellefonte, and Leone, at home. She
also leaves one brother and a sister,
E. O. and Miss Mona Struble, both of
Funeral services will be held in the
Lutheran church at 2:30 o'clock this
(Friday,) afternoon by Rev. C. L. Ar-
nold, assisted by Rev. Homer C. Knox,
burial to be made in the Union ceme-
li |!
BROWN.—Walter Brown, a life-
long resident of Bellefonte and vicin-
ity, passed away at his home on east
Howard street at 4:40 o’clock on Sai-
urday afternoon, following an illness
of over two months with sclerosis of
the liver.
He was a son of William and Nora
Toner Brown and was born in Spring
township on May 16th, 1867, hence
was in his fifty-ninth year. For
many years he had been a faithful
employee of the American Lime and
Stone company, working there up un-
til his last illness. His parents have
been dead many years, but surviving
him are two sisters and five brothers,
namely: Miss Jennie, at home; Mrs.
Mary Howard, of Bellefonte; Harry,
of State College; David, at home;
William H., of Bellefonte; Arthur and
George, at home.
Funeral services were held in the
Catholic church at ten o'clock on
Wednesday morning by Rev. Father
Downes, after which burial was made
in the Catholic cemetery.
il I!
BICKERT.—Mrs. Catharine C. Bick-
ert, wife of Albert A. Bickert, died at
her home in Altoona on Sunday night.
She was a daughter of Harvey and
Lucy Lutz, and was born in Bellefonte
on June 18th, 1884, hence was not
quite forty-two years old. In addi-
tion to her husband she is survived by
one daughter, Miss Eleanor K., a
student at the Lock Haven normal
school, and one son, Robert H., of Al-
toona. She also leaves her mother,
living at Atlantic City, two sisters and
one brother, namely: Mrs. John Sny-
der, of State College; Miss Helen
Lutz, of Atlantic City, and Gilbert, of
Mrs. Bickert was a member of the
' Christ Reformed church and treasurer
Mrs. Phillips, as a prominent mem- |
ber of the Grange in Washington
county, has accomplished much in
raising funds in her county for the
proposed Grange memorial building at
the College. She has always shown
a great interest in the college, espe-
cially in the welfare of the women
students who now number over 400.
of the Woman’s Missionary society.
Funeral services were held on Wednes-
day afternoon by Rev. C. D. Rockel,
after which burial was made in the
Rose Hill cemetery.
KING.—Mildred Naomi King, the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam King, of Valley View, passed
away on Saturday as the result of an
attack of convulsions to which she
was subject since babyhood. She was
born at Valley View on January 27th,
1920, hence was 6 years, 1 month and
21 days old. In addition to the sor-
rowing parents the following brothers
and sisters survive: Mrs. Paul Eck-
ley, of Valley View; Paul King, of Al-
toona; Ruth, Ray, Mary, Gilbert, Vin-
cent, Mahlon, Ethel and Miriam, at
home. Funeral services were held at
——The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran | the King home at Valley View on
church, Bellefonte, will hold a hake Monday afternoon by Rev. Orvis Neff,
sale every Saturday until Easter, Sale | of the
starts at 10 o'clock a. m. at Schaeffer's | which
hardware store.
United Brethren church, after
burial was made in the Belle-
fonte Union cemetery.
EM Ge SE STE tiers hoe, eR
FENLON.—“Tim” Fenlon has gone.
His last journey, taken on Wednesday,
will be the longest he ever made, but
if true worth as a real citizen and man
count on the rolls of the Great Here-
after, it will be one worth-while.
For some days past Mr. Fenlon had
complained of a pain in his chest but
he attributed it to muscular trouble.
On Tuesday evening he was out on
the street as usual and stated to a
friend that he felt quite miserable and
believed he was due for an attack of
grip. Early Tuesday night, however,
he became so much worse that a phy-
sician was summoned and a hasty ex-
amination revealed the fact that he
was suffering with an attack of angina
pectoris, and his condition was regard-
ed as so grave that a consulting phy-
sician was hastily summoned. But
there was nothing they could do to
stay the inevitable end and Mr. Fenlon
passed away at 1.835 o'clock on Wed-
nezday afternoon.
Harry Esling Fenlon was a son of
John and Catharine Meyers Fenlon
and was born at Ebensburg on Febru-
ary 8th, 1862, hence was 64 years, 1
month and 9 days old. His boyhood
and early life were spent at the place
of his birth and it was in Ebensburg
that he received the education that
fitted him for the useful life he later
lived. - While quite a young man he
went to Harrisburg where he accept-
ed the first responsible position of his
career, that of clerk at the old Bolton
house. Those were the days when
Pennsylvania Democracy was a live
and going organization, and the Bol-
ten house was always headquarters
for Democratic politicians just as the
Lochiel was headquarters for the Re-
publicans. In his position as clerk
Mr. Fenlon came into contact with ail
the leading Democrats in the State
and made many warm, personal
friendships among the out-standing
political figures in Pennsylvania.
Naturally he met various Bellefonte
and Centre county people on their
visits to the State capital and it was
through their persuasion that he was
induced to come to Bellefonte as chief
clerk at the Bush house, then conduct-
ed by W. R. Teller. That was in 1885
or '86, and for almost twenty years he | |
filled that position with credit to him-
self and profit to the hotel manage-
In 1905 he decided to go into busi-
ness for himself and was able to pur-
chase and combine two old and well
established fire insurance agencies,
that of William Burnside, which had
been purchased about two years pre-
vious from the estate of Charles
Smith, and the George W. Potter
agency, which had been purchased and
conducted for a year or two by Fred-
erick Foster. The combining of the
two agencies provided a very profit-
able business and ynder Mr. Fenlon’s
management it developed into one of
the best insurance agencies in Centre
In 1903 Mr. Fenlon was elected a
member of Bellefonte borough coun-
cil and during his term of office he was
directly responsible for some of the
most progressive work done at that
time, chief among which was the con-
struction of the wall and putting down
of permanent pavements along Water
street, both. north and south. It was
principally through the persistent ef-
forts of Mr. Fenlon, as a member of
the Water committee of borough coun-
cil, that the beautiful background of
Norway spruce was planted and nur-
tured at the big spring.
When the old Bellefonte hospital
was established Mr. Fenlon took an in.
terest in its welfare but it was not
until in April, 1908, that he was elect-
ed to the board of directors. Several
years later he was made secretary
and treasurer of the board, serving
until the reorganization two years ago
when the institution was merged into
the Centre County hospital. During
all the years that Mr. Fenlon served
in an official capacity for this worthy
institution he gave to it the best
service possible to give, and all without
a cent of compensation. It was his
i ————————— et
Rev. Father Downes, after which the
remains will be laid to rest in the
Catholic cemetery.
HAAGEN.— Mrs. Mary 'F. Haagen,
widow of the late William J. Haagen,
of Beech Creek, died on the evening
of March 4th, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C. B. Bitner, in Lock
Haven, as the result of a heart attack.
Her maiden name was Mary Nest-
lerode and she was born at Beech
Creek sixty-eight years ago. Fol-
lowing her marriage to Mr. Haagen
they occupied a farm near Beech
Creek for many years, but some eight
or ten years ago she left the farm
and has since been making her home
among her children. Her husband
has been dead for many yrars but
her surviving children are as follows:
Mrs. C. B. Bitner and Mrs. B. J. Hom-
ler, of Lock Haven; Harry S. Haagen,
of Yarnell, Centre county; Mrs. D. B.
Cole, of Johnstown. and Mrs. Charles
Ricker, of Mill Hall. She also leaves
one brother and three sisters. John
Nestlerode, of Beech Creek; Mrs. A.
R. Long, of Shreveport, La., Mrs.
Harry Johnson, of Johnsonburg, and
Mrs. Clara Hunter, of Pittsburgh.
Funeral services were held at the
Bitner home in Lock Haven at ten
o'clock on Monday morning of last
week, after which the remains were
taken to Eagleville for burial.
GEHRET Mrs, EA Gehret,
who for many years has made he
home with her daughter, Mrs. William
Fredericks, died at the Bellefonte
hospital yesterday morning as the re-
sult of a complication of diseases due
to her advanced age, which was almost
eighty years. She was taken to the
hospital on Monday. Arrangements
for her funeral have not vet been com-
—~While working from a step lad-
der, in her home on east Bishop street,
Monday, Mrs. Harry Murtoff fell from
the fourth step, injuring herself to
such an extent, that it has been neces-
sary for her to be in bed since the ac-
Yes, sir; it’s coming! The
“Song and Dance Man,” at the Scenic
next Tuesday and Wednesday. Geo.
M. Cohen’s great stage hit.
——Wander up to the Moose thea-
tre this (Friday) and tomorrow and
see “The Wanderer” in 9 big reels.
Will the Public Aid
in Curbing
After a meeting of the pneumonia
commission of the Department of
Public Health, held Tuesday in Phila-
delphia, an appeal was issued to the
public to assist in the effort to combat
the present outbreak of colds, mild
the present outbreag of colds, mild
influenza and pneumonia. These
recommendations were issued for the
guidance of the public:
Children suffering from colds should
not be sent to school.
Adults suffering from colds who are
employed in factories or other places
where they come in contact with a
large number of persons should re-
main at home.
People suffering from colds should
hold a hankerchief in front of the
mouth when sneezing or coughing.
The danger of catching cold is les-
sened by avoiding fatigue and by
keeping the bowels open.
During the present outbreak of colds
and grip those susceptible should re-
main away from places of amusements
and other places where crowds gather.
Persons suffering from colds when
using telephone should whenever pos-
sible hold the mouthpiece against the
upper chest instead of talking directly
into it.
—“Song and Dance Man,” with
Tom Moore and Bessie Love, at the
Scenic next Tuesday and Wednesday.
It’s good. 12-1t
Ode to the Horse.
O horse, you aie a wonderful thing;
great sympathy for suffering human-
ity and his desire to see the Bellefonte |
hospital made an institution where |
every available chance for restoration i
to health could be given the sick that |
led him to devote so much of his time
and energy to the oversight of the |
hospital and the management of its
affairs. And there is no question but
that the standing of the institution |
today is due in a large measure to his |
personal efforts in its behalf. I
Mr. Fenlon’s social life in Bellefonte |
is so well known that it is not neces-
sary to speak of it here. He was 2a |
member of the old Bellefonte club and |
for many years its secretary and |
treasurer. He was also a member of |
the Nittany Country club and the |
Bellefonte Lodge of Elks, In politics
he was a staunch Democrat, one of the
old line regime without any of the
“isms” which rose up in the party |
from time to time.
He was a life-long member of the !
Catholic church and throughtout a!
period of nearly thirty years had not |
failed once in his daily devotions.
On October 24th, 1900, he married |
Miss Minnie Brew, a daughter of Mr. |
and Mrs. S. A. Brew, one of the old-
time families in Bellefonte, who sur- |
vives with no children. He leaves, |
however, the following brothers and
sisters: John Fenlon, of New Orleans, |
who will be unable to come to Belle- |
fonte for the funeral; Paul, of Wash-
ington, D. C.; Philip, Mrs. Celestie
Blair and Mrs. Grace Walladrige, all |
of Ebensburg.
Funeral mass will be held in St.’
John’s Catholic church at 10 o'clock
tomorrow (Saturday) morning, by
no buttons to push; no horns to honk;
you start yourself; no clutch to slip;
no spark to miss; no gears to strip;
Ino license-buying every year with
plates to serew on front and rear; no
gas hills climbing up each day, steal-
ing the joy of life away; no speed cops
chugging in your rear, veiling sum-
mons in your ear. Your inner tubes
|are all O. K., thank the Lord, they
stay that way. Your spark plugs
never miss and fuss; your motor never
makes us cuss. Your frame is good
for many a mile; your body never
changes style; your wants are few and
easy met; you've something on the
auto yet.—St. Croix Courier.
Real Estate Transfers.
L. F. Wetzler, et ux, to John Wetz-
ler, tract in Boggs Twp.; $1.
Millered L. Hinton, et ux, to Flor-
ence E. Shope, tract in Howard; $1700.
Cecil J. Irvin, et ux, to E. E. Weiser,
et al, tract in State College; $1500.
Samuel Gilbert, et ux, to John
Durst, et ux, tract in Haines Twp.;
Adam. H. Krumrine, et ux, to H.
Clyde Knandel, et ux, tract in State
College; $675.
Hannah Morrison, et al, to George
Bickel, tract in Halfmoon Twp.; $800.
John H. Davy, et ux, to Millered H.
Hinton, et ux, tract in Howard; $900.
C. E. Boob, et ux, to Warren F.
Stover, tract in Millheim; $850.
W. G. Chambers, et ux, to Sunshine
Chambers, tract in State College; $1.
David H. Custer, to Harry Janet,
tract in Union Twp.; $2,800.
W. B. Henderson, et ux, to Austin
Lynn, et ux, tract in Philipsburg;