Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 19, 1926, Image 1

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:=———1It looks as if it is to be “an
everybody for himself” campaign
from start to finish.
_ ——1TIt seldom happens that one
misses a fortune because he has been
too assiduous in pursuing it.
— There are other offices to fill
besides that of Senator, this year, but
nobody seems to care much who fills
"—Pinchot, Pepper and Vare are all
rich men. The boys ought to get
theirs before the senatorial squabble
is over.
Tf you've got it—and nearly
everybody has—don’t add to the gen-
eral misery by calling it “the la
——With Beidleman as the Repub-
lican candidate for Governor it would
be reasonable to expect a “checking”
—Now that the Mellons have de-
clared unequivocally for Pepper
there’s sure to be “millions in it” for
the boys.
: The Republican Senatorial
fight will be hot enough to burn up
millions of dollars unless the signs are
“Keeping the Home Fires Burn-
ing” is a beautiful sentiment, but tak-
ing a punch at the ballot thieves is
practical politics.
——1It didn’t take much urging to
get Pinchot to announce. One little
letter from the smallest county in the
State turned the trick.
——0One of the various reasons why
Spring is welcome lies in the fact that
it inspires the hope that goloshes will
disappear from the streets.
——If somebody would prevail on
President Coolidge to express a pref-
erence as between the three Coolidge
candidates for Senator he would make
some “mighty interesting reading.”
It may be true that Pinchot is
insincere in. professing loyalty to
President Coolidge but who will ven-
ture to vouch for the sincerity of Sen-
ator Pepper in making the same pre-
—News from the Florida training
camps of the ball teams almost per-
suades us that there are to be no such
things as second division teams next
season. They all look like winners
in Florida, you know.
—“T-am a Republican, a supporter
: dent Collidge and an enemy
of the 7,” says Pinchot: “He fol-
lowed se plow, he milked the cow”
ays Vare’s publicity department.
] 5 Va Ss
‘afraid to spit in the eye of
r,” says Pepper. Wonderful
—*“Toppy” Klinger told us on Tues-
day that it’s going to be a late spring.
We're not a prophet, nor the son of a
prophet, so if your ideas run to the
contrary you'll have to talk it over
with “Toppy.” Really, we'd like to see
him pushed up against the wall and
made explain just why the time he
put his tomato plants in the hot frame
last year has anything to do with the
advent of spring this year.
—We pay tribute to “Tim” Fenlon
in another column of this page. It
isn’t laying flowers on his bier, after
he reached the bourne where such
things are drab in the vision his soul
now has. We told him all we have
said, many times, when his mortal
self needed a little bucking up. All
we have tried to do is let the world
know a bit of how little it stops to
think of what real friendship and real
men mean.
—At last the Governor's hat’s in
the ring. Evidently he is not afraid
of any “jinx,” for he selected the 13th
as the day on which to announce that
he will be a candidate for the United
States Senate. The three cornered
fight is now on. Pepper represents
the organization, Vare represents the
* Philadelphia gang and Pinchot hopes
to represent all the elements in the
Republican party that are not ailign-
ed with either of the others.
—Put this in your pipe and smoke
it. The Republican organization will
be busy until May 18, reading Pinchot
out of its party, but if he then should
win its nomination for Senator it will
be folding him to its bosom and de-
claring that any one who votes against
him will be striking at the grand old
flag and silent Cal. If the Democrats
are smart they’ll nominate some one
for Senator who will appeal to the
Pinchot element in the event of its
disappointment. His crowd will vote
for the right kind of a Democrat, but
an organization Republican won't vote
for any kind of a Democrat,
—This is the middle of March and
we haven’t heard the Odd Fellows
band practicing since last fall. Some.
thing will have to be done soon or
we’ll have to start in to gratify the
one consuming desire of our life—
and that has been to be the absolute
boss of an eighteen piece band. Give
us ten real brass artists, four reeds
and two for drums and—remembering
what we admitted when we started
the discussion about Paul Whiteman
and his jazz and the admission that
we knew not one note from the other,
we'll give this community a better
band than it has ever heard. We'd
love to strut at the head of a regular
band but no one need apply who isn’t
willing to admit that we know more
about what a regular band should be
than he does.
“three platforms are built
VOL. 71.
Friend Fenlon.
Harry Fenlon, a very dear and a
very real friend, has gone. If senses
benumbed by so many ties broken
within the last few years can be
shocked then we are so, overwhelm-
ingly so. The few things we have to
say are, of necessity, but an expres-
sion of our personal feelings, yet we
feel that his relationship to the entire
community was such that in putting
of record our estimate of this man we
speak for all who knew him.
His niche will never be filled in the
heart that responded to the warmth
and genuineness of the friendship
that he proffered. Though only an
adopted son his devotion and loyalty
to the interests of Bellefonte and Cen-
tre county should live to inspire every
native born. His contribution to the
business life of the town is a memory |
of dignity, courtesy and fair dealing.
As long as the Centre County hospital
stands to administer to stricken hu-
manity the unselfish, unrequited serv-
ice he rendered it for years will be liv-
ing proof of his love for his fellows;
for Harry Fenlon gave to that insti-
tution, when it needed it most, some-
thing that isn’t expressible in dollars.
An outstanding type of good citi-
zenship has faded from the picture we
treasure of old Bellefonte. Another
veil has fallen to obscure the vision
of things as they were twenty years
ago, but, thank God, memory bright-
ens as vision dims and the spirit of
our friend will linger with us until!
the curtain falls for us.
——Another Newspaper has been
launched on the journalistic seas in
Centre county. Last Friday “The
Mountain Times” was issued from
the Bee Hive printery in Howard in
an inaugural form of eight pages and
its publishers, Rev. Sheetz and son,
promise to increase it in size as news
and advertising require. We wish the
Times great success; all the joys we
get out of our work and a minimum
of the trouble,
Pinchot Tardy but in Time.
Upon the principle of “better late
than never” wg aze fomced to express
pleasure that Governor Pinchot has
announced himself as a candidate for
the Republican nomination for Senator
in Congress. It must be admitted that
the Governor has a moral as well as a
legal right to entertain such aspira-
tions. He has been a Republican all
his life and for a great many years
has held official relations with the
party and exercised a leadership. He
served under Roosevelt in the forestry
service of the federal government and
under Governor Sproul in the State
forestry service. For four years he
has been Governor of Pennsylvania
and was chosen to that office as a Re-
publican by the Republican voters.
His title to a ranking position in the
Republican party thus estabiished
there is no harm in acknowledging
that at various times and in sundry
ways he has had differences with
other leaders of his party, but they
have not seemed to impair his stand-
ing in the organization or his claims
to party favors. He declares that he
is “an enemy of the gang” for the rea-
son that “it is not on the level with the
people”and because “it is for every-
thing that is bad in Pennsylvania poli-
tics.” No honest man can sincerely
hate him for that. He says the gang
“has thrown its whole strength against
clean elections, against taking proper
care of the school children, against
protection of depositors in banks,” and
a lot of other things which are wicked
and wanton.
It would be unjust to the Republi-
can voters of Pennsylvania to oppose
a candidate for high office because of
such an attitude on public questions.
The average Republican voter is not
in sympathy with such iniquities. The
machine managers who influenced the
General Assembly to vote against
needed ballot reform legislation did
not represent the honest men and
women of the party. They represented
the crooks and criminals who profit
by fraudulent votes and false returns
of elections, and Governor Pinchot’s
candidacy is a protest against their
crimes. If the Republican voters are
in favor of honest elections they will
nominate Gifford Pinchot for Senator
in Congress.
ri ib icertit
The distribution of trout for
stocking the streams of the State has
been resumed from the Bellefonte
hatchery. The stock on hand for
distribution last fall aggregated al-
most a million trout, averaging in
size from three to six inches. Ordi-
narily all the trout available are put
out in the fall and early winter but
last fall the small streams froze up
before distribution could be complet-
ed. Now that the streams have been
freed of ice an effort will be made to
get all the trout distributed in time
to enable them to take care of them-
selves before the opening of the trout
fishing season.
LLEFONTE. PA.. MARCH 19. 1926.
NO. 12.
Optimism Fine but Not Final.
The esteemed Philadelphia Record,
commenting upon the deliberations of
the Democratic State committee in
that city, on Saturday, noted the spirit
of optimism revealed in the expres-
sions of those in attendance. “There
was not a man or woman present,”
our contemporary observes, “who did
not discern in the discord that has
entered into the ranks of the opposi-
tion, a promising augury.” This was
gratifying, naturally, for optimism
| inspires effort. But the Record wisely
| interpreted it as a signal of danger.
“Battles are not won solely by reason
of the disorganization of the enemy.
* * * Victory is attainable only by
, superiority in numbers, discipline,
‘equipment, enduramce, strategy or
' spirit,” it adds.
| This admonition is as timely as the
! subject of it was encouraging. The
: Republican party is literally “shot to
| pieces.” But that faet does not guar-
i antee a victory for the Democrats in
| the impending campaign. To secure
! victory, in the coming election, the
{ Democratic party must deserve vie-
| tory, and to deserve victory it musi
nominate candidates who will not only
command the full vote of the Demo-
cratic men and women of the State
but the help of all right-minded voters
who deprecate the iniquities of the
Republican machine. There are tens
of thousands of Republicans who are
disgusted with recent actions of their
party leaders, but we must offer them
something better in order to wean
them away from their party.
To achieve this result the Demo-
crats must nominate as candidates for
Governor, Senator in Congress, Lieu-
tenant Governor and Secretary of In-
ternal Affairs men of the highest
standing for integrity, ability and
courage. Political hacks will not serve
this purpose. Perennial office seekers
will not achieve the result. We must
select from the abundant supply of
will serve the people unselfishly and
may be recognized as worthy of the
honor bestowed upon them. If we
nominate such a ticket and support it
with the optimism expressed at the
the energy it deserves, our success wiil
not only be certain but the victory
——When you are talking about the
cold weather of this March don’t for-
get that on March 16th, 1911, the
thermometer stood at zero praetical-
ly all day.
Odds Largely in Favor of Vare.
The official announcement that Rep-
resentive William S. Vare is a candi-
date for the Republican nomination
for Senator in Congress not only
makes certain a triangular contest for
the party favor but practically settles
the question as to which of the candi-
dates will be successful, Each of them
professes allegiance to President Cool-
idge but only Mr. Vare shows a con-
sistent record of fidelity to him. Sena-
tor Pepper opposed his policy of ad-
herence to the World Court for a con-
siderable period of time and Governor
Pinchot cast aspersinos against the
administration with reference to pro-
hibition enforcement, but blindly fol-
lowed the Coolidge lead, right or
wrong, from the beginning.
This record on what each of the
aspirants seems to appraise as the
paramount issue estops the President
from expressing preference for either
of the candidates. It is true that
Secretary Mellon openly favors the
nomination of Pepper, and that in the
nature of things other forces affiliated
with the administration prefer his
nomination. But in the face of the
unqualified declaration of Governor
Pinchot that he “is a Republican, a
supporter of President Coolidge,” and
stands “upon the national Republican
platform and the principles laid down
in President Coolidge’s inaugural ad-
dress,” and the unbroken record of
blind servility of Vare, it is not easy
to see how the President can favor
one against the other.
But Vare has a leverage in the vote
that sets him away ahead of his com-
petitors. The Republican vote in Phil-
adelphia is almost, if not entirely,
equal to the party vote in all other
counties in the State, and under the
guarantee of immunity the Philadel-
phia vote can and probably will be cast
almost unamimously for Vare. If the
ballot reform legislation recommended
by the Governor had been enacted dur.
ing the special session of the Legisla-
ture there might have been a chance
of a comparatively fair vote as be-
tween Republican candidates for party
favor. But Varc prevented that re-
sult and the friends of Pepper who
might have secured an honest election
are destined to suffer.
——Wilbur J. Woodring has been
re-appointed postmaster at Port Ma-
material big, broad-minded men who |
committee meeting on Saturday, and,
Confusion Concerning the Governor-
: ship.
{ It seems to be settled that there will
| be three, and probably four, candidates
i for the Republican nomination for
| Senator in Congress for Pennsylvania,
but there are no signs of clearing the
i confusion with respect to the nomi-
nation for Governor. As Senator
will be a “hot” one. Vare and Pinchot
are millionaires and Pepper has the
corporate interests behind him. It may
not be literally true that Vare is the
candidate of the “brewery interests”
and Pinchot that of the “lunatic
fringe.” But it is certain that the wet
vote will be practically unanimous for
Vare and the ultra dry element for the
Governor. It remains to be seen what
lies “between these elements.
There are plenty of aspirants for
the nomination for Governor though has filed the necessary peti-
an avowed candidate for several
months but been engaged in a person-
al canvass for several weeks. The
other candidates named as likely to be
in the running are Mr. Fisher, of Indi-
ana county; Auditor General Martin,
of Washington county; Congressman
Philips, of Butler county; State Treas.
urer Lewis, of York county; Secretary
of Labor Davis, of Illinois, and former
Lieutenant Governor Beidleman, of
Harrisburg. Neither of the candidates
for Senator is willing to tie up with
either of the candidates for Governor
but the friends of Vare are willing to
support Beidleman in return for
Chairman Baker’s support of Vare.
As the situation now stands Beidle-
man ought to be a favorite in the bet-
ting, If the hoped for deal with
Baker is consummated it will give the
Harrisburg candidate a practically
unanimous vote in Philadelphia. This
strength supplemented by the Baker
influence over the machine voters
throughout the State will put him well
in advance of the other candidates.
combination among the supporters of
record may compel such a movement
in order to avert the scandalous cam-
paigh certain to follow his: nomina-
tion. In that event it would be a wise
policy for the speculative politician to
take chances on Auditor General Mar-
mee pees.
On the first page of its sports
section, on Sunday, the Philadelphia
Inquirer published a four column
picture of the Bellefonte High school
girl’s basket ball team.
Vital Issue of the Campaign.
The Democratic State committee,
which assembled in Philadelphia on
Saturday, wisely refrained from ex-
pressing preference for candidates for
the several offices to be filled at the
coming election. There was a free in-
terchange of opinion and frank discus-
sion of plans and policies. But no at-
tempt was made to commit the party
to any particular candidate or form
“slates” or combinations in favor of
factions or groups. This fact expresses
a wholesome sign of sincerity of pur-
pose on the part of the leaders as well
as indicating unity and harmony in the
rank and file. With this spirit of
earnest purpose revealed in the be-
ginning the campaign will open under
most favorable auspices.
The political campaign in Pennsyl-
vania this year must be conducted
mainly on local issues. It is well
enough, and probably advisable, that
the fundamental principles of the
party as expressed by Jefferson be
kept in view. The tendency of the
federal government to encroach upon
the prerogatives of the State and local
authorities is an increasing menace
and should be resisted and resented.
Centralization is a present and cumu-
lating menace to the perpetuity of the
government. These facts should be
impressed upon the minds of voters at
all times. But there is a greater dan-
ger confronting us at this time. It
lies in the protection and practice of
fraud in the casting and counting of
the votes.
The Republican party is committed
to electoral frauds. By the action of
the Republican organization during
the special session of the General As-
sembly an issue was created between
honest and currupt elections, and that
issue must be followed to a finish be-
fore any other questions are taken
into consideration. The Republicans
have made this issue and they should
be kept to it. They may quarrel among
themselves as to the distribution of
party favors, but they have the peo-
ple of Pennsylvania to recken with on
this vital question. There can be no
honest government while officials
are placed in control of it by fraud,
and the time to check this para-
mount evil is now.
—Read the “Watchman” and get
the cream of the news.
personal solicitation.
the other candidates and Beidleman’s | 1081. ,
| policies the insurance becomes
{ 5 ET 2
“necessity “of “meeting pe: erie Ng
. mium payments stimulates many to
Veteran’s Insurance.
Frem The Pittsburgh Post.
For the preteetion of the depend-
ents of the soldiers, sailors and ma-
rines who served in the World War,
the United States Government went
into the life insurance business, issu-
ing at low cost term policies up to
$10,000 to the men. After the war
the peiiod during which the policies
| Pepper states, the contest for Senator could be carried was extended and
provision also made for converting
them inte permanent forms, such as
Z20-payment life, 20-year endowment
or endowment at the age of 62. The
time now draws near when term pol-
icies will expire. Unless the veterans
convert them before July 1 next they
will no longer be eligible for the ben-
efits of government insurance.
A campaign is accordingly under
way to persuade the former service
men to convert their term policies, or
in case they have allowed them to
lapse, to reinstate and convert them.
Officers of some of the large commer-
: ; cial insurance companies have been
tion.: John K. Tener has not only been
enlisted in the campaign. They are
appealing to the former service men
, through addresses at meetings of the
‘ veteran’s organizations, through radio,
through published statements, through
Sometimes in-
surance solicitors make themselves a
little obnoxious by the zeal with which
they pursue “prospects”; but no one
can fairly entertain any other feeling
| than respect for those who are seek-
, ing to persuade the veterans to hold
| their insurance, for they have so sel-
; fish motive to serve but are aiming
at nothing but the futherance of the
| service men’s own interests.
It is to be borne in mind that the
Government is not using the insurance
bureau as a money-making enterprise.
It is not run for profit. That is why
the cost of the insurance is low as
compared with the rates charged by
some of the commercial companies.
The Government insurance bonds are
the world’s premier securities.
Of the benefits of insurance there
can be no question. The Government
policies not only protect the policy-
holder’s dependents in case of death
but the policyholder himself in case of
complete disability. A Government
Of course there is always a chance of | insurance policy is an asset that may
| be used as collateral in negotiating 2
In the case of the endowment
able to the policyholder at
Insurance is a form of |
save who would not do so otherwise.
It is exceedingly doubtful if any sol-
dier who has retained or converted
his Government insurance has regret-
ted it. Those who have not done so
yet have opportunity to rectify their
German Obstruction.
From the Philadelphia Record.
All accounts from Geneva agree
that the astonishing quarrel among
the member States of the League of
Nations is immeasurably more violent
than the issues would justify. Upon
the relatively simple question of en-
larging the council the nations have
divided into hostile camps, and the on-
ly result of weeks of negotiation has
been to intensify the discord and
tighten the deadlock.
According to one group, the direct
cause of the conflict was France's ef-
fort to have a seat allotted to Poland,
in order to preserve the balance upon
admission of Germany. But enlarge-
ment of the council has been discussed
for years, and there is little merit in
Germany’s peremptory demand that
she alone must receive membership
at this time. Sweden, however, sol-
emnly declared that she would veto
the admission of any other State than
Germany, upon which the Latin na-
tions threatened in reprisal to exclude
Germany in the same way. Then the
situation was hopelessly complicated
by ultimatums from Spain and Brazil
that they must be recognized as great
Powers by receiving permanent seats,
although they had held temporary
places continuously since the begin-
In other words, the entire contest
is due to a general revival of egotis-
tic nationalism and a determination
on the part of each Government to ad-
vance its own interests and its own
prestige. The situation is in effect
a fantastic enlargement of such a
squabble as might arise among a lot
of punectilious diplomats over a ques-
tion of precedence and official dignity.
Perhaps the worst offender is Ger-
many, for, besides presumptuously de-
manding exclusive consideration, she
arrogantly rejected compromises to
which the other claimants had agreed.
It had- been arranged that Poland
should be content with a temporary
seat, and that Spain and Brazil should
await the report of a commission up-
on their advancement to permanent
places. Even Sweden was pacified.
But Berlin would not tolerate any
settlement but her own.
While the London press berates
Foreign Secretary Chamberlain as the
cause of the wrangle, the record
shows that the dictatorial attitude of
Germany has been the chief obstacle
to a rational adjustment.
Dogs have nearly doubled in
number in Pennsylvania within the
past five years. In Centre county
there were 2737 licensed in 1921, while
rt ea se rt et + a ——————— a 1. tn #2 Lu
—Blood poisoning, due to a scratch
frem a rusty nail, proved fatal to Lewis
Haag, of Greenwood Hill, Pottsville.
—A school will be. established in the
Berks county jail for the instruction of
prisoners in the rudiments of elementary
education. Eugene D. Whitman was ap-
pointed instructor. 3
—State troopers are guarding State cat-
tle inspectors in the vieinity of New Lon-
don, Chester county, as a result of threats
to shoot by farmers opposed to tuberculin
testing of their cattle.
—Twenty-six watches valued at $1,632
and sixteen revolvers worth over $100 were
taken from the jewelry and sporting goods
store of Alexander Kagen, of Reading, by
robbers who broke into the store last
—Pleading guilty to stealing money
from boxes at Mary’s and Sacred Heart
Catholic churches, Richard Derredinger,
aged 18, of Lancaster, was sent to the
Huntingdon Reformatory by Judge Hassle
on Saturday.
—Samuel Hardnock, a miner of Miners-
ville, died on Friday as he predicted a
month ago, when he said at the resump-
tion of operations on February 12 that he
would work a month and get killed. He
died Friday when he was hit by a fall of
—-With fifty cases of typhoid fever re-
ported at New Milford, which has a pop-
ulation of 600, health authorities assumed
charge of the situation, calling upon
neighboring physicians for help and re-
cruiting nurses from the National Red
Entering pleas of nolle contender on
charges of embezzling funds of two Car-
negie building and loan associations, Wil-
liam F. Sossong was last Friday fined
$1000 and sentenced to a term of three
years in the Alleghney county jail, while
his son, Leo F., was given a six-year jail
sentence with a similar fine.
—Dorothy Pegran, of New Castle for
the first time in nearly two months, is
free to go where she might choose, follow-
ing the finding of a verdict of not guilty
last Friday by a jury which had listened
since Monday to testimony in the trial
of the girl, charged with the slaying of
Sergt. Philip Tulley on January 20th.
—Services at the Church of the Brethren
in Gettysburg were called off on Sunday
when it was discovered that a family of
poleeats had made their home under the
edifice. A supply pastor, living near York
cats bad made their home under the edifice
A supply pastor, living near York Springs,
Springs, was notified not to come as the
congregation had fled.
—~George Markovitz, 41, of Erie, con-
vieted in 1922, on a charge of second de-
gree murder, following the fatal stabbing
of Mrs. Walter Juniewicz, committed sui
cide last Friday in the western Peniten-
tiary at Pittsburgh by jumping from the
third tier of cells to the floor, a distance
of about forty feet. He was the second
prisoner suicide within a week.
—Charged with having stolen $21,000
from his employers during the last two
and one-half years, Joseph H. Levan, for
ten years a trusted employe of the Jack-
son Manufacturing company, of Harris-
burg was arrested on Saturday. Levan,
I police said, admitted taking the money.
Levan was employed as bookképper and”
said he took from $200 to $250 weekly by
padding payrolls and juggling the books.
—“Kamerad,” shouted a man on a
Wilkes-Barre & Hazleton Railway coach
at Albert station to Lee Mace, of St. Johns,
a railroader, and Mace, recognized a Ger-
man soldier whom he had taken prisoner
in France in the world war. He had turn-
ed the captive over to troops back of the
first lines and had forgotten all about the
incident, but the ' German narrated the
circumstances so clearly that Mace pieced
together the whole occurrence.
—A piece of brick leaning against a rail
caused the wreck of the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Cumberland-Altoona passenger train
at Kladder Station, south of Hollidays-
burg, on March 3, in which engineer J. Il.
Lowe and Maxwell Nash, waiting at the
station to board the train, were killed, ac-
cording to the verdict of the coroner's jury
last Friday. It issupposed the brick was
in a carload of sereenings unloaded at
Kladder the day of the wreck.
—A 12 year-old schoolboy, Alexander
Andy, of Herminie, Westmoreland county,
shot and instantly killed Joseph King,
aged 50, also of Herminie, at 8:30 o'clock
Sunday night. Members of the Andy fam-
ily have been annoyed by prowlers lately
and young Andy went to the bedroom
when he heard a noise in the front yard.
After a short search he found a revolver.
He took the weapon, went to the front
door, opened it quickly and fired, and King
fell dead with a bullet in his brain.
—Three men arrested in connection with
the $25,000 robbery of Mrs. Minnie Mus-
ser's home, Patterson Heights, Beaver Falls
last December, were arraigned before
Justice of the Peace A. T. Bush, of June-
tion Park, Saturday night. Wade Hickey,
of Beaver Falls, was held without bond,
Carl Brunner was permitted bond of $2,000,
and George Nye was discharged for lack
of evidence. Hickey is charged with
breaking and entering and burglary and
Brunner with receiving stolen goods. The
Musser home was looted while Mrs, Mus-
ser was in Florida.
—John W. Reed, former judge of Jef-
ferson county and former Public Service
Commissioner of the Commonwealth, who
died at Clearfield two weeks ago, left an
estate of more than $300,000. His only
child, Mrs. Stewart F. Lever, of Clearfield,
is bequeathed about four-fifths of the es-
tate and is made executrix, Minor be-
quests are made to relatives, ete. St.
Andrew's Protestant Ipiscopal church of
Clearfield, of which the former judge was a
member, was left $12,000 in trust, half the
income to be used toward the rector’s sal-
ary and half toward diocesan and other
assessments against the parish.
—Prof. Walter D. Reynolds, supervising
principal of the Gettysburg public schools,
and a teacher there for the past fourteen
years, has been offered the position of
principal of the Sunbury High cchool.
He admitted having received “a very good
offer,” but stated he had not yet reached a
decision in the matter. According to in-
formation from Sunbury Professor Rey-
nolds, as principal of the High school
there would not be compelled to teach, his
duties being only those of a supervisor.
last year the registers accounted for
The High school is said to number between
500 and 600 pupils. The salary is also
much better than that at Gettysburg.