Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 12, 1926, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., March 12, 1926.
EE A SU Reson.
Miss Annie Pearl has moved
from Crider’s Exchange to an apart-
ment in the Richelieu building.
Miss Lida Jackson fell on the
ice on the pavement on High street,
early in the week, fracturing her arm.
——Miss Mary Kelly fell down the
cellar steps, on Monday morning, and
fractured the bone of her left arm,
just below the shoulder.
——The Catholic Daughters of
America will hold a St. Patrick card
party in their rooms Wednesday
March 17th. Admission, 25 cents:
——Mrs. William Lutz has request-
ed us to state that the report on the
streets that she has sold her property
on east Bishop street is not correct.
There has been a slump in the
matrimonial market in Centre county,
as it has been two weeks since a mar-
riage license was issued by recorder
Harry Rossman.
The Beezer meat market on the
Diamond has not been in its usual tidy
condition this week for the reason that
a very sanitary and modern new re-
frigerator is being installed.
On page six of today's Watch-
man will be found another big adver-
tisement of the Keystone Power cor-
poration giving further details of the
change in rates to go into effect April
——Charles Miller, the taxi man,
bought the Crissman cigar store in the
Bush house block, at receiver's sale on
Tuesday, for $390; all except the ice
box which was purchased by Guy Bon-
Dr. W. L. Weston was stricken
with paralysis two weeks ago and
taken from his home on west Linn
street, to the Centre county hospital,
where his condition has but slightly
Mrs. McClure Gamble was the
guest of honor at a bridge dinner
given by Mrs. Earl Kline, at the
Brockerhoff house, last night. Mrs.
Gamble will leave Bellefonte the latter
part of the month, to make her home
in Cleveland.
The Womans auxiliary of the
Centre county hospital, will have a
food sale on Saturday, April 10th, at
the Mott drug store. Every thing
good to eat will be on sale and special
orders will be placed in the hands of
expert cooks.
The Bell Telephone company
is this week celebrating the fiftieth an-
niversary of its organization, and in
the Bellefonte exchange had a visitor's
day on Wednesday, when the office and
exchange were thrown open to the
public generally.
——George Stover, of Philipsburg, !
was arrested last Saturday on the
charge of breaking into and robbing
the railroad restaurant’s pool room.
Tn default of $1000 bail he was
brought to the Centre county jail to
await trial at the next regular term of
The Bellefonte Academy basket
ball quintette will play its final home
game with the Pitt Freshman five, in!
the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium this (Fri-
- day) evening, at 8.45 o'clock. This!
should be an exciting game and all |
lovers of the sport should be on hand
State College this year will
entertain the annual gathering of the '
Central Pennsylvania Odd Fellows as-
sociation, which will be held the latter |
part of April. Residents of the Col- :
lege have already formed an organi-
zation to make preparations for the
big event,
Stockholders of the Sutton-:
Abrammsen Engineering Co., held their
annual meeting in the court house,
in this place, last Monday evening.
We understand that the company had
a very successful year in 1925 and is
starting 1926 with very encouraging
business on its books.
—-—The first car load of hard coal
to reach Bellefonte since the strike
was settled was received by the Belle-
fonte Fuel and Supply company last
week. It was a car of chestnut and is
being retailed at $16.00 per ton. 1t
won’t be long now until the anthracite
supply will become normal, and let us
hope lower in price,
Probably half of the people in
Bellefonte are movie fans and when
they want to see good pictures they
£o to the Scenic. The big programs
shown there every evening during the
week are composed of the very best
‘films produced by the leading studios
at Hollywood and elsewhere. They
are all new and up-to-date and can-
not be seen anywhere else in Belle-
fonte. Every evening’s program is
worth seeing and if you are not a
regular you miss a lot of good ones.
———Announcement was made last
Friday of the sale of the Chicago,
Aurora and Elgin railroad, which op-
erates high-speed electric railroads
through the Chicago section, to
Samuel Insull, an operator of
public utilities in Chicago and vicin-
ities. Local interest attaches to this
sale because of the fact that the vice-
president and general manager of the
Chicago, Avrora and Elgin railroad
is J. Harvey McClure, son of James
I. McClure, of Bellefonte. Mr. Me-
Clure, will retire from the above cor-
poration and become the operating
head of the Cincinnati—Dayton line,
which has been purchased by Phila-
But No Decision Reached on Which
One to Build.
The Spring township school board
has finally selected three apparently
suitable sites for the new school build-
ing at Pleasant Gap, though so far
they have not decided which one will
finally be approvad as the place on
which to build.
One is the Thomas Jodon site, locat-
ed at the southern end of Pleasant
Gap, but coupled with its selection are
the following provisions: That the
high power electric line be removed;
and that a road be opened to the Horn-
town side of the town without cost to
the school district. This lot will have
to be filled in about seven feet to meet
the road grade.
Site No. 2, is the present location
along the state highway. This site,
however, has been disapproved by G.
A. Stearns, of the State Department
of Public Instruction, because it is
along the main highway where the
lives of school children would be en-
dangered by the heavy traffic; also be-
cause it is in close proximity to a stone
quarry, mill and lime kilns, and be-
cause the school bus would of neces-
sity have to cross a narrow guage rail-
road track.
Site No. 3, is the Griffith place at
the north end of town, objected to by
some as it is considered too far for the
children living in the southern end of
town to walk and go home for lunch.
The fact was evidently not considered
that if the southern site is selected a
great many more children will have
just as far to walk. This site is con-
sidered the ideal location by many, as
it is in the centre of the school popu-
lation which will be affected by the
centralized project.
The board has decided upon a twelve
room, one-story brick structure, with a
combined auditorium and gymnasium
which can be inter-changed into a class
The board has selected as architects
for the new building Messrs. Hersh &
Sholar, of Altoona, who will draw a
commission of five per cent. on the
total cost of the building, which is es-
estimated at $60,000. The building is
to be ready for occupancy by Septem-
ber 1st, 1926. The architects have
already started work on the plans and
actual work on the building will be
under way in the near future.
Jury Awards Verdict of $4,250 in
Millheim Turnpike Case.
The jury in the case of the Mill-
heim Turnpike Co., vs. Centre coun-
ty, returned a verdict in the Centre
county court, last Friday, of $4,250,
which was more than double the sum
awarded the company by the jury in
condemnation proceedings. But the
rendering of the above verdict does
1 . .
inot mean the termination of the case
by any means. In the above case,
for instance, there is a mortgage
against the Millheim turnpike of $5,
500, which is just $1,250 more than
the verdict awarded by the jury. And
now the question comes up, what will
be the position of the mortgagee in re-
gard to the mortgage? If the county
commissioners should decide to sub-
mit to the verdict of the jury and
signify their willingness to pay the
above verdict; and should the mort-
gagee be paid the full amount of the
verdict, what rights would he have
to collect the balance of his mort-
Of course, there has been no action
taken along this line up to this time,
and there is no predicting what might
be done, but it is a technical legal
complication that is puzzling the
heads of some of the attorneys at the
Centre county bar.
In connection with the verdict of
$6,000 rendered in favor of the Brush
Valley, Nittany and Bald Eagle Turn-
pike company, it is understood that
an application will be made by the
county for a new trial, and the same
thing may be done in the case of the
Millheim turnpike.
Car and Truck go off Snow Shoe
Mountain Road
Milford Lucas, a brakeman on the
Snow Shoe railroad, lives at Mt.
Eagle and motors out to Snow Shoe
and back in his Ford car. On his way
out, early Monday morning, his car
skidded on the ice at the big fill above
Runville and went down over the side
of the mountain several hundred feet.
Fortunately Mr. Lucas escaped with-
out serious injury but his car was
badly wrecked.
Not long after the Lucas accident
Lloyd Smith, of Milesburg, came down
the mountain with a truck load of
furniture he was bringing to Belle-
fonte from Snow Shoe for a Mr. Wel-
ford, when his truck also skidded off
the road and went down over the side
of the mountain, just a short distance
above where the Lucas accident oe-
curred. Mr. Smith also escaped in-
jury but his truck was wrecked and
the furniture badly battered up.
On Tuesday evening the cars of
John F. Garthoff, of Bellefonte, and
postmaster George Glenn, of State
College, sideswiped on the state high-
way just south of the big cinder pile
beyond the Titan Metal company
plant. Both cars had to be towed into
town for repairs but none of the occu-
pants in either were hurt.
——Ladies satin slippers, AA
widths for the narrow feet and the
widest widths for the plump feet, $8 in
value, but only $4.85 at Yeager's Tiny
delphia interests.
Boot Shop. 11-1¢
Accommodate Transient Guests.
The old Bush homestead, on south
Spring street, Bellefonte, purchased
last fall by Mrs. M. A. Landsy and be-
ing converted into an apartment house
and annex for the Brockerhoff house,
is fast nearing completion, so far as
the interior is concerned. In fact, by
the latter part of this week Mr. Land-
sy expects to have ten rooms complet-
ed and furnished in which to take care
of guests to whom he is unable to give
accommodations in the Brockerhoff
house. These rooms are located on
the second and third floors and are
complete in every detail. The rooms
are connecting and each two rooms
have a bath, but they are so arranged
that if used singly each room will
have hot and cold water. There will
be a telephone in each room, while
no details in the furnishing of the
room necessary for the comfort and
convenience of the guests has been
The entire first floor of the build-
ing has been converted into three
apartments. The one to the left of
the main entrance has been specially
arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Landsy’s
own use, but until they decide to oc-
cupy it will probably be given out to
parties who desire a suite for a month
or six weeks at a time. It consists of
a spacious living room, a bed room,
bath and kitchenette.
On the right side of the main en-
trance is located the largest apart-
ment. It consists of a living room,
kitchenette, two bed rooms and bath
In the rear is another apartment
which has already been rented by
John G. Love. It consists of a liv-
ing room, dining room and kitchenette
on the first floor, two bed rooms, a
bath room and sun parlor on the sec-
ond floor, and the use of a large porch
opening out from the sun parlor.
Each apartment will have its own
outside porch and private entrance
and so arranged that it can be
closed off entirely from the main en-
trance and hall way leading to the
rooms on the second and third floors.
Every sleeping room in the house is
equipped with a closet, and am-
ple closet space has also been made in
the apartments.
While the rooms on the second and
third floors will be ready for occu-
pancy this week the apartments will
not be ready before the first of April,
but Mr. Landsy hopes to have the
interior completed by that date. Of
course there will be a lot of exterior
work yet to do, as the entire outside
of the building will be painted and the
premises cleaned up and put in good
Mr. Landsy for the present will
call his building “The Annex,” and
as such it will be known in the fu-
— Four of the latest styles in
ladies black satin slippers, $8 value,
but our price is only $4.85.—Yeager’s
Tiny Boot Shop. 11-1t
Milton Fair Gives Up the Ghost.
With the statement that the Milton
Fair, an event looked forward to in
Central Pennsylvania for nearly 100
years, is dead, came the announce-
ment Saturday that the property will
be sold. Faced with the loss of their
grandstand last fall after several dis-
couraging years, the stockholders met
and decided to quit. The buildings
and other property will be offered at
public sale Saturday afternoon, March
Originally organized nearly 100
years ago, fairs were held intermit-
tently until 1856, when regular ex-
hibitions were given for a long time
by the Northumberland County Agri-
cultural Society, of which former Gov-
ernor James Pollock was one of the
founders. That was succeeded in 1885
by the Milton Driving Park and Fair
Association, which passed out in 1903.
Another organization carried on the
struggle until 1909. The present or-
ganization had its first fair in 1910.
reese seems.
——Ladies shoes for the very nar-
row feet and stouts for the heavy
women, $4.85 at Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop. 11-1t
Electric Service Rate on Rural Line
The local office of the Keystone Power
corporation has just been advised the
company has filed a rate for rural
consumers as outlined in the Public
Service Commission’s general order
on “Rural Line Extensions.”
This rate of the corporation is ap-
plicable to those consumers requesting
service under the commission’s special
rural line extension policy, as con-
tained in their general order No. 27.
The rate becomes effective April 1,
1926, as does the order of the Com-
Residents in rural communities can
obtain full information in regard to
the above by inquiring at the Belle-
fonte office of the Keystone Power.
Remember that Monday, March
15th, is the last day that any delin-
quent taxes for 1922, 1923, 1924 and
1925 can be settled without costs being
added. After Monday all accounts
will be subject to levy, attachments
of rents and wages.—Herbert Auman,
Collector. 11-1¢
A———————— ———
——“Havoc,” the greatest war pic-
ture ever shown in Bellefonte, at
Moose theatre this Friday and Satur-
day. 11-1t
{ The Brockerhoff “Annex” in Shape to Philadelphia Promoter Catches Several
| Bellefonte Investors.
{ Harrison M. Van Duyke, who is
head of the Philadelphia Hotel Cor-
i poration, an organization that was to
build a four million dollar hotel at
the corner of Broad and Locust Sts.,
in Philadelphia, is being sought by
postal authorities for having used the
mails to defraud hundreds of people
in New York and the western part of
The scheme was based on a plan to
buy the site designated and erect
thereon, “Philadelphia’s largest and
most sumptuous hotel, which the
Van Duyke stories pictured would pay
out in a short time because of the
rush of Sesqui-centennial visitors to
that city. Western Pennsylvania was
primed for riches in hotel stock, for
hadn’t a lot of her people taken fliers
in stock of the Hotel Pennsylvania, in
New York, which turned out to be a
veritable gold mine. In fact some local
buyers, who hadn’t any idea of what
they were buying and traded their
holdings for automobiles and other
things wakened up to discover that
when the “Hotel Pennsylvania” got go-
ing its stock became worth three or
four times as much as the local holders
had traded it in for.
This has been common knowledge
around Bellefonte for some time and
it, as we have said, abetted the in-
vesting appetite for hotel investments.
The Broad and Locust hotel might
have been a great investment prop-
osition, but it appears that Mr. Van
Duyke used the $175,000.00 he got
from investors for other purposes
i than buying the lot on which the
- hotel was to stand and he lost his op-
| tion on the lot. Now there’s no place
to build the hotel and the investors
and the Government wants to talk it
over with Mr. Van Duyke and he can’t
be found.
In the published list of subscribers
to the stock appears the names of W.
J. Emerick and Mrs. Maria Brewster
Thomas, of Bellefonte.
——Remember that Monday, March
15th, is the last day that any delin-
quent taxes for 1922, 1923, 1924 and
1925 can be settled without costs being
added. After Monday all accounts
will be subject to levy, attachments
of rents and wages.—Herbert Auman.
Collector. 11-1t
—— A wr ———
——Ladies gold and silver cloth
slippers, $4.85.—Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop. 11-1t
Opening Day at the New Nittany Shoe
The 17th of March will have an
added significance to the people of
this vicinity this year for it will mark
the opening day of the new Nittany
shoe store by Wilbur Baney in the
Bush Arcade. We use the word new
advisedly, for it is not a mere gesture
that Mr. Baney in making. The old
Yeager room has been entirely re-
modeled, decorated and furnished with
the most modern of retail shoe furni-
ture. And filled with a stock that is
just as new as the furniture.
The line of footwear for all classes,
men, women, and children, covers
every possible demand that might be
made, from the snappiest to the most
conservative models.
The store is arranged in depart-
ments: All the footwear for women
and girls on the one side with chairs
and accessories specially for their
use, while on the opposite is the men’s
and boy’s lines with furniture and
little comforts ecpecially appreciated
by the male patron. At the rear of
the store and separated from the main
sales room isthe underpriced depart-
ment where broken sizes and special
offerings will be shown.
Altogether the room is so complete-
ly modernized that it will appear as
an entirely new place in every respect,
except for the presence of Mr. Baney
whose long experience in the shoe
business in Bellefonte has made his
name and face almost synonymous for
the trade.
A visit to the new store on the
opening day will be quite worth your
while for there will be a great sur-
prise in store for you, beth in its at-
tractive appearance and in the quality
and style of the stock with which it
is being filled.
——Don’t miss “Havee,” the big
war picture, at the Moose theatre
this Friday and Saturday. 11-1t
Snow Shoe High to Present Comedy.
The thespians of the Snow Shoe
High school, so mueh touted in that
district for their histrionie ability, are
going to present Carl Webster Pierce’s
clever comedy “The Suicide Special-
ist” on Friday and Saturday evenings,
March 19 and 20.
The play will be staged in the High
school auditorium in that place and
the cast of characters includes Marion
Whiteman, Tillie Bohn, Ralph Watson,
John Russell, Harry Sickle, Pearl
Viehdoerfer, Elizabeth Mencho, Marlin
Whiteman, Lemoyne Lucas, Flora Mec-
Cartney and Faye Whiteman.
~——DMoose theatre this Friday and
Saturday, “Havoc,” the super special
phetoplay; the daddy of war pictures.
Notice to Business Men.
All merchants and business men of
Bellefonte are respectfully requested
to close their places of business be-
tween the hours of 2 and 3.30 o'clock
this (Friday) afternoon during the
funeral of John Sourbeck.
HARD P. HARRIS, Burgess.
—Miss M. H. Snyder is in New York, on
her annual buying trip, for the early
spring trade.
—Mrs. James B. Lane, of Linn street, is
at the Plaza, in Atlantic City, for a stay
of two weeks.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederick Reynolds
Jr,. are entertaining Miss King, of Sum-
mit, N. J., a school mate of Mrs. Reynolds.
—Mrs. James B. Lane and Miss Charlotte
Powell have gone from Washington D.C,
to Atlantic City where they will be for
several weeks at the Plaza.
—Miss Elizabeth Barnhart went to
Hazleton a week ago, visiting there over
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred R. Seidel
and her husband, Dr. Seidel.
—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craft returned to
Bellefonte Tuesday after spending a part
of the week with Mrs. Craft's sister, Mrs.
Harry Otto and Mr. Otto, in Johnstown.
—Mrs. John M. Hartswick will return to
Bellefonte Sunday, following a visit of
several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. C.
Meyers and her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mec-
Intire, at Knoxville, Tenn.
—Mrs. Ely, of Gettysburg, and Mrs.
Grant Pifer, of Wilkinsburg, are both in
Bellefonte visiting with the Hoy family,
being called here by the serious illness of
their mother, Mrs. H. K. Hoy.
—Miss Florence Gray was here from
Altoona for an over Sunday visit with her
brother, G. Oscar Gray and his family,
having come over Friday. Miss Gray is an
instructor in the schools of Altoona.
—John Russell and Lem Zindle, two
Snow Shoe High boys were in Bellefonte,
Saturday, attending to some business per-
taining to a play the High school students
are going to stage out there on the 19th
and 20th.
—Mrs. Harry Curtin, of Curtin, has been
visiting in the vicinity of Philadelphia for
the past three weeks, the time having been
spent with Mrs. M. C. Breeze, at Downing-
town, and with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Hodges, at Cynwyd, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Weaver, of Windber,
spent Friday in Bellefonte visiting rela-
tives and friends. They had been at State
College for three weeks and motored down
here for a day prior to returning to their
home in Somerset county.
—Miss Elizabeth Walker is east for a
six weeks visit with her sister, Miss Edrie
Walker, in Philadelphia, and Mrs. Numbers
at Trenton, N. J. During her absence, Miss
Grace Shope is taking her place in Spang-
ler and Walker's law office.
—Mrs. W. Harrison Walker and one of
her daughters, were to Altoona last week
for an over night stay, having gone over
to do some shopping. Mr. Walker with
Mrs. Coburn Rogers as a driving guest,
motored to Altoona Saturday for Mrs.
—Mrs. Thomas Moore, who has been ill
at her home in Philadelphia since shortly
after Christmas, is now planning to come
to Bellefonte, as soon as her health per-
mits, to be here for a time with her sister,
Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, while she is con-
| —Mrs. Beliringer arrived here Friday
| from Long Island, called to Bellefonte by
| the sudden and serious: illness of her
| father, John D. Sourbeck. Ars. Bellringer
had been here visiting with Mr. Sourbeck
in the afterpart of February, and had only
returned home a few days before her
father’s illness.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ad Fauble left for New
York city, on Sunday mormimg; expecting
to be gone a week or more. Om their way
home they will stop in Harrisburg for a
several days visit with Mr. Fauble’s mother
and sisters, Mrs. Schloss and Mrs. Seel.
The latter is reported as recovering slowly
from her recent serious illness.
—Mrs. M. A. McGinnis, of Pottstown, has
been making one of her frequent visits
back home, this week, having come te
Bellefonte to spend a short time with her
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James
Schofield. Mr. Schofield is now slowly
recovering from his recent long illness and
when the weather permits, is able to be
at his place of business.
—Arthur B. Hannon and family moved
last week from State College to Snow Shoe
Intersection. Mr. Hannon had been em-
ployed by the Bellefonte Central R. R. Co.,
but resigned his position there with a view
of going to Altoona for work. Until he is
deninitely located again Mrs. Hannon will
be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linder
Bumbarger, at Snow Shoe Intersection.
—NMiss Elizabeth Cooney returned last
week from Miami, Florida, where she had
been since late in November. While there
Miss Cooney was associated with one of
the most exclugiye millinery shops, of that
very popular winter resort, later giving up
the work to go to Cuba, and that she
might be able to spend some time travel-
ing through Florida before her return
—Miss Rebecca N. Rhoads, as director:
of the soldiers and sailors department of
the national W. C. T. U,, returned Satur-
day from an inspection trip along the
Atlantic coast. Her itinerary taking her as
far south as the Canal Zone, she visited all’
American ports enroute, the trip includ-
ing Florida, Louisiana and States through
which she passed on returning north. Miss
Rhoads sailed early in January and was
traveling constantly for the two months
she was absent.
—Among those from out-of-town here
Tuesday for the funeral of the late Mrs.
James A. Beaver were Mrs. Ridgway,
formerly Miss Mame Orbison, of German-
town; Mrs. Wilson Lloyd and Miss Henri-
etta Baldwin, of Mifflintown; Robert Orbi-
son, of Huntingdon; Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Thompson and their two daughters, Mrs.
Ellis and Mrs. Williams, of Milroy; John
B. White, of Bryn Mawr; Dean Watts,
Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Foster, M. S. Mc-
Dowell, W. D. Crockett, Mrs. J. W.
Henszey, Mrs. William Frear, of State Col-
lege and Mrs. Goodhart, of Lewistown.
—D. E. Snyder, of Boalsburg, was in
Bellefonte Monday; having come down be-
cause of the serious illness of Mrs. Snyder’s
mother, Mrs. Keller, who is at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Charles From, on
Bishop St. ‘While looking in perfect
health, himself, Mr. Snyder is just recover-
ing from what might have been a very
serious accident. Some time ago he fell
from a ladder on which he was working
and as he landed on the back of his neck
the shock was so severe as to totally inca-
pacitate him for a month. He is recovering
from the effects nicely, however, and ex-
pects to be able to get back regularly to
his carpentering ere long.
eee :
—The Rev. M. Dupui Maynard will leave
early in April, with Mrs. J. K. P. Hall, of
Ridgway, and several members of her’
family, on a six weeks trip to the Holy
Land. The party will all be guests of Mrs, _
Hall during the entire time. Mr. Maynard
left Bellefonte only a year ago, to aceept
the call to the Episcopal church of Ridg-
way. :
—Mrs. Helen Shugert and her grand-son,
the elder child of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus
Lochrie, of Central City, Somerset county,
were in Bellefonte this week, for a short
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ogden B. and Miss -
Sara Malin, of the Heverly apartments.
The visit at this time was made, that Mrs.
Shugert might attend the funeral of the
late Mrs. James A. Beaver.
ie Th
Joseph Wagner Home at Spring Mills
Destroyed by Fire.
Shortly after supper, last Saturday
evening, the Bellefonte fire depart-
ment received a call for assistance
from Spring Mills, where the home of
Joseph Wagner, a rural mail carrier,
was burning down and there was great
danger of the fire spreading to ad-
jacent properties. The Logan com-
pany, with pumper and squad wagon
made the run to that town in forty
minutes, but found the Wagner house
already beyond all efforts to save. The
house was located on the hill in the
rear of the old Spring Mills hotel, and
that building and a nearby barn were
probably saved from destruction by
the heroic work of a bucket brigade
before the pumper reached there. The
Logans, however, went into service
and prevented any possible spread of
the flames. .
Mr. Wagner saved most of his
house-hold goods from the first floor
of his home and some from the second.
He carried some insurance but not
enough to cover his loss. The fire
originated from sparks on the roof.
Scenic Next Week.
We take great pride in announcing
our program for next week, and in
keeping with our slogan, “Where you
will find the better class photoplays,”
we offer the following pictures for
your approval:
Monday and Tuesday, “The Sky
Rocket,” featuring beautiful Peggy
Hopkins Joyce and the following sup-
porting cast: Owen Moore, Earl Wil-
liams, Lilyan Tashman, Gladys
Hulette and Bull Montana. Here is a
picture that will make you sit up and
take notice.
Wednesday and Thursday, “The
Grand Duchess and the Waiter,”
featuring Adolph Menjou and Florénce
Vidor, in a high-class, frisky love
comedy, with a real Parisian flavor,
Another Paramount picture, ~~.
Friday, “The Prince of Pep,” with
the great Richard Talmadge. Just
packed full of thrills and all the setion,
you desire. Also, the last chapter of =
“The Green Archer” serial, and the
first chapter of the new serial, “Casey
of the Coast Guard.” Here is a night
of enlertainment “what am.”
Saturday, “The Danger Girl” with
Priscilla Dean in another of our better
class photoplays.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at
Moose theatre, “The Wanderer,” in ten
big reels. One of the year’s biggest
successes. Of course our usual admis-
sion of 10 and 25¢. will prevail, and it
sure looks like bargain week. 11-1t
Eight dollar value in ladies
satin slippers, on sale at Yeager’s Tiny
Boot Shop at $4.85 per pair. 11-1t
Rowland V. Lee, who directed
“Havoc,” the latest William Fox
special production, was selected for
the job because he was a veteran of
the world war and was considered es-
pecially versed in all the intricacies of
modern warfare. “Havoc” is a great
war drama, although it is not exclu-
sively devoted to the battle-fields. In
fact, most of the biggest moments in
the play are staged in a London night
club, where an unscrupulous woman
demonstrates her ability to play more
havec. with men’s souls than the
enemy’s guns can. “Havoc” will be
the attraction at the Moose theatre
this. Friday and Saturday. George
O’Brien and Madge Bellamy have the
leading roles. 11-1t
$22.50 Suit Man.
Representing Richman Brothers,
Cleveland, O., will be at Garman house
Friday afternoon and evening, March
19. English Models for the young
fellow and styles a plenty for the con-
servative dresser. Will have made up
sample Tuxedo with black silk vest
and Top Coats—a real surprise awaits
you. Easter delivery. 11-2t
——See Peggy Hopkins Joyce in
“The Sky Rocket,” at the Scenic next
Monday and Tuesday. Admission, 10
and 25cts. 11-1t
House Wreckage. —2 story frame
house and blacksmith shop, just
south of Big Spring garage, on
Water St., Bellefonte, for sale cheap.
Must be removed from lot between
1st and 10th of April. Apply to Mrs.
Odille Mott, Bellefonte, Pa. 71-9-tf
——The Sky Rocket,” with beauti-
ful Peggy Hopkins Joyce, at the Scenic
next Monday and Tuesday. Matinees
daily. 11-1
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - - - - - $1.60
Oats - =. = - = - 35
BYS iw wi mien ww 80
Corn - - - - - - 70
Barley - - - - - - +0
Buckwheat - - ow. . 80