Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 12, 1926, Image 4

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    Boom i.
Bellefonte, Pa., March 12, 1926.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - -
"Te Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
motice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Pald strictly in advance - -
Paid before expiration of year - 17
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
img. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tiled when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. Im all such cases the
subscribtion must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
What the Penitentiary Farms Pro-
duced in 1925.
Warden J. C. Stutsman was the
principal speaker at the meeting of
the Kiwanis club, at State College,
last week, and naturally his talk was
along the line of the work done at the
Rockview penitentiary, not only as re-
gards the reformation of wrong-doers
but the building of the institution and
in cultivating the farm land in con-
nection therewith. According to
figures presented by warden Stutsman
the value of the products of the farm
during the year 1925 approximated
$125,000. The figures given were as
9945 Bushels of Wheat $14,842.50
14490 Bushels of Corn - 9,443.75
10395 Bushels of Potatoes 10,395.00
11749 Bushels of Oats 5,871.00
6067 Dozen Sweet Corn 591.70
702 Tons of Hay - 10,395.00
146 Tons of Straw - 6,468.00
800 Tons of Ensilage - - 5,600.00
811070 Pounds of Whole Milk 18,750.18
9609 Pounds of Butter 4,300.00
16844 Pounds of Cream 4,800.00
61819 Pounds of Apples 1,655.21
127 Tons Corn Fodder 509.20
46 Hogs - - - .- 10,953.55
123 Pigs - - = 2°: 751.17
3812 Pounds of Poultry 973.85
5240 Dozen Eggs - - 919.13
43 Veal Calves - 58.52
31 Heifers - - - 1,094.33
iBall - - - 250.00
9 Cows... - - 468.26
16 Horses - - 1,920.00
Garden Truck 17,111.61
Latest styles in blond and grey
kid pumps, $4.85.—Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop. 11-1t
State College Sanguine of Another |
Building Boom This Year. :
With the spring building sor
approaching, residents of the town of |
State College, anxious to have the |
horough keep pace with the growth
and importance of the Pennsylvania
State College, are looking for another
record year in building activities. The
past year saw the erection of new
business buildings, private residences
and fraternity houses valued at ap-
proximately $1,314,000, according to
estimates of real estate men of that
Five of the twelve new business
buildings completed during the past
few months were fire replacements,
the entire group costing approximate- |
ly half a million dollars. Forty-four
private residences were completed
during tke year, as were two apart-
ment houses and six student fraternity
houses. The college is expected to
start one or more of three proposed
student welfare buildings during the
coming building season, and other
construction in the town will proba-
bly equal the record of the past year. :
Six styles ladies arch support
exfords and slippers, $4.85 at Yeager’s
Tiny Boot Shop. 11-1t |
Final Action Taken on Moose Project.
At a meeting Wednesday night the
local lodge of Moose authorized the
trustees of the organization to go
ahead with the proposed remodeling
of their theatre in this place.
Architect Arthur Reinhart, of Wil-'
liamsport, spent several days here last |
week going over the property prepar-
tory to designing the plans. $20,000 or |
as much as may be necessary will be !
expended in the effortto make the
Moose as beautiful and commodicus
as any theatre in this section of the
State. None of the money will be
wasted on the exterior. Every penny
is to be devoted to improving the en-
trance, increased seating capacity and
improved stage facilities. As it is
now the Moose stage is very much
larger than that of the Richelieu, but
it is to be further increased in size so
that it will accommodate the largest |
productions on the road.
McClure—Baird.—William MecClay
McClure, second son of Mrs. William
McClure, of Bellefonte, and Miss
Carolyn Baird, of Milesburg, who for
some time past has been one of the
efficient clerks in the McCrory store
in Bellefonte, were married at Lock
Haven last Saturday. The bride-
groom is in charge of the shipping
department at the Titan Metal com-
pany’s plant.
Sents—Garbrick.—Henry Sents and
Miss Edna Garbrick, both of State
College, were married on Wednesday
of last week, by justice of the peace
Carolyn Dale, at her office in State
College. Mr. and Mrs. Sents will re-
side in State College.
—-——Remember, that the ladies aux-
iliary of the American Legion will
conduct a bake sale at the Legion
home, on Howard St., tomorrow.
SOURBECK.—It is an extremely
unusual circumstance to be called upon
to record the death of grandfather and
grandson within a few days, but such
is the case this week in the passing
away of John D. Sourbeck, one of the
oldest and best known business men of
Bellefonte, and his grandson, Joseph
Sourbeck. The former died at the
Centre County hospital at 12.40 o’clock
on Tuesday night following a few days
illness with pneumonia, while the
grandson died at the Fitzsimmons
General hospital, a government insti-
tution in Denver, Col, on Sunday
night. Mr. Sourbeck was taken to the
hospital on the evening of March 1st,
suffering with a heavy cold, which
resisted all efforts to break it up, and
pneumonia finally develc ped.
Deceased was a son of Joseph T.
and Mary Ann Deardorf Sourbeck and
was born at Lewistown on February
27th, 1849, hence was 77 years and 11
days old. When he was about seven
years of age his parents came to Belle-
fonte and took charge of the Garman
house and it was here that Mr. Sour-
beck got his education in the public
schools. When a youth yet in his
teens he decided to go to work and
became driver of the delivery wagon
of the Reynolds mill.
Later he decided to go into the
candy and confectionery business and
a remarkable coincidence is that his
first venture was in a building on the
same location on High street where he
did his last work before being taken
sick in the candy store of Hugh
B. Wagner. His store there finally
burned down and he went into busi-
ness out on Pine Street, where he was
located a few years then moved into
the room in the Brockerhoff house
block, now the Crossley jewelry store,
where he sold cigars, candy and con-
fections. He finally disposed of his
business there and his next venture
was in the room on High street, where
he remained until he sold out to Mr.
Wagner a few years ago.
During his long life in Bellefonte
Mri. Sourbeck proved a most public
spirited citizen in every way. No pro-
ject was ever brought up to advertise
Bellefonte or to give pleasure to its
citizens that Mr. Sourbeck did not
espouse most heartily. He would give
his time and his money to any worthy
cause and always seemed the happier
for so doing. In brief he was the type
of man that any town can ill afford to
lose, and though he had lived to within
a few years of four-score he was until
his late illness apparently so robust
and healthy that no one gave a
thought to his age, and now there is
universal regret at his passing.
Mr. Sourbeck married Miss Cather-
ine Fitzpatrick, of Oshkosh, Wis., who
passed away in 1915, and of their four
children the only survivor is Mrs.
Herbert Bellringer, of Jamaica, L. IL
He was a member of the Bellefonte
Lodge of Elks and the remains were
taken to the parlor of the Elks home
where they will lie in repose until the
funeral at two o'clock this (Friday)
afternoon. Rev. C. C. Shuey will have
charge of the funeral services and
burial will be made in the Union ceme-
The grandson, Joseph Sourbeck, was
a son of John and Emma Curtin Sour-
i beck and was born in Bellefonte about
twenty-four years ago. He served in
the U. S. navy during the world war
and it was there that he contracted
the disease which finally carried him
away. He went to Colorado in the
hope that the climate there would
prove beneficial but the disease was
too deep-rooted to overcome. Shortly
after the war Joseph married a young
woman of Williamsport and she was
with him in Colorado and is accom-
panying the remains east. In addi-
tion to his wife he leaves a small
i daughter.
The remains are not expected to
reach Bellefonte before tomorrow
morning, when they will be taken from
the train direct to the Catholic ceme-
tery for burial.
¥. i Il
FREEMAN.—Gurne Freeman, of
Cold Stream, died at the Philipsburg
hospital on Sunday morning following
an operation. His death occurred only
a few hours after that of his next door
neighbor, Thomas Dubbs.
Mr. Freeman was a native of New
York State and was in his 81st year.
He came to Pennsylvania sixty years
ago and located in the Philipsburg
region where he followed lumbering
for many years. Fifty-seven years
ago he married Henrietta McClellan,
at Unionville, and she survives with
three sons, William Freeman, of Phil-
ipsburg; Dr. Charles Freeman, of
Steubenville, Ohio, and Ellis Freeman,
of Philipsburg. He also leaves one
brother and two sisters.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at two o’clock on Tuesday
afternoon by Rev. F. T. Eastment,
after which burial was made in the
Philipsburg cemetery.
il Il
DALE.—Nathan L. Dale, a former
resident of Pine Grove Mills, died at
his home at Marwood, Pa., on March
4th, as the result of a stroke of par-
He was a son of William J. and Re-
becca Musser Dale and was born at
Pleasant Gap sixty-seven years ago.
As a young man he married Miss
Emma Clemson, of Baileyville, who
died in 1907, leaving one daughter,
Grace, now living in Pittsburgh. Fol-
lowing the death of his wife Mr. Dale
spent some years with his father but
in 1921. went to Marwood where he
took charge of a boys’ school. Rev.
William Dale, of Pittsburgh, had
charge of the funeral services which
were held on Saturday, burial being
made at Marwood.
BEAVER.—The passing away of
Mrs. Mary McAllister Beaver, widow
of the late General James A. Beaver,
former Governor of Pennsylvania, re-
moves another link connecting Belle-
fonte of the present day with its illus-
trious past. Mrs. Beaver had been a
sufferer with an affection of the heart
for many years but her death was the
natural result of general debility.
Mrs. Beaver was a daughter of
Hugh Nelson and Henrietta Orbison
McAllister and was born in Bellefonte
in September, 1842, hence was in her
eighty-fourth year. Her father was
one of the ablest attorneys at the Cen-
tre county bar and recognized
throughout the State and nation as
a man of profound legal attainments.
Such being the case his children were
afforded the best educational advan-
tages of that day with the result that
Mrs. Beaver grew into a woman of
grace, refinement and exceptional ac-
On December 26th, 1865, she mar-
ried Gen. James A. Beaver, who had
returned from the Civil war with a
distinguished record of achievement on
southern battlefields and resumed his
place as a law partner of her father,
and the young couple settled in Belie-
fonte as an integral part of the
town’s life—both economic and social.
The life work of Gen. James A. Beav- |
er, who was honored by his fellow-
countrymen by election to the office
of Governor of Pennsylvania, has been
immortalized in history, but the many
good deeds and unwavering kindness
of Mrs. Beaver through the many
years of her life in Bellefonte are
things that will be remembered best by
those who knew her most intimately.
During the four years that the fam”
ily occupied the Governor’s mansion
in Harrisburg, 1887 to 1891, Mrs.
Beaver was regarded as one of the
most gracious hostesses that ever pre-
sided over the Executive Mansion. Re-
turning to Bellefonte she took up the
thread of life just where it had been
severed four years previous when she
went to Harrisburg, continuing her
good work in church and private life.
Mrs. Beaver was a life-long member of
the Presbyterian church, a faithful
attendant during her active years
and a liberal supporter to all phases
of church work.
Her husband died in 1914 but sur-
viving her are two sons, Gilbert A.
Beaver, of Yorktown Heights, N. Y,,
and Thomas Beaver, of Bellefonte.
Funeral services were held at her late
home on Curtin street at 2.00 o’clock
on Tuesday afternoon by her pastor,
Rev. W. C. Thompson, after which
private interment was made in the
Union cemetery.
HETTINGER.—Mrs. Sarah Eliza-
beth Hettinger, wife of Henry M. Het-
tinger, died at her home in Altoona
on Friday morning, following a brief
She was a daughter of John and
Mary Breon, and was born at Spring
Mills, Centre county, on February
19th, 1872, hence was a little past
fifty-four years of age. On March
23rd, 1896, she married Mr. Hettinger
and the early years of their married
life was spent in Pennsvalley. Later
they moved to Altoona where Mrs.
Hettinger joined the Third Presby-
terian church and was an active mem-
ber of the Woman’s Missionary so-
Surviving her are her husband and
two children, Paul S., of Altoona, and
Martha, at home. She also leaves the
following brothers and sisters: Willis
T. Breon, of Millheim; Robert R., of
Horsehead, N. Y.; John F. and Mrs.
Harry Frankenberger, of State Col-
lege; Mrs. Oscar Homan, of Mifflin-
burg, and Mrs. Harry Fye, of Cen-
tre Hall.
Funeral services were held in the
Third Presbyterian church, Altoona,
at 2:30 o’clock on Monday afternoon
by Rev. W. L. McClure, burial being
made in the Greenwood cemetery,
I [!
DEVORE.—Mrs. May Devore, wife
of Isaiah Devore, passed away at her
home at Warriorsmark on Tuesday of
lest week following an illness of
several months as the result of a gen-
eral breakdown in health.
She was about sixty-five years of
age and was born in Ferguson town-
ship, Centre county. When a child
she was taken to raise by Mr. and
Mrs. E. Perry Gates and her girlhood
life was spent in Centre county. She
married Isaiah Devore about thirty
years ago and he survives with no
children. She leaves, however, the
following half-brothers and sisters:
Martin Harpster, of Mill Hall; David
and Orie, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Thom-
as, of Johnstown; Joseph, of Penn-
sylvania Furnace; Warren W., of Ty-
rone, and Mrs. Randolph Strayer, of
Funeral services were held at two
o'clock on Saturday afternoon in the
Methodist church at Warriorsmark by
the pastor, Rev. R. H. Fasick, burial
being made in the Methodist cemetery.
Il Il
BIERLY.—Isaiah Bierly, a life-
long resident of Nittany valley, died
on Tuesday of last week at his home
at Clintondale, following several
months illness with a complication of
diseases, aged 72 years. All of his
active life was spent in farming and
lumbering. He was a member of the
Reformed church for many years.
Surviving him are his wife, one son
and two daughters, William C. Bierly,
at home; Mrs. Robert Billett, of Belle-
fonte, and Mrs. Wilbur Jackson, of
Salona. He also leaves two brothers,
Emanuel and Rev. Adam Bierly, of
Selinsgrove. Burial was made at
Clintondale on Sunday afternoon.
DUBBS.—Thomas Reed Dubbs died
at his home on Cold Stream, near Phil-
ipsburg, on Sunday morning following
an illness of several months.
He was a son of Jeremiah and Eliza
Dubbs and was born at Centre Hall
about seventy-three years ago. In
his early life he taught school in Buf-
falo Run valley and Rush township
but later learned the carpenter’s trade
and followed that occupation after lo-
cating in Rush township forty-four
years ago. In his home precinct he
filled the offices of justice of the peace,
poor overseer and road supervisor. He
was a member of the Red Warrior
tribe Improved Order of Red Men.
In June, 1875, he married Miss
Regina Harpster. Seven children
were the result of this union, six sur-
viving as follows: Mrs. William
Beegle, of Philipsburg; Allen, of War-
riorsmark; Clyde, of Los Vegas, Nev.;
Mrs. Cal Moffat, of Tyrone; Mrs. Paul
Johnson, of Lewistown, and Mrs. Earl
Uble, of Bellwood. He also leaves
one brother, George Dubbs, of Flem-
Funeral services were held at two
o’clock on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. |
E. A. Sharp, after which the remains
were taken to Tyrone for burial in the
Eastlawn cemetery.
ll I
DAVIDSON.—Mrs. Jennie David-
son, widow of M. H. Davidson, of
Philipsburg, died in San Francisco on
Monday, where she had gone for the
benefit of her health. She was
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch
Hugg and was born near Unionville.
Most of her married life was spent in
Philipsburg where she was a member
of the Church of Christ for many
years. She is survived by the follow-
ing children: Alexander Davidson, of
New Liberty; Andrew and William, of
Great Lakes; Raymond, of San Fran-
cisco, Mrs. Clara Guier, of Cartago,
Costa Rica; Mrs. Dora Swafford, of
San Francisco, and Mrs. Frank Ekren-
feld at home. She also leaves two
brothers and two sisters, Toner A.
Hugg and Mrs. Walter Smith, of
Milesburg; Mrs. Annie Witherite, of
Tyrone, and Harris Hugg, of Union-
ville. The body will be brought east
for burial.
il |
MABEE.—Harold S. Mabee, who
for several years past had been a vesi-
dent of Bellefonte, died at the Geis-
inger hospital, Danville, last Friday
morning, following an operation about
ten days previous for stomach trouble.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. I. S.
Mabee, of Williamsport, a graduate
of the High school in that place and a
two year student at Lehigh Univer-
sity. He came to Bellefonte with the
Deitrick—Dunlap Cadillac company as
book-keeper but a year or so ago
resigned his position to go with the
American Lime and Stone company.
He is survived by his wife, his par-
ents and two brothers, both = of
Williamsport. The remains were taken
from Danville direct to Williamsport
where funeral services were held and
burial made on Sunday afternoon.
i i
BRUNGART.—Newton Brungart,
for many years a resident of Brush
valley, died on Monday evening at
the home of his niece, Mrs. Adam |
Auman, as the result of a complica- |
tion of diseases. :
He was a son of Jacob and Sallie
Corman Brungart and was born near
Rebersburg over eighty years ago.
He followed farming all his life un-
til his retirement ten years ago. His
wife died last October but surviving
him are five sons, Prof. E. M. Brun-
gart, of Selinsgrove; H. L., of Glen
Rock; H. R., of Pittsburgh, and J. V.,
of Rebersburg. He also leaves four
brothers and two sisters, ex-Sheriil
Cyrus Brungart, of Centre Hall; Mrs.
James Wert, of Aaronsburg; Clayton,
Jeremiah and Ira Brungart and Mrs.
Alice Sholl, of Rebersburg. Burial
will be made at Rebersburg this morn-
il I
DERR.—Mzus. Annie E. Derr, widow
of John H. Derr, died on February
27th, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Lewis Russ, in Harrisburg, fol-
lowing an illness of several weeks.
She was a daughter of Peter and Eliz-
abeth Hile Wian and was born in
Spring township, Centre county, about
fifty-four years ago. Her girlhood
was spent in Bellefonte but the great-
er part of her married life in Philips-
burg. She is survived by two daugh-
ters, Mrs, Russ, with whom she made
her home and Mrs. Howard Frank, of
Cleveland, Ohio. She also leaves one
brother and four sisters, Mrs. Wil-
liam Gehret and Mrs. McCulley, of
Bellefonte; Mrs. Roy Brunner, of
Johnstown, and Mrs. Cyrus Labe, of
Altoona. The remains were taken to
Philipsburg where burial was made
last Wednesday afternoon.
ll I
LINN.—Mrs. Sophia Linn, widow
of the late J. P. Linn, of Blanchard,
died last Thursday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Weber Thomas, at
Manheim, as the result of a stroke of
apoplexy, aged 73 years. In addi-
em ——— -
GARNER.—Jeremiah Garner, of
Fairbrook, died at the Centre county
hospital on Tuesday night, where he
was brought the latter part of the
week for treatment for heart trouble
and dropsy. He was severly years
old and is survived by one brother and
a sister, William Garner and Mrs.
David Werts, both of Gatesburg.
Burial will be made in Meek’s ceme-
tery today.
WAGNER Mss. Cora Wagner,
wife of Samuel Wagner, died at her
home at Boalsburg on Tuesday of last
week, aged fifty-nine years. She is
survived by her husband and two sons,
Cyrus Wagner, of Altoona, and
Harold, at home. Burial was made at
Boalsburg on Friday.
| !
BATHURST —Ira V. Bathurst died
on Tuesday at his home at Mt. Eagle
as the result of a stroke of paralysis.
He was forty years old and is surviv-
ed by his wife, three children, one
brother and two sisters. Burial will
——A dozen or more Bellefonte
Kiwanians motored to Lock Haven
yesterday where they were guests at
the weekly dinner of the Kiwanis
club of that place.
——The Krader Motor company of
Bellefonte, filed a petition in volun-
tary bankruptey last Saturday, de-
claring its assets as $18,000 and lia-
bilities of $60,000.
eee eff eee.
“The Wanderer” Feature at the Moose
Way back in the days when cara-
vans were popular instead of automo-
biles and caravansaries were the fore-
runners of road houses, the prodigal
son left home to become a self-made-
man—with the aid of his father’s
coffers and advice. The former he
clutched and the latter he cussed as
he mounted his mule and set out for
the city under the villainous guidance
of a wicked merchant. For then, even
as now, there were sirens and scoun-
drels, gamblers and pawn-brokers to
make the road to the city attractive
and easy going for the country boy.
With the siren’s help he saw the
town—so thoroughly that he was soon
hotfooting it for home, this time
cherishing his father’s advice and
cussing the coffers.
William Collier, Jr., plays the part
of Jether, the country boy, Ernest
Torrence is the professed protector
and Greta Nissen entices as the beck-
oning city girl.
Whether you are a willing or an un-
willing twentieth century wanderer,
or even no wanderer at all, you will
be sure to be fascinated by this Para- |
mount picture opening at the Moose
Theatre next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. You will be convinced,
‘more that “there’s no place like
home.” ey _
Wallace Beery, Tyrone Power and
Kathlyn Williams complete the fea-
tured cast of the production, which
was written for the screen by J. T.
0O’Donohoe from the stage spectacle of
the same name by Maurice Samuels.
Raoul Walsh directed. Admission, 15
and 25 cents. 11-1%
The Easter line of Dress
Goods, Laces,
Braids, Etc., in at,
be made at Curtin this Friday morn- |
—Read the “Watchman” and get
the cream of the news.
Bloomers....Night, Gowns
and Chemise (Ready Made)—Less than
the Cost of the material. GARMANS
Fire Insyrance
At a Reduced Rate
Easter Toys
(No extravagances) Tots’ Dresses and
Rompers from 29¢ up. Our Baby
Vests and Outfits Much less than regu-
Dairymen--- Notice
A special sale of Mayer's
Dairy Feed—a Ready-
Mixed Ration, 22% protein
$40.00 per Ton
Delivery Charge $2.00 per Load
Frank M. Mayer
Ruffled Curtains
(50¢ Pull Down Blinds) Rag Rugs as
low as 25c—Matting Rugs. Remember
our prices are lower—than others.
——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” |
Round Trip from
Proportionate Fares from Other Points
For details as to leaving time of
trains, fares in parlor or sleeping
cars, stop-over privileges, or other
information, consult Ticket Agents,
or David Todd, Division Passenger
Agent, Williamsport, Pa.
Similar Excursions June 25 and October 15
Pennsylvania Railroad
The Standard Railroad of the World
oy] =
(Good News ¢
Penn-Cress Ice Cream is Coming
to Town Saturday March 13
Penn Cress
Ice Cream
tion to her daughter she is survived
by two brothers, Orville J. Stover, of |
Blanchard, and John Stover, of Wil-
liamsport. The remains were taken
to Blanchard where burial was made
on Sunday afternoon in the Baptist |
il Il
DILLON.—Mrs. Margaret Dillon,
widow of John C. Dillon, died at her
home in Altoona on Sunday evening.
She was a native of Centre county
and was 95 years old. She was the
mother of ten children, six of whom
survive, all living in and near Altoona.
Burial was made in Altoona on Wed- |
nesday afternoon.
with this
Runkle’s Drug Store
Come in and Get. Acquainted
will be ready for you, and each customer will
be given an individual brick free at
Famous Ice Cream