Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 12, 1926, Image 7

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    Penaraic atc
Bellefonte, Pa., February 12, 1926.
American History Told By Stamps.
The development of America is re-
vealed in her postage stamps. Our
first stamps were put on sale in New
York on July 1, 1843. Since that time
many but gradual changes and im-
provements have been made in them.
It was during the 90’s that the prac-
tice of recording history on stamps
was begun. The post office depart-
ment dedicated in 1893 to Columbus
and his discovery of America the first
series of such stamps. Now 12 series
of commemorative stamps have been
issued. The Columbus stamps told
the story of the discovery of the coun-
try in a sort of piecemeal way. Each
denomination pictured a part of his
memorable voyage. ti
The second commemorative issue to
makes its appearance was in honor of
the Trans-Mississippi and Internation-
al exposition. It depicted various west-
ern scenes and events, such as Mar-
quette on the Mississippi, farming, In-
dians hunting buffalo, the covered
wagon migration, range cattle in a
storm and the Mississippi river bridge.
A few years after this issue came Lhe
Pan-American series signalizing the
exposition at Buffalo and our connec-
tion with Latin America. This series
all bore pictures of transportation
agencies. i
In 1904 came the Louisiana Pur-
chase exposition series which consjst-
ed chiefly of portraits of the persons
connected with the purchase of that
territory. The 1907 series was the
next in line. It showed scenes as far
back as the settlement of Virginia,
and told the story of John Smith and
Pocahontas and the founding of
Jamestown. :
Two series of commemorative
stamps appeared in 1909. One as a
two-cent stamp bearing the portrait
of William H. Stewart who conduct-
ed the negotiations for the purchase
of Alaska from Russia. The second
was a two-cent stamp also. It con-
tained a view of the Hudson palisades
in the back-ground and in the fore-
ground Henry Hudson’s Half Moon
was sailing up the river while the
Clermont was going down, with In-
dians in canoes bobbing between. This
series commemorated the discovery of
the Hudson river and the centennial of
its first navigation by steam.
The series for 1912-13 marked the
opening of the Panama canal and
celebrated the discovery of the Paci-
fic Ocean. The series containing a
figure of Liberty victorious against
a background of the flags of America,
France, England, Italy and Belgium
on the three-cent stamp commemorat-
ed the successful outcome of the
Worid War. The recent Pilgrim
Tercentenary issue of three different
stamps was illustrated by the May-
flower, the landing of the Pilgrims
and the signing of the compact.
The two latest issues are dated 1924
and 1925. The first recognizes the
Hugenot-Walloon Tercentenary. This
series consisted of one-cent stamps
with the “New Netherland,” the War-
loon ship, on it, and a two-cent stamp
depicting their landing at Albany, N.
Y., and a five-cent stamp containing
the Ribault Memorial monument at
Mayport, Fla. The 1925 series is the
Lexington-Concord issue. It depicts
Washington at Cambridge taking
command of the American army, the
Birth of Liberty, representing the
battle of Lexington and Concord, and
the Minute Men.—Exchange.
Lincoln Slighted in 1858 on Train of
M’Clellan Road.
Lincoln first came into touch with
George B. McClellan in 1858, says J.
H. Galbraith in “The Columbus Dis-
patch. The year before that, McClel-
lan had resigned from the army and
was made chief engineer of the II-
linois Central Railroad, with offices
in Cincinati.
That railroad was intensely favor-
able to the election of Douglas to the
Senate and in the debates of 1858,
furnished Douglas with special trains
and every service possible. Lincoln
could get no favors. On one occasion
the conductor of a crowded train on
which Lincoln was traveling refused
to permit the tired candidate to enter a
vacant parlor car attached to the
train, though he was personally
friendly to Mr. Lincoln. Evidently,
he had his orders.
Probably nothing was further from
the minds of Lincoln and McClellan
then than that six years later they
were to be rival candidates for the
Presidency. At the outbreak of the
war, McClellan was called to Harris-
burg, Pa., by Governor Curtin, who
wished to have him take command of
a Pennsylvania regiment, McClellan
being a native of Pennsylvania. En-
route to that conference, McClellan
happened to stop in Celumbus to con-
fer with Governor Dennison, and the
Governor tendered him the command
of an Ohio regiment, which he accept-
Colonel A. K. McClure, in his “Lin-
coln and Men of War times,” attri-
butes to this chance stop at Columbus
the cause of McClellan’s unfortunate
war career. He went into the West
Virginia campaign, the really insigni-
ficant engagements of which were
magnified into important ones, and so,
when it was found that a new head
of the army was needed, he seemed
to be the man of the hour, and he was
called to responsibilities for which he
was really not prepared.
Colonel McClure believed that if he
had gone into the war at the head of
a Pennsylvania regiment he would
have made of it a very efficient organ-
ization and with it won success and
honor which would have slowly pre-
pared him for higher commands to
come to him when he was really fitted
for them. It is evident that Lincoln
in his relations with McClellan, how-
ever, did not remember of the treat-
ment which he received from the Il-
linois Central under his management
in the campaign of the debates with
I always thought, before, a valentine
Was paper-lace, held with a gory
A rotund Cupid, with his gilded dart,
A sugared message: “Dear one, I am
I pictured some coguettish Columbine,
Who snared poor Punchinello, with
high art,
Till he—great clumsy lout—could not
And for his clowning, could but weep
and pine!
But now -—1 know, O little love of
Why men would hide them back of
And rosy garlands, where pale ribands
I, too, am dumb, when gazing on thy
And glad enough to say, “Dear, I am
thine" —
In any fashion, by the good Saint's
—THEDA KENYON in Everybody's
Valentines, 4926
St. Valentine has thrown away his
golden lyre. He has bought himself
a saxophone and shaved his long whis-
kers. He has the latest Valentino
haircut and it is whispered by the
chubby little cupids that ornament
his letters that he is learning the lat-
est jazz steps. None of his friends of
ten or twenty years ago would recog-
nize him now, for he has turned over
the traces and made himself anew
alnadog, rent
Even his little love missives have
changed. No more of the slushy,
mushy, long-drawn messages for St. |
Valentine. He says what he wishes
to say now in short, snappy sentences.
What used to be “Dearest love, I am
waiting and pining for thee beneath
the rose bush,” is now, “Lemme know
quick, kid, can I be your valentine?’
All the newest, jazziest phrases of
the age the old saint utilizes for his
messages this year and we'll say that
he is certainly up to the minute. The
stores are filled with all kinds of val-
entines, for, after all, what holiday
is there so fraught with kind feeling
as St. Valentine's day, February 14.
The same old-fashioned, straight-from-
the-heart sentiment that character-
ized the Valentine days of the past
still exist, but it is wrapped in new-
fangled packages.
All the love and friendship and ten-
derness is still there, but it is dressed
in modern ralment.
The 1925 youth is probably as strong
for his girl as was the Beau Brummell
of 1900, but he does not send her a
valentine saying: “I fain would have
thee, fair lady love, whose raven
tresses have captured my heart, say
thou wilt be my valentine and give me
joy divine.”
Instead he would send her one of
1926 valentines like the dice valentine
or another equally new variety
The dice valentine is a red card
bearing a verse and fashioned with
little pockets in which repose two
dice. The dice are printed on all sides
with little scripts such as “you’ve
knocked me cold,” “I love you,” “say
yes,” or “you've vamped me sure.”
The hordes of 1926 valentines abound
with modern jingles and snappy
verses. The cross-word puzzle valen-
tine is making quite a hit. It consists
of a huge cross-word puzzle of heart-
shaped blank spaces, which when
solved reads vertically or horizontally,
“I love you, kid,” or some message of
regard. :
Dripped Sentiment
What messages these valentines of
grandmother’s time used to tell! No
wooing was complete without them.
They fairly dripped sentiment! They
are valuable now, these tokens of a
bygone period. Collecting them is a
fad and they are eagerly sought.
Unique specimens command . fancy
prices and some sorts are in as keen
demand as Mauritius stamps are
among confirmed philatelists.
i swivel, was affixed thereto.
| was then fastened to the beam, and
Ridicule Once Held Effective
The ‘“‘drunkard’s cloak” as a punisgh-
ment was the system once adopted by
the magistrates of Newcastle-Upon-
Tyne in order to cure drunken persons,
and as the “cloak” consisted of a
barrel with holes for the head and
hands, the delinquent, who was forced
to parade the streets wearing it, would
attract considerable attention to his
Similarly the stocks, once used so
extensively for the punishment of
petty offenders, were so arranged that
the culprits generally received more
ridicule than sympathy, and probably
our forefathers considered that pub-
licity was likely to discourage wrong-
doing. In 1376 a petition was pre-
sented Edward III requesting that
stocks should be established in every
village, and, later on, each parish was
80 provided. These relics of a bygone
punishment are still seen by the wav-
The whipping post was sometimes
an accompaniment of the stocks; oc-
casionally the whipping was done “at
the cart’s tail” Titus Oates, for in-
stance, was ordered to be whipped
from Aldgate to Newgate, and, two
days later, from Tyburn.
Our ancestors were severe on the
woman scold, and the punishment
meted out to her was drastic. One
known as the brank was a sugar-loaf-
shaped fixture for the head, con-
structed of iron hooping, with a cross
at the top. A flat piece of iron pro-
Jected inwards, which was placed on
the woman’s tongue. She was then led
about the streets wearing this unique
head dress.
The duckling stool was built ang
ased in this wise. A post was erected
in a pond, and a beam, working on a
A chair
| the refractory woman was placed in
the chair. She was then swung over
the pond and immersed in the water,
the operation being repeated “as often
as the virulence of the distemper re-
quired.” This punishment is also said
to have been inflicted upon brewers
and bakers who violated the laws.
The pillory was another instrument
of punishment where the offender was
exposed to public view. It generally
consisted of 8 wooden frame or screen,
raised from the ground, and with holes
for the head and arms of the person
condemned to stand therein.
But of all these wayside spectacles
surely the gibbet would be the most
revolting. It might be regarded as a
“comforting sight to the relations and
friends of the deceased” to see that
Justice had: been done and the mur-
‘derer’s body ‘suspended by the road-
side, but it would be a ghastly sight
for other people.
France Preserves Relics
france has taken steps to protect the
prehistoric art of the caveman from
damage by vandals. Dr. C. E. Resser,
geologist of the United States Nation-
al museum, who has recently returned
from the Dordogne cave region of
southern France, reports that the gov-
ernment now requires that the caves
be locked to prevent unauthorized vis-
its of sightseers who have formerly
frequently written or carved their
names and Initials on the paintings
and drawings made prchably 20,000
years ago by primitive artists as part
of religious rites. In the principal
caveman shrine containing colored an-
imal pictures, the low, narrow galler-
ies in which the cave artist worked
by the dim light of his lamp, electric
lights have now been placed to avoid
the damage from the smoking can-
few Women in Poorhouses
There are more men in poorhouses
chan women, about two to one, but
the women are harder to handle than
the men, says the superintendent of
one. “Give a man a stick to whittle
and a seat in the sun and he'll be sat-
isfied, but a woman never gets fully
reconciled to charity. Our most trou-
blesome inmates are the old bachelors
and the most difficuit to manage,
They mean well, some of them are
fine old fellows, but they have a differ-
ent view of life than a man who has
had a wife and children. They just
simply haven't got the idea of team-
work.” Correct. It takes teamwork
to make a home.—Capper’s Weekly.
Air Transport
More than 28,000,000 miles have been
down in Europe and the United States
to January 1, 1925, in regular sched-
uled air service, and in six years more
than 51,000,000 pounds have been car-
riled by aircraft over established
routes, writes J. Parker Van Zandt of
the Department of Commerce in the
Journal of the Society of Automotive
Engineers. A careful analysis of this
experience will give us the facts that
we so much need regarding the air
traffic program, continues Mr, Van
Zandt, who made a special trip to
Burope during the summer of 1824 to
investigate the commercial air sery-
ices there.
Aristocratic Ranchers
The life of a Canadian farmer makes
appeal to Lord Edward Montague,
nineteen-year-old son of the duke of
Manchester, and he has gone to Lord
Rodney’s ranch in Saskatchewan. He
found there the Duc de Nameours,
nephew of the king of the Belgians,
who went out some time ago as a pu-
pil, accompanied by au nephew of the
earl of Derby.
Dean of Men, University of Illinois.
The envelope, all beautifully em-
bossed in flowers and butterflies and
chubby round cupids, was lying on
my desk when, at the ringing of the
last bell, I slipped into my seat in the
fourth-grade room. She had already
come in, and her little curly brown
head was just showing above the top
of her geography, but In spite of the
fact that she seemed so interested in
study I felt that she was watching me.
The package was not sealed, 50 un-
der cover of the desk I drew out the
valentine. It was crinkly and lacy
and very beautiful In my eyes, and 1
felt a thrill of happiness as I held
it in my hand. Within there were
verses, and they breathed of tender-
ness and love. On one corner, lest I
should be in doubt as to the identity
of the sender, were printed the Ini-
tials “M. B.”
All’ morning I was happy as-I stole
shy glances'into the'envelope and read
the printed words; in the evening I
was happier still as I walked home
with her; and I am happy today at
the memory of it all.
We are strangely restrained and un-
appreciative and unsentimental, most
of us. If we love anyone it takes a
tragedy or a cataclysm to get a state-
ment out of us. We expect our friends
or the members of our family to guess
how we feel without our saying so.
“Don’t you like my dinner?” a house-
wife asked her husband. “Well, did
I kick?” was his tender, appreciative
response. One learns to know that
things are satisfactory if no one
makes objection. I saw a man, mar-
ried for ten years, taking a bunch of
violets home to his wife on Valentine
day, and it gave me a sensation, it
was 80 unusual.
Does anyone ever tell the minister
when he preaches a good sermon?
When someone helps you, or gives you
courage, or stimulates you to effort,
do you let him know, or do you take
for granted that he will understand?
Have you ever told mother what a
void there would be in the world if
she were gone? If anyone these days
loves his teacher, as we were in-
structed to do, does he ever say so?
I imagine not; all of these things
would seem too sentimental.
It is so much easier to send flowers
to the funeral, or to subscribe to the
niemorial fund than to write the note
of*@ppreciation, or to utter the word
of love, or to give expression to thanks
when those who have served us and
sacrificed for us and made our lives
Joyful are themselves still alive. We
don’t often send the valentine.
I found the little paper lace affair
with its verses in my desk the other
day, treasured through all the vicissi-
tudes that have come to me since I
was ten:
“If you love me
As I love you
No knife can cut
Our love in two.”
It gave me pleasure all day to think
of it.
(®, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
Old and New Customs
One of the characteristics of the old-
fashioned valentine was the secrecy
with which it was invested. The
sender was most unwilling to hang his
heart upon his sleeve, for there were
jaltogether too many daws waiting for
a chance to pick at it. The valentine
[was carefully wrapped and was intend-
ed for the eyes of the recipient, and
nobody else.
But investors today who spend a
dime or a quarter on a valentine don’t
care a tinker’'s commission whether
anyone sees them or not. Their mis-
ives go openly through the mails and
Dan Cupid may yell his message all
along the route.
Of course, there is much less reason
for keeping the messages under cover
than there used to be. Not only are
the vulgar “comics” a thing forgotten,
put the “coo-coo,” “lovey-dovey,” “dew-
ou,” “heart-part” sentimental effusion
as also disappeared.
John Archie Jones, a dandy youth
Of twenty-one or there,
Bpent dollars for a valentine
To send his lady fair;
But whan he saw the maiden next
She gave no hint or sign
Of all the dear and loving words
That filled that valentine.
Now Jimmie Hicks, a little boy
Just turned five, they say,
Bpent one lone nickel on a card
To send to Dolly Gray;
And that same eve, so neighbors tell,
This four-year-old young miss
Right out where all could see and hear
Gave Jimmie Hicks a kiss,
(@, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
Ex-Service Men
hy NOt let us keep your Dis-
charge Papers for you without
cost ?
Why subject any valuable docu.
ment to the risk of fire or theft ?
If you do not need a safe deposit
box, there will be no charge made.
The First National Bank
A Word of Lincoln
he way for a young man to rise
is to improve himself every way
he can.” By associating your ©
business activity with this Bank you will
be improving your methods and preparing
yourself to rise, as the great President said.
Open an account with us today.
Lyon & Company
' Advance Sale
ihew Spring Silks
Georgettes and Crepe de Chines
in all the new floral and novelty
designs and stripes, in all colors
and combinations—including
Rosewood Crystal Gray
Jade Pencil Blue
Honeydew Cuckoo
Phantom Red Bokhara
Beautiful Lustrous Rayons
All the Lovely Spring Shades are com-
bined in these silky Rayons. Beautiful
Blues and Gray with contrasting bor-
ders in this material. Also nile, laven-
der stripe effects. Figured Crepes and
Soiesettes in all the new colorings.
All Winter Goods Must, Go
i=" See the bargains we offer in Ladies
Coats and Dresses—Also in Childrens Coats.
has a lot of Wonderful Bargains in Odd
Lengths. Come in and see for yourself.
Liyon& Company