CO — Bema itd, Bellefonte, Pa., February 12, 1926. IT IS NOTHING. “It is nothing to me,” the beauty said, With a careless toss of her pretty head; “The man is weak, if he can’t refrain, From the cup you say is fraught with pain.” It was something to her in after years, When her eyes were drenched with burn- ing tears, As she watched in lonely grief and dread, And startled to hear a staggering tread. “It is nothing to me,” the mother said, “I have no fear that my boy will tread The downward road of sin and shame, And crush my heart and darken his name.” 3 It was something to her when her only son, From the path of right was early won, And madly cast in the flaming bowl A ruined body and ship-wrecked soul. “It is nothing to me,” the merchant said, As over the ledger he bent his head; “I'm busy to-day with the tare and tret, And have no time to fume and fret.” It was something to him when over the wire. A message came from the funeral pyre— A drunken conductor had wrecked the train And his wife and child were among the slain. “It is nothing to me,” the young man cried, In his eye was a flash of scorn and pride; “I heed not the dreadful things ye tell I can rule myself I know full well!” "Twas something to him when in prison he lay, The victim of drink, life ebbing away; As he thought of his wrecked .child and wife, And the mournful wreck of his wasted life. “It is nothing to me,” the voter said; “The party’s loss is my greatest dread—'' Gave his vote to the liquor trade, Though hearts were crushed and drunk- ards made. It was something to him in after life, When his daughter became a drunkard’s wife, And her hungry children cried for bread, And trembled to hear their father's tread. Is it nothing for us to idly sleep, While the cohorts of death their vigils keep, Alluring the young and thoughtless in— And grind in our midst a grist of sin? It is something—yes all for us to stand, And clasp by faith our Savior’s hand— To learn to labor live and fight, On the side of God and changeless right. —Francis E. W. Harper. SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTORISTS. The driver who persists in operat- ing his motor car at high speed may elude constables and police, says a writer in the Farm and Fireside, but he cannot escape from the penalties which natural mechanical laws levy upon his car. Here are ten reasons why it is expensive, dangerous and inconsiderate of others to speed. Tires last about twice as long on a car that is driven at 15 miles an hour as upon cars driven at 30 miles an hour. Speeding generates heat, which is an enemy to rubber. Driving a car around a sharp corner at 25 miles an hour does more dam- age to the tires than 200 miles of straight road work. Excessive side pressure on the tires may pinch the tubes, and it always strains the side walls of the casings. High speeds are likely to cause skid- ing and breakage of springs and steering gear, any of which are dan- gerous when speeding. In proportion to the mileage ob- tained, high speeds require more gas- oline and oil than a moderate rate of traveling. Driving a car at excessive speed, especially over rough roads, subjects the bearings to enormous strains. High speed may cause crystalliza- tion of rapidly moving metal parts that are subject to strain, and these may break at any time without warn- ing. High speeds interfere with the ac- curacy of steering, as is shown by the number of reckless drivers who have gone over banks and into ditches, es- pecially on curves. It is a strain on the eyes and on the nerves of the driver and also of the other passengers in the car. Finally, it is a menace to the pleas- ure and safety of others who use the road. The majority of modern motor cars develop their maximum efficiency with lowest expense at speeds ranging from 15 to 25 miles an hour, depending on Bie make of car and conditions of the road. HOW TO WARM UP A MOTOR DURING WINTER SEASON. “Serious damage is done to many automobiles during the winter season by drivers who do not know how to warm up the motor,” says a bulletin issued by the mechanical first aid department of the Chicago Motor club. When the thermometer starts to drop the oil congeals, and cannot circulate properly. If the driver at- tempts to warm his engine by rac- ing the motor, the thin film of oil is likely to be burned off, and burned out bearings may be the result of this common practice. “When the engine is being raced, the fan is being driven at a high rate of speed which tends to cool the en- gine, rather than to heat it. The en- gine should be run slowly with the spark retarded. A retarded spark tends to heat the engine quickly. Use the choke or the primer to keep the engine from stalling.” SHUTTERS ON RADIATORS CLOSED TO00 LONG. The most important precaution to take in operating a motor car during the winter is to avoid loss of fuel and injury to the engine through the im- proper co-ordination between the ra- diator shutter and the radiator heat indicator. Many drivers keep their shutters closed too long in winter driving be- KEPT cause they neglect to observe the radiator cap. This lack of co-ordina- tion causes overheating of the eagine, as easily possible in the winter as in the summer months, with its conse- quent wastage of fuel and loss of fuel and loss of power. : On the other hand, if too little of the radiator is covered, the engine will | be too cool and there will be resultant poor carburization, gasoline waste, crankcase dilution and motor carbon- izing. Steaming, which often indicates trouble in summer, cannot be detected easily in winter, as the steam con- denses as soon as it comes in contact with the cold air and therefore the readings of the heat indicator must be . relied upon. USE OF DIMMER IS NOT FAVORED. Amendments to motor-vehicle laws, in States which have not already re- vised their codes, to regulate night driving headlights so that at all times the motorist is able to see clearly 200 feet ahead instead of forcing the use of dimmers, characterized as danger- ous, is urged by the federal bureau of standards of the Department of Commerce. Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan fall into the group of States ! that compel dimmed lights by passing motorists on highways, a practice | which the bureau scientists condemn : as dangerous, not alone to the drivers | but to pedestrians as well. i SPOTLIGHT IS FAVORED. The spotlight, excoriated in and around Chicago, is recommended, with | proper study of its use. Most of the eastern States, as well as States west | of Illinois, including Wisconsin, have ; adopted this apparently revolutionary | headlight recommendation. In the! District of Columbia where it has been ! in effect since May 3, night motor ac- | cidents have been materially reduced. Prior to May 8, 57 per cent. of the to- | tal accidents occurred between dusk ! and dawn. Since adoption of the “am- | ple driving light” standard with di- | rected beams instead of dimmed | lamps, the number has been reduced | to 23 per cent. . OPPOSES DIMMING IN COUNTRY. The whole story, according to E. C. Crittenden, chief of the electrical di- | vision of the big government experi- . ment station, lies in intelligent use of | modern devices. He makes no choice between various makes of motor head- | lights now on the market, one type ! of which uses a plane reflector with | redirecting lenses, the other eniploy. | ing a special reflector with lenses that spread or bend the light rays down- ward. ” “For country driving,” says a part of the bureau’s publication on head- | lights, “dimming the headlights when ' meeting another car should be dis- ! couraged because of the element of danger involved. Under normal driv- | ing conditions the driver's eyes are ad- | justed for good road illumination. When the lights are dimmed, suddenly reducing the road light, a few seconds must elapse before the eyes can read- just themselves to the new conditions. | During these few seconds the driver | is unable to see clearly and may col- ' lide with the oncoming car, run into pedestrains walking along the road- side or get off the road into the ditch. In addition, the lights on the ap- | proaching car seem unduly bright be- ! cause no road illumination beyond | them is available to reduce the con- i trast with the background.” Only One Friday The 13th in 1926. | The 1926 calendar was apparently made for the benefit of the super- : stitious—there is only one Friday the thirteenth in it. As the Black F'ri- | day does not come until August, everyone will have plenty of time to call into play the protecting qual- ities of rabbit feet and other charms. A rather mean trick has been played by the 1926 calendar on those who look forward to the Fourth of July as a day away from the office during the sweltering season. Of course practically everyone will have an Independence day free from toil but—the day comes on Sunday. Since everyone will have stayed away from the office or factory on Sunday anyway, it means that the public gets cheated out of a holiday. Of course, employers may declare a holiday Sat- urday or Monday for the celebration of the glorious Fourth. Christmas in 1926, therefore New Year's day, too—comes on Saturday. This will be good news for most people who find the annual visit of Santa so strenuous that a whole day in which to rest up is most welcomed. Of course, the Christmas holiday provision in this calendar is not as good as the last one, when Christmas fell on Friday and most people were given Saturday and Sunday to re- cuperate. But there is some compensation in the fact that the next New Year's eve falls on Friday. In view of the fact that Saturday is half a holiday for most of the factory people the year around, those who imbibe too freely of ginger ale or inadvertently guzzle some bad seltzer water the night be- fore will only have to suffer until noon. Washington’s birthday comes on Monday this year which will extend the week-end for many who are giv- en a holiday. : Good Friday comes on April 2 and Easter Sunday on April 4. Memorial day comes on Sunday, May 30, which will no doubt be observed on Monday following. Labor day is set for Mon- day, Sept. 6 and Columbus day falls on Tuesday, Oct. 12. Headlight Glasses Must Be Kept in Right Place. Some of the light diffusers or de- vices designed to redirect the rays of light, are designed to be effective only when in a certain fixed position. Vi- bration may so loosen the glass in the rim that the glass will be permited to creep around, in which case the whole scheme fails. Not all headlights have means for anchoring the glass perma- nently, so it is a matter for the own- er’s attention to see ‘that the glasses are properly fastened in place. If screws are used it might do to insert a lock washer under each one. eAbraham Lincoln This man whose homely face you look upon, Was one of Nature’s masterful, great men; Born with strong arms, that unfought battles won, Direct of speech, and cunning with the pen. Chosen for large designs, he had the art Of winning with his humor, and he went Straight to his mark, which was the hu. man heart; : Wise, toe, for what he could not break e bent. Upon his back a more than Atlas-load, The fuiden of the Commonwealth, was aia; He stooped, and rose up to it, though the roa Shot suddenly downward, not a whit dismayed. Hold, warriors, councillors, kings! All now give place To this dead Benefactor of the race! —Richard Henry Stoddard: a Lincoln’s Faith in American Principles Never Lost Sight of Truth in Declaration of Independence. Lincoln invoked the Declaration of Independence in his efforts to check the spread of slavery, but just as those who framed it uttered a maxim intended for all time, when merely seeking separation from Britain, so Lincoln reiterated an eternal and universal trmth, and believed in it as such, Judge Charles C. Simons writes, in the Detroit News. “I had thought the Declaration con- templated the progressive improve- ment in the condition of all men everywhere,” he said. And he knew that it would outlive the death of slavery, just as the framers intend- ed it should outlive their successful separation from Britain. He closed his Springfield speech with this stirring appeal, after read- ing the Declaration with the Doug- las interpolation: “Are you willing that the Declaration should thus be frittered away?—thus left no more, at most, than an interesting memento of the dead past?—thus shorn of its vitality and practical value, and left without the germ or even the sug- gestion of the individual rights of man in it?” Three years later, on Washington's birthday, Lincoln, President-elect, stood in Independence hall, Philadel- phia, on his way to the Inauguration at Washington. Doesn't it, somehow, stir the blood and fire the imagination to think of Lincoln on the spot where the immortal Declaration was given to the world? “I have often inquired of myself,” he sald there, “what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy so long together, It was not the mere matter of separa- tion of the colonies from the mother- land, but that sentiment in the Dec- laration of Independence which gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time.” Falth Again Voiced. Speaking to the soldiers of an Ohio regiment toward the close of the war, Lincoln again volced his faith in the American principle. “It is in order that each of you may have, through | this free government which we have enjoyed, an open field and a fair chance for your industry, enterprise and intelligence, that you may all have egusal privileges in the race of life, with all its desirable human as- pirations. It Is for this the struggle should be maintained, that we may pot lose our birthright.” The -world “is full of strange con- trasts and anomalies. It was a cu- Gettysburg - yf our secre » rr ago our an 3 conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. i; testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. 3 We are met on a great battlefield of that ¥ war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. lt 1s altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we can not dedicate—we can not conse. : crate—we can not hallow —this ground. The brave men living and dead who strug- gled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here but nt can never forget what they did here. It 1s for us, the living, rather to be dedi cated here to the unfinished work which : they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced Its rather for us to be here dedi- cated 10 the great task remaining before us— that from these honored dead we take in- creased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion— that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation under God shall have a new birth of free- dom—and that.government of the people, i by the people, for the people shall not perish i : from the earth. Now we are engaged in a great civil war : rious thing that the gentle, kinary, humane Lincoin should be called on to lead the nation in the greatest fratricidal war of history. It is a curious thing that today when pas- sion, and prejudice and hate seem to But there is hope In it. It may yet be that human nature will vi- brate to the music of that passage which closes the first inaugural, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not he enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land. will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” . oi : Difficult to Recognize. It is only when we understand the true character of our government, and why it was so organized and so established that we are able to rec- ognize those projects which, in them- selves seemingly wise, may when fairly considered be seen to destroy the harmony and threaten the in- tegrity of the whole fabric. We some- times fail to recognize in those things which seem to promise enlargement of liberty, things which in reality must result in curtailment of liberty. I have myself on occasion failed to recognize them, and so perhaps you may. Not wholly has the original scheme of limitations. checks and balances been preserved. The electoral college in its original form was early swept aside. Perhaps wisely so. The differ- i | rule humanity, there should be | a world-wide revival of interest | in Lincoln. ! A FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. TOLD IN RHYME. Here before the fire's glow I would pen a line, In the nicest way I know, to my Valen- tine. I would see her matchless eyes, sparkling now with glee, Shadowed now like April skies clouded suddenly. And her dainty little mouth, with its kiss as light As a zephyr from the south on a sum- mer’s night. Ah, her greeting when we meet! her con- fiding hand Placed in mine with trust so sweet says, “We understand.” Now a secret she must share and a golden tress, O'er my cheek as air, leaves a soft caress. Then she whispers in my ear words I love full well. Words all lovers yearn to hear—but I mustn't tell. Playmate, comrade, sweetheart true little Pal o'Mine, Let me, if you think I'll do, be your Valentine. ilere I pen this closing line and the secret’s told; for, you see, my Valentine is but four years old! FTP CT —Ryley Ryck. St. Valentine’s Day without a party is like soup without salt, and especial- ily as this gay feast is such an easy day for entertaining. Hearts and ; cupids, valentines and fortunes all of- i fer entertainment ready made, but nevertheless the true hostess tries to make her party different. She will start with the invitation, cutting it like a little heart with a barred door, » which is easily opened to show the in- ‘ vitation written inside. Cut it from stiff red paper, folding the paper over so the edges meet in , the center and the folded piece meas- ures about three inches across. Draw ‘over this folded paper a heart, letting the edges which meet run down the center of the heart. Don’t cut the folded edges entirely away, because you want the two little doors to swing open on them for hinges. Make dou- ble slits at each side of the doors at the center and through them slip a little arrow cut from gold paper. Inside write the following verse: Here’s an invitation hearty To a fun-loving friend, For a Valentine party, And I hope that you'll attend. (Name) (Address) The house can be made attractive with strings of red hearts cut from red cardboard and of all sizes. Tie them on red string and hang them from chandeliers and like portieres in doorways. When the guests arrive start the fun by telling a story of a broken heart, which someone left lying in the rooms in which the crowd is being en- tertained. This will be a huge red heart which has been cut into many pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle and ‘the pieces hidden about the fooms. Make a_duplicate ' of the cut-up heart on white muslin, but instead of cutting the muslin to pieces, draw out the Jigsaw puzzle upon it with pencil or ink. Tie this muslin tight over a cara table, and the game will be for the guests to not only hunt the pieces of the broken heart, but to “mend it” by fitting each piece as it is found into the market-out muslin heart on the table. This complicates the search and makes lots of fun. There should be a referee at the table to give a point to each guest as he fits his piece into the puzzle, and to see that he does it correctly, too. The guest who has the most pieces by the time the game is completed gets a prize, a heart- shaped box of candy. The booby prize could be a tube of glue. A good stunt that will put every- one in a good humor and break the ice, if the mended heart has not al- ready done so, is to clear a long space , down the rooms or hall, and lay out jon the floor at equal distances from each other, say about a foot apart, a {row of red hearts. Now, each guest ‘may take a turn at the “Heart Hop.” | He must hold his right foot with his t left hand and hop down the row, pick- ing up each heart from the floor. entiation between the two houses of congress by which they were to act as checks, one upon the other, has been partially obliterated by the popular election of senators. The representative organization of po- litical parties, which while not cre- ated by the Constitution, owes its development to the representative system of the Constitution, has been | almost wholly destroyed. I am not suggesting that any one of these basic changes is In itself vital, and be- sides they involve political con- troversies into which I do not care to enter—but I am indicating a tend- | ency in respect to the checks and imitations of the Constitution which it is well for us to consider, especial- ly when self interest and patriotism so happily combine to urge on us the perpetuation of the Constitution in the spirit of its founders. LINCOLN’S TOMB od [TTT Burial place of the great President, : Lover’s lane. ‘an Oak Ridge cemetery, Springfield, 111. Every time he tumbles over, losing his balance, he is penalized by being put back one heart, and after five penalties he is out of the game. The first prize for this might be a book of love poems and the booby a tiny vial of smelling salts. On the same order is the stroll down For this the ankles of a man and a girl are tied together with a handkerchief as for a three- legged race, and they are allowed to go arm in arm down the lane marked out by red paper tapes. There are ob- stacles in the path, such as going over a stile (two chairs overturned with the backs uppermost and just touching), crossing a brook (marked out by red paper tapes with several hearts num- bered 1, 2, 3, 4, for stepping stones to be stepped on in succession)’ and re- ceiving father’s blessing, which is kneeling together on a cushion, from which they must rise gracefully. The pair who reach the end without any mishaps or with the least receives as prizes a pair of Wallace Nutting prints of a country lane. So much for the entertainment, and now for the table decorations and eats. Even if you serve your supper in buffet style you will want a pretty table. Cover the table with a white cloth and drape festoons of hearts around the sides. Drape more hearts from the chandelier to the corners of the table. For the center piece make an old-fashioned valentine by laying out a square or oblong piece of pink tissue paper and bordering it with paper lace cut from shelf paper. Now on each side paste or pin large color- ed bunches of flowers. cut from mag- azines of flower catalogues and at one end put a huge bow of blue crepe pa- per ribbon. In the center place a bust of Cupid or Kewpie dressed up with a gold quiver and arrows, or a low bowl of pink roses would be pretty with a Cupid peeping out of it. In your supper menu follow the reg- ulation Valentine scheme, with pink salad, ices and punch, heart-shaped cakes and sandwiches. FARM NOTES. —Keep calves and young stock growing and in a thrifty condition. Their future usefulness depends. large- ly upon present care. —Palms, ferns, ete., should be re- potted now. Other potted vlants should be top-dressed. These plants start into very active growth at this season. —A large number of Pennsylvania farmers picked their best litters for the 1925 Keystone Ton Litter Club. One hundred and twenty-one were successful. Will your name be among the 1926 members ? —While trees and shrubs are dor- mant caterpillar nests and eggs mas- ses of various insects may be &een readily. Burn the nests with a torch of kerosene soaked rags, and paint the egg masses with a solution of creosote. _—Order early the trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials that you desire to plant next spring. Give the nurseryman a definite date to make umment so that the plants will ar- rive a e exact time when g best care for them. You an —If you have a single purebred breed which has been aed Da out the year so that the best egg-pro- ducing birds are left for breeders, it is advisable to hatch your own chicks. If these conditions do not exist, buy- ing chicks from a reliable breeder or hatchery is better. ~ —Have you: tested for germination the seed that you are planting in the hotbed? This is a safe and wise Practice advised by Pennsylvania State College Specialists, and will avoid the waste of space and the dis- appointments that come from thinly planting seed of low vitality. 7 —Don’t let the milk and cream freeze. The creaming ability of milk 1s Injured by freezing and it is qif- ficult to get a good test with frozen milk. It is also difficult to accurate- ly test cream which has been frozen. It makes poorer butter because of the partial _ destruction of fat globules. There is also considerable loss in weight when milk freezes due to not being able to get all of it out of the can. WOOL MARKETING SHOWS INCREASE, Wool has been sold co-operative- ly by farmers and ranchers in the United States for a century or more. The oldest co-operative wool market- Ing organization in existence is believ. ed to be the Putnam County Wool Growers’ association of Greencastle, Ind. Farmers in that locality have been selling wool co-operatively since 1885. There is little doubt, according to the Department of Agriculture, that the beginning of co-operative wool marketing in this country dates back considerably farther than the available records go. Nevertheless the largest growth in the wool, co-operative movement has taken place in the last six years. There (was but little increasé. in the number- of wool co-operative associa tions in the ten years prior to 1919, Since that year, however, the number has more than doubled. Moreover, about 75 per cent. of the wool handled co-operatively in 1924 was handled by regional or state-wide organizations. Twenty-two associations of this type. operating in 22 States, handled nearly 12,500,000 pounds of wool in 1924. Their total membership was in the neighborhood of 30,000. HANDLING FACILITIES. Co-operative handling of wool is fa- cilitated by the fact that the commod- ity is practically nonperishable. An- other advantage is that wool selling is not a complicated business. Some- times a single sale will dispose of a year’s output for a large number of wool growers. These features of the crop have often enabled wool growers to co-operate in marketing without any formal organization, and without any large amount of capital. Local wool co-operatives have frequently followed this method. In recent years, however, the rise of state and region- al associations has called for a great- er measure of formal organization, says the Department of Agriculture. Fairly comprehensive data have just been compiled by the department regarding active wool marketing asso- ciations in all parts of the United States. It has detailed reports from 68 organizations located in 32 States. Twenty-seven of these associations are independent locals. Twenty-two are regional or state-wide pools, one is a sales agency doing a national business, eleven are associations that handle wool only incidentally, and seven are educational or service or- ganizations. While this list may not include all the active wool co-opera- tives in the country, it is believed to represent considerably more than 80 per cent. of all the co-operative busi- ness done in wool. WOOL HANDLED. Eighteen of the twenty-seven inde- pendent local co-operative associations have been organized since 1916. Near- ly 4,000,000 pounds of wool were han- dled in 1924 by the twenty-seven inde- pendent associations. Ohio has more wool producers in co-operative asso- ciations than any other State. Oregon holds the second place in this respect, and Indiana, South Dakota, New York, Tennessee and West Virginia follow in the order given. Five regional as- sociations in 1924 each had a mem- bership exceeding 1,500. The other associations of this type had member- ships of less than 1,500. Wool co- operative associations in 29 States handled 16,323,594 pounds of wool in 1924, compared with 19,647,861 pounds in 1923 and 10,922,700 pounds in 1922. Evidence of the extent to which wool co-operation has been consoli- dated in recent years is given by the fact that 68 per cent. of the total quantity of wool handled co-operative- ly in 1924 was handled by seven asso- ciations. On the other hand, twenty- two small associations handled only 4 per cent. of the total. The seven asso- ciations whose operations accounted for 68 per cent. of the total wool sold co-operatively each handled more than 500,000 pounds. Thirty-eight other associatioins handled less than 500,000 pounds each.