Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 05, 1926, Image 6

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_ Bellefonte, Pa., February 5, 1926.
Revived Memories of Other
Days in Sailors.
Two Gays from the Azores we were
chugging through a sea which scarce-
ly rippled, a sea bereft of any vestige
of shipping beyond ourselves. For
‘days in fact, we had seen no other
vessel, for although we were on one
of the regular shipping lanes it is a
significant fact that the highways of
‘the ocean are much less frequented
than they were in pre-war days, J. D.
Gill, writes in the Boston Transcript.
Now that we have returned to the
piping times of peace, if not of plenty,
we are apt to forget the war and all
its ugly phases, which is perhaps all
for the best.
But on this particular day we had
a little reminder of the past.
Early in the forenoon word trav-
Ox J s High Place
in American History
Thoughtless people from cities and
factory towns laugh at out-of-date ox
teams occasionally seen in fields or on
the road, but how few know that in
other times, ox teams on every farm
did valuable work while they grew to
large size and then furnished food for
the people who now depend on the
West and South America for thelr
beef and even Australia for their mut-
ton! The little fellow has been
laughed at out of his legitimate job,
eled around the ship that a sail was
sighted. A sail,
days is a very rare sight, for there
are few indeed of the type of craft
which brought England her glory, her
‘wealth, her supremacy of sea power,
and above all her heritage of love for
the ocean.
So it was with eager eyes we sought
for the name of the lofty-masted,
graceful vessel and fain would we
have read something which indicated
her nationality to be British. But our
worst fears were realized as we read
the name “Parma” on her bow, and
simultaneously with the two ships
drawing abreast, her flag was hoisted
over the taff rail, to be dipped in the
age-old custom of the sea.
The red, white and black of Ger
Across the water, as we answered,
came at first the faint notes of a cor-
net, and soon we caught the straine
of “Tipperary.”
To the men who lined the ralls,
there was little occasion to give fur-
ther reminder of the war, for the ma-
jority of us had seen service of some
sort, though mostly at sea. And to
those who spent weary hours watch-
ing for only the sight of a Teuton and
many others who had the experience
of having had their vessel sink under
them without even that satisfaction,
it brought back a flood of memories.
So passed the Parma of Hamburg,
a gallant four-masted, square-rigged
vessel, her colors flying proudly at her
Two months later, almost to the
day, we were lurching along in the
wake of a heavy southwest gale, off
the banks of Newfoundland. Before
breakfast a sail was sighted, though a
vastly different type of vessel to the
Parma of Hamburg. A small three-
masted schoéner she was, laboring
heavily in the high Atlantic swell
which was the result of the gale that
had just passed. ,
A rather forlorn little vessel she
seemed, struggling valiantly with the
huge seas that appeared to engulf her
as she was lost to sight in the trough
of the swell. But she seemed to rise
each time with a courage that was al-
most personal in its triumph over the
elements, truly, we thought, a brave
little vessel to pit itself against such
overwhelming odds. A striking con-
trast from the splendor, the grandeur
almost amounting to arrogance, of the
Parma of Hamburg.
Across her stern we read the legend:
“Edith ‘M. Cavell, St. John's, New-
Poetical Stock-Taking
with the Old Year going out, the
prose poet of the Tifton Gazette found
himself in the stock-taking business, as
“Look again, I would implore you,
in the mirror before you; note the
changes of the past year. Do you
differ much, from last year?
“Are you thirty-five or forty? Are
you sprightly and cavorty? Are you
forty-five or fifty? Are you feeling
gay and nifty?
“Oh, it's often true, I take it, that
our age is what we make it; yet we
may need stronger glasses, with each
year-mark, as it passes.
“Yes, we're very apt to find us, as -
the time slips on behind us, with some
evidences showing that the days of
youth are going.
“And if any (let’s be truthful), can
succeed in keeping youthful, and can
prove, as well as show it, he's an
artist and you know it!”—Atlanta
Practical Teaching
“A French, German or Spanish lunch-
“eon is served each week in the model
apartment of the domestic science
building of the Pasadena (Cal.) Junior
college, under the leadership of the
teachers, for pupils studying those
languages. The idea is carried out in
the menu and table decorations, and
as far as possible the language of the
country is spoken,
ttn es ee
Students to Pay More
Students of Antioch college, Yellow
Springs, Ohio, in a recent financial
crisis of the college, voluntarily de-
cided to Increase their own tuition
$50 a year. The vote was by secret
ballot, and passed by & nine-tenths
majority. Antioch students in gen-
eral earn about two-thirds of their col-
lege expenses.
~—Subseribe for the “Watchman.”
mark you, in these !
or considered not in keeping with the
modern speed, so he must be hustled
off to the shambles_to furnish a few
mouthfuls of food, bringing a little
money to the farmer's purse. If al-
lowed to live and earn his keep, that
sturdy little bull calf would in time
feed a multitude right at home and
save the cost and car fare and refrig-
eration from the butcher's shop ~
thousand miles away.
Here is another important “but”
that time has hit us over the head
with. There is no Yankee boy, born
on the farm to fall in love with Buck
and Bright, to train them in the way
they should go and he assured of a re-
ciprocation of affection by the patient
kine; and the hired man of today, ir-
ritable and irritating, would make a
sorry companion for a pair of animals
whose virtues of patience and faith-
; fulness are the admiration of every
| man with a worth while soul all the
world around.
All who can say whether the ox
team of a past generation was not
New England's greatest schoolmaster,
teaching the youth by their example
docllity, domesticity, falthfulness, pa-
tience and endurance, willing to exert
thelr marvelous strength when needed,
lessons that sent young men to the
four corners of the earth to surmount
every obstacle and become leaders of
men as they were as boys well-loved
leaders of noble animals.——Turner
Falls Reporter.
Sun Is Slow
One of the most important of the
fssues discussed by the fifth interna-
tional congress of industrial chemistry
in Paris concerned the ultra-violet ray
and its practical potentialities. It hay
been established in the course of ex-
periments that vanilla beans picked
before ripening will develop normal-
ly and acquire all their character-
istics of flavor and of smell when sub-
mitted to the action of ultra-violet
rays; and that sugar cane, pineapple
and bananas will attain perfect growth
in much less than the normal time
when treated in this artificial fashion.
It has also been discovered that the
ultra-violet ray provides a test where-
by the purity of flour may be deter-
mined. This ray, brought to bear, for
purposes of analysis, upon flour made
from a mixture of barley and maize,
as well as from wheat, showed up each
ingredient with perfect clearness, and
under this peculiar light influence the
product of each grain taking on a
slightly different color.
The ultra-violet ray, it is believed
nas a great future in this kind of
laboratory work.—New York Times.
Few Windjammers Left
The windjammer has just about
given up the ghost, at least so far as
the British flag is concerned. The old
full-rigged vessel that once carried the
brunt of the sea cargo is too slow
nowadays and it doesn’t pay.
The thousands of these British ships
chat sailed the seven seas now num-
ber six. All have served 30 or more
years, and, with one exception are
three-masted vessels.
finland seems destined to become
che world’s last owner of ships of this
type, as most of the British sailing
vessels sold within recent years have
been bought by Finnish interests.
Grain from Australia, nitrate from
South America and salt outward from
Liverpool are about the only cargoes
now offered for sailing ships.—De-
troit News.
Record in Thinness
dome of the thinnest films on water
ever subjected to scientific measure-
ment were recently described before
the National Academy of Sciences by
Prof. W. D. Harkins and J. W. Mor-
gan, or the University of Chicago.
They are composed of only one layer
of the molecules or building bricks of
material substances, and some of them
are so very thin that ordinary X-rays
could not do their vibratory dance
within the thickness if such a location
were selected for their performance.
Numerically, the thickness of some of
the films was found to be twenty-four
billionths of an inch. Professor Har-
kins explained that such thin films can
be easily formed by simply spread-
ing the proper kind of organic sub-
stance upon water.
Worth a Long Hunt
A tiny tube containing $800,000 worth
Jf radium disappeared from a St. Paul
hospital, It had probably been washed
into the sewer. A radium detector was
constructed which was attacked to elec-
troscopes and then began a long hunt
along all sewers leading from the hos-
pital, After weeks of patient search-
ing the detector one day indicated ra-
dium inside a nine-inch sewer. Work-
men dug down and there was the ra-
dium tube.—Capper's Weekly.
Wealthy Canada
Canada’s wealth, says a return from
che National City Bank of New York,
has doubled in the last ten years, and
since 1870 has Increased more than
seven-fold. She is now recorded as the
seventh richest country in the world.
national wealth totaling approximately
| (F
Last Cal
45 Mens Suits—-Values up to $35.00
There are only 45 of them————All Grouped at One Price
16 Overcoats—Values up to $35.00—While they last... ... at. $18.65
The Saving is Big .........It is Real
When the correct letters nre placed im the white spaces this puzzle will
spell words both vertically and horizontally.
indicated by a number, which refers to
The first letter in each word is
the definition listed below the puzzle.
Thus No. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” de.nes a word which will
fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number
under “vertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares to the next
black ome below. No letters go in the black spaces.
dictionary words, except proper names.
terms and obsolete forms are indicated
All words used are
Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical
in the definitions.
Mr 2 13 [¢ 5 61:18
9 0 1 0
13 4 15 16
17 19 2.0
2.1 2 2 25
26 [27 29
30 31
3% 3B [34 3% 37
38 39 40 41 |42
43 14 45 | 46
47 48 49 [[50
51 52 [83 54 [55 [56
(©, 1925, Western Newspaper Union.) Il
Horizontal. Vertical.
1—An upright piece of timber
B—Upright of a sailing vessel
9—Silky envelope in which butter-
flies pass the pupa stage
11—Certain large ape
13—Not at home
14—Part of “to be”
16—Prefix meaning “three”
17—At home 18—To turn aside
21—Southern state (abbr.)
22—Period of time
28—2,000 pounds
26—Point of compass
26—Artist’s standard
28—To lift
80—Part of “to be”
31—Note of scale
82—To collide, with a loud noise
85—Metal device for holding things
39—Yes (ancient form)
40—Lubricate 41—Part of “to be”
43—Boy’'s name
44—To walk upon
46—Preposition 47—Kind
49—Printing measures
50—A vegetable
51—Lords 84—S8kill
57—To be deserving of
§83—Having a sharv taste
Steel Sheets So Thin They Are Trans-
parent Developed in Germany.
From Berlin comes news of a meth-
od of making sheets of steel so thin
that they are transparent.
Test plates ruled with lines one
twenty-five-hundredth of an inch
apart were photographed through
such a metal sheet. When enlarged
the lines showed clearly without any
distortion, proving the even strue-
ture of the film,
So thin are these sheets that atoms
will pass through them. Helium rays
that are blocked by a sheet of paper
are not perceptibly weakened by pass-
ing through the steel sheets. It is
calculated that they are not more
than thirty layers of atoms thick.
Yet the metal sheet is so strong
that blowing on it will distend it one-
sixteenth of an inch without rupture.
These sheets are made by depositing
a fine film of metal on a smooth sur-
face by an electric current and then
separating the film from its base.
These steel sheets may be used as
semi-permeable membranes for the
separation of gases; they may ad-
vance telephotography and television;
they may be of use in metallurgical
research and in making galvano-
meters, radio receivers and apparatus
for measuring heart action.
Street Car Costs $17,000.
The modern double-truck electric
street car for city service costs about
$17,000 or double what it cost ten
rears ago. Eleven years ago a Pull-
wan car could be bought for what a
street car costs today.
1—To jump upon :
2—Fall month (abbr.)
3—Thus 4—Preposition
6—Month of Hebrew calendar
8—Bulging, as with muscles
9-—Piece of money
10—Pertaining to the navy
11—A bunk 12—Number under ten
15—Note of musical scale
18—Part of “to be”
19—Pedal digit
22—Short written composition
24—Pertaining to one’s birth
27—To affect with pain
29—Vigor 32—Kind of dog
33—Six games in a tennis match
34—Rabbits 35—Seashore
36—Cover for a vessel
37—Evident 38—A spike
42—Waterway around a castle
45—A printing measure
48—New Zealand parrot
50—Preflx meaning “through”
52—Great (abbr.)
53—Half an em 55—Preposition
56—Note of musical scale
Solution will appear in mext Issue,
Solution to Cross-word Puzzle No. 5.
E[S[T P 1|N[D
TE 1 E
0 Y AR L A
AlT|Y clE|L
Trouble in the Office.
“The pencil has made a number of
pointed remarks about the sponge be-
ing soaked all day and the waste
basket’s being full. The scissors are
cutting up and the paper weight is
trying to hold them down, while the
mucilage is sticking around to see
that the stamps get a good licking.
The ink’s well, but appears to be blue,
while Bill is stuck in the file and the
calendar expects to get a month off.
The blotter has been taking it all in.”
What Will 19 1956 Bring?
Thirty years ago go we had the horse
and buggy, kerosene lamps, the wood
cook-stove, messenger boys, and the
old oaken bucket. Today we have
electric lights, electric railways, gas
ranges, piped water supply and the |
telephone. What will it be in 1956?
The eradication of bovine tubercu-
losis in Pennsylvania made rapid
progress during 1925 due to the great-
ly increased appropriation for indem-
nity purposes. A total of 221,000 cat-
sonnel, and the
available during 1926, approximately
and Lawrence—have been completely
tested, according to a report from T.
E. Munce, Director, Bureau of Animal
counties, which are called “modified
accredited counties,” the disease has
been reduced to less than one-half of
one per cent.
A total of 230 townships in 34 coun-
ties are qualified and are awaiting the
test under the area and individual
plans, states Dr. Munce. These areas
include approximately 230,000 cattle.
In connection with the future of
tuberculosis prevention and eradica-
tion work in Pennsylvania, it is stated
that assuming that the State Depart-
ment of Agriculture will receive at
least the same amount of money for
idemnity purposes for the next four
fiscal periods that has been made
available during the present fiscal per-
iod, the disease throughout the State
will be reduced to less than one-half
of one per cent by 1933.
Ripening Oranges is Very Latest
Wrinkle of Electric Wizardry.
Oranges are picked as soon as they
have developed their full content of
sugar, and this is some time before
they turn to the rich yellow color of
complete maturity.
Heretofore the desired colpr has
been produced by placing the fruit in
a sweat-room with kerosene lamps.
These, when smothered, produced
carbon monoxide, which gas was es-
sential to the treatment.
A new method, in every way more
desirable, has now been developed
with the use of electricity.
Boxes of oranges are put in a tight-
ly closed room and an electric heater
brings the temperature to about 80
degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and
the moisture of the oranges cause
them to sweat. For each 10,000 parts
of air in the room one part of ethy-
lene gas is released.
tle were tested under the individual :
and area plan during 1924, while in |
1925 this number was 324,687. Ses- |
retary of Agriculture, F. P. Willits, :
states that with the demand, the per- |
indemnity money |
half a million cattle will be given the
The herds in six counties—Mercer,
Crawford, Jefferson, McKean, Butler :
Industry. In the first three of these !
—“My boy has a camera and a radio
set, and goes to the movies three
times a week.” “Well, Jim, when we
consider what it takes to amuse the
youngsters of today, I often’ wonder
how we kids were ever able to get a
thrill by looking into a kaleidoscope.”
—Boston Transcript.
—Read the “Watchman” and get
: the cream of the news.
‘Better Than Pills
You can’t
feel so good
but what NR
will make you
: ; feel better.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Bad Language.
It’s a wonder money doesn’t blush urnis
when made to talk the way it does by Cheerfully ana Promptly F ished
some people.—Des Moines Tribune.
A Cheap Watch is Made Only to Sell You
A Good Watch is Honestly Made to Serve You
Let. Us be Your Watch Counsellors
F. P. Blair & Son