Sc ATES AIR CS RSE San RR amily ES Bellefonte, Pa., February 5, 1926. Ordinary Oil Can Gave Edison Idea The cover of the humble coal oil C supplied the idea for the first electric lamp socket. Nearly 800,000, 00 standard-size lamps used in the United States last year were equipped with a uniform simple socket, the de- of which was evolved from the old tin screw-cover of the oil can. Thomas Edison, in 1880, before the first electrical central station was started, experimenting with the tric lamp, was seeking some means to ¢onnect lamp and electrical circuit. fhe first socket, operated by a thumb screw, had no arrangement to pre- vent the lamp from falling out when the socket was held upside down. Ac- iording to the story, one night in 1880, . Edison was talking on this sub- ject to some of his assistants. He a kerosene can on a shelf near vhere he was sitting. Taking it up and Prcening its cover, he studied it or a while and then exclaimed: “This certainly would make a good socket for the lamp.” After experiments, the lamp socket still in use was decided upon. As Dad Sees It “My boy,” said the Billville father to his literary offspring, “this here so- called ‘fire of genius,’ is well enough in the lazy, dreamful summertime, but when the winter wind is rumbling in the hollows and cavortin’ round the Frenchman First to Use Gasoline Engine The first attempt to employ gaso- line as a motive power was made by a Frenchman, Pierre Ravel, who pat- ented “a steam generator heated by mineral oils, to be applied to steam locomotion on ordinary roads.” Ra- vel’s engine was fitted to a small car- riage, and developed three horse power. The Franco-German war put an end to Ravel's experiments for a time, but years later be built a motor car in which petroleum was used for the di- rect generation of motive power. In 1876 Lentz invented a burner by which a mixture of gasoline and other naph- thus, called massout, was used as fue! earliest forms of Incandescent elec- | on steamships. About the same time gasoline was used as an illuminant in street lamps, and later a new use was found for it in the manufacture of varnish and oilcloth. Gasoline, amounting to 8 per cent of the distilled product of the crude petroleum, continued to be a drug on the market until the inven- tion of the gasoline motor, and its application to automobiles, boats, air- planes, and hundreds of industria’ uses. Several inventors nelped to inaug- urate the “Age of Gasoline,” but the chief of them was George L. Selden ! of Rochester (N. Y.), the father of : i | i | | frosty hills, it can't hold a tallow can- dle to cordwood and hard coal. Here's a new ax that has never cut down a pine saplin’, or a oak tree, and split ‘em to kindling wood. Suppose you christen it, and make blaze? There's no better way to keep up your college athletic exercises. It beats an apple a day for downright good health and spirits. your sleeves and get busy."—Atlanta Constitution. Heavy Earthquake Loss The most destructive Japanese earthquake occurred a few minutes after twelve o'clock, noon, September 1, 1028, the area comprising Tokyo, Yoko- hama, Yokosuka and other cities and villages. The first shock was followed by many others and by fire and tidal waves. The number of lives lost and the value of property destroyed will never be accurately known. Estimates made several weeks after the catastro- phe placed the total number of known dead at 103,000, with 230,000 missing. Yokohama was almost completely de- stroyed. The number of foreigners who lost thelr lives was approximately 100, among whom were several Amerl- cans. Teachers’ Right to Wed “Woman teachers must not be dis missed merely because they are mar- ried.” This is the gist of a decision recently rendered in a test case prought in an English court. The decision is of far-reaching importance. The plaintiff, Mrs. Ethel Short, has been an assistant mistress in a council school in Dorsetshire since 1914. She married in 1921, and in July, 1924, ghe and other married women em- ployed as teachers by the same local education authority received notice ter- minating their engagements. The chancery court decided that the notice was Invalid, and ordered the corpora- tion to pay the costs. Obstructionists Rebuked Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wheeler of Pine Grove, Pa., were served with an injunction to prevent them from ly- ing on a pavement used as a detour. Believing it to be their private prop- erty, they took for their motto, “They shall not pass,” and stretching out on the street, placed themselves in dan- ger of being run over, and got on the nerves of motorists who feared killing the couple. Something to Drown It In The young fellow from Kentucky walked into a studio the other day for vocal lessons. The folks down home thought he had a voice and all that he needed was training. The teacher asked him to sing. Without accompaniment he started in on “Yes, We Have No Bananas.” ‘And the bananas were higher than na- ‘ture or a musician intended them to be. The teacher giggled In spite of her- gelf. “I need a piano to lead my voice,” the youth suggested. “Yes, or a bass drum to drown it,” the teacher added, but to herself.—In- dlanapolis News. Luxurious Modern Travel The Flying Scotsman, one of the de luxe trains running out of London, England, now has an electric galley dn its dining car. In this traveling kitchen there are an electric range and several other electric cooking ap- pliances. The electricity utilized in ‘this unique gallery Is provided by a generator that is connected to the wheels beneath the dining car. Also there are storage batteries which pro- wide electricity when the dining car is standing still. Street for Heroes After learning that three Winnipeg men, who earned the Victoria cross during the World war, lived on the game etreet, within a biock of each other, “he city has decided ‘o change the name of the street te Va.or road. So roll up : temperature of the winter occurs fully the chimney ' the automobile.—Chicago Journal. Equinox Affected by Heating Power of Sun The autumnal equinox is warmer, not colder, than the vernal In prac- tically all of the continental United States and other places of middle to high latitudes. The reason for this Is that the temperature conditions at any locality always lag behind the changing amounts of heat received by the locality from the sun in the course of its annual journey from winter solstice and return. In New Jersey, for example, the heating effect of the sun- | shine is at a minimum on Decem- : ber 22 of each year, but the lowest a month later, on January 25. The greatest solar heating occurs at the summer solstice, June 22, but the high- est average temperatures fall about the end of July. The autumnal equi- nox, September 21, occurs, therefore, only about five days after the highest temperatures of the year, whereas the vernal equinox, March 21, is separated from the time of highest by fully 130 days, and Is separated only about 50 days from the coldest period of the year, Aerial Supports The Loomis Radlo college says that, while It is generally belleved that iron in the vicinity of an aerial absorbs some of the energy, iron supports are frequently employed for this purpose on account of their mechanical ad- vantages. Observe the latticed steel towers used by all the large broadcast- ing stations, where receivers are also fnstalled as required by law. The aerial should be well insulated from the iron pole and swung a few feet away from it by a stout rope. The other aerials should run as nearly as possible at right angles to each other. If they are one above the other in the same direction they will rob each other quite noticeably. Not Qualified Willie, who was nearly five, and his mother were sitting at home one night. At the table his sister, aged seven, was doing her home work, Suddenly moth- er looked up and saw Willie watching his sister. “Well, Willle,” she said, “it will not pe long before you will have to go to school.” “Oh,” sald Willle, “it's no use send- ng me to school I” “How is that?” asked his mother. “What's the use of sending me to school?” exclaimed Willie. “I don't know anything and I can’t read or write.” ———————————————————— Life of a Sponge The separate existence of a sponge pegins with the breaking away from the parent of a tiny particle. The lat- ter, after being whipped about for a time by tides and currents, eventually attaches itself to a plece of rock, and from that home it seeks its own livell- hood, says Natural Science. The food of infant sponges consists of yolk cells, which contain a form of nour- {shment. Later, as the sponge grows, it requires something more solid, and this 1s brought by the currents, which sweep into a bag—half mouth, half stomach—minute particles of the new food. First Iron Vessels it is not recorded who first discov- sred that an iron vessel would float as easily as a wooden one. Itis recorded that an iron boat was built and launched on the River Foss, in York- shire, England, as early as 1777, but the date of the invention of iron as a recognized materiai for ship construc- tion is often given as 1818, when the lighter Vulcan was built on the Monk- land canal, near Glasgow, Scotland. Californic’s Capital Before being admitted as a state che capital of Cailfornia was Mon: terey, alternately with Los Angeles. Monterey was the capital from 1840 to 1845, Los Angeles from 1845 to 1847. Monterey was again the capital from 1847 until California was admitted as a new state. In 1849 Sacramento of- fered $1,000,000 for the honor of be- coming the state capital, and became officially recognized as such in 1854 Hes Complete History of Spanish Mantilla At last I have found the trail, Fran- cls Miltoun exclaims, in exultant mood, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Some years ago browsing in the ar- chives of Palma in the Island of Ma- jorca I came across a document which professed to give the history of the Spanish mantilla. Lately it turned up again among a mass of notes. The Spanish mantilla was originally a mark of shame for the femininity of loose morals of the day, a day away back before Goya and the Spanish painters took it out of its class and made it an appurtenance of the dress of the ladies of the court. Originally the mantilla crossed its rather straggly ends of the time down over the breast in the form of a letter A. These bretelles were red. One wonders 1f Hawthorne ever knew this. There's the plot ready made. One and another of most modern and an- clent writers went and took what they wanted where they found it, a proce- dure which is ethically legitimate up “to a certain point. It should be remembered that tle mantilla of today resembles very lit- tle that of the fairylike Island of Ma- jorca, where the sun ever shines and the thermometer never falls very low. By a process of development it came to be what it is, but it was always a _ headdress. I put it that way, not be- ing a fashion writer, but I vouch for the rest of the statement as supported by documentary evidence and only re- count it here by the possibility of be- ing able to drag in Hawthorne. That { happens to be vivid in my mind be- cause in my youth I once lived across the street from the House of Seven Gables. How the circles do cut in on one another, like those of the plane- tary system! Herring Is Bread What is to become of the people who live on the islands of the Zuyder zee in Holland when that sea be- comes dry land? Pierre Van Paassen asks, in the Atlanta Constitution. As far back as human memory goes these people have been fishers. The sea is in their blood. “Herring is bread,” as they say themselves. From their very youth their whole life is directed to- ward the sea. “Only idiots and fools stay on dry land,” a wrinkled old skipper told us once. The little gamins In their wide trousers can hardly walk when they fashion a ship out of an old wooden shoe, fix it up | with rudder and sail and float it on i the ditch. When they come from school they first must see the harbor. Is there a trawler running in or a tug- . boat they shout: “Did you see fa- ther?” and “How much of a catch did ' he have?’ Fish and the Calvinist | sermons of the pastor are their life and breath. The Dutch government, it is said, will compensate them. Ney- theless it all means the end of a ple- | turesque race. And it will be just as ! hard tc make landlubbers out of these children of the sea as it is for Russia to make Jewish merchants into farm- ers in Crimea. To supply trained engineers, espe- | clally for the automobile, motorcycle { and bicycle industries, a technical col- | lege will be established at Wolver- | hampton, England. The total cost of construction will be about $600,000, of which one-third is to be paid by the county of Stafford and the remaining two-thirds by the city of Wolverhamp- ton. The buildings will be divided into dve sections: (1) general and admin- istrative, (2) biology, (3) commercial, (4) domestic, and (5) technical com- prising engineering production with workshops and drawing offices, mate- rial section, including chemistry, met- allurgy, and general science subjects, mechanical and electrical engineering, and building construction. It is intended to make provision for evening as well as day students. | College for Engineers Bromine From Sea Water The strangest ship that ever sailed ¢he seas left Wilmington, Del., recent- ly on one of the strangest voyages that ever a ship sailed. This ship, called the Ethyl, is in reality a great float- ing chemical laboratory, equipped to extract the element bromine from sea water. 7 Bromine is a raw material useful in medicine, in photography and motion pictures, and in the manufacture of the ethyl fluid used in motor fuel Through the last use of the world’s supply the chemical has become great- ly depleted, and the voyage of the Ethyl is the first step in an elaborate plan to find other sources of supply. Monster Steam Boiler The largest steam boiler in the world :8 being put in in Pittsburgh, Pa. by a heating company. There are six miles of four-inch steel tubing in the heating and condensing apparatus, with a heating surface of about three- fourths of an acre. The boller is rated at 3,000 horse-power by the or- dinary system of rating, but is capable of operating continuously at three times this capacity and for short periods at four times this rate. When at full load it evaporates 200 tons of water an hour. Trains Negro Preachers Bach summer for seven years a negro preachers’ institute has been held at Bettis academy, in the sand hill country of western South Caro- ina. Last year’s attendance included 800 preachers and 180 teachers, and they spent four days in intensive sub- jects, under the leadership of Dr. James H. Dillard, president of the Jeanes and Slater funds. ————— CENTRE HALL. Received too late for last week. Mrs. Samuel Shoop spent last week with her sister in McVeytown. Mrs. Wetzel spent Saturday and Sunday with her husband at the H. E. Fye home. Prof. Wetzel was forced to take a short vacation from his school work because of illness. _ Mr. and Mrs. “Jack” Smith moved into the MecClenahan property on Church St., on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman L. Smith went to Florida last week. They will prob- ably remain there until late Spring. A daughter weighing seven and one half pounds came to the home of Nr and Mrs. Harry Potter on Mon- ay. Mrs. D. K. Keller went to Lewis- town, on Tuesday evening, with John Lucas and family, where she will visit for several days. ’ Mrs. P. R. Campbell, who is spend- ing several weeks in Florida with her father, Rev. Wm. Picken, reports hav- ing a fine time in the sunny South. Some of those on the sick list are Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James Runkle, Mrs. L. J. Burris, and Mrs. Jerry Stump, Miss Emma Mec- Coy. The Rebekahs had an evening of entertainment and refreshments for the members of the lodge and their families on Tuesday evening. Every- body reported a good time. When the news reached here that a fire had occurred at the Methodist home for the aged at Tyrone, on Mon- day night, every one was greatly con- cerned—especially for the safety of Auntie Shoop. All the guests were rescued, however, and taken into private homes in Tyrone. Frank Osman, who lived west of Centre Hall on the Joe. Crotzer farm, died very suddenly on Tuesday even- ing, while seated in a chair. He had made a trip to Centre Hall in the afternoon and had worked rather strenuously to break a road from his house to the main road. Soon after his return home, he passed away. OAK HALL. Received too late for last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zong, of Pleas- ant Gap, were week-end visitors at the Edward Zong home in this place. Miss Ruth Martz, who is engaged | in nursing at the Penn State hospital, spent Saturday night at her parental home here. Among those who have been on the sick list the past week were Misses Leon Ferree, Margaret Dale and Bil- lie Ferree. Mr. and Mrs. George Burwell, of Pine Grove Mills, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Burwell’s moth- er, Mrs. Mary Houser. Sections of Alaska Now in Full Boom. In the resumption of volcanic ac- tivity in the northwestern part of North America brought a very radi- cal change in the temperature of part of Alaska at Anchorage. Mt. Mec- Kinley, 20,300 foot peak, has been very active of late and in connection with Mt. Shishaldin’s eruption in November that region of the territory has been experiencing a spring like weather and flowers are in bloom and the usual snowbound landscape has given way to green vegetation. The temperature has been hovering about 28 above zero when at this time of the year it is usually far below zero. This change is due to the heat which has been generated by the activity of the volcanoes and resi- dents of that part of the country look toward the continuance of the temperature for an indefinite length of time. It is also due to subter- ranean fires gnawing their way north- ward and causing a heating of the ground above. It is thought by a great many that the former bitter winters of Alaska are about a thing of the past through the recent activ- ity of the volcanoes.—Exchange. —————r——————— Stack ’em With “Juice.” Brick stacking by electricity is now an accomplished fact, a machine hav- ing been devised which will perform the work of 20 men in picking the bricks from conveyor belts and auto- matically assembling them on dryer trucks. This is done by mechanical fingers electrically operated. tn ———— CT ———— —Perhaps there is, as former Vice- President Marshall says, “more good than bad in the world,” but it doesn’t get on the first page so often.—Phila- delphia Inquirer. .=The “Watchman” makes it a bus- iness to print all the news that’s fit to print. It’s a home paper. W KEEPING WELL ~— An NR Tablet (a vegetable aperient) taken at night will help keep you well, by toning and strengthening your di- gestion and elimination, uy Chaps of : NR JUNIORS—Little Re One-third the regular dose. Made of the same ingredients, then cand: y coated, For children and adults. SOLD BY YOUR DRUGGIST ms RUNKLE’S DRUG STORE, | Hunting Accidents Increased Last - Year. Preliminary figures announced by the State Game Commission show 45 fatal and about 200 non-fatal acci- dents during the hunting season just past. This is an increase of 7 fatal and 69 non-fatal accidents over the season of 1924, but then there was a corresponding increase in the number of hunting licenses issued for the past season. There are, however, too many accidents, which will no doubt call for proper legislation within the future for their advance. The game killed this year was be- low the figure set last year, which would indicate that it is decreasing at an alarming rate because of the increase in the number of hunters. The number of deer killed legally in the last season was 7,280, and 586 illegal; 6 legal elk and 4 illegal; 470 legal bears and 5 illegal. Comment from various sportsmen’s organizations since the hunting sea- son has come to a close indicates that quite a number of them favor the open season for doe deer because of the scarcity of food and the damage that they cause to property. F. A. Myers, superintendent for the game commission, asserts that no one fa- miliar with the deer situation in the State would condemn the doe deer shooting. He says it is necessary if there are to be any deer left in the State. In 1925 during the open sea- son for doe deer there were 972 legally killed and 20 illegally killed.—Ex. Birth Rate is Lowest in History of Nation. New York.—The birth rate in America is now lower than at any other period of her history and, due to the increasing practice of birth control, the finest qualities of the race are in danger of being lost. These are the conclusions of Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, statistician drawn from his research work for the Prudential Insurance company. About the only encouragement he finds is that the death rate is the lowest ever known, with one exception. He places the annual number of births in this country at about 2,600,000 and the deaths as 1,300,000. “The question of birth control would admit of no discussion,” he says in his report, “if the decrease in the birth rate affected reser the un- desirable elements of the population. However, the reduction in birth ap- plies largely to those who are intel- lectually as well as morally and eco- nomically of the superior type. “If there is anything in the theory of the hereditary transmission of fine qualities, it must be apparent that we are deliberately encouraging diminution of pronounced types of in- telligence and character upon which the nation must rely for its direction and guidance.” — MEDICAL. Why Suffer So? Get Back Your Health as Other Belle- fonte Folks Have Done. Too many people suffer lame ach- ing backs, distressing kidney disord- ers and rheumatic aches and pains. Often this is due to faulty kidney ac- tion and there’s danger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. Don’t let weak kidneys wear you out. Use Doan’s Pills be- fore it is too late! Doan’s are a stim- ulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan’s have helped thousands. Here is one of the many Bellefonte cases: Mrs. E.E. Ardery, Reynolds Ave, says: “My kidneys were weak and out of order. My back ached, too and I became run down. Doan’s Pills, which 1 bought at Runkle’s Drug Store, have always relieved these attacks and strengthened my back and kidneys.” (Statement given April 5, 1922.) On July 22, 1925, Mrs. Ardery said: «I have used Doan’s Pills occasionally since I last recommended them and they have always brought relief.” 60 cents, at all dealers. Foster-Mil- burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 70-42 I put potatoes in the stew Most folks do I guess—don’t you? —Young Mother Hubbard. There are some men and members of their families that like a good old fashioned beef stew a couple of times a month or oftener. Save money by buying your meats here. Beezer’s Meat Market ON THE DIAMOND 4-34-19 Bellefonte, Pa. ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at= Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. b1-1y J KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa Prompt at- tention given all legal business en= Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte dence. Mash good as any can buy, $3.00 per hundred. trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 High street. 67-44 M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will ve prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. G. WwW Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’s Exchange EE Ekik PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg. S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- State College B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed VA E by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday. Belle- u. fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Co Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phoues. 68-40 sommm—— Feeds We Keep a Full Line of Feeds in Stock om! Try Our Dairy Mixtures —229% protein; made of all Clean, Pure Feeds— $48.00 per Ton We manufacture a Poultry that you We handle Purina Cow Chow $54.00 per ton 0il Meal, 34% Protein........ 56.00%; Cotton Seed, 43% Protein... 50.00 és 6 «% Gluten, 23% Protein... ..... .. 50.00 Alfalfa Meal.............cccenee 50.00 “ BIAN i. .ioveeesvensastansaiinniee 36.00 © ¥ Middlings ......- an, 40.00% {ZF These prices at the Mill—$2.00 per ton extra, delivered. 6. Y. Wagner & Go., Inc 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. ST Fine Job Printing e—A BPECIALTY—e . : AT THR WATCHMAN OFFICE men. There is no atyle of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat {sfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Car: on or communicate with this effice. TS Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- gt J afpect ing su rance. We Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. it will be to your interest te consult us before placing your Tnsurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Collegh Fire! Get Protection. The following Lines of Insurance are writter in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) BOILER (Including Inspection) PLATE GLASS BURGLARY COMPENSATION LIABILITY ACCIDENT and HEALTE EVERY POLICY GUARANTEE: YOU PROTECTIOV When you want any kind sr a Bond come and ses ms Don’t ask friends. They don’t want to go om your Bond. 1 will. H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Oourd i BELLEFONTE, PA a