Bruni Hid INK SLINGS. ——An over-estimate of his capa- city has caused many a failure in busi- ‘ness and politics. — Probably the Army and Navy foot ball players hope to get some pointers from “Red” Grange in Chi- cago. — Colonel Mitchell may not look as imposing in civilian clothes but his voice will be just as strong as when he wore the uniform. ——We are beginning to think that the principal reasons why the coal conferees do not agree is that they don’t want to agree. — Friends and foes of the Gover- nor admit the need of ballot reform legislation and the majority of the people are fair-minded. —The funny part about this effort of the new burgess to end unessential work on Sunday is the crabbing of the fellows who look upon Thursday after- noon as their divinely appointed time to do nothing. —One of the many anonymous com- munications burgess Harris has re- ceived pays the police force of the town a great compliment. It winds up as follows: “Yours, for a God fear- ing, not a police fearing town.” Go far enough into the domestic affairs of parents who rail about the Curfew and you will find either those who haven’t made a home that is more of a lure for their children than the streets or those who don’t want to be bothered with the little folks they have brought into the world. —We haven’t sufficiently digested the Scott panegyric that Mr. Hughes gave the world in last week’s Repub- lican to do more than inquire as to who had the headmaster’s ear. It read to us very like Wilson I. is essaying the role of dean of the school of poli- tical strategy in Uentre county. —Let us see, this is the fifth of Feb- ruary. The opening of the trout sea- son is only nine weeks off. Isn’t it about time for us to get a line on the - whereabouts of our private boot-leg- ger? Where, oh where, has our good friend gone Where, oh where, can he be? Always there's hope of a bite or a strike In the neck of a bottle of tea. —The announcement that J. Mitch- ell Chase Esq., of Clearfield, will be a candidate for the Republican nomina- tion for Congress in this District will be rather confounding to the ambi- tions of the Hon. Evan Jones, of Mc- Kean, to stage a comeback, as well as to the supposed, but not yet publicly annotinced, desires of the Hon. Wm. 1. Swoope to have a third term. —Thermometers rarely agree and now it appears that yardsticks vary. We measured the depth of the snow yesterday morning and made it 17 inches. Messrs. Gates and Coxey did the same thing and declare it was 18 inches. We can’t explain why the Gates measure varied with ours, but we can offer an explanation of the Coxey variance. He’s a trout fisher- man and who ever heard of a 12 inch trout that isn’t 13 or 14 when its cap- tor gets to telling of his fight with it? —Mrs. Ella J. Mountz, of Clearfield county, has become quite a factor in Republican councils in this congres- sional and senatorial District. Mrs. Mountz is reported to be very, very rich and quite generous; fitting per- fectly into the machinery of Republi- can activities, and quite worth culti- vation. We note she has endorsed George Wharton Pepper for the United States Senate and quotes Browning in saying of him “Its safer being meek than fierce.” Possibly the Senator told Mrs. Mountz that he was only whistling to keep up his courage when he declared that he was politi- cally fearless enough to “spit in the eye of a bull dog.” —Twenty-five years ago the sphere of activity of a Jew was generally supposed to be circumscribed solely by the mercantile business. How things have changed. Today men of eminence in art, in letters, in law and in finance are Jews. In every field of endeavor you will find sons and daughters of that race proving that it was oppor- tunity, not lack of versatility, that seemed to brand them as merchants only. To us the surprising feature of the evolution is the number who have gone in for the rougher, harder, less profitable pursuit of agriculture. A quarter of a century ago there were two hundred Jew farmers in the Unit- ed States. Now there are seventy-five thousand of them and they own a million acres of land. —That coal miners are not badly paid has been known to some of us for a long time. The many who clamor to the contrary might find some elucidation in an article published in the Morgantown, W. Va. Post of January 26. It is a report of the Beth- 1ehem Mines Corp., made to the fed- eral census bureau, and shows that ail classes of labor in their operations averaged per man from $5400 down to $2000, for the year 1925. The great majority of them ranged from $3000 to $3700. They are working there on the basis of the 1917 scale and in the District there are 2009 non-union and 286 union miners working. The figures are authentic. They show that the miners in that field where the scale is supposed to be low are earning more than any class of skilled labor in this section, with the possible exception of brick-layers and plasterers. VOL. 71. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA.. FEBRUARY 5. 1926. Swift Politics Certain. enn The political dopesters seem to have come to the opinion that Mr. Bill Vare is a full-fledged candidate for the Re- publican nomination for Senator in Congress against Senator Pepper and regardless of the aspirations of Gov- ernor Pinchot. Last week a somewhat pretentious pamphlet was issued from the Vare headquarters in Philadelphia, more or less fulsomely eulogizing the “neck” boss, and it is interpreted by the politicians as “a declaration of war” against Pepper. The Pepper organ of Philadelphia had previously ! declared that if Vare is a candidate Pinchot will be nominated and as it is universally believed that Vare has no chance the suspicion of an alliance with the Governor is aroused. Mr. Vare has not heretofore reveal- ed a poetic tendency but his biograph- er, if the author of the pamphlet in question may be so termed, seems to have been touched with “the divine afflatus.” He “drops into poultry” with this beautiful couplet, “he followed the plow and milked the cow” which . is naturally construed as an appeal to favor the farmers among whom the boss has not been able to establish | cordial relations. The hard-hearted editor of the esteemed Philadelphia Record intimates that tlie plow in question was the political machine he | has ruthlessly driven in that city and | the cow he milked was the treasury of | the complaisant and said to be “cor- rupt and contented” municipality. In any event the practical certainty | that Mr. Vare will shy his hat into the Senatorial ring will be welcomed by the grafting piliticians of his party and the State for it serves to guaran- tee a rich harvest of loot in the cam- paign. Vare is himself a multimillion- aire, Pepper has the big corporations with their abundant resources behind him and, the Governor will consider the golden stream which flowed from his private purse during the primary campaign four years ago. We will not undertake to predict the result of such a contest, as the Pepper organ has done, but it is safe to say that it will contribute liberally to “the gayety of nations.” It will afford a “halcyon and vociferous” campaign. Republicans as well as Repub- lics zre ungrateful. John Bell, who contributed thousands to the campaign | fund had to go to jail because he couldn’t get $30,000 bail. Pinchot Makes Enemies His Assets. Governor Pinchot is a glutton fer making enemies or a genius for turn- ing the liability of enmities into poli- tical assets. Last week we referred to an accusation which he presented to a committee ~f the General Assem- bly against former State Treasurers. The charge he preferred was of grave character. It implied not only a gross misuse of the public funds but a ser- ious betrayal of public confidence. Naturally the accused former officials were indignant. One of them threat- ened a suit for libel and probably would have instituted such a proceed- ing but for the fact that under the con- stitution the Governor had the right to make the charge. As we stated last week the charge was that Harmon Kephart and Charles Snyder as State Treasurers enticed or compelled depositories of State funds to accommodate them with loans on inadequate security or no security at all. This system of jug- gling the State funds must necessarily result in defaults either at the banks or at the treasury. In some cases the demand for money under such condi- tions would be equivalent to banditry. The withdrawal of a large deposit might wreck a fairly substantial bank and if the only alternative were an ac- commodation loan, there would be no escape. Probably the accused officials did not employ such raw methods, but any way of achieving the result is re- prehensible. But the Governor promptly convert- ed the incident into a rather valuable political asset. Mr. Kephart was too wise to thus play into the hands of his accuser, but Charlie impulsively plunged into the pool, head over heels. Practically admitting the charge he defended himself on the ground that no harm had been intended or done and turned a voluminous stream of vituperation against the Governor. Probably that is precisely what the Governor wanted him to do. Abusing an opponent is futile even in defense of a wrong charge. But when it is accompanied with a practical admis- sion of guilt it is actually destructive. That is what Mr. Snyder did. ——Some enterprising or feeble. minded Legislator might simplify matters by introducing a bill disquali- fying the Governor from public office. Setting Colonel McCain Right. m———" We read with much interest Col. George Nox McCain’s. remimiscent story of the campaign for Governor in Pennsylvania, in 1902. Col. McCain knows a lot of contemporary Pennsylvania politics. We have in mind only two living writers probably more intimately informed as to what was doing a quarter of a century ago than he. We are not one of them, but we do know a lot about the campaign of 1902 and it pleases our present mood to set Col. McCain right on two statements he made. The late Samuel W. Pennypacker was in no sense the condidate of the Republican party for Governor that year. John P. Elkin was the logical man from the machine's standpoint, but Quay was slipping, even though he had just disposed of the “Hog Combine,” and was afraid to go before the people with a politician as a candidate, so he threw his cousin Sam, eminently respectable and innocent as a babe, forward as a sop—nothing more. It was flop doodle, pure and simple, and there were enough fools in Pennsylvania to feed on it. “The Philadelphia Press and Senator Matthew Stanley Quay were “not as Col. McCain states,” for once in a blue moon working harmoniously together.” On the surface it might have given that impression, but underneath we know that the Press had no stomach for either Quay or Pennypacker. The Philadelphia Times had just given up the ghost and over the Press office there was beginning to fall that sinister shadow that has brought into total eclipse the inde- pendence of editorial pages of metropolitan journals. In the last analysis, it is the counting room and not the editorial that dictates the policies of our great American dailies. The days of the Greelys, the Danas, the Wattersons, the Reids, the McClures, the Gradys, the Singerleys and the Smiths are gone and in their stead have come editorial writers who are paid to argue that black is white if by so doing it will boost circulation and draw advertising in conse- quence. We mention this only because it is a material witness to what is to follow. The Philadelphia Press struggling for its ideals, and losing ground for doing it, wakened up one morning to find the advertising of three great department stores in that city unexpectedly withdrawn from its columns. Seeking an explanation its managers discovered that the Quay machine was disciplining it. One of the stores had elevators that did not comply with new regulations of the Department of Public Safety, in another the aisles were an inch or two too narrow. They were threatened with the padlock or hundreds of thousands of dollars of expense unless they withdrew their advertising from the Press. Confronted with such an alternative what could they do? The result was that Charles Emory Smith, in order to save the Press, gave up his Cabinet portfolio, Rost-master General, and came home to stump Pennsylvania for Penn - ing harmoniously “for once in a-blue moon” with Quay?" Spa ker. Do you call that work- You might. We don’t. Pennypacker made his maiden speech at Fogelsville, on Aug. 23, and said nothing. He hadn’t yet concluded that Quay was a greater statesman than Webster or Clay. The cam- paign really opened at Grange Park, Centre Hall, this county, on Tues- day, September 16. There the big guns began to boom, for on the platform together with the candidate were Hastings, Penrose and Charles Emory Smith. We shall never forget Smith’s speech. It was a classic. Clean in thought, eloquent in manner and choice in language. He talked for forty-five minutes and the name of Quay or Pennypacker never once fell from his lips. He toured the State with the Governor's party in that campaign and one newspaper man who was traveling with the caravansary told us afterward that so far as he remembered Charles Emory Smith ended the tour as he had commenced it at Cen- tre Hall. Later in the campaign we rode with the gentleman from Sunbury to Williamsport where he was billed for a speech to the Republican club of that city and we learned then, positively, what we are telling Col. McCain now that the Press was working but not “harmoniously” with Quay. It was a memorial campaign. Is Durham was the boss in Phila- delphia, Clayt. Erb was his secretary and it was Clayt. who was credited with saying that it didn’t matter a damn how many of the counties of the State went against Pennypacker Philadelphia would count enough votes to put him in, and that was the year that Rudolph Blankenburg made his memorable reply to Quay’s appeal for funds for the campaign. Yes it was a memorable campaign and not without its local after- math. Only a short time before Jack Dale, Vic Gray, and Al Dale had openly opposed the Hastings effort to throw Centre county’s delega- tion into the “Hog Combine.” As we say, they were in the open, but the late Judge Love, the present republican county chairman Wilson I. Fleming and Ned Chambers, who was a cousin of Pennypacker and expecting something to turn up, were loyal organization men but not wishing to affront Hastings, laid off in that fight. The result was that when Hastings gave a reception to Pennypacker, after the Centre Hall meeting, not one of them was telephoned for. We recount these incidents not so much to set Col. McCain right as to try to arouse an interest in politics in the present generation of Democrats and Republicans in Centre county. Our government will not live unless there are virile political parties to struggle for the manipulation of its machinery. The men of yesterday—some were self seeking, some were ambitious, few were dishonest—played the game for the love of it only and God save the Country when that spirit becomes extinct. New Burgess Will Not Stop Curb Market. Somebody is evidently trying io malign Bellefonte’s new burgess in the eyes and ears of Centre county farm- ers. This is evident from the fact that John B. Payne has received sev- eral inquiries from farmers as to the truth of the report that the burgess is going to put a stop to the curb market during the coming summer. While we have not consulted the burgess we assume responsibility for the statement that there is not a word of truth in it. We know the burgess, and we know that he likes fresh vege- tables and berries about as much as any man, and he is not going to inter- fere with anything in that line. Last year the curb market was a little late in getting started because farmers were not notified in time to —— Meantime the private monopoly in electrical power is spreading in every direction. prepare for it. This year, it is report- ed, truck gardeners and farmers will plant early and more abundantly, and will make an effort to have fresh garden stuff in Bellefonte at the ear- liest date possible. ——Our thanks are extended to that wily little animal, the groundhog, for not being able to see his shadow on Tuesday. Now let us all hope that the hardest part of the 1925—'6 winter is a matter of history. Between shovel- ing snow off the pavement and shovel- ing coal to keep warm we have had a busy winter and look forward to dig- ging garden and killing cabbage worms as a sort of relaxation. ——The Legislature may adjourn finally on the day fixed but it will be the last legislative adjournment for a good many of the Legislators. —After having shoveled about 150 ft. of sidewalk we have come to the conclusion that “beautiful snow” poets must live in apartment houses. NO. 6. The Entangling Alliance Bugahoo. | From the Philadelphia Record. If we had not been forced into the world war within 10 years, with no World Court and no League of Na- tions, the fear lest we should involve ourselves in associations that might compromise us would be intelligible. But with the world war fresh in our minds it is incomprehensible that any persons should fear that our connec- tion with either of these would drag us into hostilities. Our proposed as- sociation with ether nations is to pre- vent war and not to precipitate it. We have found that we can get into a war without a League, or a Court. We want one or both to help us keep out of war. Teh foreign interests against which both Washington and Jefferson warn- ed the infant United States were en- tirely unlike those that exist or have recently existed. In the Napoleonic wars the American people were pas- sionately divided in their sympathies between England and France. The partisans of England wished us to make war on France. The partisans of France—and they were numerous and rather coarse in this vicinity— were determined that we should help France against England. Washing- ton and Jefferson warned us against taking part in the Anglo-French quar- rel. We heeded their advice in 1914, and continued to heed it until we were convinced that our rights were involv- ed, and that civilization and demo- cracy were at stake. Most persons emerged from the horrors of the world war determined to do all in their power to prevent a repetition. Hence the League of Na- tions and the World Court. If partic- any military operations, just consider the vast military operations we be- came involved in when there was no League and no Court. The isolation which was possible in the time of Washington and Jefferson is no long- er possible. The oceans are not the barriers they were once, and our com- merce reaches everywhere. To as- sume that we can maintain national isolation is as absurd as the notion of fighting now with smooth-bore flint- lock muskets. There is no sugges- tion anywhere of our uniting with one nation against another, which was the issue in the time of Washington and Jefferson, If we should, join he League we should merely follow the repeated admonitions of Theodore Roosevelt and identify ourselves with his “posse comitatus of nations.” Washington and Jefferson wisely warned us against allying ourselves with one nation against another. Neither of them would have dreamed of advising us not to join 54 other nations in an effort to prevent war. At present the League is not an is- sue. The World Court, even with no force to put its decrees into operation, is a powerful factor for peace. It ac- customs nations to argue their cases before an impartial tribunal instead of standing on their military or naval resources. The very existence of such a Court makes every Government less likely to assert its own opinions or interests by force. The habit of fighting cannot be summarily erad- icated, but the effect of the Court dnd of the League is to make all Govern- ments less disposed to fight. To say that in participating in the Court, or even in joining the League, we should sacrifice something of our national sovereignty is a puerility, because the nations that have joined the League are as jealous of their sovereignty as we are of ours, and because in every treaty we make we part with some of our sovereignty; we agree to do, or not to do, certain things in the future, and we are not free to ignore such an agreement un- til we withdraw from it in proper form. There isn’t a decent or plausible ob- jection to the World Court, and it is hard to have patience with those that are urged against the League. meres etme ef ene EASA State Conservation of Wild Life. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. Since the close of last hunting sea- son the State Game Commission has distributed 40,000 Kansas and Mis- souri rabbits in the woods of Penn- sylvania. Another 10,000 are in the process of release. Secretary Seth E. Gordon, therefore, expects 1926 to be an unusual year for game. The de- partment is importing no deer, as the recent reports of kills show that fur- ther additions are unnecessary for the present. An effort to scatter them about more uniformly has been under- taken. Those trapped in sections of plenty have been sent to regions where the deer are scarce. These plans to restore the fauna of the State are quite as impressive as the restoration of the flora. Popular support seems cheerfully accorded to both movements. Reforestation has an economic purpose for whose bene- fits we must wait a while. The prop- agation and dissemination of game, which have a recreational motive, are more immediate in results. In this connection the plan to turn Solebury Deer Park in Bucks county into a State fish hatchery shows that avail- able sanctuaries may still be found near great cities as well as in the re- mote wildernesses. A pleasing feature of the State’s effort to co-operate with nature is the assistance that comes from the various fish and game associations. ipation in them should involve us in. | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. — Representative Magrady introduced a bill in Congress to appropriate $200,000 for a Federal building at Bloomsburg. — The third annual mid-winter Colum- bia county products show will be held the week of February 22, at Bloomsburg. —Dr. Charlés L. Fullmer, of Renovo, has been appointed medieal director for Clin- ten county, succeeding the late Dr. R. B. Watson, of Lock Haven. —SHlpping on the ice while doing chores about his farm, Thomas McMichael, 70, re- tired farmer of near Christiana, Lancas- ter eounty, was instantly killed when he fell and fractured his skull. — Three families were made homeless on Friday when fire of unknown origin destroyed a double house and a single dwelling in Plains township, Luzerne county, entailing a loss estimated at $25,- 000. —Police departments of Eastern Penn- sylvania have been asked by the Allentown authorities to assist in locating Frank Killo, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Killo, who has been missing since Wednesday. —Thrown from a motorized pumper while responding to a fire alarm, Joseph Thornburg, 50, a volunteer fireman of Reading, was rum over when the truck backed, suffering injuries which resulted in his death. — Because of lack of coal for fuel, the Beaver Meadow school board Friday night decided to close the schools until furthef notice. Four hundred pupils of the bor- ough, which is situated four miles from Hazleton, are affected. — Back fire from a gasoline engine that was used to operate an electric light plant on Friday caused a fire which destroyed the public garage and barn of Henry Mec- Kinstry in Warrington Township, Berks county, for a loss of $8,000. —Mr. and Mrs. Grover Gloecker and four children of Coopersburg, were seriofisly burned when an oil lamp exploded at their home, causing also to explode a five-gal- lon can of gasoline. A babe in the crib was the only one uninjured. — With their wages reduced from forty- two and one-half cents an hour to thirty- eight cents, laborers at the Northampton plant of the Atlas Portland Cement com- pany left their places in the plant on Sat- urday and were followed by other work men. —The Reading and Pottstown Gas com- pany’s lines and equipment has been pure chased by the West Chester Street Rail- way company, it was announced last Thursday. The lines will be combined with other routes of the Chester Valley lines. —Apparently convinced that he would not recover from a prolonged illness, and unable to participate in festivities attend- ing the celebration of his sixty-second birthday. Wayne G. Kulp, of near Eph- rata, committed suicide on Saturday by hanging. —The glass bottle plant burned at Shef- field, 10 miles from Kane, McKean county, last Thursday night, with a loss of $45,- 000, will be rebuilt at once. The factory has orders to keep it in operation two years, one item being 200 carlaods of half- pint flasks. — For the first time in the history of Company I. 111th Infantry, at West Ches- ter, a member of the company has been sent to jail on the charge of non-attend- ance of drills. He will face a summary court before Maj. John C. Groff on Mon- day evening. —Henry Gross, of Scranton, and Henry A. Stultz, of Pittsburgh, were arrested while at work on the safe of the Irving- King Clothing company of Altoona. Police found on them $1800 in cash, which they had obtained earlier from the safe of the Westfall company. —Depositors in the defunct banking house of Gardner, Morrow & Co., Holli- daysburg, which failed in September, 1896, will share in another distribution of cash, the sum of $2,000 being available for this purpose. The court has appointed an au- ditor to distribute the money. __Mrs. Hattie Davis, of Norristown, mother of 19 children, has been granted a divorce by the courts on the ground of desertion by her husband, Martin Davis, a bricklayer by trade but not by occupa- tion. She testified he worked little at any- thing, not even to chop wood to keep their house warm, —Rev. DE. J. Vernon Bell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of DuBais for more than two score years, has tendered his regisnation, effective March 31 next, when his forty second year will be com- pleted. His advancing years are his only reason for resigning. He served the con- gregation forty-two years, —~Searching parties consisting of rela- tives and friends of Walter Zelinski, 18 vears old, of Mt. Carmel, went into the mountains last Saturday to attempt to find some trace of the youth who wander- ed from his home on Wednesday. Zelin- ski, whose mind is slightly deranged, is believed to have been frozen to death. —-Forced by the miners’ strike to go out and get his own coal, John Strake, of St. Clair, Schuylkill county, dropped dead while wheeling home a barrow of coal which he picked on Sunday at a culm bank. Physicians found he died from heart failure. Strake was a striker and was ac- customed to have his coal hauled home on trucks. —One of the biggest damage suits start- ed in the courts of Lycoming county was filed with the Prothonotary last week when Mrs. Amanda E. Horn, of Newberry, brought suit for $100,000 damages for the death of her husband of injuries suffered when he was struck by a freight car of the Reading company, named as the de- dendant in the proceedings. Horn was struck while crossing the tracks of the Reading company at Newberry, near his home, on June 12, 1925, his death result- ing the following day. —Bequests of $5,000 each to Tressler Orphans’ Home and the Board of Church Extension of the General Synod, Evangel- cal Lutheran church and $2,000 to the Good Shepherd Hoine, Allentown, are contained in the will of the late John K. Lauder- milch, retired jeweler of Lebanon. The $110,000 estate is to be distributed among nephews and nieces after $20,000 is paid to Anna Grace Meyer, who was Mr. Laudermilch’s ward. Following her death, the Tressler Home and Church Extension Board are to divide the $20,000 heid In "trust for her.