~ ER RR Bellefonte, Pa., January 8, 1926. S—— The Schmidts are Enjoying Life in Washington. Dr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schmidt are evidently pleased with first im- pressions of their new home in Wash- ington. When they brought to a close their long residence in Bellefonte and decided to make their future home in the National Capital it was wit some uncertainly as to whether the change would prove as pleasant as they hoped. Of course there are so many opportunities for cultured di- version in a city like Washington that neither of them will find chance to grow homesick for Bellefonte. The following letter from Mus. Schmidt would indicate that they are very fortunate in having made Wash- ington their home: 1 want to tell you of a rare treat that Mr. Schmidt and I enjoyed lately in Washington. We heard that Ignace Jan Paderewski, the great Polish pianist and statesman, was to give a benefit concert in the Poli theatre, so we secured tickets. The auditorium is large and was filled to standing room. The benefit was for our dis- abled soldiers and their orphans. We were comfortably seated and enjoyed the quiet assembling of that large audience. Mrs. Coolidge was present and had as guests, Mrs. Dawes, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs Nicholas Longworth and her son John Coolidge. There were other notables present and it was all so interesting to us be- case of their connection with our great government. The concert began at 4:30 and last- ed until after 6 p. m., but even then the audience was not sated and finally called for Mr. Paderewski to return. He had already donned his great fur coat and had joined Mme. Pader- ewski at the side of the stage, but in response to the calls he slipped out of the coat and sat again at the piano to play until 7 o’clock. . His program was all Chopin and his music was simply wonderful; something we shall never forget. Sometimes loud and full of fervor and again so sweet and soulful as to fair- ly transport one. I especially enjoy- ed those parts with which I am famil- jar. The sonata that contains the funeral march as its largo and then the five of the “Revolutionary Etude” and the “Polinnaise in Major,” was played as only a great artist can. Before the concert began two Amer- ican Legion boys marched down the aisle bearing our flag and that of Po- land. After planting them at either side of the stage they stood at atten- tion until the great artist entered and was seated, while the audience arose en masse. It repeated this com- pliment at the conclusion of the first | half of the program when a huge wreath of yellow chrysanthemums, much higher than the piano was pre- sented him by the American Legion. This was the fourth benefit concert given by M. Paderewski for our sol- diers-and he has promised- to-give -an-. other during his present American tour. We can’t help but admire him when we think of what he did for his own country and what he is now doing for our disabled soldiers. Mr. Schmidt and I saw him in Pittsburg thirty years ago and though 70 now he seem- ed as vigorous and played even better than then. We are well and having a good time, though it is quite cold here, with high winds and the thermometer at 11 degrees above zero. We wish all of our Centre county friends a very Happy New Year. MRS. A. M. SCHMIDT. MUST KEEP ROADS OPEN. Harrisburg—The snow removal or- der for the State highways during the coming winter, was issued to the sev- eral divisions and district engineers, by W. J. Connell and is the most ex- tensive snow removal program ever undertaken by an American State. The activities of the department will mean that 5,200 miles of improv- ed State highways wlll be kept open for traffic at all times. Under the plan as outlined in the letter sent out by Mr. Connell a night watchman will be maintained at all of the storage sheds and telephones must be installed in the buildings. When it looks as though a snow storm will break, the night watchman must call the superintendent and they together will confer on the advisabil- ity of calling out the workmen, When snow has fallen to a depth of two Inches all of the workmen will be called and continue to work until the storm has subsided. In cases of emergency or when the snow fall is un- usual, the Harrisburg offices will be notified and every available means to keep the roads open will be made. The order calls for immediate open- ing of the drains and ditches along the road so that in event of rain follow- ing the snow, the roads will not be flooded. The determination, which the road department of the State Highways Department will try to keep the main thoroughfares in the States open for traffic during the winter is best ex- plained by Mr. Connell’s letter: “We will expect that each one will do his part, and that there will be no excuses for not keeping the roads open for travel at all times.” The Toll of War. Only one general officer was killed in the World war. He was Brig-Gen. Sigerfees of the infantry. In fact, the infantry lost more offi- cers than any other single arm of ser- vice. Final figures recently compiled by the war department show that of the 2285 officers of the American army killed in action or died from wounds 1756 were in the infantry. The air service came next with 175 deaths and the field artillery third with 103 killed. First lieutenants comprised the grade that suffered the most. This was due to the fact that they usually lead an advance. Their death roll was 999. However, 958 second lieutenants also lost their lives.—Exchange. | Cossacks Refuse to Violate Old Tombs The similarity of the burial mounds in Siberia, north of the Gobi, with those several thousand miles distant on the Black gea, seems to indicate that they were built by the Mongols— perhaps in the age of Genghis Khan, perhaps in the day of Tamerlane (as we call Timur-i-lang). Perhaps in the time of the khanates of central Asia— the Golden Horde, etc.—in the Six- teenth century. No one knows for certain, There are also found in the steppes curious stone warriors and women that face always to the east. And I think the figure monuments of Siberia are very much like them. The Cossacks relate that when these stone women are carried away, to make gate posts for a house in some Russian village, it takes a half-dozen oxen to drag them to the west, although one can draw them back again. Moi, je me sais— At any rate most of the Cossacks are extremely unwilling to dig up the burial sites, the kurgans. A hundred years ago the British explorer, Clarke, asked the hetman of the Don Cossacks for some men from the village to help him the next day. The men were ready enough until they found out that he wanted to uncover a near-by kurgan. They refused point blank— said it was unthinkably unlurky—and Clarke did not get a look at the inside of the mound.—Harold Lamb in Ad- venture Magazine. Genius Not Immune to Domestic Trouble It may be some consolation for those who have a servant girl problem to read the following reference to similar troubles in the life of a great mar It is hard to believe that Beethoven, g0 much of whose life must have been spent in communion with the marvel- ous vision of his genius, was constant- ly Immersed also in petty details of housekeeping. In his diaries and let- ters are numerous references to them. His servants, from his own account, were nearly always incompetent, for he describes at length their neglect of him. And one passage in a diary is devoted to entries concerning kitchen maids, one of whom “ran away,” and another of whom he writes—‘gave the kitchen maid warning”—though that is satisfactory to see by the next en- try that “The new maid came.” In the intervals of these distresses Beethoven wrote the Choral Symphony, and the great Mass in D! Oxygen on Mars That the amount of oxygen on Mars | is relatively very low has been shown by a spectroscope fixed on the Mount | Wilson telescope. It is only 60 per cent as great as the oxygen supply on | YE Pp'y | were decidedly lively. They decided |! | | Mount “Everest; where exploring —ex- peditions have had to resort to the use | of oxygen tanks In order to keep alive. Though deficient in water and ox- | ygen, there is no doubt that Mars still | possesses an atmosphere. E. C. Slip- her of the Lowell observatory at Flagstaff, Ariz., showed that photo- graphs made with red light filters made the planet appear larger and showed greater detail than those made with blue light filters. Red light is known to have greater powers of pene- tration through the atmosphere than blue; so that the photographs would tend to indicate the presence of an at- mosphere on Mars. Of Phoenician Origin? Melungeons are a distinct race of people living in the mountains of east- ern Tennessee. They are about the color of mulattoes, but have straight hair. They are supposed to be de- scendants of some ancient Phoenicians, who removed from Carthage and set- tled in Morocco. They have no ad- mixture of negro blood. From Morgc- co, a colony crossed the Atlantic and settled in South Carolina. From that locality they moved to Hancock coun- ty, Tenn, The Melungeons are to a considerable extent illiterate, and are for the most part engaged in farm- ing.—Washington Star. Brain Méasure Won’t Work A doctor friend tells us there is noth. ing to the scheme to measure the brains of congressmen to find out how much they know, that the most bril- linnt senator New York ever had had a very small head. . . . When it comes to brain power it is quality, not quantity, that counts. In the labora- tory of a great medical school is the brain of a world-famous genius, so small that it is little more than half the weight of the average human brain.—Capper's Weekly. Lightning in Forests When lightning strikes a tree the ordinary result is to splinter the wood or strip off bark through the sudden generation of steam, says Nature Magazine. In the great majority of cases the tree 1s not set on fire. Never theless, the aggregate number of for est fires started by lightning is in many parts of the country, greater than the number due to all other causes combined. Smart After All A young boy who lived next door to a certain Indianapolis lawyer did not have a high opinion of the mentality of the lawyer. His parents, however, were not aware of their son's opinions until one day, when he came in and sald: “Well, I guess Mr. Blank is smart after all. He took his automobile apart and p