Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 08, 1926, Image 6

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    "Bellefonte, Pa., January 8, 1926.
“If you were placed at midnight
on the slopes of a vast mountain
range, the approaching morning would
reveal to you briars, bushes, trees,
rocks, irregularities of surface. Walk
15 or 20 miles from it and you will
vision the glory and the sublimity of
the eternal hills.” This metaphor
was used in Trenton, N. J., on Decem-
ber 28, by former Attorney General
John W. Wescott, of Camden, in illus-
trating the prospective change in
public sentiment toward the late Pres-
ident Wilson. “We are too close to
him.” Mr. Wescott said. “The briars,
bushes, trees, rocks, irregularities of
passion and prejudice, bias and ignor-
ance blind the vision. It will require
perspective of time to enable us to be-
hold the grandeur, simplicity, the
practicability of the purpose of this
great man.”
Mr. Wescott delivered the principal
address at the exercises held in the
Assembly chamber of the State House,
in honor of the sixty-ninth anniversary
of Mr. Wilson’s birth. The chamber
was crowded, many of the former
personal friends and neighbors of the
late President from Princeton being
present, also a delegation from Cam-
From his numerous personal associ-
ations and confidence with the late
President, Mr. Wescott related many
incidents to illustrate his power, his
breadth of vision and depth of under-
standing, especially as a leader of the
nation. “Woodrow Wilson has been
characterized as selfish and unappre-
ciative, especially by politicians,” said
he. “No man ever lived who could
fathom with more speed and accuracy
human motive than Woodrow Wilson.
In that respect he had a Christ-like
gift. He was ever after the truth and
the public good. Hence it was that
numerous politicians, full of cunning
and design, left his penetrating gaze
with hatred in their hearts and de-
nunciation on their tongues. Hence
the declaration, ‘We are fighting Wil-
“While he was Governor of New
Jersey, I was in this very building
discussing with him State politics.
We went out to lunch. While walk-
ing along State street, an old man
passed us. His figure was bent, his
clothing soiled, his face seamed with
care, his eyes turned to the pavement.
He carried tools in his hand. Governor
Wilson touched my arm, and said,
‘Judge, I never see a spectacle like
that without the profoundest emotion.
We walked a moment in silence while
I pondered his meaning. Then I ask-
ed, ‘Governor what was in your
mind?’ His instant reply was, ‘That
man creates in silence and unknown.
What is your merit in comparison with
his? What is my merit in comparisen
with his? This incident is a political
sermon of deathless power. It disclos-.
ed in its substance the vision and pui-
pose he had when he entered the Pres-
idency of the United States.
“On another occasion, in private
conversation in the White House, I
said to him, ‘What, in your opinion,
constitutes the greatest nation?’ His
reply came like a flash. ‘The nation
that has the greatest number of con-
tented, happy unencumbered homes.’
Then I remarked, ‘But how do you
curb human greed?’ His reply was,
‘By the majesty of human happiness.’
This again revealed his profound con-
.cern for the welfare of all mankind.
The temptation to detail other rec-
ollections of equal interest must be
avoided for the want of time, but
may I suggest in closing this meeting
name a suitable committee for the
State that that committee be empower-
ed to name suitable commitees in each
county, that these committees co-oper-
ate with the present national commit-
tee and other similar committees
throughout the country, first, to se-
cure the home of Woodrow Wilson as
a perpetual national shrine, and sec-
ond, to give thought and impetus to
the world movement to secure peace
and outlaw war. In fancy, which
Heaven grant may become a reality,
I picture at that shrine the loftiest
monument in granite ever builded by
man; on its apex the heroic figure in
bronze of Woodrow Wilson, at the
base of the monument the words, ‘The
first Statesman in history who died
in his effort to identify statesmanship
and Christianity.” ”
Attribute Changing Climate to Re-
moval of Dense Timber.
Old residents of that part of Wash-
ington and Oregon lying between the
Cascade mountains and the Pacific
ocean long have been declaring that
cutting the dense timber that once
covered the region is gradually chang-
ing the climate.
“Tt doesn’t rain like it used to,” the
old-timers remark, recalling the days
when they referred to one another as
“web-footers” and “moss-backs.”
And now comes L. C. Cover, gov-
ernment weather observer at Tacoma
with figures that partly corrobrate
the old settlers.
His figures show that there has been
a steady decline in rainfall during 5-
year periods since 1895. The average
annual rainfall from 1895 to 1900 was
45.99 inches. From 1920 to 1925 it
had fallen to 33.96.
A generation ago the average rain-
fall in that district was 45 inches a
year but the present average, based
on all available figures of the past,
has dropped to 40.72.
Mr. Cover is unwilling to say that
the old residents are right in attribut-
ing the decline in rainfall to wide-
spread deforestation, but he admits
that the figures seem to verify the be-
lief that the climate has changed.—Ex.
—TFourteen days at hard labor for
fourteen cruel blows leaving their
marks on a pig was a recent English
punishment. A month’s imprison-
ment was given by a Massachusetts
judge last month for similar treat-
ment of a cow.
—— A ———
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Much that we think essentially is mere-
ly a matter of habit.—Thomas Went-
worth Higginspn.
If there is one thing more than any
other that makes a woman unattrac-
tively conspicuous, it surely is an un-
becoming hat. Likewise, an unbecom-
ing hat can make a woman so unpleas-
antly self-conscious that all virtues of
her appearance are overshadowed by
her uncomfortable, ill-at-ease manner
or poise.
A hat may be at odds, so to speak,
with the rest of the costume, yet if
it is becoming, its inappropriateness
is often overlooked, or at least con-
doned, since to offend the conventions
of fashion is not nearly so unforgiv-
ablé as to effect an unbeautiful ap-
But there is no reason today why
any woman should spoil her appear-
ance by an unbecoming hat, or disre-
gard any rule of dress by the hat she
Like anything else that is worth
doing well, to be attractively and cor-
rectly attired at all times requires not
only an acquaintance with each new
mode and its variations but also an
understanding of the requirements
of the figure, pose and coloring of the
This knowledge can readily be ob-
tained if you are willing to analyze
yourself with the same brutal frank-
ness that you use in criticizing your
neighbor’s appearance. Also, you
must accept the reports on new fash-
ions not alone as entertaining news
items, but as authentic information
to be acted upon with confidence.
It behooves the housewife to learn
to tell the difference between hard
wheat and soft wheat flours, and to
know the particular use for which
each is best adapted. She can then
select a flour that is well suited to her
The increase in the production of
bakers’ bread and in the use of ma-
chines in the bakeshops has greatly
increased the demand for the hard
wheat flours. Their higher gluten
content gives them greater ability to
absorb water and to stand the severe
“punishment” given the dough by
power machinery. The result is that
in many sections hard wheat flour
commands a higher price than soft
wheat flours.
For many home uses soft wheat
flours are just as good and better than
the hard wheat product. It is easier
to make tender cakes and pie crust
with soft wheat flour. For thicken-
ing sauces, gravies, and the hundred
and one other small household needs
one kind is as good as the other.
The housekeeper, however, some-
times has difficulty in telling what
type of flour she is buying. The
United States department of agricul-
ture suggests that the following sim-
ple tests for distinguishing soft wheat
and hard wheat flours to be used:
The flours from soft wheats have a
velvety texture somewhat like corn
starch, and those from hard wheat are
ugnally- more gritty, but it- requires
some experience and a fine sense of
touch to detect this difference. Ex-
perts usually do it by taking a pinch
of flour and rubbing it lightly be-
tween the thumb and the third finger.
Another way to tell is by squeezing
a handful of it tightly and noticing
whether as the hand opens the flour
remains in a mold and shows the im-
pression of the fingers. In this test
a hard wheat flour acts more like a
powder and the mold breaks up more
readily than that of a soft wheat flour.
Weighing is still another way used to
distinguish between the two kinds of
flour. A quart of hard wheat flour
that has been sifted once, dipped
lightly into the measure and then
leveled off, weighs about 16 or 17
ounces or even more. A quart of soft
wheat flour sifted in the same way,
weighs only about 14 or 15 ounces.
“Blue is man’s favorite color,” de-
clares Fred C. Kelly in the American
Magazine. If he needs any more evi-
dence to prove his statement, says
Miss Jennie Owen in the Eldorado
(Kan.) Times, he can get it from an
Eldorado woman who never had any
but a blue dress as long as her father
selected her clothes and that was until
she grew up and rebelled, and one
time, she relates, he went to town and
Dongns her mother three dresses—all
What shall we have for dinner to-
day? Haven't you asked yourself
that question scores of times and just
longed for something new and differ-
ent and awfully tempting to serve? I
know that I have. I get so tired of
ordering the same old chops and
steaks and roasts, day after day.
Well, I went in search of something
different the other day and I found it.
No, I didn’t discover a new animal, but
I did find new and interesting cuts
which melt in your mouth. They are
so good. One delicious thing was a
lamb noisette, just the tenderest, most
luscious bit of lamb you ever tasted,
without a particle of skin or gristle,
and just ready for some delicious form
of cookery. English mutton chops
which looked like miniature roasts of
beef were another novelty to me.
They are wonderfully fine broiled and
served with mint sauce and currant
Filet mignon is the name of a tiny
steak, just for one person, so daintily
prepared, all wrapped about with ba-
con and looking like a bouquet rather
than the evening’s dinner. Then there
were Delmonico steaks and such at-
tractive crown roasts of lamb, the ver
tractive crown roasts of lamb, the
very thing to serve for a company din-
ner. Of course these cutsI have des-
cribed are the very pick of the mar-
ket, the most tender, juicy, luscious
meats, but so nice to know about when
one is giving a little dinner.
The noisettes, filet mignon and Eng-
lish chops are fifty cents each. The
Delmonico steak is fifty-five cents a
pound, the crown roast priced accord-
ing to its size; one suitable for serv-
ing six or seven persons will cost
about $2.50. There are less expensive
meats to be had in the place where I
found them, too, each of the finest
quality, and most juicy and flavorable.
Ask for a top muscle roast of beef at
thirty-five cents a pound for some-
hen the correct letters are placed in the white spaces this puzzle will
spell words both vertically and horizontally.
which refers t
column headed
indicated by a mumber,
Thus No. 1 under the
The first letter in each word is
o the definition listed below the puzzle.
“horizontal” defines a word which will
fill the white spaces up to the first black square to the right, and a number
under “vertical” defines a word which
black one below.
dictionary words, except proper names.
No letters go in the black spaces.
will fill the white squares to the next
All words used are
Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical
terms and obsolete forms are indicated im the definitions.
(©, 1926, Western Newspaper Union.)
1—Very venomous snake of Asia
p—Common laborers (chiefly Latin
9—Type of small boat
11—A slave 12—Negative
14—Pasty composition used for cov-
ering walls
16—Third note of musical scale
17—African antelope
19—Of excellent grade, quality or
20—An idiot 21—To drive out
23—To color by dipping in fluid
24—To search for
26—1Is becoming to
27—Flat dish 29—Cheering cry
30—Poisonous viper
31—Protective dress covering
33—To praise or glorify
35—An entreaty
36—To point at
38—Biblical character who sold his
40—A pole or cane
41—A region supposed by some the-
ologians to be on the edge of
43—Kind of soft metal
44—That is (abbr.)
47—Thoroughfare (abbr.)
48—To succeed in an examination
49—True 3
51— Waterways surrounding castles
52—One of a number of steps
1—A kind of black tea
2—Near, or next to
3—To knock gently
4—Shoemakers’ tools
5—An equal in rank
6—To make a mistake
7—Belonging te
8—To change 10—Praises
11—Precipitous, as a cliff
13—A burden, or obligation
15—Man assigned to get enemy in-
formation in wartime
16—Horse’s hair
18—Encroached upon
20—A post or station at a distance
from the main body of an
22—Jewelled headdress
24—A hurry
26—Notwithstanding (contracted
28—Slack, or unrestrained
31—Wood of the agalloch
32—Spikes 33—Ash
35—The last king of Troy
87—An evil sprite 39—Beneath
41—Minus 42—Native metals
45—Head covering
46—Reclined upon
50—Note of musical scales
Solution will appear in next issue.
thing particularly fine, or a clitiek
roast that will open your eyes for
twenty-five cents a pound.
In a recent artical in McClure’s
Magazine Mr. Howard Mingos has re-
lated some of the deeds and dangers
of the flying mail service from coast
to coast. Something of the variety
of perilous adventures these men are
likely to encounter after they have
crashed or made a forced landing and
escaped with life and limb from im-
mediate disaster is indicated by the
odd addition to their flying equip-
ment that experience has promised.
Flying over the snow country, they
now carry snow-shoes lashed to the
side of the plane; army canteens are
carried in crossing the waterless Nev-
ada desert, six-shooters and rifles to
protect them where wolf packs range.
In the air their worst enemy is fog or
blinding snow, especially in the neigh-
borhood of mountains.
One flyer, Clair Vance, came down
in a snowstorm in the Sierra Nevadas
and, though his brother pilots aided
by men from the army sought him for
days, they had given him up for lost
by the time he made his way back “to
civilization, half-starved and with his
clothes in rags and his shoes worn
Another, Jack Knight, started one
day in bad weather for Rock Springs
and on reaching the first mountain
range found the peaks covered with
mist and snow. At that moment his
engine began coughing. With most
of his power lost Knight looked over
the side for a possible landing. He
was unable to see the earth through
the murk. Glancing ahead at that in-
stant, he was startled to find a cliff
looming up in front of him. His plane
was almost on the rocks.
Knight worked swiftly at the con-
trols; but he was helpless, for a ter-
rific down gust swirling over the
mountain peak beat upon the wings
of his machine. It kept it out of con-
trol. The next moment it had crashed
against the ledge high upon the side
of Telephone Canyon. The impact
tore off the nose of the plane and
knocked Knight unconscious. The en-
gine and the propeller lay there in the
snow and ice. The rest of the mach-
ine, with Knight in it, was whirled
out into space again, where it flutter-
ed about like a falling leaf, still in the
grip of that downward blast.
Hours later Knight recovered con-
sciousness and dug himself out of the
snow and splinters at the bottom of
the canyon. His nose was broken, and
he was almost frozen. From his path
in the sky he had observed a ranch
house some ten miles back, and with
that as his objective he staggered
painfully and by slow degrees through
the drifts.
He reached the house. The people
there carried him into Laramie, where
he was put to bed. Three days in the
hospital and Knight was flying again.
Bob Ellis, caught in a downdraft,
crashed against the side of a prec-
ipice, where the plane clung to_the
snow like a fly on the wall. Ellis
could do nothing but sit there and
wait for help. Another pilot found
him a few hours later and spread the
alarm. A rescue party worked its
Solution fo Cross-word Puzzle No. 1.
E All
way to the top of the mountain and
lowered ropes. Ellis tied one of them
around his waist, and they hoisted
him a hundred feet or more up and
over the top. It was many weeks be-
fore the plane could be salvaged.
Pennsylvania’s Need of Teachers.
A recent survey made by school
authorities shows that the State will
need more than 5,000 new teachers in
1927. All teachers must hold a Nor-
mal school certificate or its equivalent.
To meet this situation the Normal
schools must almost double their num-
ber of graduates. To encourage
young men and women to prepare for
teaching the State offers free tuition
“a scholarship” to every four year
high school graduate who enrolls in
a Normal school.
A plan of co-operation between the
Normal schools and the leading col-
leges in Pennsylvania and other
States has been arranged whereby the
credit in the courses in Education to
those who have completed the two-
year Normal course.
The growth of the three year “Jun-
ior High school” group in the Ship-
pensburg Normal school is remark-
able. Those who take this course are
given credit hour for hour in the lead-
ing colleges and universities of the
country. This course offers opportun-
ities to specialize in various academic
fields. Junior High schools are grow-
ing so rapidly and the demand for
teachers is so great that this course
will soon be lengthened to four years
with the degree of Bachelor of Science
in Education. It fits for teaching
in Junior or Senior or Supervisory
en eee eeee——
May Get Daylight Saving.
Daylight saving will be made com-
pulsory throughout Pennsylvania and
other States if Congress approves a
bill that has been introduced in the
House of Representatives by David J.
0’Connell, of New York.
It provides that on the last Sunday
in March of each year standard time
shall be advanced one hour and that
on the last Sunday in October the
clock shall be retarded an equal peri-
If the bill becomes a law all com-
mon carriers will be governed by its
provisions, as will also all officials of
the United States government.
——1I#t’s all here and it’s all true.
34—A den .
—The “Watchman” makes it a bus-
iness to print all the news that’s fit
to print. It’s a home paper.
o or
(a vegetable aperient) taken at
night will help keep you well, by
toning and strengthening your di-
gestion and elimination.
i RE
Cups off the Old
One-third the regular dose. Nade
of the same ingredients, then candy
coated, For children and adults. §
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
That Christmas Money
tan Be (he Start on a Beautiful Wate or Ring
Our Monthly Payment Plan Adds No Extra Cost
F. P. Blair & Son
his income.
each your son to save 10% of
The habit will give
him greater happiness than the
largest estate you could leave him.
An account with us affords a safe,
profitable investment.
3 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
New Patrons
ith a constantly increasing
number of patrons keeping
us busy, we yet are better
prepared than ever before to prop-
erly conduct your banking busi-
We begin the new year with bright pros-
pects for continued business activity.
The First National Bank