—As for us, of leaf won't: suffice. - We'rd ing to start-a new book: From this day on— through 1926" at least—just to see how it eventuates—we're going *o call spades spades. In wedding notices there are going to be no more “lovely and accomplished daughters” of so and so. Every bride’s got to stand on her own legs—whether they are bowed or knock at the knees. We're going to stop putting it up to St. Peter to hang out the S. R. O. signs on the gate posts of Heaven by issuing a pass for a front seat in his realm for every skin flint who dies. There is to be an end of slamming the mail order houses and chain stores for the benefit of merchants who won’t advertise their own wares in the local papers. There is to be no more free publicity for Uncle Sam, who pays everybody who does any- thing for him except the newspapers that have given his employees the political prominence that got them their jobs. ‘The office waste paper basket is going to be fuller than ever with the contributions of State offi- cials, College department heads and local salary grabbers who are ex- ploiting themselves through the news- papers when they know that few of them would ever have been heard of if it hadn’t been for the free publicity given them. During 1926 the Watch- man will have no apologies to’ ‘make for the supposed ‘high-brows- who in- hale their soup, nor the “I seen” or 443¢ could have been did” fellows. This paper is going to be hard ' boiled as—. For seventy-one years it has been for the community and the ¢ other fellow. Its going to con- tinue doing so but he’s got to show us that he can balance ‘more peas on -his knife than we can. Now that we have declared ourself let us, again, wish you the happiest and most pros- perous year you “have ever known. —The Governor is only lending to the plan of his enemies to do nothing at the special session by adding more subjects for it to consider, : ~ —Now what vould you do with a wife who gave you a pencil sharpener and a son who gave you a whirli-gig- for a garden hose, as Christmas pres- ents? God only knows how the engi- neer of a country weekly manages to yun on schedules ob ne Hn —If Mayor Kendrick had fred Smedly Butler a year ago we up-coun- “4ry lookers-on : t-have had more respect for him.. ‘That’s when a lot of us knew he wanted to do it. And ‘thats’ when a lot of us thought Ken- drick ought to have had the courage to admit that he is no bigger that the machine that made him. — Bishop Manning may think Sun- day polo and foot-ball would: be “as beautiful as a service in a Cathedral,” but - there are countless others who | won’t. If Sunday polo and foot-ball come they will be hand-in-hand with Sunday prize fights and Sunday everything else but a stop for one day to consider ‘whence we ‘have come and whither are we going. —The Republican part of the coun- ty raised h——when it discovered that a Sphinx from Texas in the p n of Col. House, was in the confidence of and observing things for President Wilson. Then Coolidge sent” for House and, forthwith, the Republican part of the country began to advocate sneakin’ into the League of Nations through any old hole left to get in. —Our Congressman is ‘making a noise like a bid for a ‘third’ term Hon. Billie has: proposed : federal sorship for moving pictures. sid is merit in the idea, economi a it will get nowhere because" ‘the * eral State boards are not going to let Billy legislate them ‘out’ of jobs nor is Pennsylvania giing to permit Kan- sas to tell it what is fit to be ‘seen’ on the screen. —Col. Geo. Knox McCain consumed nearly two columns in Monday’s Phil- adelphia Ledger in an effort to tell the world what is going to h: ppen, politically, in the ‘Twenty-third ‘con- gressional District—which is ours. After fumbling around over Gov. Pin- chot, Paul D. Wright, Edgar Kiess, Thomas S. Butler, Etc., all of whom may have seen the District from the back seat of a Lim.—at some time or other—he concluded his survey by giving we “hick” politicians the idea that the Colonel is a Christian Scien- tist. Certainly he gave the situation in the Twenty-third the absent treat- ment. —We sat in the Bellevue-Statford and heard George Wharton Pepper exude verbal tears big as horsechest- nuts in his efforts to urge everyone to uphold the policy of President Wilson. Then we read the same George Wharton Pepper's diatribes against the President’s policies, after he had become a Senator in Congress for Pennsylvania. And now we read that the same George Wharton is re- pudiating the modifications he pro- posed ‘and is urging the country to sneak into the League under any dis- guise it can assume. How much’ re- spect do you imagine = we- ‘have for such a statesman? | they are inc - | tine of the S gies of the Republican ma Pennsylvania is now center: will continue to be for some a purpose to destroy Governor chot. Recent events of favorabl portent coupled ‘with the numerous blunders of the machine have com- bined to make the Governor a more formidable figure in the public life of the State than ever before. Unless he canbe stopped his nomination te the Senate is certain, and that ac- complished there is no telling what will happen afterward. The machine managers realize this fact in full measure and correctly appreciate the consequences. For that reason they have set out to prevent it “by hook or crook.” «i: The coal strike could be settled in twenty-four hours if the miners would openly repudiate Pinchot. They are hanging onto ‘Pinchot, however, for purely selfish purposes, ‘because they imagine he can do for them in the present wage controversy what he did ‘to the cost of ‘the public, to settle their last demands. The oper- ators ‘feel’ that they can’t afford | to allow him to win and any settle- ment with ‘which his name or influ- ence’ is associated, near or remote, will contribute to his ambitious hopes. Both ‘the coal mine owners and the miners are anxious to settle the strike and resume operations in the mines. They are losing vast sums in profits through the inactivity . But the operators will loss,” ‘however great i PT _ rather than. contribute ta. i of Pinchot’s expe obvious fact that i would help Pin- chot. The present purpose of the Repub- lican machine managers is to prevent: a-third candidate for Senator. They believe that with the active help of the coal operators, the carrying cor- porations and other predatory combi- nations they can nominate Senator Pepper for re-election, But with a ‘third sandiagis | in the Feld, whether {heb rnor. He ‘has the # of a vast number of gate who will adhere to to. defeat the : earnest Suppq voters in the him to the ef and any division of the oppositionfwill only strengthen his chances ofsuccess. There is a good deal of tllik of a third candidate at present. "Me name of Vare and that of StrassBrger are frequently mentioned. Opposition to forid Court Vanishing. The oppositin in the Senate at Washington tg#the entrance of the United Stat is rapidly di ris, of Neb fluence of the | and on Monda and Norbeck, nounced their measure. Thi recalcitrants Blease, of So Michigan, and Democrats. Bi reconcilables w less fight as 1 friends of the ed to | let them t jority the other day enators McMasters South Dakota, an- ose to vote for the. .are of Missouri, his handfpl of ir- fkeép up their hope- | g as possible. The | alk their heads off” if €d to thus waste the te. ying result of a long of State Hu rence of the recommended ate. There waz lican majority time but unde President Harding, s action by the Sen- e leadership of Sen- ator Lodge, Massachusettes, and Senator Peppers:of Pennsylvania, the proposition t4pigeon-holed” for a considerable od. « Last year Presi- dent: Coolidge "throught it = forward again but Lodgé.;and Pepper prevent- ed action until Eodge died and Pepper discovered that b , would be defeated for. renominatio ~ unless he “faced- about.” His anibition being stronger than his prinei les, he finally yielded. The fight which is now drawing fo a successful comelusion has been led by Democratic Senators from the be- ginning. Every man in the group would have preferred entrance into the League of - tions, thus qualify- ing for membership in the court in the proper manner. But the malicious spirit © which ge the fight against Woodrow Wilson thus long after his death refused to concur until public sentiment: forced them to as- sent to a back ddor entrance. It is a gratifying sign af advance toward the Wilson ideals, however. As a member | of the World Court, a creature of the | League, this eolintry will progress until the conscience of the people is fully aroused and the work of Wilson | completely ratified. lf de ——An advertisement in this paper always brings the answer. Try it. s i consider legislati on" and ves only a dozen Carolina, Ferris, of easure have determin- | pversy. It is nearly | the then Secretary s, with the concur- a substantial Repub- | n the body at that If the machine meth \g extra session of the General As- mbly result in the defeat of ef- ive reform ballot legislation Governor Pinchot will have himself to blame. It has already been an- nounced that the machine policy will be “to log-roll and filibuster.” By that process time may be consumed without a direct vote on any proposi- tion other than such as the machine managers favor. The Governor will be treated “courteously” to the extent that his Giant Power measure will be discussed and other legislation sponsered by him committed to appro- | priate committees. But nothing will i be done to present Mr. Pinchot to the role of a martyr.” .. The only question of real urgency embraced in the Governor’s call for the extra session is legislation to guarantee honest elections, and that | becomes urgent because if delayed be- lent votes and false returns, fasten ! its grip upon the State for at least four years more. The question of Delaware river bridge tolls is im- portant, and owing to existing condi- tions, it would be well to dispose of it promptly. The coal strike emergency is present and potent but any legis- lation on that subject is necessarily of doubtful legality. The other sub- jects might have been deferred until the regular session. An honest elec- tion next fall would make meritorious legislation practically certain then. ties of the extra session to the two urgent questions, ballot reform and the bridge toll. Thus limited the op- portunities “for “log-rolling and fili- bustering,” could have been reduced to the vanishing poin ere would have been only ommittees nd the 40 of the improvements by energy an persistence could have compelled action. No rural Senator or Repre- sentative in the Legislature could have aroused. popular ; sentment and the ‘average . legislator is not likely to commit political suicide. : Senator Pepper spoke in Read- ing, on Monday evening, and renewed his’ ledge fidelity to CG Polidge: 4 An effort: is + aig ig 20 got the leading ‘Republieans of the State into conference before the date’ pk for the special session of the: Gerieral As- | sembly. At first a disposition was | shown among" certain leaders to’ treat | pe the “coming session as a" ‘joke. ' One more or less conspicuous figure in the organization proposed that “adjourn- after assémbling “Would be a'fit way of éxpressingeontenipt for the Governor and ‘the"idea’was approved by 4 eon More de > consideration’ ‘of the |. Subject) 0Wever, has caused a radical | 5 cha of programme. The leaders aré now ‘gravely alarmed over thes sit- dation and inclined to. treat it serious- Jy, >a wt > Colonel George Nox McKain, ‘of the staff of the Philadelphia Public Ledger, has been’ making : a survey of |’ the field in the interest of Senate Pepper and after visiting re sections of ‘the west writes: “The new year brings a crisis in the, affairs of the Republican party. i in. ennsylvania. “Whether” or not this crisis can. ‘be safely passed will depend upon Jie | common sense, sound. judgment an more or less sacrificing - spirit everybody concerned. It is frankly admitted that. with: the uncertainties at present surrounding. the United States Senatorship the Republican or- ganization stands at the parting of the ways. “Whether” or not the lead- ers will unite upon candidates who can be unanimously endorsed and sup- ported $ 5 “ is the issue paramount. The meaning, of this admonition is plain. It is that,unless Mr. Pepper is nominated for Senator and Governor Pinchot defeated the element which is supporting him will bolt and the party will head: for ‘the ‘‘demnition bowwows.” To avert this calamity, to the gangsters, the leaders have de- termined to treat the : Governor ‘as politély as possible. Every previous attempt to rebuke the Governor has turned to his advantage and the condi- tions are precarious ! enough now. | They realize that ballot reform legis- lation is demanded and Some measure { to that’ purpose will be enacted. It |: | will be made as Vari as ‘possible | { but even at that it : good. - 140’ some * ———General Smedley having with toons his resignation can now “tell his ‘troubles to the marines.” yond the period for the next primary ; of election the machine may, by fraudu- | tion of In view of these facts the Gover- |: | nor ought to have confined the activi- have been deluded or dragooned into |W voting - egaingt Tetuint batioh: Tegtsta 152 tion. Such a betrayal of faith would ment “v-ithout’ “day” thirteen’ iinutes siderable umber of the party leaders. : in _ that office. the dismissal that the Mayor of Philadelphia.” dise of subferfuge, to state it mildly. “Gen- eral Butler declares that he was re- , moved from office because he insisted | citizens of the Commonwealth in the upon enforcing the law against the rie . Th men! i “as well as the poor offenders. ds Rally Support that state- never been any genuine al relations between the Di- ol Public Safety and the Moyor * conic recto years ago. Mayor Kendrick, under the. false pretense of fulfilling his i s and for the put- ion ‘in his favor, persuaded General By r to accept the office by assuring cordial and honest support in an hn vor to enforce the law against 0 Py nd tae: o Hall obstructed the processes Hall “would be disci- 4 Both promises were. violated public morals of Pennsylvania. It! may be said that in his crusade for! justice he failed to show proper re- spect for the Mayor, but he concealed his contempt for him and that was “going some.” ~The holiday business at the Bellefonte postoffice exceeded that of any previous year by a big per cent. While it was impossible to keep a record of the number or wei of packages handled .the number of letters and cards sent out on the four joys preceding = Christmas was just 8172 ater pe ‘during the same “last year. Notwithstanding unprecedented amount of pack- ages and parcel post matter every parcel of it was delivered by eleven o'clock on’ ‘the night of the 24th, and the office’ ‘was closed tight all day on e op 47 spected by offic op “of institu on before it Ax ha; filed ‘over ia o the tion for ‘whom it 1 “intended. ' This, naturally, MEALS. Tot of work but the job was completed din time for every man to have hisrbex: id Chyshnas TI Pwh hundred and five arrests for wreckless drivin were I ‘made on vember. We. knew the fools are not all dead but had no idea ‘that so many of the survivers are ‘malicious. 1 at ofl —__1¢ Pinchot. defeats: Tor per for the Senatorial nomination the Repub- lican party of Pennsylvania will ‘go into “voluntary. bankruptey.”: ——The Christmas ‘spirit is grow- ing in strength and increasing in 'use- fulness. Never before have so many useful presents been given. —1It is a safe bet that Senator Pepper would give anything : within reason to learn exactly what Joe Grundy has “up his sleeve.” A ——1It may be predicted that Mayor Kendrick, of Philadelphia, ‘will’ inter- ‘pose no objection to sending’ General Butler to California. —t ri ——According to the advertising pages of our Republican contempor- arie Mr. John K, Tenner is still run- ning for Governor. ——Tariff taxes are: likely’ to give the Republicans in Congress more trouble this year than usual. —— tet ——=On the other hand there is no evidence thay moss is of any real use to a stone. uy General Butler “had not shown proper respect for Every person who had knowledge e matter knew that that was a all g Veen ues He promised that if r sugar, made Ss haa. be subs e | of the cane sugar which the people of nr. and the Christmas; th the exception of for- warding ov oing mail." od ‘During the week pi ] pg istmas ' five : bis c Joad of .packa s were received at the Be lefonte office for the inmates ew, felts tentiary. Every buckigo had t ti ned, and. in- the highways of the State during No- bu Would Beat Burning ‘It for From the Pittsburgh Post. - More than any of Commodi, United States depends on corn prosperity. The corn ¢rop is y worth more than the cotton crop and the wheat crop combined; it is worth twice as much as our annual output-of | iron and. twenty times as much as the gold mined in the United States ea year. Hence every reasonable al that contemplates increasing demand for corn deserves serious: con- {® sideration on the part of the Ameri fn people. Such a proposal has made by the president of a large surance company of the Middle v west in a plea for the use of corn sugar as a partial substitute for cane sugar. Corn is grown in every State .0f.the Union.: A ‘hundred million acres are planted i in it. It is the principal crop of millions of farmers. The pal harvest of maize in the United S: is close to three billion bushels. For. eigners do not appreciate corn as Americans do, not being so well ac- quainted with it." The export demand is, therefore, not great. We ship out of the country only about two per | cent. of the ¢ It is the export Sit- uation that ‘makes for low prices for corn. To counteract this undesirable ¢on- dition George Kuhns, president of the Bankers Life Company, Des Moines, advocates the hotsewives pas 30 Sy or. "ggar on fhe table fo for cere aig starch of corn is now vei into a granulated sugar, he states, which, while not as ost as cane sugar and not suitable for making jel- ly, is much more easily digested, is of equal ST and has = ue, and is superior for canning. and preserving fruit because it. does, not destroy its natural ne mt Swentyfive I ounds with one and one- un A oil, fifteen pounds of ponds of “and fourteen and one-half pounds of glu “ducts. According to bsti od Tod from foreign lands, Frinel a new market woul or | nearly one hundred million bushels of |. corn “right here at hom ap great boon to the farmers Ro uld (not result in a higher ee for corn : foods as purchased by ultimate consumer. Growing corn is the chief ‘business of a large section of the population and when the growers fail to’ find a profitable market the whole country feels-the effect of their misfortune. How often has the cry been raised that corn was being consumed : as fuel because of the failure of the farmers to find buyers! : Much better than to burn it is to convert it into a wholesome st Considerable time may be requ educate the American ‘people use of corn sugar. However, the tent to which they have’ taken up up. use of corn flakes, corn syrup, corn oil and other comparatively new pro- | du icts of maize indicates that if th sugar possesses all the: ‘meri claimed for it a be created. 4 Take a Real ra the Pittsbu E President Collidge and ditions under which the United States may send delegates to the coming co) ference at Geneva on arms redu an arrangement should go tl the American delegates would attend conduct. Of course every Amer wants reasonable care on that p ut the obstructiveness of the i tionists or “irreconcilable” foes of “irreconcilables” would be so under- mining: to the Leagu e of court system as to make it i Jt impos bic of acceptanc Let. it sted that President Collidge on hold to the course that world peace is of infinitely more im- portance thar a mjere political peace Tr comproniise’ with opponents of in- ternational co-operation. If the ad- ministration does not feel that it can | take a’ reasonably full part in the} arms conference, then far better let it stay away than send a delegation so tied by reservations of the “irrecon- cilables, as-to make it a spectacle of impotence. tionists at the expense of world peace. Pennsylvania Values. From the Greensburg Review. At different times during the few years people have stood ag | West Newton, Out of a bushel of corn om there gin be be ky ten stock food and oil Beal as by=pro- o' to have reached an agreement on con- | poi It is indicated, of course, that if such 5 League of Nations has been such as to cause apprehension among the | idea friends of world co-operation over any | ©90} policy of compromise with the anti’s. |" Usually the only basis proposed io general Quit humoring the isola- | « ast |; J any wagon works, Harry - Fi Peters, ars old, killed himself while seated in an itomobile at Emigville. ¢ 3 : —william G. Morgan, for many years a ‘business man of Altoona, left his estate, valued at $14,700, to his barber Emil A. Vetter, according to, papers filed on Mon- day. iz ~ —Nominations * of “Fred «Mi: Sheaffer, Democrat, and Robert Hudson, Labor party, both of ‘DuBois, as: ‘candidates to fill the vacancy in the Second Clearfield Legislative district, were Yegeived at the State Election Bureau. ‘Miss Silva E. Ridasill, 24, of Altoona, died on. Sunday in the hospital from ‘burns received when her Shofuings dsnited at a ‘br - —When a Sans adh ‘Penn Central Light and Power company fell across the lines of the Bell Telephone gompany in Cambria county, early on Tuesday, Miss Della Plummer, “an operator at Cresson, was shocked falling “uncon- scious from her position at the ‘switch- board. . —Run down on thes county road Hollidaysbu: *g last Thursday ‘night; Palmer, 29 years old, of John attendant at the Blair County died in the Altoona hospital a short later from a’ fractured ‘skull. The mer. : - SARticipating. that something. 0 might have been lost in the big ta which was occupied by Billy Sunday Evan- Iv, the saw dust which eoyer ‘had ‘been sifted and $26.60 in vation Army. -—Miss Emma Walt burns suffered ‘Martin hé will continte. to be log adviser for the county’ ‘commissioners. ~“Lonly the viso. of hid ciip_ saved Police captain 'W, Hayes ‘McKinney, of Reading, from losing an ‘eye ‘And a possible ‘skull fracture last: Thursday, when he captured, in a lane near the Berks Almshouse, Walter Francis, of that city, an insane patient: in cilables” of -the Senate are reported ; sare under strict reservations upon their illian is. b poses. _ When the ge “quantities “of bod Coficelved' the report of the ce in the axtater Hea in gourt shows that the Bloomsburg ‘public yy residuary legatee, will: ve the income from $41,232 247 ithe. trustees of the First Proshyteifin’ “and. “First Methodist $4,525, ‘the in- ed to the pas- tors’ salaries be ie ai Hoipifhl, “Philadelphis, | $9,500, for. “endowment of beds. a ii { brought in the downtown section of Greensburg. Gradually the front foo price has risen on Main street until i compares very favorably with sg of the values in: cities. : Naturally price of renting advances with the hanced price for the real estate. In no State in the Union has real estate. values surpassed that commanded dn Pennsylvania. at the big prices which real estate has En “LSubscribe’ ot ; wabee.s sur nfs of the car did not stop, after striking Pal - the _almshouse hospital whe. had’ ‘escaped :