Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 18, 1925, Image 8

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.- Bellefonte, Pa., December 18, 1925.
.+ ——The library at the Y. M. C. A.
will be closed to the public December
22nd to 25th inclusive.
——Mrs. Frank Crawford’s Sunday
school class is selling salted peanuts
at fifty cents per pound. Orders can
be telephoned Mrs. Crawford, Bell
«phone, 257. .
— There are still a few Bellefonte
‘residents who have not become inur-
‘ed to soft coal, but they will probably
get hardened to it sooner than they
will be able to get hard coal.
* — Charles H. Gubriel’s Christmas
cantata, “The New-Born King,” will
be given by the choir of the Methodist
Episcopal church, Sunday evening,
December 20th, at 7:30 o’clock.
~ — The Pennsylvania State College
and the Bellefonte Academy will both
close today for their holiday vacation,
while the Bellefonte public schools
will not close until next Wednesday.
——The condition of George Gard-
ner, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gardner, of Bush’s Addition, who was
seriously injured early last week by
being struck by an automobile, is so
much improved that he has now pass-
ed the danger period and his perman-
ent recovery is assured.
———Christmas will soon be here and
most everybody is engrossed in
Christmas shopping and planning for
that joyous occasion, but they are not
too busy to attend the Scenic in the
evening and view the wonderful mo-
tion pictures shown there. The big-
gest and best programs of the latest
and most up-to-date moving pictures
can be seen only at the Scenic. No
other house in Central Pennsylvania
presents such varied and interesting
programs every evening in the week.
To see them all you should be a regu-
lar attendant.
——The “Watchman” last week car-
ried a news item relating to the arrest
of State policemen H. R. Jacobson
and W. J. Lyster, as well as chief of
police Fred Lytle, of Cresson, on the
charge of causing the death of Antho-
ny Misoura, by beating him when
making his arrest for illegal manufac-
ture of liquor. The coroner’s jury, of
Cambria county, exonerated all the of-
ficers from any blame in connection
with Misoura’s death, which was sim-
ilar to the action of a Centre county
grand jury in ignoring the charge of
beating preferred by Cleveland Pack-
er against W. J. Lyster last March.
——The five pillar lights at Belle-
TE fontels. big; spring were connected up
on Saturday and blazed forth in all
their splefidor on Bin night.
They are just what is needed to show
oT rdntage the improved setting
for the town’s water supply. Now.
that all thé exterior improvements
have been completed there are very
few people in Bellefonte who do not
approve of the money spent in fixing
up the spring’s surroundings. The
building is now one that will stand for
years without needing any repairs
while there is now no danger of any
private individual encroaching upon
the town’s water supply.
——When Judge Harry Keller va-
cates his present offices in Temple
Court to take possession of the judge’s
chambers in the court house, early in
January, his suite will be taken by
John G. Love Esq., the new district
attorney. Rumor has it that on retir-
ing from the bench Judge Arthur C.
Dale will occupy a desk in the offices
of Orvis & Zerby, in Temple Court.
The present officers of the Penn State
Telephone company have been con-
tracted for by the Whiterock Quar-
ries, whose offices will be moved there
from the old Centre County bank
building, which will probably be sold
at receiver's sale during the coming
A Mean Quintette.
The Centre county courts ought to
be flooded with libels in divorce. About
the meanest trick that we have ever
heard of a crowd of regular husbands
playing on their wives was told us on |
Monday. i
Frank M. Fisher, Frank Bradford,
D. A. Boozer and Robert Campbell, of
Centre ‘Hall, and John Campbell, of
Tyrone, all, heretofore, regarded by
us as types of men to be emulated
have fallen from their high estate—
so far as we ken them.
Each and every one of the good
women who have gotten up hours be-
fore they wanted to to have cereals
creamed and bacon and eggs just right
for the duffers yawning and stretch-
ing on the floor above, had been asked
to join a real party down into Virgin-
ia to explore the caves through the
Shenandoah valley.
Well, the ladies weren’t quite ready |
when the moment came to start so the
men drove off without them and went
galivanting clear down to Staunton,
Virginia, stopping at every town big
enough to hold them and having the
time of their lives. After going
through most of the caverns and grot-
tos in the valley of caverns they re-
turned by way of Baltimore, Philadel- '
phia and Washington. They were just
bustin’ to tell of the glorious trip, but
when the Centre Hall contingent got
home there were no wives to tell it to.
After their men had run off the ladies
were so furious that they felt the need
of grace more than ever before in
their lives so they got together and
went down to Williamsport to attend
Billy Sunday meetings as a sort of
consolation prize,
No Cases of Very Great Interest Are
Up for Trial.
The regular December session of
court convened on Monday morning
with Judge Arthur C. Dale presiding,
it being his second regular session
during his year upon the bench and
the last in his brief career as judge.
Following the presentation of a num-
ber of petitions, etc., the list of grand
jurors was called. C. M. Bartley, of
Marion township, was appointed fore-
man and after being duly instructed
regarding their duties by the court
they retired to consider the various
bills of indictment presented to them
by the district attorney.
The first case taken up on Monday
was that of Clarence J. Speicher and
Lloyd J. Shoop, doing business as the
Official Football Distributing Agency,
vs. Hugh B. Wagner, of Bellefonte.
According to the testimony of the
plaintiffs Mr. Wagner agreed to take
and dispose of a stated number of their
official football schedules at a certain
price and had signed a contract to that
effect. Failing to dispose of the en-
tire number he made payment for only
the copies sold, and action was
named in the contract. In his own be-
half Mr. Wagner stated that when he
signed the contract it was with the un-
derstanding that he was to sell what
he could of them and pay for only
what he sold. The prosecution was
represented by James Furst Esq., and
the defense by Orvis & Zerby.
The jury in the above case return-
ed a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs
in the sum of $500, with interest from
September 1st, 1924.
The next case taken up was that of
the Commonwealth vs. Peter Mendis,
charged with assault to attempt to
commit rape, and assault and battery,
prosecutrix Nellie Cole. The jury re-
turned a verdict of not guilty and di-
vided the costs equally between the
prosecutrix and the defendant.
Quite a number of the civil cases
down on the list for trial were contin-
ued for various reasons.
The grand jury found a true bill in
the Philipsburg brewery case but the
case had not gone to trial when the
“Watchman” went to press. The jury
completed its work and was discharg-
ed on Wednesday.
Judge Dale Sends One to Penitentiary,
One to Jail.
At a special session of court on Sat-
urday morning, Jesse Bilger, of Ly-
tle’s addition, State College, entered a
plea of nolle contendre to the charge
of statutory rape preferred by his
[thirteen year old. daughter, and was
sentenced to pay a fine of $100, costs
of prosecution and undergo imprison-
ment in the western penitentiary for
not loss than ture nox mpeo- thal TOUr
The attorney for Edward Fye and
Oscar Quick, of Snow Shoe, convicted
at the September term of court on
three counts, assault and battery, ag-
gravated assault and battery and asz-
sault and battery with intent to maim,
: withdrew their motion for a new trial
and the men appeared before the court
for sentence. Judge Dale fined each
of them $50 and costs and placed them
under one thousand dollars bond to
keep the peace for a period of thres
years toward the public generally and
especially toward Cyrus Schnarrs, the
prosecutor in the case.
Carl Lingle, eighteen years old, of
Spring Mills, plead guilty to stealing
twenty dollars from S. A. Condo. At
the suggestion of Mr. Condo sentence
was suspended for a period of one
| year upon the restoration of the mon-
ey stolen and payment of costs.
Spring Mills, who several months ago
i plead guilty to an attempt to pass a
worthless check on Bond Musser, of
Millheim, sentenee was suspended for
a period of one year and the young
man was given thirty days in which to
pay the costs.
Joseph Grafmyer, of Mileshurg,
plead guilty to selling, possessing and
transporting intoxicating liquors, and
in presenting his case to the court dis-
trict attorney Ivan Walker stated that
i he has been one of the most flagrant
bootleggers in Centre county for sev-
eral years, and that since his arrest
several months ago he has carried on
his illegal trade about on the same
scale as he did before. On the first
count the court sentenced Grafmygr
to pay a fine of one dollar, costs of
| prosecution and serve from one to two
| years. in the county jail. On the sec-
{ond count three to six months in jail
‘and suspended sentence on the third
| count.
| in
: Beautiful Cantata to be Sung at
Reformed Church.
One hour of beautiful, inspiring mu-
sic is promised those who will attend
the music service atthe Reformed
church, Bellefonte, at four o’clock on
Sunday, the twentieth. The cantata,
“King of Kings and Lord of All,” is
by R. M. Stultz, and is a beautiful
| composition abounding in pleasing
| solos, quartettes and choruses. The
chorus is being trained by Mrs. Kra-
der, who feels confident, judging from
the faithfulness and excellent talent
of the group of selected voices hand-
ling the Cantata, that the rendition
will nof, only be a very pleasing one
but one of muscial merit as well. The
solo work is being done by Mrs. Kra-
der, Cecil Walker, Millard Hartswick
and others in numbers that adapt
themselves beautifully to the voices
brought to recover for the number.
In the case of Carl Stamm, of |
i dress arctics, $3.00.—Yeager’s Tiny
No Paper Next Week.
The “Watchman” takes two vaca-
tions a year, one the week of the 4th
of July and the other the week of
Christmas. As next week will be
Christmas week no paper will be is-
sued from this office. The most of the
force will take the week off but the
office will be open every day except
Christmas and we’ll be glad to have
our friends drop in at any time. We
also want to wish all a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy and prosper-
ous New Year.
——Ladies’ silk hose, new pair
free if they fail to wear, $1.50 at
Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 50-1t.
What Becomes of All the Buck Skins?
According to various reports of
game wardens in their several dis-
tricts three hundred or more legal
bucks were killed in Centre county
this year. Last year there were more
than three hundred and the year be-
fore that almost three hundred. The
total kill in the State last year ex-
ceeded five thousand, and naturally
the question arises, what becomes of
all the buck skins?
Years ago when a man killed a buck
he either had the hide tanned for his
own use or found ready sale for it.
In those days buckskin gloves were
regarded as the best for wear and tear
that could be procured. But nowa-
days not a head, nor a hide nor a hair
can be sold, and the result is no mar-
ket for buck skins. A few farmers
who are fortunate in killing their
buck during the hunting season home-
tan the hides. Some use them for a
rug, others for various uses around
the barn, but the big percentage of
the skins are thrown away. Every
year a number of deer are killed il-
legally and they are generally brought
to a Bellefonte butcher shop to be
dressed and sent to the hospital. The
butcher cannot sell the hides and the
result is he has a pile of them out at
his slaughter house that are all moth
eaten and good for nothing. It seems
only reasonable that some way ought
to be provided to utilize the skins for
some of the uses to which they could
be put.
——7Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop has
added men’s and ladies’ rubbers and
artics to its line, and you can save
fifty cents a pair. 50-1t.
Fire at the Academy Early on Monday
Shortly after two o’clock on Mon-
day morning fire broke out in the
boiler house of the heating plant at
the Bellefonte Academy and before
the flames could be gotten under con-
trol they had burned ‘off most of the
roof and destroyed about everything
of a combustible nature inside. had
colimunieated to and practically burn.
ed to the ground two small garages |
adjacent to the boiler house. The au-
tos in the garages were removed. The
loss is covered by insurance. The or-
igin of the fire is unknown as the fire |
under the boiler was banked at nine
o'clock on Sunday evening.
The fire department was called out
about eleven o’clock on Monday night
in the belief that the Bush homestead,
on Spring street, recently purchased
by M. A. Landsy and being remodeled,
was on fire. But when the firemen ar-
rived on the scene all they found was
an electric light hanging in a partially
built new chimney, the light from
which had attracted the attention of
some person who believed the house
on fire and sent in the alarm. Fertu-
nately there was no fire anywhere.
: i
——Men’s and Ladies’ 4 buckle
Boot Shop. 50-1t.
Lectures on Current Events.
Mrs. Herman L. Swartz, second vice
chairman of the Pennsylvania League
of Women Voters, will give a series of
lectures on current events on the first
Wednesday evening of the first four
months of 1926. The dates are Jan-
uary 6th, February 8rd, March 3rd,
April 7th. The subjects of the first
three lectures will be questions in na-
tional, State and county government,
and in April the subject will be po-
litical parties.
The lectures will be held in the
Presbyterian chapel, Bellefonte, at
8:30 p. m. Price for the course will be
$1.00; single entrance ticket, 50 cents.
Course tickets can be procured from
Mrs. S. M. Shallcross, Curtin street;
Miss Mary Linn, Allegheny street;
Miss Mary Meek, “Watchman” office,
and Mrs. R. M. Beach, Linn street.
Course tickets will be sold at the
door on the first two months. The
lectures will be followed by discussion
and it is hoped that both men “and
women will join in making them help-
ful and entertaining. 2
Chairman Centre Co. League of Women
Voters. Ti
——Men’s best quality rubbers,
$1.25, ladies 90c.—Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop. 50-1t.
Christmas Services at Shiloh Church.
The young people of Shiloh Luther-
an church will hold their Christmas
service on Sunday evening, December
20th, at 7 o’clock. 5
A splendid program has been ar-
ranged and everybody is invited.
——————— i e—— a — ¢
~——Boy’s shoes, $1.00 saved at
Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 50-1t.
Bell Company to Take Over Penn
State by Above Named Date.
Officials of the Bell Telephone com-
pany have announced that the date
for the physical unification of the
Penn State and Bell Telephone prop-
erties at Bellefonte exchange will be
advanced from September 1st to
March 1st, 1926. This action has
been taken as a result of the requests
made by representatives of the Belle-
fonte Business Men’s association and
the Kiwanis club, representatives of
which pointed out that the continu-
ance of maintaining two telephones
under two systems by the merchants
of Bellefonte would be uneconomical.
The advancing of the date of phys-
ical unification unquestionably means
an added expense to the Bell company
and will require the rapid completion
of a tremendous schedule of work.
The company, however, has willingly
agreed to undertake this for the ben-
efit of the people of Bellefonte, al-
though in so doing it must overcome
what appears to be some almost in-
surmountable problems. This means
that additional sections of switchboard
will be immediately rushed to Belle-
fonte and a special corps of workmen
will be sent here by the Western Elec-
these and do the intricate work of
cross connections with existing posi-
As the existing Penn State tele-
phones cannot be operated from the
i standard Bell Telephone company’s
| switchboard, the Bell company will be
| required to replace all these instru-
ments with their own instruments by
| March 1st. In view of the thirty-
j eight other offices which are also be-
| ing unified, of which it will be possi-
ible to physically unify twenty-three
{ by January 1st, the Bell company has
taken on a most ambitious schedule
|and its engineering and installation
forces will be required to work prac-
tically day and night to complete this
Representatives of the company will
begin to interview exclusive Penn
State subscribers to make arrange-
ments for their service on the Bell
board shortly after the first of the
year in order that all arrangements
may be completed and the new tele-
phones installed, call numbers assign-
ed and connections made with the
Bell board by March 1st.
——Every pair of children’s shoes
are guaranteed at Yeager’s Tiny Boot
Shop, and you can save at the least
75c¢. on a pair. 50-1t.
“The Thespians,” of State College, in
Bellefonte Next Monday Evening.
Bellefonte theatre goers will have
an opportunity to see one of the best
. college musical comedy shows in the
country on Monday evening, Decem-
| ber 21st, when the Penn State Thes-
‘ pians will produce “The Kid Himself,”
at the Richelieu theatre. For the third
‘consecutive year, the Penn State
show, in which all feminine roles are
played by men students, is being
i coached by the Ned Wayburn studios,
j of New York city. :
| Upon a recent visit to the college,
Ned Wayburn viewed the dress re-
hearsal of the new Thespian show and
he declared that it was professional
‘character throughout and that it will
‘be a better show than “Wooden
| Shoes,” which he and Flo Ziegfield, of
| “Follies” fame, classed last year as
the outstanding show in the collegiate
theatrical world. A clever plot, pro-
fessional dancing and all original and
catchy songs written by Penn State
| students are the basis for Wayburn’s
| prediction for “The Kid Himself.”
' During the past two years the Thes-
' pians have gained a reputation that
classes them with professional musical
comedy companies. The dancing
: numbers are particularly good and in-
| dicate the same Wayburn touch that
'tinges the “Follies” and “Honeymoon
Cruise,” Wayburn productions now
making records on Broadway. In the
Kennedy brothers, the Thespians have
probably the best pair of non-profes-
sional clog dancers in the country.
These boys alone are worth seeing.
The more “than sixty members of
the Thespian club are giving up al-
most their entire Christmas vacation
this year in order to take their annu-
. + al production on a tour of eight Penn-
“sylvania and New York cities. Other
places that will be visited in addition
to Bellefonte are Wilkes-Barre, Phila-
delphia, New York city, Binghamton,
N. Y.; Scranton, Pittsburgh and
| Work of Public Health Nurse.
In November, Miss Anna McCauley,
Red Cross public health nurse, made
188 visits, of which 33 were school
visits. She is now assisting Dr. Bar-
lett in medical inspection in the
schools which, this year, includes all
pupils from first-grade through High
school. Expenses for the month were
$152.24, while fees collected were
At the meeting of the nursing com-
mittee on Monday afternoon, the offer
from the American Lime & Stone Co.,
of a yearly contribution of five hun-
dred dollars for services of the nurse
for a day a week was accepted and
Miss McCauley will hereafter include
this in her schedule. A telephone has
been installed in her office in Petrikin
hall ‘where calis may reach her from
8:30 to 9 a.m. and 1 to 1:80 p. m,,
phone 3-M.
——Ladies’ guaranteed silk hose,
$1.50, Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 50-1t.
tric company to take care of installing |
—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shallcross will
go to their former home at Wilmington,
Del., for their Holiday vacation.
—Mrs. J. R. Driver spent the week-end
in Altoona with her sister, Mrs. F. F. Mus-
ser, both Mr. and Mrs. Musser having been
—A. 8. Ray left Sunday to enter the
Wills Eye hospital in Philadelphia, for
treatment, expecting to be gone for an in-
definite time.
—Miss Martha McClure, of Wilkinsburg,
will come in next week to be with her
mother, Mrs. William McClure, for her
winter holiday vacation.
—At Mrs. R. 8. Brouse's Christmas party
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Topelt, of Brooklyn,
will be the guests of honor, coming for
their annual Holiday week visit.
—Jack M. Decker will be in Bellefonte
next week for a visit with Mrs. Decker and
their daughter, Mrs. John Smith, at the
Smith apartment in the Cadillac building.
—Mr. and Mrs. Saul Auerbach, of New
York city, will join the family party to be
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen
next week, at their home on Spring street.
—John Garner, father of Mrs. William
Bottorf, has been Mr. and Mrs. Bottorf's
guest for two months, having come to
Bellefonte to spend the winter with his
—James B. Lane, of Letonia, Ohio, and.
Fred Lane, of Johnstown, are coming to
Bellefonte next week for a Christmas visit
home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John N. Lane.
—Harry McDowell, of Howard, was in
town Tuesday. We don’t know what he
was here for and we didn’t ask him. We
welcomed Harry’s call for we love regular
Democrats and he’s one.
—Miss Lois Foreman, a student at Bar-
nard College, N. Y., and her brother, Mah-
lon, of Chicago, will be home for a Christ-
mas visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. R. Foreman, of Spring street.
—Mrs. Norman Calvert and her son
Jack will be up from Williamsport next
week to join the guy Lyon and Malcolm
Wetzler families, at Mrs. Miller's Christ-
mas party to be given at her home.
—Miss Margaret Gilmour is anticipating
spending Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Gilmour, coming up from
Philadelphia to be a guest at the family
party to be given by Miss Katherine Alli-
son. :
-—Miss Katherine Allison will be hostess
for the Allison family Christmas day din-
ner, to be given at the Archibald Allison
home on Allegheny street. Miss Mary
Shorkley, of Williamsport, will be included
among the guests.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clark, of east
Linn street, and their three children, will
drive to Pittsburg the day after Christmas,
to spend the Holiday week and New Year's
day with Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs. 0. Di.
Horne, of Wilkinsburg. :
—Betty Stauffer, the only child of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Stauffer, of Pottstown, and
the only grand-child in the Martin Cooney
family, will be here with her parents next
week, to be the honor guest at the Christ-
mas celebration in the Cooney home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McClure, of
Wayne, Pa., and their daughter, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey McClure, of Aurora, 11li-
nois, will make their annual visit to Belle-
fonte next week, to celebrate Christmas
with James I. McClure, at his home on
Spring street.
—According to their custom adhered to
ever since leaving Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Kelly and their two children, Miss
Mary and Frank, of Greer, W..Va., will re-
turn next week, to celebrate Christmas
with Mr. Kelly’s brother, William T. Kel-
ly, of east Bishop street.
—Mrs. John A. Woodcock will go to
Syracuse next week, where she and her
son, Dr. Lee B. Woodcock, will be Holiday
guests of the Rev. John A. Woodcock and
his family. Mrs. Woodcock is planning to
visit in Scranton and Chambersburg be-
fore returning to Bellefonte.
—Arthur Ward, from New York city,
and Miss Isabelle Ward, from Dickinson
College, will be with their mother, Mrs. J.
I. Ward, for the Holidays. If the weather
permits Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ward and
their small daughter, Sara. Steel, will drive
in from Cleveland, Ohio, to join the party.
—Those from a distance who will be here
for the Landis family party to be given by
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Landis, next week, will
be Mr. and Mrs. M. Fred Landis and Mrs.
Landis’ sister, Miss Wolfgan, all of Lew-
istown; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Landis, of Ty-
rene, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Landis, of
—Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gamble went
to Tioga county, Wednesday, to yisit for
the remainder of the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Hyde, expecting upon their return to
at once make preparation for going to Lan-
caster to be with Mr. and Mrs. John Os-
tertag for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Gam-
ble will be accompanied by their daughter,
Mrs. Williams.
—Mrs. Harry C. Valentine returned
home from Lancaster, yesterday, accom-
panied by Mrs. Stanley Valentine and her
small son, who will be here for the Val-
entine Christmas celebration. Mr. Valen-
tine will join his family next week and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 8. Burlingame will
come from Cazenovia, N. Y. to complete
the family party.
—Mr. and Mrs, Mog Miller have planned
to spend Christmas with Mrs. Miller's
father, Frank Tubridy, at Moshannon,
while the Miller Holiday party will be at
their house at the toll-gate on New Year's
day. Mr, and Mrs. Miller's guests will in-
clude, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moore and their
daughter Katherine, of Tyrone, and Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Miller, of Philadelphia.
—Mrs. A. G. McMillan and her daughter,
Mary Mott McMillan Jr., are here from De-
troit with Mrs. McMillan’s mother, Mrs.
Odille Mott. Mr. McMillan will join them
next week for a visit and to spend several
days with his friends in Bellefonte. In ad-
dition to the McMillan and Basil Mott fam-
ilies, Mrs. Mott will have with her for
Christmas, her two sisters, the Misses Si-
donie and Pauline Broenel, of State Col-
—AIll of Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker's
children will be her guests at her Christ-
mas family house party, save Mrs. Ebe, of
Pittsburgh, who will be with friends of
Dr. Ebe, in Ohio, for the day. Augusta,
from Pittsburgh; Ellen, from Philadel-
phia, and Mary from Trinity College,
Washington, D. C. Miss Augusta spent
last Sunday with her mother, having come
in to bring Mrs. Shoemaker’s only grand-
child, Wallace Ebe Jr., for a day's visit
with his grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs.
—Mr, and Mrs. Harris Olewine, of State
College, with their two children, will leave
Sunday to spend Mr. Olewine’s vacation at
Mrs. Olewine’s former home near Phila-
delphia. a
" —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Badger, of Apol-
lo, were guests the after part of the week
of Mr. Badger’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Har-
ry Badger, having come in so that Mr.
Badger might spend several days hunting.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Musser are ar-
ranging to drive to Bethlehem next week,
if the - weather permits, expecting: to be
there for Christmas, with Mr. and Mrs. M.
R. Sample, the latter being Mrs. Musser’'s
—Miss Mary Derstine will go to Altoona
for Christmas, to be with friends with
whom she has spent the day for seven con-
secutive years. Mr. and Mrs. Galaida’s
plans for the day include a visit with rel-
atives in Lock Haven.
—George Geiss, with the P. R. R. Co.,
at Broad street station, Philadelphia, and
Mrs. James B. Strohm, of Centre Hall, will
be the honor guests on Christmas day of
D. Wagner Geiss, at their
home on south Thomas street.
—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Phila-
delphia, who have always made it a cus-
tom to return to Centre county for a mid-
winter visit back home, will be with Mrs.
Moore's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, over Christmas.
—William J. Ingold, a foreman of the re-
inforcement work at the new penitentiary,
which was completed two months ago and
who is now with the Grange Construction
Co., at Pittsburgh, will be among those to
return to Bellefonte for a Christmas Holi-
day visit.
—Jesse Derstine and his daughter Doro-
thy, were here Sunday for a Holiday visit
with Mr. Derstine’s mother, Mrs, William
Derstine. Dorothy having come in Thurs-
day her father joined her in Bellefonte
Sunday, both returning to Ambridge the
same day.
—Mrs. James B. Lane, who is now with
her son Richard and his family at McKees-
port, will return to Bellefonte to spend
Christmas with Miss Powell, at her home
on Allegheny street. Mrs. Lane will not
open her house as she expects to go on
east later in the winter.
—Miss Sue Garner, formerly of State
College, but now located in Philadelphia,
will go to Florida early in January, the
trip to be made as a present from a patient.
The length of Miss Garner's stay South
will be governed altogether by her im-
pressions of Florida and the possibilities
it presents for her.
—Members of the S. H. Hoy family now
planning to be home next week, are the
Robert Hoy family, of Wilkinsburg, and
the John and Miles Hoy families, of Ty-
rone. Although Mr. and Mrs. Hoy had no
daughters, they now have five grand-
daughters, three of whom will be with
them for Christmas.
—John, Eliza and Alice Gilliland, chil-
-{ dren of Mrs. James Gilliland, of Oak Hall,
with their aunt, Mrs. Elmer Campbell, of
Linden Hall, as a motor guest, drove to
Bellefonte Saturday to spend several hours
in the shops in anticipation of Christmas,
Eliza remaining for the day with Mrs.
Gilliland’s cousin, Miss Olive Mitchell.
—A “Watchman” office caller bright and
early on Monday morning was Mr. Harry
Lyon, of east Howard street, who contrib-
uted his share toward our Christmas sroei-
ing. But this is no unusual proceeding
for Mr. Lyon, as he is one of the many
subscribers of this paper who always keep
us in their debt in preference to being in-
debted to us. :
—The James K. Barnhart Christmas par-
ty will include Mr. and Mrs. John Harper
and their daughter Elizabeth, of Schenecc-
tady, N. Y.; Miss Louise Barnhart, a stu-
dent at Oberlin College; Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Loeb, of Punxsutawney, and Dr. W. 8. ¢:nd
Miss Cora Campbell, of Seward, Pa. Mr.
and Mrs. Harper will spend a part of their
vacation visit with Mr. Harper's mother,
Mrs. Jared Harper, of south Thomas street.
—Mrs. L. D. Whiting, of Louisville, Ky.,
and her two children, Anna Margaret .and
Lawrence Jr., have been in Bellefonte for
two weeks, guests at the home of Mrs.
‘Whiting’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shu-
ey. Mr. Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Donachy, of Forty I'ort, and two children,
Sara and Charles, will comprise the family
Christmas party Mr. and Mrs. Shuey will
—John H. Wagner drove over from Pot-
ters Mills Wednesday with his daughter,
Mrs. David Galvin, who was returning to
her home in Lock Haven, following a short
visit back home with her parents. Mr.
Wagner had not been in Bellefonte for two
years, consequently was very busily en-
gaged with business during his several
hours stay here, leaving then for a visit at
State College with his son Harry B. Wag-
ner, with the Bell Telephone Co., at that
—Creighton Way, bringing with him a
Mr. Weidener, will come over form Reading
next week for his Holiday visit with his
mother and sister, Mrs. J. R. Driver and
Miss Margery Way. The Driver family,
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Meek, of Avis, and Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Musser, of Altoona, and
the Lester Meek family, of Waddle, will all
be guests of the three brothers, Herbert
D., P. Benner and John B. Meek, at the
Penn State Cafe, on Christmas day. Thir-
ty members of the family will be included
in the party.
Additional personal news on page 4, Col. 1.
renee Ae eee———
——We have added boy's, girl’s and
children’s shoes to our line, and you
can save Tbc. on every pair at Yea-
ger’s Tiny Boot Shop. 50-1t.
erm tee reese,
Read This.
We are going to continue to sell our
Christmas candies at 15c. per pound.
Clear toys, ribbon candy, all kinds of
hard candies, peanut brittle, taffies,
ete. Special prices and attention will
be given churches and schools.
High St.—70-50-1t. Bellefonte, Pa.
en ——— A ————————
——Boy’s, Girl’s and Children’s
shoes at a saving of 7bc. a pair, at
Yeager’s Tiny Boot Shop. 50-1t.
A t———— enc t—
Bellefonte Grain Markets,
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat « = «0 a wd $1.65
oats © ww Da Cm Dei - 35
Rye = - “ - - - 90
Corn = - - - - - 80
Barley - - - - - - .80
Buckwheat - - - “ie 80