Deworralc: Walco INK SLINGS. —Remember the children, Christ- mas is the one day in the year when they should be made happy. —~Charley Dannley writes from ‘Wadsworth, Ohio, that this is the “season we should all feel good.” We are in thorough accord with Charley's idea of pre-Christmas days. The heart that doesn’t warm and gladden at the approach of the anniversary of a birth that gave to the world its one anchor of hope is nothing more than stone. —The extra session of the Legisla- ture, which the Governor has called, will be water on his mill no matter whether the current runs down or up stream. If the Assembly corrects bai- lot thievery, settles the Delaware bridge controversy and the coal strike the Governor will be cat-bird. If it doesn’t do a thing he’ll be cat-bird all the same, because he can say that he tried his best to have corrective and beneficial legislation enacted. It’s “heads I win, tails you lose” with the Governor. He's got the organization going and coming. —We haven’t heard a word from “Two Devout Readers of Ink Slings” since we devoted the entire column to them. Certainly we played for a come-back. The fact that we haven't had one puffs us up like a poisoned pup. Almost, we are persuaded to be- lieve that we do know something about music. We did think so, up to Saturday morning, when “Col. House” accused us of becoming technical. The Col. made the accusation because he didn’t know what he was talking about. Neither did we when we start- ed to discuss music with our two de- vout readers. —The Altoona gentleman who crashed into a parked car and, in con- sequence, was charged with driving a motor while intoxicated has a perfect alibi if the lady who was riding with him will stand for it. The most of the feliows we see driving with girls have one hand on the wheel and the other pawing the lady. It is admitted that this offender was eating a sandwich with one hand and if the other was doing the pawing act the poor fellow had no hand left to steer the car with. If this was the case he might not have been intoxicated at all. He was handicapped by too few hands. —If anybody gets up to ask you, it was the “Watchman” that got out that petition to Judge Dale to have the bond of the receivers he appointed for the Centre County bank reduced. They'll never have $250,000.00 in their hands = one time. They'll distribute a long before it ever should the creditors have had to pay for a bond larger than was necessary to secure them. By doing what we did we saved the creditors just five hun- dred dollars a year for every year un- til final settlement with them is made. Again the thought occurs to us that the “Watchman” has been the only medium that has suggested or under- taken any constructive movement for the benefit of those who have suffered through the closing of that old insti- tution. —If Gifford Pinchot ever gets into the upper house of Congress as the Senator from Pennsylvania its good- by to the Grundys, the Vares, the Bakers, ete., as potential political powers in Pennsylvania. He'll be there for six years—and then some— and there are just enough of his ilk in the Senate to force the President who- ever he may be—aside from a Demo- cratic one—to seek quarter. And Pin- chot will be the boss of Pennsylvania because David K. Reed doesn’t have the wit to circumvent him. If Andy Mellon likes his new play toy its our advice that he’d better forget every- thing else until he has chucked this Pinchot kid clear out from under the Pennsylvania Christmas tree. If he does it now it will be done forever. For who ever heard of a Governor of . Pennsylvania coming back? —With the announcement that the Hon. William I. Swoope is to seek a third term in Congress comes specula- tion as to what is to happen to the supposed aspirations of M. Ward Fleming Esq. For some months the District has been under the impres- sion that the Philipsburg attorney would not be averse to gaining a little experience in law making, to add to that of his law practicing, as a sound foundation on which to base his cer- tain candidacy for Judge in 1935. ‘While we are not authorized to say so the Hon. Harry B. Scott will be a can- didate for the Senate and that is the answer to the speculation. If Mr. Scott is a candidate for the Senate Mr. Fleming couldn’t have hope of carry- ing off the Congressional nomination, for Centre couldn’t expect to get both opportunities away from the other counties in the District. The Hon. Evan Jones has been making goo-goo eyes at his old seat in Congress, so the plot thickens to the point where we as a Democrat will have to show them the way out. And we'll do it early ia 1926. —Incidentally, this is the last op- portunity we’ll have to talk to you in 1925. We are going to take next week off and you’ll not see another “Watchman” until January 1st, 1926. We need the rest. We've worked like to give you a paper worth reading—and whether some of you know it or not that’s what you have been getting. Besides it’s the only thing you are getting that hasn't doubled or tripled in price since 1914. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 70. Extra Session Called. Governor Pinchot indulges in no ex- aggeration in stating that he “has called the General Assembly of Penn- sylvania in extra session because the safety of our institutions and the prosperity of our people imperatively demand it.” The corrupt machine which controls the Republican party of the State has so polluted the pub- lic service with vice and crime that immediate and drastic remedies must be applied. Action could not be de- ferred without sacrificing opportuni- ties of correction. Unless legislation to protect the ballot from fraud is en- acted before the impending Senator- ial and Gubernatorial election the yoke of ‘corruption will be fastened upon the people for an indefinite per- iod of time. If the Governor had been wise he would have limited the activities of the session to not more than two sub- jects. He correctly appraises the “stealing of votes” as the worst evil. It may be assumed that the existing tangle concerning the Delaware river bridge requires prompt consideration. But the other subjects enumerated in his “call” might have been deferred. If the ballot reform legislation con- templated is effective the other faults will correct themselves in the course of time. Future Legislatures will be made up of men of a different type and public interests will have strong- er appeal than party expediency. The other subjects embraced in the call give chance for “log-rolling” and pos- sible defeat of the main purpose. The other subjects included in the Governor’s proclamation calling an extra session of the General Assembly on January 13, 1926, are important enough. If there is a remedy in leg- islation for the existing industrial trouble in the coal region it ought to be adopted. That there is urgent need of improvement in the banking laws, and that the gasoline tax law is defective is obvious. Prohibition en- forcement legislation has not fulfilled its purpose and something ought to be done to prevent monopoly in elec- tric power. But these achievements might have awaited the enactment of needed improvements and if they can be accomplished they will be worth all they cost. T Bill Vare and the Philadelphia Public Ledger are opposed to the ex- tra session, but together they hardly create a respectable minority. Vare Against the Extra Session. Congressman William S. Vare, rec- ognized boss of Philadelphia and acknowledged clown of Pennsylvania politics, is grealy outraged by the call for an extra session of the General Assembly. He sees “nothing in the reasons advanced by the Governor for calling a special session” that “would justify the expenditure of the taxpay- ers’ money.” Mr. Vare hadn’t “di- gested” the call but a first glance at the headlines satisfied him that it is all wrong. The anthracite coal strike “is still the subject of negotiations,” he declares, and “the Delaware river bridge controversy is now before the Supreme court.” The other questions raised by the Governor, in his opin- ion, are not worth a million dollars. At the recent primary election the vote in nearly every precinct in Phil- adelphia was debauched, presumably under the direction and certainly un- der the sanction of Mr. Vare. At the subsequent general election an illegal and monstrously fraudulent effort was made to mutilate the ballots of the entire city in order to defeat a candidate who had been regularly and fairly nominated and was at the time helplessly prostrated on his death bed. According to Mr. Vare’s perverted political morality making the recur- rence of these atrocious crimes impos- sible in the future is a matter of no civic value to the city of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania. He would defer correction until after he had opportunity for another chance. Finally, in his unnecessary and un- solicited statement, Mr. Vare insults the intelligence of the people and out- rages the morality of the city and State by declaring that “the same membership which comprised the last regular session will constitute this special session.” The plain inference is that by reason of his control the same pernicious policies will prevail through the special session. In that sinister expectation Mr. Vare will be disappointed, The Philadelphia Sen- ators and Representatives, being “cor- rupt and contented,” may yield to his evil influence and pursue a vicious course, but those of the rural districts will not. No upstate man who follows Vare will continue in public favor. The public announcement of the Governor’s candidacy would go a long way toward completing the picture. ——Bad weather has proved a bet- ter protection for big game than laws. Mellon Declares for Pepper. After a good deal of maneuvering, or, as the prize fighters say, “sparring for points,” Senator Pepper is getting his potential supporters into line. Of course there is no certainty at this stage of the game as to who his op- ponent will be. But the chances are that the Pinchot sombrero will be cast into the ring in due time and rumors that Congressman Vare is still hank- ering after the prize has recently been revived. In Washington, on Sunday, the definite announcement was made that Secretary Mellon has finally set himself behind the Pepper candidacy, and while that ‘doesn’t guarantee his nomination it has a wonderfully stead- ying influence on the subject. It is openly charged on one side, and not directly denied on the other, that Mr. Pepper’s tour of the north- ern and western counties was a disap- pointment. He was charmingly po- lite and agreeably attentive to the men and women who came to hear him talk in the language of states- manship. But there was none of that “warming up” which expresses en- thusiasm and inspires hope. In fact near the close of his tour he was com- pelled to deny a rumor that he intends to withdraw from the contest. The announcement of Mr. Mellon’s pur- pose will make a material change in the . situation, however. It means that the organization will supplement the work of the corporations in his in- terest. But there is no clearing up in the atmosphere of uncertainty regarding the candidate for Governor. The only announced candidate for that nomina- tion is John K. Tener, of Pittsburgh, and curiously enough it is intimated that he is the Mellon entry for that of- fice. It is known that Mr. Tener is a protege of a group of which Mellon is an influential part, and that the bank- ing and steel interests of Pittsburgh are responsible for Tener’s political and social prominence. But thus far no one has publicly alleged that Ten- er is the Mellon candidate for Gover- nor, though anybody will admit that less rising things have happened. ‘the situation is confusing Es 3 smears terest in the Delaware River bridge controversy but it is a pity to have so expensive an enterprise held up. Showing the Right Spirit. The Democratic Senators in Con- gress show the right spirit in their de- termination to oppose the action of the committee on privileges and elec- tions in refusing to admit Senator Nye, of North Dakota, to a seat in the body. Senator Nye was appointed by the Governor of North Dakota to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Ladd. He was denied the right to qualify on the ground that the Seventeenth amendment to the federal constitution provides for the election of Senators by popular vote. The friends of Senator Nye, who is a Republican insurgent, contend that while the amendment operates in that as in all other States, the right of the Governor to fill vacancies temporari- ly exists. The Senate committee on privileges and elections divided on partisan lines on the question of admitting Senator Nye, the Republicans in the majority voting against admittance. The mi- nority on the committee pointed out that under the constitution and laws of North Dakota the Governor has au- thority to fill vacancies until the reg- ular election succeeding. Otherwise, in the case in question, the State would be deprived of its just repre- sentation in the Senate. That would be a hardship upon the people of a sovereign State as well as a violation of the federal constitution which guar- antees to each State equal representa- tion in the Senate. There is no get- ting away from that proposition. The real reason for denying Sena- tor Nye his seat in the Senate, it may be assumed, is political. The Republi- can majority in the Senate is narrow and a small group of insurgents join- ing with the Democrats can control the action of the body at any time. The admission of Nye would strength- en the insurgent force and make the Republican majority more precarious. Refusing to admit him is putting a rank injustice upon the State, inflict- ing a wrong upon a gentleman who has been honored by the Governor of the State and violating every princi- ple of equal representation. But those things make no difference to the Republicans of the Senate. They want to rule justly or unjustly. ——We've still got Russia, Turkey and Mexico with us on the outside of the League of Nations, so why worry about isolation. Secretary of the Navy Wilbur is willing to do anything to hold his job but prefers the Coolidge economy in moderation. ——Centre county hasn't much in’ BELLEFONTE, PA.. DECEMBER 18. 1925. Judge Hull Laying Right Lines. Judge Cordell Hull, Representative in Congress for Tennessee and for- merly chairman of the Democratic National committee, is laying the right lines for future political philos- ophy in this country. He has, or will, introduce two resolutions for revision of the tariff tax laws with the purpose in view of averting trade wars which frequently bring on other wars and in- cidentally relieving the tax payers of the country of the heaviest and conse- quently most burdensome taxation that is imposed upon them. Judge Hull is recognized as the leading econ. omist of the present Congress and one of the foremost in the country. He has just returned from a tour of in- vestigation of the subject in Europe. Judge Hull’s theory is that since the world war America is a great creditor and exporting nation and pos- sesses growing surplusses in many lines. That full employment of labor depends upon the export and sale of her surplusses. That this result can be achieved only by cutting off exces- sive tariff taxes and the elimination of tariff taxes on raw materials, and finally that the removal of economic barriers will prevent trade wars and promote the industrial interests of all peoples. In pursuance of this purpose he asks for the passage of a resolu- tion declaring it the sense of Congress that “the existing high tariff rates should be immediately revised down- ward to a level of moderate rates for revenue.” It is not likely that Judge Hull ex- pects his resolution to be adopted by either branch of the present Congress, but it will provide a way and means for presenting the subject to the pub- lic mind and keeping it there until it “strikes in.” Sooner or later the peo- ple will come to understand that it is impossible to tax a man or woman into wealth. If it can be shown that robbing a person increases his wealth the tariff theory that wage earners are benefitted by giving unearned bounties to their employers will be verified. The Fordney-McCumber tar- iff tax law ments, but yield nothing to wage earners. ——Judge-elect, Harry Keller has! already been besieged with some thir- ty or more applications for the few appointments that will fall to his lot after he is inducted into office on the first Monday in January. Chief among his power to appoint will be a court stenographer, but there isn’t any like- lihood of a change being made. Gil- bert S. Burrows has been reporter for a number of years, and being one of the best in the State, will undoubted- ly be retained in that position. Mr. Keller will also retain the services of his present stenographer, Miss Mau- vis Furey. Other appointments com- ing within the scope of his power are all court officers, such as court crier, tipstaves and court messenger; mem- bers of the board of road and bridge viewers and a juvenile court or proba- tion officer. While Judge-elect Keller has given no intimation of what he will do, it is understood he has quite a list of applicants, but naturally no ap- pointments will be made until after he is sworn into office. — li ——The only question of doubt in the public mind now is what subjects the Governor will recommend for the consideration of the extra session. ——The expense of the extra session will depend to some extent on the length. The Governoris willing to make it short and cheap. eee lees. ——Real ballot reform legislation might result in a change in the Rep- resentative in the First Congress dis- trict of Philadelphia. ——Heinz, the Pittsburgh pickle magnate, is being talked of for Gov- ernor and there are forty-seven vari- eties of him. ——It must have shocked Congress- man Griest when he heard that ballot frauds had been committed in Lancas- ter county. ~ ——1It may be all right to exchange confidences but don’t tell anybody anything you don’t want other people to know. ———The Governor may have been influenced by selfish motives but it is | impolite to “look a gift horse in the ! mouth.” | ——President Hindenburg is con- tinuing to surprise his friends and de- light the friends of Germany every- , where, rr —— a eee ——Young Bob LaFollette has been admitted to the Republican Senatorial {to Japan, as presiding president pro- NO. 50. Governor Calls Legislature to Convene in January. Governor Pinchot, on Sunday, is- sued his long contemplated call for an extra session of the Legislature to convene in Harrisburg on Wednesday, January 13th. The reasons for the call and the measures the Governor wants enacted are as follows: . Changes in election laws for open- ing of ballot boxes. Permanent registration. Voting machines in cities. Abolition of tax qualification. Anthracite a public utility like wa- ter or natural gas. Inter-State regulation of anthracite. Restriction of bank loans. Overhauling of building and loan laws. New enforcement laws. Gasoline tax to be stiffened up and help pay cost of session. : Delaware River bridge toll settle- ment. Seven Giant Power bills instead of the nineteen of last session. Delaware River treaty. . This will be the first specinl session In twenty years and the third in more than half a century. The last extra session was held in 1906 at the call of Governor Penny- packer, who presented a dozen or more subjects in two separate proclama- tions. The most important of these were election law reforms and the principal ones were enacted into law during the month the Legislators were in session from January 15 to Febru- ary 15. Outside of that meeting there has been only one other extra session of the entire Legislature since the pres- ent State Constitution became opera- tive in 1874. That was called by Gov- ernor Pattison and lasted from June 7, 1888, to December 6, of that year. It convened on the day after the close of the regular session, with result that the General Assembly was meeting throughout much of the year, In 1891, Governor Pattison called a special ses- sion of the Senate for investigation purposes and this lasted 28 days. Altogether there have been only ten extra sessions in the State’s history. Six were under the first constitution, that of 1790, and two under the con- SHasien jr 1838 one of these being in retary o ~ Commonwealth and afterward United States Ambassador tempore of the Senate. : The cost of the coming session, vy Sfgjale Gp run from J up, dependi upon its length. Members will receive $500 each as salary instead of the $2500 they receive for a regular session. They will get the regular mileage al- lowance, an amount covering one trip from their home to Harrisburg and return. Their postal allowance is re- duced from $100 to $50. EMPLOYEES ARE HELD OVER. All officers and employees of the regular session are held over and will be paid on a day basis although in the case of regular sessions some of them receive flat salaries. Vacancies due to death and other causes exist in several districts and special elections probably will be call- ed immediately by the presiding offi- cers of the Senate and House to elect members to fill them. Under the law, according to State legal authorities, these elections must be held within thirty days of the date of the call. Since the regular 1925 session ended on April 16, death has removed two members of the House, William J. Mc- Caig, of the second Allegheny district and George A. Lukehart, of the sec- one Clearfield district. Three other Representatives, Harry A. Little and Samuel J. McKim, of Al- legheny county, and Walter H. Craig, of Delaware county, have been elected to other offices. rr ————— eens: The Horse Still Exists. From the Pennsylvania Farmer. A superficial observer sitting beside or traveling on an important thor- oughfare on a Sunday afternoon might conclude from the number of automobiles and trucks seen that the horse had gone to join the dodo and the dinosaur. But in sipte of the fact that there is now in this country one automotive vehicle for every horse (about 17.500,000 of each) the num- ber of horses has decreased only twen- ty-five per cent. from the highest number in 1918. Thus it will be seen that we have many times as much horse-power in use now as we had twenty years ago. But the decrease in horses was made necessary by the demand for greater speed and effici- ency in many lines of business, and for more economical and efficient power in others. It is foolish as well as futile for horse breeders and horse lovers to combat the development of electrical and gasoline power. There is, and probably always will be, a place for the horse but modern conditions demand something in addition to him on the farms as well as on the roads. ——The returns are not all in yet but sufficient information has been ob- tained to estimate that the number of accidents to hunters will reach the av- erage this year. ——Get the Watchman if you want the local news. fold but on his own terms. *{face. They then rush "| their parents, who tu | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —George Conn, aged 62, who was sched- uled to go on trial at Connellsville on charges of enticing a minor, committed suicide with a rifle. —The Burgettstown National bank, a de- funct institution formerly under the dom- ination of John A. Bell, Carnegie banker who was recently convicted of embezzle- ment, will pay its first dividend, amount- ing to 50 per cent. next Wednesday, it is announced by Benjamin L. Rosenbloom, receiver. —Leaping on the bed of his master after a one-story frame cottage on a side street in Pittsburgh was discovered in flames, “Puppy,” a 9 year old dog saved the life of Emil Bernard, aged 71, who lived alone. Although partly overcome by smoke, Ber- nard staggered out and was burned only on the head. —The Island Park hotel, owned by the Lorain steel company, of Johnstown, and maintained as apartments for some of its employees, burned to the ground early Sunday morning. Fourteen occupants es- caped by sliding down a plank placed in front of the building by Dr. E. J. Corne- lius and brother, R. N. Cornelius, both of Johnstown. The loss is estimated at $20,- 000. —Pigs and cows are tabooed within the city limits of Lack Haven, after the first of the year of 1926, according to the decree of the city council at the regular meeting held in the council chamber Monday night. The decree is not absolute, however, as the mayor may issue a permit for swine and cattle in the city limits, and in case sani- tary conditions are not maintained, the permit may be revoked on ten days’ no- tice, and a fine of not less than $26 and not more than $50 imposed. ° —Michael J. Mino, former teller of the First National bank of Barnesboro, Cam- bria county, was arrested last Thursday by a deputy United States marshal on a warrant charging him with embezzling $10,204.99 of the bank’s funds. The com- plaint, filed by a special agent of the de- partment of justice was based on an affi- davit by R. W. Wylie, a national bank ex- aminer. Mino was released under $5,000 bond for his appearance for a hearing be- fore the United States commissioner at Pittsburgh. —An unusual damage suit was filed at Wilkes-Barre, on Saturday, when Miss Blowden Jones, formerly a waitress at the Fort Durkee hotel, filed suit for $25,000. It is alleged that while she was employed in the cafeteria at the hotel she permitted her photograph to be taken in her waitress attire and that the proprietor used the photograph for advertising purposes with- out her consent. Miss Jones further al- leges that her photograph has been posted on bill-boards and trees throughout the country, much to her discomfort. —While at play near the big Pennsylva- nia Railroad and Northumberland county bridges, near ' Sunbury, on Monday, boys found enough dynamite to blow up either structure buried in a hole under a flat stone nea» the Susquehanna river. There also was a flashlight, batteries, cotton gloves and three dynamite caps. The boys threw a cap into a fire they had for roast- ing potatoes and it exploded, severely in- juring Frank Leisenrig, aged 14, in the to. the " sn] at Williamsport for six weeks closed Sun- day night when 9000 persons crowded into the tabernacle and thousands were turned away unable to gain admission. “Billy” Sunday preached four times that day, the tabernacle being filled at each service. Up- ward of ten thousand have “hit the trail” and it is estimated that additions to churches of persons not heretofore identi- fied will be more than 2000. While the fig- ures were not available, it is believed the free will offering for Mr. Sunday will be between $15,000 and $20,000. —Ethel Anna Clouser, 7 years old, was found dead on a road near her home in Mount Pleasant township, Adams county, last Thursday, with the base of her skull crushed in. A few feet away lay a forty pound portion of a tree stump which is be- lieved by coroner E. A. Miller to have struck the child as she was going home from school. State police said that from M. A. L. Trostle, a farmer, they obtained a statement that he had been blasting stumps that afternoon and was unaware that a portion of one might have struck the child, until a neighbor drew his atten- tion to the body. —Former Judge Frank J. Thompson, of Meadville, bought the Phoenix Iron Works plant at that place last Friday at a receiv- er’'s sale on his bid of eleven hundred dol- lars and assuming debts and interest brought the total price to approximately one hundred and fifty-seven thousand dol- lars. The plant, which was involved in the R. L. Dollings and company failure, is one of the oldest in Meadville. Meadville and Pittsburgh parties are interested in the purchase, but no names were announc- ed. It was stated, however, that the plant will resume operations as soon as the sale is approved by the U. S. district court, ex- pected December 21. —One of the largest judgments ever re- corded in Lackawanna county was filed at Scranton, on Saturday, when Judge New- comb, sitting as court and jury, held that Mrs. May McDonald, of Dunmore, is enti- tled to $28,000 damages against the city of Scranton for a permanent injury to her arm received in a fall on a sidewalk in February, 1921, and that her husband, Thomas McDonald, is entitled io $8000 for expenses incurred through his wife’s in- jury. Mrs. McDonald is suffering a rare disease, elephantiasis, her left arm being many times its normal size. In September, 1924, a jury awarded the McDonalds a ver- dict of $32,868. Mrs. McDonald was allow- ed $27,000 and the husband, $5368. Judge A. T. Searle, of Honesdale, set the verdict aside and ordered a new trial. —Fife Brothers, evangelists who have been in every State in the Union and are now holding a campaign at the First Bap- tist church at Sunbury, have no trace of their confidential press agent and advance man, James Crouch, who according to J. L. Fife, disappeared Wednesday of last week with $57 given him to pay current hotel bills. Crouch had all the Fifes’ pri- vate credentials and a recommendation given him by Rev. Mr. Fife. The latter hopes no one will be taken in by Crouch by means of the evangelist’s papers. Po- lice have been urged to arrest Crouch and wire Fife's hearquarters at Robinson, Ill. The missing man is about 55 years old, wore a blue-gray suit and glasses, brown shoes, brown overcoat and a brown hat. He was employed in McKeesport last week.