— ry efonte; Pa., November 20, 1925. FLAPPERS ARE OLD AS RACE’S HISTORY Well Have Been Common in Ev- ery Race and Class. . There Is nothing new under the i The flapper of today !s one « with Tyre and Nineveh. Away in the credible years when the first undation slab of the Sphynx was ] . the Egyptian flapper was Inter- ring with the process of its future by furtive glances cast on impression- ‘able members of the board of works - of the pharaohs. Cleopatra was a flapper. Shake- are talks of her “hopping 40 paces - down the public street.” No one but flapper could have adopted such a method of progression. Her freak of a valuable pearl In acid was r flapperishness. ~ Helen of Troy was a girl of many estructive impulses. She would have at any cost. Hence the wooden horse and the fall of Troy. At a little later period the skittish ' Venus was In the same capricious form ‘when she prevailed upon the “Pious Aeneas” to break his journey with her. Horace in his songs invokes the mame of Lalage and other maidens. dt is sdfe to assume that two-thirds «of them were little canaries who coyly pésponded to the lyrical advances of ‘the Latin nightingale, In the heroic days the Grecian flap- pers took much more exercise than thelrsRoman sisters. They were the forerunners of the modern sports girl, ~ Here it may be well to indicate that flappérs .are not confined to any one class of communities, ancient or mod- - ern. They are just as frequent among the plebs as among the patricians, . There is pot the faintest doubt that fli-fated Marie Antoinette, in her early years at the French court, was THANKSGIVING. Lord, the only prayers I know are the ones the preachers pray, The printed prayers the people read on every Sabbath day. The prayers you've heard ten million times —yet, often when alone I've wished that I could write a prayer that I could call my own. I've wished I had the gift of words that 1 might pen for Thee A prayer I'd thought up all myself to guide and comfort me. Thanksgiving day is here once more. For all your mercies sent : No printed prayer I'll use today no time- worn sentiment. I’m going to voice my gratitude for all the joys we've known, Not in the language of the church, but crudely in my own. When I have said “Our Father,” I shall give my heart full sway And let it voice the many things its wanted long to say. Twill not be very long good Lord. speak it as I would, If You were near to smile on me to show You understood. I'll thank Thee for our happy home and all the love it shields, The strength we've had to bear our tasks, the harvests of the fields; And though when I shall say “Amen” the prayer may not be fine, The grateful words which I shall speak will every one be mine. (Copyright, 1923, by Edgar A. Guest). np Ap Fors DIALOGUE ON THE SPIRITS OF THE AIR. By L. A. Miller. I had occasion to call at the Stit- zer’s stores a few evenings ago on a little political mission and there over- heard a very spirited controversy on the Spirits of the Air. The dialogue proved quite interesting to me and may enlighten your readers on this mysterious proposition; the contro- versy follows: . “Did you ever notice,” said David to Whistler, “how the weather affects morals?” “No, nor nobody else,” replied Whistler, as he mechanically drum- med “Flowers of Spring”, on the back of a chair with his fingers. “I might have known better than to have propounded such a question to ri an enchanting flapper. _ Another most unhappy woman, Mary Queen of Scots, was so full of esplegleric and fascination that John Knox, In Puritan Scotland, found her an easy victlm to stern-browed perse- cution, Louise de la Valiiere was not the obvious type, but she was a type of pper none the less. She was quite a little bird who attracted the long devotion of a fastidious king in a few | fights. Her friend, Mlle. de Tonnay- Charente, afterwards Mme. de Mont- * spon, was a bird of brighter methods, i but both were of the order seduisante , that captures kings and clerks alike. More hoydenish and daring than either of them was the gallant sister of Charles II later Duchess d’Or- , leans. Charles’ sister was as gay and Beky as the most up-to-date New ' York fun seeker. She loved to dress a» the apparel of men, as girls of to- . ay adore appearing in mock-mascu- . line garb at fancy dress dances. Nell Gwyn was the very pink of flappers. Her smiles were as restora- tive as her oranges; and her kisses « would have bucked up a regiment. Nell remained a flapper until the end. ' She never lost the arts of her grin- ning, impudent girlhood. Charles was a mighty good judge of the fair .8ex; and it is significant that he gave his best devotion to the queen and pride of flappers.—Book Notes. Early Protestants The name “Huguenots” was given to French followers of Calvin, Prot- estant leader of the Reformation. They suffered massacre at Vassy by { the party of Guise in 1562. This act & led to the civil wars, which continued @ i until the Edict of Nantes in 1598, when <4 ‘civil and religious liberty was con- s. - wer @ $ =. im firmed to them. The massacre of St. Bartholomew occurred August 24, 1572, during a truce in the wars. The : . wer. the Huguenots gained as a po- | litical party following the edict was of short. duration, being destroyed in a few years by Louis XIII and his min- | ister, Richelieu. Louis XIV, in 1685, | revoked the Bdict of Nantes, and as a result half a million Huguenots fled to England, Germany, the Netherlands, | ;8Switzerland and America.—Kansas City Star. Seeger o © Found It Easy to Forgive “You know the feeling, that flush of ' anger that comes over you when you're ry! driving’ peacefully along a country + road and suddenly hear a familiar! « gharp report,” said the motorist. “You ! “5, begin to curse and ask yourself why ®, you didn't change that tire. Well, T » “was driving near the Oakland Hills = Country and Golf club recently and : = all of a sudden ‘Bang! I got out to | see which tire it was. They were all 0. K. Then up comes a beknickered chap and starts apologizing for some- thing. ‘Sorry,’ says he, ‘sort of missed . my aim and drove my pill into your rear fender. Sure enough there was a dent In the fender and the ball was .a short distance away. I was only too glad to forgive him.”—Detroit News. -® sor - iy 2 [ ¥3 9 yi To Aid Children Knights of Youth, a new order whose purpose is the ethical training of school children, hag been introduced in 12 public schools of New York city. ' Nearly 1,000 children are enlisted in the ranks of knighthood in one school _ Thig order acclaims character as the : t's noblest quest, and It was ped to combat the increase in ju- e crime, It is sponsored by the a . 5 | time. ; meant, for I knew there was a cause ‘Natlonal Child Welfare assoctation. you while this animated contest is on for judicial honors. The fact re- mains, however, that the weather has a marked effect on the morals of a great many.” | “I know it makes me sleepy some- , times,” exclaimed Dude, rubbing his { eyes and yawning lazily. “One day I will be as dull as a rusty cent, and , the next as bright as the flowers that " bloom in spring.” “Oh, bother the flowers that bloom in the spring; they have nothing to do in the case,” warbled Whistler in reg- ular Ku Klux accents. “It’s when you have been out late, or stuffing yourself with pretzels and + Of course David has some great theories hatched up about it that no one can understand but himself, and it is very doubtful if he does.” i “Of course he doesn’t understand it, but he palms it off on us, and because | we can’t knock his theory out, he thinks it is all right. He knows that ! you don’t know anything, and when I | get the better of him he calls me a fool, and that ends it.” Dude was about to proceed with his remarks when David, who had been paying no attention to the conversa- tion re-lighted his pipe and proceeded. “This thing was recalled to mind last night by the roystering and noisy people on the street; apparently a lit- tle moonshine was in evidence. It was after midnight when I went home, and there was more confusion on the streets than I have seen in a long Of course I asked what it for it. Besides, I have noticed often before that on wet nights, particularly at the breaking of a long dry spell, that there is an unusual amount of rowdyism.” “Oh, that’s easily explained,” ob- served Dude. Old Nick turns himself loose occasionally and gets into the boys.” “Just the conclusion I came to,” re- plied David quickly. “But why should old Nick select the particular occa- sions?” “That’s the rub. He might come out one night as well as the other if there was nothing to control his ac- tions except his own sweet will. That led me to the conclusion that this same old Nick is as much a subject of powers of the air as the spirits of Neuralgia, rhuematism or gout.” “You are not up in the theology,” interupted Whistler, “for I heard our preacher say that the powers of th air are old Nick himself.” : “Old Nick is as good a name for the evil spirits as any other, but our philosophy teaches us that there are two sides to everything, consequently there must be some good spirits.” “There you go on that everlasting two-sided philosophy again,” growled Dude. “For my part I have only found one side to most of the practical problems of life that have met me face to face in my short, but eventful career.” “That is because you haven’t sought the other side. It is there, just as sure as there is any other side to that show-case. If you were to get a peep at it you might find out something, even if it was nothing more than where roaches stay in the winter. It is this sort of thing that leads me to the investigation of this matter we have been talking about.” “The rheumatic will rub his hip replied Whistler. “We know that cer- tain conditions of the atmosphere are favorable for development of aches and pains,” continued David. The rheumatic will rub his hip joints and tell you in all confldence that there is going to be falling weath- er soon. Although there is not a sign of it visible in the sky, and you barometor points steadily to the fair weather mark.” “How does this particular spirit happen to know it is going to rain? HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZILR - words both vertically and h When the eorrect letters are placed im the white spaces this orisontally. The first letter in each eated by a number, which refers to the definition listed below the Neo. 1 under the column headed “horizontal” defines a word white spaces up to the first biack square to the right, and a number under “vertical” defimes a word which will fill the white squares to the mext black one below. Neo letters go In the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words, except proper names. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and obsolete forms are indieated in the definitions. CROSS-WORD 3SPUZZLENo. 3. s 2 3 n 5 6 7 8 9 0 [7 2 3 [14 [3 13 7 TH © 0 21 2.2 3 as 26 27 24 pI [35 36 7 [38 40 41 42 5 46 7 48 49 50 SI (®, 1925, Western Newspaper Union.) Horizontal, Vertical. 3—~To observe 6—XEye (poetic) 1—Beverage 2—Anger 7—To fascinate 9—All 3—Obvious 11—Part of “to be” 4—Unit of work 6—Eggs 12—Venetian boat 16—Indefinite period of time 17—Stil 19—Kind of diving bird (pl) 20—Greek letter for “71” 21—Running contest 23—Mild expletive 25—Madden loved by Zeus 26—Month of Hebrew calendar 27—Rules of conduct 28—Everything 80—French for “the” 31—8kills 34—Former Russian ruler 36—Colloquial for agricultural stu- dents 37—Eskimo dwelling 40—United Indian federation (abbr.) 42—By way of 43—Indifferent to pain or pleasure 46—Large moving vehicle 46—Place in the wall to hold a statue 48—Deep-sea worker 50—Negative vote 29—Bone 51—Equal : Ee mm ar 6—Staff of life 7—To shout 8—Burrowing animal 9—Otherwise 10—Personal pronoun 13—Negative 14—Canine 156—Preposition 183—Clothes maker (plural) 20—Pictures impersonated by people 22—Seashore 24—Vexes 31—A second time 32—Location 33—Nickname for Yale 84—Froglike amphibian 35—Large stream 86—Own (Scotch) 89—Ocean (abbr.) 41—Distant 44—Part of the mouth 47—Head covering 49—Large tub 88—To proceed 43—Timid Solution will appear im mext issue The most delicate instruments yet in- vented are not able to detect it as quickly as our nerves. Then again, this individual who is possessed of the spirit of rheumatism may be seen on the streets several days before the foul weather shows any signs of, sub- siding. He says he is feeling pretty well, and predicts fair weather before i long.” “How do you know but he has been soaking his joints with Dr. Sullivan’s rheumatic slugger, or somebody’s pain slayer?” asked Whistler. “A great many do resort to these things and give them credit for the relief they experience, when it is real- ly due to the movements of the spirits of the air. The people can feel coming changes in their bones, why not feel i them in their brains. If one spirit can set your nerves to twinging and cause your flesh to swell and burn, what is to hinder another from causing us to feel a sense of hunger and thirst? What prompts the rooster to crow so vigorously, geese to chatter and ducks to quack long before a decided change in the weather? These things have been noticed for ages and are reli- able.” “Its spirits, I tell you,” answered Whistler pettishly. “I have no doubt of it,” said David seriously, “and there is no reason for believing that the operation of these spirits is confined to the production of the pain of ill humor. If they can affect the physical system they can also affect the mental, and whosoever affects the mental'may affect the moral, either directly or in- directly. Nnw there is Dude for in- stance. Sometimes he is a most con- summunte fool; so much so that you cannot get him to understand any- thing. Then again he is right cheer- ful, and possibly sensible.” “Never mind, Whistler, I know what you mean, but it is better unsaid than said. A man does not quarrel with you about what you think, but about what you say. Take your own case; there are times when for a whole day you do not regale us with sweet vio- lets, nor drum more than a dozen tat- toos on that loose pane of glass. Why? Just because the spirit does not move you. It is by the same line of reasoning that we are enabled to explain why the hired girl gives us an occasional rest frem her tin-pan voice in the kitchen.” “I’d like to know what these spirits are?” said Dude. “Why you block head they are spirits, there now.” mere epee ese— Madrid’s Deadly Ring. An extremely valuable ring, which is unguarded by the police or even special watchmen, hangs suspended by a silken cord around the neck of a statue of the maid of Almodena, the patron saint of Madrid, in one of the autiful parks of the Spanish capital. It is set with diamonds and pearls, but notwithstanding this fact there is no danger of its being stolen. The most unscrupulous thief in Madrid would net think of purloining it, Its history is curious and interesting, and equal to anything found in mediaeval folklore. The ring was made for King Alfon- so XII, who gave it to his cousin, the pretty Mercedes, on the day of their betrothal. She wore it continually during her short married life. On her death the King presented it to his grandmother, Queen Christina, She died soon after receiving it, and the King gave the deadly little circle to Solution to Crossword Puzzle No. 2. JIR[T A IIDEBA|I R|R|AINID|S 8 A im J >0 F< |D|-|>O AR Y = |3>16) 30/00 Jr — mir i0|Z |» =1>m Z >» <0» ~|Zm R C|A (HIE]A |Z »|r O Oo R D G his sister, the Infanta del Pilar, who died within the montn. Once again the ring started its deadly rounds, next finding a place on the finger of Christina, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Montpensier, but in less than three months she also was dead, then Alfonso XII next plac- ed it in his own casket, and lived less than a year after so doing. It is not surprising that it hangs so safely on a statue in an unguarded square of the capital of so supersti- tious a country as Spain. THE STORY OF THANKSGIVING. year Thanksgiving is the only one that is for the people. Christmas and Easter and the whole series of Chris- tian festivals are for Christians only. The Jews have their Rosh Hoshana and their passover. The Mohamme- dans among us have their Ramadan, and even the Chinese have their feast days, which they observe in their own peculiar manner. ; Each religion has its own, but there is one Thanksgiving day for all, when all, of whatever faith, can, in their own way, call on God and praise Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha. November 18, 1787, was our first na- tional Thanksgiving day, ordained by the act of the Continental Congress and proclaimed by George Washing- ton. The day was set apart, in the words of the resolution, to express gratitude that God had been pleased to “smile on us in the prosecution of a just and necessary war for the de- fense and establishment of our un- alienable rights and liberty.” The constitution had just been adopted, and before the act setting aside this day of thanksgiving had been finally passed there had been not a little discussion in Congress about the propriety of the President’s ask- ing people to give thanks for a con- stitution for which some of them were not thankful. It was later that the last Thursday in November came to be the day chos- en, when no marked event indicated another day, and the thanks of the na- tion, united under ,the constitution, were expressed on November 28, 1789. Since that day the custom has never been omitted entirely, although until the civil war it was only occasionally observed except in New England. It was our Civil war which brought the people to a new sense of national oneness, and since 1863 the President of the United States has annually is- sued a proclamation of thanl:giving. sage in 1861 could have dreained that half a century later ‘lie lines of such a proclamation would go eut into all the world ? Creek Indians’ Thanksgiving, Among the Creek Indians of Okla- homa the New Year begins with the “Busk,” which is a celebration cor- responding to our Thankegiviy , exX- cept that they celebrate the ripening of the corn, and not its harvesting. Yet the idea is exactly the same—one of giving thanks. By early writers it was called the “green corn dance,” and | was regarded as a time of general for- giveness, of absolution of ali crime and a doing away with any feeling of hatred towards others. Ss ————— sn AA em ——The prediction that soft coal will take the place of anthracite does not seem to frighten the striking min- ers. ——~Considering the present price of eggs it must be admitted that the hen is a modest bird. ¢ Lyon & Co. Do Your Christmas Shopping Here Lyon & Co. Our Linen Damask, price $1.60 per yard. Sets, $2.75 per yard. dozen up. 50 cents a piece. Table Linens with Napkins to match—or separate two yards wide—special All Linen Plain Damask, to make your Luncheon All Linen Napkins (dinner size) from $5.50 per Maderia Napkins (beautifully embroidered) only Bordered and Serges (PTV POV VV VO OVO OVW IVI ITT TUITION IOUT TVN Crepes 54 inch Bordered (All Wool) Silk Embroidered Dress Materials—the most wanted colors—from $3.00 per yard up. Coats and Dresses Of all the religious festivals of the. But what President or prophet or | We are making Clearance Sale Prices on Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats. and Silk Dresses must be sold now. ‘Stouts Coats and Dresses at Clearance Sale Frices FITTS TTT ST TT TR TT WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW CW GOGO OOO OIE OSSD IIOIPINIISOSIISINININNS Also all our Wool Stylish Come in and See for Yourself these Values and Very Low Prices Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. TOTTI TOTTI I The 0S ST 0 Ea TUNIS v Have you Given a Thought to your Executor? emia arely does an individual possess the experi- ence and training necessary for this im- portant office} Besides, he may die at any moment. then will administrate your estate? Who Guard against this by naming this Bank, with its trained and experienced executives, as your Executor. The First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. in the morning. Leave Buffalo=_ 9:00 P. Automobile Rate~$7.50. Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio Fare, $5.50 Your Rail Ticket is on the Boats | A restful night on Lake Erie i Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, | cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast Steamers “SEEANDBEE”—*“CITY OF ERIE”—"CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May Ist to November 15th M. { Eastern Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M.1 Standard Time *Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line. New Tourist Leave Cleveland—9:(0 P. M. Arrive Buffalo —*7:() A. M. The Great Ship “SEEANDBEE" = Length, 500 feet, Breadth, 98 feet inch