Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 13, 1925, Image 7

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 13, 1925.
French “Barker” Surely
Had Odd Occupation.
IT made the gentleman's acquaint
ance at a way station where both of
us were waiting for the trains which
were to separate us forever. Both
trains were late, as though each were
conscious of a desire to postpone the
painful parting as long as possible.
The gentleman was much like any
other traveler encountered on the
trains. That is, he was of a certain
age and of medium height. Beyond
that it would be difficult for me to
give an accurate description of him.
He had opened the conversation
with a remark—sensible enough—
relative to the weather; and I had re-
turned the courtesy with an economic
6bservation—I believe, the high cost
of transportation. Soon we had ex-
changed quite a number of general re-
marks, purposely formulated to avoid
controversy for which there was no oc-
casion, since we were soon to separate,
James de Coquet writes in Le Petit
‘However, time passed, and the con-
versation became of a more personal
nature, as both of us felt the necessity
for more intimate revelations of our
individual accomplishments. We dis-
covered that we both lived in Paris;
then he revealed his destination and I
mine. We were on the road to confi
dences, so I was not surprised when
he asked my profession.
“I'm a clockmaker,” I told him.
For some reason the man smiled.
Evidently he considered clockmaking
a sort of pastime, a hobby, but not a
regular profession, Somewhat nettled,
I intimated that I was by way of being
an expert in my particular line. His
smile broadened.
“Well,” sald I rather snappily.
“what are you, pray? What do you
I expected him to say that he was a
doctor or a lawyer or a public official
or a tenor, or something quite as im-
° “LL” said he, “am a barker.”
“A what?”
“A barker, sir, barker.”
Now if he had sald that he counted
the holes in Swiss cheese or was the
earthquake editor of a daily newspa-
per—but it was ridiculous!
“A barker? But where do you bark?
At fairs? You are an auctioneer?”
“Not at all, sir; T am a tax barker.”
From my blank expression he evi-
dently realized that explanations were
called for. So, with the best grace in
the world, he added:
“You see, I bark for the dog tax.
Every day I climb the stairways of
apartment houses, and, at each land-
ing, I get down on my hands and knees
and say ‘Woof-woof!’ like that. Then,
If I hear an answering bark in the
apartment, I know they have a dog
there. I make a note of the floor and,
the same evening, turn in my report to
the assessor, who looks up the various
apartments to see if the dog is prop-
erly licensed. If it isn’t, I get 20 per
cent of the fine, I make 100 francs a
To Conserve Heath Hens
American heath hens are almost ex-
tinct and steps are being taken by the
Federation of Bird Clubs of New Eng-
land to preserve them. Experts de-
clared there are about eight of the
birds In existence, all of which are
now at Martha’s Vineyard. Extra help
will be provided at the heath hens’
island sanctuary to assist the care-
taker in the work of controlling cats
and hawks, the birds’ worst enemies.
These animals are to be shot or
trapped both on the state reservation
and other parts of the island, as this
is the nesting time, the season when
the birds are at the mercy of such ene-
mies. On September 1 another game
warden will be assigned to stay on the
island through the hunting season.—
Rod and Gun.
White Pelican Colony
Since time immemorial a large
colony of white pelicans has nested
on Anaho island, Pyramid lake, Neva-
da. The colony now numbers about
10,000 adults, which, on account of
interference by man and destruction
by natural enemies and the elements,
rear less than 1,000 young in a season.
The pelicans live almost exclusively
upon fishes, but the kinds they take
in any number are small or coarse-
fleshed species not valued as food by
man. Zake minnows, carp and lake
chubs are the staple foods of the peli-
cans of Pyramid lake, with red suck-
ers, Sacramento perch and catfish dis-
tant seconds in point of quantity con-
Renounces His Country
Anyone ‘seeking a minister plenipo-
tentiary and envoy extraordinary need
only address the former Austrian min-
ister in Berlin, Doctor Riedel. Austria
cannot be very attractive at present,
for when the Austrian minister was
recently replaced he decided to re-
main in Berlin and seek a position in
private life. This decision is contrary
to diplomatic custom, whereby diplo-
matic representatives who retire to
private life are expected to leave their
latest residence for at least a year.
The Austrian. government is said -to
have decided that if Doctor Riedel re:
fuses to comply ‘with this rule his pen-
- sion will be ‘withheld.
would be out of the question.
ples will gradually result.
World Court---Objections II.
Written for the Watchman by Mary A. Willcox, Ph. D., Prof. emeritus Wellesley
A fourth objection to the World Court is that no code of international
law exists for its guidance. The idea of such a code is very alluring but
impracticable. While various codes have been written by able lawyers no
one of them has ever been accepted officially by even two countries. Points
of view are so different in different nations that the acceptance of a com-
plete code by all even of the forty-eight States not members of the Court
Upon many subjects, however, the entire society of nations may be
brought into agreement if the different matters are carefully prepared
by competent scholars and suitably presented for approval. The treaty
establishing the World Court provides that its opinions are to be guided
by the treaties and international agreements now in force, by the princi-
ples of law recognized in civilized countries, by accepted custom, by right
and justice. Every judgment is to be published and to include a state-
ment of the reasons on which it is based; in so far as this reasoning com-
mends itself to the world a greater unanimity as to fundamental princi-
This process is already under way. The plan of the World Court
was worked out at the invitation of the League of Nations by a body of
eminent jurists in 1920. They recommended the calling of a general con-
ference to consider how international law might be extended and improved.
The recommendation was rejected. That was a little over four years ago.
Since then the Court has been deciding questions of international law
with an authority that commands respect. Such law now seems quite a
different thing from what it was when two nations could debate endless-
ly and fruitlessly upon it. Accordingly the League has invited a new
commission to advise them how they shall undertake that revision and
extension of international law which four years ago they thought imprac-
As an old guide used to say, “You get to th’ top of th’ mounting by
jest puttin’ one foot in front of th’ other.”
(Continued from page 2, Col. 4.)
and down, quickly, quietly and flat.
Vernon Povill turned and ran away.
It is a pity that it had to happen so.
By all the conventions for rescuing he-
roes and pestering villains Captain
Beebe should have knocked down Ver-
non Povill. But Captain Beebe had
not been on his guard, nor suspicious.
So he keeled over and Bud ran to him,
and knelt beside him, lifted his head
and shoulders in her arms. and said:
“Captain Beebe! Captain Beebe!”
And, when he did not answer that, she
said, “Oh, my dear! My dear!” And,
when he did not answer that, she was
frightened as if Lafayette Park had
been the huge yawn that is the en-
trance to eternity and she could see
the lips of life closing slowly down
around it. Her hot, salty tears fell
wet on his face, and she cried: “But
I love you so much. I love you so
“Hum-um,” said Captain Beebe.
“Hum-um,” clearing his throat. He
wagged his head against Bud’s soft
shoulder. He felt of his chin. “Who
loves me?” questioned Captain Beebe.
“Oh—I do,” said Bud. “Oh—I do!”
“Mary-Martha Honeywell,” said
Captain Beebe, and the way he said it
made it sound a little better than a
He stood up then, she brushed him
off. And, as that Vernon Povill had
said, “what are parks for, anyway ?”
They found a taxicab.
“The trouble is—" began Bud, when
they were in the taxicab, and the door
was closed.
“There is no trouble,” said Captain
Beebe, “anywhere in the world, and
there never shall be. I love you more
than I know how to love you.”
since I came to Washington. I was so
angry because I had to come, and I
was determined to be revenged, and to
make them all ashamed of me and—"
“Bad little actor,” interrupted Cap-
tain Beebe.
“Me, you mean?” questioned Bud.
“You forgot your lines so often, you
know,” he apologized.
“Why, I did not,” said Bud.
“And balled them all up, and your
voice didn’t match—like trying to sing
jazz to one of Chopin’s nocturnes.”
“Well, you see,” explained Bud, “I
got most of my words from a Chicago
garment worker on the train. And I
wasn’t with her very long, and so
many situations arose—"
“I see,” said Captain Beebe, and
“But you don’t seem to see,” argued
Bud. “You fell in love with one sort
of person, and I’m not at all that sort
of person. I’m not tough, nor flip, nor
rude, nor bad-mannered, nor—any-
thing you want your wife to be. Be-
sides, I read Greek.”
“That settles it,” said Captain Bee-
be, and laughed. “That Greek settles
laughed again.
“And so,” said Bud, with much dig-
nity, “I can’t possibly marry you—”
“Oh, that’s what you mean,” said
Captain Beebe airily, “you’ll have to.”
He kissed her.
“But my revenge,” murmured Bud.
“I'll be doing just what they wanted
me to, and my lovely, dastardly re-
“Revenge is—" began Captain Bee-
be, and stopped to kiss her again.
“Sweet,” said Bud.
“Sweet,” agreed Captain Beebe, and
they went riding on in the taxicab, a
white taxicab, with a little black on it,
like a wedding invitation.—By Kay
Cleaver Strahan, in The Delineator.
Patriotism Day in the Schools.
In teaching patriotism the meaning
of the flag occupies a prominent place.
| Tuesday, November 17—Patriotism
day of American Education week—is
ia good time to emphasize our obliga-
' tion to respect the flag because it is
the symbol of the ideals and institu-
tions of our Republic.
The National Flag Code as adopted
‘and published by the National Flag
| Conference should be in the hands of
every teacher. How to display the
| flag and how to respect it, as well as
' cautions against its misuse, are shown
‘in this little illustrated pamphlet.
- This code has no governmental sanc-
tion but the rules set forth represent
+ the authoritative opinion of the patri-
| otic bodies of the United States and
of army and navy experts. In 32
States these rules will be taught in the
“—that I’ve been acting a part ever $1
it,” he said again, and laughed, and |p
‘| Washington’s home,
schools; in two other States laws have
been enacted requiring that rules for
the correct display of the flag shall be
included in the school curriculum.
How to obtain copies of the “Flag
Code” can be learned by addressing
Frank C. Cross, National Director,
Americanization Commission, Ameri-
can Legion, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Real Estate Transfers.
John A. Erb to Albert G. Miller,
tract in South Philipsburg; $550.
Mary E. Askey, et bar, to Millard
Hancock, tract in Rush township; $1.
Millard Hancock to Thomas F. As-
key, et ux, tract in Rush township; $1.
William H. Harpster, et ux, to Clara
M. Harpster, tract in College town-
ship; $1,500.
Mary C. Meyer, et al, to P. B. Mey-
er, tract in Millheim; $1.
Girard Altenderfer, et al, to Leon-
ard H. Glenn, et ux, tract in Miles-
burg; $3,500.
Charles F. Schad, et al, to Gerald A.
Robinson, tract in Bellefonte; $600.
Harry Kelley, et al, to Charles F.
Schad, tract in Spring township; $200.
Lillian A. Lehenthaler, et bar, to
William B. Keeler, et ux, tract in
State College; $1,025. =
Lillian A. Lehenthaler,
Franklin G. Williams,
College; $7,000.
Lillian A. Lehenthaler,
Raymond W. Harm,
College; $1,025.
_ William H. Fultz, et ux, to Kathe-
rine R. Brouse, tract in Miles town-
ship; $1.
Katherine R. Brouse to William H.
Fultz, et ux, tract in Miles township;
et bar; to
tract in State
et bar, to
tract in State
Walter T. Elder, et ux, to Andrew
S Slogan, tract in State College; $1,-
James F. Crust to John W. Neese,
4 ux, tract in Spring township; $1,-
D. Peters, et ux, to Dory Gunsallus,
a= tract in Walker township; $1,-
John L. Holmes, et al, to Robert T.
Hafer, tract in State College; $500.
Daniel B. Weaver to I. Blaine Han-
selman, tract in Miles township; $125.
James M. Johnson to G. U. Smith,
iF ux, tract in Walker township; $2,~
Linn B. Meyers, et ux, to T. A. Mey-
ers, tract in Penn township; $1.
Wilson Home a Shrine?
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, widow of the
war President, is considering making
the house in Washington where her
husband spent his last days a per-
manent memorial to his memory.
Under the proposal, the house would
e kept just as it was when Wilson
lived there. The Woodrow Wilson
memorial foundation is considering
taking it over. Mrs. Wilson would
live elsewhere in Washington. She
1s now abroad.
The street house contains valuable
books’ collected by Wilson while Pres-
ident. Under the plan, these would
be put at the disposal of recognized
scholars. It was in the library that
the war President spent most of his
invalid days. He died in this house
Feb. 8, 1924,
The new Wilson shrine would add
to the number of homes of Presidents
and other prominent figures still pre-
served in and near the national capital.
The list includes Mt. Vernon, George
and Monticello,
abode of Jefferson. :
The United Daughters of the Con-
federacy proposed to endow a Wood-
row Wilson chair of international law
at the University of Virginia as still
another Wilson memorial. —Exchange.
——An American and a Scotchman
were discussing the cold experienced
in winter in the north of Scotland.
“Why, it’s nothing at all compared
to the cold we have in the States,” said
the American. “I can recollect one
winter when a sheep, jumping from a
hillock into a field, became suddenly
frozen on the way, and stuck in the
air like a mass of ice.”
“But man,” exclaimed the Secotch-
man, the law of gravity wouldn’t al-
low that.”
“I know that,” replied the tale-
pitcher. But the law of gravity was
frozen, too!”
Colonial Worshipers Made
Little of Cold.
Hating together after the church ser-
vicés was a very common practice in
thinly settled regions during Colonial
days and it affoded a good opportunity
for the gratification of the social in-
To Sheldon church in South Caro-
lina there came seldom less than sixty
or seventy carriages, but a neighbor
planter was accustomed to entertain
the whole assembly, Those of higher
social position he invited to his own
table, while common folk were pro-
vided for by his overseer at the plant-
er’s expense.
At great Quaker meetings a similar
unstinted hospitality was dispensed
by the wealthier Friends. In New
England care was taken at first that
every family should live so near to
the meeting house that people could
attend church without straining the
fiber of the Fourth commandment. But
when the common lands came to be
more and more divided, and farms and
out-hamlets were settled, people hac
to travel farther.
In the winter time the people from
a distance spent the time between the
two services by the fireside in the
kitchen of the parsonage house, or in
that of some neighbor who heaped up
wood against the great back log to
cheer the worshipers when they came
chilled to the marrow from the frosty
eir of the meeting house.
The custom of building churches
without appliances for warming them
was very general, especially in the
colonies north of Pennsylvania, and
was no doubt brought from Europe;
one may yet sit through service in
fireless churches in Holland, Switzer-
'and and elsewhere on the Continent.
In a climate so severe as that of
New England it must have added much
to the grizzly rigor of the religious ob-
servances, Judge Sewall records in
his diary on a certain Sunday in Jan-
uary, 1686, when Boston harbor was
covered with ice:
“This day Is so cold that the sacra
mental bread is frozen pretty hard and
rattles sadly as broken into the
Though in most places, before the
nvention of stoves, no one ever
dreamed of warming the building, yet
measures were sometimes taken te
mitigate the cold; the first church in
Lynn, for example, was made to de-
scend to low eaves on the side exposed
to the northwest wind, and the floor
sunk below the ground.
:n New York in 1714 servants are
aescribed as carrying foot stoves to
church for the use of their masters
and mistresses, and foot stoves were
likewise used in New England in the
Eighteenth century.
in one Quaker meeting in Pennsyl
«ania it was provided in 1699 that a
fire should be kept in an upper room
“for such as are weak through sick-
ness, or age, or disease, to warm at,
and come down again modestly.”
But at a later period we find some
of the Friends’ meeting houses warmed
with German stoves.
The southern parish churches were
probably not generally warmed, but
it was provided in a colonial parish,
as far south as North Carolina, that
the clerk and lay reader should also
build fires wherever they were needed.
There were even some exceptional
cowns in New England that had iron
stoves In their meeting houses as early
as 1730, though most of them resisted
the improvement until after the be-
ginning of the Nineteenth century.
Turks Make Poor Farmers
In the New world frontiers do noi
mean much. In eastern Europe they
do. Perhaps the Turkish-Bulgarian
frontier offers the most striking ex-
ample of the difference between races.
Leaving Svilengrad, a Bulgarian fron-
tier town, one motors out past rolling
fields of wheat and maize. Then all
of a sudden a broken-down ramshackle
thatched hut indicates that ome has
entered Turkey. What a change! For
miles in front and around there is
undulating barren country quite un-
cultivated. ©The Turkish frontier
guards live in a state of absolute
primitiveness, their main nourishment
being black bread and coffee. Turkey
in Europe was never thickly populated
but the lack of any kind of agricul-
tural implements, coupled with the
natural indolence of the Turk, goes
to make a state of little relieved deso-
Sir John Lavery, the famous painter,
tells a story about an old Scottish
gardener in the employ of a friend of
his, who went one day to an exhibi-
tion of pictures in London. Among
them was one labeled “The Fall.” The
gardener surveyed this so intently
that his employer was moved to ask
him his opinion of it.
“I think no great things of it,” was
the reply.
“Why, sir, Eve is tempting Adam wi’
an apple of a variety that wasna
known until about twenty years ago,”
Why, Indeed!
When Jones came home one evening
nis wife met him at the gate and ex-
claimed, “It's lovely evening, Let's
get up a picnic!” Jones looked hope.
fully &t the sky, but there was not a
cloud - in sight coming to his rescue.
“What do you say?’ persisted Mrs,
Jones. The poor man was tired, the
evening was. warm, but he had to say
‘something. He said, “Why get up 8
rienic? We haven't anv enemies.”
...Jt’s Winter....
Your Thoughts Should
Turn to Overcoats
We have them from the BEST MAKERS IN AMERICA
(priced the lowest in the year) a really good Overcoat, one
ues we know of.
SAVE, and we are sure we can please you.
¢ that is All Wool and Tailored right—priced :
as low aS... Ll aL ado ul $17.50
Q Others at $22.00, $25.00 and $30.00—that are the best val-
Let us show you; you will be sure to
trust matters.
appointment as your Executor or Trustee.
ever you wish.
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Trust Funds
Kept Separate
unds in our Trust Department are
kept entirely separate from and in-
dependent of the Bank. We are in
a position to serve you well in all
The First National Bank is a wise
Come in and consult us freely when-
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