a Demoniac "Bellefonte, Pa., October 23, 1925. FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. Ye that triumph, ye that sigh, Kindred by one holy tie, Heaven’s first-rate alike ye see— Lift the heart and bend the knee! —Mrs. Hemans. To what lengths may we not go in this matter of a skirt, Not to many— if we are to believe the original French models now being shown. It’s really amusing to go to one of these autumn openings. A mannequin appears in a skirt that just has the mildest flirtation with her knees, and the announcer bawls out, “For madam.” If this skirt is supposed to represent respectable maturity, what—so wonders the innocent by- stander—are they reserving for wild and frolicsome youth? This query is soon answered. In a second arrives another mannequin, arrayed in a gown with equally parsimonious knee cover- ing, and the announcer then cries, “For mademoiselle.” No differentia- tion, you see. According to the fash- ion openings, goose flesh is going to be allotted with impartial hand to both the flapper and her mother. Also to her grandmother. All of which is fantastic. If there is any greater tragedy than to see a “woman past 40 in one of these ridicu- lous sixteen-inch-off-the ground af- fairs, one has not encountered it, No, and the fact is that perhaps only half our young girls succeed in look- ing their best in the skirtette. It’s really a matter that should be studied hard and long—this thing of adopting the excessively short petticoats of fashion—and it all comes back to the question of individuality. If you haven’t any anatomical shortcomings, then you may let your skirt do the shortcoming. Otherwise, allow your hem line to drop even to the eight or nine inch limit, and be sure that if the line of your clothes is smart and your accessories correct, nobody will pass any more adverse criticism upon you than, “Now, there goes a sensible woman.” I may add that some of the leading figures in our social and dramatic life take the greatest liber- ties in this respect. Does not, for ex- ample, the beautiful Mrs. Reginald Vanderbilt appear in long skirts? Fashion this season is kind to the mature woman. For several seasons she has had to accommodate her fea- tures and her figure to modes definite- ly those of youth, and while in the life of the modern woman youth is pro- longad far beyond the period that used to mark its passing, there have been many unfortunate examples of women striving for a uniform mode of dressing, regardless of the fact that 40 may not always emulate 20 with success. Youthful boyish fashions have by no means passed out of the picture, but the gracious femininity of other types is recognized by designers and their charm emphasized as much by the beauty and richness of materials as by the cut and detail that contrib- ute so much to the character and dis- tinction of the new fashions. Rarely have fabrics of such beauty been employed in the fashioning of even the simplest frocks, and one of the startling innovations of the moment is the appearance of gleaming metal brocades and supple chiffon velvets used for daytime frocks that heretofore have been developed in materials of a more utilitarian aspect. The silhouette of the moment with its flares and ripples, its cascading draperies and intricately fashioned flounces may best be described as versatile, and its adaptability to the velvets, lames and lustrous satins which are the important fabrics of the season is self-evident. Probably the most generally accept- ed silhouette is one that starts at the shoulders with a rather close line and widens gradually to the hem, which in many cases achieves an uneven line by the use of intricate draperies and is amazingly chic and interesting. This flaring line is very pronounced in evening wraps modeled on the lines of a cape or following closely the most tailored silhouette of a day coat. These reflect the luxurious tend- encies of the present fashion in the use of velvet, both for the major part of the wrap itself and for the lining, which provides the note of strong con- trast in models fashioned of costly furs or gleaming metal brocades. A strkingly beautiful cape of silver tissue shows the fine shirring about the shoulders to obtain the narrow look and is lined with American Beauty chiffon velvet, which also forms a wide scarf collar wound twice around the neck and hanging in a panel down the back. My floors, my floors, my floors! What in the world can 1 ever do to keep them attractive with the children running in and out?” That’s a question that Dr. C. N. Wenrich can probably help you an- swer. Dr. Wenrich was formerly head of the department of physics at the University of Pittsburg. Now he conducts a research laboratory for a big linoleum company in Pennsyl- vania. There amid his test tubes and queer machines, I found him. “Tell me, doctor,” I began, “how my readers may get the greatest amount of wear from their fine lino- leum floors and tell me, also, what you find to be the easiest way in which to keep a linoleum floor clean.” “Well,” he began, “in my recent ex- periments I selected the factory res- taurant, a cafeteria frequented by our office men and women, as well as by hundreds of factory workers—me- chanics shod in heavy-soled shoes and big muddy boots. “A long strip of linoleum was di- vided off into three sections. One sec- tion was polished with liquid wax, another with wax in paste form, and one section: received no protection at all. These three strips were placed as close to the door as - possible—right where feet seraped the hardest, where umbrellas were drippiest, where were muddiest. The position of each The World Court---What is It? Written for the Watchman by Mary A. Willcox, Ph. D., Prof. emeritus Wellesley College. The World Court is a group of eleven men of the highest legal attain- ments who meet every June at the Hague to hear and decide questions upon which nations are at variance. They come from all parts of the civilized world, one from Japan, one from Brazil, one from Cuba, one from the United States and several from different nations of Europe. They represent all the different legal systems of the world and each upon taking office makes a solemn public promise to exercise his powers as a judge “honorably and faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.” No nation unless it has agreed in advance to do so is obliged to lay a dispute before the Court but if it does so it must promise to accept the Court’s decision. Of the 48 nations who have signed the treaty whereby they become members of the Court several have announced their purpose to refer to it all disputes of certain kinds. But the more powerful ones like England and Japan reserve the right to decide in each case whether to ask its services. Finland and Russia were recently at variance and Finland wished a decision from the Court. The Court, however, refused to consider the matter because Russia was unwilling to have it discussed. It is obvious that if our own country should join the Court it would rest with us to decide whether or not we should sybmit a question. One of the decisions the Court may render is as to the exact mean- ing of a treaty. It is surprising how often after a treaty has been signed the nations concerned differ as to the meaning of some of its details. Another question as to whether one mation has infringed another's rights and if it has, what amends it should make. Such questions'when decided by impartial judges who are natives of neither of the contending nations are much less likely to leave behind them a rankling feeling of injustice on one side or the other than if settled more or less unsatisfac- torily by the disputants themselves. The Hague Tribunal of Arbitration, the child of the first Hague Con- ference, formed in 1900, is still in existence and may be called upon when desired. The World Court, however, possesses many advantages. The Hague Tribunal is a list of some 130 men from whom arbitrators may be chosen for any given case. Such persons must of necessity be more or less unpracticed in arbitration; it may be that no one of them is called up- on to serve more than once in his life time. Decisions by such occasional arbitrators are less likely to result in building up a system of internation- al law. Moreover the desired arbitrators may find it impossible to release themselves from other engagements and at best the machinery to be set in motion requires several months, involving a delay which in critical times may be serious. The World Court judges, having a regular salary, owe their first duty to the Court. Beside the June session they may, whenever desirable, be convened for a special session so that pressing business may be speedily dealt with. If in 1914 such machinery for dealing promptly with an emer- gency had been in existence the world war might perhaps have been averted. strip, of course, was alternated every few days so that each received its turn near the open doorway. “Nine thousand scraping feet tramped this linoleum floor in 30 days —more wear, by far, I venture to say, than the linoleum in any woman’s home receives in years and years—and then the test strips were brought over here to my laboratory. “How much wear do you suppose those strips showed? Will you believe me when I tell you that the waxed strips showed practically no effects from the heels that had tried to bruise, or the grease that had tried to stain? A dry mop, moistened with a little liquid wax, quickly removed all signs of dirt and made the linoleum look as fresh as though it had just come from our plant. It was no trick at all to re- move the surface dirt that had accu- mulated. It brushed off the glistening surface of the waxed linoleum as eas- ily as, I dare say, you remove crumbs from your kitchen table top. * “A comparison of the strips showed much less wear on the waxed linoleum than on the unwaxed piece. For the wax, you see, had formed a protecting film that kept the wear from the lino- leum. The wear on the waxed linole- um was so negligible, so infinitesimal, that I can state that a properly laid linoleum floor—one cemented over builders’ deadening felt—that is kept waxed and polished, should last a life- time. “In applying wax to the linoleum floor I would caution your readers against getting it on too thick. Let them spread a little wax between lay- ers of a piece of cheesecloth and rub it in well. *Now about cleaning. Such a floor needs only a dry dust mop to keep it clean. You will find it well to sprink- le a little liquid wax on the mop oc- casionally, just to freshen-up the much-walked-on places. “You understand, of course, that waxing is only recommended for in- laid linoleum floors. Printed linole- ums should not be waxed, but should be treated instead—say twice a year— with 2 coat of clear, water-proof var- nish. mney rete se. HOMES OF PILGRIMS HAD PAPER WINDOWS. “Bring oil paper for your windows,” wrote one of the Plymouth Pilgrims to some one who was about to come over. Window glass was not then in gen- eral use in England, and oil paper for a long time let a dusky light into the obscure rooms of many settlers’ houses. The Swedish pioneers on the Dela- ware used sheets of mica—‘“muscovy- glass,” it was called—for the same purpose. Farther toward the south, where winter was less feared, a board shutter, sometimes “made very pretty and convenient,” was at first the main device for closing a window, but about 1700 “window shasht with crystal glass”—that is, with glass that one could see through—are spoken of as a luxury recently affected by the Vir- ginia gentry. Five years after the first landing the Jamestown colonists began to build the lower story of their “com- petent and decent houses” of brick of their own burning, In New England some substantial | ed houses were erected very early; New Haven people built city houses at the outside; but primitive Carolina dwell- ings were of rough clapboards nailed to a frame; and the houses of the poor were generally left unplastered, not only in Carolina, but as far north as Connecticut. Paint was rarely seen outside of the larger towns. ; Ofletho pe; true to his military ideals, had all freeholders’ houses in Savannah, his own included, made ex- actly alike; 24 feet long and 16 broad, inclosed with I clapboards, shoes | roofed with shingles and floored with deals. It was a city of shanties—a fixed military encampment. Penn planned a somewhat larger house for his colonists, to be divided into two rooms, the walls clapboarded outside and in, the intervening space filled with earth, the ground floor of clay, and a loft floor of boards. To these pioneer dwellings we must $1 add the New Jersey house, introduced by the Swedish pioneers. The sides of this were palisades of split timbers, set upright. Nor should one omit from the list the abodes of some of the aquatic Dutch, who dwelt with their families all the year round aboard their sloops plying in the rivers and bays about New York and up the Hud- son to Albany. But there was another class whose congenial home was the puncheon floor and mud-daubed walls. These people; whothad not yet emerged from Saxon barbarism, were hereditary pioneers. As soon as neighbors . ap- proached them, the log-cabin dwellers sold their little clearings to a race of thriftier men and pushed farther into the woods, where wild food was plentiful. Their social pleasures were marked by rude polity without any attempt at luxury or display, or any regard for the restraints of refinement; they were hospitable, generous, fierce, coarse, superstitious, and fond of strong drink; given to fighting and some of them to the barbarous diver- sion of gouging out one another's eyes. i The finer American houses were for the most part imitated from the forms prevailing at the same period in Eng- land. The large room called “the hall” was the most striking feature of many of the better dwellings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. Mansions were built not for do- mestic retirement, but for festivity. They were the abodes of the rich and hospitable planters, whose delight it was to live surrounded by friends and guests and to rival one another in the | 1922 ) magnificence of their great assemblies. . William Penn built a similiar man- sion on his manor at Pennsbury, the great room of which was called the audience hall: here the proprietor met his council and held parleys with the Indians.—Philadelphia Inquirer. ——————————— ao——— Mothers Have Their Day at Penn State. Students of The Pennsylvania State College entertained their mothers on the campus last week-end when they started the observance of an annual. “Mothers’ day.” Over five hundred mothers were present, and quite a few fathers were also there. The mothers attended a meeting of the Association of Parents of Penn State held Satur- day morning, and showed great inter- est in the college and its future de- velopment. Students had arranged an attractive entertainment program and all voted the first occasion of its kind a great success. Fathers’ day will be observed next spring. —————— el arenes SAVE THE BIRDS. “We need the birds,” concludes the Los Angeles Times. A farmer in the Middle West grieved that the pheas- ants ate his corn. The Iowa Game Department had a couple of birds kill- and examined. They found the remnants of nearly 200 ecutworms, but no trace of corn. Even the crow is not as black as he is painted. He will not touch corn if he can get any- thing else. He is after the insects all the time. Were it not for the birds the land would be eaten up with many insect pests in a few years. ——Some Frenchmen may be disap- pointed at the result of the debt con- ference but they are not skilled in finances. One per cent. a year inter- est and no payment ‘on principal for forty years seems a fairly soft snap. Real Estate Transfers. A. R. Barlow, et al, to Susan Me- Rinney, tract in Worth township; $2,- A. R. Barlow, et al, Exr., to Susan McKinney, tract in Worth township; $40.50. James C. Bloom, et ux, to Paul R. Harper, tract in Philipsburg; $2,800. Thomas M. Jones to John Sicks, tract in Philipsburg; $1. : Thomas M. Jones to John Sicks, tract in Philipsburg; $1. W. R. Shope, et al, to William T. Boal, tract in Gregg township; $750. Mary J. Zubler, et al, to American Lime and Stone company, tract in Gregg township; $12,000. T. RR. Griffith, et ux, to Leonard Griffith, et al, tract in Philipsburg; $1. Jennie Davidson to Perry J. Hall, et ux, tract in Union township; $3,000. W. E. Snyder, et ux, to Andrew L. Benson tract in Rush township; $8,- L. Anna Stitzer, et al, to Theodore C. Kryder, et al, tract in Gregg town- ship; $100.00. . Bellefonte Trust Co., Exr., to Wil- liam J. Miller, tract in Spring town- ship; $600, ‘L. Frank Mayes, treasurer, to S. D. Gettig Esq. tract in Marion township; $6.41. L. Frank Mayes, treasurer, to S. D. Gettig Esq, tract in Marion township; $5.72. L. Frank Mayes, treasurer, to S. D. Gettig Esq., tract in Howard town- ship; $18.47. S. D. Gettig, et ux, to Mary E. Al- lison, tract in Marion township, et al; $25.60. Harry L. Mayes, et ux, to Arthur E. Adams, tract in Philipsburg; $1. Amanda T. Miller, et al, to Ralph L. Mallory, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $725. Anna T. H. Henszey, et bar, to Levi Se iHeat, tract in State College; $1,- Leota H. Doty, et bar, to Hannah C. Hicks, tract in Ferguson township; $700. : W. H. Johnstonbaugh, et ux, to Geo. T. Johnstonbaugh, tract in Marion township; $3,500. State Centre Electric Co. to M. B. Meyer, tract in State College; $400. Jemima J. Ishler, et bar, to Marion D. Meyer, tract in State College; $2,~ 140.10. John L. Holmes, et al, to M. B. Mey- er, et ux, tract in State College; $1,500. Irvin I. Foster, et ux, to M. B. Mey- er, et ux, tract in Ferguson township; Elizabeth Shawley to W. J. Armor, tract in Spring township; $100. William W. Gates, et ux, to H. G. Rogers, et ux, tract in Walker town- ship; $110. Charles McCurdy, trustee, to Josiah Pritchard, tract in Philipsburg; $20,- 600. : —~Subscribe for the “Watchman.” MEDICAL. Why Suffer So? Get Back Your Health as Other Folks Have Done. Too many people suffer lame, ach- ing backs, distressing kidney disor- ders and rheumatic aches and pains. Often this is due to faulty kidney ac- tion and there’s danger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Bright’s disease. Don’t let weak kidneys wear you out. Use Doan’s Pills before it is too late! Doan’s are a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan’s have helped thousands. Here is one of many Bellefonte cases: Mrs. E. E. Ardery, Reynolds Ave., says: “My kidneys were weak and out of order. My back ached, too, and I became run down. Doan’s Pills, which I bought at Runkle’s drug store, have always relieved these attacks and strengthened my back and kid- neys.” (Statement given April 5, On July 22, 1925, Mrs. Ardery said: “I have used Doan’s Pills occasionally since I last recommended them and they have always brought relief.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 70-42 Autumn Modes Especially Designed for the Larger Woman et us show you what stunning garments are here— decidedly of the latest mode and so becoming to the larger woman. You will be delighted with the slenderizing effect they give—a silhou- ette that is smart and distinctive. We Have the Becoming Jabot Front We have a truly slenderizing Frock mode of silk caton crepe with the pleated Jabot effect—at $19.75 and $25.00. Long Graceful Lines in Coats The Flares so smart this Fall—when placed at the sides and rear are lines the larger woman will appreciate because of the narrowing effect they give to the waistline. cribed is of a fine Brown Needle Point (Fur Trimmed) at $47.50. Dress Your Windows According to the Fashion for Fall ith the coming of Autumn the home-maker’s thoughts turn Draperyward, for she knows how important it is to have her windows throw an atmosphere of charm over the room as well as shut out the greyness of Winter. as well as Side Draperies, are being used in many new and attractive ways for Fall. choose Curtains and Draperies, but also 1 smartest ways to hang them. The Coat des- Glass Curtains, Here one may not only earn the Most Beautiful Patterns. Our Rug Departmen has a large shipment of New Rugs—in the You will profit by looking here for values—and will be delighted with their beauty. Hazel& Company South Allegheny Street . . . ., BELLEFONTE, PA. NAAAAS ANAS RADIO SERVICE Covers a Wide Range any Highly Efficient Receivers bave been condemned be- cause of a faulty tube or battery, local interference, poor installation, a neighbor’s noisy set, static—or any one of a dozen things over which the manufacturer has For these reasons, regardless of the merits of the set, there will be calls for service, and it is the solution of this service prob- lem, the immediate detection and remedy of these troubles that the thirteen years’ radio experience behind the Radio Sales & Supply Co. becomes an im- pcrtan) factor in your successful radio purchase, reception and entertain- | Eventually—after considerable discouragement—you will recognize no control. ment. the necessity of such service. WHY NOT NOW? Radio Sale & Supply Co. Bell 220-W Water Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. | Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. | IT ISN'T A HOME WITHOUT A TELEPHORE a Ae = IT was a surprise party for Annabel. Two of her girl friends “organized” it the day before her birthday. ; Annabel enjoyed it, but she was a bit disappointed because Norman wasn’t there. She couldn’t imagine why he had not been invited—until one of the girls told her they could not get in touch with him because he had no telephone. Norman was disappointed, too. # re — | AND YOU CAN HAVE ONE FOR LESS THAN 10¢c A DAY!