Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 23, 1925, Image 3

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    James E. Peters and ’Squire E. H. Au-
Postmaster R. E. Musser, of Penn-
sylvania Furnace, is sporting a new
Bellefonte, Pa., October 23, 1925.
" Several holiday weddings are al-
ready booked for this section.
Hugh C. Dale was a caller at the G.
B. Fry home on Sunday afternoon.
Garage man Willis Weaver trans-
acted business in Tyrone on Saturday.
The cow sale advertised to be held
at the G. P. Irvin sale yesterday was
called off.
Geo. Thompson, of Bellefonte, was
here last week installing electric
washers in the homes of Ed. Reed,
Dodge sedan.
The new arrival at the Lloyd Frank
home last week is a boy. He hasbeen
christened Lloyd Jr.
Game protector Thomas Mosier and
Robert B. Fry, of Bellefonte, were re-
cent visitors in our town.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell were
Sunday visitors at the home of Wil-
liam Rossman, at Pleasant Gap.
Miss Ella Livingstone, teacher in
the High school at Hollidaysburg, was
a guest at the St. Elmo over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rossman, of Un-
ion county, spent the latter end of the
week with relatives in the valley. Ru-
FV VV VV. V. a a a a a fd ddd
A Well Conducted Bank
Is Not Merely a Place to Put Money
It should be a center of information about
business conditions; about many other things
in which people are interested.
And this information, and advice based on
it, should be at the service of all.
Many mistakes would be avoided if the
banker were consulted before, and not after,
(an we Help you in Any Way?
The First National Bank
the event.
Building Up 2 Reserve
ost of our
started in
saving dollar by dollar, thus
building up a reserve fund for
account with us.
If you have not been
saving in the past,
now to accumulate a fund?
3 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
millionaires of today
a modest way and
why not start right
Open an
“Just what I wanted—
a Bulova Watch”
If you want HER to have the
best—give her a
The WGrniiied beatty and gece
the Burova WarcH lends
chasm to even the daintiest wrists
=F. P. BI
Burova Quality white gold filled en-
graved case, with guaranteed 15 jewel
Burova Lovoment
Butova Quality white gold filled ens
teed 15 jewel
graved case, with gu
air & Son
Jewelers..... Bellefonte, Pa.
mor says Mr. Rossman has his eye on
the McCracken farm.
J. D. Neidigh, our hustling grain
buyer, shipped a carload of $1.50
whea to the western market on Fri-
Young America is enjoying the
week’s holiday while the school teach-
ers are attending institute in Belle-
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Irvin, of Altoona,
spent Friday with Mrs. George P. Ir-
vin, who is somewhat improved in
Mrs. Sarah Everts is spending a
week or two with friends at Bellwood,
while recuperating from her recent
sick spell.
George Fisher, of Boalsburg, was a
brief visitor here on Friday, while on
his way home from a business trip to
Pittsburgh. as
W. G. Gardner and wife celebrated
their 36th wedding anniversary at
their comfortable home in the Glades,
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kustaborder,
of Warriorsmark, were callers with
old friends at Rock Springs on Sun-
day morning.
Butcher G. W. Koch has invested in
a new Ford truck to be used in gath-
ering in fatted stock for his up-to-date
meat market.
Our garage man, Royal Kline, has
come to the conclusion that in the fu-
ture he will scrutinize very carefully
all checks offered him.
‘Squire Ed. Woomer is recovering
from the bout he had with his deacon
several weeks ago, and the deacon has
since been in solitary confinement.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martz, motored
in from Cleveland, Ohio, and are
spending a few days with Mrs. Martz’s
father, J. R. Smith, who is slowly re-
covering from a siege of illness.
Mrs. Margaret Musser Waite, of
Dunkirk, New York, is making her
annual visit among her many friends
in the valley, making her headquar-
ters with her mother, Mrs. Wallace
A Hallow-een social will be held in
the I. 0. O. F. hall on Friday evening,
October 30th. Prizes will be awarded
for best costumes and to winners in
various contests. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Boyd Gardner, of Rockford, Ill, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Gardner, the first time in ten years.
He is now employed as an inspector
by the International Harvestor com-
pany and is making good on the job.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Fry and family
and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Musser and
family took a spin on Sunday to Ty-
rone and down the new state road
through Bald Eagle valley to Belle-
fonte, returning home by way of State
Dr. Glass and wife, of Uniontown,
are making their annual visit here and
at State College, where they have two
sons enrolled as students. Part of
their time was spent as guests of
‘Squire and Mrs. Ed. Woomer, at
Florence Port, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Port, has been awarded
the gold prize offered by the First Na-
tional bank of State College to the
student in the High school making the
largest savings deposit during the
school year.
While an unknown resident of Ju-
lian was attending services in Meek’s
church on Sunday evening his car
caught fire. The cushions and the top
were destroyed before the flames were
extinguished by a bucket brigade. The
origin of the fire is unknown.
Joseph Gilliland has decided to quit
farming owing to the scarcity of farm
help, and will be succeeded on the Mil-
ler sisters’ farm in the Glades by Ed.
Frank. We are sorry to lose the Gil-
liland family from this section as they
are splendid people and good neigh-
The venerable W. E. McWilliams
came up from Centre Hall and is
spending some time with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. R. E. Musser, at his old home
at Pennsylvania Furnace, where he
lived for forty years. Mr. McWil-
liams had been quite ill for some time
but is now in fairly good health.
Mrs. Nannie Bailey spent Friday
afternoon at Rock Springs, where she
took part in the celebration of the
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ella
Gardner. Quite a number of friends
called during the day and that esti-
mable lady was kindly remembered
with numerous gifts and congratula-
tory messages.
The Pine Hall Reformed church has
been repaired inside and out at a cost
of $3000, and re-opening services will
be held the first week in November,
They will begin Thursday evening,
November 5th, with preaching by Rev.
Lescher. The services will continue
over the following Sunday when Rev.
S. M. Roeder will officiate.
Notwithstanding the rainy weather
there was a large turnout at the
Brotherhood meeting at Graysville
Presbyterian church, last Friday even-
ing. Following a session of inspiring
talks and music a committee of ladies
served delicious refreshments to which
all did ample justice. The third Fri-
day evening in each month was set as
the time for holding the monthly
Quite a large gathering was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Car-
ver, near State College, last Saturday,
in celebration of Mrs. Carver’s birth-
day anniversary. Fifty or more rela-
tives and friends were present and all
came with baskets well laden with
good things to eat. Robert Kustabor-
der was master of ceremonies and
handled the job to perfection. It is
needless to say that everybody pres-
ent had a delightful time.
The Shall Gap hunting club was
royally entertained, last Thursday
evening, at the home of John H. Bai-
ley, at Fairbrook. The early part of
the evening was spent in reviewing
their various hunting exploits but
when Mrs. Bailey: announced dinner
there was a general stampede for the
well laden table. Members present in-
cluded G. W. Rossman, C. E. Close, J.
A. Gummo, Davis Tressler, J. H. Mc-
Cracken, Melvin Peters, Alfred Al-
bright, Robert Harpster and J. H.
Bailey. ;
Rev. Piper will preach in the M. E.
church next Sunday. ;
Raymond Houser, of Lock Haven,
visited here last week.
John Millward is visiting here with
his son Frank and family.
The stork visited the home of
Joseph Barnes, recently, and left them
a sweet little girl.
It is rumored that Rev. Rishel has
been prevailed upon to remain here
another year; after having resigned
his charge recently.
Our road overseers are very tardy
about installing our light system for
the lighting of our streets. Why not
proceed and satisfy the public.
Mrs. Robert Miller and son, Robert
Jr., of Tyrone, gave us a call the past
week, and it goes without saying that
their presence was highly appreciated.
George W. Smith has sold his little
home at the forks of the road. He
was fortunate to secure a comfortable
home near his work at the American
Lime and Stone company.
Mr. Hoover's Sunday school class
were entertained at the home of Miss
Marian Gettig, Thursday evening of
last week. It was largely patronized
and proved a magnificent affair.
Dr. Barlett and wife left this morn-
ing for a motor" trip to the western
part’ of be State in their new Buick
sedan. y ‘will have a most enjoy-
able trip as-so-many of their friends
reside west of the mountains.
The cafeteria supper at the Metho-
dist church on Saturday evening was
a success, when you take into consid-
eration the fact that it rained all even-
ing. The faithful ones were in at-
tendance notwithstanding.
My good friend, Henry Noll, the air-
plane artist, very kindly volunteered
to give me a ride to Pittsburgh in his
aerial machine. Owing to the election
being so near at hand I had to decline
the offer; and besides, I took into con-
sideration the fact that good men are
growing scarcer from day to day,
fearing we might meet with an acci-
dent, and owing to the protest of my
hon skesver I am clinging to the
Our judicial contest will in a very
brief time be concluded. Two aspir-
ants will be disappointed, and one will
be successful. Politics is a very
treacherous game. I am conceited
enough to think that I know in ad-
vance which of the three will land the
plum. However, I will await the final
result. The contest was rather har-
moniously conducted throughout with
a very few exceptions; but then a lit-
tle strategy belongs to the game. The
man with the most votes will win. I
am satisfied we will have a good, ca-
pable and conscientious Judge to pre-
side over our courts for the next ten
Pleasant Gap can boast of having a
full-fledged and enthusiastic sports-
man in the person of Freeman Hile.
About ten days ago he set his traps
for foxes and up to this time has land-
ed six. Just prior to the coming in of
the coon season he purchased a coon
dog in Kentucky, the consideration
was $50.00. The first night he took
his favorite Kentuckian to the Nitta-
ny mountain and brought down five
fine coons, and the end is not yet in
sight. Freeman is a born hunter and
trapper and somehow always succeeds
in his ambition where others fail. Mr.
Hile refused two offers of a hundred
dollars each for his coon dog.
Through the judicious management
of our energetic Sportsman’s associa-
tion game is becoming far more pro-
lific on the Nittany mountain and in
Greenvalley. At the time of the ber-
ry season I had occasion to forage the
mountain for two days and saw four
frisky deer and one fawn, rabbits,
coon, red and grey foxes, which are
very plentiful. Wild turkeys and
pheasants are also in abundance.
Bears, while not numerous, are fre-
quently seen up in the gap crossing
the state road from one knob to the
other. Game is not scarce hereabouts.
All is due to the great care and good
management of our efficient sports-
men, who are wide awake so far as
pertains to propagating game of
every description.
A good business man makes a suc-
cess because he utilizes what would
otherwise be waste products and turns
them into profits. The wise farmer,
in order to succeed must resort to
planting the best of seeds in order to
improve his products and thus turn
his labor into a money making propo-
sition. Mr. J. S. Peters, residing ad-
jacent to the penitentiary, who had
ill luck in raising potatoes for some
years past, realized the necessity of
making a change in his seed. Last
seasan he planted the new Rustic va-
riety and had a very productive crop.
These potatoes grow very large, many
exceeding four pounds in weight and
of excellent quality. The potatoes ma-
tured but there was no help in sight
to harvest the hundreds of bushels.
(the Whiterock boom grabs about all
the idle men in sight). It happens
Mr. Peters has a sister-in-law resid-
ing in Tyrone; a strong robust woman,
tipping the beam at 210 pounds. - He
wrote to her, pleading with her to
come and help him out. The next
train brought Mrs. Robert Miller and
son, Robert Jr., to the scene of action.
They remained a full week, raised all
the potatoes, picked apples and about
cleaned up the fall work of the farm.
In the meantime, Robert Jr. hulled 14
bushels of walnuts, so that the Miller
family will have an abundance of wal-
nuts for the coming winter,
Miss Anna Swe) is spending
some time at State College.
Mys. Sarah Hazel is visiting at the
home of her son, A. J. Hazel.
Samuel Glenn, of the Branch, was
a visitor in town on Thursday.
Miss Anna Dale returned, Tuesday,
from & month’s visit in Blair and
Mifflin counties.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer were
week-end guests of the W. A. Oden-
kirk family, in Centre Hall.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Reitz and P, B.
Lonebarger visited Mr. and Mrs. Pe-
ter Jordon, at Colyer, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mothersbaugh
and son, of State College, were visit-
ors at the home of George Mothers-
baugh on Sunday. ;
Mrs. Calvin Stamm, of Erie, is
spending some time at the home of
her father, D. M. Snyder, who was
seriously injured by a fall while pick-
ing apples. Mr. Snyder is slowly re-
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Green are re-
joicing over the arrival of a baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. James Peters, of Rock
Springs, were recent callers at this
Mrs. Amanda Houser, of Bellefonte,
is visiting at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. L. K. Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilt and fam-
ily, of Altoona, were recent visitors at
the R. C. Lowder home.
Mrs. James Swabb, of Milesburg,
spent a few days with her sister, Miss
Zora Rupp, in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Clell. Garner and fam.
ily, of State College, were recent call-
ers at the Frank Reish home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Dale and family
spent Sunday afternoon at the M. M.
Keller home, at Pleasant Gap.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burwell, of
Pine Grove Mills, spent Sunday at the
Mrs. Mary Houser home in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and
family motored to Clearfield, on Sun-
day, and spent the day among rela-
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wagner and
daughter Susan spent Sunday at the
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Meyer home, on
the Branch.
Miss Jane Yearick, of Lock Haven,
spent the week-end at home.
Miss Kathryn Swope, of Lock Ha-
ven, spent "ye week-end at her home
Mr. and Mrs. John Beck, of Lock
Haven, were Sunday guests at the C.
N. Yearick home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daily, of Al-
toona, were over Sunday guests at the
George Ertley home.
The kiddies are having a jolly va-
cation while the teachers are attend-
ing the annual teachers’ institute at
Bellefonte, this week.
The chicken and waffle supper held
in the Grange hall on Saturday even-
ing was a grand success. Over sixty
dollars were realized.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swartz and ba-
by, John Yearick and daughter Rosa-
lie, all of Bellefonte, attended services
in the Reformed church on Sunday
William Sortman took William
Weaver and family, in kis auto, te
Lock Haven on Thursday, to see Mrs.
Mary Dietz, who underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis at the Lock Ha-
ven hospital. Mrs. Dietz has so far
recovered as to be able to leave the
hospital this week.
——Get the Watchman if you want
the local news.
Tomorrow Alright
NR Tablets stop sick headache:
relieve bilious atiacky, tone and
regulate eliminative orga
pie nis you %eel ‘fine.
s Better Than Pills For Liver lis”
A roast of beef youll say is
. prime
You'll say the same thing every
—Young Mother Hubbard
There is’ something uni-
form about the meats and
the services of this shop
that will continue to appeal
© to you month after month,
We have the ability to
Beezer’s Meat Market
Bellefonte, Pa.
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-ate
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 61-1y
Law, Bellefonte, Pa Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en=
trusted to
High street.
his care. Offices—No. 5 East
: 57-44
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
J and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
Ww G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider’s Exchalge
Bellefonte, Pa.
Bellefonte State College
Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D. Physician and
State College,
county, Pa. Offi his resi
dence. 35-41
ce at
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist. Licensed
by the State Board. State Colle
every day except Saturday. Belle-
fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Co
Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays
a. m, to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones.
Re 2
When they hear that familiar
call they gather together quick-
ly and get extremely excited.
ey know that C. Y. Wagner
& Co. Inc.'s delicious chicken
feed is coming—it’s like candy
to children. What's more, it
makes your poultry fat and
healthy and great layers and
“Quality talks.”
CY. Wagner Co,, Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
Fine Job Printing
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the moat sat~
{sfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Cal: on or communicate wi
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We Tispect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates. ° rs
It will be to your interest te
consult us before placing your
Insurance. :
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Collage
Get Protection.
The following Lines of
Insurance are written
in my Agency
(All Kinds)
(Including Inspection)
When you want any kind ef
a Bond come and see ma.
Don’t ask friends. They
don’t want to go om your
Rond. I will
Bell 174-M Temple Court
Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA,