Bellefonte, Pa,, October 9, 1925. ey NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——A heavy frost was observed in various sections of the county yester- day morning. ———The Standard Bearers of the Methodist church wiil hold a food sale tomorrow (Saturday) morning at Kis- sell’s meat market. ——At the Free Methodist church conference, held at Bradford last week, Rev. C. O. Whitford was as- signed to the Fleming and Bellefonte circuit. ——Miss Sue A. Murray, of Snow Shoe Intersection, has resigned her position with the Pennsylvania Rail- road Co., to enter the Presbyteerian hospital in Philadelphia for the nurse’s training course. — Forty-one tickets were sold at the Bellefonte station for the P. R. R. excursion to Niagara Falls on Satur- day night. The train, by the way, was over one hour late when it pulled in- to the Bellefonte depot. —The Philathea class of the Milesburg Baptist church will hold a bazaar and fruit sale, in the firemen’s hall, October 15 and 16. Christmas gifts for all members of the family will be on sale. Do your buying ear- ly. — The “Watchman” was in error, last week, in stating that Elliot Hol- labaugh had been engaged as assistant to the manager of the Richelieu. He has been employed by the new theatre management, but not as assistant manager. ——The ladies Aid of the Methodist dist Episcopal church, Bellefonte, will hold a chicken and home-made noodle supper in the lecture room of the church, Thursday, October 22, from 5 to 7 o'clock. Admission, adults 65 cents; children under 12, 35 cents. ——At the third of the series of bridge games played between the women of Bellefonte and Lock Haven, at Miss Blanchard’s, last week, the visiting women had a winning score of less than fifty, making them the victors in two successive meetings. ——The Harvest Queen contest for the Elk’s carnival will open on Mou- day of next week. Tickets can be se- cured at the Elks, the several drug stores in town and at the Russ-Bell ice cream parlor. Any young lady desir- ing to enter the contest should start now. ——The American Legion Auxiliary will serve a chicken and waffle supper at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening, November 3rd, at 5 o’clock. Adults, 75 cents; children, 35. Members of the Auxiliary will start their series of card parties, at the Legion home on Howard street, Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 13th, at 8:30 o’clock. Admis- sion, 25 cents. All are invited. Members of the Blair county fish and game association journeyed ;0 Benore, one day last week, and re- moved about eight thousand catfish from an abandoned ore hole which was almost dry. The fish were trans- planted in the Juniata river. Just a week previous ten thousand catfish ‘had been transplanted into the Juni- ata from an old dam near Warriors- mark that was going dry. The Bellefonte Academy foot- ball team defeated the Indiana Nor- mal team, on Hughes field last Fri- day .afternoon, by the score of 32 to 0, ‘but .at that it was a well played game. The visitors held the strong Academy .eleven to one touchdown in the first half, and that was made just before the whistle blew. In the second half, however, the superior work of the Academy resulted in their scoring four touchdowns, and kicking one goal, making a total of 32 points. ——The new orchestral pipe organ at the Scenic is attracting many new patrons to that popular movie picture theatre. Musical critics pronounce it one of the best instruments heard in this section of the State. While it naturally will be a drawing card the fact must not be overlooked that man- ager T. Clayton Brown is showing the biggest and best pictures to be seen everywhere. His offerings are all high-class, including the productions of leading film makers, and cannot help but please. ——Presiding in Centre county court last week Judge Miles I. Potter sent seven men and two women to the Centre county jail for terms ranging from thirty days to eighteen months, and when he got through doling out justice sheriff E. R. Taylor took toll and found that he had exactly thirty- three regular boarders, the largest number of prisoners incarcerated in the jail at one time in many years. In fact the sheriff declares he is so crowded that if he gets any more he will have to hang them up on pegs as he has no more cells to put any one in. ——Word has come to us that the University of Tennessee has added to its faculty list Dr. Margaret B. Mac- Donald, formerly of the faculty of The Pennsylvania State College, and now considered among the foremost women chemists of the age. Dr. Mac- Donald went there from the Universi- ty of Illinois, where she had been do- ing investigation work on yeasts. In her present position she.will be in charge of the research work in bio- chemistry at the agricultural experi- ment station of the university and as- sisted in this by Miss Esther M. Crawford, of the State of Washing- ton. " EXPERIENCED AIR-MAIL NIGHT PILOT LOST AND PROBABLY KILLED. Many Ships, State Militia and Hun- dreds of Civilians Scouring the Mountainous Sections for Charles Ames Lost in the Fogs of Last Thursday Night. Bellefonte is in the gloom of her first intimate contact with a tragedy of carrying mail by air at night. Charles H. Ames, pilot for two years on the New York to Cleveland route, and one of the most skillful and lika- ble men in the service is probably dead and no one knows where. Leaving New York on schedule last Thursday night at 9:50 o’clock he is believed to have been heard and sighted over the Hartleton emergency field, twenty miles east of here, at 11:35 and from that moment no definite knowledge as to his whereabouts or his fate has been forthcoming. He carried only enough gasoline in his tank to keep him in the air four hours and twenty minutes so that it is certain that even had noth- ing gone wrong with the mechanism of his ship he was down by at least 2 o’clock Friday morning. The force was on duty as usual at the Bellefonte field. The New York report of the departure of Ames was to the effect that weather conditions there were satisfactory. Hartelton re- ports that the clouds or fog were not bad when he is supposed to have pass- ed over that point, but in Nittany val- ley the crew that had gone out onto the field to listen for the drone of the motor of the expected ship found the clouds very low. In fact so alarming- ly low that they were measured and found to be only 600 feet high, just a bit below the mountain tops. They could see the Hecla light faintly, but only when the beams shot directly at them. Neither the Point McCoy light nor its beams were visible. All of this would seem to indicate that when Ames approached the chart- ed crossing over Nittany mountain, west of its beacon light, he must have been above the clouds and they must have been so dense that he could see neither of the beacons within range or the more powerful field lights. He was probably on his right course, his compass would keep him there for there was no wind to blow his ship to the side of it, and location was prob- ably his only trouble, for without the guiding lights he would not know whether he was over a mountain or valley and dared not dive through the clouds lest he crack up on a mountain side instead of finding safety in an open valley. Many persons have reported that they heard a ship in the sky at hours when Ames might have been there. A woman reports that she heard him go over Aaronsburg. Several people are sure they heard him over Bellefonte. Two Milesburg residents claim to have seen as well as heard him over that place about midnight. All of them might have done so but the hapless pilot was lost then for the Bellefonte field was invisible to him and the only hope left to him was to stay up until he could find a hole in the clouds or a spot free of fog through which he might drop a flare and locate a spot sufficiently clear to risk landing. Think of the utter hopelesseness, loneliness and desperation of a man in such a predicament! Knowing that he didn’t have gas enough to stay in the air until daylight and knowing that certain injury and possibly death were rushing on to meet him with every tick of the clock we can think of nothing more tragic. THE SEARCH WAS BEGUN. On Friday morning hope was fath- er to the thought that he had made a safe landing somewhere or, at most, had merely been injured and would be delayed in getting out to a point of communication. The day wore on and there was no report. Saturday planes were sent here from Cleveland and New York, fifteen in all, and they skirted the mountain ranges nearby without result, groups of men started out afoot, everybody was on the look- out, but to no avail. Sunday the weather was so thick that not a ship could take to the air, but hundreds of men were in the mountains afoot and they brought back no clues worth following up. On Monday the weather, while still bad, ‘had cleared enough to make search from the sky possible and all of the ships left for the district about the Clarion emergency field; it being thought that Ames might have deter- mined to keep on his course, as long as his gas held out, with hope of run- ning into better atmospheric con- ditions further west. When darkness came, Monday night, and no trace of him had been found Governor Pinchot, while in Bellefonte, got in touch with his Adjutant General and directed that the National Guard be called out to help in the search. This was in response to an appeal from superintendent Egge, of the Air Mail service, who came here to direct the search. The Governor directed that all guardsmen in centers familiar with the country he called out. Ac- cordingly Troop L and the Boal Troop under command of Maj. H. L. Curtin, with’ compliment of horses and equi- page other than arms, left here Tues- day night for Clarion to be joined by the companies from Lewisfown, Ty- rone and Punxsutawney. ~All day Monday and Tuesday the search was concentrated over Clarion and Venango counties because of the statements of five persons residing in Clarion two of whom said they saw a mail plane pass over there at 2 a. m. and three others believe they heard the drone of a motor passing over. We haven't a lot of faith in the story of the two who say they saw a plane. If they did it couldn’t have been the one Ames was piloting for, certainly, knowing he was as near out of gas as he must have been he would have landed on the Clarion field, for he could have seen it if Clarion observers could have seen him. ~~ NOTES OF THE ACCIDENT. Charles H. Ames was .a native of Michigan and was probably in the ear- ly thirties. He carried no food or water in his plane and only two “flares.” “Flares” are very powerful lights ignited by electricity and supported by a small parachute. They fall slowly to the ground lighting the way down so a pi- lot could pick out a safe emergency landing field. They would be little use to a pilot who was above the clouds and afraid to dive through them for fear of hitting a mountain. He carried a parachute and stories to the effect that he could not use it are without foundation. He had a stiff knee, but this would not have in- terfered with his jumping. And it might be revealed later that he really did jump from: his machine. All the stories of his having been heard at this, that and the other place after 2 a. m. are imaginary. His tank carried gas enough to have kept him in the air only until that hour—even had flying conditions been most fa- vorable. Considering the vast area of wooded land over which his course took him we were from the first and are still of the opinion that his location will be purely accidental. No search, either from the air or afoot can spy into the thousands of mountain ravines into any one of which he might have fal- len to be hidden from sight by the leaves of the trees through which he might have crashed. If he jumped, his parachute might be spied from the air, because it is of light silk and would have clung to the tops of trees. Not so an aeroplane. He had enough gas to carry him al- most to Cleveland, if he had contin- ued his flight without accident, so that all things considered the area in which he might have fallen is vast beyond comprehension. The rumor that he carried a large amount of money in the mail is with- out foundation. The mail did have some important bank correspondence. but investigation has revealed that if it is never found most of the papers can be duplicated. Up to yesterday noon no trace of him had been found. It is now believ- ed that the Hartleton light tender might have been in error in reporting that he passed over that point. Memorial Tablet Dedicated to Memo- ry of Late Major Anderson. Ten officers and former officers of: the Twenty-eighth (Iron) division at- tended a three days’ reunion at the officers’ club at the Col. Theodore Da- vis Boal home at Boalsburg, going there on Friday and remaining over Sunday. The principal object of the gathering was the dedication of a me- morial tablet erected to the memory of Major Thomas B. Anderson, of La- trobe, battalion commander of the 110th infantry. The guest of honor of the occasion was Miss Julia Anderson, a daughter of the deceased Major. The Boalsburg machine gun troop acted as mounted guard of honor, fol- lowing the procession of officers who marched in military formation from the club house to the little grove of trees where the memorial had been erected. Major General Charles Muir, retired, who commanded the 28th in this country and France, spoke feel- ingly of Major Anderson’s courage and patriotism. The memorial tablet bears the inscription, “In memory of Thomas B. Anderson, Major 110th Inf, A. E. F,, killed in action near Basileux, France, Sept. 5, 1918. “Qld soldiers never die.” A Few Changes in Residence. Frank P. Bartley, who recently re- turned from his summer carnival en- gagement, and A. C. Gingery have taken over the lease of the Garman house and took charge on Monday. William H. Brown, the retiring land- lord, moved into the apartment in the McGarvey building, on Bishop street. The William Katz family moved this week from their old home on High street into the apartment in the Heverly building recently vacated by Harry S. Mann. During the coming week Girard Alt- enderfer will move his family from Milesburg to Jersey Shore, where he is connected with the Sheffield Farms company. His father, M. L. Alten- derfer, has resigned his position with the Titan Metal company and will ac- company his son and family to Jersey Shore. ——A large delegation of State Col- lege students, members of the engi- neering department, journeyed to Al- toona on Tuesday and made an inspec- tion of the P. R. R. shops in that city. The trip was made at the invitation of railroad officials because of the meet- ing being held in Altoona of the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers. ——Borough manager J. D. Seibert cleaned the dirt and refuse from the falls and Spring creek, on Saturday, possibly so Governor Pinchot could the better see the big trout. 734 Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS IN FOUR DAYS’ CAMPAIGN. Big Drive Also Brings in Over Twen- ty-five Hundred Dollars in Cash. The slogan of “500 in four days,” adopted for the big Y. M.C. A. mem- bership drive last week was more than made good. When the final reports were all turned in on Thursday night it was found that in four days just 734 members had been enrolled and the actual cash received in hand was $2,505.75. Of course the total membership means considerable more money than the above sum, but that is the amount paid in with the sign- ing of the applications and the balance is considered just as good as cash in the bank. The 734 members include men and women, boys and girls, rang- ing in age from ten to eighty-six years. When the membership drive was spoken of some people were rather skeptical of its being a success but the board of trustees, backed up by quite a number of enthusiastic Y. M. C. A. supporters, decided to go ahead. A committee was appointed with Harry Murtoff as chairman, and this commit- tee enlisted the aid of some fifty men and women in Bellefonte who made a house to house canvas of the town. There were nine membership teams and every evening they went to the Y. M.C. A, made a report of the work done during the day, discussed plans for the next day and had lunch- eon. And the final result far exceed- ed the expectations of the most opti- mistie. With such a large membership the Y. M. C. A. will be able to enter upon a year of unusual activity, not only in religious but in social and other lines of Y. M. C. A. work. The new secre- tary, John W. Miller, has already out- lined various athletic activities for the winter season. The gymnasium was opened on Tuesday for the first gym class and the bowling alleys will prob- ably be opened on October 12th. A bowling league will be organized as usual and this is sure to prove a big drawing card. To the new members it can be said, the Y. M. C. A. is your institution. Don’t hesitate to use it at any and all times. You will not only be welcome but your presence may be an incen- tive to others to come in. Spring and Ferguson Townships Signed Up for Cow Testing. Spring and Ferguson townships have been signed for tuberculin test- ing over 90%. This means that 90% of the cow owners have signed a con- tract with the State to have their cat- tle tested by the State free of charge to the owner. These two townships have been sent in to the Bureau of Animal Industry at Harrisburg, and will be tested in the order they are listed. Testing by the area plan is an advantage because it takes all cattle in that particular area. This means that cattle'can be bought and sold at will without re- test, bull service can be had as before testing and the chance of spreading the disease from one herd to the oth- er is not so great. The herds in these areas that have not been signed will be given an op- portunity to test, and upon refusal will be quarantined and not allowed to sell any dairy products off the farm until they are tested. It is expected that Walker and Ben- ner townships will be completed in a few days. College township is sign- ed approximately 40%. When these townships are completed the whole of Nittany valley will be included in the area. The State has over 200 town- ships from other sections signed and on the waiting list so it is not likely the testing will be done before early spring. Centre County Conference of Women’s Clubs. ~ The Centre county conference of women’s clubs will meet at the Penn- sylvania State College on Saturday, October 31st, at 10 o’clock a. m. Further notice regarding the place of meeting and program will be given later. It is the consensus of opinion that these conferences prove to be most beneficial. We return to our work with increased interest and intent; we solve problems with less difficulty and we recall the pleasant incidents in connection with this communion of spirits, all of which make us antici- pate the meeting of new faces and ideas another year. The invitation to attend and take part in this conference is most cordi- ally extended to every organization of women in Centre county. By taking part means reporting activities of the past year,—entering into the discus- sions, and being glad to add to the influence evidenced in this “Get-to- gether meeting” once a year. The public will be welcome at both ses- sions. Box luncheon. HELEN E. C. OVERTON, Pres. Centre County Conference Women’s Clubs. rns ——— pee. ——Williamsport distriet’s 45th an- nuel convention of the Woman's For- eign Missionary society of the Meth- odist church, will be held in Trinity church, Lock Haven, October 15th. There will be three sessions, 9:30 a. m., 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Dinner and supper will be servied at Trinity church at 50 cents each meal, All visitors and delegates wishing meals at the church will please notify Mrs. Edith A. Bartlett, 208 west Church street, Lock Haven. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Miss Mary Blanchard went to Phila- delphia, Wednesday, to spend a week look- ing after the city’s branch of her business. —Dr. J. L. Seibert was in Harrisburg this week, as a representative from the Centre County Medical Association, at the State meeting. —DMiss Bess Rhinesmith returned to her home in Bellefonte, last week, from a three week’s visit with her brother, Daniel Rhinesmith and his family, in Clearfield. —Mrs. Barry Case returned to her home in Washington, D. C., Sunday, after a three week's visit here with her father, William McGowan, on account of whose illness this visit to Bellefonte was made. —Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fleming went over to. Philipsburg Monday, called there by the illness of their son, M. Ward Flem- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming remained for a visit of several days with the family. —Mrs. Richard Brouse accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Topelt on their drive back to Brooklyn, Saturday, expecting to re- main there for several weeks as their guest. Mrs. Brouse is a sister-in-law of Mrs. To- pelt, . —Mrs. Hamilton Otto, who has been a guest this week at the Sylvester D. Ray home, returned here from Philadelphia, to continue her visit of several weeks ago, be- fore going on to her home at Niagara Falls. —Mr. Charles F. Cook, of east High street, is in the South for a visit of sev- eral weeks with: his nephew, James Alex- ander, who is in business at Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Cook left Bellefonte last Sat- arday afternoon. —Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson and her daughter, Miss Fannie, are in Warren for a part of the month of October, having gone over Wednesday, for their annual fall vis- it with Mrs. Hutchinson’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson. —Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Boozer, of Centre Hall, motored to Riverton, N. J., on Tues- day, to visit W. Gross Mingle and family, Mrs. Boozer and Mrs. Mingle being sisters. Before returning home they will also spend some time in Philadelphia. —Mrs. Wells L. Daggett and her son Boynton will leave today for Elmira, ex- pecting to be there for the winter. Since turning her home over to Mr. and Mrs. Casebeer, last week, Mrs. Daggett has been with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Daggett at the Cadilac apartment. —Mrs. William Bottorf went to Phila- delphia, Sunday, going directly to the Methodist hospital, which she entered as a surgical patient, with arrangements for the operation this week. Mr. Bottorf left to join her there Tuesday. During their absence the Bottorf home is in charge of Mrs. Mootz. —Jane Miller, a student at Potts busi- ness college, Williamsport, was home for a week-end visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, at their home on Spring street. The visit at this time was made principally to see her grandfather, Robert Irwin, who has been very ill for the past month. —The Misses Louise and Angeline Car- peneto, with Miss Christine Curry and Miss Margaret Mignot as driving guests, are on a week's motor trip through New York State and eastern Canada. The par- ty left Bellefonte Sunday for Buffalo and Niagara Falls, with plans for going on in- to Canada from there. —Miss Anne McCormick, with Miss Kate Cox and Miss Nan Etter, of Harrisburg, and Miss Heims, of Baltimore, as guests, drove here from Harrisburg, Monday, Miss McCormick visiting over night with Mrs. Wilson A. Norris, while the other members of the party were guests at the Brocker- hoff house during their stay. —Miss Rachel Marshall and Miss Eliza- beth Longwell have closed their home in this place and on Tuesday left for Wash- ington, D. C., to spend the winter with Mrs. George O. Boal. Miss Marshall and Miss Longwell are now offering their Spring street home for sale with a view to remaining in Washington permanently. —The Misses Anne and Caroline Val- entine are arranging to close their house about the middle of the month to go to Philadelphia, intending to be there until leaving for Europe next month. Their winter, as now planned, will be spent in Corsica, where Miss Caroline will devote the time to her painting, expecting to add new studies to her already large collection. —At 6 o'clock yesterday morning Rob- ert S. Walker started to motor to Pitts- burgh to be in on the second game of the world’s championship series. As guests he took Leo J. Toner and Ralph Eckman. Mr. Toner will remain in Pittsburgh for a few days, returning by train, and Mr. Frank Smith and his son Swengle, who were in the city for the opening game, drove back with Robert. —Mr. and Mrs. William T. Achenbach, of Glens Falls, N. Y., spent several hours in Bellefonte Wednesday, driving here with a party from Williamsport, where they have been visiting with Mr. Achenbach’s sister, Mrs. Mussina. Mr. and Mrs. Achenbach were former residents of Bellefonte, Mr. Achenbach having lived here since a small boy, until leaving to locate at Glens Falls, where he is now one of the foremost jew- elers of the State. —Mrs. Jared Harper returned to Belle- fonte this week from Schenectady, where she had been visiting with her son, John W. Harper and his family. Mrs. Harper left Bellefonte several months ago to go to Akron, from where she, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wetzel started on a motor (trip through the west as guests of their broth- er, L. C. Wetzel, of Toledo. From there Mrs. Harper went directly to Schenectady for her annual fall visit. —Miss Mona Struble has left Los An- geles for the east, expecting to stop en- route at Larimie, Wyoming, to visit with her nephew, Leland Struble and his fam- ily, her plans being to arrive home about the middle of the month. Miss Struble went to the coast with Mrs. W. W. Waddle, who will remain west indefinitely, intend- ing to go into business in Los Angeles, where she is now preparing to take charge of a large tobacco store the beginning of the year. —Col. Levi Miller, whose philosophy and notes “Watchman” readers have enjoyed so much, is back on his old stamping ground in Pittsburgh. For years Col. Miller was connected with the staff of the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, but he tired of journalism and came to live at his boy- hood’s home at Pleasant Gap. There he has been leading a life much to his liking —with not a care in the world and all the time he wants to call his own. He went out to Pittsburgh Monday and will rumin- ate ’round there for ten days before re- turning. — —Miss Kate McGowan is assisting in Carpeneto’s store this week, during the absence of Miss Louise Carpeneto. —Fred Lane was home from Johnstown within the week, for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lane. —Dr. R. T. Weston has been at North Side Pittsburgh, since last week, visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Philip Haller. —T. C. Brown and Harry J. Walkey drove over to Altoona Wednesday, spend- ing a part of the day there transacting business. —Mrs. M. C. Breese arrived here Tues- day from Downingtown, and is now visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. George F. Harris, on Linn street. —Mrs. Satterfield went to Philadelphia, Sunday, with plans for remaining there through the month of October with her niece, Mrs. Thomas Moore. —Mrs. George Hazel and her daughter, Mrs. William Kline, accompanied Mr. Ha- zel on his fall buying and are spending this week in New York city. —Miss Janet Potter has been at Ashbourne, Pa., since September, and will continue her visit there until her aunt, Miss Thomazine Potter, returns from Eu- rope. —Dr., and Mrs. 8. M. Nissley will go out to Mrs. Nissley’s former home at McKees- port for an over Sunday visit, and from there will go in to Pittsburgh for the game Monday. —Mrs. Annie Swartz Caswell was an over night guest last night of her cousin, Mrs. M. A. Kirk, stopping in Bellefonte en- route home to Coatesville, from a visit with her brother, Edgar Swartz, at Punxsu- tawney. —C. D. Casebeer returned on Monday evening from his trip to Florida, having come by boat to Philadelphia where he arrived on Sunday evening. Viewing the sunny south from his standpoint he is not any more favorably impressed with F'lor- ida than he was with California. Important Interstate Commerce Hear- ing in Bellefonte. All day Monday and Tuesday ex- aminer Copenhaver, of Washington, D. C., representing the federal Inter- state Commerce Commission held hearings in the arbitration room in the court house here. The case was one of complaint by the Chemical and Centre County Lime companies of this place and nineteen business men and business enterprises of State College, jointly, against the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. The complainants were represented by T. D. Geoghegan, commerce ex- pert, and Mason Manghum, attorney, of Washington, D. C. The Pennsylvania Company was represented by Messrs. Carbine and Daley, traffic experts, and Mr. Fletch- er, attorney. The object of the bill of complaint is to have the P. R. R. Co’s flat Belle- fonte rate apply to deliveries to all points on the Bellefonte Central. If it is granted by the Commission it will revolutionize freight rates to State College and intermediate points on all shipments originating or handled by 148 railroad lines in the country. It was brought out at the hearing that freight originating in the west is delivered to Portland, Oregon, and to Tampa, Florida, cheaper than it is to State College. Most of this apparent discrimination has been due to a car charge by the Bellefonte Central which its outlet, the Pennsylvania, will not absorb either as a whole or in part. Philadelphia Negro Electrocuted. William Lyons, negro, of Philadel- phia, thirty-seven years old, was elec- trocuted at the Rockview penitentiary on Monday morning for the murder of Rex Humphreys, another negro, in that city in January, 1924. Lyons was separated from his wife and Humphreys interfered when the for- mer attempted to force his attentions upon his unwilling spouse, with the result that Lyons shot him. Before going to the chair on Monday morn- ing he confessed his guilt. His body was claimed and was sent to Philadei- phia for burial. Ward—Hahn.—Paul Cameron Ward and Miss Anna Mary Hahn, of Altoo- na, were married in the Presbyterian church in Altoona at 10 o’clock on Wednesday morning, by Rev. R. M. Campbell. A wedding breakfast was served at the bride’s home following the ceremony after which the young couple left on a wedding trip east. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ward, of Baileyville, is a world war veteran and is now in bus- iness in Tyrone, where the young couple will make their home. tre tine fA see ees. ——Wahile in the act of cleaning out a clogged ensilage cutter on his fath- er-in-law’s farm, near Tusseyville, on Monday afternoon, Charles Smith, son of J. Frank Smith, of Bellefonte, al- lowed his left foot to come in contact with the knives and had three of his toes cut off. When the cutter became clogged Mr. Smith called to the man in charge of the tractor to release the clutch, but the man failed to under- stand him and did not do so. The re- sult was that Mr. Smith’s foot slipped and came in contact with the knives. He was brought to the Centre County hospital where the injured foot was given surgical attention. e————— er ———— ——=School teachers, reserve rooms for institute at Brockerhoff house. 38-3t Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - = $1.40 Oats = wile eww 35 Bye =~ =~ = = = 1.00 Corn - - - - - - 00 Barley - - - - - - 90 Buckwheat - - - - - 1.00