Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1925, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., October 2, 1925.
2,000 Leaders Convening at Erie, Oc-
tober 14-15-16 Will Discuss
Better Methods.
Dr. Gilbert. Loveland, in his recent
Mission study book on “Training
World Christians,” makes the state-
ment that it is clearly the task of
America to christianize the world but
that America can never christianize
the world until she becomes christian-
ized herself.
A great Japanese newspaper writer
recently has said: “It is in the pow-
er of America to rescue the world or
to lead it to ruin.”
Four million of America’s choicest
young manhood gave themselves with-
out reserve ten years ago “to make
the world safe for democracy.” We
have learned to our sorrow that Amer-
ica can never be safe for democracy,
nor the world safe for democracy, un-
til the world is christianized, and on
almost every lyceum platform and in
every great magazine of recent day
emphasis of different character have
been given but none stronger than
that of the place of christian educa-
tion in American democracy.
There is no question but what the
American Protestant Sunday school
has produced a brand of citizenship
that can be definitely counted on in
crucial times, as was evidenced by the
great percentage of Sunday school
young men who entered the world
Judge Reno, president Judge of Le-
high county, has made the statement
that out of 158 youths brought before
him for misdemeanors and felonies
not one was a Sunday school pupil,
and out of 4,000 juvenile criminals in
New York city only 3 were Sunday
school pupils. Out of 1,092 paroles
there were none that were regular at-
tendants at Sunday school who violat-
ed any part of their parole. It has be-
come a common thing for Judges in
paroling juvenile delinquents to make
one of the stipulations “regular at-
tendance at Sunday school.”
In recent years the work of the
church vacation school and week-day
religious educational agencies have
greatly augmented the work of the
Sunday school, so far that from year
to year there has been an increasingly
larger percentage of youth of Ameri-
ca who are receiving definite religious
instructions. In Pennsylvania now
nearly three million children and
youth were enrolled in the Sunday
schools, the church vocation schools,
and in week-day religious educational
schools two and a quarter million pu-
pils, officers, and teachers being en-
rolled in the Sunday schools alone.
The 10,643 Sunday schools which
form constituent parts of the Penn-
sylvania State Sabbath School Asso-
ciation are the biggest asset in Penn-
sylvania. They are beacon lights of
christianity and democracy and can be
found in every city, town, village and
Not only is the Sunday school reach-
ing out into increasingly more com-
munities and enrolling increasingly
arger proportions of the population,
wut their program has had an apepal
to the adults in the last few years
which was lacking some years ago,
and no longer ean it be said that “this
is an institution for chi'dren and
women,” for more than half a million
of voters of Pennsylvania are now en-
rolled in the organized adult Bible
classes of the State, and they are rec-
ognized as a force to be counted when
any moral issue is before the people.
In the last few years the Sunday
school has become in a very real sense
a school, and now one-third of all the
teachers (of which there are more
than 150,000) have had some special
training for their task and recognize
it as worthy of their best thought and
Graded lessons, suited to the grow-
ing needs of growing children, have
become an accepted thing in two-
thirds of all the Sunday schools in
The time given to the Sunday school
is gradually being increased until now
there are as many Sunday schools
‘with a session of an hour and a half
-on Sunday, or longer, as there are
meetings for only an hour or less.
These changes in Sunday schocl
work, all of which indicate an appre-
ciation of the magnitude of the task,
are due to a growing desire for great-
er efficiency, and there is no doubt at
all that this growing desire for great-
cr efficiency is the direct product of
the Sunday school organization. The
Pennsylvania State Sabbath Schocl
Association has a well-working, thor-
oughly organized Association in each
of the sixty-seven counties, and each
of these counties divides its field of
operation into District Associations,
of which there are more than nine
hundred in the State.
County and district Association offi-
cers, local pastors, superintendents,
teachers, and leaders will convene in
the sixty-third annual convention at
Erie, October 14th, 15th and 16th. The
morning sessions on each of the three
days will be given over to the transac-
tion of the necessary business and the
discussion of principles and methods
as they apply to the whole school.
The afternoon sessions will be given
over exclusively to conferences where
problems of the local school and the
organization will be discussed more
intimately with leaders who are best
qualified to discuss these specific
needs. The evening sessions will be
almost entirely inspirational.
Six of the largest Protestant
churches in Erie have thrown open
their doors to take care of the hosts
of Sunday school people who will go
from every county in the State to at-
tend this great convention.
Credentials and Railroad certifi
cates, enabling accredited delegates to
urchase round-trip tickets at their
an stations for fare and. one-haif,
can be had from the county secretary
of each local Association, or direct
from the Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School Association office at 1511 Arch
Street, Philadelphia.
Last winter a committee represent-
ing sportsmen and farmers prepar-
ed and sponsored legislation which
they believe necessary to relieve
farmers and fruit-growers from in-
roads on their crops and orchards by
deer in various sections of the State.
The department of agriculture then re-
ported that material damage had been
done by deer in about twenty coun-
ties of the State, and urged relief from
these depredations.
The Legislature provided several
methods of relief. The old law per-
mitting land owners to kill deer to
send to charitable institutions when
doing material damage was contin-
ued, and in addition the State Game
commission was required to designate
the sections of the State where deer
are committing serious depredations,
in which designated areas the law ai-
lows landowners, under certain stipu-
lated conditions, to retain and use
in their own house-holds all edible
portions of the carcasses of deer kill-
ed instead of sending them to charit-
able institutions.
The game commission then made a
careful survey of the deer damage
question "in each county. It was
found that in many instances the
herds of deer causing the most trou-
ble are composed almost entirely of
does, which, because of absolute pro-
tection for eighteen years, have lost
their fear of man and his surround-
ings and have become semi-domesticat-
ed; also that these animals have in
many cases; by choice rather than ne-
cessity, changed their usual food habits
and place of abode. It was also found
that a few years ago probably only
one old doe visited certain farms.
Later, finding the farmer’s dogs were
strictly controlled by law and not mo-
lesting her, she reared her fawnsina
nearby farm woodlot, away from the
dangers of forest enemies, and she
and her offspring remained in that
locality. After five to ten years, in-
stead of a single half-wild doe, a herd
of from ten to twenty-five deer, prac-
tically fearless of human beings, reg-
ularly visit and feed upon these same
farms and orchards. Being unable to
secure relief from the State or to help
remedy the situtation legally them-
selves, many of these farmers and
other nearby rural folk took no inter-
est in preventing illegal killing of
deer at all seasons of the year in their
vicinity, whereas since there is a legal
way open for relief those same folk
are now trying to assist the board to
secure proper law observances.
In their study of the problem, the
game commission alse found that in
a number of sections of the State the
breeding ratio is much unbalanced as
there are from fifteen to twenty-five
large does for every breeding-age buck
with the result that deer have deterior-
ated in size; and there is grave dan-
ger of disease epidemics, since Mother
Nature has a way all her own of deal-
ing with man’s interference with her.
‘i'rapping surplus deer from these
seriousiy affected areas for stocking:
elsewheie is too slow and expensive
to secure prompt relief by this method
as has already been demonstrated by
the board. Trapping wiil, however,
be continued as rapidiy as possible in
several sections.
The game commission, after decid-
ing upen a constructive plan of action
on July 13 took the first step toward
reiief from depredations by herds of
tame deer and designated seventeen
counties as having within their bor-
ders segregated or scattered areas in
which deer are doing sufficient dam-
age to v.arrant allowing landowners,
whose lands are open to public hunt-
ing and whose crops are actually be-
ing injured materially, to retain the
carcasses of deer killed as provided
by law, the district game protector to
be the judge in the matter of dam-
age. This action of the board does
not authorize killing of deer anywhere
else in said counties, neither does it
authorize the killing of any other
kind of game to be retained for food.
During a period of about a month |
of eight |
prior to July 13, a total
deer, four bucks and four does, weie
killed and the carcasses either sent to
charitable institutions or buried be-
cause they were then unfit for food.
Since July 13, a total of sixteen deer,
twelve does and four bucks, have been
reported killed in six of the twenty
counties designated by the board.
One deer was killed in each of Adams,
Huntingdon and Perry counties, and
two deer were killed in Cumberland
county; four deer were killed in two
townships of Clearfield county, and
seven deer were killed in three town-
ships of Lycoming county. The
deer killed in most instances, were
said to be leaders of herds causing
most of the trouble. Of these six-
teen deer killed since July 13, ten have
been retained for food by the farmers
whose crops were being destroyed,
and the other six have been used for
charitable purposes as heretofore.
It is pleasing to note that this kill-
ing is very little greater than during
the same period in 1924, the only
difference being in the disposition of
the carcasses. The inroads on the large
herds of deer through the killing of
this limited number is not at all ser-
ious. It is reported that mest farm-
ers retaining carcasses as permitted
by law have stated they do not intend
killing additional deer and retaining
the carcasses, but prefer to have
sportsmen help thin out the surplus
deer during the special season which
Solution of” Crossword puzzle No. 1.
hen the correct letters are placed im the white spaces this pussie ape
ores both vertically and horizontally. The first letter in each word is indi-
eated by an number, which refers to the definition listed below the pusslie. Thus
No. 1 under the column headed whorizontal” defines a word which will fill the
white spaces up te the first black square to the right, and a number under
wyertical” defines a word which will fill the white squares te the mext black
one below. No letters go Im the black spaces. All words used are dictionary
words, except proper mames. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and
obsolete forms are indieated in the definitions.
7 > P £15 T7 8 [9 |
[7 Z 7%
mF po
95 26 27
BTR K73 32
3 5¢ B
6 7 38 39 <0
41 42 43 4 45
46 7 498 9
50 |51 52 53 5Z 55 ;
or Fown Foot-Ball Fashions
60 B-
Toi, otors MeWepaper Vaintn HATEVER the confidence you place in your team
TE i aa ea, there's no knowing just what will happen—but right
2—Enemy of friction
3—Forehead 4—Note of scale
6—Hen fruit 6—Noise
7—Preposition 8—To droop
9—Blackbird of cuckoo family
10—To do over again
13—To be affected with pain
16—Prefix meaning in behalf of
18—Prefix meaning against
20—Sweet potato
21—Distress signal
now you can make certain that fashion fame will be
Where there are
Will you be
6—American monetary unit
12—A second time
15—To ‘spill over - .
17—Alcoholic drink
18—To cut with a scissors
19—Crooked 21—Note of scale
22—Printing measure
24—XKind of wood
26—To put on garments
27—Note of scale
14—Single yours in the grand stand displays.
so many, only the smartest will stand out.
one of them?
The two Coats illustrated above, with their beautiful fabrics,
23—Heavy weight 23—A tooth are very smart for wear at the games. The one at the left is
30—Mythical king cursed with gold 25—Part of Scotch highlander's : s .
32—Skill ~~ 33—Close to the ground costume #) in the new Suttena shade, Velona Cloth, trimmed in Black Fox
34—Plot of ground 26—Engagements (coll. : :
35—Period of time 36—Vehicle 27—Slender 29—Conjunction Fur—at $77.50 At the right, a Coat in the gorgeous Velsheen
37—Fur-bearing animal 31—Period 32—HIistoric houseboat J 8 3 s
39— Young goat 41—Hour (abbr.) 36—Pursued 37—Cereal Cloth and rich Tiber shade, trimmed in Black Fox—at $119.00.
38—Two-wheeled vehicle
40—Casts suspicion on
42—Center of a wheel
44—Bird of fable
46—Broken coat of a seed of grain
49—Heavy weights
51—Before (poetic)
52—Snakelike fish
53—Piece of ground
55—Ululation of a cow
57—Note of musical scale
68—Negative answer
43—Title of respect
50—A Serbian
52—Measure of cloth
54—Straighten the hair
p6—Same as 35 horizontal
57—A criminal 59—Negative
60—Pertaining to the teeth
In these Smart Clothes you can
See the Games in Comfort
Solution will appear im mext issue.
sportsmen under special deer license
during a special season declared by
the board after the middle of Decem-
the game commission has power to de-
The board will at a later date an-
nounce the several sections in which
the deer damage problems have ;heen = x
most acute and from which a number —If you don’t find it in the “Watch-
of surplus deer are to be removed by man” it isn’t worth reading.
Hazel& Company
Blair’s..$1.50 Sale..Blair’s
has attracted the most unheard of attention. Values
as advertised ; articles by the hundreds for the popu-
lar $1.50 price.
Watch Sale Unsurpassed
Daily those who want to save %, %
and % cost are taking advantage of
these unusual values. Elgin, Walt-
ham. Standard and Omega Watches
for Men and Women, as Low as Half Price
Make out your list of presents, and
for 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50—or
upward to almost any figure, you can
buy. the most acceptable gifts.
You will be Surprised---Talk to the hun-
dreds who have already taken advan-
tage of this most wonderful display of
the usual and unusual gifts.
Wonderful Values in Silverware
Complete 26-piece Chests as low as $7.50 i Y% doz. Teaspoons $1.50—all values
corresponding. Odd lots for half and one-third price. - A general 25% reduc-
tion on all other Silverware. :
257% Reduction on all Rings, Bracelets, Brooches,
Bar Pins, Cuff Links, Chains and all Jewelry. Our
Pearl Necklaces in chokers and regular lengths for
Savings in Brassware 30% to 40%
Lamps —The newest pleated Shades in all colors, from
the small boudoir to the tall junior floor lamps. 30%
reduction on all. a :
This is a General Store Clean-Up...You Must See to Appreciate
F. P. Blair & Son Jewelers Bellefonte