Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1925, Image 7

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The Spring Creek Presbyterian con-
gregation, of Lemont, celebrated the
sesqui-centennial of their church, last
Friday, and it was a most praise-
worthy celebration of one of the old-
est churches in the ccunty. The first
session was held at two o’clock in the
afternoon and began with an organ
prelude by Mrs. L. V. Barber. Rev.
W. J. Wagner, of the Lutheran church,
read the scripture lesson and Rev.
Huff, of the Evangelical church, of-
fered prayer. The anniversary hymn
was next in order after which the pas-
tor, Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, deliv-
ered a brief but fervent address of
welcome. The response was made by
Hon. J. Laird Holmes, one of the Sun-
day school scholars in the old church
in his boyhood days.
After singing the hymn, “Faith of
Our Fathers,” Rev. James J. Glenn
gave an interesting sketch of the men
and women of the church whose chris-
tian life was the guiding star of his
young life. His subject was “My Old
Home Church,” and he handled it with
consummate skill. Rev. Glenn is now
a prominent minister in the Carlisle
Presbytery. .
“Come Thou Almighty King,” was
the appropriate hymn sang prior to
the introduction of James L. Hamill
Esq., of Columbus, Ohio. He is a son
of the late Rev. Robert Hamill, for
forty-five years pastor of the church,
and he gave the audience a fine histo-
ry of his father’s life. In addition to
preaching the gospel Rev. Hamill
served in the Legislature and was
prominent in all walks of life. The
Spring Creek church is indebted to
James Hamill for the beautiful
stained glass windows in the church.
Mr. Hamill is also greatiy interested :
in State College, where he graduated
in 1880. His brother, Dr. Samuel
Hamill, of Philadelphia, was also pres- £ Pha bride is the yourigest daughter
ent and presided at the afternoon
After singing “All Hail the Power
of Jesus’ Name,” the congregation
was dismissed with the benediction by
Rev. Harnish. A half hour was spent
in social greetings then the visitors
were taken in hand by the committee
in charge and piloted to the church
lawn where large tables were spread
with spring chicken and all the need-
ed embellishments. In fact a glance
over the tables impressed one with the
thought that the refreshment commit-
tee had left no stone unturned, no
chicken unkilled and no cake unbaked.
The meal was topped off with ice
cream and coffee.
Rev. L. V. Barber, of the Northum-
berland Presbytery, but who at one
time served the Lemont church and
- while doing so literally stole the or-
ganist, Miss Mary Dale, has evidently
been forgiven the theft, as he was
unanimously proclaimed toastmaster,
and in response to his call short and
pertinent remarks were made by el-
ders E. C. Ross, William Goheen,
Frank Wieland and pastor Kirkpat-
rick. Letters of regret were also
read from a number of former mem-
bers who were unable to be present.
At the evening session Mrs. L. V.
Barber rendered the organ prelude,
Rev. Barber read the scripture lesson
and Rev. Glenn offered prayer. Rev.
Walter K. Harnish, of Sinking Valley,
who served as pastor of the Spring
Creek church for eleven years, read a
very comprehensive historical sketch
of the church, after which the congre-
gation joined in singing “The
Church’s One Foundation.”
Rev. C. C. Hays D. D., the Penn-
sylvania synodical executive, of Pitts-
burgh, delivered an address on “The
Presbyterian Pioneers of Pennsylva-
nia,” in which he pictured the Scotch-
Irish Presbyteries as the backbone of
the State. A musical treat was a bass
solo, “Open the Gates of the Tem-
ple,” sung by Mr. Walter Lingle.
Rev. William C. Thompson, pastor
of the Bellefonte Presbyterian church,
was next introduced and spoke on
“The Church Facing the Future.” He
treated his subject so clearly that it
made one feel that there is waiting for
each christian a task to do, and that
LEMONT PRESBYTERIANS CEL- each and all should do that ask. After
, singing “Blest be the Tie that Binds,”
; the congregation was dismissed with
i the benediction by Rev. John L. Rob-
inson, of Port Royal. It might here
be mentioned that the organ accom-
| panist in the afternoon was Miss Mir-
| jam Dreese and in the evening Miss
Dorothy Louder.
In the one hundred and fifty years
of its history the Spring Creek church
has had eleven pastors, namely: Revs.
James Martin, David Wiley, William
Stuart, David McKinney, William
Adams, Robert Hamill, James Hea-
ney, David Hepler, Walter K. Har-
nish, Louis V. Barber and J. Max
Kirkpatrick. The present elders of
the church are Samuel Glenn, Elmer
C. Ross, Ross Louder, William Go-
heen and Frank Wieland.
——Prehistoric monsters re-live in
big love drama, “The Lost World.”
Moose Temple theatre tonight and to-
morrow night. 39-1t
Alexander—Huyett.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huyett, at Centre
Hall, was the scene of a very pretty
wedding, at nine o’clock on Wednes-
day morning, when their daughter, |
Miss Miriam Huyett, was united in
marriage to Harold O. Alexander, son !
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Alexander, also
of Centre Hall, The ceremony was
performed by Rev. S. F. Greenhoe, of
the Lutheran church, and the bride,
who was unattended, looked charming
in a dress of pale yellow satin, and i be torn down
carrying a bouquet of cream roses. The
bride’s sister, Mrs. W. A. Magee, of
Wenonah, N. J., played the bridal
chorus from Lohengrin while Mrs. S.
F. Greenhoe sang “I Love You Truly.”
: Violin and piano music was also a fea-
ture. The house decorations were
ferns and cut flowers. Following the
ceremony the entire wedding party
motored to Lewistown where a wed-
ding breakfast was served at the Cole-
man house.
, of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huyett and is
! quite a talented musician, being a
| graduate of the Susquehanna Univer-
| sity conservatory of music (1924).
College, class of 1924, in the electric-
cated in Philadelphia. The young
couple will be at home to their friends
N. J., after October 9th.
Confer—Rearick.—~Fred C. Confer,
i of Pleasant Gap, and Miss Pearl A.
Rearick, of Zion, were married at the
Reformed parsonage, Bellefonte, at
noon on Monday, by the pastor, Rev.
Dr. A. M. Schmidt. Both young peo-
ple have many friends who wish them
a happy married life.
In a Social Way.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. West and Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Widdowson were hosts
and hostesses at a dinner party at the
Nittany Country club, on Monday
evening, given in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. West’s daughter and her hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Pearce, of
Zelienople, who have been here for a
week or ten days’ visit. Sixteen
guests were present and cards follow-
ed the dinner. Mrs. J. I. Olewine en-
honor of Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. W. R.
Kissell on Friday evening.
The Halcyon Sunday school class of
the Reformed church, of this place,
twenty or more in number and taught
by Mrs. Millard Hartswick, took a trip
over the Seven mountains yesterday
afternoon in “Miss Nittany” to spend
the evening with their former teach-
er, Mrs. C. M. McCoy, who prior to
her recent marriage was Mrs. M. B.
The third of the series of bridge
games between the women of Lock
Haven and those of Bellefonte was
played yesterday at the home of Miss
Mary Blanchard, on west Linn street.
Five tables were in play.
——The Greatest romantic adven-
ture ever screened, “The Lost World.”
Moose Temple theatre this Friday and
Saturday. 39-1t
The bridegroom is a graduate of State |
al engineering course, and is now lo- |
at 106 N. Monroe avenue, Wenonah, !
A New Slaughter House for the
Beezer Meat Market.
On Saturday the cork insulation of
the new slaughter house which Miss
Helen Beezer, manager of the Beezer
Meat Market in this place, is erecting,
will be completed.
The abattoir, which is the last thing
in sanitation, refrigeration and every
other requirement of the pure food
laws, has been erected just south-west
of town on the site of the late Wil-
liam A. Lyon’s slaughter house. It is
of brick, 38x40. and built by Haupt
and Son. Just as soon as the cork in-
sulation is completed the York Re-
frigeration Co. will install an am-
monia process refrigeration system
and the building will be otherwise
equipped with every modern device
for the speedy and sanitary handling
of fresh and smoked meats.
For years the Beezer market on the
Diamond has been Bellefonte’s leading
dispenser of meats. It is the last, of
the several that we once boasted, to
operate and supervise its own slaugh-
ter house. Beezer’s buy the best cat-
tle on the hoof because they have been
jin the business long enough to know
. good beef cattle and now that they are
about to handle them in a way that
can leave no question as to the man-
ner in which their meats are prepared
for the block we are assured that, if
possible, their high standard will be
run still higher.
Just as soon as the new building is
ready for occupancy the old one will
Up to this time the strike in
the hard coal regions has not caused
even a ripple of excitement in Belle-
fonte, probably because of the contin-
ued warm weather and so far the deal-
ers in Bellefonte have had ample sup-
plies on hand to fill all orders. But
no hard coal is coming into Bellefonte
these days and the supply on hand is
steadily growing smaller, and with
cold weather approaching there is cer-
tain to be an increased demand which
will soon eat up the supply there
is in Bellefonte. Naturally, the man
who has already laid in his supply is
the one who is not worrying over the
Centre County Hunters Reluctantly
Leave Alaska.
A telegram received here Tuesday
from I. Newton and John Hess, the
two Centre countians who have been
with the hunting party in British
Columbia and Alaska since August,
stated that they were at Telegraph
Creek, on the way to the States. Only
the necessity of catching the last boat
out before the freeze up made them
leave the great sport they have had.
They reported having had splendid
luck and all in good health.
Lee H. Walker, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Miles Walker, of
Bellefonte, who the past twelve years
has been assistant director of public
works on the island of Santa Domingo,
has resigned that position and become
associated with a New York contract-
ing firm. He is now engaged on ex-
tensive improvements in the city of
Manzinilla Colima, on the west coast
tertained last Thursday evening in | °F Mexico.
——Residents of Spring township
will be called upon to vote, at the reg-
ular election on November 3rd, on the
proposition to incur an indebted-
ness of $64,000 for the purpose of
erecting a new school building at the
“Red Roost.” At present the town-
ship is free of debt and has an as-
sessed property valuation of $920,444.
ANTED.—An agent for this terri-
tory to sell our line of English
Broadcloth Shirts. Write to Stand-
ard Shirt Co., Lebanon, Pa. 70-39-1t*
STRAY.—A red heifer, about 1 year
old came to the premises of the
subscriber at Hunter's Park.
Owner is hereby notified to call, claim
property and pay costs. In default of
same she will be disposed of as the law
70-37-3t Bellefonte. R. F. D. 1.
LITTLE BOBBY fell down stairs.
He was hurt and Mother was fright-
But she wasn’t too frightened to know
what to do.
She called up the doctor and begged
him to hurry over.
Telephone Service at such a time is
Church Services Next Sunday
Services next Sunday morning at
10:45 and evening at 7:30. Rally day
service in the Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Annual attendance contest be-
tween the boys and the girls. Pen-
nant award.
Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D. Pastor.
Centennial anniversary services will
be held cojointly by St. John’s Re-
formed and Zion Lutheran churches of
Boalsburg, as follows:
In Lutheran church, Friday, Octo-
ber 2; 8 p. m., sermon, “The Golden
Present,” Rev. E. ¥. Brown, Lilly.
Saturday, 8 p. m., sermon, “The
Christ of Today,” Rev. H. D. McKee-
han, Huntingdon.
In Reformed church, Sunday, 10:30
a. m., sermon, “The Church’s Strength
and Glory,” Rev. S. M. Roeder, Glen
Rock. Sunday evening, 7:30, Histor-
ical sermon by Rev. J. I. Stonecypher,
Stuartsville, N. J.
Houserville—Divine worship, 2:30
p. m.
Sunday school at 9:45, Rally day.
Morning worship at 10:45, topic, “Re-
ligion for the Weak.” Evening wor-
ship at 7:30, topie, “The First Com-
mandment with Promise.”
William C. Thompson, Pastor.
——Modern romance in a strange
world of prehistoric monsters, “The
Lost World,” at Moose Temple theatre
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2.
: 39-1t
Ku Kluxers Had Big Picnic at Hecla
Park Saturday.
The Ku Klux gathering at Hecla
Park on Saturday brought out one of
the largest crowds that has been at
the park in years. The crowd was not
in evidence during the day, but were
attracted there for the night ceremo-
nies and the brilliant display of fire-
works. Various estimates place the
number of people at from five to ten
thousand. A good program of ath-
letic sports was held in the afternoon
in which teams competed from various
parts of the district which is composed
of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Nor-
thumberland, Tioga, Bradford and
Sullivan counties. The principal
speaker of the afternoon was Rev.
Gordon A. Williams, pastor of the
Methodist church of Tyrone.
In the evening naturalization cere-
monies were held on the baseball field,
at which time a class of about sixty-
five was initiated into the mysteries of
the Klan. This was followed by the
fireworks display which included such
set pieces as “America,” “The Klan
Call,” and “Thunder and Lightning.”
The last was probably the most spec-
tacular and thrilling of all. “It repre-
sented to a marked degree a real thun- |
der and lightning storm. It was al-
most midnight when the pyrotechnics
were exhausted and it took an hour to
get the parked cars all out and headed
for home. The Klan will be in evi-
dence at the dedication of a new school
building at Warriorsmark today and
will hold their last district meeting at
Island park, Sunbury, on October 10th.
——The exterior of the new pump
Louse at the big spring in Bellefonte
has been completed and strangers who
have stopped to view the improve-
ments aver that it looks one hundred
thousand dollars to the good. Of
course it is not going to cost one-
fourth that amount, but whatever the
cost it will be worth it when the sur-
reundings are finished.
matress lteter aeees—
The Bellefonte Lodge of Elks
have completed preliminary arrange-
ments for their customary Hallow-een
celebration, which will be held on Fri-
day evening, October 30th. The usual
Harvest Queen contest will open on
October 12th and close at ten o’clock
on October 29th. The usual number
of cash and other prizes will be
Marriage Licenses.
Miles Stanford Limbert and Anna-
belle Peddigree, Centre Hall. ’
Harold O. Alexander, Wenonah, N.
J., and Miriam K. Huyett, Centre Hall.
Fred C. Confer, Pleasant Gap, and
Pearl A. Rearick, Zion.
Dr. and Mrs. George Hall spent the
week-end among friends at State Col-
A number of people of this vicinity
visited the I. O. O. F. orphanage, at
Sunbury, on Sunday.
Harry Markle and daughter, Miss
Madaline, motored to Altoona, Sun-
go: to visit Sydney Homan and fam-
Mrs. Clayton Royer, of Bellefonte,
visited her mother, Mrs. Hoy, at the
home of Rev. Wagner, Saturday and
Miss Katherine Woods, of New
York city, visited her aunt, Mrs. Al-
ice Magoffin, and other relatives, sev-
eral days last week.
— pin
Real Estate Transfers.
H. G. Strohmeier to Samuel Shoop,
tract in Centre Hall; $1.
John Zimmerman to John L. Zim-
merman, tract in Walker township;
Thomas Cole, Admr., to Mike Chrep-
por, tract in Philipsburg; $2,750.
Trustees of Trinity Reformed
church of Hublersburg to Trustees of
the St. Marks Lutheran church of
Snydertown, tract in Walker town-
ship; $2.
C. W. Biddle, et ux, to Mary Griest
Mudgett, tract in Union township; $1.
——The “Watchman” gives all the
news when it is news.
Everywhere. 3% Commission.
Write for Blank. Smith Farm
Agency, 1407 W. York St, Philadelephia,
Pa. 70-11-1 yr.
OTICE.—Of Annual Corporation
meeting of Centre County Hos-
Notice is hereby given that the annual
corporate meeting of the members of the
Centre County Hospital will be held at the
Court House in Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday,
October 12th, 1925, at eight o’clock in the
evening of said day, for the purpose of
electing six Trustees as hereinafter indi-
cated, and to transact such other business
as shill properly come before sajd meeting.
In accordance with Article IV of the By-
Laws of Centre County Hospital, the
said six Trustees shall then be elected, to
fill six vacancies then arising among the
Trustees for District No. 1, which District
consists of Bellefonte borough and Spring,
Marion, Walker and Benner townships.
Five of said Trustees shall then be elect-
ed for a term of three years, to take the
places of five Trustees of the first class for
said District No. 1, whose terms of office
then expire, and one of said Trustees shall
then be elected for a term of one year, be-
ing for the remaining unexpired portion of
a term of two years, to fill a vacancy in
the second class, caused by the resigna-
tion of Col. W. Fred Reynolds, which va-
cancy was filled by the Board until this
annual meeting by the election of Mr. Wil-
liam J. Emerick.
As no vacancies exist among the Trus-
tees previously elected to represent the
other six Districts, there will be no occa-
sion this year for any preliminary elec-
tions in such other six Districts.
By order of the Board
70-37-3t Secretary.
es sss
in yerguson Two. Public Sale
The McCracken Farm, located
on the State Highway, 3 miles
west of Pine Grove Mills, will be
offered at Public Sale, on
Wednesday October 21st, 1925
at 2 o'clock P. M., on the prem-
It contains 160 acres, more or
less, 110 acres cleared land. Has
a fine brick dwelling, bank barn,
fruit, and running mountain
spring water at the buildings.
ters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon
the estate of Sarah Rebecca Collins, late of
Ferguson township, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to same are
requested to make prompt payment, and
those having claims against said estate
must present them, duly authenticated, for:
W. A. COLLINS, Admr.,
W. Harrison Walker, Pine Grove Mills, Pa.
Attorney. 70-34-6t.
Caldwell & Son
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
101 Seuth Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
Scenic Theatre
Weeks-Ahead Program
will delight and surprise his admirers with an amazing new stunt, proving
himself the ‘Handcuff King of the Cowboys,” a second Houdini on horseback.
A handcuffed leap for life from his horse, “Silver,” to a train.
News, Aesop’s Fables and single Teel comedy, “Riders of the Kitchen Range.”
A heart interest drama in which loyal hero goes to jail to
cover up guilt of weak brother, temporarily loses his sweetheart but regains
her, and decides not to carry out intended scheme of revenge.
Also two reel comedy “Hot Sheiks.”
scenes in this picture are genuine.
story of a poor American girl who becomes the counterfeit daughter of a real
queen. Her life of riches, her love romance and what happens to her when the
masquerade is over makes a poignant story of the most intense romantic charm.
Also, Pathe News and Review.
“0. U. WEST,” headed by LEFTY FLYNN. A story of a wealthy man who
sends his ne’er do-well son to a western ranch for the purpose of having the
ranchers make a man of him. By the aid of the superintendent’s daughter, they
succeed. Also, 7th chapter of the great serial “PLAY BALL.”
“THE LIVE WIRE,” with JOHNNY HINES. This peppy live-wire screen
artist produces another one of his rapid action plays and gives the name that
A little romance to sweeten it.
" tional Comedy.
Be sure to come and hear the new organ. Something new every evening.
Also, Pathe
The Sing Sing
All will like it. Also, 2 reel Educa-
Here's a picture that we guarantee will please all
who see it.
Good enough for the whole
Leaves Bellefonte - -
Arrive Niagara Falls - - -
ii il
Sunday October 4
Saturday Night October 3, at 11.44 O’clock
Returning leaves Niagara Falls (International Railway Terminal, Prospect
Park) 2.45 P.M. Leaves Buffalo 4.30 P. M.
Stopping at principal stations between Altoona and Milesburg.
Pennsylvania Railroad
8.00 A.M.
- - - - -
=r A— TT
TE ;