Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1925, Image 4

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    Bellefonte, Pa., October 2, 1925.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - =
Te Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
sotice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Paid before expiration of year - 175
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn.
fng. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Psa., as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give tk- old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tiled when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. In all such cases the
subscribtion must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
Judge of the Superior Court,
WILLIAM A. McGUIRE, of Johnstown.
Judge of the Courts of Centre County,
District Attorney,
Jury Commissioner,
The pouring of the concrete on the
state highway through Bald. Eagle
valley, from Snow Shoe Intersection
to Bald Eagle, has been completed,
and the road as far as Port Matilda
will be thrown open to traffic to-
morrow. The upper end of the road
will probably be thrown open within
a week or ten days. There are several
bridges yet to build between Port
Matilda and Bald Eagle, but as de-
tours have been arranged at each
bridge they will not interfere with
traffic when the concrete has become
properly set. Of course there is still
some finishing work to do before the
road can be taken over by the State.
The longest stretch of the road,
from Snow Shoe Intersection to Port
Matilda, sixteen and five-sixth miles,
was built by the Miller Construction
company, of Clearfield. They began
work on April 29th,
pouring concrete on September 18th.
An idea of the work done on the job
can be had by the fact that the con-
tractors handled 124,000 cubic yards |
of earth in excavations made.
teen concrete culverts and bridges '
were built and 166,950 square yards .
of concrete poured.
used 230,000 sacks of cement, 35,000
tons of stone, 25,000 tons of sand and
20 carloads of reinforcing steel.
In building they ‘late David F. Fortney under the firm
‘name of Fortney & Walker.
All |
ceased, ‘the father having been born
iin Miles township, Centre county, and
the mother in Lamar township, Clin-
ton county. They were farmers by oc-
cupation, and the subject of this
sketch was born on a farm in the low-
er end of Nittany valley, August 30th,
1874. His early education was ac-
quired in the rural schools before the
task of transporting pupils was
thought of and he was therefore oblig-
ed to cover a distance of three miles
each day on foot to and from school.
Later in life he attended the Central
State Normal school, at Lock Haven,
and still later the Missionary Insti-
tute, now the Susquehanna Universi-
ty, at Selinsgrove.
In the fall of 1894 Mr. Walker en-
tered the Dickinson Law school, at
Carlisle, Pa., and while there was 2a
registered law student in the offices of
the late Judge Wilbur F. Sadler; dur-
ing vacation he read law in the offices
of T. M. Stevenson Esq.. of Lock Ha-
ven. He was graduated from the
above law school June 8th, 1896, and
has since been admitted to practice in
the following courts:
Cumberland county courts, admitted !
and finished June 9th, 1896.
Centre county courts,
July 20th, 1896.
Supreme court of Pennsylvania, ad-
mitted January 12th, 1903.
United States Circuit and District
courts, admitted August 31st, 1906.
Mr. Walker began the practice of
law in Centre county August 1st, 1896,
entering -into co-partnership with the
{ vember, 1904, he withdrew from the
the material used would fill a train of |
approximately 1,500 cars.
The upper stretch of the road, eight
firm and has since then practiced
alone—always enjoying a large gen-
eral practice, which is a testimonial to
‘his fidelity to his clients as well as to
and two-third miles between Port Ma- |
tilda and Bald Eagle, was built by J.’ : tt :
M. Hutehilnoon, of Altoona, and he, from his law practice he has given
also, used a small mountain of mater- his work.
Work on the road over Snow Shoe
mountain is also fast nearing comple-
tion and will be finished this fall if
nothing unforseen happens.
Bellefonte High Wins First Game.
Last Saturday morning the High
school football team got into action
against a team representing Snow
Shoe High school and its subsidiaries.
The visiting team after its early ris-
their coufidence in him.
He has lived an active life. Aside
much of his time to the service of his
country. During the war, in 1918, he
was chairman of the publicity com-
mittee of all Liberty and Victory Lib-
erty Loan drives; was chairman of
the speaker’s bureau for the Fourth
and of the Victory Loan drives and ar-
' ranged all public meetings in this dis-
trict and supplied speakers for same;
was active in all Red Cross work; was
appointed chairman of the War Sav-
ings committee for Centre county in
December, 1917, and served in that ca-
pacity until the close of the war, and
though he gave practically all of his
time and energy to these various ac-
ing and refreshing ride, was fully
awake when they lined up for the
kick-off. Despite this marked advan-
tage they were unable to penetrate
our line nor to circle our ends. Coach
Riden used several combinations to
test the strength of his team and to
try out new men. Judging from their
performance on Saturday, the High
school has a team that ranks with
those of the past two years. The
team will face a heavier schedule than
the lecal boys have ever had but the
old B. H. S. spirit will carry them
Tomorrow (Saturday), the High
warriors will meet the eleven from the
Renovo Catholic High school. Very
little definite information is available
about the strength of the visitors but
reports from various teams who have
played them in other years indicate a
hard game.
+ has always been noted for its fighting
spirit and ability to battle against
odds, asking only an even break in
luck to make the outcome of any game
uncertain. This is their first invasion
of this territory and they are very
anxious to make a good impression.
The game will be played on Hughes
field and will start at 2:30.
——liiagle ll
Joseph Pogosh, of Clarence, Injured
in Auto Accident.
Joseph Pogosh, a well known resi-
dent of Clarence, is in the Centre
County hospital with his right leg
broken in two places between the knee
and ankle as the result of being run
down on the streets of that village by
an automobile driven by R. T. Ham-
ilton, of Karthaus. The accident hap-
pened about seven o’clock on Saturday
evening as Mr. Pogosh was on his
way home from the store and within
a few yards of his house. Mr. Ham-
ilton stopped his car as quickly as pos-
sible and helped in rendering aid to
the injured man. He then gave him-
self up and was held in bail for a
hearing before ’Squire S. A. Robin-
son. The injured man, who is 69 years
old, was brought to the hospital by
James Redding.
tivities these services were all per-
formed without receiving one cent
in the way of compensation or in the
.re-imbursement for actual expenses
necessarily incurred by him for the
benefit of the service. He at all times
‘ went the full limit and by his untiring
Renovo Catholic High |
and unselfish efforts, assisted by hun-
dreds of patriotic men and women in
Centre county, was successful in going
“over the top” and raising with four
other counties in Pennsylvania the
per capita fixed by our government
for the War Savings committee. It
has always been his desire and prac-
tice to be in the forefront in all wel-
fare and patriotic movements, and his
services are much in demand. At no
time has a “Call to Service” passed by
him unnoticed and unanswered.
Mr. Walker has never held an elec-
tive office that carried remunera-
tion, though he has frequently been
honored with official preferment which
can be more fully appreciated when it
is stated that he is now completing
the last of three terms as burgess of
Bellefonte. Religiously, Mr. Walker
is a member of the Presbyterian
church of Bellefonte, and is a trustee
of the church. :
Mr. Walker has lived a happy life.
The gods have been good to him. He
knows everybody and everybody
knows him. He is never too busy to
wave a friendly greeting to his fel-
low traveler on life’s long trail, how-
ever humble he may be. He knows no
sect or ism—in fact he is one of the
“Common People” to whom Lincoln
referred by saying that “the Lord
must have loved the common people,
i because he made so many of them.”
His family, consisting of his wife and
two little girls, are the mainsprings
of his life. He is considerable of a
home-body, and his many friends al-
ways find him around the family
hearth when he has not been called
away on business pertaining to his
law practice. He has two mottoes in
life. The one is: “Let not the sun
set upon an unperformed- duty”’—the
meaning of which the people of Cen-
tre county will the more fully appre-
ciate when upon his election as Judge
of our courts they will find court mat-
ters up to the minute, with no clog-
ged dockets to impose unnecessary
delay on litigants and expense to the
taxpayers. It will be a business ad-
ministration to the limit of its eom-
patibility with sound and just inter-
In No-
! pretation of the law, expediting the
business of the courts and with an eye
always toward the reduction of the
cost of conducting them. The other
motto is: “Go the limit.” This is an
outstanding characteristic in Mr.
Walker's life, and when he is elevated
to the bench he will go the limit to
prepare his mind and fortify his soul
to meet the tremendous obligations
and responsibilities that await him,
and which he will overcome by virtue
of his having entered into no entang-
ling alliances to win his election—the
only pledge made, and which will be
carried out to the letter is, the just,
fair and equitable enforcement of all
laws of our Commonwealth, as well as
all the provisions of the Constitution
of the United States and its amend-
ments, without fear or favor.
Judge Dale Will Stick.
We publish the following letter
from Judge Arthur C. Dale, as confir-
mation, over his own signature, of the
statement made by the “Watchman”
last week that the gentleman had no
{ intention of withdrawing from the
| race, as some reports intimated.
It is interesting to note that Judge
Dale expects to be elected. Inasmuch
as Mr. Walker and Mr. Keller also
have published statements to the ef-
fect that they expect te be elected,
what are we voters going to do about
. .. , it? They are all such nice men, but
£ 0 / ran Wolke Ff Sondiduig ; we'll either have to disappoint two of
Amanda (Brungart) Walker, both de- |
them or put three seats on the bench
and give each one of them.
It gives me great pleasure to ex-
press my appreciation of the confi-
dence reposed in me by the voters of
Centre county at the recent primary
election, I have been nominated on
the Prohibition ticket for Judge of
the courts of Centre county. I am an
independent Republican. On the 15th |
day of September I received almost |
thirty-three and a third per cent. of |
the votes that were cast in this coun-
ty. I believe that all of you who vot-
ed for me at the primaries will stand
firm and will aid in increasing my vote
at the general election.
the enforcement of the laws. Upon
this principle I submit my cause to
the people of Centre county on the
3rd day of November next.
I have demonstrated my ability to
conduct the business of the courts
promptly and efficiently. When I am
elected for the full term I will contin-
ue the same policies which I have put
into force since I have been on the
bench in Centre county, for those pol-
icies are based upon the sound convic-
tion that the people of Centre county
| themselves stand for obedience to the
admitted |
law and the peace and good order of
If you believe in the principles of
equal justice for all and the adminis-
tration of the laws as they stand writ-
ten upon our statute books I will ap-
preciate your support and influence at
the general election.
Sincerely yours,
rm ns fp es
Centre County Man Accused of Aiding
Prisoner to Escape.
Charles Carter, of Spring Mills,
Centre county, is in the Huntingdon
county jail under suspicion of having
aided and abetted the escape of James
Sweet, of Andover, N. Y., from the
Huntingdon reformatory on Monday.
Carter, himself, had only recently
been discharged from the institution.
Shortly after Sweet’s escape Carter
was found working in a field near the
reformatory and wearing the escaped
prisoner’s clothing. To reformatory
officers he maintained that after es-
caping Sweet, who is larger than Car-
ter, compelled the latter to change !
clothing, after which he escaped into
the woods.
Not satisfied with Carter’s story he
was taken into custody and placed in
the Huntingdon jail, where he still
proclaims his innocence. He admits
that he became acquainted with Sweet
while he was at the reformatory but
does not offer a satisfactory explana-
tion of his being near the institution.
Officials think that it was arranged
before he left the reformatory that he
should come back as soon as possible
and aid the other man to escape. He
says that he only changed his clothes
for the other’s prison garb after he
had been frightened by Sweet’s
————————— enemas.
Stock Perished in Barn Fire.
Seventeen hogs, nine head of cattle
and one horse perished in a fire which
completely destroyed the large barn
and various farm sheds on the farm
of Walter L. Lilly, one mile north of
Lewisburg on Saturday night. In ad-
dition to the stock the season’s crops
of wheat and oats, thirty tons of hay
and a lot of farm implements were de- |
stroyed. The loss is placed at $10,000,
on which there was some insurance.
The origin of the fire has not been de-
Bellefonte and Centre county peo-
ple will probably recall Mr. Lilly, who
was a resident of Bellefonte from 1883
to 1890, most of which time he worked
for the late W. A. Lyon, in his meat
market. He married Miss Minnie Ole-
wine, a sister of the late John I. Ole-
wine, and after leaving Bellefonte con-
ducted a meat market at Lewisburg
for many years but finally disposed of
his meat business to engage in farm-
ing, in which he has been quite suc-
——Many new faces have been seen
at the Scenic this week,
there by the music of the new orches-
tral pipe organ installed last week.
If you are a lover of music go to the
Scenie, you will thus be able to hear
the new organ while watching the big
programs of motion pictures. It is a
combination that cannot be found in
any other movie house in this part of
the State.
I stand for |
RIDER.—Mrs. Barbara R. Rider,
almost ninety-five years of age, passed
away on Sunday morning at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Ellenber-
ger, in Tyrone, following an illness of
about three months. Up to that time
she enjoyed splendid health and not-
up and around and took a deep inter-
est in everything. From the date of
her illness, however, she gradually
grew weaker until the end.
Deceased was a daughter of Jacob
and Elizabeth Rumberger and was
born at Gatesburg, Centre county, on
October 31st, 1830, hence was 94 years,
10 months and 27 days old. On Jan-
uary 13th, 1852, she was married to
Jacob K. Rider, at Pine Grove Mills, by
Rev. D. C. Moser, of the Lutheran
church. The young couple took up
their residence on a farm at Gates-
, burg and that was their home for al-
most half a century. When but seven-
teen years of age Mrs. Rider became
a member of the Gatesburg Lutheran
church and for seventy-four years had
: been an active worker in the Master’s
She was the next to the youngest of
a family of fifteen children and the
i last to pass away. Her husband was
i killed by a stroke of lightning on his
farm at Gatesburg twenty-five years
ago, and shortly thereafter Mrs. Ri-
i der went to the home of her daughter,
i Mrs. Ellenberger, in Tyrone, where
! she lived ever since. Of her six chil-
dren Mrs. Ellenberger is the only sur-
| vivor.
{ Funeral services were held at the
i Ellenberger home at 1:30 o’clock on
i Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Edward M.
| Morgan, after which the remains were
i taken to Gatesburg for burial in the
‘Rider lot in the Lutheran cemetery.
; il 1
MEYERS.—Joseph Frederick Mey-
. ers passed away at his home at Pine
“Grove Mills at three o'clock last Fri-
day afternoon as the result of a stroke
of paralysis sustained a week pre-
He was a son of Joseph and Ellen
Weaver Meyers, early settlers of the
| Pine Hall region, where he was born
{ on May 4th, 1853, making his age 72
! years, 4 months and 21 days. As a
| boy he worked on his father’s farm in
{ the summer and attended school dur-
ing the winter seasons but when he
grew to manhood he learned the trade
of a blacksmith. He followed that vo-
i cation a number of years then forsook
i the anvil for the farm. Later he pur-
‘ chased the George Y. Meek farm, near
{ Meek’s church, where he tilled the soil
until his retirement in 1911, since
{ which time he had made his home in
| Pine Grove Mills. He was a life-long
{ member of the Reformed church and
| for a number of years a ruling elder.
| He was a member of the Boalsburg
i lodge No. 894, I. 0. O. F. for over
| fifty years.
"On December 24th, 1879, he married
Miss Mary Lutz, of Buffalo Run, who
survives with the following children:
| Mrs. A. B. Musser and Mrs. Frank
{ Homan, of State College; Mrs. S. H.
Hess, of Burnham, and Charles H., of
Fairbrook. He also leaves six grand-
children, three brothers and a sister,
namely: D. W. Meyers, of Boalsburg;
and Mrs. Adeline Kline, of State Col-
Funeral services were held in the
Reformed church at 10 o’clock on
Monday morning by Rev. W. W. Moy-
er, assisted by Rev. Norris, burial in
the Pine Grove Mills cemetery being
in charge of his brother Odd Fellows.
GUISER. Mss. Mary Ella Guiser,
wife of Lloyd Guiser, of Marienville,
Forest county, died on Saturday after-
noon at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. A. R. Zimmerman, in Altoona,
following an illness of nine months.
She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Peters, and was born in Walk-
er township, Centre county. In addi-
tion to her husband she is survived by
two sons, Glenn and Philip Guiser.
She also leaves her parents, living at
and sisters; Lloyd Peters, of Hecla
Park; Jack and Paul, of Altoona; Mrs.
J. C. Gilboddy, Mrs. J. S. Kimmick
and Mrs. L. R. Grenoble, of Mill Hall,
and Mrs. Zimmermaan, of Altoona.
The remains were taken to Zion where
funeral services were held and burial
made on Tuesday. -
last Saturday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Strunk, at Pleas-
ant Gap, as the result of senile demen-
tia. She was a daughter of Henry
i and Elizabeth Moyer Showers and was
born on November 21st, 1845, making
her age 79 years, 10 months and 5
days. Surviving her are the following
children: Harry, of Bellefonte; John,
of Chicago; Mrs. John Strunk, of
Pleasant Gap; Mrs. Thomas Allen, of
Watsontown; Mrs. Ella Johnson, of
Milesburg; Mrs. Joseph Harvey, of
State College, and Mrs. Edward Min-
cer, of Mill Hall. Funeral services
were held at the Strunk home at
Pleasant Gap on Wednesday after-
noon, burial being made in the Zion
Hl I
WAGNER.—John Wagner, of Snow
Shoe, died at the Lock Haven hospital
on Wednesday night of last week, fol-
lowing ten days’ illness with typhoid
fever. He was sixty years old and
was employed as a cook in a commis-
sary car on the New York Central
railroad. The remains were taken to
Snow Shoe where burial was made
on Saturday.
Il |
DETWILER. — Franklis Detwiler
died at his home at Aaronshurg om
Tuesday night as the result of general
i debility, aged 85 years, 7 months and
withstanding her advanced age, was
William J. and Henry, of Alexandria, '
Mill Hall, and the following brothers '
1 1]
JOHNSON.—Mrs. Mary A. John- |
son, widow of James Johnson, died
24 days. He is survived by cone son
and two daughters, J. H. Detwiler, of
of Aaronsburg, and Mrs. Catherine
Barner, of Mill Hall. Burial will be
made at Aaronsburg this afternoon.
¥ ft
HOSTERMAN.—R. B. Hosterman,
a well known resident of Aaronsburg,
died last Thursday afternoon as the
result of a complication of diseases.
He was 77 years, 4 months and 12
days old and was a son of Jacob and
Anna Hosterman. He married Sarah
Wolf, who died eight years ago but:
surviving him are three daughters,
Mrs. John Zerby, of Gregg township;
Mrs. Frank Stover, of Fiedler, and
Mrs. Elwood Orndorf, of Woodward;
also one son, George W., of Haines
township, and a brother, F. O. Hostez.
man, of Millheim. Burial was made
in the Wolf’s chapel cemetery on Mon-
day morning.
On October 5th, the Governor of
Pennsylvania will visit Centre county
for the purpose of inspecting State-
owned and State-aided institutions
and other agencies of the various de-
partments of the Commonwealth
throughout this county. While on
this tour the Governor will meet all
State employees, such as officials of
the various hospitals, institutions of
learning, as well as all other institu-
tions which are operated under the di-
rection of the State government.
The Governor will arrive at Tyrone
at 7 a. m. next Monday morning. From
Tyrone he will proceed to Philipsburg
where he will visit the Philipsburg .
State hospital. From Philipsburg he
will go to State College where he
will be entertained at the weekly
luncheon given by the Kiwanis club ;
Before leaving State |
at that place.
College the party will inspect the Col-
lege campus buildings. At 2:30 p. m.
he will visit the State fish hatchery at .
Pleasant Gap and later in/the after-
noon make a tour of inspection of the
western penitentiary at Rockview. At
4 p. m. he will arrive at the Centre
County hospital, from there he will
visit the district office of the State
Highway Department in Temple
Court. From 4:45 until 5:30 p. m. he
will be in the grand jury room in the
‘court house at Bellefonte where he
will be glad to meet personally all
State employees, county employees
and all the people of Bellefonte and
vicinity generally. At 6:30 on next
Monday evening he will be entertain-
ed at dinner by the Bellefonte Kiwan-
is club.
At 8:15 p. m. Governor Pinchot will
speak in the court house. Every one
is cordially invited to attend this night
meeting which will be held in the main
court room. Turn out and hear the
Governor of Pennsylvania speak.
The Governor will remain in Belle-
fonte over night and while here
will be the guest of Judge and Mrs.
Dale at their home on Linn street.
Large Deposit of Cement Rock Found
at Pleasant Gap.
Some time ago the “Watchman”
told of drilling operations being start-
ed by Ray Noll, on his farm at Pleas-
ant Gap, for the purpose of finding out
what lay underneath the ground. Out-
croppings of shale rock similar to that
existing in coal regions led to the be-
lief that there was a possibility of dis-
covering a vein of coal, and perhaps
zine. But neither coal nor zinc were
i But the drillings did uncover a large
, vein of cement rock. Mr. Noll went
: down to a depth of 517 feet and didn’t
; touch the bottom of the rock. Three
drillings were made and the same vein
, was found in the three holes. The
. rock has been analyzed and contains
| about the right percentages of carbon-
ate of lime, aluminum shale and silica
| for the manufacture of high grade
| Portland cement. The same vein
, found by Mr. Ray Noll on his farm
extends underneath land owned by
{ Whiterock quarries and also the farm
* of Mr. William H. Noll Jr.
| Officers of the Portland Cement
| company have been apprised of the
discovery and also furnished with sam-
ples of the rock. The building of a
{ cement plant is too costly a proposi-
i tion for any one or half a dozen ordi-
i nary individuals to undertake, but the
. day may come when such a plant will
. be established at Pleasant Gap, now
that it has been definitely settled that
a large deposit of high grade rock is
located there.
—————— meses:
Charles Robinson Found Dead in
Snow Shoe. :
Charles Robinson, sixty-four years
of age, whose home was in Curwens-
ville but who spent a portion of his
time in Snow Shoe, was found dead in
an alley in the latter place on Satur
day morning. At first it was thought
he might have been a victim of foul
play but investigation revealed the
fact that he had been at the shanty of
a friend the day previous and had
drank pretty heavily of moonshine
liquor. Just how he got in the alley
has not been disclosed, but it is prob-
able that he was overcome there and
either laid down or fell down and died
before being discovered. A coroner’s
jury returned a verdict of death from
acute alcoholism. His only survivor
is one son, S. A. Robinson, of Snow
Shoe. The remains were taken to
Curwensville where burial was made
on Sunday morning.
——E. L. Hollabaugh has accepted
; a position at the new Richelieu thea-
“tre as assistant to manager Richelieu.
Centre Hall; Mrs. Lulu Winkleblech, !
The dedication of the Robert Mor-
ton Unit Orchestral organ in the Scen-
.ic theatre, Monday evening, has plac-
. ed Bellefonte in the same class as
cities like Johnstown, York, Lancaster
and Harrisburg. In each of these
cities this same make of organ has
been placed in the best picture houses
and Bellefonte is positively the only
town of its size in the State to have
secured an innovation of this kind.
Meiodious, rich toned and of unlim-
‘ited possibilities, the organ will add
. much to the pleasure of the theatre
goers. It will enable the Scenic thea-
tre to properly present pictures with
finer shades of meaning, giving ef-
fects that make each and every scene
stand out as real by blending scul-
stirring tones in a proper interpreta-
tion of screened stories.
Manager T. C. Brown closed the
contract for this organ several months
ago. Its installation at a cost of $10,-
500.00 complete represents an unprec-
edented outlay of money in a venture
of this kind in a small town. In no
other way could he have proved so
conclusively his faith in Bellefonte’s
growth as in the purchase of this su-
perb organ which would have seemed
unwarranted for the town were it not
showing such a steady and stable
growth. He is a man whose judgment.
has not played him false.
What this particular instrument
will mean to the theatre going public
: will be hard to measure, but its effect
on its hearers will be uplifting. Rich-
ness of tone, harmony of sounds, mu-
“sic selected for its fitness rather than
for its volume of sound, must all have
a refining influence, especially on the
impressionable minds of the younger
i generation. The dignity and beauty
of this music is a far cry from the ra-
cous strains of the “talking machines”
of nickelodium days that shrilled out
its explanation to a tortured people
that it was “jes becaz she made them
i goo-goo eyes.” The advancement
along these lines has been as great as
‘along the lines of picture making and
| the man who makes it possible for his
‘patrons to hear and see the best is a
i public benefactor.
{ It is safe to say that as much is
learned by induction as by precept,
and this fact alone stamps it as a val-
‘uable asset which Bellefonte is most.
fortunate to possess.
This organ was shipped from the
Robert Morton factories in California
by way of the Panama Canal to Phila-
delphia and re-shipped from there di-
rect to Bellefonte.
{ There are three divisions to the big
instrument; twelve orchestral instru-
ments in the first, eleven in the sec-
ond and twenty-four in the third di-
vision, while among the most interest--
ing of the details is the fact that there
are fifteen accessories all of them the
height of the builder’s art from the
expression control affecting the entire
instrument down to the electric motor
which gives the power.
{ The installation at the Scenic is one:
that shows no pipes, whatever. Few
know that for the most part the great.
‘ gilded pipes that crown the church or-
gan are purely ornamental. Rarely
are they installed for anything else
than appearance. All the pipes of the
Scenic organ are concealed at both
sides of the stage.
: Williamsburg Bank Bandit Given Five
! to Ten Years.
' Louis Gelormin, of Patton, the young
, man who, on Tuesday morning of last
; week turned bank bandit and made an
{ attempt to rob the bank at Williams-
"burg, Blair county, and later caused
' great consternation and excitement at.
i Pine Grove Mills when he attempted
to escape in a stolen car, entered a
| plea of guilty to the attempted rob-
| bery before Judge Baldridge, in the
| Blair county court on Monday, and
| was sentenced to the western peniten-
I tiary for not less than five nor more
than ten years.
Gelormin had previously served
time in the Huntingdon reformatory,
having been sent to that institution in
1923. At that time he gave his age
as nineteen years and he gave the
same age when taken before Judge
Baldridge on Monday. There is some
question as to his sanity, but Judge
Baldridge decided to leave it up to the
penitentiary officials to decide wheth-
er he is perfectly rational or not.
omni etree inne nin.
Two More Murderers Electrocuted.
Julius McKinley Branham and John
A. Walker, negroes of Philadelphia.
! county, were electrocuted at Rockview
| penitentiary on Monday morning. The
men were brought to Rockview by au-
tomobile on Saturday afternoon.
Branham was convicted of the murder
of his boarding house mistress, Mar-
garet Henderson, because she put a
“vile concoction into his coffee. Walk-
er was convicted of the murder of
Jesse Lopp because the latter came
into his home and used profane lan-
guage. Walker, who was 34 years old,
has a wife living in Philadelphia and
his body was claimed and shipped to
that place for burial. Branham’s body
was unclaimed and was buried in the:
penitentiary cemetery. = The above
electrocutions make one hundred and
forty-four who have paid the death:
penalty at Rockview by electricity.
Public Sale of Household Goods.
All of the household goods of the
late Mrs. Matilda Lieb will be offered
at public sale, at her late home in
Bush Addition, this place, on Sat-
urday, October 3, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Furniture of all kinds, rugs, new linol--
eum, stoves, ete., will be sold.