me Seaplane Crew Rescued After Being Afloat Nine Days. Commander John ‘Rodgers and his intrepid crew of four of the lost trans- Pacific airplane PN-9 No. 1 are alive and well. The crippled eagle with its precious burden of trial-blazing adventurers was found late last Thursday riding swan-like atop choppy seas by a mon- ster of the deep, the United States submarine R-4. Lost 218% hours in a plunge from the air after twenty-five hours hurt- ling from San Francisco towards Hon- olulu in the first su-h flight ever at- tempted, the brave little force in every sense except officially had been given up as lost martyrs to man’s efforts to overcome the elements. The PN-9 No. 1 was found fifteen miles off the island of Kauai, sixty- four miles northwest of Oahu, upon which is Honolulu and toward which the aircraft was headed. : After her wings were clipped by the exhaustion of her gasoline supply the plane, wind driven on the face of the water, made progress slower than cal- culations of the searching Navy forces had indicated. = It was sighted at a position over which the flotilla of naval craft had cruised almost a week previous, near that in which the mine sweeper Whip- poorwill reported two days after the search it had seen a white flare and two red rockets. The five men came through their ordeal in remarkably good shape. Some traces of the tension under which they had lived for ten days were apparent, but physicians who ex- amined them were confident that rest and quiet would bring complete recov- ery. For that reason the aviators were directed to go at once to the na- vy hospital at Pearl Harbor. . Under Commander Rodgers’ direc- tion were: Lieutenant Byron J. Con- nell, of Pittsburgh, assistant pilot; Skiles N. Pope, of Jackson, Tenn., as aviation pilot; William H. Bowlin, of Richmond, Ind., aviation chief machin- ist’s mate, and Otis G. Stanz, of Terre Haute, Ind., chief radio man. New Ideas in Mental Tests for Chil- dren. In some of the elementary English schools, today, mental tests are made, and gauged by the quickness shown In folving certain problems presented pic- torially. One test, known as the Por- teus maze, measures temperament as well as mind. Eleven mazes. graded progressively in difficulty, are printed on separate sheets, and the pupil is told that they show the paths in a garden surrounded by walls. He must find his way out by the quickest route. The showing made depends on the pupil's ability to work under pressure and to withstand distraction by unes- sentials in the material or by noises in the room. A cube imitation test in- volves the touching of four numbered cubes in a certain sequence as indi- cated by the teacher, the combinations of numbers being mace more and more difficult. Fach test gives a certain scofe, and by combining the scores the mental age of the pupil is arrived at. Single tests are of no value. The tests of London boys und girls between the ages of eight and thirteen showed some Interesting sex differences. The girls excelled in memory tests and the boys in reasoning. i -~ Old Age Reverenced Among Eskimo Tribes Old people are held in great respect among the Eskimos, and their counsel is always considered. They help as far as they are able in the household work, the old men repairing weapons, harness, etc, and the old women in sewing and tending the lamps. In times of scarcity, as in winter, meat and ofl are always shared around. Directly a seal or deer is brought in it is cut up and sent to each needy family. In times of plen- ty each family is supposed to provide for itself, but old people, widows and orphans have always the first claim upon those who have the means. J Among these people mutual kind- ness is a general obligation. A wid- Ow or orphan child is never left alone, but taken into the house and family circle of the nearest relative. The widow gives her services in re- turn for food and lodging and cloth- ing, and the child is cared for exactly as the man’s own offspring. Costly Cherries “Yesterday,” says a staff writer in the London Daily News, “I heard a true story concerning an American girl whose father left her at a well- known London hotel while he made a round of business calls on the Con- tinent. “Papa, on his return, had a rude shock. The first item on the bill was for 178 cocktails. ‘But my daughter never touches alcohol,’ he expostulated with the manager. Then the girl her self was called in. With a shy glance, first at the manager and then at her father, she remarked, ‘I ordered them Just to eat the cherries, father.’ “And each of those 274 cherry-bear ing cocktails cost 18 pence (38 cents) .” Fruit Salad for Dogs That Investigating food specialist and lover of animals, Andrew Ken- nard of Boston, reports he has raised a litter of imported puppies on a diet of frult, the puppies m a record- breaking growth as they were fed dally their portions of fruit salad, an appealing combination of oranges, fPples and bananas. The fruits werg half their daily rations, the other half being approved dog foods, Alrplane Mail Carrying Letters carried by airplane between France and Morocco last February numbered 868,180. C T si ei next Sunday morning at 10:45 and evening at 7:30. The fruits and veg- etables for the Centre County hos- pital. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D. Pastor. m. Harvest Home Festival, 7:30 p. m m. val, 2:30 p. m. a. m. Harvest Home, 2:30 p. m. worship at 10:45; topic, “The Gift and Its Use.” topic, “The Command Forbidding Pro- fanity.” : The Pennsylvania State College dairy students at the Eastern States expo- 21st-26th. lected to compete in the intercollegi- ate contests is composed of A. W. Fox, New Staunton; J. S. Bryan, Perkasie, and H. M. Ferguson, Williamsport. ler, Scranton, and W. W. Richman, Philadelphia, compose the dairy pro- ducts judging team. field the Penn State team placed products team at that show scored third place. Later at the national dai- ry exposition in Milwaukee the same team took second place. ago Penn State won first honors at the national dairy exposition in Syracuse, N. Y,, in judging dairy products. Power Corporation has declared quarterly dividend No. 14 of 13,9 September 30th, Preferred Stock ber 1st, 1925, to stockholders of record at the close 1925. 70-37-1t Church Services Next Sunday | NEW ADVER TISEMENTS. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Harvest Home services will be held BOALSBURG REFORMED, Boalsburg—Church school, 9:15 a. Pine’ Hall—Church school, 9:30 a. Houserville—Harvest Home Festi- Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. BOALSBURG LUTHERAN CHURCH. Pleasant Gap—Sunday school, 9:30 Harvest Home, 10:30 a. m. Shiloh—Sunday school 1:30 p. m. Bolasburg—Sunday school, 9 a. m. hristian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. W. J. Wagner, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning Evening worship at 7:30; William C. Thompson, Pastor. eams to Represent Penn State Picked. Two judging teams will represent tion, Springfield, Mass., ‘September The dairy cattle judging team se- Owner is hereby notified to call, property and pay costs. same she will be disposed of as the law provid 70-37-3t 84-34-1y STRAY.—A red heifer, about 1 year old came to the premises of the subscriber Park. claim at Hunter's €8. E. W. SPICHER, Bellefonte. R. F. D. 1. Here comes my brother with the turk I like to see that fellow work. —Young Mother Hubbard Poultry of real worth— properly cared for. Young chickens that will grace your table with a flavor of cheer. We can serve yon food interests well. Your kitchen is this mar- ket’s demonstration station! Beezer’s Meat Market ON THE DIAMOND Bellefonte, Pa. In default of NEW ADVERTISEMENT ——t— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ellery Masden, late of Liberty township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed appointed Auditor by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county to hear and dis- pose of the exceptions filed to the first and final account of the Administratrix and to distribute the funds in her hands to and among those legally entitled to receive the same, has fixed Friday, the 25th day of September, A. D. 1925, at ten a. m., in his office on the third floor of Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa., when and where he will hear all parties in interest; and further gives notice that all parties must appear in person or by attorney to present and prove their claims or be liable to be for- ever debarred therefrom. ELLIS L. ORVIS, 70-35-3t. Auditor. OTICE.—Of Arnual Corporation meeting of Centre County Hos- a A UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In Re Estate of pital. Notice is hereby given that the annual corporate meeting of the members of the Centre County Hospital will be held at the Court House in Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday, October 12th, 1925, at eight o'clock in the evening of said day, for the purpose of electing six Trustees as hereinafter indi- cated, and to transact such other business as shill properly come before said meeting. In accordance with Article IV of the By- Laws of Centre County Hospital, the said six Trustees shall then be elected, to fill six vacancies then arising among the Trustees for District No. 1, which District consists of Bellefonte borough and Spring, Marion, Walker and Benner townships. Five of said Trustees shall then be elect- ed for a term of three years, to take the places of five Trustees of the first class for said District No. 1, whose terms of office then expire, and one of said Trustees shall then be elected for a term of one year, be- ing for the remaining unexpired portion of a term of two years, to fill a vacancy in the second class, caused by the resigna- ; tion of Col. W. Fred Reynolds, which va- | cancy was filled by the Board until this | annual meeting by the election of Mr. Wil- liam J. Emerick. As no vacancies exist among the Trus- tees previously elected to represent the other six Districts, there will be no ocea- sion this year for any preliminary elec- tions in such other six Districts. By order of the Board RALPH MALLORY, Secretary. i 70-37-3t —Get your job work done here. ARMS F Everywhere, : Write for Blank. AND PROPERTY—Wanted 3% Commission. Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W. York St. Philadelephia, Pa. 70- 11-1 yr. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER.—Notice is hereby giv- en that an application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county on Monday, tember, 1925, the 28th day of Rep- at 10 o'clock a. m., under the provisions of the Corporation Act of 1874 and its supplements, for a Charter for an intended corporation to be called the “W. WITTMER HUNTI The character and which the Corporation is formed vide a Club to be accomplished by maintain- CLUB.” members, NG & FISHING purposes for s to pro- or social enjoyment of its ing a Club house on private grounds in Centre county, facility for its Pennsylvania, to provide members to engage in hunt- ing and fishing and for the DEOpagat n of game and fish; and to hold, se and: pur- chase real estate for such purposes. And further the transaction of all such busi- ness as is necessary and incidental thereto and for these purposes to have, enjoy the rights, benefits and privi- and DPOssess leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. GETTIG & BOWER, 70-36-8t Solicitors. Insure your Farm Property Farmers. You are filling your barns with the results of a year’s labor. ance? Is it covered with insur- I am writing Insurance on Farm Property and Crops at a Reduced Rate. 70-28-8t* J. M. KEICHLINE. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 Beuth Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA, Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Let- ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Sarah Rebecca Collins, late of Ferguson township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to same are requested to make prempt payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. W. A. COLLINS, Admr., W. Harrison Walker, Pine Grove Mills, Pa. Attorney. 70-34-6t Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished 66-15-t¢ R. M. Many, Honesdale; W. R. Feid- In the contest last year at Spring- ghth in judging cattle. The dairy Two years re —— ly e— Keystone Power Corporation. The Board of Directors of the Keystone one and three-quarters ) per cent., for the quarter ending 1925, payable on the 79% of the Company on Octo- 74/0 of business on September 19th, C. F. KALP, Treasurer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. oO F .ough for the year ending July Tth, 1925: LAssessed Vdluatiofe...... Personal Property Tax. .... Per Capita Tax... ... 1. 6242 50 For School Purposes, 21 mills. . 37386 03 Total Amount of Taxes........ 43628 53 Ee eens intone nsi 610 02 To Receipts from General Property Tax............... 42536 34 Tuition, non-resident pupils... 12878 06 General Appropriation. ......... 12780 00 Vocational Appropriation... .... 1200 00 Manual Praining............. 235 70 Sale of Books, Kte.......o..... 12 39 Refunds ..... 75 91 Tax Liens... 34 77 Rent .......... 25 00 Noter ............... 00 6000 00 Total Receipts..........$ 76388 19 : EXPENDITURES. Expense of Administration : General Control....$2258 98 Educational ........ .20 Compulsory Ed..... 89.40—$% 2370 58 Expense of Instruction......... $ 47892 97 Expense of Operation.......... 6101 52 Expense of Maintenance. ....... 1353 23 Expense of Fixed Charges..... 1648 81 Expense of Debt Service. ...... 10172 53 Expense of Capital Outlay..... 2395 Expense of Auxiliary Agencies. 433 74 Total Expenditures..... $ 172369 06 By Bal. in Centre County Bank .....,. .. $ 104.87 By Bal. in Bellefonte Trust Co., as of July % 3925 ......rer i. 001496 4019 13 Teta)... oe. ..$ 76388 19 SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Receipts :— To Amt. in Treasurer's hands July 7th, 1924... 25 Cr $ 14394 09 To Amt. Received from Gen- eral .Fund.................. 7133 20 To Amt. Received as Interest... 566 71 Total Receipts. ......... $ 22094 00 Expenditures :— By Amt. State Tax on Bonded Debt ......... Fock rnisn nines $ 204 00 By 130 Coupons, Interest on Bonded: Debt............... 2600 00 By Amt. Paid for Dale Prop- CY re is, 9200 00 Bal. in Fund July 7th, 1925 in U. 8. Liberty Bonds........ 10000 00 Totals... lio. ial. $ 22094 00 CASH ACCT. OF A. H. SLOOP, Principal. Receipts :— Bal. on hand July. 7, 1924, ..... $ 11 64 To Amt. Received from School Board ........... .... 0. 25 00 Wotal...............ivs. $ 236 64 Expenditures :— By Amt. Paid for Postage, Express, Ete... ......... 2.) $ 232 62 Bal. on hand July 7, 1925...... 4 02 Totaliv.. ons... a, $ 236 64 BALANCE SHEET OF SCHOOL DIST. Assets :— Amt. in Banks July 7, 1925....% 4019 13 Amt. Due from A, H. Sloop.... 4 02 Amt. Due from Herbert Auman, Collector: 1923 Duplicate... 767 74 1924 Duplicate. .. 3046 08 Amt Due from Tuition......... 3152 25 Amt. Due from Tax Liens...... 2059 83 Amt. Due from West Infectant 18 13 0s aan utiens snide yess anne Amt. in Sinking Fund.......... 10000 00 Total Assets............ $ 23967 18 Liabilities :— New Bonded Debt.............. $ 65000 00 Note of Mrs. M. E. Brouse. . .... 8000 00 Note of Bellefonte Trust Co.... 6000 00 Due Herbert Auman, Collector, Bel INANCIAL STATEMENT.—Summary of the Annual Statement of the School District of Bellefonte Bor- ~$ 1777317 60 % 2970 00 | Account of Charles F. Cook, Treasurer: RECEIPTS—GENERAL FUND. 1922 Duplicate... .......! utstanding Orders .. Total Liabilities.............. Total Assets Net Indebtedness............. $ 55201 06 i D. A. BARLETT, | C. I. GATES i M. T. EISENHAUER, Borough Auditors. | lefonte, Pa., 70-36-3t August 31, 1925, It there is any difference between one fine h the KNOX Jabel* * The Knox “Fifth Avenue” hat for Fall is in the newer colors of grey and tan with broacer, deeper brim. Priced at eight dollars. at and another it lies in @ This Store will be closed next Saturday (19th) until 6 o'clock. Jewish New Year. Sim, The Clothier