Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 18, 1925, Image 1
Sew td nm INK SLINGS. ". —Good morning, Judge Walker! . —From all sources, Democratic, Republican and Prohibition, Dale had 3084 votes and Keller, from Republi- can sources alone, 3462. - —The primary returns prove the prediction that the “Watchman” made last fall that twelve hundred votes would make the nominee of the Demo- cratic party for Judge. - * —On the Democratic ticket Spang- ler carried 18 precincts in the county, Johnston carried 9 and Dale 6, making 33 of the 64 precincts. Walker carried 9 precincts over the combined votes of all opponents. —We’re never satisfied. A week ago we were praying that sufficient rain might fall to soften the ground so that fall seeding might be complet- ed. Now we are praying that the rain will stop long enough to get it done. —As for Centre county. Its voters of Republican proclivities seem to have given notice to Rebecca Naomi, of Bellefonte; Dr. Foster, of State College, and Governor Pinchot that a horse can be led to the water but it can’t be forced to drink. . —And t8 think! After years of nursing the delusion that we are the writer of a column without a parallel in country journalism in the United States—it isn’t a delusion, its a fact—- it remained for the Philipsburg Ledg- er to call us a “scribe.” —The outstanding gratification we ‘have in the primaries of Tuesday was the reaction of the common sense of STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. Pinchot Making Progress. Governor Pinchot seems to think that there is still good political fish- ing in the coal pool. On Saturday he entertained Mr. Inglis, chairman of the operator’s scale committee, at his home near Milford and presumably “listened to his tale of woe.” On Mon- day Mr. Lewis, president of the Unit- ed Mine Workers, “told his troubles” to the Governor. Mean time the Gov- ernor tried to “throw a scare” into both sides of the controversy by start- ing a movement to stimulate the effort to increase the market for bituminous coal as a substitute for anthracite in the manufacturing sections of the east. The result of these endeavors remain to be seen, though as yet be- yond conjecture. Governor Pinchot has been scoring strong in promoting his political am- bitions during the last month. His tour of the State has yielded divi- ‘dends far in excess of expectations, our beloved West ward of Bellefonte . to ‘the eleventh hour attempt of spite and bigotry to keep a really worth- ‘while man out of council. —Anyway, Judge Dale gave the or- ganization that was against him scare enough to make it work harder than it has ever done before to convince the Republicans of Centre county that it is anything more than a swivel chair combination of pipe-smokers. —Dale defeated Keller in the Re- publican balloting in only thirteen of the sixty-four precincts in the county. He carried the Third ward of Philips- burg, Snow Shoe borough, north and west Boggs, Burnside, North Curtin, North Gregg, West Harris, Howard township, Penn, West Rush, West Snow Shoe and Taylor. —Brookville lost a thousand dollars on Chautauqua this year. DuBois, Clarion and Punxsy all failed so mis- erably that they didn’t feel justified in signing up for next year. Why? Be- cause the tea-hounds are running wild, spreading saxaphobia everywhere and saxaphobia gets to the heels faster than Chautauqua can get to the head. —The impressive manner in which Herby Auman ran away with Orian Kline for the 1 for tax collector in Bellefonte has the leaders of their party guessing. Or- rie has long been recognized as one of the men who make and unmake as- | moment. Republican nomination piring Republicans so his failure has | caused a lot of surprise. It needn't. We'll explain it. Herby advertised This wares in the “Watchman.” —Mrs. White, of Knebworth, Herts, England, claims the grand long dis- tance championship among umbrella owners. She has had one in her pos- session for sixty-one years. The an- «cient White parachute is probably kin of some of the two-quart lids that our Masonic friends don when they turn cout with a twig of spruce in their hands and a “so moted be” on their lips for a departed Sir Knight. —Wouldn’t there be an awful hol- ler if the Commissioners of Centre county were to refuse to priat ballots for the Prohibition party. As a mat- ter of fact neither the Prohibitionists nor the Socialists are legally entitled to put the county to such an expense. Neither one of these parties—if such there are-—cast enough ballots at the last general election to entitle them to a ticket. Time and again have we «called attention to their inconsistency. We can’t recall a single dry candidate ‘who owes his election to a Centre county office to the votes on the Pro- ‘hibition ticket recorded for him and we can name a dozen or more soak- ing wet ones who have held office be- cause they got their names on it. Why should the county be asked to pay for printing a ticket for a party whose president didn’t even register .as a Prohibitionist. There was only one Prohibition vote cast in the North ward. It was for Keller and Rebecca Naomi didn’t hand that one in. —Senator Geo. Wharton Pepper has finally made good on his threat to “spit in the eye of a bull dog.” Made good in a way that must command the respect of the voters of Pennsylvania no matter what may have been their opinion of him prior to his statement .of last Thursday. His declaration that his candidacy to succeed himself in the upper House of Congress must stand on its own legs might have ‘been regarded as a mere political ges- ture, had it not been accompanied with a fearless endorsement of Judge Ren- shaw for re-election to the bench in Philadelphia county. Judge Renshaw is a Democrat, an appointee of Gov- ernor Pinchot and an official whose , scalp Bill Vare, the political boss of Philadelphia, has determined to have «dangling at his belt. We are at a loss | and if he is able to compromise the differences between the coal producers and miners on terms fairly satisfac- tory to the public he will easily ap- pear as the outstanding figure in the equation. His settlement of the strike two years ago. promised splendid re- sults for a time, but the reaction was hurtful rather than helpful. He will probably be more considerate of pub- lic interests this time, and by holding the bituminous club over the anthra- cite operators and miners may forge out an agreement that will help every- body else and himself. : In any event, recent events have shown that the Governor is a shrewd and resourceful politician. He may not be able to accomplish as much with his money as he did in 1922 when he fooled the most experienced ma- nipulators in his party by releasing a golden stream at the psychological But he is in a better posi- tion now and is more strongly en- trenched. He has the coal miners safely anchored, and if he succeeds in attaching the operators and enlisting a considerable part of the public he will Tot only acquire the Senatorial toga but get a lien on the White House. He is “working both ends against the middle” in a surprisingly successful manner now.. 4 Rising to a question of inquiry it is pertinent to ask what has become of Vice President Dawes and his cel- ebrated fight on the Senate rules. The Air Service Scandal. Rear Admiral Moffett is justified in his somewhat heated defense of the charges against the administration of the bureau of aeronautics, for he is the head of the bureau and largely re- sponsible for its operation. President Coolidge is equally. justified in direct- ing an investigation of the charges recently preferred by Colonel Mitch- ell, for he is head of the service. But neither the defense of Admiral Mof- fett nor the action of the President will satisfy the people. Public denials are easily made and bureaucratic in- vestigations are not reliable. The charges are grave and appeal strong- ly to popular sentiment. Only a thor- ough investigation by Congress will afford satisfaction. Admiral Moffett declares that the charges are false and were inspired by selfish ambition and malice. A vast majority of the flying men, in and out of the service, believe that they are true and were inspired by pa- triotic impulses. The author of the charges, Colonel Mitchell, is an air man of recognized ability and con- siderable achievement. He was de- moted from the rank of Brigadier General to that of Colonel for telling a Congressional committee what he believed to be true, and could hardly expect to acquire personal advantage by repeating the acts which caused his demotion. In view of these plain facts Admiral Moffett is appealing to public credulity instead of popular reason. When Colonel Mitchell wrote his last complaint the officials in Wash- ington as well as the public in gen- eral believed that the crew of the PN-9 was lost and the conditions at- tending the apparent tragedy favored the view expressed in the complaint. Happily the machine has been recov- ered since and the crew saved. But the charges have not been refuted. Admiral Moffett expresses a different view of the cause of the disaster to the Shenandoah than that entertained by Colonel Mitchell. But Mitchell is the experienced witness and all things considered has the least selfish inter- est in the matter. Meantime the pub- lic will await the report of a Congres- sional inquiry. ——After what Senator Pepper did | OL. 70. BELLEFONTE, PA.. SEPTEMBER 18. 1925. NO. 37. | Senator Pepper’s Courageous Act. Senator Pepper revealed a coura- geous spirit in declaring his purpose te support Judge Renshaw and an- nouncing his candidacy for re-election. That was literally defying the boss and figuratively “spitting in the eye of a bull dog.” Congressman Vare had just been given absolute control over the Republican party of Phila- delphia. He had just acquired the right to name the candidates of the , party and direct the action of the vot- ers. His highest aspiration was to , control the patronage of the Munici- pal court and his “pet aversion” was Judge Renshaw. He might have for- given the liberty of announcement without permission but he never can or will condone the “aid and comfort to the enemy.” Yet Senator Pepper’s action ought to have a helpful influence upon the morale of the city. It sets a splendid example to the independent voters of the city and the State. It asserts a leadership which self-respecting men and women may follow. It is a clar- ion call to the better element of the party to unite on a basis of character rather than corrupt bargain and raise the standard of official life above the level of the pie counter. It has been ‘complained that the Senator ought to have gone farther and declared alle- giance to other independent candi- dates. That is hardly just in the cir- cumstances. His attitude on the main question conveys his independence of the boss. It may be added that Senator Pep- per’s declaration was timely as well as daring. Governor Pinchot’s tour of the State made a considerable impres- sion on the public mind and his ar- raignment of the Vare machine struck a ‘popular chord. It wouldn't have been a hard task to link Senator Pep- per with that odious conspiracy. His vote for Newberry, his attitude on the League of Nations and the world court, and his silence on the iniqui- ties of the Harding administration in- dicated an indifference to political im- morality that fitted in with the Vare organization. If Vare had been forced by - conditions to support Pepper against Pinchot, as might have hap- pened, the inference would have been Sm ——The Governor will begin the third leg of his State-wide tour to- morrow. ' He may take advantage of the opportunity to declare himself on the Senatorial fight. The Glen Campbell Forum, “The mountain labored and brought forth a mouse.” The long heralded and much discussed gathering of Pennsylvania Republican politicians at Glen Campbell, former State Sen- ator Clark’s “sylvan retreat” in In- diana county has come and gone. It was advertised to be a conference of reconciliation. It was expected to be a forum at which party troubles would be ironed out and a ticket chosen for the campaign of next year. It result- ed in an announcement that Joe Grun- dy, of Bucks county, the political “panhandler” of the Penrose regime had agreed upon a group of candidates which he offered for the consideration of his associates at the picnic. But at that it developed some sur- prises. Mr. Grundy’s candidate for Governor is John S. Fisher, who was Banking Commissioner in the Sproul administration. Senator in Congress is George Whar- ton Pepper whom Governor , Sproul appointed Senator. His candidate for Secretary of Internal Affairs is Fred J. Godcharles, who was Deputy Secre- tary of the Commonwealth in the Sproul administration. For Lieuten- ant Governor he has kidnapped an , outsider in the person of Charles J. Easterly whose only distinction is that he carried the Berks-Lehigh Dis- trict for Congress last year. During the Sproul administration the Gover- nor and Grundy were irreconcilable enemies. There is no evidence that the Grun- dy ticket will be accepted by the ma- chine but thus far no protest has been entered against its adoption. As a matter of fact there is a wide spread impression that the conference was called in the interest of Mr. Fisher and that Grundy has offered the other names as a lure for suckers. It must ; have been a severe tax to accept Pep- ! per for Grundy has resented the party , favors to the Senator from the be- ginning. But “politics makes strange bedfellows” and if Pepper can forget and forgive it ought to be easy for Grundy to reciprocate. But there are other elements to consider. There are | Vare and Pinchot to be reckoned with. i ——The primary election revealed to recall a parallel in Republican lead- to Bill Vare Grundy took a long the vast difference between the Dem- ership in Pennsylvania to the coura- chance in offering the olive branch. geous announcement that Senator Pepper has inaugurated his candidacy ree fp Ap eee. ——Now they are talking of muffs ‘with. He has appeared in the stature for the bare knees of the flappers. ' What's the use. of a big man, ocrats of New York and the Republi- cans of Philadelphia. No boss can muzzle the Democrats. —~Subscribe for the “Watchman.” His candidate for ! Wisconsin Disappoints Coolidge. . The result of the primary election in Wisconsin, on Tuesday, carried lit- { tle comfort to President Coolidge. It not only guarantees an opponent of the administration in the Senate in the immediate future while a friend was expected in the seat but indicates , continued opposition to the adminis- : tration policies in the middle west. It . was hoped in administration circles ' that the people of that section had be- come reconciled. The vote of the ad- joining States plainly indicated that. But the vote for young Mr. LaFol- i lette,. on Tuesday, tells a different story. ; President Coolidge had freely ex- pressed his hopes of carrying the State for the Senatorial candidate of his choice and had cheerfully given all his moral and material help toward that result. Before the vote it was confidently predicted that Mr. LaFol- lette would run far behind the admin- istration candidate. As a matter of fact he has been nominated as the Re- publican candidate for the office after a frank and emphatic declaration of opposition to the policies of the Re- publican party as interpreted by the President and the Republican organi- zation of the country. It would be difficult to imagine a more direct par- ty challenge. Other evidences of continued, if not increasing, opposition to the adminis- tration in the west have been appear- ing at intervals. An organized move- ment against Secretary of the Inter- ior Work has been in progress for some time. A group of Senators have been demanding his removal and it is believed were gaining ground before the Wisconsin primary. Now that the administration weakness in that State has been revealed the chances | are the Colorado member of the Cab- "inet will be sacrificed. But it will do ! no good. The false pretense has been ' exposed. —It will be recalled that when “Ma” Ferguson was elected Governor of Texas it was a mournful year for De- mocracy everywhere but in the “Lone Star” State. So hard was it to find victories to crow over that the only rl ® ‘nerve to drag out of the coop was the one for “Ma.” than it knew. “Ma” has made good in Texas. She so managed the peni- tentiary farms of her State that this year, alone, a deficit of $600,000 has been wiped out and a surplus of $1,- i 200,000 created. The secret of the ac- | complishment will probably be found {in the fact that she thought it more : constructive for the Texas convict to get acquainted with plow handles than those of tea wagons. ——Governor Pinchot is scheduled ; to visit Centre county on October 5th, ostensibly on his tour of inspection of State institutions, but in reality to strengthen his fences for the Senator- ial fight next year, but Senator . Geo. Wharton Pepper stole a march on the forester from Milford by coming | into this section last Saturday in com- pany with his colleague, Senator Da- vid J. Reed. The two gentlemen were guests of prominent Philipsburg and Clearfield Republicans at the Joswin 'game preserve in Clearfield county. Among the guests at the gathering was Charles M. Schwab, which would indicate ‘that he is a Pepper backer. ——Following a month’s spell of dry weather Bellefonte had hard thun- der showers both Saturday and Sun- day, but the rain was entirely local in character. In fact while it rained un- usually hard here on Saturday only a few drops fell out at the aviation field, less than four miles away. Sunday’s ‘rain was also confined to portions of Centre county, so that the prolonged drought, general everywhere, has only been partially relieved in some sec- tions. ——No reasoning person expected Judge Renshaw to win at the primary but if the people of Philadelphia are not corrupt he will have a chance at the general election. ——Senator Pepper threatens to as- sume the leadership of the party in Pennsylvania which suggests the ad- age “there’s many a slip ’twixt the cup and the lip.” ——Probably Joe Grundy will be- come the party boss. The Glen Camp- bell conference has given him a good start in the contest for that job. ——When Governor Pinchot throws his hat into the ring he will probably use the sombrero presented to him by the Governor of Texas. —————————————————— ——The Glen Campbell conference appears to have been a convention for the ratification of the Sproul admin- istration. | rooster the “Watchman” had the And it crowed better Agricultural Improvement. From the Philadelphia Record. 2 Commercial news regarding ; agri- cultural affairs is far more imglessive than the stories carried to Swamp- scott by Republican politiciafis who want to believe in any chee news, and wish to please the President by telling it to him. However, the cheer- ful news has foundation, and we are very glad of it. We are anxious that the rmers should have as much prosperity as they can get under a protective tariff which enhances the price of almost everything the farmer buys and of very little that he sells. A dispatch from Minneapolis speaks - of combined efforts of banks to find customers for the farm lands that they have been obliged to take over in the last few years. This dispatch speaks of the collapse in 1921; but the most acute point in the farm situation came two years later. The price of wheat got under a dollar in Chicago, partly because of the unprecedented crop in Canada, and the mort; given in 1918 for the purchase of farm lands at war boom prices matured in 1923. The suffering was very great, but most of it was due to the specula- tive purchase of farm lands at prices based upon war prices for grain and hogs. No one could have believed that the war would continue . indefinitely, or that war prices for produce would last long after the war. But all over the country men were buying farm {lands on the assumption that prices were to remain high. They bought ‘on mortgage at war prices, the prices of farm products dropped, and the | principal and interest of the mort- | gages remained unchanged. It was a i desperately hard time for men who had speculated in farm lands. This Minneapolis dispatch says that thousands of former farmers who had : drifted into the cities during the de- ‘ pression are now ready to go back to the country. There is more activity {in farm land sales in the northwest ‘ than at any time since 1921, and prices have advanced somewhat. It is to be { hoped that they will not advance very ' rapidly, for if they do they will start another speculative movement in farm : lands. | The farmers are digging themselves out of the hole of 1921-23. Some have paid off their debts. The aggregate values of crops have been advanci 2 during the last three or four years. boom is always followed by a collapse, and the collapse is followed by recov- ery. Agriculture is now well advanc- edon the u road. &i “prices based upon the value of the products there is a better demand for land than for four years. The banks are able to “thaw” their “frozen assets.” Stranglehold on the Public. From the Easton Free Press. The anthracite coal strike is near- ing the close of its third week with no apparent action from any source to i bring it to an end. Of course no one : expected a labor battle of such mag- Difade to end within such a brief per- iod. Regarding the merits of the contro- versy the people generally have no de- cided opinions. They have come to view these periodical disputes, involv- ing suspension of hard coal mining, as inevitable incidents of the practically monopolistic control of the anthracite industry and are gradually realizing | that the surest way to bring both op- : erators and miners to their senses is to make the widest possible use of other fuels equally available and in most ways satisfactory. By submitting to a little inconven- ience the people can loosen the stran- glehold that the anthracite operators and miners have on the public throat. And We Used to Unscramble Them. From the Pittsburgh Post. The news that President Coolidge expects to place before Congress next winter a proposition to force the rail- roads of the United States into a se- ries of consolidations, after six or sev- en years, is a further reminder of the apparent right-about-face of public sentiment from the days when the chief demand was to unscramble the common carriers as far as possible. While there still is the same insist- ence as of old against combination in restraint of trade, it has dawned that the Interstate Commerce Com- mission has a regulatory grip upon | the railroads that seems unlikely to leave much leeway for the charging of exorbitant rates. Then there has been the lesson learned from the fact ! that the railroads in the main have ’ had more or less of a struggle for ex- istence instead of rolling in wealth. Electing Democratic Governors Noth- ing Unusual. From the Philadelphia Record. Mayor Hague, of Jersey City, who {is also Democratic National commit- teeman from New Jersey, has return- ed from abroad with renewed confi- dence that J. Harry Moore, the Demo- cratic candidate for Governor, will be elected. Stranger things than that have hapened in politics. New Jersey has been electing Democratic Gover- nors pretty steadily ever since Wilson won the State in 1910. ——The Miller Construction compa- ny and J. M. Hutchinson, contractors on the state highway through Bald Eagle valley, had gangs of men at work on Sunday pushing the work so that the road can be completed before cold weather comes. ges. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE —Walter G. Shelly, of Hazleton, aged 20 years, who was to have left on Sunday for State College to start his junior year, died quite suddenly Saturday night from a stroke of apoplexy. He was a son of War- ren A. Shelly, former city councilman. —The Coulter Shoe company of Halifax, Pa., will locate a factory for the manufac- ture of babies’ shoes at Lewistown, in the near future. S. M. Andres, president of the company, has notified the Chamber of Commerce of the acceptance of the site of- fered for the plant. It will employ 25 to 30 men regularly. > —Robbers early last Saturday morning "entered the home of George Bollinger, on the Blairsville-Derry road in Indiana coun- ty, chloroformed members of the house- hold, and escaped after stealing $50 from a bureau and several locks of gray hair which they clipped from Mrs. Bollinger’s head, as she lay sleeping. E —Captain Wilbur Day and Lou Law- rence, of Pittsburgh, escaped injury on Sunday evening when their exhibition fly- ing machine crashed into a fence as it was about to take off from a landing field at Somerset. The plane was badly wrecked. The two men were starting for home after spending the week-end there. —Charged with robbing the poor boxes in several Allentown Catholic churches, Michael Kalock, aged 21 years, of Hazle- ton, was taken to Allentown on Saturday, from the Norristown jail, where he served a year for a like offense. Kalock was com- mitted to prison and will be tried in Oc- tober, The robberies were committed ear- ly last year. Mistaking a rustle in the bushes for a hawk, which she said had been killing her chickens, Mrs. Bertha Baxter, of near Hon- eybrook, Lancaster county, fired a shot last Thursday and fatally wounded George Koffroth, 60 years of age, a neighbor. He was taken to the Lancaster General hos- pital riddled with buckshot and died shori- ly after being admitted. —The death on Sunday morning of Louise McWhorter, one year old, at the ju- venile court detention home in Pittsburgh, was due to prolonged crying, morgue of- ficials said. The child had cried continu- ously since taken to the home last Thurs- day by her mother, who said she had been forced to leave her home because she was unable to pay her rent. —Within sight of a number of neighbors, Mrs. Molly May McGinnis was beaten to death when a piece of lead pipe in front of her home at Vernon, Allegheny county, on Friday afternoon by an unidentified man, who escaped into a woods while be- ing pursued by the victim’s husband.” A man who had attempted to obtain lodging in the McGinnis home a number of times, is suspected. —Thoubarh Taylor, of Juniata Terrace, Lewistown, has been held in $500 bail to answer a charge of having failed to stop and give assistance after causing an au- tomobile accident. Taylor was arrested by state patrolman J. M. 8nyder, after he had crowded a coupe off the road near Belle- ville on Wednesday night and injured Mildred Briggs, of Blandsburg, and Jean McCoy, of Lewistown. —Frank J. Powell, of Sharon, arrested early Thursday morning in Pittsburgh, while carrying an automatic pistol, 25 car- tridges, a flashlight and a screwdriver, was held for court on Saturday following a hearing in Penn avenue police court. He was charged with carrying concealed weap- ons. Powell said his’ wife had run away with $700 belonging to him, and that he was out looking for her. —The Ireihofer Baking company, of Philadelphia, on Saturday morning com- pleted a deal which resulted in their tak- ing over the plant of the Altoona Baking company, one of the largest of its kind in Central Pennsylvania. The price is said to have been in excess of $200,000. Work will be started immediately in enlarging and improving the plant to increase produc- tion. The battery of ovens will be enlarg- ed and a cake and pastry department will be added. —James Donato, 28 years of age, and John Luigi, 24 years old, Italian shoemak- ers of Mahanoy City, were asphyxiated by gas last Friday afternoon and Mrs. Mary Dagregorio and two daughters, Helen and Gladys, with whom they boarded, were almost overcome. A gas leak in the cellar where a pipe had rotted away was the cause of the trouble. Mrs. Dagregorio was just able to get out on the porch and sum- mon neighbors before she collapsed. The men were dead when the neighbors ar- rived. —Accompanied by a furious wind which for a time assumed cyclone-like propor- tions, a heavy electrical storm hit Scran- ton late on Sunday, paralyzing all traffic, demolishing a number of small buildings and leaving property damage estimated at $100,000 in its wake. Only one serious cas- ualty was reported. George Hunter, of Lancaster, was riding on a roller coaster at an amusement center when a tree blew down, striking him across the face. He sustained a fractured nose and other in- juries to his face. Others received slight injuries. —Personal property valued at $200,000 and real estate valued at $10,000 are dis- posed of by the will of Mrs. Rachel H. Hepburn, of Jersey Shore, which has been filed for probate. Included among the pro- visions of the will are bequests of public and denominational nature which total $20,000. Chief among these bequests is one of $10,000 to provide for the erection of a chapel! with modern, fully equipped receiv- ing vaults in the Jersey Shore cemetery. In the event of such a chapel not being erected within a period of two years, the amount of the bequest reverts to the resi- duary estate. The land upon which the chapel is to be built is to be donated by the cemetery company. —The mystery surrounding the sudden disapearance of county treasurer R. Y. Hissong, of Huntingdon, three months ago with no knowledge of his whereabouts, was cleared up Saturday night with his ar- rest in Pittsburgh by deputy sheriff Abra- ham Corbin. Hissong was arrested on a bench warrant issued on his default to pay alimony to his wife and in absenting him- self from a court action while under bail Mrs. Hissong, a helpless paralytic, had ob- tained a court decree for her maintenance. Hissong, then living apart from his wife, it was charged at the special court hearing, had been devoting his attention to another woman with whom finally, it is alleged, he eloped. For two months the couple re- mained in the vicinity of Sunbury, until ten days ago, when Hissong’s companion notified her friends she had been deserted, and asked for funds to pay her way home.