Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 11, 1925, Image 7
ee ——————— mr ————————— Bellefonte, Pa., September 11, 1925. Happy Phrases Colied by Unlettered Persons The best of all word makers are the unlettered. Professor Gildersleeve sald that the masses own the language. Malherbe, the exquisite Parisian poet and connoisseur of words, frankly owned that his masters of speech wer? the porters in the Haymarket. When Roosevelt was a ranch owner and had been felling trees with his men, he happened to overhear one of them say, “Bill cut down fifty-three, I cut forty-nine, and the boss he beaw ered. down seventeen.” Roosevelt, who always enjoyed a good joke on himself went on, “Those who have ever seen the stump of a tree gnawed down by a beaver will understand the exact force of the com- parison.” We have always needed a word for mistake as applied to action, and the Maine guide has coined it, Robert Haven Schauffieur writes, in the Cen- tury Magazine. When he runs his canoe upon a rock or chooses a chan- nel with insufficient water, he maker a “mis-go.” A homespun New England philoso- pher in southern California coined an excellent verb. He was arguing that sterling qualities of heart are rarer than those of head. “Oh, h—1,” he ex- claimed, “why, you can just go out and huckleberry for brains, but a heart of gold is as rare as a dingmaul.” And my hired man, a racy son of Cape Cod, once made a piquant adjec- tive out of a noun by referring to Charles O. Ellms as “the best-booked man in Scituate.” He it was who, one day when the weather was too unfa- vorable for him either to “hay it” or “hoe it,” smashed his false teeth or the well curb, and had to “gum it.” Children, too, have a sure instinct at times for word coining. I know some who christened their playroom “The squealery.” Somber Colors for Chinese One sign of the leveling influence of commercial atmosphere is noticed in the principal business centers of China, where black and other somber and dig- nified colors are now the Chinese busi- ness man’s dress. Gone are the bril- liant flowery silks and satins that once flitted among Chinese hongs and made the Chinees business world so pictur- esque. China is falling in line with the world in a business way. Foreign- style clothing is becoming increasingly popular, and even Chinese who still cling to their native dress have adopt- ed the foreign taste of plain and dark materials as their business color. In Shanghal silks, so long the synonym in popular imagination for China, are going out of fashion for business wear. Foreign imported woolens are gaining favor, During the last four years woolen imports have increased four- fold and silk merchants state that the new taste is having a marked effect on their trade. Here is evidence aplenty for those who complain that business is driving all the art and color out of life. Deserved to Lose The late John S. Sargent, the fa- mous American portrait painter, was once obliged to atiend an unsavory murder trial in London for the pur- pose of making certain sketches, The trial was also attended by many society folk, and one morning, when Mr. Sargent arrived late, he found his seat occupied by a great lady. He said nothing, but at the luncheon hour he ate a very hurried luncheon, and so it came about that when the great lady came back from her own luncheon she found that her place was gone. She put up her lorgnette, stared at Mr. Sargent haughtily and said: “Dear me, I've lost my seat.” “Madame,” said Mr. Sargent, “whéh a lady so far forgets herself as to at- tend a trial of this unsavory kind, she is apt to lose both her seat and her standing.” Vanity “A little while ago I read a book on psychology,” said a Lakeville farmer. “It said that if you lay a hen down on the floor and then draw a line up to its bill, it will be temporarily hypno- tized and stay there for several min- utes. Well, sir, I thought I'd try it. I had plenty of hens and a pencil to draw the line, so I brought in a good plump chicken and sat her down. That stunt actually worked. She sat dead still for about three minutes, then sort of shook her head and walked away. But you can’t fool me on the hypnotism stuff. That hen simply had her eyes crossed, and being vain like all females, wouldn’t get up until she got them straightened out.”—Detroit News. New Power Computation Estimating that the average work capacity of one human being js one- eighth horse-power and that there was 700,000,000 mechanical horse-power de- veloped in this country, engineers claim that: every ‘man, woman and child in the United States has at his command the equivalent of 48 slaves.—Science Service. Step Toward Brotherhood The Federal Council of Churches has recently issued the statement that Jewish rabbis are lecturing in Protes- tant theological seminaries on race ro- lations as exchange professors. Chris- tian ministers are speaking at Jewish colleges and institutions on the broth- erhood of races. WORK OF LITERARY PORTRAIT PAINTER Wholesome Realism Should Be Sole Aim. The protest of the Tenneszee ad- mirers of Andrew Jackson because of the portraits of the master of the Hermitage and his wife painted in an article by Meade Minnegerode again raises the question of the value of the work of the new school of portrait painting. Nothing is so drab and dreary as the unrelieved eulogy in which all the human blemishes of the subject are painted out; and nothing more deceptive and unjust than giving to these blemishes such exaggerated importance as to make them domi- nate the whole. But the general ten- dency toward realism in biography is altogether wholesome. Men, and the best of men, are made up of elements of strength and weakness, and there can be no honest portrait of a man or woman in which both elements are not given their proportionate place. We want no more Parson Weems and no more Liographical portraits paint- ed to order to satisfy the sensibilities of the subject's family, a writer ir the New York World affirms. There is one danger, however, In the tendency of some of these por- trait painters. Because there is some- thing in human nature which craves to know the worst of a fellow-being who has attained distinction, the biog- rapher seeking popularity is tempted to seek the weaknesses and to min- imize the elements of strength. It is easy to paint a grotesque Jackson, a supercunning Jefferson and a black Burr. Easy to paint a portrait of Lincoln, uncouth, awkward, socially crude, commonplace, even vulgar. Easy to paint a Washington cold, ma- terialistic, uninspiring and offensive. Easy thus to paint these men if the writer sets out with the determina- tion to paint them so, through the overemphasis of their shortcomings and the rejection of other and over shadowing qualities. And what a John Adams could be painted! His childish vanity, his almost puerile love of show, his pas- sion for distinctions and titles, his petty Jjealousies, his strutting pomp and ridiculous pose, his rages of temper—use these qualities, unques- tionably his, to the exclusion of others and what a laughable creature we have! But that would make a cari- cature and not a portrait. Into hen- est realistic portraiture must likewise go his real ability, his superb moral courage, his manly independence, his robust patriotism. A portrait of the first sort would make inexplicable his high position in the state; one of the second kind, without his weaknesses painted in, would make incomprehen- sible’ his unpopularity and fall; -and the only portrait which would explain the man, his greatness and his fall, would be that including all the quali- ties that made him. Along with this disposition to over emphasize the failings of a subject, to which too many modern literary portrait painters are prone, is the less offensive tendency in others to twist traits to the justification of their preconceptions. Here even Gamaliel Bradford is not wholly free—albeit usually so and always conscientious. His conception of Aaron Burr as a man who looked on life as a gay ad- venture for the extraction of fun may be possible, but it was scarcely just to cite his action in carrying the body of Richard Montgomery, his loved commander, on his shoulders through a rain of kullets to the American line. No such extraordinary explanation is necessary. Burr's natural gallantry, his devotion to his friends, his love of Montgomery, offer explanation enough, and he is surely entitled to the credit. On that occasion Burr was not playing a child’s game, he was doing a brave man’s work. Many years ago Cromwell gave the pest possible advice to the literary portrait painter—“warts and all.” He did not say just “warts,” but “warts —and all.” Only thus can we have a living likeness painted with fidelity to truth. It is a wholesome tendency to paint in the warts, but it can be eas- ily overdone—when nothing but warts are shown, Voting for the Right Man Wherever there is a county court house, a number of loafers are always about and the number varies accord- ing to the size of the courthouse. Several days ago a group of men was lined up on the small curb that fences the Marion county courthouse yard. Several were colored. A colored wom- an who had just obtained a divorce from her husband in one of the Su- perior courts. passed triumphantly by and stopped before the group long enough to remark: “You didn’t vote for the right man last fall. It's all your own fault. You wouldn't be out 0’ work if you had voted right.”—In- ‘dianapolis News. Pensions for Professors Exemption from duties with a pen- sion “equal to the income they may ‘enjoy” is obligatory for professors of Secondary, commercial and special in- struction in the public schools of Chile, who have completed 30 years of ser- ‘vice and have reached the age of fifty- five. The government may, for very special reasons, authorize these em- ployees to continue performing their duties for five years more. This is provided in degree law No. 387, pro- mulgated March 12, 1925, and officially reported to the State départment by [William Miller Collier, United States ambassador at Santiago. | MORE ABOUT MARRIAGE. By Levi A. Miller. I have often said that marriage seems to me to be the epitome of all other fine relations. There is a cer- tain element of brotherliness in it as between the married pair; there is a certain fatherly attitude; there is a certain motherly brooding on the part of the wife over her husband; there is friendship, and an element of com- radeship; and there is always some- thing infinitely more. What is that something infinitely more? It is something present in no other human relation. It is just the feeling that, as between husband and wife, there shall be a total blending of mind with mind and heart with heart; that they shall touch not merely at one point, as friends and companions do, but that they shall touch at all points; that they cannot endure sep- aration. Emerson said he could well afford to have his friend, Carlyle, live on the other side of the water—he did not need his presence; but true hus- band and wife cannot live one on this side of the water and the other on the other side. They are moved to have all things in common, to live under the same roof, to break bread togeth- er day by day; to pass through the vi- cissitudes of life together; to con life’s lessons together; to wish to confer perpetual benefit on the other. They are not romantic, enthusiastic, neith- er are they without the poetic rapture of each other’s relation. The true love of marriage differs from romantic love in this, that the romantic lover sees perfection contrary to the facts, and attributes a persent perfection to the other; the real lover is he who sees a certain excellence, a certain charm. Without the attraction of that there would be no approach—but beyond that, sees the possibility of greater excellence and perfection which shall be developed, through mu- tual help. One cannot think of marriage with- out the children. And it is in relation to the children that the task of realiz- ing the excellence which has not. yet appeared, is best achieved. The chil- dren, if they are to be well brought up, and well guided, must reverence their parents, and the parents must become worthy of their reverence. Our chil- dren come to us for knowledge. If we are to impart that knowledge we must have it; we cannot afford to be idlers and triflers. Of course we cannot give them all the instruction they require. We send them to schools or engage tutors for them; but we must give them at least the afflatus of knowl- edge. They must not look upon us as ignorant persons. They must realize that in some field we too are compe- tent. Furthermore, the children de- pend upon us for example. How far reaching is our example? What a challenge then to us to become self- controlled and serene for their sake! Let us try to achieve serenity, pa- tience and resignation, so that the light of our countenance may illu- mine their life. The child needs the right kind of father and mother. MANY HOURS LOST IN SLEEP. The man of sixty who awakens sud- denly to the fact that he has spent twenty of these precious years in the unconsciousness of sleep is apt to re- proach himself for what seems at the moment to have been a prodigal waste of time. Nevertheless, he can com- fort himself with the reflection that had he not had, approximately at least, these hours of blissful oblivion he would not be alive to worry about the matter. Sound sleep for a certain number of hours in every twenty-four is as vital to good health as is daily sufficiency of good food, fresh air, sunlight and exercise. Opponents of daylight-saving time, declare that it “deprives people of their natural sleep.” That is, how- ever, simply begging the question, since nobody has yet defined when we ought to sleep or for how many hours. We know, of course, that people who are both physically and mentally lazy deliberately oversleep, while on the other hand, the mentally alert and bodily active are apt to deprive them- selves of the amount of sleep that is essential to health. We are also aware that both that “little more” and “little less” tell in the long run with cumu- lative effect on the brain and nerves, seriously impairing the structure and functions of both, and injuring health and shortening life. People seem to think that there should be some ruling on the vexed question of how many hours a healthy human adult should sleep. If all hu- man creatures were in every respect alike this would be easy; but since no two members of the human family are, or ever will be, exactly alike, the adage “One man’s meat is another men’s poison” may also read, “One man’s sleep is another man’s insom- nia,” and vice versa. Some require a little more sleep than others. A lealthy man, sleeping independ- ently of the help of any narcotic, in an adequately ventilated room, knows he has had enough sleep when he awakes auicmatically feeling refresh- ed in spirit and body. On the other hand, the sleeper who deliberately sleeps on or “dozes” until he is called by a knock or a clock can scarcely tell whether he has slept too much or too little. If he feels bright at breakfast he has probably hit the happy medi- um; if he does not, then he doesn’t know whether he has had too little or too much oblivion. A man’s daily output of nerve en- ergy is the measure of the period re- quired for its restoration during sleep. Hence the great diversity in the hours required for slumber by dif- ferent individuals. As illustrations of this diversity it is usual to quote the hours of sleep required by men like Napoleon, John Wesley and others who lived in days when the stress and strain on the nervous system was nothing compared with what it is to- ay. —Subseribe for the “Watchman.” reer eee. Gold bullion to the value of $10,000,000 has been received from France as semi-annual interest on her $400,000,000 debt to this country growing out of purchase of left-over A. E. F. war supplies. MEDICAL. All Qut of Sorts? So Was This Bellefonte Woman Who Tells Her Experience. All too often women accept their pains and aches as natural to their sex. kidneys are often to blame for that backache, those headaches, dizzy spells and that tired, depressed feel- ing. Thousands have found new health and strength by helping the weakened kidneys with Doan’s Pills— a stimulant diuretic. This Bellefonte case is one of many: : Mrs. J. O. Clark, Willowbank St., says: “My kidneys were in bad eon- dition and a bearing-down pain in the small of my back made housework a burden and I could hardly move with- out misery. When I did any washing or ironing, the dragging ache across my kidneys became worse. My kid- neys were sluggish, too, and finally I became tired and had to drag around as best I could. I used three boxes of Doan’s Pills and they brought relief.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. Clark had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 70-36 this bank. here are two kinds of work—rou- tine work and creative work. Whether your work is routine or creative, put your whole soul in it and you will reach a high mark. Work faithfully, save diligently and deposit regularly with 3 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. " MEMBER FEDERAL.RESERVE SYSTEM - in the morning. Leave Buffalo—_ 9:00 P, M. Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M. Automobile Rate—$7.50. Send for free onal puzzle chart of the Great Ship - DBEE” and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio Fare, $5.50 Your Rail Ticket is Eastern Standard Time Connects 3 Stestues HOTTY OF BUFFALO?” arrives 7:30 A. M. onnections for 'oint, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroi ints. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency fo tickets Na C& id Ther Porass: | A restful night on Lake Erie | Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast || Steamers “SEEANDBEE”—-*CITY OF ERIE”—-“CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May 1st to November 15th Leave Cleveland—9:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo —*7:00 A. M. The Great Ship “SEEANDBEE" =— Length, 500 feet, “Breadth, 98 feet inches. They fail to realize that weak || ..Bang L.. We Start, it. With a Bang A] Mens Suits That That That . That That That We Start, the Season Saving you a $10 Bill---that’s why we say «Bang l. at; Faybles—be sure ai see them. Watch our Window are All-Wool are All Well Tailored are Styled to the Minute have 2 Pairs of Pants are Priced at $25.00 are Full $10 Under Others d All New All New A. Fauble Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. New Fall Goods Ready FOR THE EARLY BUYERS All the new, bright colors in the 54 inch cloths; all wool, stylish stripes, and the solid colors ; also the new side bands. from $12.50 up; any ‘New and Special Fall Coats om, x50 up: any NEW SCARFS are most fascinating—Double Scarf in crepe de chene; hand-painted design in all the new shades. Roomy Pouch-Shaped Bags of suede, New Hand Bags patent leather and brocades, in tan, grey, brown and black. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in New Fall Curtains and Draperies New Tapestry for doing over the living room suit or chairs that may look a little shabby after the Summer wear. We have on sale Shoes, For the School Kiddies Dresses, Wash Suits, Hose, Socks, Shirts and Sweaters, at prices that will surprise you. September Clearance of all Summer Goats, Dresses and Piece Goods Must, Go----Regardless of Cost. Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.