Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 11, 1925, Image 5
Fe r—p——————————————————————————ane Church Services Next Sunday ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at | 10:45; sermon, “Saved for Service.” Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. No evening services. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D. Pastor. BOALSBURG LUTHERAN CHURCH. Boalsburg—Sunday school 9 a. m. Harvest Home services 10:30 a. m. Address by Rev. Mrs. Seymour. Un- Sop | service. Christian Endeavor 7:30 P. Shiloh—Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Pleasant Gap—Sunday school 9:30 a. m. W. J. Wagner, Pastor. BOALSBURG REFORMED, 9:15 Boalsburg—Church school, p.m Pine Hall—Church school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:30 a. m. Pine Grove Mills—Public worship, 2:30 p. m. Rev. W. W. Moyer, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 9:30 Sunday school. 10:45, sermon, subject, “A Christian Soldier.” 6:30 E. League. 7:30, subject “On the Road.” Homer Charles Knox, Pastor. Marriage Licenses. John H. Weaver, State College, and Bessie A. Ewing, Petersburg. John W. Shreffler and Martha L. Mooney, Snow Shoe. Blair E. Ingram, Tyrone, and Pearl M. White, Fleming. G. Malcolm Smith and Marguerite E. Mulholland, Coatesville. Lawrence Eugene Showalter, Swen- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR N CHARTER.—Notice is hereby giv- en that an application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county on Monday, the 28th day of Sep- tember, 1925, at 10 o’clock a. m., under the provisions of the Corporation Act of 1874 and its supplements, for a Charter for an intended corporation to be called the “W. L. WITTMER HUNTING & FISHING CLUB.” The character and purposes for which the Corporation is formed is to pro- vide a Club for social enjoyment of its members, to be accomplished by maintain- ing a Club house on private grounds in Centre county, Pennsylvania, to provide facility for its members to engage in hunt- ing and fishing and for the propagation of game and fish; and to hold, sell and pur- chase real estate for such purposes. And further the transaction of all such busi- ness as is necessary and incidental thereto and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy the rights, benefits and privi- leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. GETTIG & BOWER, 70-36-3t Solicitors. Judge Arthur C. Dale The People’s Candidate 1 This is the Man for Judge of Centre County I am a candidate for Judge of the Courts of Centre county on the Republican, Dem- ocratic and Prohibition tickets. The men and women of this county shall say who will preside over the courts of the 49th Judicial District. I stand for the enforcement of the laws. Section 2 of Article 6 of the Constitution of the United States provides as follows: “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pur- suance thereof, * * * ghall be the su- preme law of the land, and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby.” Article 7, Section 1 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania provides as follows: All * * ¥ judicial officers shall take and sub- scribe the following oath, “I do solemnly swear that I will support, obey and de- fend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of this Com- monwealth, and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.” In announcing my candidacy ‘I say to you, men and women of Centre county: You are my judge, if you believe in my honesty, integrity, and ability vote for me for Judge of the Courts of Centre county. Cordially and sincerely yours, ARTHUR C. DALE. (Political Advertisement.) Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces 70-36-1t Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully ana Promptly Furnished 66-15-t£ gle, and Marian Irene Adams, Mill- heim. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INANCIAL STATEMENT.—Summary F of the Annual Statement of the School District of Bellefonte Bor- ough for the year ending July 7th, 1925: Assessed Valuation............. $ 1777317 00 Personal Property Tax......... 2970 00 Per Capita Tax....ovsnerviiirs 6242 50 For School Purposes, 21 mills. . 37386 03 Total Amount of Taxes........ 43628 53 Account of Charles F. Cook, Treasurer: RECEIPTS—GENERAL FUND. To Balance on Hand July Tth, 4019 3 Amt. Due from A. H. Sloop.... 4 0 Amt. Due from Herbert Auman, Collector: 1923 Duplicate..........., 1924 Duplicate...... “re Amt Due from Tuition 767 T4 Amt. ue from West Infectant Note of Bellefonte Trust Co.... Due Herbert Auman, Collector, 1922 Duplicate..........:... Outstanding Orders............ 6000 00 11 62 156 62 T9168 24 Total Liabilities..............$ Total ASSets........cs vvveri 23967 18 Net Indebtedness.............$ 55201 08 D a BARLETT, Ls; GATES, . EISENHAUER, Bellefonte, Pa., August 31, 1925. 0-36-3t Amt. Due from Tax Liens...... 2050 83 Total Assets............$ 23967 18 Liabilities :— : New Bonded Debt.............. $ 65000 00 Note of Mrs. M. E. Brouse...... 8000 00 = | same, ih orough Auditors. | Yo rm oR W. | 1 HARRISON WALKER Candidate for Nomination by the Democrats of Centre County for JUDGE OF THE COURTS (Political Advertisement.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Let- A ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Sarah Rebecca Collins, late of Ferguson township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to same are requested to make prompt payment, and | those having claims against said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. W. A. COLLINS, Admr,, W. Harrison Walker, I'ine Grove Mills, Pa. Attorney. 70-34-6t fale adie rade enst tenes 610 02 To Receipts from General Property TaX..o. sees sessns 42536 34 Tuition, non-resident pupils.. 12878 06 General Appropriation.......... 2780 00 Vocational Appropriation eicv ay 1200 00 Manual Training.........co00.. 235 70 Sale of Books, Etc....... . 12 39 Refunds 7 91 Tax 34 77 Rent ............ 25 00 Notes ........c000ievusvinvviess 6000 00 Total Receipts.......... $ 76388 19 EXPENDITURES. Expense of Administration: General Control....$2258 98 Educational ........ 22.20 Compulsory Ed..... 89.40—% 2370 58 Expense of Instruction......... $ 47892 97 Expense of Operation.......... 6101 52 Expense of Maintenance.. 1353 23 Expense of Fixed Charges..... 1648 81 Expense of Debt Service....... 10172 53 Expense of Capital Outlay..... 2395 68 Expense of Auxiliary Agencies. 433 74 Total Expenditures.....§ 72369 06 By Bal. in Centre Sonny Bank ov. anh 4.87 By Bal. in Bellefonte Jun os as of July 7, nn TR NI 3914.26— 4019 13 | TOtAL...... x sevversined 76388 10} SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Receipts :— To Amt. in Treasurer’s hands July 7th, 1024. ..............3 - 14304 09 To Amt. Received from Gen- eral 7133 20 To Amt. Received as Interest... 566 T1 Total Receipts.......... $ 22094 00 Expenditures: — By Ant State Tax on Bonded Debt... crs vecenionressd 294 00 By mo on Interest on Bonded Debt..c...c00.ivese 2600 00 By Aut Paid for Dale Prop- I AT 9200 00 Bal. in Fund July 7th, 1925 in . 8. Liberty Bonds a. otal... hi. cic. ivanie $ 22094 00 | CASH ACCT. OF A. H. SLOOP, Principal. Receipts :— i Bal. on hand July 7, 1924......8 11 64 To Amt. Received from School BOATA iy. ufeeeeccaneosionsses 225 00 | otal... cnrisiecisinsness $ 236 64 Expenditures :— By Amt. Paid for Postage, BXpress, Bte.....cioveesss. 232 62 Bal. on hand July 7, 1925...... 4 02 Patal.s,..... cocaine $ 236 64 BALANCE SHEET OF SCHOOL DIST. Assets :— Amt. in Banks July 7, 1925....$ . UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In Re Estate of A Ellery Masden, late of Liberty township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under- ‘ signed appointed Auditor by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county to hear and dis- pose of the exceptions filed to the first and final account of the Administratrix and to distribute the funds in her hands to and among those legally entitled to receive the has fixed Friday, the 25th day of ' September, A. D. 1625, at ten a. m., in his office on the third floor of Temple Court, ; Bellefonte, Pa., when and where he will i hear all parties in interest; and further gives notice that all parties must appear {in person or by attorney to present and | prove their claims or be liable to be for- ever debarred therefrom. ELLIS L. ORVIS, A253, Auditor. Farmers. You are filling your barns with the results of a year’s labor. Is it covered with insur- ance? I am writing Insurance on Farm Property and Crops at a Reduced Rate. 70-28-8t* J. M. KEICHLINE. Insure your Farm Property IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER i61 Secuth Eleventh St. PHILADELPHIA, ‘Ef Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-3¢-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ARMS AND PROPERTY—Wanted Everywhere. 3% Commission. Write for Blank. Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W. York St., Philadelephia, Pa, 70-11-1 yr. For Re Nomination Herbert Auman Tax Collector Your Support and Infuence for a Second Term will be Appre- “Thank You.’ ciated, 70-33-4t* public of Centre County Next to Nothing. heretofore. We could not possibly put out all of the entire stock on the racks and tables the first days of the sale, but now offer the remainder—which consists of New Fall Styles for both men and women. They Came they —- they Compared-They Bought Hundreds and Hundreds of Men, Women and Children poured througn our doors the opening day of the greatest sale ever offered the buying We have been crowded every day since— but owing to the Bargains that will be Offered Friday and Saturday of This Week we expect greater crowds than ever. AND DONT FORGET all Rubbers, Arctics, Boots, Hi-Cuts, Etc., that we held in the Base- ment (owing to lack of room) will now be on sale on the first floor, at Prices Surely The Buying Chance of 1925. On Friday morning Sept. 11 We Will Give 1 Pair of Silk Hose [0 (fie first 100 Ladies entering the Store, for IC Satur. Sept. 12, at 1 p. m., We will Give to the First 100 Men entering the Store a Pair of Silk Hose for I AT THE Radio Sale & Supply Co. Authorized Radiola Distributors RR. J. GREEN, Licensed C. 0. BELLEFONTE, PA. $1,000,000.00 e have More Than a Million Doilars Loaned Here at home, to thousands of borrowers. Think what this million dollars is doing —building homes, stocking farms, buying merchandise. In a hundred ways doing what money alone can do. And we Can Arrange to Lend a Million More as Occasion Arises The First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. Hazel&Company Hosiery Sale Fall Hosiery....Choose Pale, Neutral Tones Me than ever before you'll find it possible to choose Hosiery to har- monize perfectly with your new Fall footwear and costumes. And today you may buy exceptionally serviceable Hose at a SPECIAL SELLING of—— Diddonn fig 2s 30 eee 32 per pair—or 3 pairs for $3.75 Congoleum Rug Sale LARGE RANGE OF PATTERNS 9x12 Rugs...$12.00 $= 9x10....$11.00 This price lasts only until present stock is exhausted. We would suggest that you come early to buy. Hazel& Company